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8 GO OVER HEAD OF T.S. MEEKER IN OVERTURES Democratic Leaders Take Up Seventh District Muddle Independently. Leaders In the Democratic party Trent over the head of Thomas S. Meeker, city chairman, in making overtures to the Seventh District Democratic Women's Club, which - may result In peace being declared between the club and the city organization, it was learned today. Boyd M. Ralston, candidate for mayor, and Thomas Taggart, made advances to Mies Julia E. Landers, president of the club, after Meeker had so hopelessly messed the situation that it seemed like ly the club would work in entire Inde pendence of the city headquarters, it is said. Mr. Ralston suggested that the chair manship of the speakers' bureau of the city organization be given to Miss Lan ders, as president of the Seventh Dis trict Club. A committee from the club, composed of Mrs. H. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. Isaac Born and Mrs. Addie Frank, met with John W. Holtzman, Edward B. Raub and Oren Hack, representing th" organization and approved this solution of the deadlock, which came about through Meeker's insistence that he have practically everything to say about who should be on the list of recognised women workers. SETTLEMENT DEPENDS OX CLIB'S APPROVAL. Whether the controversy will be settled by the oppointment of Miss Landers de pends upon whether the Seventh district club approves. Miss Landers said today. She sent out postcards calling a meeting, for the club members only, to be held at the Indiana Democratic Club Tuesday evening. There are 16*5 members and Miss Danders admitted that there may be some widely divergent ideas. She believes, she said, that the plan will be ratified. Mrs. Martin L. Reiffel, who resigned from the women's city chairmanship, after finding that she could not get co operation from Meeker, is one of the members of the club who, apparently, is not yet ready to declare peace. Mrs. Keif fel indicated that it never will be pos sible for her to work In harmony with the city chairman. "I resigned because Meeker made so many promises that he wouldn’t keep." said Mrs. Reiffel. "We're going to stand for women having a voice in their own affairs.” STATEMENT OF MRS. REIFFEL. A statement was issued by Mrs. Reiffel as follows: “Asa member of the Seventh District Democratic Women’s Club. I wish to ■state that the attack on Miss Landers, by Mr. Meeker, is absurd. The women of the Seventh District Democratic Women’s Club are standing by princi pal. and are not going to be whipped into line to follow the plan of Mr. Meeker and Mrs. Bodemiller. Os course, Mrs. Bodemiller. not having had expe rience. which the women chairman of precinct women had in the former cam paign. does not realize how essential It is that the women shall have a voice in appointing the precinct committee women or ward chairmen. Xot only is it neces sary that they appoint the precinct workers and ward chairmen, but also ail women who serve on the election board. If women have only the privi lege of voting. Mr. Meker and Mrs. Bodemiller will discover that women who have the future welfare of the city at heart will use their vote to the best ad vantage. The flag of this great United States stands for truth, fidelity, charity, justice and brotherly love, and It would be well for Mr. Meeker, Democratic city chairman, to remember this.” WOMEN' WISH VOICE IN' APOINTMENTS. Democratic women are particularly anxious that they have a voice in the appointment of women ward and precinct eommitteewomen because of some things which happened in the primary campaign, Mrs. Reiffel said. Under the Meeker or ganization plan, committeemen will se lect their women assistants in tha pre cincts, while ward eommitteewomen will be chosen practically by agreement be- MOTION PICTURES. Alhambra Mary Miles Minter IN' ‘Moonlight and Honeysuckle’ Chas. Chaplin, in “A Night Out” NOW SHOWING First authentic motion picture showing crowd and ringside scenes at the Dempsey-Carpen tier fight. Don’t Miss This Extra Added Attraction |CfO ENTIRE ItjiO WEEK First Showing In Indianapolis Norma Talmadge in “A Daughter’s Strange Inheritance” AMUSEMENTS. ivDir f s 4—RENNEE GIRLS—4 A SMART DANCE REVUE “SUGARFOOT” GAFFNEY AND FRANK QUINN I.ate Stars of Nell O'Brien's Minstrels. Walters, Hopkins A Churchill, Bohemian Trio, Adams A Thomas, Dailey Bros., Cortez Sisters, Tal Sing, NadJe. FOX FILM FARCE. DANCING IN THE UYKIC BADE ROOM AFTERNOON AND EVENING. leßiiniiT u,t Thre * illUltii I Matinee Tomorrow. The Stuart Walker Cos. presents | ARTISTS’ LIFE I By FttSJ Wood and Samuel Merwln. I Next Week: “A Pair of SUk Stockings,” s RTHE COOI JOY SPOT ialtO TWO SHOWS FOR PRICE OF ONE NOW SHOWING 8-ACTS VAUDEVILLE-8 ] FIRST RIN FEATIRE FICTCRKy Short Nightgown Will Give Snap to the Bedroom Farce NEW YORK, July B.—The bedroom farce, the popularity of which has been waning, it expected to enjoy a new vogue soon. Advices from Paris say nightgowns for the first time in history are to be short. Women have tried pajamas, bllli burkes and Parlous other nocturnal innovations, but never before have they dared to dream of a nightgown that did not reach to the ankles. The new styles, however, extend only slightly below the knees. The general effect is said to be almost as daring as the present street attire. tween the ward committeemen and Mrs. Bodenmiller and Meeker. So far as is known, the settlement of the difficulty with the women's club does not include deviation from this plan. This, it is said, may be takpn as grounds for re fusing to approve the “treaty of peace” by some women who attend the meeting next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Reiffel said that she, for one, wished to be sure that the Democratic women have a voice in the selection of workers because Meeker promised her before the primary election that he would put a woman on every election board, such board members to be recommended by precinct committewomen, a promise Meeker did not keep, and because women want to watch what goes on behind the scenes at the polls. “We re Interested in clean elections and we want women on these election boards," sche said. “To show the need for this I need only tell of something which hap pened to a woman whom I got on one of the boards in the Tenth ward after considerable difficulty. The men wanted her to take a walk while they counted the votes. She didn’t take the walk and she saw that the votes were counted as they had been cast.” Empty Jail Yawns for Muncie Surplus Fpeda! to The Times. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., July B._ Owing to congested conditions in the Delaware County jail at Muncie, some of the prisoners there may be transferred to the Blackford County Jail soon. The Jail here is empty. It Is considered one of the strongest bastlles in the State. MOTION PICTURES, J starting Sat urdau (j | | I'l Golden J 1 I I J I The Stirring Adventure of a Royal North ■ west Mounted Police. Set in a World of jj^mM ■ A Thrilling Curwood Production on as Big mXk ■ is this Author's Recent Successes, “Back jflflH ggj to God’s Country” and “Nomads of the I 4ffrV / Johnny Hines in LOEW’S STATE THEATRE All This Week THE VENETIAN SPECTACLE CARNIVAL Continuous 1 to 1 1 O’Clock The Coolest Theatre in the World - 11 p “The Lost Romance” with Coarad Nagel, Lois Wilson 7- y'V and Jack Holt. ( /hf/i/lr’C V) Wanser’s Modern Market 215 NORTH ILLINOIS STREET NO SPECIALS—EVERY DAY PRICES Pure White Granulated Cane Sugar, per £l pound O2C Creamery Butter, Monument brand, per 07 pound • • oiC Troco Nut Oleo, or per pound LiOC Two tall cans Pet or e* 4 Wilson’s Milk C Pure Kettle Rendered -t ri Lard, per pound IUC No. 2 cans Corn, Pea3 | a or Tomatoes, per can - IUC STEALS HIS OWN GIRL; ARRESTED Richmond Man Says He Had Permission. Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., July B—Russel Behmar is being held in Jail here charged with kidnaping his own daughter, Marie, from the home of the child's aunt, Mrs. Clyde Alexander, living on the national road near this city. The man was ar rested when he stepped from a traction car at Dayton. Behmar called at the Alexander home and stated that he had been given per mission by the county board of children's guardians to take the child on a vacation. The board last Saturday placed the child in the custody of the Alexanders. She had lived at their home for over a year. While Mrs. Alexander was telephoning to verify Behrnar's statement he picked up the child, placed her in a taxi and drove away. Prosaic Home Life Causes Runaways; Three Sought Here The police today are searching for a number of missing persons, including runaway boys and girls from other cities. Harold King, 16, and Frank Stuck, 15, two boys who ran away from their home in Toledo, Ohio, are said to have been In Rushvllle recently and police authorities at Toledo believe they came to Indianapolis. Marie Huffman, 17, ran away from her home at Montezuma, Ind., and A. J. Huffman requested the Indianapolis police to search for her, as he believes she came to this. city. H. L. Walton, 22, 205 Washington Place, was reported to the police today as missing. He left home early yester day. Second Marriage Is by Parent’s Consent Special to The Times. KOKOMO, Ind, July S— Arthur C. Young, 25, and Myrtle Colyar, 16, pro cured license to marry with the consent of the girl's mother, Mrs. Elva Colyar. In January the bride had her marriage with James M. Seward annulled owing t.> her age and tb parental consent not having been obtained. Picnic Shoulders (Armour & Co.’s cure), ■* per pound la/C Breakfast Eacon. sugar cured (Kingan & Co.’s), j/\ per pound OvC Loin and Round qa Steak, per pound • jilC Veal Chops, per pound LtOC Rib and Loin Pork £ Chops, per pound cLdiQ, Fresh Shoulders, sliced, per pound <£UC INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921. JUDGE PROMISES ICE DECISION ON MONDAY Declaring that the public was entitled to consideration in cases of public Interest and that such cases should be disposed of with as much dispatch as possible, Judge W. H. Elchhorn of Blnffton, who Is sitting as special judge of Superior Court, Room 1, in .the “ice trust” suit filed by Attorney General U. S. Lesh and directed against certain ice companies and Indi viduals, today had under consideration several important questions of law which were advanced yesterday by counsel. “On Monday morning the caurt will ad vise counsel whether they will be re quired to make preparations for a hear ing on the petition for a temporary' re straining order,” said Judge Elchhorn. HEARING TUESDAY, IF ONE AT ALL. The court indicated that, the official entry would be made on the following Tuesday, and If the court held the cause to a hearing on the motion of the State for a temporary restraining order, that the hearing would probably begin im mediately. Before court adjourned. Chartes W. Miller, attorney for the defendants, vig orously attacked the charge made by Special Counsel Charles N. Thompson that the price of Ice was advanced fol lowing Stanley WyckofTs retirement as Federal food administrator for Marlon County to become executive secretary of the Indiana Ice Dealers' Association. Mr. Miller declared that the price of ice was approved by a fair price commit tee and that it was increased about a year before Mr. Wyckoff became secretary of the ice dealers' association. TWO QUESTIONS TO BE DECIDED. "I will correct my statement regard ing Mr. Wyckoff and the price of ice,” said Mr. Thompson. "Mr. Miller con tends that I am in error regarding that 16 Lbs. Granulated SUGAR, $1 BAKING PWDR., af BAKING PWDR., Or 1 BAKING DVDS., If BAKING PWDR., in Rumford, 1 lb 2.JC Calumet, lib 4jC Climax, Ilb IJL Davis, large can.. lOC SUGAR. Domino, aj SUGAR, Snow 1 A BROWN SUGAR. in TABLE SALT, r Sib. carton MC Flake Icing, pkg. IUC old-fashioned IUC 2-lb. box' JC PORK Mid BEAN'S, ia PORK and BEANS, ia SOUP, Van O SOUP, Campbell'S ia large •an .. IUC Campbell's, large IUC Camp CC assorted, can IUC APPLES, fancy 01/ . POTATOES, fancy J|J ORANGES, fancy. 01/ - PURE LARD. 1 11/ - • sap, lb 0/3C Va Cobblers pk .. .*DC large, each... ...J /3C ra, lb-II /2C no BARS, fresh IQ_ CRACKERS, a da, if GINGER SNAPS, IC r I SARDINES, oil, r baked, lb IgC fresh baked, lb .. lOC or special, 1b... iK- new, can dl SARDINES C- sai.mon. Alaska, | A COVE OYSTERS, 1C | CATSUP, fancy, ia, tard, new, can OC tall con 1 l/C fancy, can *JC , large bottle IUC ( ITS UP fai 1C CHILI SAI iE, 6A. MUSTARD, pre- C MI 8 TARD, pre- IA 16 oz bottle IJC 16 oz Bottle hUC pared, large glass. JC pared, large Jar IUC P. & G. SOAP, g? 1 ~ CRYSTAL WHITE J? r Large Bar Ofi* SOAP, Lar S e 8ar.... ' " ~ 2 ; 2C .~2>/ 2 c V k ' 3Vk SOAP FLAKE, Cl/ „ SOAP. Joy White, Off SOAP, Fols r SOAP. Pearl White, ff white, bar J/2C bars IOC Naptha, bar DC ox I bar JC SOAP, Sweetheart, r SOAP. Ivory, 71/,- SOAP. Lava, C SOAP. Grandpa fl bar DC bar I /2C j bar DC j Tar. bar .. DC SOAP, Octagon, SOAP POWDER, i, SOAP POWDER, OW GOLD DUST. OO bar D/2C I Grandma, pkg 4C j pkg J/3C large, pkg LOC WHITE LINE 1C- STAR NAPTHA OC. | GOLD DUST. or SWEET CHOCO- r POWD., 6 pkgs 4jC roWD., 6 pkgs L JC 3 pkgs 4.JC LATE, German JC SAL SODA. IIL ARGO STARCH, A. ARGO STARCH. OO EAGLE SULK, Ql_ 4 pounds IvlC 1-lb. pkg OC i o-l b. pkg.. ........ JOL can LiC KARO RYkTp! Q„ j KARO SYRUP, OA KABO SY*IUP. rr MAZOLA OIL, CA No. l‘, can jC No. 5 bucket JVC No. 10 bucket JJC | 1-quart cau JVC FLOUR, Diadem, $1 % AjFlour, E-Z-Bake, $4 f§® 24-lb. Sack ... JL ■JL I# 24-Lb. Sack ... ■iL COFFEE, golden iff I COFFEE, Our Off- I PEPPER, pure. Oft- I PH'KLES, sour or 9n Bio, lb IjC | Special, lb L DC ground, lb GDC dill, large. ,ioz. ... L\J C VINEGAR, table or 1 VINEGAR, fancy, ff VINEGAR, fancy, jl RICE, Blue Hose, r quality, gallon ... LJC ) bottle JC 32 oz. bottle ItC pound DC MILK. Wilsons, til/ MILK. Wilson's, Cl L MILK, Mitro. fil/-- MILK. Nutro ow th 11 can 11/2C small can J/2C Comp., tall can. 0/3C Comp, small canJ /3C GRAPE-NUTS, 1C- vKn ' iVof tOI;N fil/,- POST TOASTIES ,a ' lOC Quaker pkg 1/2C Jersey. • - 0/3C or KELLOGG’S ..IUC MAC. or BPAOHET- e_ *'<•■' ‘ ORN, fll/,- TOMATOES. No. 1 P PI \< HI s] Clings, XI, u Age, pkg... jC No. 2 can O/ JL cun JL California, can ...ZUC APRICOTS, No. Qi PRAS, tender, IA I SAMI-FLUSH, OA COCOA, pure, a a 2ft, can ZiC No 2 can IML package LUL pound |UC mat iio. large r toilet paper, 7J/-_ 1 OLIVES, large on scratch "io re box JC large roll J/3C i IV4-oz. Jar LUC FEED. 100 lbs. }>/. IJ Standard Grocery Cos. mm Mk NEW STORE-OPEN TODAY mm C|B 1405 South Meridian C|| A HB H mm STORES OPENED RECENTLY jA WW l'Jf MWwtW 1021 N. lllinol* St. 2666 Northwestern Avo. MgOs'SW 38110 N. Capitol Are. 711 E. Michigan St. 810 IV. 28th St. 180 S. Audubon Road. 1247 Cornell Ave. 1389 Prospect St, /NrjxrNr) ft O 2003 Bellefontalne St. 2041 Sdiurniann Ave. pVTipN. g~% o ]| If Delicious Iced Coffee in an Instant G. Washington’s Coffee dissolves instantly in ice water you can have this most refreshing, stimu lating, invigorating, warm-weather beverage without heat or trouble. Directions. One teaspoonful, more or less, according to taste, in cold water. Stir until dissolved, add cracked ice, sugar and cream. Measure the cost by the cup not by the size of the can I COFFEE j ORIGINATED BY HR. WASHINGTON IN 1909 J I C. Washington Coffee Refining Cos., 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City I point and I will take his word for it. It was an error of Information.” Judge Elchhorn has two important questions to decide, as follows: Has the court the authority at this stage of the litigation to entertain an application for a temporary re straining order to prevent the firms from operating as an alleged trust? Should the court sustain the pleas in the special appearance of ail of the defendants in opposition to the motion of the State asking that there be a hearing on its motion for a tem porary restraining order? Mr. Miller has raised a legal question by questioning the power of the court to Issue a restraining order in eases of this nature at this stage of the litigation which has never been raised before in the State. If the court should hold that an Im mediate hearing should be had on the pe tition for a restraining order against the ice firm and other defendants, it prob ably will require most of next week to conclude the hearing. Shelby County Bar Members in Outing Special to The SHKLB YVILLK, Ind., July B.—The Shelby Circuit Court was adjourned Thursday and ail attorneys’ offices Were closed for the annual outing of the Shelby County Bar Asoclatlon, which was held at Walnut Grove, near Boggs town. Approximately fifty attorneys an dtheir guests spent the day at the pleasure grounds. One hundred anl twenty-five pounds of salmon and 500 watermelons were served at the dinner hour, with the menu arranged by the committee in charge of the event. Horseshoe pitchtng predominated as the sport wlih which the lawyers were entertained. SCHOOL SURVEY TO REORGANIZE RURAL SYSTEM? Member of Commission Says Present Methods Are Too Local and Flexible. Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., July S.—Reorgani zation of the rural sehmkl system of In diana as a result of the educational sur vey which is to be conducted during the coming year, is predicted by C. O’. Wil liams, Wayne county superintendent, former member of the State board of edu -1 cation, and a member of the commission that Is to make the survey. Mr. Williams stated today that the present system is too local. He believes that too great a variance in the number of months of school and courses of study is now in vogue. With only five and one half months of school in some parts of the State and nine in others, the great flexibility of the present system Is brought out. First steps in the formation of a plan to carry ouf the survey, as provided in an act of the last legislature were taken yesterday afternoon at Newcastle. C. O. Williams, of Wayne county, O. H. Grlest. of Randolph county, and 11. B Roberts, of Henry county, were appointed by the State meeting of superintendents to devise the plan. The report of survey is io be ready for publication next April. AWAITS SHERIFF’S ARRIVAL. KOKOMO, Ind.. July B.—Wanted in Kentucky for child desertion J. W. Knight is forced to remain in jail here until the arrival of Sheriff Scott of Louis ville with the necessary authority. A stringent law of Kentucky prevents waiv ing of requisitian papers which Knight volunteered to do. Auto Theft and Hold-up Charged Special to The Times. KOKOMO, Ind., July B.—Frank Pen nick and Loys Partee Marshall are un der arrest here charged with having stolen an automobile in Brazil and hold ing up a hardware merchant at Newport, Tenn. After taking the car they are said to have dr .en to Newport where Mar shall lives and committed the robbery. They bad become acquainted while working in a factory at Brazil where Pennick lives. Coming to this county Penniclt went to work as a farm hand while Marshall was employed in the city. Sheriff (Jra Butler made the arrests. Four Cases Dropped Special to Tne Times. RICHMOND, Ind., July B.—Four crim inal affidavits were dismissed in Wayne Circuit Court yesterday. Karl Kilgen, held on assault and battery charge; ***& 350-354 East Washington Sired The Biggest Retail Grocery in Indian V. ■ OLD POTATOES— Parlt til Nice smooth stock *. ill 2 1 / 2 -Bu. Bag SI.OO NEW POTATOES—Virginia Cobblers. Extra large and nice. Peck 01 BORDEN’S EVAPORATED MILK— J No e toit offer : Tall Can IQ Creamery Butter, § O Td ier Lb. Print 38 SPRING CHICKENS—New York P/ dressed. Average weight 2 pounds, per lb.. Ov Domino SUGAR, 5-Pound Carton, 33 BOILED HAM- Pmiml CC Lean and sweet * Uimu Minced Ham, Sl ced, Pound 19 CREAM CHEESE— IQ-! I ART) Mild and good color. Pound 11/C! *-**-*•*'%.*-'’ (pure opt BRICK CHEESE- nn } — 1 3 pounds DILL PICKLES— O’] Nice size. Dozen Li IC <3 JL C BREAKFAST BACON—Sugar cured Pnnnd and nicely streaked rOUOQ 3 pounds 736 k Peanut Butter— r : Peanut Butter—Fresh oB 7-oz. can DC 1 made. 2 pounds Jail DRIED BEEF— oJ Sweet cure, y 2 pound Lt i Salmon, Pink Chum, Tall Can . . . 10 1 .... _ . Lobster—Premier. Domestic Sardines Shrimp—Wet 0 4 impound 40 rich mustard 0| or dry pack..Z,4C ££ sauC(Ji 3 caniZu GINGER ALE—Waukesha. OQ* Quart bottle Hire’s Root Be sunbeam grape juice— Q7r*' Extract— Quart, 57c; pint OI C SWEET APPLE CIDER— ■ fll No. 10 can DUC | MOTT'S SWEET CIDER— 07 Quart bottle Lt I C —— B^. SMALT£ ° 34cj Sr*?- 3S Assorted lea Cakes 19| Taggart's York Crackers; hot Liberty Ginger Snaps, from the oven; 1 j- snappy; J GRAHAM AND LUNCH MILK 7? CRACKERS i J Diadem Flour, 24-Pound Sack . $1.1! 10- pound sack 50£ KELLOG'S ~ OO FRUITED WHEAT Q' BRAN LLO. AND OATS Li GRAPE NUTS— 1 r SHREDDED WHEAT- aTrl Package lOC Package ICi DEL MONTE LOGANBERRIES— sjq PEACHES —Lemon cling APRICOTS— oq in nice syrup LDC Full 2|/2-pound cans L3 VAN CAMP’S PORK AND BEANS— p ■ o LIPTON’S, BUNTE'S AND RUNKLE S COCOA— •* j y 2 -pound can 1 # Scott's Club House Coffee, Pound, 33i F. F. F. Coffee. Si Old Reliable 0/4- Arbuckle’s Ariosa Pound can...-TrlC Coffee. Pound. stcC Coffee. nr 3-pound 3 pounds . .SI.OO P0und...... DELCoICE TEA— in package ‘ 1 / ■ 1 ■ - ■■■ Pilgrim Rio Coffee— II Santos—Old crop; steel Op Pound, Wrapped and Chocolate- choco|ate Drops _ Cresm Coated Caramels. Centerg . p £ und BORDEN S MILK CHOCOLATE CARAMELS— T 7 Pound box POWDER _ . All flavors 11l 8 pounds— l JELLO AND JIFFY JELL— Any flavors I|l I f LEMON AND VANILLA FLAVORING— wacA Large Bottle fji 100-pound bag, COLORING for Cakes, Ice Cream •Hi and candies 1 (j SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR— nJ 3 for $1.00; each •• JIJJ ROY ALB AKIN G POWDER— 4 j- Large can TrDl SCRATCH FEED— -100-pound bag $2.20 Harry Tcacey, colored, held on 1 charge; Frank Seranur, conflii charge of wife and child desertbj Richard Pursinger, arrested on I of stealing an automobile, were r- In two cases the prosecuting wi] had left the State, in one the char, dropped and the other was dismiJ cause of lack of evidence. M Accused of Selling Worthless Sj Sjpertal to the Times. SOUTH BEND, Ind., July I authorities here have started action they hope wlu pvt reputed stock dlers In Chls section out of bti Suits have been filed against A. Si berg and J. Sommers, alleged t taken $1,900 from Mrs. Stephen i ski for a lot of worthless stock officers here have asked the she Bartlesville, Okla., to hold Scho who, it is expected. wiU be able the whereabouts of his partners.