Newspaper Page Text
10 Main 3500 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 21-29 S. Meridian SI PHON ES-—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *5 Automatic ..38-861 KATES. Ona tlma •* P* r }} B ® Three consecutive time*.. #8 per i* n * Six eonMcu'.lve tlmee #7 per tin* Male or female help wanted, sttua tlon wanted male or female, room* to let and board and rooms wanted — One time. 98 }• Three consecutive times.. .87 per line Six consecutive tlmee. Contract rates on application. Least n0tice5............. .6* P*t Um Lodges and club notices Tse per ineertlon Church notlcea (1 Inch or less) 80c per Insertion Over 1 Inch . .07 par line additional Death notices 88c per InserUon. Card of Thanks or In Memories notices .07 per line Ads received until 11:46 a m. for publication same dap. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DREXEL // 266 L LV<l CCt/1 170 Parlors 1222 Union St. PLANNER & BL CHAN AN 120 North Illinois st. Funeral directors to the people of Indian apolis since 1887. i Phones—Main 0641-0042. Auto. 22-84 L INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner Funeral Director, 622 E. Market. Old phone Main 0908 New phone 27-202. J. C. WILSON 1220 Prospect. Auto. 61-C7l. Drexel 0222. W. T. BLAJSENGYM 1028 Shelby st. Drexel 2570. Auto. 61-114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KREIGER. New 21-164. Main 1464. 1402 N. Illinois. GAD E. GADD, 2180 Prospect et Phones: Drexel 0422. Automatic 62-878 UNDERTAKERS—HISE Y & TITLB. 861 North Del. New 28-664. Main 8620. FEE.NET A FEENEY. Auto. 24-185 1084 N. Illinois. Main 084 L )EATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. DE HAVEN. ANNA TV.—Mother of H Walker De Haven, died Friday. August 18, at her residence. 1215 Ashland ave. Funeral 10.30 a. m. Monday at the resi dence. Burial private. Crown Hill. WHITE. MARY—Widow - >f the' late John White and mother of Mrs. D H. Ma honey and Mrs. Thomas T. Hyland, died Friday. Aug 19, at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Thomas T. Hyland. 25 N. Ran dolph st. Funeral Monday. Aug 22. at 8 30 a m. at residence, followed by services Holy Croes Church 9 o'clock. Burial Holy Cross cemetery. Friends invited. CARD OF THANKS. CARD OF THANKS—We wish to thank our friends and neighbors and all who assisted tn the burial of our sou aud brother. Sergeant George W Engel king: also the Rev. C. C. John. Bishop Font, the singers at church and cemetery; the American War Mothers Mr. Dale. R. E Kenr.ington. Poet Auxiliary. pallbearers, firing squad and Shirley Broa undertaker and all for the beautiful floral offerings. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ENGELKING AND FAMILY. LODGES AND CLUBS. THE Hoosier Square and Compass Club. will hold a very Important meeting Mon day. Aug. 22. at 8 p. m.. in the Criminal .Court room, the courthouse. Members are urged to be present. PAUL B. GORDON. Pres, HARVEY GLCSENKAMP. Sec. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Nine 1 dollar bills on Illinois s'-. near Washington. Would *he one who found it please return It to a poor H!"4 man. Call Main 2123 or return to 324 N'ortu Missouri. DOG. strayed from 800 block East Market; large sore on back, name Pat: cross be tween poodle and Pomeranian. Liberal re ward. Harrison 1940. LOST—Small purse on Brookside car Fri day evening, between 5 and . Party who picked it up please call Webster 5034- Reward. FOUND —lAdles brown hat st Washing ton and Meridian wtreet. Can have by calling at Times office. CHURCH NOTICES. FIRST CHU RCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Meridian at Twentieth Sts. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 11 a m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms in the church edifice are open week days from 9 a m. to 6 p. m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENT IST—DeIaware and Twelfth streeta Holding services temporarly In the Ma sonic Temple, corner of Illinois and North streeta. Sunday services (morning only) at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room. Cll Odd Fellow building, open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. except Wednesday, when closed at 7:15 p. m.. and Sunday, when open from 2 to 5 p. tn. THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST —1859 Washington blvd. Sunday serv- Icea 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Sunday achool. t 15 a. m. Wednesday evening, testimon ial meeting at 8 o'clock Reading room at 805 E. 34th st., open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.. except Wednesday, when closed at 7:30 p. m. Oriental Spiritualist Church will hold regular Sunday evening service* 6214 Circle, second floor Morrison Hall. Lecture by Mrs. Compton White. Mes sages given by Mr. D. Hs Smith and othera Come and bring your friends. George Avery, president. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUA LIST CHURCH The Ladles' Aid will meet Tuesday, 2 p m.. at the Redmen's Hall, corner North and Capitol avenue. Messages by those present. Public Invited and made wel conie. NOTICES. IF TOU ARE SUFFERING with rheumatism, lumbago, backache, ca tarrh of the head, headache, sore throat or any other pains. cuts or bruises get a bottle of Electric Pain Gas Oil and you will be surprised at the quick result* This In not a cure all. but a powerful, penetrating, stim ulating poin destroyer. Sold in Indi anapolis by the six up-to-date Hook Drug Stores. Wholesale by Keifer- Stew-art and Mooney-Mueller-Ward Cos. BUSINESS SERVICES. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Call Main 9081 and have jour drywells. cesspools and valuta cleaned. I don’t de pend on my men to do my work. I do it myself. I have the largest barrels in the city. Calls answered evenings and Sun days. YVork done out of the city. 761 West Michigan HAAS. Paper Hanging, Cleaning, House Painting, at 1914 prices. \Yeb ster 0512. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses aad pillows made to order. E. F. BL'RKLE 418 Mas* ave. Main 1428, New 23-T75. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened. TUTTLEDGE 201 Indiana svs. WHEN in need of a handy man call Irv ington 2461. Charges reasonable. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED DREXEL 0896. AUTO 51-516. CARPENTER work, new or repair, by day or contract. Call Drexel 1223 HEMSTITCHING. 10c YARD. MRP. TUTTLE 201 INDIANA AVE DETECT IVES. Quigley-Hyland Agency CMI and Criminal Investigators 826-529 Law bids. Main 3908. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES GAS BUGGIES— I HAVENT HAP , WE LL -SLEEP [THE HO TtL FACES A [("7“—N I PHONED TW EOr] {QW YES -<} THIS ROOM ) A COCV NIGHT-5 /TONI6HT-LVE LAKE 4N(? HE •i’AiP 1 CAN ) A RESERVATION- M&T YOU AINT COOL-( THERE AJNT f&m SLEEP IN A RESERVE V THE IP HAVE A ROOM / H4RPLY k C OOL ROOM- J ALL FIXEP ANOTHER 7 ', 4/ /Ml WEEK- ILL &E ( COOLEST ROOM \ THAT WAS ACTUALLY J WAIT TILL * c ? r J UP- LUCK, - * J VACANT ROOM Vs f /.#/ ///Mm j I - p- T 0 BE HflE-l MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED BOYS WANTED —Boys not over 14 years old to carry Time* routs* In central part of city; boys who want to make good money call and see Mr Moorehead any afternoon at Times office after 2 o’clock. WANTED Experienced solicitors in city. Can make from *5 to $S per day. Apply Cir. Mgr.. Daily Times WANTED —Adults, a** 26 to 70. to book orders for trees, shrub*, vines, roses, full or spare time, commission paid weekly, experience unnecessary. WESTERN NEW YORK NURSERIES. Rochester N. Y. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle •757. _ MAN to run Nh'. Call before 10 a m. and after sp. m. 1707 Broadway^ SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMAN A self-respectirg al*.mn who., ambi tion 1* beyond his present plsce. can find more congenial employment with us and at the aame time double his Income. Yse require a man of clean character, sound In mind and body, who would appreciate a life job with a fast-growing concern where industry would be rewarded with far above average earnings, for employ ment call Main 4415. FIFTY -SEVEN ml'es per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporiser Write for particulars. STRANSKY VA. >RIZER CO.. Pukwana, South Dakota. AGENTS—-WANTED. RED hot seiler. The original “Zanol" soft drink* Big money makers for agents High quality ar.d purity brings repeat orders. Absolutely guaranteed. Write quick for free sample offer and territory. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO., 4694 Ameri can Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. SALES AGENTS-^Make $3.00 to 35,009 a year. We want exclusive territory agents to sell Cresco Guaranteed Raincoats. Wa terproof Aprons and Utility Bags. Out fit free We deliver ar.d collect. IM PROVED MFG. CO.. Dept. 149. Aahland. Ohio. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Girls Between 18 and 25 year* who are seeking permanent employment and whose homes are In the city apply to the Indiana Bell Telephone Cos. Room 322, corner Nw York and Meridian, COOK ar.! genera! housework; comfortable home room and bath. Washington 4 261. S! TU AT IO N WANT E O—F EMA LE. SIX years* experience in general office work, can u*e comptometer and type writer. Call Circle 4052. WANTED —Cooking and general house work; good work guaranteed. Auto. 24-820. WANTED rough dry washings. 10 r ©nt per pound, iron flatwork. Webater 9140. WANTED —Small family washings. Soft water uaed. Randolph WANTED, laundry work, by widow, to pay rent and buy coal. Call Auto. 39-161. CCH>ORED~7ady”want day work; reliable. Webater 5731. LAUNDRY to bring home. Wet dry. Cir cle 7145. ROOMS—TO LET. HOTEL PURITAN (Fire-proof) Market and New Jersey streeta Rates: 21 to 82.50. Special weekly ratee on application. ~ ROOMS 76c To 21.59. Special rates by the week and all mod ern convenience* THE GEM STAG HOTEL. 85 W. Ohio street. ALABAMA. 1401 N.; nicely furnished room, thoroughly modern, home cook ing. Also garage. Circle 6329. LIGHT attractive modern sleeping room. private family, reference; walking dis tance north. Circle 8190. ROOM for two gentlemen, man and child or married couple. Will give breakfast. Webster 0239. NOBLE STREET—CIean, airy Bleeping room for man and wife or two gentlemen. Private home. Circle 4067. ARSENAL N., 17; etrictly modern, large, nicely furnished, clean room. Drexel 2969 FURNISHED room north. In modem flat for lady, references exch. Ran. 5 262. LARGE furnished room; modern; gentle men only; good location. Randolph 7613. TWO rooms and kitchen; modern conven ience* 843 North Temple. FIFTEENTH. E. 812; modem room; gen tlemen; twin beds, garage. Main 7639. THREE nicely furnished modem sleeping rooms for rent. 618 East Market. MERIDIAN. 1021 N.; nicely furnished front room. 2 gentlemen preferred. Circle 837 2. NICELY furnished room in private home, gentlemen, reference* Randolph 1049. MERIDIAN et.. 1021 N.; large comfort able front room* Modern. Cirole 8372. PENN.. 1521 N.; modern front suite with piano. Circle 0832. __ transfer A N .P. BTORAGE STORE YOUR FURNITURE!!! PAY BIX MONTHS FROM NOW. (ll We haul your goods, store It. and charge the whole bill. Yon pay nothing until you take It out. or In 6 months It stored that long (8) Our storage le brick and con crete: clean, dry. eanltary. (3) Your goods gets Its own bln; not mixed with other furniture. (6) Kates are moat reason*).ls. YOU BAVE BY CALLING US MA TN 3458 AUTO 27-790 Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Mein 2*28 Auto *l-12*. I Move Household Goods $2.99 a room. Largs truck. Call Webster 8229. PARTLOW FIREPROOF - STORAGE CO Private locked rooms and open space. 25c per month and up Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 419-22 E. Market street. Main 2760 Auto. 22-630. GUY btora** Ce. Oheaps*! rate to e6ty. 89 W Henry ah Mala 4399. TRANSFER AND STORAGE.^ BIG FOUR TRANSFER. O. F. BEHRENT. Moving light hauling. Loads 23. 00 up. Main 824 L Drexel 7072. 1 transfer trunks, parcels, move househo'd goods carefully and reasonably. L BEARD & SON. 511 E. North. " UNION STATION BAGGAGE CO. Dae the phone Cell Main 7119. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. DORMAN st.. 730; 2 front connecting rooms downstairs, clean and nicely fur nished; private entrance in private home; reasonable. Webster 1895. NICE - furnished housekeeping rooms, bath; cheap rent. 317 East South street. FRONT room, modern, gas electric lights and bath. 24.50. Circle 7313. TWO or three modern rooms; gas. elec tric. linen !6 N. East Circle 8209. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. LARGE, beautiful room; 2 or 3 people; with meals. Circle 3309, modern. BUSINESS WILL discount or trade 8% dividend se curltiea Randolph 6084. 2460 N. Dela ware FOR EXCHANGE—SI9O,OOO general mer chandise. will divide. Write LEAVITT LAND CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. RUUill.Nu H-jCSt-t. ilC.'.Al KA.VIa Easy terms ion. dm. a ware REA* ESTATE —FOR RALE- 648 Arch Street Off College avenue. Six-room semi-modern cottage. city water and gat Price s_\Soo Cash $.60. 652 Arch Street Six-room. semi modern *cottag*; good w-eli and cistern and gaa. Vrloa $3,000. Cash SOOO CRUM & 801 LDEX REALTY CO. 217 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4233. S2OO CASH, 116 MONTH. Buys good 5 room home at 2DM S. Key stone; n*>wly palntej and papered. Now vacant and ready for you. Price only 21,800. See this HENRY & ROBINS REALTORS. ‘ Cottage, South Eiist Near £h*lby car. 4 room* and pantry, gas. ©ieotrlt lights, well and cistern, oellar. $2,100 Terms If desired. | Dunlop & Hoitegel, Realtors. 132 E. Market St. Colored Buyers Two cottages, 4 an 1 5 rooms, gas. well and cistern and electric lights; newly painted an I papered. Nenr 1 nMiuilda 'Hr line. Price J 2.200 K*,v terms. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. 122 E. Market at. NINETY properties nnn six room Ttind<*rn bungalow will trade for 5 or 6-room cheaper property, must he n**ar Shelby street roundhouse; 67 ty acres to trade f- r city property; 16 scree 5-*oom hou*o. A t fine ground for sale or trade for city property; 6 acrea 6 room* for sale close to for terms. Call Drexel 6184. _ remont. New ([ er A II 6-roora bungalow, garage. U II A-Vt II . full basement; just otim a u—a p)ete<l will take good lot as part payment for my equity CiEO. A LITAS, 726 K. of P. Bldg., Circle 6600. Modern 6 room bouse on Parker st., north of Tenth Bt.; $.'>,774); street paved. R. B. WILSON, REALTOR. 108 N. Delaware al Main I*slß. iT:s VorneLium AVB.-Six room*, mod ern. garage. $6,800. $2,000 cash. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. DOUBLE house, southeast corner Olney and Twenty-Fifth street*; owner. Wash ington 1894. OWNER desire* to eel] direct to purchaser modern seven-room ' ouse. near end Eaat Tenth car. Call Main 0563. EIGHT-ROOM square-type, good repair, 2 baths. $4,750, owner, Web 6*JJB. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two large lota west. What have you? 1206 English ave. FIVE-ROOM house. 1162 N. Mount at.; by owner. Call Belmont 0877. REAL EBTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR exchange. 9-flat building In Chi cago Price $32,000 for good cloef farm In Indiana; rent $5,270 a year. RED MAN. 127 N. Dearborn at., Chicago. FOR EXCHANGE property, Indiana farms or southern lands, clear. for merchandise. Write LEAVITT LAND CO.. Indianapolis. Ind WILL trade SO-acre farm for city prop erty. See owner. 250 S. Sherman drive. Irvington 0528. A FAIR trade la better than a sacrlnce sale GEO. R. BROWN. 1002 City Trust REAL ESTATE—WANTED. CASH FOR EQUITY OR CONTRACT FOR REAL ESTATE. MAIN 1115. LOTS FOR SALE. LARGE, beautiful lota In Wayne park, Just off W. Washington at., which la being paved; $1 down, $1 a week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 507 City Trust. Main 0217. TWO' lots, corner Naomi street, east of Shelby; Improved street; clear, $2,200; terms B F. Clark. Main 3377. FARMS—FOR SALE. STOCK and grain farm for sale or trade. 130 acrea, Orange County: good farming land, little rolling For Information ad dress WM. STELTING. R. R. 4. Paolt, Indiana. FARMS—FOR TRADE. 140 ACRES good grain and stock farm; clear of incumbrance; for 60 or 80 acres. Will pay cash difference. Must be within 20 miles of Indianapolis. I CIIAS. P. HORNADAY REALTOR. 6u7 People’s Bank Bid*. Main 6686. 12* ACRES In oil belt of Tlllnnis. good land, clear of mortgitg-p. Will trade for rentals. Will pay difference if Justified. CHAS. P. HORNADAY, Realtor. Room 607 People’s Bank. Main 6686. REA L ESTATE—SUB UREA N. NEW 6-roonj bungalow, nearly acre, garage, n-'ar Stop h. Lafayette Interur ban To exchange for city property; pref erably south or west. Main 0186. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20,1921. The Fable of the Reservation. AUTOMQBILES FOR SALE. DODGE TOURING This car just repainted; new tires, new top and la In excellent condition. Priced to move quickly. He bought anew Paige. Briseoo Touring We have several new Briscoe touring cars, fully equipped with front and rear bumpers, windshield wings, motonaeter, etc. To close them out quickly have ■placed a very low figure on them. If you are thinking about anew car, In vestigate. Chalmers Sedan In splendid condition. Will trade for open car and pay or uecept cash differ ence. He bought anew Paige. Overland Touring The price is lery low; the car in dandy condition. Paige Touring Model 4 .He Pine car for Jitney work. He bought anew Paige. Ford Truck Panel body. Uheap, or will trade for open Ford. Interstate Roadster Priced to move quickly. Paige Light Six Jut repainted and a real buy. Come quickly. He bought anew Paige. Paige Larelimont Sport This oar Is one of the he.-t buys we have; newly paint 'd anil rides fine He bought anew Paige. Briscoe Demonstrator In fine condition, good as new ; priced very low. Fully equipped. Paige Glenbrook This dandy little ft passenger <-ar has Just gone through our shop, ha* been gone over, newly painted and is a real buy at our low price He bought anew Paige. A demonstration In my of onr used cars place* you under n" obligation what ever. W are always glad to show you our stock. Call Mr. Peterson for information or demonstration. TERMS IF DESIRED Sterling Motor Car Cos. Distributors Paige cars and Trucks. U 7261. 8.7.7 V Meridian e> M 1808. The Assortment of the City at Buck’s Attractive Values Attractive Prices Attractive Terras 11 makes. 8 body style* 2 sal 3-passenger roadsters. 4-p**en ger sport end chummy. 6 snd 7-pas*enger tourings, sedans and coupes. BTUDEBAKER RFO ESSEX CHEVROLET HUPMOBILE OVERLAND REGAL OAKLAND MAIBOHM DODGE INTERSTATE vtfdt eur sales room, inspect our stock. DRIVE HOME A BARGAIN. THE BUCK CO. 809 N. Pennsylvania One square north of postotflee. Open Evenings i Imrsh} Nash-Renewed Cars ARK GUARANTEED. Wo offer for your om-eful inspec tion the following 1 used cars at ex ceptional values impossible to dup- * | licate. | 1919 Maxwell touring . . s3.'*o 1919 Maxwell touring with new 4 Up S4OO 1917 Patterson touring SIOO 1914 Cadillac touring $4. r 0 1917 Oakland touring $350 Cah or terms. Losey-Xash Retail Cos. 400 N. Capitol ave. Main 3348-3349. Automatic 21-946. PAIGE sportster, painted yellow, wire wheels. Individual fenders and step , board*, only $296 down. 618 N. Capitol i Open evening* ' BEVEN-PABENGER Studebaker for eale. a bargain If sold a once. Call Drexel 1023 or 622 Lexington nvenue. LEXINGTON five pajßeenger sportster. Snappy looker, new paint, new top; only $2$S down. 618 N. Gapitol avenue. COLE 8 touring. 7-pasaengor. Rarg&ln, $145 down, $6 weekly. 618 N. Capitol avenue. MONROE touring new paint, new top Firxt $460 cash takes it. 618 N. Capitol avenue. COLUMBIA automobiles. ARTHUR DIETZ COMPANY, distributor*. 830 N. Meridian. .Main 6716. OVERLAND roadster 83, new tires and top. $225. Harrison 0755. 2342 N Capi tol ave. MONROE chummy M-2. Make me an offsr. Circle 2900. DODGE touring fine shape, bargain. $176 down. $t weekly. 611 N. Capitol. OVERLAND 4. 1020 dandy First $375 cash takes it. 618 N. Capitol ave. , FORD touring 1918. Fine shape. sllO down $5 weekly 618 N Capitol. OVERLAND Country (Hub. wire wheels; snappy. $146 down. 518 N Capitol. STUDEBAKER 6 touring. 7-pa*eng*r, dandy. Only $146 down. 618 N. Capitol. 1920 HUPMObTle'touring 11 ke ne w7~235 North Pennsylvania. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Wo Are Closing Out Our USED CAR STOCK We have a number of real bar gains. Give us a chance to show them to you. This is one real opportunity to purchase a good used car at a price below any thing ever offered. Oakland 34-B Touring Oakland 32-B Roadster Oakland 32 Roadster Studebaker Light Six Touring Oakland Motor Car Company 325 N. Pennsylvania St. Paige Sport Rpsutifnl lb-71 spp.-iai sport mod el, equipped with six <liso>**| wueels. six cord tiri-B. special tire covers, lumps, bumpers, two fender mirrors, two spot light* and many other useful accesso ries; also special Artcraft I'allfornia type winter top. Far completely cover. I with Artcraft leather. Owned by official of company. Never off r'ty streets Gnu Inal price s4,ftO). Will accept trade or will sacrifice for cash. Sterling Motor Car Cos. Distributors Faiire t ars and Trucks C 7-711. H. 7.7 V Meridian st M iSO-S. Paige Light Six This car haa be*n loft with tia by pri rare own*T to bo *oid. Newly painted and in good mrcbani'-nl n*nittton. Can be bought right Looks and rldns flic Sterling Motor Car Cos. Distributors I’alg? Gars and Trucks c 73*1. tst N Merld an st and AUTOMOBILES—SALE OR TRADE. SALE or trsds Overland automobile, good as new Drexsl 4967. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. TRUCKS. 112-TonI 1 2-Ton Autocar chassis with cab. Used, but rebuilt in our own shops. To be sold v\ith regular 1-year Autocar guarantee. IVvTon Diamond ‘' T ” chassis. Used but 40 days. Will sell with guarantee ns if new. Bargain price. Ford truck with new body and cab, in splendid condition. Studebaker Speed truck with panel body, electric lights and starter. Will make jui excellent delivery unit. THE BUCK CO. 313 N. Penn. St. Distributors of Autocar Trucks. Main 0308. Auto. 24-371. TRUCKMEN, NOTICE P ~ 114-TON CAB AND STAKE BODY. RE!) SEAL CONTINENTAL MOTOR. WILL BELL ON LIBERAL TERMS. HARRISON 0755. 2312 N. CAPITOL AVE. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois St. Main 1579. Auto. 22-063. ~ AUTOS WANTED Largest used car dealers in State. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS 618 N. Capitol. Open evenings. AUTOS wanted. WEISSMANS 212-14 E. New York street. Main 4416 1 j WILL trade 3 lots for an automobile. Call Webster 6197 *UTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 834 North Illinois S & S Auto Laundry FOR SALE —TWO *3x4'4 FIRE STONE CORD TIRES. ONE 87x8. SIX 3 Ix3 WHEELS. ONE FORD BLOCK 1920 THREE SETS OF FORD COILS 36 KEN TUCKY AVENUE. MOTORCYCLE S^AND^BICYCL.ES^ Now is the time to have your motorcycle overhauled and re-enameled ERNEST HUGHES CO. 634-36 Mass. Av*. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN 609 Massachusetts avenue. INDIAN motorcycle for nale or will trade as first payment c.i automobile. Inquire 402 West New York street. INSTRUCTIONS. MEN WANTED. THE MARINE UNIVERSITY wants to get in touch with men who are anxious to become DECK OFFICERS in the MERCHANT MARINE SERVICE, COAST GUARD. U. S. NAVY. To these men we can offer a complete course in navigation, seamanship. etc., which will enable them to pass the re quired examinations for these positions. Our HOME STUDY PLAN is the best In the world. This preparation will take four to six months. Salaries after the course Is completed run from $176 to 2400 per montn and all expenses. THIS SCHOOL HAS NEVER YET FAILED TO SECURE A GRADUATE A POSITION. THE MARINE UNIVERSITJT. Nautical School. St. Paul, Minn. PERSONALS. FAIRMONT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for private; prices reasonable rosy work for board; babies adopted, writs for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG, 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh t Kansas C't’y. Mo. HAIR dyeing and facial work a specialty Done privately, day or night. Dyes re moved from hair. Years of experience. Drexel 3239. MME J. J. BROOKS * announces to her heauty patrons that she ated M 1744 N. HI. Ran. 4897. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. Everybody wear ** PANTS (, \ We sell ’em. That's l II our business. I / THE PANTS STORE l A|/ ■ COMPANY. l)U| Two Stores. Ms 48 W. I Ohio ~ Wuit wearing ready-made yfo ____ PANTS $S Ws make them to your — * $) measure for Cl 1/ IKON TAILORING CO. XSI K. New York et. Upetalra Good rubber tired Invalid rWTBt chairs for rent. $3.50 a month, JHOfA no charge for delivery. Baker Why pay two middlemen profits? Buy from fac tory direct Send for free catalog. ACME THUNK AND HAG FACTORY. Spring ODDS and ends In grocery fixtures. Meal boxes. Ice boxes, restaurant tables and Chairs counters and show crises. BAKER BROS. ROLL roofing. $! 25 per roll; sash with £ 2**. $1.60 each In lots of 10 or more; framing material second-hand. 1205 .Mxm. ave. Webster 6818. LADY’S fal! suit, dark blue serge, lined with silk, beautifully trimmed Will sac rifh e for quick sate Webster 689 4 FOR SALE—Coney fur coat, good condi tion. sl6. Circle 83i.7. ROLL-TOP DES K~ for sale. 20 Sou t b Capitol ave. Mr. In 6 4:. 9 SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE. USED White end Sanger rV Rer.tsd 23 per month. Repairs \ < antl P art * * or all I(J j *•'■ make* guaranteed II llaaa. Avs Main faS#. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GO TO Baker BROS, for furniture, rug** and stove*. lay meats. 219-225 Ea*t VSsiMiirglon atreet. 11x15 RUG child's bed, kitchen table. 1919 N Meridian. Randolph 8637. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. RECORDS, good records of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROfl., 218 £at Washington. PLT STOCK AND POULTRY. Birds—Dogs—Pet Stock W 9 have Ju*t received anew shipment of parrots consisting of Cuban*. King Double Yellow Heads. Red Heads and Piuiaina Green These are exceptinipiHy fine birds and every one a guaranteed talker We are also offering some extra nice canaries und dogs ai very reusonaLle prli es. R. W. Shotwell Cos. IMPORTERS. 737 Mass. Circle 0613. Will buy young female canaries. Bring them in. PARROTS—Young hand raised tame Mexi cans, guaranteed. $5 60 each. We ship safely everywhere. \\ rue us for circulars, t ari&rles. puppt* **• pigeons. p*ta of every description NATIONAL PET SHOP. St. Louis, Mo. HOMES wauled for healthy nomelsss dogs INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. City dug pound. 924 K. N. Y. Main 0878 SHETLAND pony and buggy for sale. Webater 6350. FINANCIAL. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on sucb easy terms ot repayment from tho Fidelity Loan Company, a 11 censed and bonded firm, for use in paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need tor C.O.SH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage U onr uervic*. LOANS AN FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 et legal rates, on short notice and wlthou' j übllcity. We give you all the time you runt to repay a loan and only charge so the a-'tual time you have the money. Fair. Isn’t it? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month an 4 Interest On $ tit pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month end Interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COSY IN YOUR BEHALF TV* ere on the Job eight hours a day. end through personal coniaot and personal Service, plus a deep personal interest, we can nerve you and your friends as you wish to be served. In thes% unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation are peal assets to all of us. W are ready t go three-fourths of the way. Now It is rip to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO -106 E. Market St. Room 532 Lemcke Bldg. Mnln 1278. Anto. 27-788. WK ‘.RE PREI'ARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY- WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED IND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYER Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner D lawftre and Market. FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate R. B. WIL SON. 108 N. Leiaware at Main 1618 Tnsurancb. - j in all Its branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. I •26 Lemcke bldg. Main 1012. I by Beck MACHINERY AND TOOLB. I WONDER CONCRETE MIXERS Nut red. BUHL FINCH. 314 W. Maryland St. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Best Ind. or Linton, clean forked.... $7.00 Illinois lump, large clean forked.... $7 50 Best Brazil block, large forked. 18.50 Try our Pocahontas, none better. Delivered anywhere in the city. Free kindling with each tot ordered or more. Drexel S2BO. Auto. 62-364. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed prop>a[ will be received at the office of the Board of Trustees of the Cen tral Indiana Hospital for the Insane until 10 o'clock a. in. Aug 26, 1921, for the items enumerated below. Each bidder must deposit with his proposal a certified check in the amount noted with the item. The proceeds of the certified check shall become the property of the Board of Trustees, acting for and representing the State of Indiana, els liquated damages in the event the bidder whose prop oral is ac cepted shall not, within 10 days after the at\ard of the contract, enter Into a written agreement and secure the same with a surety bond in the full amount of the con tract price The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Item No. 1. Plumbing and heating of two new toilet rooms, department for women, kitchen, accompanied by a cer tified check for SIOO 00 Item No 2 Remodeling of portions of bar center, department for women, to pro vide for toilet ar.d store rooms—accom panied by a certified check for SIOO.OO. Item No 3. Repair of roofs and sheet metal work, main building, rear center and dining hall, department for women— accompanied by a certified check for $500.00. Specifications for this work are on file at tlie office of the Board of Trustees. Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane and at the office of Adolf Scherer, archi tect. By order of the Board of Trustees. Cen tral Indiana Hospital for the Insane. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed. the Board of Commisl ners of Ma rion County. Indiana, will, up to 10 o’clock a. m.. Sept. 27, 1921, receive sealed bids for construction of woman’s department for Marlon County Jail by remodeling oid power house, according to plans and spec ifications on fils in the office of the audi tor of Marlon County. Each bid must be accompanied by a bond and an affidavit as required by law. The board reserves the right to reject any or &1I bids. Witness our hands this 11th day of A igust, 1921. CARLIN H SHANK. H. D TI'TEWILER. LEWIS W. GEORGE. Commissioners of Marion County. Attest —LEO K. FESLER. Auditor. Aug 13, 20. 27. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF TAX LEVIES. In the matter of determining the tax rates for certain by Washington Township, Marion County. Indiana. Before the Township Advisory Board. Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Washington Township, Marion County, In diana. that the proper legal officers of said municipality at their regular meeting place on the 6th day of September, 1921, will consider the following budget: BUDGET CLASSIFICATION FOR TOWN SHIPS. Township Fund— Salary of trustee $ 1.500.00 Office rent Trustee’s expense a. Traveling b. Office 50.00 Ork hire. . 500.00 Supplies for justice of the peace 100.00 Records for advertis ing 125.00 Public ditches (assess ment against town ship) 200.00 Pny of advisory board 15.00 School transfers 3 000.00 Payment of loans Payment of Interest Examination of rec ords 35.00 Miscellaneous-- 1 Attorney’s fees. .. . 150.00 2. Care of cemetery. . 16.00 Total township fund $ 5.990.00 ESTIMATE OF TOWNSHIP FUNDS TO BE RAISED. Estimated expenditures as above $ 5.990.00 j Working balance at end of year to meet neces sary expenditures un til receipts of revenue from taxation 1,500.00 Total $ 7.490.00 Leas estimated revenue and balance revenue not derived from tax ation $ 100.00 Balance at end of this year 1.500.00 Total deductions. $ 1.600.00 Amount necessary to be raised by taxation... $ 5,890.00 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND. Additional ground $ New buildings 200.00 Repair of buildings. . . . 800.00 School furniture and supplies 1.400.00 Fuel for school house.. 3.900.00 Purchase of achool busses $ 3,000.00 Special school fund debt Payment of Interest School transfers Pay of teacher* Transportation 8.560.00 Teacherß* institutes.... 1,212.00 Janitor service 3.200.00 Miscellaneous 2,000.00 1. Sanitation 75.00 2. Insurance on bldgs . 1,500.00 3. Commencement ex pense 50.00 Total special school fund $25,897.00 ESTIMATE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL FUNDS TO BE RAISED. Estimate of expendi tures as above. ...... $2 >,897.90 Working balance at end of year to meet nec essary expenditure** until receipts of rev enue from taxation.. 7,000.00 Lose estimated revenue and balance 32,897.00 Revenr j not derived from taxation $ 50.00 Auto, 28-351 LEGAL NOTICE. (Continued.) Balance st end ot this year f,009.00 Total deductions.., $ 7,0604 Amount necessary to be raised by taxation.... 26,847.0 BOND FUND. Payment of bonds {18.6i10.00 Payment of tntereet.... 8,208.00 Total bond fund... $21,780.00 ESTIMATE OF BOND FUND TO BE RAISED. Estimate of expendi tures as above {21,760.08 Working balance at end of year to meet neces sary expenditures un til receipts of rev enue from taxation... 7.000,00 Jotal $28,760.08 Less estimated revenue and balance revenue not derived from tax ation $ Balance at end of this year 7.000.00 Total deductions. .. { 7.000.0# Amount necessary to be raised by taxation... $21,700.09 LIBRARY FUND. Books, binding and pe riodicals „..$ Salaries librarians and assistants ........ Maintenance of build- Inga, including Jani- ~ tor Repairs ........ Supplies, poetage. ex press, freight ........ Rural extension work Miscellaneous Total library fund*. $........ ESTIMATE OF LIBART FUND TO B 9 RAISED. Estimate of expendi tures as above YVorklng balance at end of year to meet nec essary expenditures until' receipts of rev enue from taxation.. ........ Total $ j Less estimated revenue and balance revenue not derived from taxation $. ....... Balance at end of this year ........ Total deductions... $ ..J Amount necessary to be . raised by taxation.... TUITION FUND. Pay of teachers $29,200.00 Transfers , Total tuition fund. $29 200.98 ESTIMATE OF TUITION FUNDS TO BH RAISED. Estimate of expendi tures as above $29,200.99 Working balance at end of year to meet neces sary expenditures until receipt of revenue from taxation 10.000.04 Total $39,200.08 Less estimated revenue and balance revenue not derived from taxation $ 800.00 Balance at end of this year 10.000.00 j Total deductions... $10,500.0$ Amount necessary to be raised by taxation... $28,700.00 POOR FUND. To reimburse county... $ 800.00 ESTIMATE OF POOR FUND TO BE RAISED. Estimate of expendi tures as above $ 800.0# Working balance at end of year to meet neo eaeary expenditures until receipts of rev enue from taxation. _ 100.00 Total $ 400.00 Less estimated revenue and balance revenue i not derived from tax ation Balance at end of this year $ 100.00 Total deductions. .. $ 100.03 Amount necessary to be raised by taxation. ... $ 300.00 PROPOSED LEVIES, Net taxable property. $168,960.40 : Number of taxable polls 869.00 Levy Levy Amount to on on be Name of fund, poll* property. raised. Township .01% $ 6,990.00 Road ## * • • i Special school.* •• -1® 25,050 00 Bond U 21,760.00 ' ; S'it Poor 00 H SOO.OO COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF TAXES : COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED. Name of fund. _ . To b 1 Collected Collected Collected Collected 191? Levy 1919 lovy 1920 Levy 1921 Levy Township— __ ... .. {3.378.66 {1.836.53 $3,430.04 $6,300.00 Road— . .. 2,390 78 854.35 51.39 0,90 Special School— -14,774.27 17,488.83 81.107.30 25,600.00 B ' 13.089 73 9.623.89 330.36 22,000.00 Tuition— ... .. 13.780.99 17.219 58 21,427.60 82,000.00 •potal ' $47,41 4.43 {47.028 03 $56,848.58 $85,900.00 Tax pavers appearing shall have a rlghs |to he heard thereon. After the t*x levied rave been determined, ten or more pa'vrs feeling themselves aggrieved by such levies, may appeal to the State Board .> ax Commissioners for further ana final teflon thereon, by filing a petition thereto* with the County Auditor not later than th* so • Monday of September, and the State Bot - will fix a date of hearing in thl4 county. Dated Aug. 18. 1921. (■HAS. P. WRIGHT. JOHN HAVCOURT, O. H. HAMMOND. ELIJAH DAWSON. ROTARY CLUB TO MEET AT MALO’S All-Day Outing Will Be Held With Dancing in the Evening. The country meeting of the Tndiannpo- Us Rotary Club, which will be held “rain or shine” Tuesday at Mnlo's, Fifty-Ninth street and Keystone avenue, will begin at 11 a in. and will end with dancing some time in the evening. The program elaborate, beginning with horseshoe pitching, cards and basebaiT" The suggestion is made in the program, by the way —“Bring your own shoes.” Meanwhile, for the chtldrau, there will be saddle ponies, buggy ponies, play ground games arranged by recreation Supervisors and a story-telling hour. And then, at 1 p. m.. dinner will be served, with President Frank E. Flcyd presiding, with greetings by the president und the awarding of prizes ranging from a chicken for th elargest family, nu merically. present, to a quart of milk daily for the month of September for the youngest Rotary baby. There will be a recess at 2 p. m. for outdoor festivities, which will include many gnmes and athletic events embrac ing a bread throwing contest, a baseball throwing contest, a rolling pin throwing contest, a three legged race a potato race, a backward race, an egg race, a shoe race, a sack race, a peanut race and there will be dashes ranging in length from fifty yards to one hundred yards, and races for thin men and fat men and for charter members. But. really, tlie contests are bewildering in their numbers, and those just cited merely give a general idea of them. PLAY BY feTRIC’T RILES. HARTFORD CITY. Ind.. Aug. 20. The old game of horseshoe pitching has been revived m Hartford City and great interest is being taken in the sport. Joseph Roberds, a garage man. has had four regulation shoes made and regula tion rules are being enforced in the games.