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16 Open Saturday Night 6 to j8:30 Jflrtrbrr &atoing?m& tTrust Company Early Frost Presaged by Coming of Katydid Special to The Time*. GBEENSBCRG. Ind.. July B.—Frost in six -weeks is predicted by the early ap pearance of katydids. The first katy did of die year was heard last night by visitors at Lake McCoy, four miles east of here. Old residents gay that this is the earliest appearance on record for katydids, which are usually heard in August and that the arly appearance" means that there will be frost within six weeks. Grocer Slayer Pays Penalty on Scaffold CHICAGO, July S.—Antonio Lopes, con victed of slaying a grocer during a hold up, was hanged in the county jail here today, Loper had been in Jail more than a year and was twice reprieved. Gov-. Small yesterday refused to grant a third reprieve. During his stay in the county jail Lopez became knoyrn as the “chan ticleer of murderers' row" because of his imitations of a crowing rooster. Celebrate Honor to Priest From the Pope Special to The Times, RICHMOND, Ind., July R—Members of St. Andrew's Catholic CSureh here Friday night will arrange a celebration to taek place when the priest. Rev. Frank A. Roell, is rested with the office of monsignor, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Char trand of Indianapolis. Neighboring Catholics are to be It? vlted to attend the event. CITIZEN'S WANT GOOD ROADS. KOKOMO, Ind., July B.—At a mass meeting of citizens held here a request was made of the county commissioners that the roads of Howard County be generally repaired. If You Miss This Sale Your Oppor tunity Is Lost Forever Still Lots of Real Bargains Left at the Great FIRE SALE The greatest opportunity of your lifetime presents itself duriing this sale. Thrifty people are profiting by buying here. MEN'S WEAR Ladies' slippers and qo socks, q pump 9 $1.30 Men's straw and dertty ’' ‘ qq WOMEN’S WEAR ✓ hats %/OC j Voile >7A Men’s (h-i or waists 13C pants j Silk hose, all /n Men’s £>i colors, 98c to D3C shoes . $1.1.7 Ladies’ ‘ aa dresses 30C WOMEN’S SHOES Beautiful aa Ladies' high top shoes; both j millinery 30C cloth and leather, *tq Crepe de chin% (hi no choice (i/C | Georgette waists $1.30 Practically All These Goods Only Partially Damaged by Smoke. Sale Opens 9A. M. Continues Until 9P. M. Granger Department Store 336-338 West Washington Street Horus f Put Low in Low Prices! —And now he is keeping them low—at absolutely rock bottom. Read and compare—you can’t do better than at Horuff’3. . - | Men’s and Women’s Foot wear i \ AH Great Values—According to Size and Quality $2-98 $2' 98 $4-98 -THEY INCLUDE MEN’S I LADIES’ | High and Low Shoes Stylish Low Cuts ft li Black and brown, conservative JpSjr it 1 as well as extreme styles, In These low cuts come in the new- S&7 fii N^C;i x \ Russia calf, gunmetal, vicl kid, est styles and patterns in ox- ' ygfc*/ e^c - Many different styles; fords, strap slippers, pumps and \ f some have rubber heels; all colonials. They have Cuban, Mx U \\V \ sizes. Some of these shoes cost military or French heels. In 1. :p us just about double what we colors of ' are asking for them. Black, White or Brown. Sport and Scout Shoes Boys’and Men’s / Hkjro Leather and rubber soles. QOfcfe $2.69 and quality. MOTORISTS! —You won’t find any “No Parking" signs In i ront ot Horuff stores. We want you. WfrjrJW Come in your cars and stay as long as you like. No restrictions. Plenty of room. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS ==^z== V* y I The deacons of the Hog Ford church convened at the hdme of their pastor Monday afternoon, and after talking him to sleep, surprised him by repairing the front fence • • • The Postmaster has figured up what business ho has done with the postof fice during the past year, and finds that more mall Is needed, as he has been un able to supply about half of bis patrons who called for letters and papers at the general delivery window SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 1f162 IQll fSCwNk. ) \ annpoli* ha* been noted tor the nuper *i ~C : rior training of it* graduate* and for the • .1 jMI J L J ease with which they secure positions. pfW iLr-lTl* •] Wv ri \ < Special Normal course* In Kinder- wV ' Dfi >‘Jv * gjs Trt rarten, Primary, Graded, Rural. Home 'tff tic; j JL Bp—-iSSM Economic*, Drawing, Manual Arts. -J |\ \ \~y tL f-fiCL. !?Na Music Teaching. Instructions by teach- TTf i-rs who have had practical ex perl wire. WRITE ELIZA A. BI.AKEK PRESI- Children’s and Misses’ Oxfords INFANTS’ BIZF.S, 98<* AND *1.49 HORUFFS 1 Say* iti Rirfhf J \ IHSRSM J € %mnamis J***3*>i*9 LMMMtMOTOA It i Cuticura Soap The Healthy —— Shaving Soap GsrelKn*c. Mending Tissue SjPtSr > a“ iNo sewing or darning. Repairs clo hlng. ! allk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics ;of all kinds, i'ld gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc. Pack age postpaid. IS cents, two package*. 21 cents. Address PENN PUBLISHING CO, BlalravUle. Pa INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921. DENTIST Just a quiet, gentle sleep. You feel nothing when we extract your teeth with Nitrous Oxide Gas, the only absolute painless method of extracting teeth with safety. Ask any good physician. (United Union Dental Corp.) Eiteljorg & Moore Corner Boat Market St. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. EMPIRE TIRES DELBROOK TIRE CO. 609 N. ILLINOIS ST. Main 3208 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON AH wool suits to your A/a / r“ A measure for UM w Kl I LEON TAILORING Cl * 131 E. Naw York Bt. ™ W ANNOUNCING THE NEW LOCATION OF THE D. H. Duncan Supply Cos. 20 8. CAPITOL AYE. PHONE MAIN MM We are handling a complete line of OFFICE SUPPLIES, Drafting and Blue Print Room Supplies. Carbon Paper and Typewriter Ribbons. D. 11. DUNCAN. President. CLOTHING —ON— CREDIT Hoyle o ar, c< JPS. Clathis* Ca. MZ-3M-Z47 W. Washington L Z Uhh r/Mt Senate Ava a- ■■ mi SPECIALS FOR SATUPDAY ONLY WINDOW SCREENS. lszsa 24x33 SB# 21x37 *. 68* ICE CREAM FREEZERS 2-qt., 83.48 S-t. #4.48 Fleischmann’s DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For S*!* by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO. 443-6 E. Wa*h. HEATH MEMORIAL CHURCH Is giving a lawn fete a Spade'* Park Friday Afternoon & Evening, July 8 Mnsle will be furnished and homa-eoeked food will be sold. The proceeds will go toward the building fund of the church. A large attendance 1* expected." GARDEN HOSE Corrafated mold. Tli© I>et ft© v^loe, 10£ Per Foot While It Lasts. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington 9t READ THE TIMES FOR LATEST GEN ERAL, LOCAL AND SPORT NEWS. Barefoot Sandals. All First Quality, 75c, 98C, to site. * 342-344 Virginia Avenue. 1108-1110 Fountain Square. 938-40 South Meridian St. 2630 Northwestern Avenue. V *• • ' . * '. . ‘ “That Eyes May Find Relief” ' >e-e^ ♦ There Is a Reason for every headachy twinge, for every back ache, and for every weary moment that you can not account for. Be certain that your eyes are not to blame. If your vision is faulty, • we can correct it scientifically. Examination FREE! Curved Lenses for read- Invisible Bifocals, the perfect lenses for far lng glasses, any mount- and near vlslon Any lng in our whole stock, mounting in Stock— , $5.50 $8 sl4 Satisfaction Guaranteed Hoosier Optical Company 148 North Illinois St. Open Every Evening. “I am many miles away, but knew |j I Flowers Telegraphed Here’s the Reason Why You Should BANK EARLY IN JULY All deposits made on Savings Ac counts on or before JULY 10th will receive interest from the Ist. DO IT TODAY OR TOMORROW $1 Will Open a Savings Account WE PAY ON SAVINGS Meyer-Kiser Bank 136 East Washington Street. Open All Day Saturdays—B a. m. to 8 p. m. Another Carload of New Queen Anne OQ"7 r DINING SUITES $ £ f Q American walnut, 9-piece suite that formerly sold up to $475.00. CASH or PAYMENTS BAKER BROS. 217-219 East Washington St. The Apex Electric Suction Sweeper "Takes the work out of housework.” y Free demonstration in your own home. The Hatfield Electric Company Main 0T23. Cor. Maryland and Meridian Sta. Auto. 23-123. k m Tomorrow Alright; rt Get a 25 g Box — c ~ifcia!®Mr Store Open Saturday JBmmSSSBSSBmSSmSSSm Store Open Saturday "light Till 10 O’Cloek. r jjClrililJtt' —Night TUI 10 O'clock. I Four Straw Hat Specials: including Porto Ricans, d* ■* /\ Straws a *1.50 A valued $3.00 and $3.50, Sennets, f\£\ Straws ix. sl . r ‘“:”".. Pl, .‘ o S 2.OU C* a valued $3.50 and $4.00, Sennets and Porto Rican Palms " A valued up to $6.00, Panamas, A A wluaairn Leghorns, Sennets, Dark $ * |lf a OliaWS Novelties J •\JU I dilil Beach wmlm Suits All colors, dark and / / J .^-**£§3^ \ i S / Rf&fcVQO V#- anv Qff'Cl light, all sizes. Reg- V) A f ular $16.00 values— ](v MEN’S REGULAR SI.OO ATHLETIC NAINSOOK CQa UNION SUITS —small or large check. Elastic web insert in back. Sizes 34 to 46. ‘Chalmers Porosknit’ Men’s Fine Ribbed UNION SUITS v UNION SUITS —Short sleeves, ankle length —Short sleeves, ankle length, and short slzm 34 sleeves, knee NT h** Short sleeves, with VI //% length; white, v ■ knee length; white ] a _ Sizes 34 to 46.. JL only * - / $ GOOD QUALITY XAINSOOK WELL MADE BALBBIGGAN Athletic Union Suits Shirts and Drawers —Elastic web, insert im back; . . _ , .. fc ,, , —Long cr short sleeves, with well made. ankle length draw- _ Sizes trs. Shirts 34 to M •’"TP ei to VI m and% IS- Drawers 30 to XI t£9 VI C T 1 C tiC l i a ix*i 1 1 —Short sleeves, ankle length. bet bnug Kibbed %?>*>** $-§47 UNION SUITS Sizes 34 to 46. JL Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ] OanfalgT Corner Washington and Delaware Streets ROOFING Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofing are applied with best results at thla season of the year. Before letting your roofing jobs, please phone ns for an estimator to call on you and exhibit samples and measure yoor roof without chnrge. We carry workmen’* compensation an. public liability Insurance, emd our roofs are guaranteed. GREER-HANKINS LUMBER CO. 624 Massachusetts Are. Main 0747 —Telephones— Ante. 22-215 GET THE HABIT Wear 1 NOE’S QUALITY I Jewelry THE FLETCHER M. NOE - MS H. IlUaaU St. JEWELRI STORE. Opp. Termiaal Station.