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12 Money to Loan, on New Dwellings and Medium Priced New Apartments jflftrljrr Ratings anu Crust Company POLICE UNEARTH 20-GALLQN STILL Sunday Liquor Raids Pro ductive of Various Kinds of ‘Mule’ Product. In an effort to enforce the prohibition law the police made a series of raids and a number of arrests Saturday night and Sunday. At the home of Morris and Pearl Kon rad. 1901 Southeastern avenue, the police say they found a twenty gallon still. Both were arrested on the charge of operating a blind tiger. A gallon of white mule whisky, found in ashes In the rear of 514 West Four teenth street, caused the arrest of Wil liam D. Archie, 40, negro, 519 West Fourteenth street. The police allege Archie is the owner of the liquor. James Beard, 152 Douglas street, was arrested by Lieut. Fred Wiakler, on the charge of operating a blind tiger. Four quarts of mule whisky were found In his home. John Bush. 39, 639 North Noble street, was arrested by patrolmen who watched the man leave a house near Spring and North streets yesterday. Patrolman Frank searched Bush and the policeman said he found two bottles of mule whisky in the man's pockets. LEGION BURIES VICTIMS OF WAR Funeral Services Held for Two ex-Soldiers. Funeral services for Private Thomas E. Fondon, who was killeld in France, were held this afternoon at the Blackwell funeral parlors, 926 North Capitol avenue, under the direction of the American Le gion. Private Condon was a member of Company L, 2sth Infantrj*. lie was fa tally Injured July IS. 1918, while serving aa a runnen in the Soissons offensive. lie was the stepson of Mrs. Laura L. Condon, 1307 Montcalm street. The funeral of H. Ralph Allen, who was killed in France. Aug. 1..1915. were held this afternoon at Shirley Brothers' chapel. 946 North Illinois street. The services were followed by a military burial at Crown Ilill Cemetery. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Al len, 1135 Gross avenue. 500 Shriners Make Trip to Franklin Home More than 500 Shriners visited the In diana Masonic Home at Franklin yester day in their annual pilgrimage of in spection. A special train carried about 400 wearers of the fez and the remainder went by automobile. The Shriners were entertained with music by the children of the hom" and at the end of the program about £SOO was contributed by th visitirg nobles toward the musical education of the children. The principal address was made by Judge Arthur R. Robinson on “The Origin of the Shrine. - ’ Various Murat orgaiza tlona. Including the band, the chanters, the gun squad and the saxophone sextet also were on the program. Grab for Basket Near Track Fatal to Man Special to The Times. LA PORTE, Ind.. July 15.—Anton Meister, 46. attempted to pick up a basket beside the track as an lnterurban car was passing Interlaken statton, near here, \r*e last night. The protruding rear steps of the car hit- him on the bead. The crew of car found the lifeless boddy beside the track. RECLAIM WASTE LANDS. KOKOMO. Ind.. July IS.—Judge R. M Van Atta of Marlon has established the Kokomo Creek improvement, denying a . new trial in the proceedings to hear, the evidence which consumed forty days. The petitioners claim that hundreds of acres of land in eastern Howard will be re deemed from waste, and be rendered fit for cultivation. DEWEY POST MEETS WEDNESDAY. The George Dewey Post No. 3 of the American Legion will hold its regular meeting Wedne-s’dny evening on the third floor of the Love building, Illinois and Sixteenth streets. AH members of the financial committee are urged to make a special effort to be present, as there are several matters to be taken up. Until July 20th with Every Quaker Tire Sold A till I “Quality Considered, We Sell It For Less” OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TILL 9 O'CLOCK. Wholesale CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY Retail Pearl C. Barnes, Mgr. CO., Inc. Homer E. Enlow, Asst. Mgr. Mass. Ave. at Delaware and New York Sts. AUTO. *7-564. BOTH PHONES MAIN 416S BUSY BURGLARS LOOT NORTH AND SO. SIDE HOMES Young Negro Secures Money in Two Central Avenue Residences. • A burglar entered three residences early today, obtained money at two of them, but was frightened away at the third. \ Mrs. Edna Stearns, 1323 Central ave nue, was awakened at 3:43 a. m. by a light flashing in her face. She screamed and a man ran from the house. Later she found that he had opened a buffet, but not finding money there, had started to search other ports of the house. The same thief later entered the home of C. F. Sanders, 1404 Central avenue. A purse containing Sl7 was taken. At the residence of Frank Query, 1619 North Alabama street, the thic-f cut the screen from the frojt door. A purse containing $8 was taken from the pocket of Virgil Anderson, who rooms there. The burglar was seen at the Query resi dence and the police wete told he was a young negro. There were the usual week end bur glaries starting Saturday night. William Brooks, caretaker at the home of C. B. Sommers, 3544 Central avenue, president of the D. Sommers & Cos. Store, discovered a bqrglar in the house Sat urday night. Brooks had been at his home, 1430 East Fifteenth street, and returned to the Sommers house at 11:30 o'clock. He saw two men run across the rear yard and Jump a fence. The burglars broke open doors of closets In the attic which, the police say. contained bottles of wine and boxes of cigars. These the bur glars were forced to leave behind because of their hurried departure. A thief entered the home of Erwin Newhart, 2930 X6rth Gale street, by way of a front door that had been left un locked. Twenty-two dollars was taken from the trousers’ pocket of Mr. New hart. A rooming house thief was busy last night. The burglar entered a rooming bouse at 432 East Ohio street. Ed Stewart said $19.20 was taken from the pocket of his trousers. Uq/i Vincent, also a roomer, said $4 was taken from his pocket. Walter Clark. 1214 North West street, reported a set of double harness worth slls and in additb n four bushels of oats and four bales of hay were stolen trom the barn in the rear of his home. A successful burglary was committed last night at the home of Elgie Whear ley, 1537 Orange street, when a burglar broke the glass from the rear door and entered. A Liberty bond worth $59 and 5659 in paper money hidden in a glass fruit Jar were taken. A watch is aiao missing. Mrs. Robert Powers. 1910 English ave nue, reported that a lavalier set with three diamonds, worth sist\ and an emerald ring were stolen from her home. Fred Wagner, manager of the New York Baking Company, 547 South Illinois street, told the police that a sneak thief late last night took $227 from an open safe In the office of the company. Lucille Beil, room 321 the Denison hotel, was robbed by a sneak thief who entered her room. A stick pin valued at $6 and $7 In money was taken. Mrs. Ovid B. Jameson. 1235 North Penn sylvania street, reported the theft of Jew elry valued at SIOO. A negro held up and robbed two men snd two women at Raymond street near Big Eagle Creek Saturday night. The four were in an automobile when the negro covered them with a revolver and forced them to surrender their money. Margaret Moore. 651 Birch avenue, was robbed of $3.50; Joseph Murray. 1137 Reisener street, 15 cents and Robert Yoight 1407 Lee street, $21.55; ihlna Smith, 1826 West Minnesota street, who was in the car was not robbed. Charles Barry. 112 Concordia street, appeared at police headquarters today and told the police that someone stole his watch. Barry said the theft occured while he was on a crowded stock yards street car and that the thief cut the leather chain which held the watch. W. A. I'onll, 1110 East Pratt street, forgot his bill fold containing $lO2 which he left in an old pair of trousers hang ing In a house at 945 Ewing street Sat urday night. When he returned today the money was gone. Mr. I'onll was re pairing the Ewing street house. South Bend Barber Near to Deportation Special to The Time*. SOUTH BEND, Ind., July IS.—Sympa thy has been aroused here for Joseph Conody, a barber, who Is In the county jail following bis arrest by the Federal officers as an undesirable citizen. He Is under orders to be deported to hi, na tive land of Hungary. Joseph E. Neff, one of the loading bankers of South Bend, has Interested himself in the young man's case and claims that he should at least be given a hearing before being sent back to the “old country." Mr. Neff and others Interested In the case will try to obtain a hearing for him. Why delay and lose, this chance to purchase a high-grade tire at a very low price. After July 20th you lose the price of the tube. Trice Ploln GUARANTEED 6,000 MILES Trice N. S. Tire Tire and Tube SIZE and Tube $11.65 30x3 $12.25 14.95 30x3% 14.95 17.50 32x3% 19.25 19.75 32x4 22.15 20.75 - 33x4 23.35 Other sizes not listed sold In proportion. Parcel Post Paid on all Mail Orders. No War Tax Charges on Any Good3 Sold In This Store. Name and Serial Numbers Intact. Do not mar your trip with old casings that may blow out and then pay the list price, also a service charge and wait two or three hours this extremely hot weather. Park on Delaware st. or New York st. aide and we will change and mount your tires free. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS ■JssMx. It is reported that Yam Sims, while talking to his girl Sunday afternoon, forgot all about what he was doing and chewed up nearly a whole fan. Sidney Hocks has again been caughl deceiving the public. In church last Sunday, when the congregation rose to sing, he stood up with the rest of them, and instead of singing he chewed his gum, and nobody knew the difference. The Rye Straw store certainly has taken on a neat and nobby appearance since the storekeeper's wife got disgusted and swept it out and dusted off things. POLISH-RUSS WARFARE LOOMS Enmity of Countries Results in Mobilizing Classes. COPENHAGEN, July 18.—Enmity be tween Poland and Russia threatened to day to burst Into open marfare. Both countries were reported mobilizing. Poland called up the classes of 1883 to 1894. The Russians were said to have mobilized seven classes. The service to which the latter will be called was not known, blit there were reports that the soldiers might ho sent into action along the western frontier. Followers of Rus sian nffairs also considered the possibil ity that the lighters might be gent to Asia Minor to assist the had-presse-1 Kemallsts. The Polish government has made for mal answer to Russia's ultimatum call ing for the suppression of anti-Bolshevist leaders in Warsaw, notably M. fiavinkoff. The Poles declared they did not coun tenance the anti soviet activities of any man or any group, but that the country reserved the right to offer political asy lum to refugees. ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTY LESS Value of Farm Products Great ly Reduced. Special to The Times. NOBLESVILI.E. ind. July 18—Ac cording to figures complied by H. <>. Cottlngham, county auditor from the re turns of the township assessors in Hamil ton County there is loss of taxable property to the amount of $1,293,015 com pared with the assessment last year. This loss is lurgely on personal property among the farmers and is due, it is said, in a large measure, to the decline in the price of farm products during the last year. The total taxable property In Hamil ton County this year and on which the September tax levy wilt be made 1* $50,728,850 as compared with $52,021,865 In 1920. The mortgage exemptions this year totaled $1,268,175, which is $200,000 more than In 1920. There were soldiers who filed exemptions to the amouut of $94,053. None was filed last year. Clash Threatens Over New State Road East Special to The Time*. KOKOMO, Ind., July 18.—Upon com plaint that representatives of the State highway commission, or person* claiming to act under authority of the commis sion. were, trespassing upon lands in Howard Township, along the route of the proposed State road east; that they were tearing down fences, cutting timber and patrolling under arms. Judge W. C. Overton of the Circuit Court issued a temporary restraining order upon appli cation of Jennie E. Walker and Mary E. Snow, land owner*. It is claimed that no legal or regular proceedings have been undertaken to ob tain the land involved and the attitude of the armed men has excited hitter re sentment in the locality. Sheriff Ora Butler, who served thp writ, refused to swear in farmers interested ns deputies, fearing that a collision might result. He left word that any disturbance would re sult in the presence of deputies to com pel order. 11l w cw INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1921. jFRADULENTTAX RETURNS REACH TWENTY MILLION Indictments Returned in Every Section of Country for Revenue Frauds. WASHINGTON, July 18.—Approxi mately twenty million dollars was added to the Government’s revenues during the fiscal year Just ended through recoveries from false and fraudulent income tax returns, Commissioner Blatr has an nounced. Indictments have been returned during the year in every section of the country, he said, and many Jail sentences have been imposed, ranging from sixty days to a year, in addition to the fines and penalties, which were also assessed. “Frapd upon the revenue by way of filing false and fraudulent tax retruns appears In many unique ways,” Blair said. “Some taxpayers are extremely crude In their methods, and reduce their taxes by merely omitting large items of income from these returns. Thus, in one instance, a prominent merchant in one of our larger cities owned and operated two stores. For three years’ straight he omitted entirely from his returns the in come of one of the two stores. “In another Instance a prominent man received approximately one-half of his Income as salary from a corporation, of which corporation he owned practically all the stock. The corporation took this salary as a deduction and a necessary expense; the man himself entirely omitted to report this salary, never thinking that the corporation’s return would be checked against his individual return. “Manipulations of inventory are not I infrequently found, and these can al ways be-checked acurately by the field | examiners of the bureau, and up busl ! ness of any size can keep accurate stocks and at the same time manipulate inven tories. Some taxpayers, evidently, are of the belief that they can hire un scrupulous accountants who reconstruct their books, and then If the fraud Is discovered blame It all on the account ants, to whom ihey usually pay large fees. In many instances field examiners have discovered that taxpayers keep two sets of books, one set accurately setting forth the status of the business, and the other set fraudulently setting forth their income, and merely kept for the pur pose of defrauding the Government. It Is safe to say that in nine out of ten of these lattad eases the fraud is dis covered within a short time after it is perpetrated." Cash Register Head Quits as President DAYTON, Ohio, July 13.—John 11. Pat terson today resigned as president of the National Cash Register Company, h;s *on, Frederick B. Patterson, succeeding him. Parents Away, Boy Goes to River; Drowns Special to The Times. ELWOOD, Ind., July 18 .Gerald Schultz, 12, went down to White River a mile from his home late yesterday for a *4lm while his parents were In Eiwood. His foot became caught in the root of a tree twelve feet under the water. His body was recovered fifteen minutes later. This Company is composed of thoroughly compe tent, graduate opticians and optome trists, each one dedicated to the idea that ever}’ ease is a special one. You have access through us to the most advanced scientific methods of cor recting vision. Examination FREE! Curved Lenses —for reading glasses. Any mounting in our complete stock $4.50 to $5.50. Invisible Bifocals the perfect glasses for far and near vision. Any mounting SB.OO to $14.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hoosier Optical Company 148 North Illinois Open Saturday Evenings Two Grand Cruises de Luxe to the MEDITERRANEAN Sailing from New York in January and February, 1922. Delightful travel, leisurely sightseeing, recreation and pleasure. For full information STEAMSHIP DEPARTMENT MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK FRENZEL BROS., Agents. THOS. COOKE & SONS f . Nothing 9 Too Good for Soldier Word Kept , Sayq Colonel COLUMBUS, Ohio. July 18—“ The fact that the ex-servtce man Is becom ing embittered toward the financial and business Interests of the country by reason of their opposition to ad justed compensation for him is laying the foundation for a far greater eco nomic loss than would the payment of a cash bonus.” These are the words of Col. 11. W. Bush, member of the Ohio Na tional Guard, well known throughout Ohio, and who saw active service overseas during the receut World War. Arguing In favor of the cash bonus for soldiers, addressing the military committee of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, Colonel Bush continued . “We promised the American soldier when he went to France nothing would be too good for him when he returned. We have kept our word— for nothing is what he has received.” 3 INJURED IN STREET SPILL Motorcycle With Sidecar Over turns When Auto Is Sideswiped. When a motorcycle with side car over turned at Massachusetts and Commerce avenues yesterday three persons were in jured. John Wooldridge, 32, 1517 Mont calm street, driver of the motorcycle, was bruised and shaken. Jasper Clark. 40. and his wife. Rose Clark. 34, both of the Montcalm street nddress, were in the j side car and both were painfully bruised and cut. The motorcycle was going sofithwest on Massachusetts avenue, when the auto mobile driven by James E. MeCammon, 911 North Tuxedo street, drove out of Commerce avenue. To avoid hitting the automobile Wooldridge swerved and side swiped it. Carrot Sanders. 4. 811 East New York street, was cut and bruised when he was hit by an automobile at New York and Davidson streets, yesterday. Ttie boy was taken home and Dr. H. I Berger, 547 East Market street, dressed his in Juries whi.-h are not serious. The driver of the automobile did not stop. Martin V. Springer, 73, 1035 St. Paul Street, died Saturday afternoon at the city hospital as the result of injuries re celved vbn lie fell while working on a roo. ‘ a house at 313 South Senate are nue. , HELD ON CHECK CHARGE. GREENS BURG, Ind, July 18—John Robbins, local motor mechanic, is under arrest here on a Warrant charging him with passing worthless checks. He wss released on his own recognizance and will be given a hearing soon in the city court SPECIAL SALE NOW ON All wool enlta to yoor /J* f* A measure for O* § *M| LEON TAILORING CO. */ll IS 1 E. New York SJ. Skin trouble needs imme diate attention. Buy a jar of Resinol Ointment to day and use it regularly. A few days of such persist ent treatment usually stops the itching, clears away the inflammation and soreness, and helps the skin resume its natural healthy condition. At all dmgglat*. Resinol MONCRIEF FURNACE Cuts fuel bills, cuts out the “ dust, cuts out work. All joints made smootn and straight, smoke and gas tight. Chimney I gets gases, rooms get heat. i We also repair all makes of furnaces. Good work. Mod , erate prices. ,THE HENRY FURNACE AND FOUNDRY CO. 033 Massachusetts Ave. Main <B2O. Circle 2334. DENTIST Just a quiet, gentle sleep. You feel nothing when we extract your teeth with Nitrous Oxide Gas, the only absolute painless method of extracting teeth with safety. Ask any good physician. (United Union Dental Corp.) Eiteljorg & Moore Corner East Market Bt. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. S If UaH-mam 1 \says ift Riffhf f YlHSßtfhl J 315-317-319 E. Washington St. Omit Washing Your Face But Never Your Teeth so many ure aiert to eternal clean liness because it Is considered a friendly Hd to remind an acquain tance that the face Is smutted. Rut who Is to remind you, or no tice that your teeth are neglected? An unclean mouth nolaons the stom ach, and often leads to chronic disease Keep your mouth in condi tion by having your teeth examined regularly "I neglected my teeth for years. They were extracted without pain by the People's Dentists. I give this recommendation that others will not delay the work which Is so necessary to good health.’’—Mrs. Marie Lies*. 3S-16 E. Washington street, city. Rundnv. 9 . rn. to 12 m. THE PEOPLES DENTISTS 38 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. Over Gausepohl Trunk Store. STATE LIFE LUNCH Quick Service, Courteous Treatment, Pure Foods STATE LIFE BLDG. Skin Troubles Soothed '■ With Cuticura Sop, Ointment, TaJetzm, 26c. everywhere. Semple* free of CeUeve LefceratorU*, Dvpt. X. Madden, Hmv GARDEN HOSE Corrugated mold. The host 220 value, Per Foot While It Lasts. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. CLOTHING —ON— CREDIT Hoyle Oarick • nJ Clethiag Cs. 463-806-307 W. Washington SC C Doors West Penal. Ave. DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUI FITTING CO. 443-6 E. Wash. Mending Tissue VFA'tZSt No sewing or darning. Repairs clothing. , silk, satin, cctton goods, ribbons, fabrics ]of all kinds, kid glove*, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc. Pack age postpaid. 15 cents, two packages. If i cents. Address FE.VN PUBLISHING CO. BlalrsrUle. Pa. All $28.50 Men’s Saits 40 1 iM Reduced in Clean Sweep Sale to — ™ * But a Few of the Hundreds of Articles in This Great Store Work Pants Many kinds, including khaki, a j for OZ.JD Men’s Caps Light weight. Great variety of patterns; 79c values LtOC Men ’ Shirts Madras and fancy percales. Sizes 14 nr to 17 OJC Men’s Underwear Athletic shirts and drawers. Pin checked and plaid, in cluding some of the famous Porosknit brand. 69c value, Cleap-Sweep Special vDC Also Mastertex Union Suits. Short sleeves and ankle length. Ecru and white. Sizes 34 to 38. 1 1 C $1.79 value * Washington ft m fl f Satisfaction WmW&mim Guarantee * ° r JESSmSSSSSbSSSmm , Money Delaware £ _____ _□ Refunded. BURN In your Furnace, Basebumer, Stove, Range or Water Heater For Cleanliness, Economy, Convenience For Sale by all Loading Coal Dealers Is Your Saving Account Asleep? Wake it up—surprise it with some new de posits. Add to it continually. Make it a “catch-all” for the little unconsidered trifles in money which can be taken*out of your spendings—pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and an occat>Dnal dollar. You can learn, by trying, to* make saving a pleasure, to watch your account grow into a real accumulation—a sum of money worth while. WE PAY 4%% ON SAVINGS MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington Street. Ask about our Partial Payment Flan for Investors. PAINT . FOR EVERY PURPOSE Hatfield Paint Cos. MAIN 104-So MERIDIAN.ST. AUTO • INDIANAPOLIS 23 |25 I PHONE AN 0 MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION The Apex Electric Snction Sweeper “Takes the work out of housework.” Free demonstration In your own home. The Hatfield Electric Company Main 0123,i Cor. Maryland and Meridian Sta. Auto. 23-123. GET THE HABIT Wear | NOE S QUALITY ~] Jewelry THE FLETCHER M. NOE 10S K. Illinois as. JIWXI.RI STORK. Opp. Terminal Station. Overalls That famous Daniels “Money Back” special. $1.50 value.. -/DC Work Shirts In blue, gray and khaki, 97c value. fUC Men’s Socks Fancy striped silk socks. Sizes 9 x /£ to 11. nr 97c value JDC