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SEPARATE RAIL LABOR BODY FOR CANADA IS PLAN Dominion Leader Sees Split in Branches of International Order. WINNIPEG. Man. Ang 5.—A definite and permanent split between the Ameri can and Canadian branches of the Inter national Railway labor movement was predicted here today by W. B. Beat, one of Canada's most powerful railway labor chief*. Best, who has been general < ha!r man of engineers on the Canadian North ern for seventeen years, declared the break would come in ‘the very near fu tu re." Beat, in an es.-lusive statement to In ternational News Service, declared the “opllt" would result In the organization of national railway unions throughout Canada to he controlled by Canadian railroaders. A large percentage of en glneers. now members of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, with head quarters in Chicago, have signified ttelr w-illlngmss to resign from the interna tional affiliation and Join anew Canadian organization. Well-informed labor circles here con firmed Best's prediction. Estimate* rum bered seventy-five thousand trainmen on “running trains" as dissatisfied with the International rule and anxious for anew organization. It was pointed out that Best had made plans to organize 80 per cent of the Canadian engineers running east of Port Arthur, while conservative estimates place 7ft per cent of the •'West ern” engineers among his followers. The chief contention of Canadian work era against the International rulings is on the acceptance of the .Tnly 1. wage cuts. It is asserted the cost of living is much cheaper In the United States than In Canada and the Canadian railroaders were opposed to accepting the same wage reductions. Best was expelled from the recent rail conference in Chicago because he refused to recognize the Cleveland pact limiting mileage allowed each engineer for a month's run. He has spent the last three years In organizing Canadian railroaders. Peppers Stuffed With Giblets Extract the seeds from large sweet preen peppers, and cut the latter Into halves Pour boiling water over them to mellow their pungency. Leave them In this until they are cold and set them on ice to get firm. When ready to cook them, fill each half with minced giblets seasoned and moistened with gravy. Put the halves together, fasten in place with skewers or toothpicks, set In a bake disb; poor in enough stock to prevent scorching and bake, covered, twenty minutes. Asparagus Salad Asp aragus tips heaped on lettuce leaves and served with French, mayonnaise or boiled dressing, poured over all. make a very good salad. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Three Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles as Otiilnr —double strength—is guaranteed to re move these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine— double strength—from any druggist and appl; a little of it night and morning and you should soon gee that even the wor*' freckle* have begun to disappear, wbih the lighter ones have vanished entirely It is seldom that more than an ounce Is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine as this 1 sold under guarantee o money back if It fails to remove freckles —Advertisement. Smashing Bargains “Read ’em and be Gladsome.’’ It gives us much satisfaction to be ahle to offer you such wonderful values. Remember that alth<”..h the prices are ridiculously low, the quality of the footwear is not. You’ll be genuinely surprised and pleased with the serviceability of the shoes we sell at such phenominal prices. Be sure to come Saturday. MEN’S BOYS ’ I You men who believe that good shoes cannot be sold If your hoy can he fitted in these sizes be for $1 are invited to see these. They’re regular §5 bring him in. It will pay you to buy several pairs values in Gunmetal, Calfskin and Patent leathers, for sl, one for now and one for school time. The Both lace and button styles. leather is Gunmetal. Button style with nroad toes. Ladies’ Ladies’ Men’s One-Strap House $6 Values in Gunmetal Lace SIIPPFRS LOW SHOES SHOES "W * “■“ ““ C* n a,, v,,l o-r 1-rr Gun metal lace high shoes with Saturday viniy Goodyear welt Roles. Serviceable If you would know the meaning of ja aid dressy English lasts. We also real foot comfort we suggest that tj® fij fv Jf * q have a few broad toe*. you buy a pair of these black leatb- / B irjjv l T7f\ The price repre pr one strap comfort slip- ft. 1 f -tTTI $ \ \.\ seats a big saving / pers. The broad toe and I I \.\V and one that you I make Ladies' Black Kid. Gunmetal arid I VA can not afford to walking or stand- patent Oxfords and Pump* with I V'V overlook these L l t. oT'' low heels. English or medium ff V days. ‘l eX toes. Included nt this remarkable price are the season s best sellers. I V\ Sires, The sixe ranee is slightly broken, to Saturday Only gatu^d^W" $1.69 $2,98 STORE OPEN UNTIL 9:30 P. M. SATURDAY EVENINGS imssEij! Mrs. Everett Johnson, oTiOO Pleasant | Run Parkway, who has been studying for the past six weeks la Chicago with Herbert Wltherspoou of the Chicago School of Music, returned home yesterday. While in Chicago Mrs Johuson sang at the Zlegfeld theater. Raymond McCarty, Mrs. Johnson's brother, has come from I<os Angeles, Cal., to spend four weeks In Indianapolis. Her daughter, lliss Beatrice Johnson, has gone to Sto le burough, Ind., for the week-end and Jo Frances Johnson of St. Joe, Ind., niece of Mrs. Johuson, who has beeu visit ing here, has gone to Shelby viile. The members of the Booklovers Club will be guests of Miss Elsie Breedlove, South Lincoln street tonight at a party In honor of Bert Tercot, who will h-ave soon for Chicago. Mrs. J. D. Johnston, 28 East Eighteenth street, has gone to Chatauqua, N. V., where she will visit for six weeks. * • Mrs. O. E. Itumpler, 31 North Hitter avenue, will return this evening from Bethany Park, where she has beeu visit ing. * • • Mr. and Mrs. C. E LaFollette of Thorn town, Ind., will be the guests this week end of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Titus. 926 Mid dle Drive. Woodruff Place. Mrs. Ruth Keene, was hostess for a luncheou yesterday at her home, loftf North Delaware street. A color scheme of lavender and white was carried, out in the attractive table arrangements <arry ; lng cut flowers. The guests were: Miss Lueda Klimper. Mrs. Jack llarmeline. Mrs. Charles Payne, Mrs. Charles Wood and Mrs. E. S. Stark. * • • Miss Dorothy Lee. 2060 College avenue, entertained Wednesday with a luucheon and kitchen shower in honor of Miss Isa belle Davidson, a bride elect. The bridal colors, pink and blue were used in the decorations and favors. The table was ! lighted with pink candles In crystal bolde-s tied with bows of pink and blue tulle. A mammoth wedding cake served as a centerpiece. * • * Timothy P. Sexton and family. 1102 Sturm avenue, ere at the Aube* uaubee Cottage. Lake Manitou, Rochester. Ind., where they will ~lsit for two weeks. They will make several motor trips be | fore returning home. * * • Mrs. Isaac Born, SS East Sixteenth street, went last week to New York ! City, where she is vis'ting her daughter. • * • Miss Ester Clemtuans of Springfield, Ohio. L the house guest of Miss Alma Sickler. 220 East Eleventh street. • * • At the meeting of the women'* auxili ary of Marne River Post of the Amer i lean Legion, which was held at the : Chamber of Commerce yesterday after ; noon. It was decided to give a dunce 6|fp The Solution of I Washing Problems Don’t worry yourself with the family washing problem in the summer. Crown Wet Wash will relieve you of PER POUND a ji t h e trouble, worry and heat W AQH It is very economical —and It Is as effl- If Li I ft iIUII cient as we know how to make it. Minimum Bundle SI.OO NO TAGS—NO MARKS THE CROWN LAUNDRY Telephone Webster 1923 May Get Father’s Job Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck, who is likely to be appointed by Governor Small to fill the unexpijvd term iu the lower house of the late William E. Mason. and lawn party on Aug. 10 at the corner j of Parker avenue and East Tenth street. Mrs. Charlotte McMurry Perkins, who j has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert W. Lehman, will leave today for Lebanon. Ind.. where she will visit for a few days with relatives. From Lebanon she Will go to Bloomington. 111., for a visit before departing for I’acoue Indian College. Okla., where she will teach. Hashed Potatoes , Browned Pare, wash and cut eight fine potatoes into small cubes, not more than half an Inch square. Put these over the lire with two tablespoonfuls of minced celery and half ns much grated onion. Sait to taste and cook urttl tender but not broken; drain off the water and turn the potatoes into a buttered dlah. Have ready a cupful of hot milk, into which st'.r a large tnhlespoonful of butter rubbed into one of flour. Do not rook them together, but add a table spoonful of finely minced parsley, and pour over the potatoes. Cover and bake fifteen minutes, theu brown upon the upper grating of your oven. Serve In the bake dish. The celery and onion Im port a most agreeable flavor to the dish. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5,1921. 1921 PROMISES TO BE BIG YEAR FOR INVENTORS Federal Government Expected to Be Gainer to Extent of $2,000J900. WASHINGTON. Aug. s.—American in ventors and designers will pay the Fed eral Government more than $2,000,000 in fees this year to obtain patents on their contrivances, officials of the United States patent office estimated today. This will be the biggest year in the history of American invention, It is pre dicted. Between 40,000 and 50.U09 pat euts will be issued by the Government. Hundreds of the patented devices are in tended to make life easy for the Ameri can housewife. Boss bakers can dispense with several Journeymen If they adopt a uiaehiue in tended to trim pie crusts. Moses Carden of Opelika. Ala , Is the originator of a churn attached to a rock ing chair by which the fanner’s wife may roek and manufacture butter with the same motion. Thomas A. MiSMUey of Sen Francisco patented a machine to sit on the bed of the ocean and draw its power from the motion f tlie waves. Inventor Inifayette T. Conley of Snult Ste Marie, Mich , busied himself with ori ginating a heel-less sock for men. BANDITS KILL OHIO GAMBLER Second Sportsman Wounded in Hold-up of Poker Game. CANTON. Ohio, Aug. s.—" Gig" Ilabr., noted sportsman and gambler of Canton, is dead, and Ed Markling. former pro prietor of one of the biggest saloons In the city, was seriously injured today when five men held up n poker game in a gambling room at Myer's Lake near here. The game was progressing with (even participants. Suddenly five for eigners entered the room and commanded the players to put up their hands. Hahn and Markling failed to obey and all five bandits opened fire. Watch Our Afsridian Street Windows for Displays of Down stairs Store Merchandise. There are Six Elevators and Four Stairways Leading to the Downstairs Store ISAYR&BCO. Downstair? Stops Smart New Silk Hats SJ. 79 Take your choice of these smart hats—small, medium or large, some with full tam crowns. The colors are white, navy, brown and gray. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. Special Purchase and Sale of White Canvas OXFORDS and PUMPS for Growing Girls l For Misses For Children For Infants 33 Sizes All at One Price 98c dP Infants Children Growing Misses * Sizes Gtrls Sizes 3to 8. B'/j. to 11. j 2'/ z to 6. 11 X z to 2. No extra charge for the larger sizes. An unusual op portunity. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. Half-Day Sale of Porch Dresses, $1.39 A cleanup of porch dresses in some very smart styles; dresses which formerly sold at a much higher price. There are chambrays, ginghams and percales in cluded in the lot for this Half-Day Sale. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. i .-g^r-TT^zr—z..-■■■■■"-= U 150 Summer 160 Sleeveless DRESSES DRESSES Special Price Special Price Half-Day $0.95 Half-Day $ 1.89 Selling Lt Selling A Smart styles in gingham, A half-day clearance or checks or plaids, others of wash dresses in sleeveless figured voiles. White collars models. Os glngh am in and cuffs or fancy vestees checks or plaids, also some add to the attractiveness of of plain Japanese crepe, some of the models. Sizes from 16 to 44. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. Bay State Sheriff *Watches Small;’ Asks About Reward SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. s—The search for Governor Len Small of Illinois, became “nation wide” today. Sheriff Henry Mester, who holds the warrants for the Governor’s arrest was notified that the elusive chief execu tive had been "located” in Great Bar rlngton, Mass. Deputy Sheriff Frank A. Mlnkler, of the Massachusetts town, first wants to know how much re ward Is offered for the Governor's ar rest. Here is Minkler's story to the Springfield officials: "Will you tell me if there is a re ward offered for Governor I-en Small? 1 have a man under watch who re sembles Small's picture and he Is keeping shady.” “A good man gone wrong,” was Mester's comment. V J SALESMEN HURT PULL OF ‘ADS’ "if an advertising man write a good 'pulling' advertisement, it is only corn man sense and good business that the ones who deal with the customers re sponding to that advertising appeal he real salesmen and not mere money tak era.” said Frank Chance In his talk be fore (he Advertising Club yesterday. "1 contend that 40 per cent of the pull ing power of advertising is lost because of Incompetent and careless salesman ship,” he continued. Mr. Chance recently conducted a survey In a number of de partment stores, and the result of this survey indicates that ninny of the mer chants of the city would do well to give close attention to the training of their sales force. Instances of the loss of custom be cause of indifference and discourtesy on | the part of clerks, and a very flagrant | ignorance of the merchandise they have j to sell, were related by Mr. Chance, who | had before him the written reports of j those (many of them club members) who had taken part In the survey. "I do not mean that the derogatory reports, either of the store service or of the clerks, completely overshadow the good." said Mr. Chance, "but there is certainly strong evidence that there Is much need of reform in the selling meth ods of some of our principal stores.” Small Cancels Illinois Tour to Make Speech Plans Sunday at Kankakee and Then Back to Inspect ing Roads. CHICAGO, Aug. s.—Governor Small, in dicted for alleged juggling of millions in State funds, will give up inspection of State roads tomorrow to come to Chicago for an address at the Pageant of Prog ress. Governor Small has given no indication when he will return to Springfield, where the sheriff has warrants for his arrest. Since the warrants were issued the Governor has beeu Inspecting the roads of Illinois, staying out of the jurisdic tion of Sangamon county. Following the speech here, Small will return to his home at Kankakee where he will spend the week end, after which he will re sume his tour. Meetings Golden Rule Lodge, No 1, Independent Order of Shepherds, will give a dance Saturday evening at Shepherd's Hall. Alabama and East Washington streets. Magnolia Circle. X’. A. O. D. will give a lawn social Saturday evening at Howard street and Blaiu avenue. • • • Golden Rule Lodge, No. 25, L. A. of B. K. TANARUS„ will entertain with a lawn party the afternoon and evening of Aug. 6, at Oliver avenue and Division street. 8:30 to 12:30 Shopping 'Truly Monumentall 'This Extraordinary Sale of Finest Glove Silk Underwear Prices Very Lou 1 —the Result of an Unusually Advantageous Buy Finest quality glove silk union suits, vests and bloomers, all fresli and new. feature one of the greatest sale opportunities L. S. oriees are the same that the manufacturer asked but recently wholesale; and naturally arc much lower than you have been paying lately. Glove Silk Vests These of tine quality glove silk in a most attractive 6bade of pink. Mostly finer sam ple garments. Splendid values. Sale Price, $1.35 Glove Silk Vests In pink, *-hite, maize, gray and orchid; plain and lace trimmed, with embroidered yokes, regular, band and bodice tops, in reg ular and extra sizes. Priced at from — $1.95 to $3.95 Moire Silk Bags Fashionable pouch shape bags come with fancy metal frames and convenient inside compartments You will want one at the very reasonable price of $1.05- Bar Pins Are Pleasing In a non-tarnishable white metal set with brilliant white stones. They are pleasingly priced as well, at 79<h Imported novelty beads to add the final dress touch. Large oval beads in graduated sizes are to be had in amber, coral, Lapis blue and jade. These also at 79< i .— Ayres—Leather goods and jewelry depts.. street floor. Saturday Morning Toilet Specials Lashbrow for the eyelashes, 35<L Dorine’s rouge, 35<h Houbigant’s Quelques Fleurs toilet water, the ounce, 95<h Jap Rose or A 7 enetian bath soap, the dozen 89<t. —Ayres—Toilet goods dept., street floor. In the Men's Store White Oxford Shirts With or Without Attached Collars These are of that beautiful quality of fine mercer ized white Oxford that looks even better after it is washed. They are made with the new style low collars, at tached or separate, and with the hand-made neckband. Throughout, in fact, they are tailored to our own high specifications. Excellent Values at $2.25 —Ayres-—Men s store, street floor. EXHUME BODIES IN POISON HUNT Housekeeper Held Fending Investigation by Coroner. CHICAGO, Aug s.—More bodies are to be exhumed in an attempt to solve the Schiller Park murder mystery Coroner Hoffman said today. This follows the finding of arsenic in the body of John Detnmer who was buned eight years ago In Colby, Wts. Previous to the disclosure, arsenic was found in the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kolze. Mrs Demmer, who with her husband, lived with the Kolzes and later became Kolze’s housekeeper following the death of their respective mates, is being held by authorities for questioning. Undertakers state they did not use ar senic in embalming the three bodies. Upon the plea of Elmer Kolze, son-in-law of Mrs. Demmer, the authorities agreed to exhume the bodies of two other mem bers of the family who were buried by the same undertaker to determine if ar senic really was used in embalming. Expect Body of Man Who Died as Marine The body of Sergt. Herbert E. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Green. 650 East Fifty-ninth street, who died two days after receiving wounds while In action with the Fifth .Marines, at Bel leau Wood, June 14, 1918, is expected to arrive in Indianapolis today. Funreal services were planned for Saturday after noon from the Kregelo and Bailey chap- Spcdai\!“" ) j / Chinaware Bargains y j f 35-Piece Bungalow Seis , $6.75 \ \ I Particularly suitable for the cottage or camp \\ I and for smaller family use as well, is this set of |l ■ pleasing chinaware. I 51-Piece Dinner Sets, $10.75 Jj \1 A complete service for six people. Y’our [j Ai choice of five pleasing and decorative Ihi V\\ patterns. At the prices quoted for // W\\ Circle Day, these are exceptionally tLAj y/ good values, well worth your at- Jf N^j I —Ayres—Chinaware \ I Every N. Bls,h Soor ' y Dav J kx. HANDKERCHIEFS 10c Each Os fine batiste, handkerchiefs in imitation of Madeira with scal loped edges in white, pink or blue- In gay colorings and contrasts, striking in pattern effects. All-white ones with shadow stripe borders and color inset in corner. White with attached edges, after the Armenian, even to the colors. Unusually good for 10<L —Ayres—Handkerchief dept., street floor. el, with burial in Crown Hill Cemetery. Sergeant Green was a student at the University of Cincinnati, when he en listed. He was a graduate of Emmerich Manual Training High School. Besides the parents, a sister Mrs. R. L. Hub bard, Indianapolis, survives. MONVEL DRAWINGS SHOWN. Two original drawings by the French artist Boutet de Monvel are on exhibi tion In the delivery room of the Central library. The drawings have been loaned for a short time from the larger collec tion now being exhibited at the Herron Art Institute. GIRLS! LEMONS WHITEN SKIN AND BLEACH FRECKLES Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a bottie containing three ounces of Or chard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and yon have a quarter pint of harmless and d(4lghtful lemon bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use this lemon lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also ass freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach be cause It doesn’t Irritate.—Advertisement Glove Silk Bloomers Quality marks these fine knee length bloomers in pink, orchid, maize or gray. Particularly lovely and priced most attrac tively at from — $2.45 to $4.95 Glove Silk Union Suits Whether plain or fancy trimmed, you may be sure these are all first quality. They come in the envelope style and are very choice at the four prices at which they are offered. From— s2.9s to $4.95 —Ayres—Underwear dept., street floor. Cottage Cheese, Always Fresh, Pound,l9c RAISINS, “Sun-Maid’’ seeded, box. 25*. BOILED HAM, square pressed ready for sandwiches, machina sliced, pound, 65 c • BETTER. Ayres Special creamery, extra quality pound, -L6C: “Monument" brand, a good creamery but ter, pound, 4et<*. POTATO Cft IPS. alwayT fresh and crisp, VJ pound. 20^. I'lfEZ, loganberry Juice, 12- onnee bottle. -LOC ___ BREAKFAST B A C O N, Kiugan s rorter -and Morris Matchless, machine sliced and derinded, pound. 29c- SEN Sill NB SUGAR WAT K RS~ and 23C the box. —•Ayres—Downstairs. 5