Newspaper Page Text
10 Main 3500 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. F HONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *so® Automatic ...28-361 HATES. One time 0 per line ThrM consecutive times. . 08 per line Six consecutive times. . .'>..07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted male or female, rooms to let and beard and room* wanted — One time 0* per line Three coheecutive times. . .07 -per line Six consecutive times..... .06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club r.otl-es 75c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 inch.. .07 per line additional Death notices 36c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memoriam notices 07 per line Ads received until 11:46 a. m. for publication same day. - ■/ ~ FUNERAL QIHC.CTQKB. Wii Cd^ Parlors 1222 Union St. FLAJNNER & BUCHAN AN 320 North lUinois L Funeral directors to the people of Indian apolis since 18*7. .... Phones—Main 0641-0642. wata 22-S4L ' INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Griusteiner Funeral Director. 2 E. Market. Old pho T e Main 908. New phone 27-30*. J. C. WILSON 12S0 Prospect. Auto. 51-*671. Praxai 0321. WTf . BLASENGYM Jtzs Shelby st. Prexel 2670 Auto. 51-114 FUNERAL DIRECTORS — WM. E. KREIGER. New 21-15 L Main J4o^ L _Uo2_y- lillwolp GADD —BERT S. GADD. £l5O Prospect s'. Phone? Drexel 0422. Automatic 52-27*. UNDERTAKERS —HISSEY TITUS. >Ol North Del. New 26-64. Main 3630. ' FEENEY A FEENEY. Auto 24-195. 1034 N : Illinois. Main 084>. and funeral notices. SCHMIDT. IKE F.—Husband of Pearl and father of Eunice, passed away Thursday. July 7. Age 4 4 Funeral Saturday 2:30 p. ni from the residence. 323 East Twenty-First street. Friends In WAGGON KR. JOH X—a|c 34 years, be loved husband of Lola Waggoner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Waggoner, passed away Thursday, July 7 at $ :S0 p. m. Fu neral services will be held at residence/ one mile west of Knights low n. Saturday. July 9 at *0:30 a. m. Burial at Memorial Park cemetery at 1 p. m. Friends Invited. \ LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Boston brir.dle bull pup; name Janet; weight 16 lbs.; 2 screw tail; straight up large ears; white blaze face with spot between eyes; white collar, fcrefcst and stomach: narrow w hite mark •cross hips about 14 inches high. Reward. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COM PAXV. Main 4430. LOST —Green gold filigree barpin. aet with two < diamonds; one aqua ma rine in center. Probably lost in Riverside park* Liherel reward. Harrison 2891. LOST —Brir.dl? bull pup. peculiar mark ings on face; double screw tail. Re gard. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY. Main 4 430. LO>T—Loose leaf book containing chinney c*n truction data and blue print. Re turn 2.‘06 E. New York. Webster 0011. Re ward. LOST —Jeweled fraternity pin in form of cross on car or Sixteenth street. Owner’s name on back. Randolph 8354. Reward. - ___ LUS r—Shell-rimmed glasses Thursday afternoon. Reward. Beljnont 0830. Y AMERICA NEEDS VOC—In the present crisis and in face of future menace the son* of Union eoltiiers can not shirk. The father, have been doing a nobie and vital work. The Sons must carry on." Ben Harrison Camp. Sons of Veterans. offers an agency for useful service to America. Get in and help make Ben Harrison Camp the largest In the world. The goal Is 1,000 new- members Be one and get more. Report at the booth, Pennsylvania and Market streets. Booth telephone Circle 6117. \ ~ PERSONAL*. f7 7 ABSOLUTELY reliable and confidential de tective work performed; reasonable rates O’Neil Secret Service. 25<4 W. Wash. CL 5656. Night phone Ra. 6785 and Ra 3069. FAIRMONT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private; prices reasonable; may work fer board, babies adopted; write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 49U E. Twenty-Seventh st., Kansas City, Mo. WILL care for Invalids; cancer or tuber culosis persons In my home In Irving ton. Husband and wife both nurses. Rea sonable rates. 4919 University ave. Irv ington lll\ HOUSES—TO LETT sww TO LET—A beautiful iioraeot 9 roi.ui on Park avenue; 2 baths; everything in first-class condition Rents *IOO per month. Adults only. Circle 4045. Fla rs. APARTMENTS—-TO LEtT NORTHWOOD apts.. 727 Fairfield ave., Apt. S. Garage State Savings and Trust Cos. Main 4518. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. SIOO Will pay this or less for furnished apartment or house on lease up to one year. Must have two bedrooms. For mother and grown son who will give best of care. Best references. Prefer nearby garage. Address A No. 2330, Times. L IG H T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ELEVENTH. 717 E.; two furnished rooms; modern; walking distance. Circle 2224. , TWO light housekeeping rooms, first floor, suitable for 4 or small family, modern. Circle 1812. LIGHT housekeeping room*. 85 end 18; walking distance. 304 N. New Jersey DELAWARE. N.. 726; large modern fur nished rooms. Main 8119. LET. TWO beautifully furnished bedrooms in modern home, north. Call mornings. Harrison #733. LIGHT housekeeping rooms with kitchen ette. gas range, bath; modern; 35 week. Circle 73U. MARION ave.. 51*~ three furfilshed rooms to let; gentlemen preferred. Belmont 1632. BEAUTIFUL furnished bedroom; modern, walking distance; private family. Circle 627 L NORTH. E.J3S9apt. 28; furnished room, modern apt.; suitable for 2 men. Circle 3593 FURNISHED room in modern home with private family. Webster 3269. A COOL sleeping room for two wttji board; modern. Circle 1221. MAF.KET, East 528; modern; furnished rooms. $2 and up. NICE, cosy 2-room suite; modern. - Circle 5296. DETECTIVE*. Quigley-Hyland Agency civil and* Criminal Investigators. 626-629 Law bldg. Main 2903 ' ~~~PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MI3S DE VERB. 1834 W. Market Room 12. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES GAS BUGGIES— . Things to Worry About by Beck IN the MOVIES, WHEN THE HERO H&'pAZHeS OUT TO H I sT EVER/lEADyI j AND DRIVE3 MAPLy"thRU MILES’ AND MlLEsj &UT~ VREN EVE ft W EVE S>ETEN IN A HDftPY O\SCOMER3 THE TRAIN LEAVES ENGINE Ji? ALWAYS RUNNING) ffl 0? VNO&STUCIE9 STREETS WE RAN iNTtf <ONE TRAFFIC -TAM ArIER IM THffEE MINI IT- v ' |l< in (IT Je ' AND A(?RtVE£> ON ANOTHER— ' ’ p n n aj | TIME * / . | ® fi;lj S, „ —L L ’ !:I u " D V l ' m I i ' "" rrrrr o lT l - \?i . .. ~ ••••Y i M// j-'u MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—BOYS to carrv Times routes In central part of city. See MR. MOORKHEAD any after noon at Times office. MEN to learn barber traae. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE, 309 E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 767. WANTED^—Two good boys for Times route Cal! 7 N. State street, or phone Irvington 8520. 6ALL 3 M E N—W ANTED. OPENING for experienced want permanent repeat business with good pay, well known line not effected by hard times; exclusive territory given. C. MOODY. 602 Kahn bldg. Female help—wanted. Girls Between IS and 25 yea ra. who are seeking permanent employment and whose homes are in the city, apply to the Indiana Bell Telephone Cos. Room 322. corner New York and Meridian. WANTED —Young lady, high school grad uate. who writes a good hand, to do clerical work In our otfire at $ 50 a day In exchange for a business course. Sea, writ- or phone F. W. Ca*e prln. CEN TRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, corner Pennsylvania ami Vermont streets. Next door north of Y\ W. C. A. WANTED experienced graphotyp* and addr< saograph operators HERALD GARPER CO.. 609 Murphy bldg. 32 East Georgia. “ BUSINESS CHANCiI NOW is the time to order your hot weather suit. You should have no hesitancy now in buying your clothing needs at the prices I am quoting. They range from $35 to $76 and are right, absolutely. W. G. Schneider 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Bo aure you are in the right place. rooming houses, Kb.stauka.vis. EASY TERMS. 49 N. DKUWARE. SU3INS£S SERVICE. MEN’S PANAMA HATS Cleaned and Blocked SI.OO Indianapolis Hat Bleachery. Geo. H Muller, Prop., 28 Kentucky Ave. Main 6179. orders will receive prompt attention. ~FEATHERS Bought, soid, renovated, mattr'-mes and pillows made to order E. F BURKI.It 416 Mass. ave. Main3l42B. New 23-771 RED or green 3 ply roofing, 32.00 per roil or 33.50 per roll laid. Roof repair*. Jl up. IN D1 AN ATOLIS TINNING Cos. Web ster 6219. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Shsrpene3. TtTTTLBDGK 291 l-idl-ee ave ELECTRIC wiring. 5 room* 116.60; fix turs hung free. Drcxal 5081 H t: MSI iTCHiNG—FI Nt ~V\OKK. TiLTJLE. 201 INDIANA AVE WASHINGS TO TAKE HOME. Webaier 494 6. BU St N ESS ffeTjCES. SPECIAL ala this week on plain white flannel trousers. S2O qu&litieß. to your measure, sls. W. G. Schneider 39 WEST OHIO BTREET. Be sure you are in the right place. ~ HELP —Get that thousand new members for B*n Harrison Camp Sons of Veterans. Eligible* re port at the booth. Penns>lvania and Market streets and sign up for service to your country. The Grand Army men appeal to you to act. Now Is the time to be counted. The task of the father must be done hereafter by the Bon. J= ‘ ABOUT 100 trouser lengths to cl*au up to measure $6. $7, $8 and $lO. For mer prices, $lO to S2O. W. G. Schneider 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. . / - THE annual meeting of the stockholder* of the Colonial Savings and Loan Asso ciation will be held at It* office, 28 South Jllinols street, on Monday. July 11. 1921. at 6 o'clock p m. CLARENCE W. MEI ER. Secretary. ~~REMOVAL NOTICE” I am located at 936 Lrmcke Bldg. AUBREY D. PORTER Insurance & Real Estate. Main 1012. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Fletcher Ave. A nest 8-room cottage near Tine st.; gas. bath, soft and city water In kitchen; new 2-car garage. Price 33.230. Indiana Trust Cos. 1300 CASH; S3O MONTH. Eugene st., 8 rm. cottage home, seml-nflod. .Address A No. 1191, Times. \ $345 BUYS a dandy high, level lot. north east. size 49x132. If taken In 5 days will sell for $lO cash and SI.OO per week. Call Washington 1079. LAWTON. 1241; almost new strictly mod ern/ home; must be sold. Want offer THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO* TACOMA. 516 N.; seven rooms, semi-mod ern; large lot. sl.7#t cash, balance time. Main 0107. ENGLISH ave., 2810; four rooms. gas. electric lights, large lot. $2,260. Terms. Main 0107. BUY from owner. 8364 Graceland; ready to move in; 84,000. Webster 0138. weal estate—for Ba.^il Brand New 5-Room Bungalow near E Michigan car Una and just west of beautiful Emerson Heights, cement front porch, entrance hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, 2 bedrooms and room for bath. Beautifully decor ated; window shades and electric thandeliers of latest design, good <ell water. Price $3,150 SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE LIKE RENT. Located at 734 Drexel Ave. SEE MR. SMITH, v Fidelity Trust Cos. Main 6564. Eve.. Randolph 4346. NEW KELLASTONE BUNGALOW SSOO down. s3t'* month. Including inter est; 5 rooms, modern, improved street, near Riverside paik and golf links. Call Lev. is Clark, evenings and Sunday. Ran dolph 6.66. with Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio st. _ Main 3377. West 26th Within two squares of Parkway; a dandy little semi-modern bungalow sot $2,850. Small payment down and balance monthly. A. E. Hoy. Irvington SOSB. Howard G. Venn REALTOR. 108 E Market. M,l ! n HIS. A DANDY 5-ROOM COTTAGE 1200 block Villa ave.; lArge lot, *apt front and in good shape for only $2,903. Terms. B. F. Clark, with Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio street. Main 3377. 900 BLOCK BOUT 11. Double, 5 rooms to a side, electric lights, gas and driven well, newly painted and decorated Price $3,300. S4OO cash, bal ance easy terms. Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Richie & Son. 803 Indianapolis Securities. Main 0620 new' attractive five- ~ ROOM BUNGALOW north, long living room, nearly acre of ground; lnterurban service; $3,160; $450 csuh. balance monthly. Reliable Realty Cos. Draxel 1493 691 City Trust. Six Rooms, Northeast Electric lights, well, large lot. Price $1,750; a part can be paid $8.60 per month. Hall & Ilill, Realtors. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE 27j0 Wheeler st. Price $2,100, SIOO ca*h. balance S2O per month. See Mr. Van with 11. C. Tuttle & Bro. 131 K Ohio bt SOUTH SIDE HOUSE. Trade or Eany Payments, ill S. Senate ave.. 5 rooms, newly pa pered. water inside, gas; now vacant. Con sider light auto or lot as part. HENRY & ROBINS. REALTORS. Main 56 39 153 E. Market at- Highland Ave. Modern 7-room cottage. Just north of Michigan *t.; any reasonable payment down will get this. Price $3,0)0. Indiana Trust Cos. HIGH level east-front building lot on paved street near school and car line, 49x134. Ideal bungalow site. Can be bought now for $lO down and $1.60 a week. Price $636. Call Main 8907. WILL trade late model Studcbaker for real estate. Circle 3297. f • LOTS FOR SALE. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. A few choice lots in Irvington terrace; Irvington beat suburb, all improvements in and paid for. W. H. COOPER A CO.. 838 Lemcke bldg LARGE beautiful lots in Wayne park, Juai off W. Washington t., which is being paved; $1 down. $1 a week Will take you out in our automobile at your convenience OSCAR LEE. 1002 City Trust. Main 16 LOT In good residence section northeast, near Thirty-Fourth street. High, level, 46x160. Big bargain for quick sale; $lO cash, then $1.25 per week gets it. Price -0425. Call Main 1409. LoT northeast near paved street, school and par line. 46x132. East front; fine for colonial hause. Reliable party can buy for $lO cash and SI.OO per week. Call Washington 4176. reaCE ST.A. * E—S aIY oh ~ tr a D fc. A FAIR trade is better than a sacrifice sale. GEp. A BROWN. 1003 City Trust. REAL EBTATE—WANTED. WANTED REAL ESTATE Will buy some small cottage* for cash. Russe 11. Hartman. 324 N. Delaware. WANTED—Five or 6-room home either modern or semi. Cash waiting. Ad dress A No. 1200, Times. HOME wanted quick. Must locate this month. Is yours for saie? Address A No. 1183. Times. WANT a home at once. Prefer east or south. Terms. Address A No. Ilf 9. Times. ~~FARMa—FOR SALE. Fruit Farm 135 acres. Bartholomew Jl Ml Comity, northwest of Co lumbus. known as the Rudf farm, two-story house, six rooms, burn, double crib, chicken house. etc.; ! eight acres in blackberries. 600 peach trees, small orchardj ldQ maple trees, can be tapped; 30 acres timber, rest pasture, corn and wheat land; prbe. S6O per acre; might take some city property at right, value. See Templeton, realtor, with Bert Essex 310 Kahn bldg. Main 5574. I 40 ACRES, with frond Improvements, with ! all equipments and crops Browing fine; trade for property in Indianapolis or vi cinity. ESTELLA DREYER, Frultdale, Ind. 12 ACRES. IVi miles New Bethel, black loam, fenced and ditched, half of crop. Circle 7262. - WRITE Leavitt Lanu Cos.. Indianapolis, tor tree Florida map and 60-pass book INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULYS), 1921. REAL EBTATE—SUBURBAN. S26O—COUNTRY HOME—S2SQ. Balance like rent; 6 miles from Monu ment; 6 rooms, almost new ; about 1 acre ground, west. Address A No. 1184, Times. AUTOMOBILES FOR 6ALE. •* SPECIAL SALE OF USED CARS We are offering some star tling values at greatly re duced prices. It will pay you to look at these cars and get our prices before you buy. Chandler touring, 1920, Cal ifornia top, overhauled and repainted. Ford roadster, overhauled and repainted. Chevrolet touring, repaint ed. in goed runulug Maxwell touring, 1920, in fine shape; good Ures , Liberty sedan demonstrator, 1921, refinished; looks like anew car. Oakland touring, a bargain at the price we are asking. National 12 touring, good tires, repainted; in good running condition. Cole eight, model 850; overhauled, good tires; bar gain. Used cars taken in trade. Terms to suit. XlB-24 N. Capitol Ave. 4 VALUES VALUES VALUES Our stock consists of roadsters, touring cars, coupes and sedans. Studebaker v Ford Dodge Hupinobile Essex Franklin Chalmers Willvs-Kuight Reo Davis Nash BUCK CO. 311 North Pennsylvania. One square north of Postofiiee OVERLAND 908 touring late model, good mechanical condition, good paint, 6 good tires. LOCAL BFANCH Nordyke & Marmon Company Inbuilt Car Department. Meridian at Eleventh. Main 1884. f^sH] In addition to a full line of Nash renewed guaranteed cars we offer the following used car* at greatly reduced prices: 1920 Ford sedan. 1919 Monro© touring. Buick delivery, panel body. Overland 83 touring. Patterson touring. 'Cash or terms. Losey-Nash Retail Cos. / 400 N.- Capitol ave. Main 3348-3349. Automatic 21-946. I ■Chevrolet 4=90 All cord tires. This Is a very popular, light, economical car. 1920. Very avldoni we get light cars in. but when we do they usually are real bargains. Tills is your opportunity. VOCAL BRANCH. Nordyke & Marmon Go. Renewed Car Department Meridian at Eleventh. Main 1884. SSO TO $75 down and $5 weekly buys a good used car. We carry Fords. Maxwells. Chevrolet*. Monroes, Interstates. Dodges and others Indianapolis Auto Berts and Tiro Cos. Blit N. Capitol. Open evenings and Sundays. 1920 FORD sedan; big bargain. 235 N. Pennsylvania. Main 2246. FOR HALE—Grant touring car; good condition. Webster 8179 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. J 920 NATIONAL Sextet, 7 pa*eng’\ reflnished, factory overhauled; looks and runs like new. Local Branch Nordyke & Marraon Cos. Ranewecl Car Dept. Meridian at Eleventh. Main ISB4. COLUMBIA 6 automobiles. ARTHUR DIETZ CQMFA.NY, distributors. 334 E. Market street. Main 6716. ~ A'UTOMOBILWANTBo " ' AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 119 N- Illlrol* St. Main 11.79 Auto. 22-083 AUTOS WANTED LarxVht UH-d car rtr' In Mate INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS 618 N. Capitol. Open avenlny*. AUTOS wanted. WEISS MAN’S 212-14 £ New York etreet. Main 4446. AUTO REPAIBU AND SUPPLIED TO TIIE PUBLIC: The best equipped and up-to-date p aj n t shop in Indiana is at your service, under the supervision of men who know not kit vg else but high-grade work. May we have the pleasure, of giving you an estimate when you contemplate li a viug your mot o r vehicle painted i Local Branch NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Eleventh and Meridian Streets. Phone Main 1884. Indianapolis, Ind. IF YOU NEED A TIRE SEE U 8 NOW. YOU CAN GET JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR LESS THAN YOU EXPECT ED TO FAY. 3ix3. $'5.90; 34x4. $12.40. AIR, OTHER SIZES AT EQUALLY LOW 1-rncL.s. M VST ER. PRODUCTION CORPORATION. 16 WHEN BLDG. ALTO WASHING Our specialty. 334 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry MOTORCYCLEB AND BICYCLED Now Is the tiOie to have your motor cycle overhauled aud re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 531-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds at tnotorcyclos. FLOYD PETERMAN, 609 Massa- huvetta •vanue. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Private locked rooms and open space. 26c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 419*23 E. Market street- Main 2760. Auto. 23-680. Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHI-FPING. 227 N. New Jefßfey *t. M*iii_2o2B : Auto. 21-123. GUY Storage Cos. Cheapest rate in city. 30 W. Henry st. Main 469. UNION STATION BAGGAGE coT ll*e the phone- Cell Main 7119 PET STOCK AND POULTRY. . Indiana’s Finest Pet Shop Birds, parrots, d<gs. cats, rabbits, envies, monkeys, gold fish, etq. At this time we have an extra fine lot of Boston bulls and fox terriers. li. W. Shotwell Cos. Importers 737 Mass. Circle OGI3. FOR SALE. Airedale puppies: by International Champion, Kootenai Chinook and out <i‘ registered bitch of fine blood lines. Ad dress JOHN X. CRAVEN, it. F. IX 2. Mooresvllle, Indiana. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIET 9 City dog pound. 924 E. N. Y Main os7£ # SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE. USED White and Singer I '°' v as # PSXLWjI Rented 83 per gg) fQ j Bj Imonth. Repairs } r\\ and parts for all [ U j make guaranteed \_y 312 Maes. Ave. Main 0600. MISCELLANEOUS— FOR SALE. BARGAINS Get our low prices on high-grade ua**d and second-hand UNDERWOOD. MON ARCH. REMINGTON. L. C. SMITH. ROYAL and other good machines. We sell machines that we ran guara/itee. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP 1$ West Market. Second Floor. Phone, Main 2686. Indianapolis, Ind. GREAT JULY CLEARANCE SALE A large number of suit lengths in all shades and weights, to clean up to your measure while they last at $27.50, S3O. $35 and S4O. Be quick If you want one of them. They are great bargains and will not last long. W. Gi Schneider 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the rljht place. Match Your /T\ Ccat ,] Lower Prices Now \ll I rHEP^ TS B fo T r ECO - If 4S w Ohio st. fib lIS E. Ohio St. W Good rubber tired Invalid gyr "lk chair* for rent. $3.36 a month, no char * B lor delivery. Baker Quit *eartnr ready-made IPAN ITS $ K We make them to your rv J J measure for vl Jr LEON TAILORING CO. 131 New York t. U pet airs. TOBACCO —Kentucky natural leaf, chew ing or smoking 45 cents per lb.. 10 lbs., $4 00. Mild emoklng 35 cents. CHAd. g< IFF, Hardlneburg. Ky. ODDS and end in grocery fixtures. Meat boxes ice boxes, restaurant tables and chairs, counters and show cases. IJAKKH BUGS. _ FOR SALE -Lady'a dark blue- aerge suit, .ate model, practically new. Will sac rifice for quick sale. Call Webster 6->94. SACRIFICE—Law books. furniture, e'c. Write or call. D. KORN. 636 Russell avenue LOSERS, weepers, finders, keepers, but oot so if you uee a Times Want ad HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REFRIGERATORS AT CUT j —ll PRICES. r|! ICTQTI ano . -1-?*“ . SLIGHTLY J USED. IrL iLv. some si ~ r-i FACTORY rur’Si STYI .ES. Nh ~ J ’ AND •U V FINISHES. BAKER BROS. 218-22A E. Washington St. For Fine Furniture At Bargain Prices 1 Mahogany and period furniture, genuine antique, high-grade domestic and fine oriental ruga, guaranteed gas range and refrigerators. There Is Only One Used Goods Store 424 Mass. ave. GO TO BAKER BROS, for furnttura. rug* and Btovea. Payments. 219-225 East >; i -ilirt MIS CEL L A NE O U &--W ANTtU, ONLY when good quality, correct style and comfort are combined with reasonable price can real clothes satisfaction result. We have always endeavored to pleas© from this standpoint. Suits. $35. $46, $65, SOS and up. W. (r. Schneider 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. ' v msjamwswm MM WAHTED AT TISE STOW MM. Matinoßßl. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. GARBAGE AND 'ASHES COLLECTION AND REMOVAL EQUIPMENT. Sealed proposals or bids will be re -1 ceived I>y the board of sanitary commis sioners of the sanitary district of Indi ariHpcrtts, Indiana, at its office In the city hall not later than 10 o’clock a. m. on the 19th day of July. 1921. for all or any part for three 5-ton tru k tractors. 18 trailers. 2 trucks and 2 tractors with grader at tached, for use in the collection and re moval of garbage and ashes according to the terms and specifications on file*in Che office of said board. Each bill shall be accompanied by u check payable to said board, certified by a reputable bank of Indianapolis. Indiana, in a 'sum at the rate of two hundred and seventy-five dol lars ($275.00) for each truck tractor; eighty dollars ($80.00) for ea h trailer; one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) for each truck and one hundred dollars ' c$ 100.00) for each tractor with grader at- i tached. bid upon. Bids will be opened after 10 o’clock a. m. on the 19th day of July. 1921. but the board reserves the right to defer action on all or any' part of any bid to a date not latep, than the 18th day of August. 1921. The board further reserves the right to reject any and all bids. LUCIUS B SWIFT. F C. LIXGENFELTER. JAY A. CRAVEN. ~~ Board of Sanitary Commissioners. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Indiana State Highway Commission. Indianapolis, 2nd.. June 27, 1921. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the State Highway Commission, Indianapolis, Ind., at 10 o’clock a. m. f July 20. 1921, fdr surface treatment and penetration macadam, on State roads as described below: Proposed Contract No. 6. Date set for completion Oct. 1. 1921. Rond 2, Section E. in La ports County, extending from the east corporation line of the city of Laporte in an easterly direc tion 9.19 miles. Road 2. .Section D, in Laporte County, certain parts between Laporte and West ville, a length of 3.65 miles, j Road 44, Section B. in Laporte County, extending from the Porter-Laporte County line In an easterly direction through the town of Wanatah. a distance of 4.f>2 miles. Road 15. Section H, In Laporte County, extending from the south corporation line of Michigan City in a southerly direction h. 52 miles. i Road 43, Section C, in Laporte County. extending from the Scott's Crossing, east 'of .Michigan City, on Michigan Central railroad in a westerly direction 2.4S miles. Proposed Contract No. 7. Date set for completion Sept. 1. 1521. (For surface treatment only). Road 37. Section D, in Delaware County, extending fbom west corporation liiie Mun cie in a waaterly direction mile. Road S. Section S, in Wayne County, ex tending from west corporation line of Richmond In a westerly direction 1.35 miles. Road 3, Section T. in Wayne County, ex tending from east corporation iine of Rich mond east to Ghio-Indiana State line, 2.97 miles. Road 21. Section B, in Wayne County, ex tending from south corporation line of i Richmond in a eoutherly direction 1.27 j miles. Road 21, Section C, in Wafne County, extending from north corporation line of ' Spring Grove north to Chester. 2.57 miles. ! Proposed Contract No. 8. Date set for completion Sept. 1. 1921. (For .surface treatment only), f Road 27. Section E, in Elkhart County ! extending from the south corporation line 4>f Goshen iii a southerly direction 2.75 miles. ; Bidder shall fLe bond with his bid equal , to It* time.- the arfrrvunt of his proposal, j Proposals, bidding blanks and speciflca ! tions are on file in the office of the State I Highway Commission.* Indianapolis, where same may be obtained. Contract will be let to the lowest and best bidder, but the , right Is reserved to reject any and all bids if cause exist therefor. ; LAWRENCE K. LYONS. Director. j STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids ! wii be received by the director of the Slate | highway commission at the office of the I State highway commission, in the State • house, city of indianap.yiis, Indiana, until • 10 a. m on the 26th day of July, 1921. for the construction on a certain state high i way and described as follows: ! No. F. A. 6, section C, National road, ' Putnam County. Manhattan to one and one-half miles east of ilt. Meridian, 10.994 miles. No. F. A. 6, section C. £ta. 552 plus 72 6 to Sta S£3 plus 64. National road, Putnam 4'ounty. Manhattan to Bloomington road; 5.72S miles. No. F A. 6. section C, yta. 893 plus 64 to Sta. 97 plus 70. National road. Putnam County. Bloomington road to one and one half miles east of Mt. Meridian; 6.284 miles. No. F. A. 16. section C. French Lick mad. Warrick County, Boonville to Pigeon Creek, 10.654 m.ies. Bids vlk be received for grading and struoturesronly. on F A. 6. section C. as a whole, or on each section as shown above, and F. A. 16. section C. all of which is | described in the specifications aforesaid. Proposal blanks and specifications may jbe obtained free and' plans upon payment of $5.00 per set. up bn application to the State highway commission. Indianapolis. Indiana. No refund for plans returned. Plans may be seen also at the office of the State highway commission. Indianap- ; oils, Ind. Contracts will be let to the lowest and best bidder, but the rtght to reject any and ail bids is reserved, if any causl ex ists therefor. Bidders shall file bonds i with the bids as provided by law. LAWRENCE E. LYONS. Director Indiana State Highway Com- i mission. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, treasurer of Posey County. State of Indiana, that on and after the hour of 2 p. in. on the 19th day of July. 1921, at the office of said treasurer in the court house at Mt. Vernon. Indiana, the undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and bust bidder for cash, at than the principal sum named in such bonds, certain county unit county line gravel road bonds of the/face or par value of $10,500.00, bfarlng interest from and after August 1, 1921. at the rate of five per cent per An num. payable semi-annually, on the 15th day of May and the 15th day of November of each year at treasurer's office for the period of ten years. Said bonds have been Issued in strict accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana on July sth. 1921. and pursuant to an order of the board of commissioners of Posey and Gibson Counties, authorizing the issue and sale of said bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the con struction and improvement of a certain highway, petitioned for by George J. Waters et al. in said county Indiana. Said bonds will be In number 10 series —two bonds to each series, dated August Ist. 1921. of $525 each. The first series will be due and payable May 15. 1922, and one series each year thereafter until all of said bonds have been paid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. GEO. A. ASHWORTH. Treasurer of Posey County. Indiana. . NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of j Park Commissioners of the city of Indi anapolis, Inniana, that sealed porposals ! will be received by R at Its office until 'lO o'clock a. m.. on Thursday. July 23, '1921. for the furnishing of'all material and labor for the erection and completion of a swimming poo! including plumbing and fencing in Riley Park. In accordance with the plans and specifications which are on file and mnj i*e seen In tiic* office of the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Indianapolis. Bidders must accompany their proposals for improvement with a certified check for an amount not less than 2V r, r of the amount bid. as evidence of good faith that the successful bidder will exe cute within five (5) days from the accept ance of his proposal, contract and bond satisfactory to said board to do the work required; said check to be made payable to "the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Indianapolis and must be cer tified by a reputable bank or trust com pany doing business In the oity of Indi anopolis. A failure of the successful bidder to en ter into such contract and bond upon the acceptance of one ot said proposals will forfeit the check and the sum of money payable thereon to the city as ascertained and liquidated damages for such failure. An affidavit of noncolluslon a* required by law must be* furnished. The Board of Park Commissioners re serves the right to reject any or all bids. SAMUEL F. RAUH. FRED C. GARDNER. EDWARD A. STUCKMEYER. 1 CHARLES E. COFFIN. Board of Park Commissioners, City of Indianapolis. Ind. July Sand 15. 1921. Auto. 28-351 LEGAL NOTICE. ' NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Indi anapolis, Indiana, mat sealed proposal - will be received by it at its office until lj o’clock a. m., on Thursday, July 28, 192] for the furnishing of all material anl labor for the erection and completion of a swimming pool including plumbing and fencing in Garfield Park, in accordance with the plans and specifications which are on file aud may be seen in the office of the Hoard of Park Commissioners of the j city *-f Indianapolis. j Bidders must accompany their pro i posals for said improvement with a certi ‘ fieri check for an amount not less lhan of the amount bid, as evidence of good faith that the successful bidder will execute within five (5) days from the ac ceptance of his proposal. contract and bond satisfactory to said board to do the work* required; said check to be made pay able to the Board of Park Commissioner.! of the city of Indianapolis and must be certified by a reputable bank or trusj company doing business In the cit£ of Ind ianapolis. A failure of the successful bidder to en J ter into such contract and bond upon the | acceptance of one of said proposals will | forfeit the check and the sum -Qf money j payable thereon to the city as ascertained and liquidated damages for such failure. An affidavit of noncolluslon as required by law mu-st be furnished. The Board of Park Commissioners re serves the right to reject any or all bids* SAMUEL E. RAUH. FRED C. GARDNER. EDWARD A. STUCKMEYER. CHARLES E. COFFIN. Board of Park Comissioners} CltV-vO Ind■anapolis, Inu. * July Sand 15, 1921. - NOTICE is hereby given by the* Board o Park Commissioners of the city‘of IndlJ anapolls, that sealed proposals will be received by it at its office until 10 o’clock a. m., on Thursday, July 28, 1921, ( for the furnishing of ail material and' labor for the erection and completion of a swimming pool including plumbing and fencing in Ellenberger Woods, in accord ance with the plans and specifications I which are on file and may be seen in the office of the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Indianapolis. Bidders must accompany their proposals for said improvement witK a certified check for an amount not than 2%% of the amount bid, as evidence of good faith that the successful bidder will exe cute within five (5) days from the ac ceptance of his proposal. contract and, bond satisfactory to said board to do the work required; said check to be made pa: able to the Board of Park Commis sioners of the city of Indianapolis and must be certified by a reputable bank orj trust company doing business in the city of Indianapolis. A failure of the successful bidder to en ter into such contract and bond upon the acceptance of one of all proposals will forfeit the check and the sum of money payable thereon to the city as ascertained and liquidated damages for such failure. An affidavit of noncollusion as required by law must be furnished. The Board of Park Comissioners re serves the right to reject any or ail bids. " SAMUEL E. RAUH. FRED C. GARDNER. EDWARD A. STUCKMEYER. CHARLES* E. COFFIN, Board of Park Commissioners, City of Indianapolis. Ind. July $ and 15, 1921. ’ NOTICE OF BOND SALEh Notice s hereby given by the under signed. treasurer of Posey County. State of Indiana, that on and after the hourof 2 p m on the 19th day of July, IF2W at the off I' e of said treasurer in the house at the city of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, the undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at not less than the principal sum named in such bonds, certain county unit county iine gravel road . b- da of the face or par value of $4,100.00. bearing interest from and after August Ist,. 1921. at the rate of five per cent per annumj payable semi-annually, on the 15th day of May and the 15th day of November of • ach year at treasurer's office for the period of ten years. Sai l bonds have been issued in strict a•• .lance with the laws of the State o U Indiana on July sth, 1921, and pursuant U an order of the board of commissioners of Posey and Vanderburgh Counties, au thorizing the Issue <nd sal© of said bonds] for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and improvement of a certain highway, petitioned for by Chas. N. R&beiw et ah, in said county. Indiana. Said bonds will be 10 In number, 10 series—one bon<9 to each series, dated August Ist, 1921, or $4lO each. The first series will l e due and payable May loth, 1922. and one series each year thereafter until all of said bonds have been paid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. GEO. A. ASHWORTH, Treasurer of Posey County, Indiana. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed treasurer of Posey Countfy, State of Indiana, that on and after the hour of 2 p. 'in. on the 19th day of July, 1921, at the office of said treasurer in the court house at the city of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, the undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at not les3 than the principal sum named in such bonds, certain county line township gravel road bonds of the face or par value of $8,200.00, bearing Interest from and after August Ist, 1921. at rate of five per cent per an num. payable eemi-annaully, on the 15th day of May and the 15th day of November of each year at treasurer s office for the period of ten years. Said bonds have been issued in stricyi accordance with the laws of the State Indiana on July sth, 1921, and pursuit 1 to aa order of the board of commissioners! of Posey and Vanderburgh Counties, au- i thorizing the issue and sale of said bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the construe tion and improvement of a certain highway, petitioned for by Fred Schutte et ah. in Marrs township, said county. Indiana. Said bonds will be 20 in number, 20 series —one bond to each series, dated August Ist, 1921, of $4lO each. The fir&t scries will be due and payable May 15. 1922, and one series each six months thereafter until all of said bonds < have been paid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. , GKO. A. ASHWORTH, Treasurer of Posey County, Indiana. ICAL INSffrUL. £ NTb. ’ I Steinway & Sons upright piano, in perfect condition; good buy ?t $225; payments $1.75 per week. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 N. Meridian st. 1 RECORDS; good records of any maae you ] desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 219 East Washington. / NEW player piano: will take cneap lot; balance payments. Randolph 4221. = FINANCIAL PERSONAL LOANS $lO TO S3OO This office Is operated Under the super vision of the State of Indiana and tabllshed for the purpose of providing & place where honest people can borrow any amount from $lO to S3OO without paying more than the legal rate of in teres. or without being imposed upon in any way. It i only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friends, relatives or trades people. You can have all time necessary for repayment and pay only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and let ius explain. No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN ,2923 OR AUTO. .22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Rooms 2P5-7-9 Indiana Trust Bldg. 113 E. Washington sit. Corner Vlr. Ave. W E~ARE PREPARED TO M.AKK REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURi HAS E REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities 81dg... Kouthwest corner Delaware a\d INSURANCE. in all its branches. AUDREY D. PORTER -936 Lemcke bldg. Main 1012. ! RGB PROFITS ” from emali expenditure follow Real Estate advertising In “Want Ad” column* of the Times.