OCR Interpretation

Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, August 09, 1921, Last Home Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047611/1921-08-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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Protect Yourself and Your Family
National Casualty Company
Detroit, Michigan
(Reprinted from Policy contracted for by the Daily Times)
Will pay the following amounts, subject to the terms of the policy, for death or injuries
If Assured shall, during the term of One Year from the beginning of the insurance covering such As
sured. as provided in Policy, by the wrecking or disablement of any railroad Passenger Car or Passenger
Steamship or Steamboat, in or on which such Assured is traveling as a fare-paying passenger, or by the
wrecking or disablement of any Public Omnibus, Street Railway Car, Taxicab, or Automobile Stage,
which is being driven or operated, at the time of such wrecking or disablement, by a licensed driver ply
i lg for public hire, and in which such Assured is traveling as a fare-paving passenger, or by the wrecking
or disablement of any private horse-drawn vehicle, or motor-driven car in which Assured is riding or
driving, or by being accidenta’xj thrown from such vehicle or car, suffer uny of the specific losses set
forth below, THE COMPANY WILL PAY the sum s ;t opposite such loss:
By being struck or knocked down or run over while walking or standing on a public highway by a
vehicle propelled bv steam, cable, electricity, naphtha, gasoline, horse, compressed air or liquid power,
e! eluding injuries sustained while working in the public highway or on a railroad right of way in viola
tion of any statute or of any regulation of the railroad company.
The amount payable for loss of life under this policy shall be payable to estate of Assured.
If the Assured shall, by reason of illness or injury, during the time his policy is in force, be physically
unable to communicate with relatives or friends, the Company will upon receipt of any message, giving
name and policy number, immediately transmit to the relatives or friends of the Assured any informa
tion respecting him, f.nd will defray all expense necessary to put the Assured in the care of relatives
or friends, but the Company’s liability therefor shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100)
Farmers Trust Cos., Indianapolis, local representatives of “National Casualty Co.-Daily Times” Insurance Plan.
The insurance department of the Farmers Trust Cos. will register Times readers after they have been registered by this newspaper. They will issue the Insurance policies here In Indianapolis within 24 hours after registration. They
will also investigate and adjust claims of policy-holders for the National Casualty Cos. and the Dally Times.
The only charge for this policy is fifty cents (50 c) a year covering cost of securing and handling .
You pay for The Daily Times at the regular price ,
Daily Times by carrier 12c a week outside Indianapolis, 10c in city, payable weekly to carrier. By mail, special rural
route rate $4.00 a year—all other points $5.00 in advance, or $4.50 and $5.50 with one year paid-up insurance policy.
Life One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
Both Hands One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
Both Feet One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
Sight of Both Eyes One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
One Hand and One Foot One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
One Hand and Sight of One Eye One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
One Foot and Sight of One 9ye One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
Either Hand F:ve Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
Either Foot Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
Sight of Either Eye Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
If Assured shall, during the term of One Year from the beginning of the
insurance covering such Assured, as provided in Policy, by the means and
under the conditions recited above, be immediately and wholly disabled and
prevented by injuries so received, from performing any and every duty per
taining to his or her usual business or occupation, THE COMPANY WILL
PAY for a period not exceeding three (3) consecutive months, ACCIDENT
Life Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, provided the bodily in
jury effected as stated herein shall be the sole cause of death of the insured
and such injury occurs:
; —of the —=
Indiana Daily Times
Every Policy Bears the Imprint of
The Indiana Daily Times
It is the special “Indiana Daily Times” policy of the National Casualty Cos., Detroit, Mich. The Farm
ers Trust Cos., Insurance Dep’t., resident representative of the National Casualty Cos., working with the
Daily Times, will give prompt attention to all claims in Indianapolis.
A complete numbered and registered insurance policy will be supplied each person insured. This
policy, and the financial responsibility of the National Casualty Cos., has been passed on by the State
of Indiana. Be sure and read it carefully before filing it away.
This travel insurance will protect every registered subscriber of the Indiana Daily Times who has bought
the paper from his carrier for six consecutive publishing days prior to any accident on which a claim
may properly be made under the policy provisions. Be sure to pay your carrier promptly for the
Daily Times and you will be insured as soon as the Indianapolis representative of the Insurance Com
pany (Farmers Trust Cos., Insurance Dept.) can issue you a registered and numbered policy.
You can stop buying The Daily Times at any time within the year .
The insurance policy provides for cancellation at any time.
A policy with premium paid up for one year will be issued to every R. F. D. subscriber who pays a
year’s subscription to the Daily Times in advance.
If you live anywhere in the State of Indiana you are eligible for one of the policies.
Policy will be made out in the name of the subscriber, providing he or she meets the general conditions
of the policy.
Why and How the Times
Is Giving This Service
The sales department of every big enterprise spends hundreds and thousands of dollars yearly increas
ing the demand for their product and murh of this Is spent for good will. This is true of the Circulation
Department of the Daily Times, which is our sales department.
Instead of spending our money next year for some other form of advertising we give our readers the
benefit through this insurance plan.
This paper is not entirely unselfish in making this proposition to its readers. True, the Times was actu
ated primarily by a desire to give its readers protection. We admit there are some business reasons be
hind our offer. Here is how we figure—How can the Daily Times spend its money to better advantage
in creating good will than by giving its readers a real service and protection like this insurance plan?
Our present readers will be even more loyal to us than in the past. They will also tell their friends about
the Daily Times and will be our best salesmen.
Contracting for so many policies at one time, the price to us is naturally very low. Moreover the in
surance company saves the commission they allow their solicitors, which further enables them to reduce
the price to the Daily Times., By no other means could the Daily Times secure SO MANY LOYAL
SALESMEN, who will work for us 365 days in the year. Considering all this the individual cost is low.
Moreover a salesman working for a salary is not nearly as effective as a loyal reader, who voluntarily
acts as our salesman.
True, this plan of promoting good will for the Daily Times and increased sales will undoubtedly cost
us more than under an old plan, but we will get more for it. Soon our increased circulation will bring
us more advertising and this will further help make up any deficit. This way we kill two birds with
one stone. We benefit our readers. We benefit ourselves.
Indiana Dally Times, Indianapolis ..1921
Insurance Dept-, Indianapolis, Ind. ' •••••••••••••♦•
I will buy the Daily Times from your carrier for six consecutive publishing days from date
hereof and regularly thereafter until further notice, and wish you to register me as entitled to th*
travel accident Insurance procured by you for your subscribers. This is to be In accordance with
the provisions of the travel accident Insurance policy, which Is to be delivered to me by the in
surance company or the Daily Times. I further agree to pay the Dally Times upon delivery of
policy, fifty cents (00c) to cover cost of securing and handling policy. ’
\ I
Kamo Age...
Street No R. F. D
Telephone No. (if any) City
Where do you wish the paper left by carrier?
Arc you at present a subscriber? -
If you are at present a subscriber of the Dally Times, please to stat *. Present subscribers, as
well ck new, are entitled to all th* advantages of 'the Travel Accident Insurance Plan, but all sub
scribers, present and new. must send In this reglatered form.
If m/ B. F. D. subscriber, enclose money order covering one Tsar's paid la advance subscription
by instil and charges for insurance policy.

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