Newspaper Page Text
Main 3500 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 15-29 8. Meridian St. PHONES —CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. .... Main ii”®? Automatic • * 28-851 RATES. On. time 0* P* r !}“• Three consecutive tiroes.. .08 per line Sis consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted male or female; rooms to let and board and rooma wanted One time V ,r J} B * Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times .06 per line Contract ratea on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75e per insertion Church notices (1 Inch or lesa) 60c per Insertion Over 1 inch.. .07 per line additional Death notices 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memorlam notices 07 pr line Ads received until 11; 45 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. *£ EL LLkticL Parlors 1212 Union 3L FLAN NEK & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois st. Funeral directors to the people of Indian apolis since 18*7. Phones—Mam 0641-0643. *OIO-21-541. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Griusteiner Funeral Director. 522 E. Market. Old phone Main 90S. New phone 27-206- J. c. WILSON IStO Pronpect. Auto. 61 <■€?!. W. T. BLASENGYM 36*5 Shelby st. Preset 2670. Auto. 61-114. FUNERAL DIRECTOR*— WM. E. KREIGER. New *l-154. Main 1464. 1409 V. Illinois UADD—BERT S GADD. 1110 Prospect at. Phones: Drexel 0422. Automatic 52-273. UNDERTAKERS —HISEY A TlTlii S9l North Del. New 26-564. Main 163*. "" FEENEY A FEENEY Auto. *4-I*s. 1934 _N. Illinois- Main 0843. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 6HEEHAN. HELEN—Beloved daughter of Bridget Sheehan, died Tuesday. July *. Funeral Friday, July 29. 8:30 a. m. at resi dence. 1329 Spann avenue. St. Patrick s Church S a. m. IN MEMORIAM. IN MEMORIAM —In sad but loving re membrance of our dear sor. and brother, j George White, who departed this Ufa one year ago today July 27. 1920. Safely gathered in fas from sorrow; far from sin; parsed beyond all grief and pain. Death for thee is truest gain. No one knows the siler.t ache, only the ones who have lost can tell of the grief borne in silence of the one loved so well. Badly missed by widowed mother, brothers and sisters MRS. CLARK WHITE AND FAMILY LOST AND FOUND. LOST or stolen, package from counter of Kresge 5 and 10-cent store. Party known. Please return to cilice of above store and avoid trouble. ___ LOST—Hampton watch with leather fob and monogram Inside the case. Bel mont 3124. Reward LOST —Kodak. Eastman autographic fold ing. Garfield park. Sunday evening. Irv ington 3460. Re-.vard. LOST —Purp : “ l’k umbrella Sunday aft ernoon downtown or on Shelby car. Call Preset 4606, Reward. ] PERSONALS. MME. J. J. BROOKS announces to her beauty patrons that she Is now located at 1744 N. Illinois. ILn dolph 4397, ABSOLUTELY reliable ana confldentlal de tective work performed ; reasonable rates O’Neil Secret Service. 25 H W. Wash. Cl. 5656, Night phone Ra 6785 and Ra. 6069 FAIRMONT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for contineroent. private: prices reasonable may work for board: babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh st.. Kansas City, Mo. * an appeal from home. Louie, come home to the children and I. We love you and you will be happy if you will come home to us. OSCEOLA. I WILL not be responsible after July 23 for debts mad* by my wife. Goldie Wag per, FRED H. WAGNER I WILL not be responrtble for any debts contracted by my wife, Ethel Powell. JT. I- POWELL ■ notices” THE Barton Hotel dining room rive* ex ceilent meals for 50 cent*. Breakfast 35 cents. Rates by the week. Chicken dinners a specialty. Guarantee your money’s worth. Home cooking. Table service. Open under new management. Delaware and Michigan, 505. _ _ _ _ _ _ n TOUNG couple wants to share modern home In North Indianapolis; reasonable. Address A No. 2336. Times. HOUSES—WANTED. WANTED —Small house by unincumbered couple; close In preferred. Address A No. 2335. Times. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FOUR unfurnished rooms: light house keeping; electric lights, gat, water. Call before noon. IJrexel 6099. ASHLAND, 1728; modem, furnished house keeping room, newly decorated. Ran dolph 8791. EAST, 305 N\; light housekeeping room. Circle 3672, TWO modern front rooms and kitchenette. Reasonable. Illinois car. Randolph 7955. EAST st.. N\, 743; furnished room, house keeping. {3; sleeping J 2: TWO nice rooms for man and wife. Circle 6136. TWO light housekeeping rooms; modern. 104 W. St. Clair. Main 8610. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. Washington Blvd. Duplex Bast location in city; 7 rooms; 3 bed room*. Howard C. Venn 108 E- Market. Main UK, 333 Mass. Ave. Two rooms, third floor. J2O. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4618 ROOMS— TO LET. MODERN room In private family; gentle men preferred; morning and evening if desired. Harrison 1329. 126 W. Twenty-First street. SINGLE sleeping room furnished. in downtown flat to a gentleman or mar ried couple. No cooking. Can have room until Dec. 1. Main 5492. MODERN sleeping room adjoining bath: desirable. 304 N. East street. Circle 44L NICELY furnished front room, down stairs; private family; walking distance. Preset 7038. ROOM suitable for gentleman, north side: private family, 13.50 week. Randolph 4304. PENNSYLVANIA. 927 N.; -nice. clean front room, modern; suitable for two. MERIDIAN. 1021 N ■ nicely furnished front room. 2 men preferred. Circle 8372 TWO roomers; businesa men preferred. Drexel 2966. . *ROOM in private home north; Ideal loca tion; good car line. Harrison 3471. ROOM for young man. breakfast if de sired. Call Harrison 0415. MARKET E., 628; modern furnished rooma, 92 week up; garage. [ J BOARD AND ROOMS—TCTIET. ~ DELAWARE, N., 1849; 3 connecting fur sished rooms, suitable for man and wife H two man; reference. Randolph 3064. Let a Times Want Adi Get You Results 2sxssi GASBUGGIES- GEE VHAT A IF "THEYD IfTEN*’- - THEY OH NO EP- 7 rT) ( 'YOU FELLOW3 ARE ) I S>AY NOT U TEN )f f lf= TV WAS> CLOS6 3HAVE- E£E N GOING VERB GOING- THEY WERE ( 7/ \ OVEf? TwENTy TEN-" J MORE LIKE • i . y | in.'s? FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. MERIDIAN. 1021 N.; completly furnished. 4-room modern apt., 115 week; no ob jection to children. Circle 8 372 WANTED —Desirable couple to share home with widow northwest. Randolph 6356. MALE HELP—WANTED. l~l . . - . a . s . • ■ m m p- m WANTED Experienced newspaper solicitors. A real proposi tion for live wire salesmen. Report DAILY TIMES, Circulation Department. MEN to le&rn barber traaa. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 809 E. Washing ton at., Indianapolis Ind. Circle 707. SALESMEN—WANTED. SIDELINE salesmen wanted; commission basis. To call on dry goods, general, ready-to-wear and dept, stores. Sell the beat line of sateen bloomers in America. Samples easily carried; line weighs four pounds. This line very active. To show it means orders. Act at once. RHEA MAN UFACTURING CO., Milwaukee, Wii. 57 MILES per gallon made with new pat ented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. STRANSKY-VAPORIZER CO. Puksana, South Dakota. FEMALE HELP—WANY ED. Girls Between 18 and 25 year*, who are seeking i permanent employment ar.d whoae homes are in the city, apply to the Indiana Bell Telephone Cos. Room 322, corner New York and Meridian. SEVERAL ladies or men, so licitors; excellent opportun ity; salary and commission. SANITARY SALES CO., 20Va W. Ohio St. WOMAN, between 80 and 45 years of ng*\ wanted to help on a farm. Good wages paid. Write O. GWINNUP. Route 1, ' Box 43. New Salem. Ind. j WOMAN wanted to care for children. 482 Parker avenue. Webster 5593. _ SITU A T lON[WANT ED F^E MI A LIE. AMERICAN Protestant widow. 85. wants I position as housekeeper for elderly | couple or two mea. Address A No. 1188, Times. POSITION as housekeeper by lady with a , child Best of references. Address MRS. EMMA ROE* 610 N. Main street, Kokomo, Ind. LAUNDRY, rough dry called for and de livered in 48 hours. THE HOME LAUN DRY. Harrison 3268. WASHING to bring home; ironed or rough dry. Auto 43-522. WASHINGS for men or women, called for | and delivered. Randolph 04 If. I HAND laundry work to bring horns. Web [ ster 5997. BUSINESS SERVICES. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattr*>ees en 4 pillows made to order. E. F. BUKKLK Mass ave. Main 1421. New 28-775 HOUSE painting or Interior painting. In or out us city. No Job too Urge r too small; 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. GOODLOE. Main 3554. PAPER HANGING. per roll; clean ing. painting. Circle 5994. 1522 Asbury ; street. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indie*/, ,n CARPENTER work, new or repair, by day or contract. Call Drexel 1223. CARPENTERING; new and repair work of all kind*. Circle 1899. HEMSTITCHING. 20c YARD. MRS. TUTTLE 201 INDIANA AVE. WEED cutting, reaeonable. LEWIS CAVE. 2628 N. Olney. Webster 8697. BUSINESS CHANCES. ~~ LISTEN Have made mine, but am old. alone a-id j health ruined. Have chance of a life ! time for honest man of small capital to I Join me. Hack himself with little If I i back him for much. Take charge of aup ! ply station. No work or experience re ! quired. Handle all money and big In j com#, JIOO reward for Its equal. Simply ! Investigate ar.d meet your surprise. State • reference and amount of capital In first letter. IV. NOLES, Hotel Roosevelt, Indl j anapolls, Ind. PARTNER wanted, take half Interest In big selling novelty for Q. A. R. encamp ! ment; something entirely new and a real . money maker. Main 5762. Mr. Dally. FOR SALE —Fish and poultry store. Cheap for quick sale. Call Main SofeO or at store. 540 W. Washington. FOR EXCHANGE—IIOO,OOO general mer chandise; will divide. Write LEAVITT LAND CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. i AUTOMOBILE repair shop. *275; leaving city; must sell. Circle 0525. ROOMING HOUSES. RESTAURANTS; EA.-.Y TERMS. 40 N. DELAWARE. GROCERY and meat market; will sell stock and leave fixtures. Randolph 0157. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 6200 CASH BUYS NEAT SOUTH SIDE HOME. NOW VACANT. On Minnesota st.. 4 rooms, gas. tjectrlc lights, city water, newly painted, new electric fixtures; all in good condition. Price *I.BOO. HENRY A ROBINS. REALTORS. 153 E. Market St Main 5538. “S3OO Cash” buys double 6 rooms a side, 1 square from W. Indianapolis car line. Price *2.500; *2O per month. “Live Wires.’’ T. R. JONES A CO., 414 Peoples Bank Bldg. 134 E. Market street. Main 6754. Belmcnt 4731. Washington 2469. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. HAVE YOU ANY SAND IN YOUR CRAW ? If you have now Is your chance to get a home. We are offering 2826 Sangster ave. for sale at *2.500. Five rooms, all newly painted and decorated. New tin work, new shades, In fact a renewed house; J2i>o cash, balance like rent. Now is your chance. CAPITAL SECURITIES CO. 1023 Hume-Mansur Bldg. Main 3076. or Randolph 5367. Special Bargain In an 8-room thoroughly modern home, located at 248 S. Dovney ave. Garage. For price anil terms, see Mr. YanArsdall, wltu 11. C. Tuttle & Bro. 131 E. Ohio. 1508 CHESTER; 4 room, brand new bungalow, Just completed. In the beau tiful and fust growing section Just east of Brookside Park Ail rooms of good size and nicely finished; electric lights, good well and outbuildings. These homes are worth the un/ney. Price $2,375, email cash pavmcnt, balance like rent. Mr. Smith. FIDELITY TRUST CO. Main 6584 ; evenings, Randolph 4346. Southeast Home Five rooma. 4 down, 1 up; electric lights, gas. water In yard and kitchen, plenty fruit and shade, extra large lot, 2 car lines. Price $2,750, part cash, balance terms. See Mr. Barrett. Howard C. Venn. | 108 E. Market. Main 1175. A DANDY 5-ROOM COTTAGE 122# Villa ave.; large lot, *a*t front and in good shape for only $2,900. Terms. B F. Clark, with Frank S. Clark & Cos. *** E. Ohio street. Main Sir* “ EIGHT-ROOM HOME on N. Hamilton rear Washington. If ; looking U r a home, here is a bargiln Prlee *4 500; *750 cash, balance monthly. Call Mrs Way man. after 6 p. ra., Ran dolph 1349. I. N. Richie & Son. 308 Tndlanapolia Securities bldg. M. 0520. GOOD HOME BARGAIN Seven rooms, modern, hardwood floors. Priced for quick *ale. LET ME SHOW THIS. E. It. Newhouse, Realtor. Peoples’ Bank Bldg. Circle 7171 Webster 529$ Six-Room Bungalow on Southeastern ave.; gas. electric lights, city water, hath, etc.; Improved street; nice lot; only $2,600, S6OO cash. S2O per montn. Call Lewis Clark. Evenings, Randolph 6266. with FRANK S. CLARK & CO. SM F. Ohio. Main 8377. PENNSYLVANIA ST. HOME Thoroughly modern. six rooms and bath; full size lot; we have instructions to sell this property at once. WANT OFFER. Dunlop & Holtecel, Realtors 122 E. Market Kt. FOR COLORED - BIYKR New 4-room bungalow. Keystone and Churchman; paved street; large lot; cash S4OO, balance S2O pe- month. FRANK E. BROWN. 831 Lemcke bldg. Main 7107. Eve., Harri son 2828. For Sale —Payments 810 Harrison street, 5 rooma; city water, gas; S6OO canh. balance monthly. Hall & Hill, Realtors. FOR SALE 1 H aerrs <m Brill strert, 3*4 miles from Monument. *1.350. 1350 cash. *lO per mo. Crum & Boulden 217 K of P. Bldg. Main 4283 PLANT a few dollars safely and where they will grow. East front lot, 40x150 feet; Chester afreet, south of Thirty- Eighth street. Only *300; *lO in cash, bal ance *1 weekly. Act quickly. Phone Washington 4175. FOR SALE by owner, five-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, east front, hard wood floors, full basement; newly painted one-half square East Washington ear line. Ideal location at edge of Irvington. Lot 40x171. Irvington 3314. CORNER TRACT 138x160 feet, 3 lots. near Thirty-Eighth street. Price only 1825 for the 3 lots. Terms *3O cash, bal ance *3 weekly. MR. YOUNG. Wash lngton 1079. WE GUARANTEE SALES ~ on anything you to sell In less than 30 days if you make your price right. DAY & DAY. 150*4 S. Illinoia St. Phene. Circle 4809. a TT A 5-room double, 1248-60 ntt || I>*e st. Look it over and Vi II / vk 11 make an offer. Phone, office A u Circle 6600. Ree., Harri son 2282. A HOME AND INCOME *B.OOO. A six apartment flat of 18 rooms with a nice 2 story porch in good order; rents for *162 month. Call owner. Circle 0733. TWO lots on corner; Chester street near Thirty-Fourth. 46x132 feet each. If taken In 5 days *SOO gets both. Terms *2O • ash. balance *2 weekly. Phone at once. Main 8907, JONES st. home, seven rooms, gas. elec tric lights, furnace, hardwood floors, 2 lots; *3.500; *1,300 cash. Main 0107. *lO CASH, then *1 weekly, buys high, level lot. 43x132 feet. near paved street, school and car line northeast. Price for 5 days only *395. Phone today. Main 1409. SIX-ROOM cottage, front and back porch. Price *2.000. 1703 Perkins ave. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. SINGLE or double, either modern or not. Main 0107. FROM ow-ner, working mans home, west; on payments; fine fruited lot and *SO first payment. Belmont 3439. CASH FOR EQUITY OR CONTRACT FOR REAL ESTATE. MAIN 1115, WANT to rent four or five-room house In Brookside; adults. Webster 5842. REAL EST AT E—SAL E O R TRA PE. A FAIR trade )• better than a sacrifice •ale. GEO. R. BROWN, 1001 City Trust. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1921. Variety Is the Spice of Life LOTS FOR SALE. 3 LOTS 40x150 Garfield north of Eleventh street; $f!00 buys the three. One chance la a lifetime. Act quick. B. F. Clark, with Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio St. Main 3377. LARuE, beautiful lot* In Wayne park. Just ofT W. Washington st., which Is being paved; *1 down. *1 a week Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience CSCAR LEE 607 City Trust. Main 0217. SU BU RBAN. f, SUBURBAN HOME Fortr-Slxth and Keystone ave. Bargain See Van Aradal. 11. C. Tuttle & Bro. 131 E. Ohio. 6-ROOM HOME on 10*4 a rc-B, 5 miles from Monument. Price $6,500; part cas*h, balance easy terms. ( ail MR. MTNTEER. with I. N. Richie & Son. 303 Ind! * ’ g. M 0520. Su burbai i—Ea sy 1 ‘ay incuts New 5-room bungalow. *4 acre of ground, garage, coal shed, we'i; stop 5 on Norihwtstt-rn interurban, $l5O cash, $-6 per month. Main 0186. FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE For Sale or Trade 126 acre stock and grain farm 9 miles nerth on Michigan r-iad. Will accept good securities a* part payment or city prop erly. Call C. W. HURST, owner. Circle 6600. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 10. DAY SPECIAL USED AUTOMOBILE SALE Now in Full Swing Attraetive Yalues Attractive Priees Attractive Terms The Assortment of the City at Buck’s Thirteen makes, 8 body styles, 2 and 3-passenger roadsters. 4-passengex sport and chummy, 5 and 7 pas senger tourings, seddns and coupes. Studebaker Matbohm Franklin Interstate Essex Reo Chalmers Chevrolet Hupmobile Overland Regal Case Oakla -d The Buck Cos. 309 N. Pennsylvania. One square north of postofflee. fNASHj| Nash Renewed Cars ARE GUARANTEED. W> also offer the following standard uned cars, all of which are of exceptional value. 1920 Maxwell touring. 1920 Renewed Nash 6 paaaenjjer. 1920 Renewed Nash roadster. Reo roadster. 1920 Chevrolet . coupe. Overland touring, Model 80. Cash or terms. Losey-Nash Retail Cos. 400 N. Capitol ave. Main 8348-3349. Automatic 21-946. SIOO TO $125 Down and $5 weekly buys a good used car. Wo carry Fords, Max wells, Chevrolets, Monroes, Inter states, Dodges and others. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 518 N. Capitol. Open Evenings and Sundays. COLUMBIA 6 automobile*. ARTHUR DIETZ COMPANY, dhitrlbutora. 334 E. Market street. Main 6716. McFARLAN sport sedan and touring, sale or trade. Randolph 49MS. FOR SALE OR TRADE- —-Overland tour ing; fine for jitney. Belmont 3439. 1920 m r PMOßlLE"tourlng. like new” 235 N. Pennsylvania st. Main 2246. “motorcycles and bicyclesT Now is the time to have your motor cycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 509 Massachusetts avanue. AUTO TO THE HURT TO: The best equipped arid up-to-date paint shop in Indiana is at your service, under the supervision of men who know nothing else but high-grade work. May we have the pleasure, of giving you an estimate when you contemplate having your motor vehicle painted? Local Branch NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Eleventh and Meridian Streets. Phone Alain 1884. lndiaiiapolis, Ind. FOR SALE 1 Surplus stock auto tires. 30x3H. *7.99; 3”x* 5* ■ *9 40 Limited number of *M j sizes. MASTER PRODUCTION CORPOR ! ATION'. 16 When B;dic AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 334 North Illinoia S & S Auto Laundry | TRUCKS—FOR SALE. ~ TRUCKS Autocar chassis with cal), rebuilt and painted. To be sold with usual Autocar guaran tee for one year. 1* o-ton Diamond I, has been used 40 days. Will sell with large discount and, guaranteed same as new, Studebaker speed truck with panel body, electric lights and starter. An excellent delivery unit. 2-ton International, in good condition. The above trucks can be bought on our eas} payment plan. THE BUCK CO. 313 N. Penn. St. Main 0303. Auto. 24-371. Distributors of Autocar Trucks. AUTOMOBiLES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. *l9 N. minoln St. Main 1579. Amo. 3?-663 AUTOS WANTED Largent used car dealers Id state INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. AUTOS wanted. WEISSMAN’B 212-14 E. New York itreet. Main 4446. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. A(vss*vvvvwvvv-vvvvvvvvwwvyvvw PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Private locked rooms and open epaoo. 25c per menth and up. Local and over land tranafer. We call and glva you ex act prices on any bind of work without any obligations. 419-23 E. Market street. Main 2750, Auto, 23-680. Sliank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER, PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jeruey at. Maln 2028. Auto. 21-123. GU P Storage Cos. Cheapest rate In city. 80 W. Henry at. Main 4699. DID YOU SELL ITT If not. try the automobile columns of The Times Want Ads. UNION STATION BAGGAGE CO. Dse the phone- Call Main 7119. Quigley-Hyland Agency civil and Criminal Investigators. 626-529 Law bldg. Main 21102 MJSC ELL AN EO U S—W AN TED. GOOD sound yellow ear corn wanted at the stock yards. Main 0196. MISCELLANEOUS—■FORSALE. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS payments Get our low prices on hi&h-ffrade u*ed and second-hand UNDERWOOD, MON ARCH. REMINGTON. L. C. SMITH. ROYAL and other good machines. Wo sell machines that we fan guarantee. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP IS West Market. Second Floor. r*hone, Main 2656. Indianapolis, Ind. Match Your rr\ Coat i . Lower Prices Now i J l THE PANTS STORE CO. Isl / l ■ Two Stores. Uj 11 4 4S W. Ohio St. * 118 E. Ohio St. r jlt Good rubber tired invalid chairs for rent, *3.50 a month; | JHBSQ r.o charge for delivery. Baker Quit wearing ready-made /jt> t , PANTS $ & We make them to your J J measure Cor Vl J/ I.EON TAILORING CO. 191 E. New York et. l.’peialr*. ODDS and end* in grocery fixture*. Meat boxes ice boxee, restaurant tables and chairs, counter* and show cases. BAKER BROS. DROP HE AD -Singer; like new * 15.00. 604 East Market. AUTO hosiery knitter with 3 lb*, of yarn *to. Webster 5146. I’i'l’R c, -inter* and shelving for sale rh'-ap. Webster 0953. 1014 Temple ave. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. L Move Household Goods $2.00 a room. Large truck. Call Webster 3229. TO bAKthn riKUS. tu r furniture, ru*r ar.d stove*. Payment*. 219-225 faiaat v* “viiii.Kii.ii wtr-*t. ideal” cooker, like new; steamer trunk cabinet §ai range. Randolph 1845. . SE . w . I . NG --- MA -- C -- H! - f h :: : s . FQR SAL£ - CBKD j White end Slimier ' Rented *3 per ! hj month. Repairs > < —and part* for all 'ujaai •* make* guaranteed y y j 312 Mass. Ave Main 0000. ~COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. “ THE BEST TS THE CHEAPEST. Ind or Linton, clean forked 00 IllinoU lump, large clean forked.... ?7 50 Best Brazil block large farke 1 55.59 Try our Pocahontaa, nouo better. Delivered anywhere in the city. Free kindling with each ton ordered or more. Drexel 3280 ______ Auto. . 2-334. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. BOSTON TERRIER puppies for ale; eligible for registering Broad Ripple. Seventieth and River. Darby camp. Price SSO and J7£. ROMUa wanted fur healthy hcmeleu dog*. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. City dog pound. 924 E. N. Y. Main 0873. Ui,HBRED English Coach female j pups; SI.OO each. Webster 5204. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn ccck . od. Call Randolph 7580. HORSES AND VEHICUES. FOR SALE —Platform spring wagon, one set of single work harness, cheap. Phone Webster 3030. * MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. LEEPY baaa drum and beater and one tenor saxophone, good as new. tYebster 8300. RECORDS; good recorna of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 219 East Washington. .VIEW player piano; will take cheap lot: balance payments. Randolph 4221. ~ AUCTIONS. Auction Sale Friday. 2 p. in., July 29, at 4022 Rock wood ave. We will sell five rooms of extra ntce furniture, consisting of ten-piece mahogany dining room set, mahogany bedroom set, white enam eled high-oven gas range, white enameled kitchen table, brass bed, box spring and mattress, large over stuffed rocker, mahogany parlor cab inet, several mahogany parlor chairs, several nice rugs, set of porch furni ture, large fern and many other ar ticles. These are all extra nice goods. Shank Auction Cos. Main 2028. Extraordinary 227 N. New Jersey, Thursday, 9:30 a. m.. July 28. We will sell fine overstuffed parlor suite, Circassian walnut bedroom suite, mahogany bedroom suite. fumed oak dining room suite, Kaltex set, white enameled gas range, largo leather-seated rockers, fumed oak daveno set., oak chifferobe, several oak dressers. talking machine, two Spxcke auto cars, about 20-9x12 rugs, dishes, cooking utensils, pic tures and many other articles. Shank Auction Cos. Main 2028. FINANCIAL.. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOAN’S PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bid* flouthwest corner Delaware and Market FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate . R. B. WIL SON. 108 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. ~ INSURANCE. In all Its branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 936 Lemcke bid*. Main 1013. (Copyright, 1921, by Kpw Era FoiUnresl by Beck FmANCIAL. PERSONAL LOANS $lO TO S3OO This office is operated under the super vision of the State of Indiana and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from *lO to *3OO without paying more than the legal rate of in teres. or without being Imposed upon in any way. It Is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friends, relatives or trades people. You can have all time necessary for repayment and pay only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and let us explain No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO. 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Room* 205-7-9 Indiana Trut Bldg. 118 E. Washington St. Corner Vir. Av*. ~ large Profits from email expenditure follow Real Estate advertising in "Want Ad" column* of the Tsmea. LEG_AL NOTICE. ~~ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the business director of the Board of School Commissioners, southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio streets, until 2 o’clock p. rn.. Aug. 6. IS3I. for the paint ing nt Shortridge High School, according to specifications therefore on tile at the office of the Board of School Commission ers at the southwest corne r of Merl lia; and Ohio streets, IndKi'ixpolia, Indiana.'mate of work slo,ooo.'a*. Ai proposals must be made on blanks pieacribed by the State boar l of accounts, which will be supp led bv the supertuiind ent of buildings and groun Is. or the busi ness director of the board. The contrac tor shall in his bid offer to execute r* con tract ar.d give a bond, form* of which contract and bond are made a part of tho specifications so on file p.t me >!ftco of the Board of School Commissioners. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on a responsible bank or trust company in Indianapolis for $300.00, payable to the Board of S hooi Commis sioners of the city of Indianapolis. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS* RALPH W. DOUGLASS, Business Director. Indianapolis, July 26, 1921. NOTICE TO TAX PA YERS. BY THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. uF ITS DETER MINATION TO ISSUE BONDS OP* OTHER EVIDENCES OF INDEBTED NESS FOR TEMPORARY LOAN. OR LOANS. FOR BOARD OF HEALTH PURPOSES. Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of th- city of Indianapolis, that the city of Indianapolis by and through Its common council and mayor, upon recommendation by Its city controller and upon the request of its B* ard of Health, by General Ordi nance No. 52, 1921, duly passed by said common council and approved by the mayor of said city on the 19th day of July. 1921, did determine to issue it* bonds, or other evidence of indebtedness for a temporary loan, or loans, for Board of Health purposes in the sum of two hundred thousand ($200,000.00) dollars, at a rate of interest not to exceed eix (6 r c) per cent per annum, and not to exceed a period of five months, in anticipation of end out of the current revenues of tha Board of Health of said city, actually levied and in the course of collection for the fiscal year of 1921. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. By CHARLES W. JEWETT. Mayor. ROBERT H. BRYSON, City Con troller. SAMUEL ASHBY, Corporation Counsel. DIVORCE MILL AT RICHMOND GRINDS LIVELY Judge Bond Shows Ire at Former Congressman Henry U. Johnson. Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., July 27.—Argument in the divorce trial of John M. Worley Bgnlnst Lucile Worley waxed warm Tues day. So heated did the tilt become that Judpe Wlllbtm A. Bond threatened to fine Attorney Henry U. Johnson, former Con pressman, when he engaged in verbal | combat with Prosecutor Paul Becket,L j Mr. Worley, the plaintiff, charged in fidelity on the part of his wife in ask ing for the divorce. Testimony was in troduced showing that since the filing of the complaint the plaintiff has lived ! with his wife. The introduction of this ; testimony caused the wrangle among the lawyers. Earlier in the day Carrie B. Sizelove was granted a divorce from Fred B. Slzelovo. Both are prominent Milton residents and Mrs. Slzelove, formerly Mrs. Carrie B. Johnson, was formerly j a resident of Indianapolis. Mrs. Size love asks $-1,000 alimony and was granted S2OO. She was granted the restoration of her former name, Mrs. Carrie B. John son. The divorce action filed by Jennie Alex ander against Edward Alexander was heard by Judge Bond and taken under consideration. The plaintiff charged cruel and inhuman treatment and asks for the restoration of her former name, Mrs. Jen nie Hosbrook. The couple was married in January, 1921, and separated after eleven weeks of married life. Georgia Robbins filed a complaint for a divorce from Raymond Robbins. She charges cruel and inhuman treatment and improper conduct with another woman. A. C. Lindemuth was appointed special Judge in t.he divorce trial of John S. Osborn against Emma Osborn. The special Judge was appointed upon peti tion for change of venue. 72,20* TONS OF PEAT. Peat production in ths United Sjjtatea for 1920 was 72,204 short tons . HARVEY READY TO GIVE VIEWS ON YAP MATTER Ambassador Empowered to Act for U. S. if Supreme Council Desires to Act. WASHINGTON. July 27.—Ambassador George Harvey is fully prepared to dis cuss the question of a mandate over the Island of Yap If It should be brought up at the forthcoming meeting of the su pr'.-iie council, it was learned officially to* day. The ambassador has been apprised of every detail of the Administration attl tude toward the question and is au thorized to conduct negotiations for this Government in case the allied premiers see fit to attempt to bring about a set tlement. It is unlikely, however, that Colonel Harvey will himself urge con sideration of the Yap problem, as con versations now are In progress on the subject between Secretary of State Hughes and Ambassador Shidehara and these negotiations are proceeding in a satisfactory manner. This does not mean that the United States would resent an attempt on the part of the supreme council to reach an agreement on mandates. On the con trary the Administration would welcome a settlement of that troublesome question regardless of time or place and if any at the allied premiers wishes to initiate such a discussion Ambassador Harvey will place no obstacles in his way. The allied governments have tacitly agreed that a settlement of the Yap di pute is most likely to result from direct negotiations between the United State* and Japan, the two Nations most deeply interested and until It becomes evident that such negotiations cannot succeed It is thought unlikely that the supreme coun cil will take a hand In the proceedings. With the situation in Silesia growing more delicate the supreme council prob ably will have a task of sufficient magni tude, for the present session, to bring about an amicable adjustment of that dis pute without busying Itself at this time with the question of mandates. FRENCH CANCEL TROOP ORDER PARIS, July 27.—The supreme coun cil, at its meeting Aug. 14, will decide whether allied reinforcements shall be sent to Upper Silesia. Upon motion by England the inter-allied ambassadorial 1 council today decided t 9 refer the ques tion to the supreme council when It meets. In the meantime the order for the sending of a division of French troops to Upper Silesia has been can celled. FRENCH INSIST ON QUICK ACTION LONDON, July 27. —Just as it appeared that the breach in Ango-French rela tions over Upper Silesia had been healed, anew obstacle arose today. A fresh disturbance is threatened by the reported insistence of Premier Briand that the question of sending allied reinforcements to Upper Silesia shall be first on the agenda at the supreme council meeting. Marquis Curzon, British foreign sec retary. upon learning of this report, immediately instructed the British am bassador at Paris to make Inquiries as to the truth of the report. If it is found to be true, England, It i was declared, “must reconsider her whole attitude regarding the treatment of Upper Silesia by the supreme council.’* * DEPRESSION IN BUSINESS HITS THE BLACK BELT, Craps Game Abandoned on Indiana Avenue—Police Not Responsible This Time. Police court circles have had, recently, a ppries of visits from Rufe Page, giant negro political power, who lines up the votes for the Jewett “good government” political machine. Not that Page has been “pinched,” but some of his friends have hnd bad luck and, therefore, his calls on the police. Tage was seen talk ing with Ed “Chip” Lewis, negro road house keeper, professional bondsman and political power, yesterday, In the hall way of the city courtroom. “There is nothing doing on Senate ave nue." Tage explained to a newspaper man. “Lots of the boys are out of work and there are no craps games under way. Things are not moving good up there Just now.’’ The same reports come from the notori ous Indiana avenue districts At least four of the negro gambling dives have been closed recently. It evidently Is not due to the activity of the police In those districts, but rather to the fact that the "husiness depression” has affected tho craps shooting business. POLICE MIX IT WITH LAWYERS Attorney Ogborn Objects to Juvenile Court Treatment. When William H. Ogborn, 2460 North New Jersiy street, an attorney, mixed with Police Offlcora Charles Downey and E. W. Ratcliff this morning. Juvenile court was thrown into confusion. After the policemen, who are assigned to the court as special Investigators, had quieted Mr. Ogborn, he was taken to the police station, where he was charged with re sisting an officer and disorderly conduct His bond, fixed at $1."0, was signed ty Sam Farb, a professional bondsman. According to the police officers they received a letter signed by H. L. Ogborn and mailed in Canton. Ga., asking them to investigate the alleged neglect of * boy near the New Jersey street address. In the investigation Policeman Ratcliff said he interviewed Mrs. Ogborn. This morning Mr. Ogborn appeared nd charged that the policeman had misrep resented tho letter to Mrs. Ogborn. There was a warm altercation and finally the battle started. Fan, Horse, Buggy Loot for One Night A thief who wishes to keep cool, broke the lock off of the side window of a mov ing picture theater at 513 Indiana av*- nue, early tdav and carried away an elec tric fan valued at $lB. Arua Bowman, manager of the theater, reported the theft. James Smith. 1545 North Arsenal ave nue, told the police Ws barn was broken into iast night and a horse and buggy was stolen. Find Body of Man in Greencastle Home Spccla' to The Times. GREENCASTLE. Ind.. July 27.—Fall ing to appear after an absence of sev eral days searchers found the body of James Cloverdale, 65, In his home In the south part of the city. Coroner J. E. McCurry stated Cloverdale had been deaa several days. Cloverdale lived aloim- and none of his relatives are kno-®j3> 9