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PLAN BARGAINS INLIVESTOCK Fair Managers Announce Un usual Display of Fine Breeds This Year. Prize lire stork will be on the bar gain counter at the State Fair this year, according to I. Newt Brown, secretary of the new State department of agriculture. The slump in live stock prices af fected the blue ribbon winners as much as it did the cross-breeds, he said. In some parts of the State fancy stock sold nearly as cheaply as stock without pedl- 1 grees during the last six months. Despite this fact. Mr. Brown said, the lire stork at the fair will be bigger this year than at any previous time. The ex hibition, he said, will break all records, both ir size and variety. Seven hundred cattle have been en tered already. For the first time on any American fairground, according to Mr. I:rown. steers of all breeds w*.l le shown. Baby beef and calf classes are to be expanded from dairies to include all beef breeds. Canvas tents and improvised shelters wiU be used to bouse the cattle, Mr. Borwn said, because all space in the cat tle barns was filled some time ago. The hog entry list is so heavy it will not be possible to show entries from each breed each day. Pig club contestants will be shown on Monday, Poland Chinas aud Chester Whites on Tuesday, Puroc- Jerseys and Berkshires on Wednesday afternoon and fat barnwvs on Friday. Os the 1.500 hogs entered, 400 were raised by toys and girls. An enormous poultry show will be housed in two large pavillions. Tbs old poultry bouse will be used for chickens exclusively, whiie other fowls and rab bits will be exhibited in the Ilorticul tural building. More than 3,500 birds have been entered. Arrangements are being made also to provide extra room for the horses. The 030 stalls have ail been contracted for. 2 CHARGED WITH AUTO STEALING Indianapolis Men to Face Charge at Danville. Two Indianapolis men were arrested early today and will be taken to Dan ville to answer the charge of stealing an automobile. They are Piliver James. 22. 728 West Thirtieth street, and Lester Clay. 21. 2720 Boulevard place. The arrests were made at the request of Sheriff Charles T. Clark of Danville, who says he has under ar rest at Danville William N'eal Taylor, alleged automobile thief. The sheriff says an automobile was stolen in Dan ville Monday night, aud that Taylor was arrested and confessed his part in tak ing the car. Taylor also is alleged to have con nected .Tames and Clay with the theft. James has been arrested before on the charge of stealing automobiles, the po lice say. Clay is a taxi driver. Sheriff Clark says he has Clay's taxi in his possession at Danville and that it Is a Packard car, but that it bears a license issued for a Ford car belonging to a woman on Euclid avenue. CARUSO LEAVES ALL TO WIDOW She to Enjoy Estate During Lifetime. NAPLES. Aug. s.—With the golden voiced Caruso at rest in his beloved Naples, bis relatives turned today to the task of settling his estate. indications were that his last will, the one drawn at Sorrento, on his return from America this summer, will be accepted as h! final wish. This was said to provide that the widow shall have the Income so long as she lives, the estate to be divided among surviving relatives on her death. Caruso, it became known, drew up numerous wills, during his ltfe, rarely setting out an extensive trips without pro viding for the disposal of his constantly Increasing wealth. Flis practice was said to be to tear up previous wills when he had drafte4 anew one. GANG’S ALLEGED LEADER KILLED Girl Says He Suicided, but Po lice Skeptical. CHICAGO. Atig. s.—Walter Chambers, believed by the police to have been the ringleader of a gang of automobile ban dit*. was fonnd shot to death in an apartment in East Forty-Fourth street today. Bending over his body wag a young woman who gave the name of Pixie Davidson. She told the police Chambers had committed suieide. Less than an hour previous police had engaged in a running revolver battle with five men in an automobile. Three of them, badly wounded, were captured. The police believe Chambers was au oc cupant of the car and died from wounds received during the battle. four floors of music Good Used Pianos on Easy Terms When yon can (ret GOOD used Pianos, all thoroughly rebuilt, and In excellent condition, ON Oi R PAYMENT PLAN—It la a good inrestmeut in home happi ness. Carlin's have seTeral fine need pianos at prices ranging from $l5O to $225 Edisons, Columbias, Q. R. S. Rolls, Holton Instruments, Sheet Music The CARLIN Music Go. 143 E. Washington St. CONGRESSMAN SEES JAP WAR Predicts England Will Be Al lied With Nippons. By DONALD HOCTifiR, Times Staff Correspondent. CAMP KNOX, Ky„ Aug. s.—Represen tative In Congress Fitzgerald of Ohio, a reserve major now on duty here with the Citizens Military Training Camp, in ad dressing the students todsy on the value SATURDAY /> No Mail, Telephone or C. 0. D. orders filled for these Two- Hour Specials. All sales final. Men’s $16.75 Palm Beach Suits, $9.75 Genuine Palm Beach Suits, highly tailored and a good range of sizes. —Third floor. Boys’ 59c to 85c Wash Pants, 29c Boys’ White Straight Knee Pants, sizes 3 to 8 years. Boys’ Long White Sailor Pants, sizes 8 and 9 years only. Boys’ Blouse-Knee Khaki Pants, sizes 3, 4 and 5 years. About 75 pairs in the lot at the one price. —Third flour. $4.25 Matting Suit Cases, $2.98 Standard size, 24-inch, strong frame, light and well made. —Bawramt. Aluminum Combination Cookers, $1.19 Can be used as Convex Sauce Pan, Rice Boiler, Baking Pan. Pudding Pan, Sauce Pan. etc., just 67 in the lot. —Basement. Safety Razors With Blade, 39c Heavily Nickelplated Safety Razors com plete with blade, just 72 to sell at this price. —BaMmen t. $1.69 Preserving Kettles, 89c Triple-coated white enameled steel in 6 and 8-quart sizes. Baeement. Women’s Boudoir Slippers, $1.45 Black Kid Boudoir Slippers with silk pom pon and low heel. —street floor. Women’s Canvas Oxfords, SI.OO Lot of White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps in many styles, but broken sizes. —Street floor. Blanco Shoe Cleaner, 15c Blanco White Shoe Cleaner; 25c size. —Street floor. 50c Wall Paper, 25c Tapestry Wall Paper printed on heavy em bossed stock in dark, rich colors. —Third floor. Room-Lots Wall Paper, $1.64 Sufficient Wall Paper for a good sized room —10 r. ils side wall, 6 rolls ceiling and 18 yds. border —in striped and floral designs. —Third floor. Valenciennes Lace, 12 Yards for 23c Edges and Insertions in good widths and patterns. — street floor. Women’s Handkerchiefs, Each, 5c Clearance of Women's Handkerchiefs with one-corner embroidered, hemstitched on fine lawn. — Street floor. Men’s Handkerchiefs,-Each, 5c Hemstitched Handkerchiefs of fine grade cambric, In good size. —street floor. Long Silk Gloves, $1.19 These are full 16-button lengths and come above the elbow, white only; all sizes; for merly $1.98 a Pair. -Street floor. Vanity Boxes, sl.lO Beauty Cases or Vanity Boxes covered with brown pressed tooled leather and fitted with large mirror and other toilet accessor ies; formerly $1.98. -street floor. Iced Tea Spoons, Set, $1.48 Good silver plate guaranteed to wear, long handle and graceful shapes. Regular price U- 89 - —street floor . Organdie Sashes, Yard, 69c White and colors with hemstitched picot edge. Imported organdie. 9 inches wide; for merly SI.OO to $1.25 a yard, —street floor. All-Silk Ribbon, Yard, 18c Fine All-Silk Ribbon—plain Taffeta. Moire, Roman Stripe and Floral effects for hair bows, sashes, etc., were 25c and 39c a yard. —Street floor. Sterling Bar Pins, 48c Sterling Silver Bar Pins, set with white stones; our 98c leader. —street floor. MBW YORK BJT. 185f of organized reserve forces as well as the National Guard and the C. M. T. 0., declared there Is a future possibility of war by Japan and Great Brltian against the United States. He declared the English colonies, es pecially Canada and Australia, disap prove of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. ‘•ln the next war every man woman and child will work at something and there will be no cowards,” the Represen tative said. He declared his absence from Congress is opposed, but asserted that be would re main here until Important bills demand his attention in Washington. $1.75 Alarm Clocks, $1.23 Fully nickeled with loud ringing bell, pat ent Shut-Off. -Basement. 35c Cups and Saucers, 25c Nippon China Cups and Saucers in plain ovide shapes assorted decorations. —Bate men t. 79c Candle Sticks, 58c Colonial shape with square base with floral cuttings on each panel. —Baeement. Atlas of the World, 90c Atlas with new maps and text matter, size 11x15 inches, a few with soiled covers; former subscription price $4.00. —Street floor. 40c Stationery, 19c Every day Stationery, in linen finish, ob long shape. —Street floor. White Satin Charmeuse, Yard, $2.25 40 inches wide; for dresses and sports skirts, all piire silk; $2.95 value. —Street floor. $1.25 Silk Dress Poplin, Yard, 94c 40 inches wide; in black and white and good Street colors. —Street floor. Back and Colored Satine, Yard, 29c A yard wide; good quality for bloomers, petticoats, pettibockers, etc. street floor. Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Yard, SI.OO Including the popular colors in stripes, plaids and checks; up to $2.00 values. —Street floor. SI.OO Plaid Skirting, Yard, 49c 44 inches wide; for summer skirts; best light colors; a clearaway lot. —Street floor New Wool Skirting, Yard, $2.95 Block check plaid in good colors; new lot and very specially priced. —Street floor. Colored Service Silk, Yard, 37c A yard wide and In all the usual light and dark colors for dresses, lingerie and drap erles, half silk. —street floor. White Ribbon Hats, SI.OO Regularly $3.-*9. Lovely little Ribbon Hats that are cool and dainty for summer time. —Street floor. Baby Crib Blankets, Each, 19c White with pink and blue borders; reg ularly 55c a pair. —ruth floor. $2.29 Napkins, Dozen, $1.65 All hemmed, ready for use; neat designs and good quality. —street floor. 23c Shirting Cheviot, 17c The genuine Everett Cheviot In all neat patterns and fast colors. — street floor. Notion Specials Spool Cotton, 150 yards on spool, C spools, 290. 10c yard White Belting, 6 yards, 100 Lim it 6 yards to a customer. White Romper Elastic 14 and %, 4<* yard. 12 yards, 390- Limit 12 yards to a customer. — Street floor. 25c to 50c Books, 10c About 100 Books with their covers slight ly soiled from handling. —street floor. Girls’ Smocks, 95c About 25 Smocks made of Pickwick crepe and voile, in tan, rose and blue, sizes 6 to 14 years. Formerly $3.95 to $5.95. —Second floor. Girls’ $3.95 Organdie Dresses, $1.75 Just 12, blue and lavender, ruffle trimmed Organdie Dresses, sizes 7, 8 and 12 only. —Second floor. Composition Ivory, y 2 Price Just 80 pieces of Ivory— limit two pieces to 8. Customer. —Street floor. Women's 59c Union Suits, 29c A good grade of cotton, loose or tight knee, bodice and tailored top, regular sizes Limit one to a customer. —street floor. IiNIJIAJN A JJAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5,1921. STREET FIGHTS FOLLOW STRIKE Communists in Danzig Ordered Arrested. BERLIN. Aug. s—Street fighting trek" out at Danzig today as a result of rou bles between the Communists and non- Communtsts. Order was restored by the police, but tension is high and it is feared Poland will send troops into the city. The Communist delegates to the glty parliament were ordered arrested. The Communists tried to precipitate a gen eral strike, but failed. Machine guns were mounted to protect public buildings and barbed wire en tanglements were thrown across some of the leading streets. Danzig was formerly a German city. The Poles claimed it at the peace con ference, but finally it was created a tree port. SWALLOWED HIS TEETH. PARIS, Aug. s.—Jules Ferron, a well to-do clothier of Lyons, swallowed his false teeth when they broke while he was eating. He was operated on and the teeth removed, but he died two days later. 39c Marquisette, Yard, 27c Highly Mercerized Curtain Marquisette, double thread, hemstitched and lacey style border and ribbon edges. _ Tlllrd floor . 19c Curtain Scrim, Yard, 11c With hemstitched style border and ribbon ed S p - -Third floor. $1.25 Filet Curtain Net, Yard, 89c Fine quality and very durable, Quaker < raft Ijace and Filet Net, white and Ivory 42 and 45 inches wide. _ TUlrd floo ' f 98c Stamped Bungalow Aprons, 75c Made of pink, blue and green wash ma' ter,aiß ‘ Fifth floor. 79c Stamped Luncheon Sets, 59c 13 pieces and two'good designs for selec tlOß' —Fifth floor. Women’s Neckwear, Each, 25c Great collection of Women s Collars and Sets of organdie, pique, bee, etc., in good styles with embroidery or lace trimming. —Street floor. SI.OO Night Shirts, 65c Men's Muslin Night Shirts, full size. V neck, nicely trimmed. Limit one to a custo mer' —Street floor. Fancy Dress Cretonne, Yard, 35c A yard wide in new designs and colors of the season, something new for dresses. -—Street floor. Plaid Dress Gingham, 12%c A clearance lot of new Dress Gingham for dresses or children’s play togs. —Slrftt floor. Standard Dress Percale, Yard, 15c A yard wide in light and dark colors with new designs, very special opportunity. —Street floor. Bungalow Aprons, 79c New Bungalow Aprons of percale in light and dark patterns, rick-rack trimmed with tie sash and pockets. 300 at this price. —Second floor. Crepe de Chine Kimonos, % Price In lovely delicate shades —fine qualify ma terial; regularly $12.95 to $33.00. —Second floor. Dressing Sacques, 50c Gingham, Crepe and Percale Dressing Sacques that were regularly $2.50. Good grade of gingham, etc. —second floor. Bathing Suits and Accessories, % Price Our entire stock of Bathing Apparel is go ing at one-half price—Caps, Shoes, Capes and Su,ts ' -Second floor. Women’s and Children’s Wool Sweaters, $2.95 Women’s and Tots’ All-Wool Sweaters, slipover and Tuxedo style; while quantities las k —Second floor. Corsets, $3.98 “Nemo” Corsets in hroken sizes and styles and some slightly soiled. -second floor. Children’s Dainty Organdie Frocks, $5.95 Ruffled Dresses in pink, blue and yellow, in fancy styles with large collars and picot hemstitched and ribbon Dimmed; regularly $10.96 and $12.95. -second floor. Children’s Lawn and Voile Dresses, SI.OO Pretty little Frocks of fine lawn and voile, in white with neat colored figures and dots and white lawn collar, cuffs and sash; regu larly $3.50. —Second floor. Women’s Hose, 75c Full fashioned Fiber Hose with rein forced heel and toe, high spliced heel and elastic lisle tops, black and white, slightly irregular numbers of $1.50 Stockings. —Street floor. yourself /rtC K ,kl Mk ACCIDENT If You Have Not Registered, Do It Now! Indiana Daily Times Travel Accident Insurance Policy No Medical Examination. No Red Tape. All men and women from 15 to 70 eligible. National Casualty Compan] Detroit, Michigan (Reprinted (rum Policy.) Will pay the following amounts, subject to the terms of the policy, for death or injuries— Jf Assured shall, during the term of One Year from the beginning of the insurance covering such Assured, as provided In Policy, by the wrecking or disablement of any railroad Passenger Car or Passenger Steamship or Steambott, in or oa which such Assured is traveling as a fare paying passenger, or by the wrecking or disablement of any Public Omnibus, Street Railway car, Taxicab, or Automobile Stage, which is being driven or operated at the time of such wreck ing or disablement, by a licensed driver plying for public hire, and In which such Assured is traveling as a fare paying passenger, or by the wrecking or disablement of any private horse drawn vehicle, or motor-driven car in which Assured is riding or driving, or by being acci dentally thrown from such vehicle or car, suffer any of the specific losses set forth below, THE COMPANY WILL PAY the sum set opposite such loss: FOR LOSS OF Life One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) Both Hands One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) Both Feet One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) Sight of Both Eyes One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) One Hand and One Foot One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) One Hand and Sight of One Eye One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) One Foot and Sight of One Eye One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) Either Hand Five Hundred Dollars (SSOO 00) Either Foot ...Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Sight of Either Eye Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) If Assured shall, during the term of One Year from the beginning of the insurance covering 1 such Assured, as provided in Policy, by the means and under the conditions recited above, be Immediately and wholly disabled and prevented by injuries so received, from performing any I and every duty pertaining to his or her usual business or occupation, THE COMPANY WILL PAY for a period not exceeding three (3) consecutive months, ACCIDENT INDEMNITY AT j THE RATE OF TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) PER WEEK. 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