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12 PENNSY FAVORS ELIMINATION OF DANGER POINTS Joins Highway Commission in Modifying Grade Cross ing Menace. The board of directors of the Fenn ■vlvaaia railroad heartily faror co operation with the Indiana highway com mlaeion to eliminate dangerous grade crossings occasioned where State high ways cross their lines, T. C. Herbert, di vision engineer for the railroad company, ■with headquarters at Terre Haute, has informed Lawrence Lyons, department director. Asa result of this recent action of the board a dangerous crossing at Glenn Home, two and a half miles east of Terre naute, where the National road crosses the Pennsylvania lines, will be eliminated by building a Tiaduct over the tracks, the State and the railroad company to divide the cost of construc tion. The National road crosses the Penn sylvania railroad eight times in Indiana and following its policy to eliminate dan gerous grade crossings in order to in sure the maximum of safety in highway travel, the commission has succeeded through the splendid cooperation of this directorate of eliminating the majority of them. Between Indianapolis and Richmond two crossings have been eliminated and a watchman Installed at a third. From Indianapolis west to Terre Haute one crossing has been eliminated by viaduct, another is to be eliminated, one will re main as it is, and two were removed through relocation of the highway, Wil liam J. Titus, chief engineer of bridges, ■ays. In view of the fact that many railroads of the country are somewhat embarrassed financially at this time, the action of the Pennsylvania board is rather remarkable and certainly indica tive it recognizes the value of good State highways designed to protect overlan 1 traffic, la the opinion of Mr. Titus. By relocating the National road to eliminate two grade crossings west of Indianapolis, the new route is over the oroginal Government survey, graded and used for a number of years until about IS7O, when it was abandoned after a big wooden bridge was washed out. The re location of this part of the highway will make necessary the construction of anew bridge across Walnut creek, but it avoids a dangerous and steep bill at the ap proach of the present bridge. ARREST MADE OF REPUTED SLACKER Lyle Laub First to Be Taken Here Under Charge. The first of a series of arrests of al leged “slackers” planned by military au thorities and the Indianapolis detective department took place today when Lyle Laub, 27, 3752 North Meridian street, was taken into custody and charged with be ing a draft deserted. The arrest was made by Detectives Fossatl and Stewart and Lieut. H. I. Cassidy, chief of the military police at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. The city directory gives Laub's busi ness as a mauager of a real estate firm. According to Lieutenant Cassidy, Laub failed to register for the draft on June 5, 1918 % Laub has s police record, detectives says. Records show that he served a ninety-day sentence on the Indiana State farm and paid-a $25 tine and costs after being convicted of petit larceny in 1915. He was arrested In 1920 at the request of Richmond authorities and was charged with having been connected with a reputed fraudulent realty deal perpetrated in that city. He was taken to ichmond and the Indianapolis police have no record of the disposition of the case. TAXI FARES USE GUN ON DRIVER AND STEAL CAR Three Youths Are Caught at Vincennes With Auto in Their Possession, Special to The Times. LINTON, IndL. July B.—William Fox. taxi driver of this city, was employed by three men late Thursday, to drive them to Edwardsport near Vincennes. When within a mile of that village, the men ordered Fox to stop his machine. When he refused, he was shot three times, bul lets taking effect In his head, leg and arm. The men then threw him out of the machine and drove on. Fox dragged himself to nearby farm house and was afterward brought to his home here, where his condition is con sidered serious. Word was sent officials at Vincennes to be on the lookout for the three men. It Is reported from that city that they are tinder arrest there having been found in possession of Fox's cab. They gave their names as John Weingartner, 19, of El Paso, Texas; Garland Walls, 18, Cleaton, Ky.; Howard Gregory, 18, Centralia, Ky. TAX TO PROTECT AMERICAN FILM Censorship Also Established on German and Other For eign Made Movies. WASHINGTON, July 8. America's high salaried movie stars and the lesser lights of filmdom hare been placed under the “protective wing" of the Republican tariff bill now being considered in the House. As the result, the salaries of those whose pictures appear on the American screen will not have to be slashed to enable American companies to compete with a brisk low cost European competi tion that has suddenly sprung up. The tariff bill provides protection for the American “movies” by requiring a tax on all foreign films of 30 per cent ad valorem. Not only that, but the Europeans can not expect to reap big profits by send ing “daring" films to the United States, as the bill makes the Secretary of the Treasury a censor of all reels sent to this country. The tariff rate carried in the bill, it was learned, is the result of the unex pected success of a few German films that recently have been displayed throughout the country. American ‘Duchess’ May Recover; Son Dies PARIS. July 8. —Mme do Guise Hite, the American “duchess" who drank poison with her son, George Ilarbough, 24, in a suicide pact, was believed today to have a chance for recovery although she was still in danger. Young Ilarbough died shortly before midnight without recover ing consciousness. MOTHERS FIGHT MILK PRICES. LONDON. July B.—The strike of wom en in the Deal district against the pres ent high price of milk is spreading. Jlrs. James Kerr, leader of the strikers, said the Housewives' Union was out to bring the milk profiteers to reason and to ccmtinue the agitation until they were successful in reducing the present price. Proposed Boston War Memorial Exterior and Interior Views of Proposed Boston War Memorial. Exterior and Interior Views of Proposed Boston War Memorial. Boston's war memorial will be a build ing of heroic proportions, according to the plans d*signed by Frank Chouteau Brown, the central feature of which will be a memorial Pantheon, reproducing on a small yet dignified scale the Roman original—regarded by many as the most impressive edifice of its kind in the world. The Interior of the Pantheon will be lighted by a single aperture in the center of the dome, producing a very beautiful effect. On each side of this Pantheon will be a large hall, one of which will be dedi cated to the Army and the other to the Navy. Connecting them and passing through the Pantheon would be a cor ridor of the allies. Opening off this cor ridor will be a series of small balls, each dedicated to a group of foreign-born American residents of Boston. Each of these halls might be used by Its group as a meeting place, and for the exhibi tions of the art and culture of the dif ferent countries represented. The rooms will be open to the public as an educa tional attraction, and would also serve as passages to and exits from the circu latory corridor surrounding the main auditorium. The main auditorium will be at the center of the structure, the Pantheon forming the ehlef entrance. It will have a seating capacity of about six thousand, with standing room for six or seven hundred more in the colonnade behind the gallery seats. Besides the speaker's stand, at one end, opposite which is a “presidential box,” there are planned two other permanent boxes, one for the mayor and one for the Governor, located In the center of the auditorium on each side, connected with retiring rooms beneath Ly a private staircase. At the rear of the left wing of the bulldlnjf will be situated a small theater, seating about nine hundred people, whtch can be used for chamber music concerts and for recitals hy singers and other so loists. In the right wtng will be a large hall where banquets, city receptions, military dances and similar gatherings can be accommodated. This hall will be conneeted directly by a small passageway with the speaker's platform of the main auditorium. The purpose of the building will be expressed on the exterior main facade by a colonnade, each column representing an allied nation and supporting a figure sym bolic of the nation. On the frieze of the Gordon’s July Dollar Sale QUEEN ANNE BED ROOM SUITE If you are Interested in bedroom furniture this handsome 4-piece — g<n M period outfit will appeal to you. This outfit includes a full size bed, g|J large dresser with French plate mirror, chiffonette and triple mirror dressing table. This outfit is finished in American walnut. Our July Sale Heavy twa-inch post steel bed, finished either white enamel or Vernis Martin. Complete with woven wire spring and cotton top mattress—just one of the many unusual values to be found at Gordon’s during the big July Sale. Delivered to your home on the small payment of SI.OO. INDIANAPOLIS' FASTEST GROWING STORE _ SI.OO (ffmt HRI BKW BL SI.OO Delivers jrjß\||* Delivers up to up to $65 127-129 East Washington Street $65 entablature the names of the different na tions would he carved. The upper floors will be devoted to of fices and other rooms for the use of civic and military organizations. In the base- f After the 4th Reductions in All Departments Sllk Suits Coats Dresses jo Ylue* to j YaJoes to value • j SO-50 $C|l.5O $-a .50 0 121 111 Men’s Cool Clothes llreeie Weave*. Palm |— * Heerhe*. Tropical j! \V... Mohair*. , OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921. ment a swimming porff, shower baths, bowling alleys and rooms for exercise and recreational purposes arc provided for, as Is a kitchen to serve a restaurant In the building and the banquet hall. —until the tenth All deposits made in our Savings Department on or before July 10th will receive interest from July Ist. Get ten days free interest by starting now. WE PAY 4y 2 % ON SAVINGS OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL S P. M. , l i-WiM &CoStaießan^ UlillV IZI-ISS S. Market St. BURN GAS at OLD RATE- No longer need you throw up your hands in despair at big gas bills. To the housewife with a Chambers Fireless Gas Range, the new rate makes little difference as the Chambers actually saves 50 per cent of the fuel used by the old method. This is the result of the thick, scientifically Insulated walls of the Chambers, which retains ALL the heat during the actual use of the gas and then uses these stored-up heat units to finish the cooking process. CHAMBERS Fireless Gas Range The Chambers Fireless Gas 'Range not only offers you an opportunity to run your housekeeping on a more economic basis, but It has an added advantage. It will Keep Your Kitchen Cool SPECIAL OFFER! We have again secured the spa- July 16th. This means a sub cial factory allowance of 10 stantial saving which you can per cent on the purchase price not affoYd to overlook. It also . „. , ~ , „ means that you can enjoy all of any Chambers Range for da vantages of a Chambers your old range. This offer is Fireless Range without waiting good only to Saturday night, tor your old range to wear out. Hotter Weather is Coming This month and next are usually the hottest in the year. Every housewife knows what an ordeal It Is to work In a hot, suffocating kitchen. Buy your Cham bers this week and enjoy the coolness, comfort, conven ience and economy that go with It. VONNEGUT StT.2: Indiana's Most Complete Music Store Take Music Where Music Is Most Enjoyed and that’s out on the front porch on a summer night, in a gliding canoe, or on the picnics party, the camp or the summer cottage. For instance the Portable Gaborla Columbia Talking Machine Encased in a beautl- A handy little model of the ful leather box, with corn famous Columbia machine — partment for carrying rec plays any and all records. ords, and Is just the thing This size only for outdoor use. $30.50 $42.50 Don’t Forget Columbia Records from the retired list are only C The Carlin Music Cos. 143 E. Washingtoh Street Pianos--Edisons--Columbias-Q. R . S. Rolls Sheet Music \ ¥ KodakS tn ,y ■ jii a ii i ' —\ On Easy Credii Terms For Your Vacation No. 2 FOLDING BROWNIE $Q /\ and 2 Rolls of Filins The No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie has a host of friends; it is efficient, yet simple and easy to operate. Makes dandy pictures, 2 1 4 x3 1 /4 inches. Join o,ur tfl.oo Down Kodak Club Saturday and get one of’ the dandy outfits the easy way. NO INTEREST—NO EXTRAS VYe print and develop yoar film* in eight hours. Bring ’em in before 9 a. m., set ’em alter 5 same day. People’s Oulfitting Cos. 133-135 West Washington Street |n -a-nay If "fa ff _ PAYABLE WEEKLY HJB ft M fSjf || Bk|3 OR MONTHLY JL 8 WILL BUY ® 0 ! Your Diamond NOW $ 25 Jsoup Special Values liS—ibulj im A small sum down, balance weekly Greatest Watch Values On Earth SOUTH BEND Cgga^ ’ WALTHAM HAMILTON and HOWARD watches yj|B A Small Sum Down and SI.OO a Week Secures a Watch. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Ladies, remember we have a wonderful selection of Wrist Watches. gf* IT A Small Sum Down, Jp JL tel* 4 *3 Up Balance SI.OO a Week. 10 ASi mtAtsf APOij 3 LYRIC THEATRE BLDGJ3S N.IUJNOIS 51 EXCURSION NEXT SUNDAY Via L. E. & W. R. R. to ROCHESTER (Lake Manitoa) - - - $2.36 WALKERTON (Koontz Lake) - - - $2.73 TRAIN LEAVES Indianapolis, Union Station, 6:30 a. m. Massachu* setts Avenue, 6:38 a. m. The above round trip fares Include War Tax How Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put Flesh on Thin People Strengthen the Nerves and Invigorate the Body—Easy and Economical to Take—Results Surprisingly Quick. j , --a. If yon want to put some firm, healthy Aiijh . -x j* J flesh on your bones. Increase your tc9 nc-rve force and/power, clear the skin 1 eTr'tL. igf?r?. and complexion and look and feel 100 S'JIT PyA. MT per cent better, simply try taking two t* Mod EfeM 37 Mtoa tiny Vitamon tablets with each meal w and ' , '' at< -' h results. Vitamon contains ill# 5 Immttwam highly concentrated yeast- vltamlnes u Mi as well as the two other still more “ vSTjf Important vltamlnes (Fat Soluble A pi 2 gftl and Water Soluble C) and is now be- KS w HI lng used by thousands. It positively £ fix will not upset the stomach or cause Es ftj gas, but on the contrary is .a great cats ■ |sj CA\f aid to digestion, to overcome consti •otaxiuß ■ H incut! pation and as a general conditioner R ■ of the whole system. Complete satis —n -“"^v —• —— n - faction absolutely guaranteed or the \ I' trial costs you nothing. Be sure to /- A E A remember the name, VI-TA-MON— cl there is nothing else like It. Get It at all good druggists such as Haag Drug, Hook's Dependable Drug /■vr pounds Stores. Huder's, Pearson s, Stuckmey- CJ7 POUNDS. er's. —Advertisement.