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V' . ~ Wages—or Prices? % What are “normal” wages? “Normal” is NOT a certain, fixed given LEVEL that can be determined in advance. It is merely a RELATIONSHIP between things. .War Twisted Them Before the 'war -what might he IE KM ID a w normal” relationship EXISTED between ALL prices. Then came the war with its EMERGENCIES tod tamed the world UPSIDE DOWN. ' Prices were no EXCEPTION. They, TOO, were twisted all out of their previous relationships—as was the BEST of the world. ' Some went very HlGH—others not so high. Others, still, increased only modestly—all de pending on the pub lie DEMAND for various ar ticles and commodities. But, prices were TWISTED out of any sem blance of a sane, normal, orderly relationship, one with another. "■ 1 1 " ■■— l ". Peace Restores Them The change that is now in progress is a RESTORATION of a NORMAL RELATION SHIP between price?. The inequalities that grew up with the war, due to EMERGENCY conditions, are PASSING —just as the CONDITIONS which CREATED these inequalities have PASSED. Jt would be just as IMPOSSIBLE to con “Norma!” is a relationship not a level INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 16,19Z1. tirrae these INEQUALITIES, ms it was to con tinue the WAR forever. What we are witnessing is a RESTORATION of old BALANCES piA RELATIONSHIPS be tween PRICES. This is quite a DIFFERENT tiling from arc* turn to OLD PRICES. Don’t CONFUSE the two ideas. Old Prices Are Gone A Prices will never go back to the old low levels. There’s little chance of THAT. New LEVELS of prioes—gradually higher and higher, have been established year after year from the Civil War forward. But it has been a SOUND and ORDERLY INCREASE—based on sound ECONOMIC principles—and keeping step with HIGHER STANDARDS OF LIVING. We are NOT going back to pre-war levels, any more than we are going back to Civil War levels of prices. But we are going to get INTO LINE with the sound progress of prices as it has developed in the many years of peace and indvLstry—- We are taking the war OUT of prices. We are going to have a PEACE-TIME re lationship between prices, instead of War-Time relationships. How Your Prosperity Is Being Assured — No. 2 Living Costs Less Prices are getting IN LINE on a peace-time basis—getting back into a proper RELATION SHIP with one another. The high prices are being READJUSTED downward toward whatever the new price-level is to be. .j The movement Is in FULL SWING. Slowly but steadily the cost of living has decreased from its peak of last June. Food costs LESS. Gothes cost lESS. These facts are shown in the U. S. Department of Labor’s statistics. The Depart ment’s figures show that the price of LABOR is coming down, ALSO. ALL prices are responding to an inevitable LAW which brings with it ORDER, STABIL ITY and PROSPERITY. The adjustment is sound and of benefit to ALL A reduction in the price of labor is a re duction in NAME only. With all prices declining to anew level, each dollar buys more than it did before. And it’s what a dollar will BUY that is the FOUNDA TION of our desires. We want money for what it will BUY. If it would buy NOTHING, we wouldn’t want it at ALL. Happiness and satisfaction come through the attainment of what we desire. If we can still buy what we WANT, with LESS money, that’s the one important thing after all . Copyright, 1931, Bldeaer & Vinßiper. 7