Newspaper Page Text
2 How They Spent Coin in Prof. Howe’s Campaign Neither of the Indianapolis newspapers that supported Mr. Thomas C. Howe in his campaign for the Republican nomi nation for mayor, has seen fit to publish a single one of the long list of expendi tures of the campaign fund that Is shown In the financial report filed by the Howe for Mayor Club. Both newspapers printed at considera ble length the list of contributors to the fund. In order that these contributors and the public generally may know the pur poses to which the contributions were put and Judge therefrom the nature of the campaign that failed, the Indiana Daily Times is printing herewith the complete list of expenditures as revealed by nie sworn statement to which the public has access at the office of the city clerk: R. E. Springsteen, postage, $-0; Cor rinne Colby, office work. 523: Charles Crowe, office work, $25; William Gruner, office work, $25; Lewis W'achstetter, office work. 523; Marie Peters, office work, $29.16, Charles Barnett, organization work. S2O: Joe Levy, organization work, $18; H. C. Millikea, organization work, $18; John Raftery. organization work. $18; Ed Scott, organization work. S2O; Rand Butler, organization work. *ls: Ora Seery. office work. $25; Lewis Sign Cos., advertising, $10; R. E. Springsteen, pos tage, S2O: James Mann, hall rent. $33; Gill Transfer, hauling, $6.25: Henry Fra xier organization work. $21.30; Hadley Fite, meeting, sl3; R. R. Bair, advertis ing, $2; Sacred Heart Church, advertis ing. $5. R. P. Christian, auto hire. sl6; Anna Winstead, organization work, $5; R E. Springsteen, postage. S2O; Fames Mann, rent, S3O; A. M. Buchanan, rent, $10; S. M. Johnson, office work, $16.67; Marie Peters, ofice work, $29.16; Ora Seery, of fice work, $25; Charles Crowe, office work, $25; Corinne Colby, office work. $25; William Gruner. office work, $25; Lewis W'achstetter, office work. $25; Otto Haldeman. bill passing, $6: Russell J. Horton, bill passing, $3; A-l Letter Shop, mimeographing. $3156; Elmer W itiiams, organization work, sls; Clarence Stewart, organization work, sls; Walter Church ill, organization work, sls; J. A. Bailey, organization work. sls; Louis Brown, or ganization work, sl3; Elmer Williams, or ganization work, sls; Puryear ie Porter, hauling. $26. James Stout, organization work. $9; Jesse Posey, organization work, $7.50; Ed Griffin, organization work. $7.30: Richard Wright, organization work, sls; Joseph Crosby, organization work, sls; James Edwards, organization work, sls; Monroe Edwards, organlzatin work, sls: Frank Schaefer, organization work, $7.50; C. P. F. Temple, meeting, sl2: Sarah Cohen, of fice work, $10; Ruth Haase, office work, $3.33; Lonrianna Yonag, office work. S2O; Elmer Nicholas, organization work. s2o; Charles Barnett, organization work. S2O; Joe Levy, organization work, S2O: H. C. Milli ken. organization work, $18; John Raftery, organization work. S2O; Ed Scott, organization work, S2O: Rand But ler, organization work, $25; George Booth, organization work, sl6; Louis Laitner, Jr., organization work. sl6; W. H. Hocket, organization work. sl6; Gabe Drake, organization work, sls: William Hindel, organization work, $25; Tobe Give, organization work, $5.33. Mrs. B. M. Dugan, organization work. $23; Clara Wallace, organization work. $24; Fannie Slater, organization work, sl2; Harry Willett, organization work, $10; Anna’Winstead, organization work. $10: Mattie P. Long, \organization work, $8; Alice Frazier, .organization work. $8; Rosie Ferguson, organization work. s*; Kitty Linsav. organization work. SS; Wil liam Fenitucb. badges. $32; Maude Har per, organization work. slo_j HMmab Booker, organization work, sl2; C|6ra Garrett, organization work. sls; Estella Cosby, organization work. sl2; May Good rich, organization work. $6; Anna Cuth rell. organization work. $10; Addle Smith, organization work $10; Leona Thomas, organization work. $10; May B. Terrell, organization work, $6; Mary Ford, organ ization work. SS: Parthenia Crawford, organization work, sl2; Bessie Oonnar. organization work. sl2; Lydie White, or ganization work. $10: Ella Baker, organ ization work. sl2; Lena EUis, organiza tion work, $6; Lottie Johnson, organiza tion work, $6: Belle King, organization work, $6; Lillian Walker organization work. $6; Katherine Smith, office work, $25; Mrs. Charles B. Foster, office work, S4O- Railway World, advertising. S3O; Lottie Johnson, organization work. SO; R. E. Springsteen, postage, S3O; E. W. Tate, organization work, sl3; Walter Wachstetteh, hauling. $11; David Mason, organization work. S2O: Lewis Hubbard, organization work, sls; St. Catherines Dramatic Club, advertising. $7.50; Ac -1 clent Order Hibernians, advertising, S4O; David Mason, meeting sl9; Lucas B. Willis, meeting, $4.75; R. E. Springsteen, postage, S4O; R. E. Springsteen, postage. S3O: Leonard Rosin, rent. S7O; S. M. John ston office work. $10; W. Ressinger Dec. Cos., postage. $3; K P. Christian, organiza tion work $5: Harry Willett, meeting. S3O; Elmer Williams, meeting. $00; Louis Brown, organization work, $25; Clarence Stewart, organization work, $25: .T. A. Bailey, organization work, $23; Walter Churchill, organization work, $25; W’ll- I liam Lancaster, organization work, $25: R. E. Springsteen, postage. $100; Seth S. Ward, postage, S2O; Harry Cohen or ganization work. $2-3.50: David Mason, organization work. S3O; David Mason, meeting, sl2: George Fishback, office work $95: John Horner, organization work, sl4. James Mann, meeting. $23; A. A. Let ter Shop, post cards, SSO; F. J. Rem bnsch Enterprises, meeting. $35: Mrs. C. B roster, office work, S3O; Katherine Smith, office work, $25; Marie Peters, office work. $29 16; Ora Seery, office work. $25: Corinne Colby, office work. $25; Lonrianna Young, office work. $25; Sarah Cohen, office work. S2O: Rnth Haase, office work, S2O: S. M. Johnston, office work. sls: William Gruner, office work, $25; Lewis W’achstetter. office work. $25: Charles Crowe, office work. $25: George Booth, organization work. sl6: Anna Winstead, organization work. sl4: Mat tie P. Long, organization work. SS; Alice Frazier, organization work. $8; Rosie Ferguson, organization work. $8: Kitty Linsay, organization work, $8: A-l Let ter Shop, mimeographing, $76.41: R. P. Christian, meeting. $10: Whitehead Scott & Cos., chair rent. sl6: William Feintuch. badges. $42; R. E. Springsteen, postage, $125; S. S. Ward, postage. S2O; Virginia Horner, organization work. sl6; Paul Hennessv. organization work, $25; Rus zell J. Horton, organization work, sls; Ed Scott, organization work, S2O: Maude Harper, organization work. sl2: Irma Conklin, organization work. sl2: Gabe Drake, organization work. sl6; William Hindel, organization work, $25; Sam Cook, organization. $10; W. H. Hockett. organization work, sl6; Tobe Cave, or ganization work, sl2; Fred Griffin, or ganization work, sls; Louis Laitner. Jr., organization work. sl6: Elmer Nicholas, organization work. $25: Thomas Batch elor. office work. $15.75: Richard Appel, office work, $7.25; J. V. Rawlings, of fice. $3.50; Edward Raferty, office work, $12.50; George Ward, office work. $70.75; Thomas Quill, office work, $2; Lourianna Young office work. $5; Robert Genas, organization work. $18: Wllliaih Adams, treasurer, ad ertising. sls; Charles Barnett, organiza tion work. S2O; Clara Garrett, organiza tion work, sls; Howard Underwood, office wi rk. $5.75; Wyatt Strickler, office wjrk, $9.75; Jesse Posey, organization work, sls; Charles J. Brown, organiza tion work, $12.30. Maurice Bottoms, organization work, $12.50; Lewis M. Hubbard, organization work, sls; George W. Lewis, organization work. sls; luX+ey Johnson, organization work, $0; Cft,’a Wallace, organization work, sl2: Hannah Booker, organization work, sl2; Fannie Slater, organization work, sl2; Mary Goodrich, organization work. sl2; May Jackson, organization work, sl2; Mamie Vanoe, organization work, sl2; Lillian McCormick, organization work. sl2; Cora Warwick, organization work, sl2; Fred Kirtly, organization work, sls; Anna Cuthrell, organization work, $10; Addie Smith, organization work, $lO. Leona Thomas,'organization work, $10; Zelma Y'oung, organization work. sl2; Richard Wright, organization work, sls; Janette Bonaparte, organization work, sl2; Anna Granger, organization work, sl2; Ida Kinney, organization work. sl2; Elva Ballanger, organization work. sl2; Joseph Crosby, rrganization work, s2l; James Edwards, organization work, s2l; Monroe Edwards, organization work, sls; Estelle Crosby, organization work, sl2; Mary Terrell, organization work. sl2; Parthenia Crawford, organization work, sl2; Bessie Conners, organization work, sl2; May Ford, organization work, sl2; Lydia White, organization work, sl2; Frank Schaefer, organization work, sls. William Carr, organization work. sls; Ella Baker, organization work. sl2; Lens Ellis, organization work, sl2: Lucy Highbaugh, organization work. sl2; Belle King, organization work. sl2; Hannah Leper, organization work, sl2; Lillian Walker, organization work. sl2: Thomas Ford, organization work, $10; John Raf tery, organization work, S2O; H. C. Mil liken, organization work. $18: E ,W. meeting. sls; L. C. Fletcher, meet ing. S3O; Charles Bell, polling. S2O: Joe Levy, organization work, S2O; Rand But ler, organization work, $25: Bertha Du gan, organization work, $25. James Mann, meeting, $46.50; William Johnson, hall rent. S2O; D. H. Bynum, meeting. S3O; Mrs. C. B. Foster, car fare. $2.50; R. E. Springsteen, postage. $25; R. E. Springsteen, postage, S2O; Albert Thomas, office work. $10.75, Arthur Dy kens, office work, $10; William Dewey, organization work, sls; Henry W. Krae mer. organization work, S2O; Fletcher Savings and Trust Company, hall rent, sr>; A. O. Meloy, postage and stationery, sl3. James Mann, hall rent, $10; Seth S. Ward, postage, S2O; George Ross, hall rent. $10; Community Publishing Com pany. hall rent and advertising, $11; Ron ald Griffin. meeting, sls: Jacob Jasper, hauling. $2; Louis Wachstetter, office work, $11; Hadley Fite, meeting*. S3O; Anna Daniels, meetings. $11.45; Thomas Quill, office work $1.50. A. M. Buchanan, meeting. sl2; S. M. Johnston, office work, ; R. E. Spring steen, postage, S2O; Remington Typewrit er Comnany, rent and supplies. $6: Harry Li Beau, meeting, $7; Louis Stockman, hall rent, $25. W. K. Stewart, mimeograph repair, $10; Elmer Williams, meeting. $9; United He brew Schools, advertising. sls; Esther Grimes, organization work, $1"; Lily Wilson, organization work, $10; Anna Daniels, organization work, $10: John Kirkwood, organization work. sls; Clar ence Stewart, organization work. $23: Walter Churchill, organization work. $23; J. A. Bailey, organization work. *23; Louis Brown, organization work. $25; Paul Hennessey, organization work. $25; Elmer Williams, meeting. $75; Clarence Crowe, office work. $25; William Gruner. office work, $29.25; Lewis Waehsetter, office work. $29.25; Marie Peters, office work. $29.16; Ora Seery. office work. s2r>; S. M. Johnston, office work. sls; Lou rianna Young, office work. $25; Katherine Smith, office work, $25; Mrs. C. B. Fos ter. office work. S3O; Sarah Cohen, office work, S2O; Corinne Colby, office work. $4.25; Thomas Quill, office work. $4.23; Rosalind Saperstein, office work. $34.64; Lula Beasley, offl'e work, $8 30. Charles Barnett, organization work. S2O; Joe Levy, organization work, $18; H. C. Milllken, organization work. *18; John Raftery. organization work, S2O; Ed Scott, organization work. S2O; Rand Butler, organlzalon work, $23; Russell J. Horton, organization work. sl3; Elmer i Nicholas, organization work. $25; Louis Laitner Jr., organization work. sl6; W. H. Hockett, organization work. sl6; Gabe ! Drake, organization work. sls; William Hindel. organization work, $25; Mrs. B. M. Dugan, organization work. $25; David | Mason, meeting, $75; Corinne Colby, of fice work, $25. Anna Winstead, organization work, sl2; Mattie P. organization work, $8; Alice Frazier, organization work, $8; Rosie Ferguson, organization work, $8; Kitty Linsay. organization work, George Booth, organization work, $16;" Tobe Cave, organization work. sl2; Sam Cook, organization work, sls; Harry Williams, organization work, S2O. James Mann, hauling and bill passing, $2.50; Harry Willett, organization work, S2O; J. H. Lott, organization work. $10; ! John Jones, organization work, S2O: The Union, advertising, $200; A-l Letter Shop, mimeographing, $13.75: Indianapolis Led ger, advertising, $53.90; Elmer Nicholas, meeting. $25.25: Eugene Armstrong, auto hire, sls: Jesse Posey, organization work, sls; Charles J. Brown, Jr., or ganization work, $9; Maurice Bottoms, organization work, sls; Lewis M. Hub bard. organization work, sls; George W. Lewis, organization work, $10; Harvey Johnson, organization work, $9; Clara Wallace, organization work. sl2: Hannah Booker, organization work, sl2; Fannie Slater, organization work, sl2; Mary Goodrich, organization work, sl2; Mary Jackson, organization work, sl2; Mamie Y’ance, organization work, sl2; Lillian McCormick, organization work, $9; Cora Warwick, organization, sl2; Fred Grif fin, organization work. sls; Fred Klrtley, organization work, sls; Anna Cuthrell. organization work, $10; Addie Smith, or ganization work. $10; Leona Thomas, or ganization work. $10: Zelma Y'oung, or ganization work, sl2; Richard Wright, organization wgrk, sls; Janette Bona parte, organization work, sl2. Elva Ballinger, organization work, $9; Anna Granger, organization work, sl2; Ida Kinney, organization work, sl2; Eula Buchanan, organization work, sl6; Joseph Cosby, organization work, $18; James Ed wards, organization work, $18; Monroe Edwards, organization work, sls; Charles Hawkins , (o ganization work, $10; Es telle Crosby, organization work, sl2; Mary Terrell, organization work, sl2; Parthenia Crawford, organization work, 512; Bessie Conners, organization work, Isl 2: May Ford, organization work, $6; i Lydia White, organization work, sl2; j Frank Schaefer, organization work, sls; The Best Paint Really Costs Less f r^gve~sig~yil^* When you buy the best paint you get quality—a full doHa.’s Yvorth of Y-alue for every dollar’s worth of paint you buy. When you buy cheaply made paints you pay a lower price per gallon. But you get just what you pay r for— quantity, NOT quality! The best paint costs so £ inH fill L little more and wears so much longer—it, is Jar more^eeo r 5 /papg-BTj- ’ 1 11 , ITJPw] nomical than paint of inferior quality. BURDSAL’S Paint Jill # * 8 the years’ experience can produce. It is a V j proved product. For economy—use BURDSAL’S Paint. gold by all good dealers. Paints for Ever^^urDose Fnrnture, Floor* Clara Garrett, organization work. sls; Elia Baker, organization work, sl2; Lena Ellis, organization work, sl2; Lucy High baugh, organisation work, sl2; Bertha King, oganization work, sl2; Hannah Leper, organization work, sl2; Robert Genus, organization work, $18: Harry Willett, organization work, $35; Irma Compton, organization work, sl2; Lula White, organization work, sl2; Walter Griffin, organization gvork, $25; Yirgia Horner, organization work, $10; Luella Gay, organization work, S2O; Clark High baugh, organization work, $18; George Ward, organization work, $15.30; Yard master & Yardmen, advertising, SSO; Nel lie Johnson, organization work, sl2; Lil lian Walker, organization work, $12.50; ‘ Nora Cavanaugh, organization work, sl2; | Anna Edwards, organization work, sls. | George Christena, bill posting, $139; j R. E. Springsteen, postage, SSO; Frank j Flvecoats. organization work, $100; Ruth Haase, office work, $6.50; Mrs. C. B. : Foster, car fare, $3.75; Lourianna Young,! office work, $3; William Hasty, organiza-j tion work, $35; Bertha Sturgeon, office j work, $25; E. L. Johnson Jr., organiza-1 tion work,. $10; Anderson Johnson, or- ! ganization work, $10; Albert Thomas, of- ; fice work, $5; Richard Appel, office work, | $9; Howard Underwood, office work. $1; | Thomas Quill, office work, $6; Frank! Hollis, organization work, S2O; G. M. j Rowe, treasurer, advertising, $25; Leon ard M. Quill, postage, $35. The Freeman, advertising, $35; Maude Richardson, organization work, sl2; American Railway Express, advertising pencils. $139.20; Morton Mathews, meet ing. SSO; R. P. Christian, meeting. sl2; David Mason, meeting, $10; John Ray, organization work. sls; R. E. Spring steen, postage. $5; Arthur Dykens, office work. $5; F. D. Clay, band. $35; Clay’s Military Band, $75; C. A. Jeltz, organi zation work, S2O; R. B. Owens, polling, sls; Sam Nickerson, meeting, $10; S. M. Johnston, office work, sl2; R. E. Spring steen, postage, S2O; Thomas Bachelor, office work, $4.50; James Gloin, office work, $5.75; Alex Ferris, meeting, SSO; Emma Bauman, organization work, $5; Leonard Buckley, organization work, $6.50. Dixson H. Bynum, meeting, s2l; Clay's Military Band, $10; James Mann, organi zation work. S3O; Mrs. R. 11. Scott, or ganization work, S2O; Edward Johnson, organization work, sls: Mrs. Charles Wells, organization work, $24; J. L. Thomas, organization work. $6; Russell Ameter, advertising, $3: Harry Willett, meeting, $10: Rernad Pritchett, office work, $18; Briscoe Motor Transit, haul ing, S2O; Robert E. Springsteen, post age, S2O- , Henry Frazier, organization work, $25; George Goode, organization work, sls; Hark Highbaugh, organization work, sls; James H. Lott, organization work, sl3: J. N. Fatout, advertising. $0; “Wil liam Feintuch. badges. $37.30; Nellie Wil son, organization work, $10; Esther Grimes, organization work, $10; Mamie Clay, organization work, $10; Anna Dan iels, organization work, $10; Mrs. A. B. Wood, meeting. $5 50; Mrs. Carl G. Swan, bill rassing. $2.50; Aaron Cohen, organization work, $25; Hattie Butler, meeting. $3.60; Sol Meaux, organization work. $3: Mrs. Ellis, organization work. $5; Elmer Williams, organization work, $25; Underwood Typewriter Company, rentals and supplies. $17.50; Leonard Quill, postage. S3O: Mrs. Edwards, or ganization work, $10; Lillian Farmer, or ganization work. $10: Marion C. Harri son. meeting. $30.25: I. Seidel, musicians, $100: Robert E. Springsteen, postage, S2O. Matt Madren, organization work, $9; Harry Robbins, organization work. $10: Charles Crowe, office work, $ .5; Marie Peters, office work, $29 16; Ora Seery, office work, $23; Corinne Colby, office work, $27.08; William Gruner, office work, $33.82; Lewis Wachstetter, office work, $37.50; S. M. Johnston, office work. sls; I. Young, office work. $25; Kath erine Smith, office work, $25; Mrs. O. B. Foster, office work, S3O; Harry Williams, office work, $25; Sarah Cohen, office work, S2O. Charles Barnett, organization work. S2O; Joe organization work, $18: 11. C. Milliken, organization work, $18; John Raferty, organization work, S2O, Ed Scott," organization work. S2O; Ran Butler, organization work, $25; Russell .T, Horton, organization work, sls; Elmer Nicholas, organization work, $23; Louis Laitner, Jr., organization work. sl6; W. H. Hockett, organization work, sl6; Rosa lind Saperstlne, office work, S2O; Lila Beasley, office work, $25; William Sprin kle, office work, S2O; William B. McKls siek. $16.65; Gabe Drake. organiza tion work, sls; William Hindle. or ganization work. $25; B. M. Dugan, organlzatlan work, $23; Anna Winstead, organization work, sl2: Mattie P. Long, organization work, $8; Alice Frazier, organization work, $8; Rosie Ferguson, organization work. $8; Kitty i Linsay, organization work. $8; George Booth, organization work. sl6; Tobe Cave, organization work, sl2; Sam Cook, or ganization work, sls; John Kirkwood, 'organization work, $10; Clarence Stewart, ! organization work, $25; Walter Churchill, i organization work, $25; J. A. Bailey, or ganization work, $25. 1 Louis Brown, organization work, $25; Paul Hennessy, organization work. $25; I William Lancaster, organization work. $25; Irma Compton, o-gnnlzation work sl2; Lula White, organl-.ation, sl2; Rob- I ert Genus, organization work, $18; Wil jliam Frazier, organization work. $5; Jesse | Posey, organization work, sls; Maurice | Bottoms, organization work, sls; Lewis M. Hubbard, organization work, sls; 'Henry Johnson, organization work. sls; ! Clara Wallace, organization work. sl2; | Hannah Booker, organization work. $8; | Fannie Slater, organization work. $8; May ; Goodrich, organization work, $8; Mary ! Jackson, organization w'ork, sl2; Mamie Vance, organization work, sl2; Lillian McCormick, organization work, $8; Cora Warwick, organization work. sl2; Ada Cavanaugh, organization work, sl2; Fred Griffin, organization work, sls; Fred Ktrtley, organization work, sls; Anna Cuthrell, organization work, sl2; Addle Smith, organization work, sl2; Leona Thomas, organization work, sl2; Zelma Y’oung, organization work, sl2; Richard Wright, organization work. sls; Janette Bonaparte, organization work. sl2; Elva ! Ballenger, organization work, sls; Anna j Granger, organization work, sl2; Ida Kinney, organization work, sl2; Eula Buchanan, organization work, sl2; Anna | Edwards, organization work, sl2; Joseph Coshy, organization work, $18; James Edwards, organization work, $18; Mon roe Edwards, organization work, sls; Charles Hawkins, organization work, $10; Estella Cosby, organization work, sl2; May Terrell, organization work, sl2; Parenthla Crawford, organization work, sl2; Mary White, organization work, sl2; Bessie Conners, organization work, sl2; Frank Schaefer, organization work, sls; HUMANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1921. William Carr, ox <ta-ilzation work, $12;! Clara Garrett, organization .work, sls; Ella j Baker, organization work, sl2; Lena Ellis, j organization work, sl2; Lucy Highbaugb, j organization work, S>l2; Belle King, or ganization work, sl2; Hannah Leper, or ganization work, sl2; Lillian Walker, or ganization work, sl2; Forest O'Dell, office work, sls; Ruth Haase, office work, $4; Salvatore -Gallo, office work, $22.30; Rob ert Bastian, office work. $3; Herbert Bar tholomew', office work, $5; W. F. Deakin, meeting. $3. Nellie Johnson, organization, sl2; Mrs. Grant Allen, organization work, sl2; Mrs. Will Moore, organization work, sl2; j Kkoda Hanley, organization work, $12;; Lily Green, organization work, sl2; Mrs. L. Willett, organization work, sl2; David , Mason, organization work, $56; Castor Brothers, printing, $250; Virgia Horner, organization work, $10; Luella Gay, or- i ganization work, $10; Thomas Quill, of fice work, $3.50; Clay's Band, for band, $35; Elmer Williams, organization work, $10; Seth Ward, office work, SSO; C. A. Jeltz, organization work, S2O; Walter Griffin, organization work, $25; Leonard Quill, postage, S4O: Eugene Corriden, or-, ganization work, S2O: Ed Adolay, organ!- \ zation work, $25; Edna Clark, organiza tion work, $10; Bertha Sturgeon,voffice work, $25; James Mann, organization work, $2; James Mann, meeting. sl7; William Carr, organization work, s3;' Mary Partee, organization work, sl2; Mary Highbaugh, meeting, $10; R. F. Harper, advertising, $75; William Fein tuch, badges, $37.50; J. B. Horner, or-‘ ganization work, sl6; Pouts Pahls, meet-j ing, $10; R. E. Springsteen, postage. S2O R. E. Springsteen, postage, SSO; V. (J. I Lingren, polling, $24; E. 1.,. Johnson, or- j ganization work, S2O; The Freeman, ad- j vertising, $35: Matt Madren, bill passing, sl3; John Boland, polling, $10; Louri- j anna Young, auto hire, $3; William Deft kin, meeting, $8; George E. Fetsch, ad vertising, sls; R. P. Christian, automo- ; bile hire, $18.40: Frank Fivecoats, organi zation work, $25; Henry Frazier, efrgaui i zation work, S3O. Dick Sites, organization work, $50;! Y'ellow Taxi Company, auto hire, $22.50; I Myrou T. Clark, organization work, sl3; 1 Otto Haldeman, organization work, s6;‘ trank Clay, band, $120; Stella Porter, organization work, sl4; Mary u. Mitch ell, organization work, sl4; Mrs. Phil-I lipps, organization work, $7; Thomas Hawkins, organization work, sls; Louis Pahls, organization work, $10; Victoria Edwards, organization work, $10; Louis Pahls, meeting. $10; S. M. Johnston, of fico work, $11; Louis Pa hi-, meeting, $27.50; Harry Darling, meeting, $5; El mer Williams, advertising, $6; E. L. Mc- Calip, hal) rent, $3; James Mann, meet ing, $23.15; Benjamin H. Dawson, hall rent, $25; C. C. Shaffer, hall rent, $7; VI illiam Murray Huse, organization work, $25; Joseph Tucker, trustee, hall rent, $10; Frank Rider, automobile nlre. S3O; A. Ferris, auto hire, $2.80; Fred Triplett, organization work, $10; J, jj. Bryan, hall rent, $25. Charles Wylie, office rent. $2 50: Wyatt Strickler. office work, $1.50; David Ma son. meeting, SSO; John F. Knapp, or ganization work. $9.50; Lewis Wach stetter, office work, $10; a. M. Buchanan meeting. SSO; R. E. Springsteen, postage. $-0, Matt Madren, bill passing, $22. Louis Brown, meeting, $100.73; Harry Willett, meeting, SSO; Mrs. B. M. Dugan organization work. Sl2; Antioch Baptist | Church, hall rent, S2O; Robert E Spring steen postage, *4l; B T. Costello, auto tvo P, w 4: w ßobert E - Postage, $iD. Herbert Miller, meeting, S4O; Eugene Armstrong, auto hire, $10; William Quill advertising, $1 ; Harvey Brooks, organ’ izaUon work, $10; Im'.ey Band, for band. 430, Foltz Motor Car Company, hall rent, : riarr - v Bobbins, polling, $10; Lily Wilson, • organization work, $10; Esther Grimes, organization work. $10; Anna Daniel's, organization work, $10; Mayme Clay, organization work. $10; Bessie Bacon, organization work, $10; Harry | Liß-ati, meeting, $3.75: Harry Willett, meeting, $25; Tratt Poster Company, printing. $4Ol. Ik lloss, meeting. $75; Katharine M. Gallagher, typing. $17.10; Mina Woods, organization work. sls; Yellow Cab Com pany, auto hire, s2l; A. B Thompson, advertising $-3; Indiana Business Wom an. advertising. $95; Harry Cohen, hall rent and advertising, $20.75; Robert Page, meeting, $132.62. Walter Griffin, meeting, sls 50; Jesse Posey, organization work, sls; Ix>wls M Hubbard, organization work, sls: Clara Wallace, organization work, sl2: Mamie Vance, organization work, sl2; Cora War wick. organization work, sl2; Ada Cava naugh, organization work. sl2: Fred Grlf- \ fin, organization work, sls; Fred Klrtley. \ organization work, sls; Anna Cuthrell, organization work, sl2; Addle Smith, or ganization work, sl2; Leona Thomas, or ganization work. sl2: Indiannpolla Re corder, advertising. $300; James K. New sum, advertising, $10; Richard Wright, organization work, sls; Elva Ballinger, organization work, sl2; Anna Granger, organization work, sl2; Ida Kinney, or ganization work, sl2. Eula Buchanan, organization work, sl2; Anna Edwards, organization work, sl2; Joseph Cosby, organization work, $18; James Edwards, organization work, $18: Monroe Edwards, organization work, sls; Charles Hawkins, organization work, $10; Estella Cosby, organization work, sl2; Mary Terrell, organization work, sl2; Parthenia Crawford, organization work, sl2; Bessie Conners, organization work, sl2; Mary White, organization work, sl2; Frank Schaefer, organization work, sls; William Carrk, organization work, sls; Clara Garrett, organization wotk, sls; Ella Baker, organization work, sl2; William Feintuch, badges, $32.50; la*na Ellis, organization work, sl2; Lucy Highbaugh, organization work, sl2; Belie King, organization work, sl2; Han nah Leper, organization' work, sl2; Lil lian Walker, organization work, sl2; Frank Brattaln, meeting, $lO. James Mann, organization work, sls; George Good, drum corps, sls; Esther Wolfe, organization work, $10; YVilltara A. More, organization work, $10; The Railroad World, advertising, $10; Indiana League of Women Voters, advertising, $17.50; The Indianan, advertising, SSO; Rosalind Saperstlne, office work, S2O; Ora Seery, office work, $25; Marie Peters, offico work, $29.16; Sam Cohen, office work, $11.65; Lila Beasley, office work, $25; Corinne Colby, office work, $25.75; William Sprinkle, office work, S2O; Wil liam B. McKisslck, office work. S2O; Lewis Wachstetter, office work, $35.45; William Gruner. office work, $3545; Thomas Quill office work, $1.25. Earl V. Hitch, office work, $225; Rob ert Bastian, office work, $10; Robert Hopkins, office work, $10; Jester Barney, office work, $5; Robert Hall, office work, $5; Fred Trotter, office work, sl9; Johii Galpln, office work, $10; Dewey McVey, office work, $10; Herbert Bartholomew, office work, $5; Salvator Gatto, office work, $10; Henry, office work, $3; Ruth Haase, office work, sl3; Mary A. Fleener, $9.50; George Ward, office work, sls; Bernard Pritchett, office work, $10; Lourianna Young, office work, $27; Forest O’Dell, office work, $3; J. C. Couran, office wofk, $10; A. B. Har lan, office work, $10; G. Stew art, office work, $10; Robert Hare, of fice work, $7.50; Dallas Crowe, office work, $7.50; E. J. Crossland, office work, S3XO. R. E. Springsteen, postage, S2O; Ben Fleener, polling, sls; John O'Brien, poll ing, $10; Charles Crowe, office work, $25; S. M. Johnston, office work. sls; Kather ine Smith, office work, $25; Mrs. C. B. Foster, office work, S3O; Charles Barnett, organization work, S2O; Joe ..levy, organ ization work, $18; H. C. Millikin,' or ganization work, $18; John Raftery, or ganization work, S2O; Ed Scott, organi zation work, S2O; Rand Butler, organiza tion work, $25; Russell J. Horton, or ganization work, sls; Elmer Nicholas, or ganization work, $25. Louis Laitner, Jr., organization work, $10; W. H. Ilockett, 'organization work, sl6; Gabe Drake, organization work, sls; William Hindel, organization work, $25; Mrs. M. B. Dugan, organization work, $25. Anna Winstead, organization work, sl2; Mattie P. Long, organization work, $8; Alice Frazier, organization work, $8; Rosie Ferguson, organization work, $8; Kittle Linsay, organization work, $8; George Booth, organization work, sl6; Tobe Cave, organization work, sl2; Sam Cook, organization work, sls; Robert Genus, organization work, $18; C. A. Jeltz, organization work, S2O; E, C. Boy den, advertising, $10; Castor Bros., print ing, $793; Virgie Horner, organization w ork, $10; Luella Gay, organization work, S2O; Matt Madren, bill passing, $5; Wal ter Griffin, meeting, $6; Sam Ziutz, or ganization work, $10; Nellie Johnson, or ganization work, sl2; Mrs. Grant Allen, organization work, sl2; Mrs. Will Moore, organ'zation work, sl2; ithoda Hanley, organization work, sl2; A. Ferris, auto hire, $3 02; S, M. Johnston, office work, $23; William Black, organization work, $10; Irma Compton, organization work, sl2; Lula White, organization work, sl2; John B. Ray, meeting, sl3; Frank Clay, band, $65;-Tom Hopkins, truck hire, $6; John A. Watkins, office work, $10; Dan Johns, organization work, sls. William F. Deakin, hauling chairs, $18; J. B. Horner, organization work, $8; John Hedges, organization work, S2O; Mary Partee, organization work, sl2; William A. Tyner, polling s2<; David Mnson organization work $24; W. ltes ringer Decorating Company, autos, $25; Harvey Brooks, organization work, $10; Russell J. Horton .organization work. S2O; Basil Covert, meeting, $10.20; Clar ence Stewart, organization work. $10: Walter Churchill, organization work. *_o; J. A. Bailey, organization work, $23. Lewis Brown, organization work, $25; Paul Hennessy. organizat on work. $25; Mrs. Harry Miller, passing bills, $25; Thomas Quill, office work, $6; John Evans, passiug bills, $3; Alien Sims, or ganization work. $10; Eugene Armstrong, auto hire $8; Nellie Shepard, organiza tion work, sls; Russell Ammeter, passing bills, $3; Anna Daniels, meeting. $7.50; Ed Ylaroney office work, $7.30; John Pet rovich advertising. $3; Joseph Jacobs, organization work, $10; James Lott, or ganization work, $10; V. G. Ltndgrcn. organization work, .y 2; Robert N. Hard ing, organization work, SSO; Harry Wil liams, organization work, S3O; Joseph Myers, organization work sls; Albert Lepolls, organization work, sls; Gus Frltche, organization work. sl3; Sarah Cohen, organization work. $8.35. John O'Brien, polling, *5; William Lan caster, organization work. $25; Noah Fritz, meeting, $23.45; It, E. Springsteen, postage, S3O; R. E. Springsteen, $3.20, Indianapolis News, advertising. $150; Dick Sites, organization work, $25; Wil liam Hasty, organization work. S7O; Ed na Clark, organization work, $10: Tute wiler, chair rentals. $125; It. P. Christian, organization work, $25; Zelma Y'oung. organization work, sl2; Janetto Bona parte, organization work, sl2; Mary Jack son, organization work. sl2. James Mann, meeting. $64; Matt Mad ren. polling, $7.30; Frank Clay, band, S3O; Luther McClain, band. S4O; Adeline Mc- Coy, auto hire, $11.50; Flossie Williamson, polling, $lO. Indianapolis Review, advertising. $lO 30 The following received $3 each as mes sengers : Volla V. Pash, Ida Courier. Charles Swich, Oscar Spregel, Lena lulzozl, I Belie Keene, Mrs. Carter, Samuel Crosa, | Charles Heymnn, Thomas Cline, James B j DaughePty, Joe Jacobs. George Jacobs, Walter Griffen, W. W. Daugherty, Robert Lewis, William Black, Harvey Brooks, GARCIA GRANDE (BOUQUET SIZE) lO Cents Long Filler—Mild * or fULL NAME p™ At All Dealers Kiefer-Stewart Cos. Henry Fergnson, Nellie I. Lewis, John Heltkam, Lerue Sherwood, Herbert Bar tholomew, W. T. Ropier, Martha Wallace, William Swain. Albert Odoni, Lily McKay, Mrs. George Harvey, Mr. Burgess, lona Justice, Inez Joyce, Hanna Hutto, Minnie Wilson, Milton Vaughan, Aaron Hop kins. James Taylor, Emma F. Finch, Ber tha E. Brockway, Herbert E. Sheperd, Lester Powell, Carrie Wachstatter, Lewis Woods. Margaret Johnson, M. E>. Sherry, Wilson D. Green, Frank Burnell, Richard Talbert, William Milchum, John Lola, Walter Rollins, Joe Green, James Packer, Amelia Owens, Dora Cole, Dora Isaacs. Ilenry Trevan, Mrs. Hamilton, Lynn j Martendale, Virginia Rumpler, W. D. I Miller, George Hayes, Levi Carter, -2 Bruee, Mrs. Bessie Wilis, Cora Carter, j Alex Brown, Mrs. Whitehead, John Park er, Richard Arnold, Hamilton Craig, Maud Richardson, Mrs. Cora Jackson, Henry Brooken, Richard Oden, Clarence Means, N'estal Curtis, James Miller, Arthur Mc- I Clure, Harry Fegg, Chris Melson, Ed ward Mullen, Frank Moses. Paul Maples, :Ed Long, Harry Bryan, Charlie Crow, | Madge Frady, Roy Glidewell, Albert ' Sering, C. O. Butler, John M. Thomas, Charles M. Childs, Ross B. Jackson. , Samoa Hood, William Hendricks, Martin ; Foster, Floyd Clements, Cody Friend, 1 Elmer Christian, William A. Stew art Lewis White, Gran P. Kepler, Henry Thompson, Nellie Waskorn, Bessie Wilson, Mayme Wachstetter, Ida M. Sell ’ ers, H. Leonard, William Amore, George ! Henke. Elmer Heiser, Ralph Shugel, Ed ward Kores, Louis Lartner, John O'Brien, ! George. Vellelly. Lester Johnson, Joe ' Levey. F. C. Fletcher, Lula Stewart, [Charles Beil, Ross Johnson. Fred Hiney, William Bryant. Harry Meyer, John Ath erton, Leta Kinney, Mary Bohcherding, Mrs. A. B. Craig. Mrs. Bertha Curtis, A. B. Craig. William F. Carter, Edward Richter, Anna Mueller, Haezl McCannon. J. O. Huston, Mary Hendrickson, Mrs. W. W. Hackett, Carrie Johnson, Elso Keeller, Oris Cunningham, Russell Kell ' er, J. J. Johnson, W. B. McKlssick, Harry i Wallers, Jessie Prange, Frank Budden | baum, William J. Betz. W. W. Drake, ! Charles Hurst, Mrs. Charles Hurst. Mar j ion Hoag, Henry Stiner. Minnie McCoy, Ruby, Mary McVein, ! John Thalman, Dan Jones, W. H. Welhke, W. H. Shearer. John Wilson, George Fitch, Mrs. Marion Caldwell, Clara Williams, William Deakin, Charles YVisumel, Jesse Lowes. T. C. Kelly, Frank B. Davenport, Mrs. Arthur Robin son, Mrs C. L. Hogle. Ira Johnston, ' John Springer, William Green, Charles j Bohn, Charles Baron, Florence Seibert, \ Ella Furnas, Ella Foster, William Tyner. Henry Seibert. Clara Goetz, Isaac Pharea, Frank Goetz, Fred Goetz, Carl j Roselin. Mrs. Charles Short. Ralph W. Murphy, Mrs. J. C. Carrington, Mrs. ! Lydia Johnson. William Lynch, William i Lacey. Fred Dirkerman. Mahlon E. Bash, j William C. Brass, Mrs. H. V. Wenzer. Mrs. W. C. Brass, William R. Garvey. ! W. C. Kipp, Ed Jones, Gordon Long, William Weils, George Taylor, Luclen ■ Pemar. Isaac Bacon, Henry Jackson, Louis Ross, Anna Washington, Claudia Matt hews Anna Morris. Douglas Auston, Charles Pearson, Jesse Rounds. George ; Shilakas, Fred Grout, Earnest Roehhold. iH. E. Campbell. Amy Payne, Ed Eicbard, 1 Catherine We’l, Jennie Vincent, Mary Gatewood. Lillian Fleming, Henry T,ee. j Otis Taylor, Herbert Scott, Robert Nel son, Steve Smith. Rufus Nelson, Harold Clegg, Carl Flich, John Jones, Thomas Burns, Raymond Hylton. Charles S Peak, John O. Prade. Hattie Elliott. An ! tta L. Trotter, Effie Johns. William Wamseoff, Charles H. Doty. Clara Col | lister. Eva Core, C. O. Wilson, Frank j Luzor, George Bninaka, Joseph Korjan. I John Pollock. Robert A. McCray, Lun- I clnda Lusany, Sarah L. Lockwood, Edith Hartley, Mildred Dickerson. Eugene AH! EPSOM SALTS LIKE LEMONADE You can now buy real epsom salts with out the awful taste and nausea, by ask ing your druggist for a handy package of "Epsonade Salts," which looks and acts exactly like epsom salts, because it is pure epsom salts combined with fruit derivative salts, giving it the taste of sparkling lemonade. Take a tablespoonful In a glass of cold water whenever you feel bilious, head achy or constipated. “Epsonade Salts” 1* the much talked of discovery of the Amer ican Epsom Association. —Advertisement. Meloy, Frank Reid, Walter Sellee, Ed ward Devatz, George Kelchenman, Min nie YVeigle, Alma Logan, Charles Brown, Harry O. Newton, Ester Alexander, Josie Hall, Francis Martin, Clyde Johnson, Charles Reno, Mattie McCain, Edna Clark, Carrie Boese, Cora McFeefy, Florence Tandon, Nettie Mcßroom. Sam Mcßroom, John Primus, Olivia Mitchell, John Hoover, Tom Haw kins, Alma Darling, George Phil ips, Sarah Mitchell, Helen Klee,' Dora Ensey, Harry Rosebrough, Belle Oldridge, Bert Schaffer, Mattie Yates, Davie Jackson, Charles Hendricks, Isom Valentine, Chester McCoy, Peter Stroms, Robert Paragon, John Allen, Annette White, Cassie Sexton, Flossie William son, J. J. Trout, Cast De Camp, George Simpson, Charles Williams, James Jones, Ida Boyles, Lillian Farmer, Clyde H.-.*- ninger, Lucy Hendricks, Rachel Edmonds, Jennie Woolf, Gilbert Marine, Irene Mor gan, Ed Enwistle, Frank Page, Charles Smith, Minnie B. West, Grace Smith, Irma oCmpton, Goldie Morton, Ethel Mox ley, Lucie Marshall, Edith Johnson. Whitney Green, James Hood. William Jackson, George Black, Charles Smith, Paul Wynn. J. L. Emicb, George McElroy, Rush Dearman, Chris Hardestie, Lulu White. Elsie Preston, Effie Scott, Busle Logan, Etta May Fisher, Ida Schneider, Ethel Lavender, Mrs. Albert Oldham, William Gresh, John Keepers, W. S. Freeman, Clarence Abrahams, Mrs. A. N. Sboup, Mrs. Raymond Kingsley, Luclen Pauley, Dan Sullivan, George Diekeson, Edna Pauley, Helen Swain, Russell McCormick, Ruth Robinson, James McCormick, Mal colm Frinnell, Addle Smith, Selma Y'oung. May Jones, Clift Bell, Earl Parker, Clifford Jones, Earl Carter, Basil Shuler, (Continued on Page Ten.) Spring Weakness Is Overcome and the blood purified and vitalized by Hood’s syyi HLAL SKlfi DISEASES Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrafc ing, Antiseptic Liquid It lo unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches,ringworm,rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or SI.OO for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemc is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skit\ It i3 not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rose Cos.. Cleveland, a THE WOMAN CITIZEN How is It possible for the woman of today to meet the requirements of a bome-maker, mother and voter, with all her social and political activities, if she is to go on suffering the pain that comes from ailments peculiar to her six? Check the malady at once by a con scientious treatment of Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound at the first sign of backache, and dragging-down sensations, so common to women who suffer from diseases.—Advertise ment. FROM THE ANNEX Very Special! Men s Collar-Attached SHIRTS $ i ~95 Made of mercerized pon gee in coffee brown, with new low collar attached; coat style with pocket; all sizes from 14 to 16V2. While ttvelve dozen last, these re markable shirt Y’alues are open to men at $1.95. Pure Silk Knitted Ties, 95c Narrow ties with stretch proof band, in heather mix tures, cros£ stripes and plain colors; special at 9o<?. Fiber Silk Hose, Special, 50c Pair Fine gauge, lustrous fiber silk hose, “Wayne-Knit" and other standard makes; choice of black, cordovan, navy, gray, champagne and white, 50 pair. S§Mateis§ Resinol itching l3g|iP rpHAT itching, burning A. skin trouble which makes you scratch, no mat ter where you are, is a source of annoyance to others as well as torment to yourself. Get rid of it with Resinol Ointment. The first application stops the itching: and in most case* it heals eruptions promptly. At all druggists. Send for free trial. Dept. 8-1, Keaiaoi, Baltimore. Sid Strength and Endurance Grove's Iron Tonic Syrup Pale Children Need Iron Iron in Syrup form is more readily digested and assimilated than Iron Pills or Iron Tablets, and naturally you get quicker results. The Iron in GROVE’S IRON TONIC SYRUP is digested as soon as it is swallowed and, therefore, is promptly assimi lated. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect The Syrup is flavored and chil dren love to take it Contains no Nux-vomica or other poison ous drugs, therefore, it can be given to The Babe, The Child, The Mother or The Grand mother with perfect safety. 75c. Look for this signature. Caned a Loafer But He Was Sick Thousands Are Sick But Get Sympathy or Help Because They Are Not Bedfast A healthy man or woman simply can not loaf. When you lack energy and vi tality you don't feel like working. All the organs of your body are sluggish. You are not keen for either pleasure or work. You eat a plenty perhaps—but your stom ach and digestive organs do not build up your strength. Dissipation in one form or another, —griel, worry, or overwork.— may have caused your trouble Nature needs the Help that Cadomene wiU afford any one suffering with that tired feeling. nervous indigestion,' with nervous siad aches, oody pains, restlessness, sleepless ness, despondency, loss ol energy, eta, Try taking Cadomene Tablets instead of nsing strong stimulants like whiskey or wine. They will give appetite, aid diges tion. enrich your blood, strengthen your nerves, and make of you a real Hve, heal thy, energetic person. Ail druggists eaa supply Cadomene Tablets m seaiud tubes. —Ada.