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CHINA RECEIVES SUFFICIENT AID Merger With Near East Relief Dissolved. Merged relations between the Near East Relief and China famine fund, formed last March with Governor War ren X. McCray as chairman of the gen eral organisation, were dissolved today according to announcement of Near East Relief, 408 City Trust Building. Recent rains in China bounti ful crops, together with largo donations from America, give safety to the famine stricken districts, it is explained. In a statement to the public, the Near East Relief asks for continued support of Ar menia's persecuted people of the Bible lands. “It would be disastrous,” it Is declared, “If, when we have completed one-half of our task, any should think the whole finished. Stripped and bleeding Arme nia remains and we must not forsake her All persons who came into official rela tionship under the Joint organization are asked to continue their services in be half of Near East Relief. “Remember that Armenians suffer be cause they are Christians and also be cause they fought for the allies in the world war. There is another work which the Near East Relief is doing, such as the maintenance of homes for giris res cued from Turkish harems and the care of thousands of refugees as yet unable to return to their homes. It is a stu pendous task and we earnestly entreat a generous and sympathetic public to stand by nntil this night of suffering is past.” It is pointed out that Near East Re lief is feeding daily 110.000 orphan chil dren in 229 American orphanages in A6ia Minor. A large deficit remains of the Indiana quota of $400,000. Work Bureau Cost Put at $5,000 a Year Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., June 14 —Establish ment of a free employment bureau in Richmond will cost $5,000 annually, ac cording to an estimate made by the free employment division of the Chamber of Commerce. Only $2,500 of this amount must be raised by Rlcbmond, as an act passed by the last General Assembly provides that the State shall pay dollar for dol lar with the city having such an agency. The Federal Government also will pro vide necessary equipment, furniture, etc. blanks and free postage privileges. Church vs. Movies Is Basis of Divorce Suit Special to The Times. COLUMBUS. Ind . June 14 —Otto {Cel lar. 18, by his father. Andrew Keller, filed suit for divorce against Edith Keller. 17. In Circuit Court here. The couple were married Feb. 8 last. In his complaint Keller states that he is preparing himself for the ministry and his wife protests against his going to church or prayer meetings, insisting that he take her to the movies instead. He alleges that when he declined to take her to the movies she went with other men. Eight divorce suits have been filed here since June 1, while only five marriage licenses have been issued. Friends Executive Officers Hold Parley Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., June 14—Executive officers of the Five Tears' Meeting of Friends are holding a week's conference here. The purpose of the conclave Is to discuss methods of cooperation among the various boards and to achieve a plan of operation best fitted for promoting ef ficieny and economy. One atm Is to es tablish a central accounting bureau for the use of all of the beams. Meeting of the Bible school board was to be held today. The board of Young Friends Activities anld the board of education aiso were to meet today. Home Burns While Family Is Absent Fire of unknown origin practically de stroyed the home of William Simpson, 424 North Noble street, today. Firemen said th flames might have originated from defective wiring. Mrs. Simpson is in a hospital, and her four children were at the home of a neighbor. Mr. Simpson was not at home when the fire occurred. William Berbe who lived next door, was awakened by smoke coming into his window. In hir night clothes he hurried downstairs a'jd sent in an alarm. The loss was estl mated at SBOO. Uses Razor on Rival, Rope on Himself RINGGOLD, Ga.. June 14.—With head almost severed, the body of Otto Smith orman was found here and nearby the body of Earl Williams was hanging from a tree. A coroner's jury found that Wil liams slew Sxnitbertnnn and then hung himself because of jealousy. Snooze Aboard Trolley Costs Leslie 22 Seeds Leslie Blrt, 1124 East Twenty-second street, employed at Loew's State theate-, went to sleep last night while riding home on a Columbia avenue street car. He woke at Twenty-second street and his purse containing $22 was gone. NEURASTHENIA— NERVESTARVATION A Disease of the Down-Hearted —Prac tical advice on what to do. Many a man is broken down and dis couraged without having any actual disease in his organs and tissues—he has lost his grip, feels weak and nervous and everything looks dark. He is suffering from the great American disease — Neurasthenia or nerve starvation, due to over-work, worry, continual hurry and nervous strain. The longer this con tinues the more certainly will it end in real disease of his organs, his nerves or his mind. Such a man should live on the simple foods, eat plenty of cooked fruit and green vegetables, sleep nine hours at night if he can, an hour in the afternoon and feed his starving nerves and weak, thin blood, with a good nerve and blood food, like Nuxated Iron. N'uxated Iron contains a product brought to the at tention of the French Academy of Medi cine by the celebrated Doctor Robin, which represents the principal chemical constituents of active living nerve force: it also contains genuine organic iron like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. Nnxated Iron may therefore be said to be a real nerve and blood food since it supplies the principal ingredients de rnanded by your nerves and blood to give you strength, energy, force and endur ance- It often increases the bodily and Inental vigor of wear, wornout, down 'll carted and nervous folks In two weeks’ time. Tour monev will be refunded by j the manufacturers If it does not produce perfectly satisfactory results. For sale j by all druggists.—Advertisement. A fcOLFING HAZARD SOLVED —Photo by Unaerwooa & Lnclerwoou. Golfing mothers may take the r offspring with them around the links by leav ing out a few brassies and extra putters This picture was taken In Frisco.. Note tho little dog being carried by the central figure. Plans to Cross Pacific in Plane Without an Engine New York’s Police Ace Would Do It in One Hop—Explosives Propel Craft NEW YORK, June 14.—An airplane Sight that will startle the world Is be ing planned by C'apt. Claude R. Collins, ace of the New York police aerial re serves. Captain Collins proposes to cross the Pacific in a specially designed ma chine in one hop, at an average speed of four hundred miles an hour, a feat that will make Sir John Alcock’s trans- Atlantic flight seem tame by comparison. Instead of the usual engine end pro peller, Captain Collins' new machine will be propelled by the exhaust of a highly explosive substance, discharged from thf tail through a nozzle. Turnoocks and other devices will enable the speed of the machine to be controlled exactly like an airplane of the usual type. Captain Collins gives credit for his in spiration to Prof. James Goddard, who while at Clark Fniverslty, designed r rocket for communication wi.h other planets. He now is working in collab oration with Professor Goddard, who is perfecting his rocket in the laboratories of the Smithsonian Institute at Wash ington. Another associate 1s Dr. W. W Christians, former assistant to the late Professor Langley, inventor of the first airplane. “My idea Is to get the plane up ha,ooo feet or so and shoot like t under for Japan.” said Captain Collins today In dismissing his plans. sugar-coated 2 chewing gum which everybody ’ V vvA\ flavored sugar /PHI Jacket around pep permlnt flavored chewing fium that will aid your appe- Jjf- tlte and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. By the makers of Ww -WRICLEYSi ©ggjgggSp "After Every Meal” 8123 The Flavor Lasts! “Up that high there will be no atmos pheric resistance to interfere with us and the exhaust propulsion will be 100 per cent efficient. I figure we ought to make 400 miles an hour.” A hermetically sealed cockpit in which the air pressure will be kept at normal by oxygen fed from big tanka la one of the features of CaptAlti Collins' plan, as suring perfect comfort to the pilot and observer. / "This plan of mine may sound rather queer, but I'm serious,” declared Captain Collins. "Someone Is going to ‘bop’ the Pacific some day and it might as well be me. It can be done.” The Pacific ocean between California and Japan ia about 0.000 miles wide. American Mission Property Wrecked LONDON, June 14.—The American mis sion at Wu-Chang, China, has been wrecked by Chinese rebels, according to a news agency dispatch from Hankow today. The Chinese insurgents, the dts pateh said, looted and burned much property. There were many Chinese casualties, but so far no foreign casual ties have been reported. CATALPA MIDGE LATEST PEST Shade Trees of City En dangered, Says Expert. Now comes the Catalpa Midge, latest pest to attack the trees of Indianapolis. The Midge lives on catalpas alone and much timber of this variety is affected, according to reports to the special serv ice of the city park department. George E. Morgan, head of the special service, issued a bulletin upon the pest today, as follows: “The catalpa trees about the city gen erally are affected with the Catalpa Midge and numerous calls have been coming in of late relative to this pest. In the adult stage this insect Is a fragile two-winged fly. The eggs are minute, elongate, whit ish in color and when deposited on the leaves are found in masses. The mature larva is one-eighth inch long and is whitish or orange in color. “Characteristics of the work of this pest are stunted growing tips, brown spots appearing somewhat like an eye and deadened areas on the leaves. Fre quently trees shed a considerable amount of leaves when attacked by an early summer outbreak. “Fortunately, the catalpas are the only known host that this pest inhabits. “To control the pest, the trees should be cultivated freely and stimulated by giving a top dressing of nitrate of coda or sulphate of ammonia. For further in formation regarding this or any other tree or shrubbery pest, call special serv- ; ice, department of public parks. ’ Indiana Wage Drop Averages 121-2 Pet. Wages of industrial workers in In diana have decreased about 12t>, per cent since Jan. 1, figures compiled by the State Industrial commission indicate. At the same time, however, the average wage of women in industrial work has Increased. In January the average wage of men was $31.28, of women, $13.48, and the children. $lB at. For May (he average wage of men ,Tas $27.33, of women, $14.92 and of children $13.35. The highest wage reported for men was $99 a week and the lowest $5 a week. For women the highest was $54 a week and the lowest $5 a week. For children the highest was $45 a week and the lowest $2 a week. 4 Drive Too Fast and One Too Loud Four alleged speeders a* and one muffler law violator, were fined In city court yesterday afternoon by Judge Walter Pritchard. Edward Brown, 1912 North Alabama street, and Bruce Sillery, 17. 3813 --*oad way. Technical High School stud-nts, each were fined $1 and costs for speed ng. An die Gumm, 427 East Ohio street, vas fined $lO and cost* and Edward E-ans, 3434 Washington boulevard, was fined sln and costs on similar charge' Walter Schart*,. 1430 North New Jersey street, was fined $lO and costs for violating the muffler law. Motorcycle Officers H. W. Brooks and | Halstead made the arrests Cut Glassware for Hot Weather $10.75 Iced Tea Sets, $4.75 Tall pitcher and six glasses to match. Assorted designs cut on a heavy serviceable blank. $6.98 Iced Tea Sets, $3.48 Seven pieces, covered pitcher and six glasses cut with grape designs in clusters. $13.25 Water Sets, $6.98 Wild rose and foliage cut ting on plain shaped blanks. 75c Heavy-Bottom Tum blers, 35c Assorted cuttings. , are. baaaffiaat. 'FoMd S/u/ofovcLj XS -THE- NEW "V ORK 3TORg~(y _____ JBrJTT. 1653 Statement of Condition OB’ THE Merchants Fire Assurance Corporation of New York NEW YORK, 45 John Street. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920 ALDKN C. NOBLE. President. JOSEPH L. LEFKSON. Secretary. Amount of capital paid up $400,000 00 NET ASSETS OB’ COMPANY. Cash In banka (on Interest and not on tutsreat) $ 233.495.14 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 3,167,0541.00 Mortgage loans on real estate (free from any prior incum brance) 184,900.00 Accrued securities (interest arid rents, etc.) 27,006.00 Other securities 4,544.00 Cash in office 250.00 Premiums and accounts dua and in process of collection. 385.482.16 Total net assets $4,002,734.30 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $2,272,860.03 Lowes due and unpaid... .... 20,774.00 Losses adjusted and not due.. 7,800.00 Losses unadjusted and in aus pense 430,258.00 Other liabilities of the com pany'... 75,202.90 Capital stock paid up 400,000.u0 Surplus 795,820.47 Total liabilities $4,002,734.30 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 40,000.00 Greatest amount allowed by rules of the company to be Insured in any one city, town or village in business section 1,000,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to be insured In any one block. 100,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance: 1, the undersigned. Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, aa shown by the original statement, and that the said origiual statemsnt is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, 1 herounto suo scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day of April, 1921. v T. 8. McMURRAT, JR., Commissioner. FLUTTERING STRAIGHT TO US- Notes From Fashion’s Pages Clever FROCKS sl3“ $0^.50 Gaiety and Gingham With trimming of organdy, and styled uniquely and variously. Coolness and Organdy Gloriously colorful and with a dif ference. $12.25 Refreshment Sets, $5.88 Tall pitcher with cover and six hollow-stem glasses. For serving carbonated drinks. $15.00 Fine Cut Tumblers, SB.IB Dozen They will be sold at 69c each. $8.50 Water Pitchers, $4.96 Fine cut glass to match the tumblers. $2.00 Cut Ice Tubs, $1.22 They are of generous size and iplendid quality. Statement of Condition OF The Hanover Fire Insurance Cos. NEW TORE, 34 and 86 Fine Street, ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. R. EMORY WARFIELD, President. E. S. JARVIB, Secretary. Ameunt of capital paid up $1,000,000 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 188,405.67 Real estate unincumbered 979,300.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market Talue) 4,521,026.06 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 38,413.17 Call loan on bonds and stocks. 44)2,615.00 Unpaid reinsurance on paid losses 112,976.20 Balance reinsurance trusteee.. 1,666.51 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection. 755.T28.30 Totsl net assets $7,000,130.85 LIABILITIES. Reserve er amount necessary to reinsnre outstanding risks $4431,618.44 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 703.982.81 Bills and accounts unpaid 82,872.93 Taxes and commission 150,000.00 Rente paid in advance 6,655.13 Reinsurance trusts 1,666.51 Capital and surplus 1.973,206,33 Total liabilities $7,000,130.85 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 100,000.00 State of Indiana, Office es Commissioner of Insurance: I, the undersigned. Commissioner es Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company- on the 81st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sab scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day of April, 102 L T. S. McMURRAT. TR.. Commissioner i Vacation Time at Hand— Traveling Needs Reduced $8.50 Traveling Bags $6.98 rw\ Genuine Spanish brown leather (IS \ jj \\ | traveling bags, embossed grain with L i M U 1 two full length stitched stay straps L ij* H \\ and a durable mercerized khaki lin- j tj \\ A ing; 3-piece style, wi;h leather ring >k |4 li r* handle and brass plated latches. Size vk v—^ — 1 “ 18 inches. $60.00 Wardrobe Trunks $48.00 The illustration shows the exact type of trunk and It Is equipped suitable for either man or woman. Dark blue hard fiber, covered with walnut colored binding, fancy cretonne lined, nine assorted 5-ply hangers, four drawers, shoe pockets, laun dry bag, 42 inches high, 21 inches deep, with open top; garment compartment dustproof. '.'rf —Pettis luggage department, basement. Statement of Condition OF THE Marine & Motor Insurance Company of America GALVESTON, TEXAS, *32* Ave. B. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. S. E. KEMPNER, President. J. F. SEINBHEIMER, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up... .$200,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on interest) $151,553.86 Bonds and stocks owned (mar kot value) 299,707.09 Mortgage loans on real estate (free from any prior Incum brance) 24,725-26 Accrued securities (interest and rente, etc.) 5.237.62 Collateral loans 25,000.00 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 34,902.06 Cash on deposit State of Ala bams 500.00 Total net assets $321,456.88 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure oustandlng risks.s 97,592.41 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 145,978.44 Bills and accounts unpaid..., 1,500.00 Commissions due or to become due , 8,796.01 Capital and surplus 267,388.32 f Total liabilities $521,455.83 Greatest amount In any one risk $7,500.00 State of Indiana. Office es Commissioner of Insurance: ", , I the undersigned. Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the Jlst day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the soid original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day of April. 1921. T. 8. McMURRAT, JR.. £ommisaiouer. Demure Daintiness and Dotted Swiss Each dress with an individuality; in the late dark combinations. Neatness and Linens Lines of chicness. —Pettis dresses, second floor. Statement of Condition OF THE Glens Falls Insurance Cos. GLENS FALLS, NEW TORE. Cor. Glen A Bay Bta. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. E. W. WEST, President. F. M. SMALLEY, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up..s 1,000,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Interest)....,,.! 551,491.94 Real estate unincumbered... 226406.5 b Bonds and stocks owtied (market value) 6,2 C 1,99600 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 1,730,777A0 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 76 824 67 Collateral loans I” Bank acceptances .. 234.910J0 Premiums and accounts dn. and In process of collection. 945,012 77 Reinsurance due on paid lo ® Be 59,897.66 Total net assets $10,100,509.82 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks g 4,826,603.94 Losses adjusted and not due 830.17 Losses unadjusted and in suspense 1,023,418.95 Bills and accounts unpaid.. 236 416 95 Other liabilities of the com- ’ pany, capital and surplus.. 8,713,139.81 Reserved for contingencies... 800,000.00 Total liabilities. $10,10040948 Greatest amount In any one ri ®* $ 100,00040 State of Indiana, Office of Conuaissloasr of Insurance: I, the undersigned, Commissioner *f Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the abovo is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the origiual statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, thi* 19th day of April, 1921. T. S. McMURRAT, JR., rVt m