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12 Money to Loan on New Dwellings and Medium Priced New Apartments iatoinss anu Crust Company NEGROES RUN AS POLICE ANSWER WEST SIDE CALL Shot From Revolver Brings One Down and Other Stops —Had Many Chickens. Two alleged chicken thieves were can tured after a thrilling pursuit through a corn field south of Tenth street and west of the city hospital today. One was shot In the right leg by the police. A wagon loaded with chickens was brought to police headquarters. Steven Bracey, 22, negro. 330 East Court street, was shot In the right leg. the bullet lodging In the knee. He i? under arrest on charges of vagrancy and grand larceny and is held in the deten tion ward at the city hospital. Virgil Torter, 22, negro. Sls Hadley street, is locked in a cell room at police headquarters charged with, grand lar ceny and vagrancy. While both men gave their ages as 22 years, each appear to be about 32 years old. POLICE CHASE NEGROES IN FIELD. The police received a call at 7 o’clock this morning that two chicken thieves were unloading some chickens from a wagon on Tenth street west of the city hospital. The police emergency squad under Sergant Sheehan went to tne scene. The men had started to drive south on a road just west of the hospital but when they saw the police the two negros deserted the wagon loaded with cnickens and ran Into a coin field. Motor policemen Dalton, McClure, Maas and Wilson gave pursuit and at Walnut and Wilson streets opened fire. Suddenly Bracey held up his hands and yelled: •*i quit. I’m shot.” Porter, hearing him, also surrendered. The two men told different stories of where they obtained the wagon and the chickens. The horse was a small white animal and it was hitched to an old wagon with the word ‘’coal" painted on It. No license tag was on the wagon. The three coops, tilled with chickens, were covered with old carpet. In the three coors there were thirty hens, most of them Plymouth Bocks. NEGROES ’TELL DIFFERENT STORIES. One negro declared that a white man asked them to take the chickens to market and sell them for him. The otter negro said a colored man met him cn the street and told h m where to find the chickens hidden in the bushes along Fall Creek. The police are investigating to learn where the negroes got tne chickens, horse and wagon. Mrs. Mary Dugan, 3002 Washington boulevard, was awakened today by hear ing a burglar remove the screen from the side window of her home, t-he screamed and the prowler ran. Motorpolice Hans ford and Lansing received the burglar call at 4:30 o'clock this morning and went to the Washington boulevard ad dress and searched the neighborhood for the prowler but failed to find him. G. C. Allen. 2206 North Illinois street, told the police that his purse containing 137 and some receipts was stolen while he was in a down town shining parlor, yesterday afternoon. William Short, 222 Fulton street, told the polb-e that a thief stole his extension ladder from his back yard. Democrats to Take 90-Day Poll of Voters A Blcsty-day poll of voters will ho started Monday by the Democratic city committee, according to an announcement of Thomas Meeker, city chairman. This will be the first poll to be taken during the municipal campaign, and will be a guide for the Democratic party In regis tering Its rote at the first registration Sept. 10. Acordlng to Mr. Meeker he expects to find an unusually large number of voters listed as "doubtful," and he added he expected to find many north side citizens, who formerly were listed as Republicans, aligning theiuselTes with the Democratic party In the city campaign. Tim Murphy Freed on §205,000 Bonds CHICAGO, July ss. —Tim Murphy, alleged by the postal In|>ectors to ba the brains which managed the Dearb rn street station mail robbery In April, to day Is free on S‘JOT>,OG9 bonds. Murphy was brought to Chicago from the Jail In Joliet last night and seventeen of Tim s friends scheduled a total of J'-tyi.UOO to get him out. It has been Intimated by the Govern ment that nothing less than SNi’u.lMJ would be accepted In the way of scheduled real estate. Judge band is, however, after a conference with K. A. I’eldott, the district attorney's bond ex pert, said the amount presented was sufficient. Mrs. Murphy has worked for weeks lo get her husband released. WIT AND WISDOM was Marie Twain of happy memory, master of wisdom as well as wit, who said that July was dne of the peculiarly dangerous months in which to speculate. The ether months, he add ed, were October, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February. BEFORE YOU INVEST, INVESTIGATE Otcr officers %Hl gladly ktlp you National City Bank 14-16 E. Wash. St. TALL CORN OF STATE HAZARD FOR AUTOISTS Hoosier Association Warns of New Agency in Obscuring Crossing Views. There is still a deadly hazard in rorn. according to officials of the Hoosier State Auto Association, who have issued l warning to automobile drivers in refer once to "blind” country road crossings which abound by the hundreds in every section of Indiana during this tall corn season. "Our scouts who have been traveling in nearly every section of the State report that corn crop conditions, aside from the recent dry spell are of top notch variety and that the corn stalks are now all the way from man-high to nearly telephone pole height. All of which has increased the hazard in country driving at tourist speed,” says the bulletin of the association. “We wish to Issue a warning, therefore, to every automobile owner In Hoosler dom. to be cautious In going through blind country road Intersections, made so at this season of the year by the tall corn growing right up to the Intersec tion. It is not enough to sound the horn—slow down to a control speed. "In addition to the hazard from tall corn, there is a hazard from weeds and ‘live fences' in the shape of hedges. Trees, and shrubbery, too, are to be found in luxuriant growth and where they nre close to a road intersection, these all form a hazard. "Just remember, Mr. Driver, that while yon are sailing down the road at thirty miles an hour or faster, some one else may be burning the trail along the Intersecting road. Several very bad accidents have been reported and under such conditions there are apt to be fatalities. “It Is with a view of warning every driver to be cautious, to save lives or serious injury to person or property, that we Issue this statement and we hope to have this warning spread broadcast through the State press. “The only safe rule is 'safety first.' Don't take chances in dashing with un dimir.ished speed through blind country road intersections. “The same rule will hold gnofl in cities. At every crossing in city or town or country there is a hazard because auto mobiles are too thick to make It safe now to take a chance. “Never count on the other fellow to slow down. Do It yourself. Turn corners slowly. If every motorists will simply observe these few rules there will be less accidents and less fatalities. In cldentally. It is hoped that farmers will hereafter not plant their corn right up to a road intersection, but plant some smailer crop in the main corners. “Anew State law secured through the influence of the Hoosier State Automobile Association requires township trustees everywhere to have all live fences trimmed to n height of not over five feet at road intersections and all shrubbery ar.d trees interfering with vision of cross roads must be trimmed or removed. It is suggested that motorists In every s°c tlon of the State should take this matter up with their township trustee with a view of reducing motoring hazards.'' r'-w Surprise your family A and friend* with anew TB MOORE FI ET. D ropper > ys t-one portrait of yotir- V'M S' self. They will enjoy It / i/kyik. * nr many years. Ar (■ range a sitting today. Ninth Floor, Kahn Bldg. - ASTHMA - jftyt If you have Asthma. there is n n*>rve pressure at the place In the spine Indicated t 1* by arrow. ' E 9 me release the pressure and thereby Remove the Cause I have done It for others. Why not for you? Wm- D - C CHIROPRACTOR 904 Odd Fellow Bldg. Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; I to 5 and 7 to 8 F. M. Sunday and other hours by appointment. Office Tel, Main 6941. Residence Tel., Randolph 7717. No Charge for Consultation DOG HILL PARAGRAFS *W~n *• t W\^ /: w f.jN5% L* HHt -*Hi I Cricket Hicks was offered a position and a Job all in the same dry, but he | decided not to accept either, as the posi tion didn’t pay enough and the job was j too hard work. The postmaster has not been giving the very best of satisfaction to the pub | lie here of late, and there is strong talk |of a stock company being organized to start another postoffice. ! Frisby Hancock has been elected school trustee for the fourth time. If he had started climbing soon enough he might have been elected President some day. Keystone Avenue No Longer Speed Track People who live on Keystone avenue, between Fall Creek and Ilavenswood. have appealed to Sheriff George Snider 'to break up the habit of automobile speeding and raring on Keystone ave nue. | “Speeding on Keystone avenue, if not stopped, will result in a fatal disaster 1 one of these days,” said Sheriff Snider. “I am appealing first to motorists to observe the speed laws and if this falls I will station special deputies on the avenue to make arrests.” The sheriff states that he Is deter mined to stop speeding on Keystone avenue. 'o* ' Icy-Hot Carafes A Practical Necessity for the I Veil-A ppointed Household Because a lucky purchase enabled us to secure them at below market price, we are putting these Ss 1 Qt. Nickel Carafes On Special Sale Thursday | Each $4.75 Icy-Hot Vacuum Bottles J So essential to the thirsty N motorist! mfjy =\ These bottles are not only vell -==A made, but handsome, too. with their fijsiSs maroon-colored metal case, nickel , IN QUART SIZES At the special, attractive price, In Pint Size, $12.50 You can get them, first floor, rear. i Charles Mayer & Cos. 20 ami 31 West Washington Street. Gjgtojk ESTABLISHED 1810. r NEW Bm Victor For August On Sale Friday, July 23 To Our Music-Loving Friends: In Auguat the weather is often too warm to seek amusement at the theaters or the movies or wherever you find enter tainment. Then it is that your Victrola proves a particular treasure, bringing all the best in entertainment into your home. The August list means an entire ly new hill and a welcome one. Come in and let us play these records for you. Ground Floor Salesrooms 27 East Ohio Street llumo-Mansur Bldg:. Main 4292. —Phone*— Auto. 24-023. Store flojiM Saturday* 1 p. m., otlier eve ning* 5 p. m., during: July and Auguot. Progress Laundry INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1921. SURGERY FILMS TRUE IN DETAILS Moving Pictures of Operations to Be of Greate Value. BERLIN, July 28.—A cinematographic achievement, which undoubtedly has proved epoch-making, lias just been dem onstrated In Berlin's great charitable hospital In the presence of prominent physicians and Journalists. The films showed every stage of half a dozen operations, Including an opera tion for fracture of the patella, one for the extirpation of the breast, and an operation on the stomach and abdominal cavity as performed by men like Pro fessor Bier, Professor Frenkel and others. The processes Is the Invention of Alex ander von Rothe, chief physician of the Wilmersdorf Hospital, who long has been working with the assistance of the min istry of education aid the Cinemato graphic-Technical Association to find a method of filming the operations which should show every modon without dis turbing the stiregon or employing illumi nation likely to counteract the asepsis. The lens of the apparatus is contained in a spherical case which Is suspended directly over fho field of operation and the film ribbon, which often is 600 meters long, passes through a tube from *he reel in an adjoining room. The pictures secured show an opera tion precisely as seen by too operating surgeon's eye. Even the threads of the closing stitches are observable. Indeed, the films give even a more faithful and more complete picture of every movement than can bo seen by those around the operating table. The possibilities of tha films for teaching and for making It possible for surgeons in the various countries to study enoh other’s technique cannot bo exaggerated in the view of leading medt cal me n here. Angry Bull Charges Hoosier’s Motor Car Harry Tutewiler, a Marion County commissioner, who is touring the West In his automobile, has written Carlin Shank, president of the commissioner's hoard, he had an exciting time of it motoring to Colorado Springs from Indlannpolls. Tutewiler said Ids car was attacked by an angry bull. The animal hurled Us masstve body against the automobile with such force that the handle of a door on a rear sent was knocked off. Tutewiler admits ho applied all pos Slide power to his machine and escaped without Injury to himself. Bargain Schedule For Friday All Day RirniminiiinmmniiiminTminnnimiiniimmimuiiiniiiiuiinnniniiininmmtiinimumniiiiniiimiiiiimiMinmiiijiiniiinjiiur.iimimmimniiir Small Women Bargain Feast 25 DRESSES- $#5.95 Sizes up to 36. Voiles, f ■ - ginghams and chain- ~ brays 45 DRESSES- $0 J 5 Ginghams, voiles and or- gandles, small sizes only and $4.95 100 WHITE SKIRTS- s*} .95 $5.00 and $6.00 wash yaber dine and serge, high-grade, nonshrlnkable. Reduced to.. and $3.95 100 BLOUSES- $ 1 -JO Organdies and voiles, in 1 ■■ short and long sleeves, all shades an( j $2.50 100 PETTICOAT- sOjs Colored silk Jersey and wash ——— satins, shadow proof, white and flesh, reduced to an< l $3.95 75 SWE A TERS- $ .95 Silk fiber and trlcolette, In many shades, Tuxedo to 89.95 IS TAILORED SUITS- SQjO Small sizes only, navy ' blue serge, $25.00 to S3O 00 values, nt and $14.75 Big Bargain Business Boosters Rink’s Cloak House BURN In your Furnace, Basebumer, Stove, Range or Water Heater For Cleanliness, Economy, Convenience For Sale by all Leading Coal Dealers AWNINGS ADVANCE TENT AND AWNING CO. 315-319 Adelaide St. MAin 3082. Auto. 22-293. SPECIAL SALE NOW ON All wool unit* to your /% P'A men.tire for X.* 91 S]l LEON TAILORING CO. y /|Y ISI E. New i’ork Bt. ™V/ 21-23 N. ILLINOIS ST. MILLINERY and APPAREL FOB WOMEN AND MISSES. CLOTHING —ox- CREDIT Hoyle b~ arict ■ nJ Clstkinj Cs. •M-SO6-&07 Vs. Washington 6k I Dotn Vest Senate Ava. WETOGRAPH Secret Writing System Invaluable tor lovers anti lor Keeping recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other Information Bate and private. Ns ■tranger can read your postale If you ust the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends Don’t miss It. Bend 10c and we will send the Weto Graph by mall with full Instructions. Address PENN PUB* | f.TSWTNn CO., flUlnrvtU*. ra Buy Vour Watch > On Refined Credit Tlan f EASY PAYMENTS Small payment down Hmj) and weekly payment* Ue ran supply any requirement ** t° quality at a ranue of price* that fff 7 r ?\ will satisfy and will lain meet your wlslien. By ’ ‘S Vou have all tlie ya TV VMr advantage* of a waQLJpLjV cash trwn *a c tion nlth the privilege of extending credit. Gray, Gribben & Gray Corner Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. For Friday—Our Bargain Day—This Sensational Offer Ladies 7 Oxfords —Pumps—Straps JjAk Colonials —Theo Ties /K Excellent qualities in blacks, browns and whites and in low J mjp9 jf A Pair 342 344 Virginia o ■. W V 933-940 South Avenue jgj| g |MA* M- 7 Meridian St. " 108-IUO Fountain JfF K JL JF 2630 North- Washington and Delaware 0 Only Two Days Left Boys’ Woolen Suits Values up to $6.97. Well made; all sizes. Many materials *• * Boys> and Boys ’ Stockin s s _ 230 value - A mmt Some very nifty good, , ong . WC ar. 1 fcL sr* 45c IBUM* values. EVERYTHING GOES Our Entire Stock of Ready-to- Wear and Shoes Almost Given Away THE GREAT FIRE SALE during our remodeling is offering thrifty people the opportunity of a lifetime Buy Now and Here—Prepare for Your Future Wants Granger Department Store 336-338 West Washington Street WHY WORRY ABOUT COAL HEAT YOUR HOME WITH OIL IS CHEAP AND PLEN TIFUL automatic oil heater The Automatic Janitor Main 3484 jrpjraaSlßwfc?*??"*— 1 — * ideal flour for every gZJx RHDHHBBnMBHMnn purpose. Always higheslj^ff^ ■. * • • • .'! : • V . ; ;. . - ; ■• . - . • ■ ••••: ■’ j* . . ’jjj'. A *■.<{*• v* •* -> -:. r - •• READY TO 00 YOUR REPAIR WORK -M D0 IT M | Mayes Bros. WIMPS' U PLUMBING. KEATING. AND VENTILATING MAIN 2493 AUTO 27 493 . ■■■ y ■ MORE HEAT LESS LABOR 58 W. New York