Newspaper Page Text
Main 3500 GAS BUGGIES— SK"- TDaleL Parlors 1222 Union St. PLANNER Hl BL CIIANAN 3:0 North Illinois st. Funeral directors to th people of Indian apolis since 1347. Fhone*—Main 0611-0612. Autn 2S-41- INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiiier Funeral Director. 622 E. Market. Old phone Main 0908. New phone 2 J. C. WILSON. 1220 Prospe-rt. Auto. 61-071. Drexel 022. W. TANARUS, BLASENGYM 1026 Shelby st. Drexel 2570. Anto, 81-114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— tVM E. KREIGER. New Jl-l 54. Main l*6A_ 1102 N. IHlnol*- OADD—BERT 8. >1 ADD 2130 Prospect W Phones Drexel 0423.. Automatic 62-2.A UNDERTAKERS—HISEY A TITUS. 951 North Del Near 2-i44. Matn 3630. _ FEENEY & FEENEY. Auto. 24-195 1034 N. Illinois. Main 0543. oIatTTaNP FUNERAL NOTICES. COUNTS. W. J. D.—Died at the Methodist hospital. Monday. Aug. S. 1 20 *■ n. Ku n>-al at the residence 1504 College are. Wednesday. Aug. 10 at 2 p. m. Friends Invited Burial private. F.AN'JE. TDA M—Mother of Mrs William J. Franke of Cincinnati. 0.. Mra Fred F.hlert of Detroit. Mirh . and Mrs George Truaah. Mrs. Minnie M. Dollman. Hugo H, Henry H and Otto .1- Ranje of Indianap olis. at hr home. 922 ?. Noble st . Sun day morning, dug. 7. age 72 years. Fu neral from residence Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial at Crown Hill. Cin cinnati <Ohio> r*P*f’ pleaae copy. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —String of amber and pearl beads beta-eon Denison cafeteria and Indiana National bank. Monday noon. Reward Washington 1769. ___ LOST—Brown handbag containing purse with about 1.0. Identification -card in closed Reward. Drexel LOST--* roll of money 19. near Ben Davt-. IKE LEE. Ben Pavla 1321. d.OST —Airedale and English bull. 743 N. California Auto. 25 *5- Re ward. R O° M& — TO LET HOTEL PURITAN < Flr-proof) Market and New Jersey streets. Rates: tl to 12.50. Special weekly ratea cn application. ROOMS 75c to 31.50. Special rates by the week and all mod em conveniences THE OEM STAG HOTEL. 35 IV. Ohio street. WASHINGTON. K., 241.:. furnished rooms for two. with board If desired. Webster 3373. . FURNISHED room. modern. In private home 1 cr 2 gentlemen. Circle 6492. ROOM, private home. *8 50 week; gentle men or ladles. Randolph 4SQ4. THREE unfurnished rooms. 1725 W. Mary land street. Respectable. * SOUTH st.. 317 E.; nice furnished room, housekeeping; cheap repL Modern furnished room. Webster 8875. E> =t. 655 N.; furnished modern room. Gentlemen preferred. Circle 0113. BROADWAY. VSO Ihrge room In modern private home. Randolph 7555. 1 THREE unfurnished rooms; no children. 914 Wright street. LIG H T HQ U s E KEEP ING ROO MS. MARKET. E- 1413; furnished and unfur nished modern rooms. Drexel 7113. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms; modern. 104 W, St. Cla)r. Main 5971 BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. ILLINOIS st 2722 N.; mom for two gen tlemen or business couple. AH conven iences and home privileges Harrison 3355. TWENTY -FI P.ST st . W. 127; room and board, private home; gentlemen. doiph 1928. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. ROSE COURT APTS. 524 E. Fall Creek bivd.; four rooms and bath; *72.50. State Savings and Trust Cos. Main 45U. FURNISHED HOUSES AND PLATS. DORMAN, N.. 404; woman wishes to share her Mini-modern home to couple; reasonable. THREE ROOM furnished apirtment on ground floor. Circle 7447, DESK ROOM TO LET DESK room with desk. Front office. MATHERS. 34 Union Trust Main 0521. BUSINESS PLACES—TO LET. OFFICE space. 18x15H feet, exceptionally light- and cool, fourth floor. 229 North Fennsy 1 van la. DESIRABLE nfllce space. P L. BAILEY. 425-424 Lemcke bidg. Main 1214. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. I Move Household Goods *2.00 a room. Large truck. Call Webster 3229. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO Private locked rooms and open space. 36c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 419-23 E. Market street. Main 2760. Anto. 28-480. Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 337 N. New Jersey L Main 2023. Auto. 31-138. GUY Storage ca Cheapest rate In city. 8* W. Henry st. Main 4493. UNION STATION BAGGAGE CO. Use the phone Call Main 711*. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and* Criminal Investigators. 124-523 Law bldg Main 2901 Advertise Your Wants m the Times MALE, HELP—WANTED. AUTOMOBILE *al**men. If you *r* c* pab’e of HOillng automobile*, whether you have had actual experience or not, wo want you. We .are selling: one of tk* leading high-grade six-cylinder cars and trucks and have a place for producers. Ad vance seekers need not apply. Give three references in first letter. Address A No. 1836. Time*. WANTED Experienced newspaper solicitors. A real proposi tion for live wire salesmen. Report DAILY TIMES, Circulation Department. SALES MANAGER ASSISTANT. Wo ri*ed * high-grade man to assist as ueod car sales manager; one who ran de liver tbo goods and haa a clean sales rec ord. Prefer man now employed. Must be a live wire and capable of closing his own deaia All inquiries 'strictly confidential. Give references and last two places of em ployment. Address A Nq, 1801, Time*. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis, Ind. Circls 0767. A few French letters wanted read. State I telephone number and price. Address A i No. 2344. Times. _______________ I WANTED—RefinUher and repair man on furniture. Walnut and Pine streets. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. PORTER or office cleaning, mornings only. Caii Webster 406i : SALESMEN—WANTED. a TRUCK SALES MANAGER. We need the services of a high-grade i truck man, one who thoroughly knowe his business and can sell a high grade line **f truckr of from one to S’* tons capacity. Must oome well recommended and know truck business Give reference in first let ter. Address A Nq. 1192. Times. SALESMAN to solicit orders for made to meaaura pant*, two pair* for $10.50; liberal commission. BAoS TAILORING i CO., 15 E. Third at.. Cincinnati. O. FEMALE HELF—WANT ED. Girls Between IS and 25 years, who are seeking permanent employment and whose bomea are In the city, apply to the Indiana Bell Telephone Cos. Room 522. corner New Tork and Meridian. WANTED—CtrI*. medium height. for flr.t-class, responsible musical comedy company; experience unnecessary If appli cant i* quick to learn and can sing Ap ply afternoon. 321 Board of Trade building. I COMPETENT second maid to go to hunt ing lodge in Canada. references re- I qulred. Leaving Wednesday evening. Aug. 10. Absolute rsllef from hay fever. Call Main 8466. WANTED —Experienced counter and box girls. PETTIS DAIRY LUNCH. 45>) Maas. eve. ' lVAN'Tlir>-A waitress. Apply at once. : Prather hotel, Franklin,,lnd. SI T U AT' ONWANT ED— FEMALE^ NURSING, general sickness, confinement cases. Doctox’s reference. With hospi tal experience. Circle ISM. RELIABLE middle-aged lady as house keeper in small family. Address A No. 2334, Times. BUSI N ESS CHANCES. CONFECTIONERY and gasoline filling station pn well established business cor ner; two lots and modern bungalow and store room with living room* connected: all cash trade. Webster 4107. HARRY TAYLOR, 2344 Sherman drive. FOR SALE—Harness, shoe and repair shop, doing a good business in a good town. The only one of ihe kind in town. Reason for selling, death of owner. Ad , dress Lock box 13. Rossdate. Indiana. FOR EXCHANGE—*IOO,OOO general mer ! chandise; will divide. Write LEAVITT LAND CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. ! ROOMING HOUSEb. RESTAURANTS. EASY TERMS. 40 N. DELAWARE. ROOMING - HOUSE, 5 rooms. for sale. ! cheap. Call at 926 Park ave. BUSINESS SERVICEB. „ ; PAPER HANGING, clean ing, house painting, at • 1914 prices. Webster 0512. ADVERTISING service. I will Insert your i 25-word advertisement in one hundred , daily and Sunday newspapers one time for • sls. Three consecutive insertions *3O. W. R. WALSH. 51 East Forty-Second st.. New York City. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made tc. order. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 22-775. PAPERING 12',~cents a roll. Painting, latest samples; estimates furnished. 1177 West Twenty-Ninth street or call Randolph 5755. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES j Sharpened. TCTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana ave. WANTED, by Science lady, plain sewing. Phone Circle 4744. Prices reasonable. CARPENTERING; new and repair work i of ail kinds. Circle 1499. HEMSTITCHING. 10c YARD. MRS. TUTTLE 201 INDIANA AVE. i ELECTRIC wiring, five room*. sl7. Work | guaranteed. Randolph 9^24. INSTRUCTIONS. GIRLS—To learn hairdressing: complete course; day and evening courses; reason able. 3041 N. New Jersey. Randolph 8724. The best bargains In automobiles are I listed under Automobiles and Bupptla In tfeu Times Want Ad columns. Things to Worry About. REAL ESTATE FCJR SALE. 2360 N. LASALLE Five-room bungalow, modern, full base ment, fin* lot, $4,250; term®. EASTERN AVE. f Five-room double, modern, all but fur nace; can be bought at a bargain. Call Trueblood. Reliable Realty Cos. Circle 7252. 501 City Trust bldg. Ql ”lC K SALE BARG AIN Cot targe. Ingram street, six rooms, bath, small basement, sewer, electric lights, two low. 80x’50. fruit. $5,000; $l5O will handle. FOR SALE IV* aere* on Brill mr*et. 3*4 mil** from Monument, $1,360; $250 c*h, $lO p*r mo. (rum Boulden Realty Cos. Sl( K of F B'dg. Main 4223. 3-ROOM DOUBLE WEST INDIANAPOLIS. Netelj decorated outside and Inside. Electric lights. Renting s2l month. SSOO CASH OR AUTOMOBILE. Balance small monthly payment*. Howard C. Venn. 104 E. Market Nt. _Ma!n 1115 - BEAUTIFUL brt'k.'horr.e north; rooms and maid’* ajom: strictly modern, thoroughly well built for home, larg* liv ing porch with wonderful view; two bath*, high-class surrounding* For quick sale owner will sacrifice. Price $20,000. i 'all MR. TROY for appointment with "Th* Firm That Hustle*. ’ 760-3 Bankers Trust building. Main 1400. Double, East Five-room modern all bit furnace; bar- I gain, caeh or term*. Call Trueblood. Reliable Realty Cos. Cft-cte 7263. Evenings, Irvington 2265. Five-Room Cottage, East Electric, ligbta and city water, newly painted and decorated; Si.SOO: S4OO ca-*h, balance sl6 a month. Mr. McTnteer. with I. X. Richie & Son. Main 0520. SO3 Indianapolis bldg SI X - ROU M cottas* with pantry, electric lights, sewer drainage, well and cistern wat*r* in kitchen, Ra* on street; cement walk*; fruit and shade, lot 40x153; one square south of West Washington. Bel mont 1458. Owner. 2360 N. LaSalle Five-room bungalow, modern, full Lave ment. $4,250. SSOO cash. ‘ all Trueblood with Reliable Realty Company. Circle 7262. evening* Irvington 2*68. six rooms* modern, itorjr and a half bungalow, garage, 103 Euclid, $8 000. part cash, balanck like rent. Irvington ! 1705. IF YOU WANT to sell yAur r*al estate quick a*k u* about ; our up-to-date auction method. DAY & DAY. 150S S. Illinois. Phone. Circle 4809 j HOUSE room*. b*rn. well. ct*t*rn in bouse; gas, electricity. Nice location on the hill In West Indianapolis. Owner. Call Belmont 2007 DID YO u s ELL IT T lr not. try the automobile columns of The Times Want Ad- | *even room house Garfield drive: shown by appointment only. Ad dress- A No. 2337. Time*. FIVE ROOM house. 1162 X. Mount st.; by owner, ‘‘all Belmont 0877. HOME for • • bv ownar. Call Irvington 3473. LOTS FOfi SALE. ‘ GO-FOOT east front lot. Central avenue, south of Thirty-Eighth boulevard; anap at $2.G00 SI,OOO rash. MR. TROY,, with “The Firm That Hustles' 740-2 Bankers Trust building- Main 1409. \VK HAVH a few flue building lots near Fairv tew ; s2€o to S4OO. Terms. Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio st. Main 3377. _ LOT tn good residence aectlon. northeast. near Thirty-Fourth street. 45x132, near paved street, school and city ear line. Price >$39G; $lO cash and balance $1 a week. Call Main 4907. LARGE, beautiful lota In Wayne park, Just off W. Washington st., which la being paved; $1 down. $1 a week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE. 607 City Trust. Main 0217. REAL ESTATL—SUBU RBAN, Two Acres with gnod four-room house, a few blnck west of Michigan street car line; small fruit, truck garden and also accessible for i subdividing into city lots. A real bargain at $3,000.00. R. GRIFFEY CO. j Main 3076. Evenings. Call Randolph 6367. SUBURBAN; 2 acre*, unimproved, on E, Thirty-Fourth street., an improved street, near srhnol. city car and con venionces. Priced to *eil quick at th* low i price of $1,600. Half cash. MR. TROY, ! with “Th* Firm That Hustle*. 7GO-2 j Bank*r Trust bulld! ng. Ma In 1409 NEW' four-room cottage, garage and base ment; by oxs ner. Stop No. 1, Danville line* Bargain for cash. Belmont 3491. REAL ESTATE-SALE OR TRADE. NINE fiat brick, steam heat; rent $5,370 per year. Price $32,000. Want good, clear farm. REDMAN. 127 N. Dearborn st.. Chicago. FOR EXCHANGE property, Indiana farms or southern lands. clear, for merchandise. Write I LEAVITT LAND CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. A FAIR trade Is better than a sacrifice sale. GEO. R. BROWN. 1002 City Trust. FARMS—-FOR SALE. BY order of Brown Circuit Court, 120 acres, hill land; good buildings, move right into. C. W. SPURGEON, com. R. No. i2. Freetown. Ind. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. i WANTED—TO BUY MODERN OR SEMI-MODERN DOUBLE, EAST OR SOUTH. CIRCLE 1284. • ■ WANTED —Five-room cottage for colored. Have SSOO. Call MR. ADAMS. Main 0518. Farmers Trust Cos. HAVE cash buyers for small semi-mod erns; SI,OOO to SI,BOO in price. Call J. B. MORRISON. Harrison 0703. i CASH FOR EQUITY OR CONTRACT l FOR REAL KSTATB. MAIN 1115. HORSES AND VEHICLES. TEAM of horses and mules with harnesa. 14tV-sf Capitol. Drexel 1648. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921. AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE. The Assortment of the City at Buck’s Attractive Values Attractive Prices Attractive Terras 11 make*. 4 body styles. 2 snd 3-passenger roadsters, 4-passen ger sport and chummy, 5 and 7-passenger tourings, sedans and - coupes. STUDEBAKER REO ESSEX CHEVROLET HUPMOBILE OVERLAND REGAL OAKLAND MAIBOHM DODGE INTERSTATE Visit our tales room inspect oir stock. DRIVE HOME A BARGAIN. THE hUCK CO. 309 N. P*nn*ylvanla- One nrjuire north of pn*toffir*. Open Evenings Bargains Mont of th*** f'ars have b**n repainted, har* new top* and are In fine condition. We Finance Our Own Deals. • No Brokerage, . Cash —Payments—Tiatle Ford touring. 1917, new seat ‘'over*, Ha.wifcr nhock abaorbar*. SIOO down, $5 weekly. Ford touring, fine ahape. 1918. sllO down. $5.60 weekly. Ford epecial *peedt*r, 1920; Rtarter. torpedo body, 3 to 1 geara; bargain, sl4 5 down. $4 weekly. Empire touring 45; bargain. $135 down. $6 weekly. Inter State tmiring; Rolle-Royce blue; SIOO down. $8 weekly. Studebaker roadater. 4-cylinder; barglan. $145 down. $5 wet-kJy. Cole % touring. 7-passerger; bargain. $145 down, $0 weekly. Dodge touring. fine shape, bargain. $176 down, $6 weekly. Lexington. 6-pa*a , sportster, snappy; $145 down, $5 monthly Overland Country Club, wire wheels, snappy, $146 down, halauce $5 month. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 613 N. Capitol A vs. Open evenings end Sundays [hash] Nash Renewed Cars ARE GUARANTEED. We also offer the following standard used cara all of whloh are of exceptional value. Cadillac 4 cylinder. Patterson touring. 1920 MaxweK touring. y Reo touring. 4 cylinder. 1920 Hupmoblle roadster. Cash or terms. Losey-Nash Retail (Jo. 4‘>t N. Capitol ave. Mato 4243-4449. Automatic sl-944. Are You a Mechanic and Honest ? We ha\* several used car* that require little work to put them In good running condition. A email down payment will secure one and the balance ran be paid In small weekly payment*. Here 1* a chance to own a tar, tlx It up at spare times and then sell it at a profit. Come in and see. 824 X. MERIDIAN f*T. COAL DEALERS ATTENTION Will exchange Marraon truck for 15 tpns furnaco coal. MR. PETERSON. Circle 7261. ,Maln 1808. 1919 MAXWELL touring car. In good con dition. will sell at once for $275. 25 S. West street. OVERLAND roadster, $22.j; S3O, New tires. 2343 N. Capitol avenue. Har rison COLUMBIA 6 automobiles. ARTHUR DIETZ COMPANY, distributors. *B4 K. Market street. Main 6716. \ FORD 6-pas*.. 1917 model; *75 Hr rison 0755. 2343 N. Capitol ave. 1920*HUPMOBILE touring; like now. 2*b N. Pennsylvania st. Main _224*- AUTOMOBILES—WANT tp. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois St. Main 1679. Anto. *-n4 AUTOS WANTED Largest used car dealers in state INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. *l4 N. Capitol. Open svenlnga AUTOS wanted. WEISSMAN’S 212-14 Hi New York treet. Main 4446. TRUCKS^FO R SALE J" TRUCKS Autocar chassis with cab. Used, but rebuilt in our own shops. To be sold with regular 1-year Autocar guarantee. 1 1 /£-Ton Diamond “T’ ; chassis. Used* but 40 days. Will sell with guarantee as if new. Bargain price. ' Ford truck with new body and cab in splendid condition. Studebaker Speed truck with panel body, electric lights aijd starter. Will make an excellent delivery unit. THE BUCK CO. 313 N. Penn. St Distributors of Autocar Trucks. Main 0308. Auto. 24-37 L AUTO REPAIRS AND BUPPHE TO THE PUBLIC The best equipped and up-to-date p a int shop in Indiana is at your service, under the supervision of men who know nothing else but high-grade work. May we have, the pleasure of giving you an estimate whcn*you contemplate li av in g your motor vehicle painted ? Local Branch NOR DYKE & MARMON COMPANY Eleventh and Meridian Streets. Phone Main 1884. Indianapolis, Ind. FOR SALE Tlrts— Barg aln for any car own*r. 10x8, $; 90. 31x4, $10.40; 34x4. $12.40. Fvary xix* In this *ale. MASTER PRODUCTION CORPORATION. 19 Whim Bldg. MR. JACK K. PARKER. Home Auto Repair Man. * Let nje repair your tar in your ovsn garage. Larg or email car*. Work Guaranteed. References. Phone. Circle 0611. AUTO VY ASHI NO Our (pactalty. 444 North Illinois _S & S Auto Laundry qTORCyCLES AND BICYCLE3. Now la the time to have your motor cycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 634 36 Mass Ave. Main 6404. CAftH paid for all kind* of motorcyctsa. FLOYD PETERMAN. 509 Uax.-utchuxetu avnua. TWO Harley-Davtdon motorcycle*; bar gain *6O each. 1606 E. Nineteenth t. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. IM MM, TOILS, l!M, ETC. See Mr. Lloyd, rear of Bixby factory. West Morris arid Belt R. K. No tele phone orders; no deliveries. BEDFORD STONE AND CONSTRUCTION CO. \ Walk 2 squares and save a dollar on | \ your trousers at I I , THE PA NTS STORE CO. I I \ Two Btorea l 1/ Bl 48 W.’Ohlo St. j" 118 E. Ohio St “ * Quit wearing ready-made ev, PANTS $ S We make them to your measure for Cl }/ LEON TAILORING CO. 181 E. New York at. Upstair*. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS VT I OW PRICKS. HIGH-GRADE USED ANT) SECOND HAND MACHINES; BARGAINS IN AI.I, THE LEADING MAKES. CASH OR PAYMENTS; AIT, MACHINES SOLD ARE GUARANTEED. CLARK TYPE WRITER SHOP, 18 WEST MARKET ST. UPSTAIRS. PHONE MAIN 2686. Good nbber tired Invalid chairs for rent, *3.60 a month; n o chart* for delivery. Baker ODDS and ends tn grocery fixtures. Meat boxes. Ice boxes, restaurant tables and chairs, counters and show cases. BAKER BROS. LADY’S fall suit, dark blue serge, lined with silk, beautifully trimmed. WiU sac rifice for quick sale. Webster 6891, NATURAL muekrat. 36-inch coat, shawl collar, large cuffs; splendid condi tion; wonderful valuer SIOO. Circle 8136. NOTlCE—Concessionaires. 2 Philadelphia juice bowls and cooking outfit. Call 44& Pennsylvania. Phone Circle 4817. COMPLETE t ldlng outfit: A-l condition. 730 S. Noble. Drexel 2847. BABY walker: practically new; reasonable. Auto. 43-217. OLIVER typewriter No. 9. slightly used; cost SIOO. Will sell cheap. Circle 1861. BEAUTIFUL Eagle charm. Call Webster 1684, GENZIE belting, 200 feet, and other belts for sale, 631 E. Washington. Main 8977. Auto. 28-351 lva ■Rpplr (Copyright, 1921, by Dy XjcUK New Erg Features) PERSONALS. FAIRMONT MATERNITY.HOSPITAL for confinement, private; prices reasonable may work for board, babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh st., Kansas City, Mo. ABSOLUTELY reliable and confidential de tective work performed. reasonable rates. O'Neil Secret Service. 25W. Wash. Cl. 6*56. Night phone Ra. 6785 and Ra. 8069. PlLES—Fistula. Assures, ulceration, bleed ing, Itching* cured at home Write for free trial treatment. 8. TARNEY. Auburn. Ir.d. MM E J J. BROOKS ~ announces to her beauty patrons that she Is now located at 1744 N. 711. Ran. 48*7. MISCE L LANEOUS—wX NT EU. GOOD sound yellow ear corn wanted at the stock yards. Main 0196. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, GO TO BAKER BROS, for furnlt ur*, rug:* and stove*. Payments 219-225 East Washington street ; FIX ro'niH of household good*, all now, j city. Circle €419. | FI'I;NITT RK for *al nt 671 N. Highland j a\*. Webster 7946. FOR SALE Two-tub plertrlr washer, ga* range, tc* box. W ebster 74 94. 31 yyixq jmaphiwe*t for salet USED Whate and Sanger Rented *3 per |S (q) kj >?) ijjr month. Repairs —' V < and parts for all [Q j make* guaranteed v. J 313 Maes, Ave Main feud. COAL AND WOOD FOR BALE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPHztC. Best Ind. or Linton, clean forked $7.00 ■lllinois lump, large clean forked.... 57.50 Best Brazil block, large forked 15.50 Try pur Pocahontas, nono better. Delivered anywhere in Hie city Free kindling with each toi. ordered or more. Drexel 3240. _ _ Auto. 62-244. PETS TOC ANDPO UL T R VV~ * ■- HOMES v-anted for hea!il:j| homeless deg*. INDIANAPOLIS HUMF-HI SOCIETY. Cllyjlog pound 924JE. N. Y. Main 0373. MUSKeAL INSTRUMENTS. Auto Plavor Piano ;In mahogany r*ss, big bargain at $309. % U. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 N. Merldfkn st. FOR SALE Dandy upriglit piano. Kent, sell or trade. Services accepted for part payment Randolph 3145. t RECORDS; good records of any make you do*lre, 40c. BAKER BROS., 2!* East , Waahlngton. I PLAYER” PIANO, 88-nota; like new; 56 j rol.s, cheap. Belmont 1417. WONDER | CONCRETE MIXERS Nus ced. BURL FINCH. 314 W. Maryland St. FINANCIAL. VWVVVVbVW PERSONAL LOANS $lO TO S3OO Thl* office la operated under the *uper vision of the State of Indiana and wan oe taWisheri for the purpose of providing a place where honest iteople oan borrow any amount from $lO to S3OO without paying more than the legal rate of in ters*. or without being Imposed upon In aay way. It Is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED Wo do not notify your employer, neither do we make Inquiries of your friends, relatives or trades peopla. You can have all time necessary for repayment and pay Only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and tet UH explain. No charge unless you bor rpvy Loan* with other companies paid bff ind more money advanced at legal rateu. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO. 22-460. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Room* 206-7-9 Indiana Trust Bldg. U3 E. Washington St. Corner _ Ata WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. W 1 PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg S iulh..t corner Delaware end Market WHO would be willing to finance farm for me realizing 40 to 50 per cent on invest ment. Phone Drexel 3442, or address A No. 23)3. Time*. FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate . R. B. WIL SON. 108 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. *■"* 'INSURANCE. In all Its branches. AUBRFY O. PORTER 986 Lemcke bldg. CONVERSE GROCER BANKRUPT. Thomas E. Wilson, retail grocer, ot j Converse. Inil., filed qj petition in bank i ruptcy in Federal Court today. He : scheduled liabilities of *4,021.47 and as sets of *1,973. JAP EXPLOSION DEADLY. TOKIO, Aug. 9 An explosion In the Hinoshlrna artilllery magaitne 1s re ported to have kllieci or Injured more than two thousand persons. Wabash Man Wants Lou and ‘Gerry’ to Return Lost Pants Special to The Times. WABASH, Ind., Aug. B.—Harry B. Hutchens of Wabash has written to Lou Tellegen and "Gerry” Farrar that he wants his pants back. Hup-h ---ens read In press dispatches that Geraldtna had it In mind to send Lou bis clothes "if ho’d leave HTs ad dress.” This incident In the famous Telle gen-Farrar divorce and "lockout” episode recalled to Hutchens that a year ago while Tellegen wsis playing In "Blind Youth,” the show struct an "off week” and the star and his lead ing man loafed a few days at Silver Lake. While fishing their boat oapslsed and Hutchens invited them to his cot tage and supplied them with cloth ing. That was the last be saw of the garments, Hutchens said, and now he wants hig pants back. BUILDING COSTS CUT SHARPLY Local Firm Announces Drop in Prices. A substantial decrease In the price to contractors of certain building materials was announced today by the Indianapolis Mortar & Fuel Company, the new prices effective yesterday. The new prices follow: Lime, finishing, hydrated, per bag, HO cents; lime, masons hydrated, per bag, 42 cents; Portland cement in paper, per hag. So cents; Port land cement, in cloth, 80 cents; wall plaster, sanded, In cloth, 00 cents, wail plaster, neat. In. paper, 85 cents; sewer pipe, 4 inch, per foot, 16>4 cents; sewer pipe, 6 inch per foot, 24% cents; sewer pipe, 8 Inch, per foot, 38}a cents; flue lining, 8 Inches by 8 Inches, per foot, 06 cents; flue lining, 8 inches by 12 Inches per foot, 89 cents; flue lining, 12 inches by 12 Inches, per foot, *1.27. Tho priceis which were In effect .Tan. 1 for the same materials follow: Lime, finishing, hydrated per bag. 62 cents; lime, masons liydrated, per bag. 55 cents; Portland cement in paper, per bag, $1.05; Portland cement. In cloth, per bag, *1.25; wall plaster, sanded in cloth, per bag, 75 cents; wall plaster, nnt, In paper, per bag, 93 cents; sewer pipe. 4 inch, per foot 19 cents; sewer pipe. 6 Inch, per foot. 2S cents: sewer pipe, 6 inch, per foot. 44 cents, flue lin ing. 8 Inches by 8 inches per foot 75 cents; flue lining, 8 Inches by 12 inches, per foot, *1.10; flue lining, 12 inches by 12 inches, per foot, *1.50. It was’ explained that these prices In clude delivery to the Job. withiu the city limits; that there is a 5 per cent dis count for cash, and that it has been sev eral years since the contractors of the city were able to purthase these materials at these prices. ARMOUR MANAGER IS UNDER ARREST Charged With Conspiring to Embezzle SIOO,OOO. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 9 —For em* bezzling funds which it wn* stated, would amount to upward of *IOO,OOO, C Gordon Blalock, manager of the w holesale meat department of Armours At Company, here, was arrested Today. ” A checker and a driver, alleged to have operated with Blalock also wero arrester!. Blalock, it is charged, disposed of meat through his two agents and destroyed The sales records. His operations extend over the period of a year, Armour offi cials stated. HARDING SIGNS THE SWEET BILL Names Forbes Director of New Veteran’s Bureau. WASHINGTON, Aug. 9—President Harding today signed the Sw-ect bill, which consolidated all soldier relief work by the Government in one bureau. Immediately afler the signing of the bill the President named Charles It. Forbes as director of the Veterans' Bureau, the new institution created by ,the bilL Forbes is at present director of the Bureau of War Risks Insur ance. BISHOP MADE ARCHBISHOP. HOME, Aug. 9.—Bishop Michael J. Curley of St. Augustine, Fla., has been appointed Archbishop of Baltimore, it was announced at the Vatican today. The appointment of the Rev. Father Stritch to be Bishop of Toledo was announced also. She Doesn’t Care Miss Thelm-a & C Thelma Milter of Los Angeles thinks that men have worn trousers long enough. She uoesn't see why worflcn should be hampered by skirts, no’'matter how short. For this reason she has started something in the eity on the Pacific coast by wearing black silk knickers. BANK AGAINST \ DISCOUNT CUT Federal Reserve of Minne apolis Needs Money to I\love Crops. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 9.—Directors of the Ninth Federal Reserve Bank have decided against a reduction of discount rates at this time. "We owe other reserve banks between 510,000,000 and *11,000.000 at the present time,” R. A. Young, governor of the bank ssid *eday. "If we paid off this in debtedness. our reserve position would bo only about 25 per cent. The law re quires us to keep v ll around 40 per cent. "Until there is some liquidation in ths Northwest it will lie impossible for this bank to reduce tho discount rate below O'. per cent. Some of the other bank* with a better reserve position have re duced rates. We have been in debt for about sixteen months and there is som* prospect that we will have to go further in debt to help move the present crop "lf the crop Is moved in an ordcrlir manner there should be practically com plete liquidation this falf and by Dec. 31 we should be in a position to take further action.” The directors decided Monday against reducing discount rates now. ADDS 181 ACRES TO TURKEY RUN * —— Stale Acquires Timber Land Adjoining Park. Following several years of Htigation, the State of Indiana, through Ihe depart ment of conservation, today acquired 181 acres of virgin timber land adjacent to Turkey Run State Park, in Parke Coun ty, which will be made a part of the State reservation. Tho land was pur chased from the Iloosier Veneer Com pany, at a cost of *9,783.40. This price was placed on ihe land by the Circuit Court in Parke County, fol lowing many efforts of the department of conservation to have a walue placed on it. Efforts of the department to acquire the land date back to 1919, when at tempts were made to purchase the land in order to Bare the timber, When no agreement could be made a# to price, the matter was placed In ths hands of the court for an appraisal and the Governor today approved the price fixed by the court and the transaction was completed. With the acquisition of the new terri tory, the Turkey Run State Park now consists of 470 acres and is valued, with improvements and equipment, at approxi mately *IOO-000. The department of con servation, through the division of lands and waters, headed by Alfred G. Sauers. Is now engaged in the laying out of a road through the new tract and with the completion of a large trestle which Is to be constructed over the lowlands, it will be opened to the public. Anew entrance to the park also will be opened, accord ing to Richard Lieber, director of th conservation department. 4 PERSONS HURT, 3 ARRESTED IN 6 CITY ACCIDENTS (Continued From Page One.) bound street car, witnesses said. The automobile struck the motorcycle and dragged it and Day onto the sidewalk in front of a drug store. * Mrs. Mary Hulse, 2169 North Capitol avenue, was night when sho was struck by an automobile while she was crossing the street. In front of her home Charles Hunt, 20, 2872 North Capitol avenue, driver of the automobile was arrested on charges of assault and battery and speeding. Mrs. Hulse Vas carried to the residence of Ira Holmes. 2164 North Capitol avenue, and later taken home. Mrs. Hulse suffered a deep scalp wound and a fractured rib. She was bruised and crushed about the body. The automobile driven by Hunt Is owned by ihe Mever Kiser Bank, where he is employed In the automobile at the time of the accident were William Hoening. 3107 Northwestern avenue, and Marguerite Fountain, 332 West Twenty- Ninth street. Mrs. John Hudson, 1010 Bel’efontaine street, was the only witness of the accident who was not in the au tomobile. She told the police- Ihe auto mobile was going at a high rate of speed. ARREST AVTOIST AFTER, A CHASE. A man giving his name as Thomas Dicks. 2P, 1014 North Delaware street, was arrested following chase after an accident in which his automobile struck and damaged an automobile and is be lieved to have hit a woman. Motor I’o lfeemnn Mueller arrested Dicks on charges of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor and failing to stop after an accident. Dicks' automobile struck a Worm Packing Company truck parked in front of 1146 Sputh West street. His auto re bounded and he drove north on West street. Motor Policeman Harms and Owens started after him. The police learned that a few minutes before he had struck tiie truck he had hit a woman whose identity was not learned. Motor Policeman Mueller caught Dicks at In diana avenue and Fall Creek. Dicks, po lice say. attempted to, escape by jump ing from the automobile while en route to police headquarters. He was caught after another chase near the Jail. O. L. Webb, 1920 North Meridian street, a contractor, had a narrow escape from serious injury when bis automobile was struck by a tire department pumper a Nineteenth street and Broadway, Racil Williams, 1901 Cornell avenue, was the driver of the pumper. The pumper was damaged slightly, hut Webb’s auto mobile was badly damaged. The rear wheel was torn off and the fenders and springs broken.' Webb was uninjured. WOMAN INJURED AS WAGON UPSETS. May Ford, 1409 Jones street, suffered a broken leg when 'a wagon In which she was riding turned over when the horse became unmanageable. The accident oc curred near her home. Jessie Logan liv ing nt the Jones street address was the driver of the horse, but was uninjured. Mrs. Ford was taken to rbo city hospital. Mable Kessler, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Kessler, 1609 West. Market street, today appeared little the worse for having been run over by a passenger train. The Peoria & Eastern Railroad Is near her home. Last nlgnt she wan dered onto the tracks. The child fell beneath the train and the flrsf that her father knew of the accident was when he saw the train 6top the conduc tor pick up the child and start to carry her to the house. The father met the conductor aud took the child home. A physician was called. Mable had a cut on tho left leg and on Ihe head. She was scratched snd bruised ; but not seriously Injured. The train was gone when Ser geant Sheehan- and the police emergency reached the Kessler home and no person knew which train ran over the child ex cept that It was an east bound passenger train. Green to Be Worn at Turner Park Sunday The annual picnic of Indi in.tpoils c t- Izens of Irish descent or birth will te gievn at Turner Park Sunday. 1 There will be a number of speakers nrtording to an announcement of the comiuiilee In charge. The committee consists of U. J. Fisher, J. B. Deery, N. J. Carroll, E. .T. Cabs lane. W. H. Foley, S. T. Leonard. H. J. Gailoway, Mort 0 Leary, Will Feeney and Tatrick Joyce 9