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Marquisette—Remnant Sale Price “Zira” Drapery, Remnant Sale Price LuC The Marquisette in ivory and ecru with hemstitched and drawnwork border, yard wide. The "Zira," a sheer fabric, combination rose, blue, green, yellow, black, 36 inches wide. —Drapery—Fourth floor. Remnant Bale Stewart Phonographs, $11.75 These play 12-lnch records. Toy boats, 79*. Three groups of dolls at reduced prices. Many other toys and games at remnant prices. —Toys—Fifth floor Merchandise From Every Section of the Store Reduced for This Event While many lots are small and can not outlast a day’s selling, it is inevitable that not every remnant and oddment closed out absolutely in a day. Such articles as are not sold on Thursday will be available at the same prices Friday. Just a Few of the Many Bargains Remnant Prices Rule in the Men’s Store The price reductions are drastic. Every item offered a real bargain. “Stellite ' Golf Sticks Reduced to $5.00 You, Mr. Golf Player, are no doubt aware that the usual cost is about twice our Rem nant Day price. Choice while they last, 85.00. And Golf Balls What Do You Pay? How About $5 jor 12? Less than wholesale cost. Choice of our entire stock. Better buy them early in the day. i Reduced to $1.25 One big lot of men’s shirts, variety of patterns, fast colors. Great bargains. Men’s Bathing Suits At Exactly Half The choice is yours. Men’s fine percale pajamas, reduced to $1.50. Men's Kuspenders, reduced to 50*. Men’s linen handkerchiefs, reduced to 25*. Men’s fine athletic union suits, reduced to 95*. Men's silk and linen mixed union suits at $3.00. —Men's Store, street floor. 1,300 “Sealpax” Union Suits For Women Sale Price, $1.69 Os white marquisette cloth, white and pink striped and cross-barr dimity, pink, "A. B. C.” silk and white dot sols ette, elastic waistband, athletic style. The sale price is less than our actual cost on most of these suits. Choice of our entire stock, at $1.69. Sizes 34 to 44. Glove Silk Camisoles Reduced to $1.45 Pink, plain dropstitch or trimmed with wide lace, bro ken lots. Help yourself while they last, at $1.45. Women’s Union Suits Reduced to 59c White cotton summer weight, tight and wide knees, bodice and regular shoulder straps. —Ayres—Underwear. street floor. Silk Gloves Reduced to 95c 750 Pairs two-clasp Milanese silk embroidered wrists and backs. White, pongee, navy, gray and mode. —Ayres—Gloves, street floor. Remnant Sale Petti coats price sl-00 Just 150 of them, white sateen, double panels, finished with hemsticting. . —Ayres—Petticoat dept, third floor. 82 Fine Tailored Suits At Less Than We Paid the Maker Not in years have we offered such values. Ordinarily, \ gale Price the most of these would sell for two or three times thi*. / remnant price - ) $ 1 f\so Covert Cloth, Tricotine, Poiret Twills, i I Checked Velours, of Very Fine Quality. ) Faultlessly tailored, with linings of finest pussy willow taffeta. Included are suits of the choicest imported and American tweeds and the famous Golflex. Models for sports, travel and street. —Ayres—Tailored suits, third floor. Remnant Sale Hand-Made BLOUSES $ 2.75 Os batiste, long or short sleeves, with and without col lars. Many others of fine voiles and batiste, Land made, re duced to — $3.75, $6.50 and $9.75 Forsythe Blouses Sale $A OC Price I • / Samples of habutai and men’s wear silk, plain or trimmed. Shetland Sweaters Reduced to $5.95 Tie-around style, navy and brown. Reduced to $3.95 are mignonette sweaters, same style, light colors. At $6 95 and $8.95 Wool sweaters, slightly dam aged, light and dark colors. • —Ayres—Sweaters, third floor. House Dresses Remnant Prices Choice at $1.89 30 Gingham dresses with pique collars ’ and cuffs, short sleeves; sizes 36 to 44. Choice at $3.95 51 Voile dresses, white and black, lavender, pink and blue checks, white voile collars, others in navy with organdy collars and cuffs; sizes 36 to 38 only. • —Ayres—Third floor. Remnant Sale of Rugs, Linoleums and Carpets 4 Axminster rugs, 9x12, Remnant Sale price, $27.50. 1 Velvet rug, 9x12, Remnant Sale price, $47.50. 1 Velvet rug, 8.3x10.6, Remnant Sale price, $43.50. 6 Velvet rugs, size 9x12, Remnant Sale price, $33.50. 2 Brussels rugs, 8.3x10.6, Remnant Sale price, $12.50. 30 Prairie grass rugs, 4.6x7.6, Remnant Sale price, $4.50. 8 Chinese matting rugs, size 4.6x6, Remnant Sale price, 75^. Axminster, Brussels and Wilton rugs, size 27x54, Remnant Sale price, $4.00 to $9.00. Axminster, velvet and Wilton rugs, size 36x63, Remnant Sale price, $7.60 to $13.76. Linoleum remnants, printed and inlaid, at 75* to $1.15 the square yard. Remnants of bordered velvet stair carpet, 27 inches wide, sale price, $1.75 the yard. —Ayres—Rugs, fourth floor. WHITE TUB SKI RTS- Remnant Prices 98c, $2.50, $4.75, $6.75 White gabardine, many models, plain tailored, novelty pockets, pearl buttons. Fancy Sports Silk Skirts at $9.95 Just fifty, silk crepes and "May Queen" silks, plain or pleated: white, gray, orange, tan, orchid and black and white. —Ayreß—Skirt dept,, third floor. 100 Girls’ Middies Reduced to $1.79 These for the girls of 7 to 16 years, of good quality jeans, all white, white with Copenhagen, white with navy, white with red and white with yellow. 300 Gingham Dresses Reduced to $1.55 For the girls of 7 to 14 years, of checked gingham, plain chambrays, also white regulation and straight line dresses. All launder nicely. Fifty girls’ coats reduced to $3.95. Sizes 7 to 16 years, all wool, tailored and fancy trimmed models, lined throughout. Colors tan, reindeer and blue. Another lot reduced at $7.95. New Dresses at $4.95 and $7.95 Organdies, T oiles and swisses. Navy, tan, brown, pink and blue. Some figured organdies. Sizes 7to 16. 1 —Ayres—Girls' Shop, fifth floor. 720 Pairs of Women’s Silk Boot Stockings Reduced to 65c Made with double mercerized garter tops, double heels and toes. Black, navy and tobacco brown. First quality. Full Fashioned Silk Stockings, $1.15 Enough for several hours’ brisk selling. Medium gray, splendid quality. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13,1921. 2 Pairs for 59c Os white mercerized lisle, double garter tops, some what soiled. , . . _ —Ayres—Hosiery, street floor Women’s Coats at Remnapt Prices The Lowest Prices We Have Named „ / At $19.50 are Monte Carlo knitted J m Vr\ rv -'ll 1 \ capes, in black, white, navy and f\| I 1 I M * brown. A few odd topcoats. At $22.50 > I j are tricotine coats, long line and belted At $19.50 and $22.60, choice of our finest satin coats, quilted and plain. At $22.50 and $35.00, are fine Duvetyne sports jackets in blue, gray and brown. Every one a real Remnant Day bargain. —Ayres—Coats, third floor. Remnant Bargains for Stout Women Reduced Prices on More Than 100 Garments 6 Cotton dresses reduced to $15.00. 11 Porch dresses reduced to $2.95. 3 Mignonette waists reduced to $8.95. 21 Crepe de chine blouses to go at $4.95. 24 Voile blouses reduced to 69*. 7 Cotton gabardine skirts to go at $1.95. 7 Taffeta and jersey silk petticoats at $7.95. 1 Rose taffeta silk petticoat at $4.95. Aprons reduced to $1.25. —Ayres—Gray shop, third floor. 300 Pairs Women’s Low Shoes Remnant SO-15 Sale Price —— Just a word—come early. You may even have to serve yourself, but it will be well worth it if you get a pair of these high-grade shoes. Odd lots from regular stock. Not all sizes in each lot a fair range of sizes in the combined assortment, especially in the narrow widths. —Ayres—Shoes, Becond floor. Silk Stockings Reduced to sl.lO Just 360 pairs pure thread silk mercerized lisle tops, first quality, color dark brown, narrow ankles; 2 pairs for $2.00. Silk and Fiber 2 Pairs for $2.95 Drop stitch silk and fiber, black, white and colors and two-tone combinations. Remnant Sale Housewares, Soaps and Cleaners At 95* are all-willow laundry clothes baskets. § At $9.45 are large imported clothes ham pers. At 16* the foot are 1,650 feet seamless gar den hose. At $5.75 are large hardwood kitchen tables. At $69.00, one white, all-steel kitchen cabinet. At $43.50 hre two sample refrigerators. Reduced to $1.65 Little Witch hand vacuum sweeping clean ers. At $1.49 are kitchen stepladder stools. Armure Drapery, Remnant Sale Price QC 50-Inch Marquisette, Remnant Sale ODC The first an overdrapery, rose, blue, green and brown, in self-tone pattern. Marquisette in white, cream and ecru; mercerized. Launders without stretching. —Drapery—Fourth floor. Don’t Miss These Silk Trimmed Fiber Sports Coats SQ|O Way less than maker’s cost, for sports or vacation wear; black, navy, brown and gi sen, a real bargain. —Ayres—Coats, third floor. Jewelry At Remnant Prices Reduced to 79c One group of barpins, un tarnishable, white metal, mounted in white or colored stone combinations. • Reduced to 79c Metal necklaces, gram gold, link chains, set with colored stones. Reduced to $2.95 One lot of barpins, bowknot and fancy filigree design, safety catches. Reduced to $3.95 Indestructible pearl beads, oriental or blue white, in grad uated sizes, 24 and 00-inch lengths, solid gold spring clasp. —Ayres—Jewelry, street floor. At $68.50, one White Mountain refrig erator. 65* for 16 rollß crepe toilet paper. 95* for 20 bars Lighthouse laundry soap. 35* for 10 small packages Lighthouse soap powder. 85* for 3 large packages Lighthouse soap powder. 89*. choice of one lot tripls-coated white enameled kitchen utensils. Reduced to $2.48 One lot of boudoir lamps, complete with shade. —Ayres—Housewares, s'xth floor. Remnant Sale Baby Carriages One to sell at $25.00 Two to sell at 8*?.50. One to sell at 829.75- Each is a real bar gain at the sale price. —Fifth floor. Remnant Sale Brings Lowered Prices on 25 Lots of Good Toilet Articles and Soaps Olivia toilet meal reduced to 19*. Olivia face powder reduced to 15*. Sweetheart talcum powder, 2 cans for 15*. Olivia liquid shampoo re duced to 29*. Incense powder reduced to 19*. Woodbury's facial soap, 3 cakes, 45*. Williams’s talcum reduced to 14*. Johnson’s baby talcum, 16*. Jess talcum reduced to 15*. Good toothbrushes at 7*. Peroxide, the bottle, B*. 500 Packages Auto Strop Razor Blades, 29c a Package Pinaud’s Lilas de France vegetale at 89*. Vail's hair renewer, large bottle at 69*. Boncilla beautifier reduced to $1.75. Kirk’s Cocoa Hardwater Soap, 16 Cakes for SI.OO Danse face powder reduced to 30*. Military brushes reduced to 35* each. Large sponges reduced to 45*. Pumex soap, 3 cakes for 20*. Good whiskbrooms at 19*. Softola, for the hands, can, 12*. Abonita Lilac vegetale at T9*. Wisteria toilet water re duced to $1.25. La Louise rouge reduced to 49*. La Louise lip sticks reduced to 50*. Hand scrub brushes at 7*. —Ayres—Toilets, street floor. GROCERIES Remnant Prices Preserves, lellmo brand, 5- pound stone jars; apricot, pineapple, red raspberry and strawberry. Reduced to $1.75 Breakfast cocoa in quart fruit jars, 25*. Domino and Franklin pure cane syrup, No. 3 can3, 30*; No; 10 cans, 59*. Jams, Libby's pure fruit and sugar; blacaberrv, loganberry and apricot; 20-ounce cans, 28*. Japan tea, Chase & Sanborn long leaf, pound package, re duced to 45*. Pineapple, Monsoon Ha waiian fruit, sliced or grated, No. 1 cans, Ice cream powder reduced, 3 packages, 25*. —Ayres—Downstairs. 7