Newspaper Page Text
10 r Main 3500 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WixCcL, f™ Parlors 1222 Union St. “FLANNEK & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois at. Funeral directors to th people of Indian apolis since 1807. Phones—Main 0041-0642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner Funeral Director, 522 E. Market. Old Main #9o*. New phone 27-209 J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Drexel 0322 W7T. BLASENGYM 1625 Shelby st. Jsrexel 2570. Aoio. M-tl*. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KREIGER. New 21-154 Main 146 V 1 402 N. Illinois. GADI>—BURT S. GADD. 213# Prospect st. Phones: Drexel ©422. Automstic £2-279. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY A TITUS. #sl North Del. New 26-5*4. Main *630. FEENEY & FEENEY. 1034 N. Illinois. Main 0943. )EATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. MEG EL. MRS REGINA—Died at the home of her daughter. Mr*. Math. Johannes, 322 E. Minnesota street. Satur day morning at 3 at the age of 89 years 11 months and 13 days. Funeral services from the home Tuesday morning at 8 SO and from Sacred Heart Church at 9 Burial will he in St. Joseph cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Third Order and the Christian Mothers' Society and is survived by seven sons, four daugh ters and one sister living and one son dead. Friends tnvited. CHURCH NOTICES. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST fHI'RCH. WILLIAM E HART of Kansas City. Mo., renowned spiritualist medium, will give his famous materialization manifestation and independent writing in the light at the Odeon Hall of the Metropolitan School of Music. Monday evening. Aug 29. beginning promptly at 3 o'clock. Mr. Hart is one of the greatest mediums in the United States and i9 famously known for giving genuine Spirit manifestations and has been giving such phenoma! demonstration in the audi torium at Camp • hesterfteld during Its re cent meetings. The materialization will j be preceded by a lecture from Dr. A. J. Kemper. The services will be under the auspices of the Progressive Spiritualist Church. The Ladies’ Aid will meet Tues day at 2 p. m. ar the Red Men's hall, cor ner North and Pennsylvania streets. Mes sages will he given by those present. Pub lic invited and made welcome. j Oriental Spiritualist Church Will hold regular Sunday evening services. mi, Circle, second floor Morrison Hall. by Mrs. Compton White. Mes- Fsen given by Mr. D. H. Smith anti others. Come and brin? your friends. George Avery, president. FIF.ST CHURCH OK CHRIST SCIENTIST Meridian at Twentieth Sts. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 4 p. ra. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Wednesday •vening testimonial meeting at 6 o'clock. Reading rooms in the church edifice are open week days from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENT IST — Delaware and Twelfth streets. Holding services temporarly in the Ma sonic Temple, corner of Illinois and North streets. Sunday services (morning only) | at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 a m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at * o'clock. Reading room. •'•11 odd : Fel o> building, open daily from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. except Wednesday, when closed at 7:15 p. ni., and Sunday, wnen open from 2 to 5 p. m. THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST —3350 Washington blvd. Sunday serv ices 11 a. m. And * p. m. Sunday school. #ls a. m. Wednesday evening, testimon ial meeting at S o'clock. Reading room at 205 E. Slth st., open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.. except Wednesday, when closed at 7:39 p m. " lost and found. LOST —One tail light of auto between in tersection of McCarty and South Merid ian or between McCarty and Bluff road in tersection on S. Meridian; probably found In middle of street or close to curbing. Drexel 0169 MR. O'CONNER. LOST—Tie pin with gold nugget head. either in Broad Ripple park or car or between College and Central avenue on Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Re wjerd. Irvington 1596 or 514 N. Bancroft. LOST—Small velvet purse with pearl ring Inside; Belmont 4145. Reward. PERSONALS. Fairmont maternity hospital for confinement, private: prices reasonable* may work for board, babies adopted, write lor booklet. MRS. T. B LONG. 4*ll E. Twenty-Seventh st.. Kansas City. Mo. MMET“jrj. BROOKS announces to her beauty patrons that she is now located at 1744 N. 111. Ran. 4997. HOUSES—TO LET. SIX-ROOM modern double, adults only. Call Webster 8975. One-half block from car line. BIX rooms and bath; half of double; downtown. Address A No. 2352. Times FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. WILL SHARE 8-room modern home, fur nished; adults only; reference. Ran. 6151. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. I Move Household Goods *2.00 a room. Large truck. Call Webster 122*. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Private locked rooms and open space. 25c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We cai! and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 419-2* E. Market street. Main 2750. Auto. 23 690 Shank Superior Service * BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Main 202* Auto. *l-12*. btl Storage Cos. Cheapest rate In city. *6 W. Henry st. Main 4*. UNION STATION BAGGAGE CO. Use the phone Call Main 711* ROOMS—TO LET. HOTEL PURITAN (Fire-proof) Market and New' Jersey streets. Rates: SI to 12.50. Special weekly rates on application. 507 N. Delaware. Clean, comfortable room*. Private bath. Hot and cold water in each room; modern price by day, week or month; steam heat. Circle 6463. ROOMS 7 be to %1.59. Special rates by the week and all mod em conveniences. THE GEM STAG HOTEL. 35 W. Ohio street. FRONT room, private residence, one-half square from Illinois car line on Twenty- Firat street; breakfast; gentleman pre ferred. Randolph 5828. PENNSYLVANIA ST.. 2142; large, mod ern, newly decorated, reasonable. Ran dolph 5622. Warm and comfortable throughout the winter. DELAWARE. 3030 N.: furnished room for gentleman; reasonable; nice location. Randloph 2191. BROADWAY north of creek; pleaaant room; modern. Board if desired. Ran dolph 1545. FeNNSYLVANIA !ST.. 2142; large modern. newly decorated, reasonable. Randolph 6622. CHEERFUL, newly decorated single or double. 826 N. Aalabama. Circle 8275. FURNISHED room In modern home; suit able for 2 ladle*. Randolph 0938. MARKET st.. 628 E . modern, furnished rroms. |2 per week and up. ONE or two middle-aged men to share my home. Belmont 4806. ROOM S—W ANTED. WANTED—By gentleman. unfurnished room, south side, south from Mc ■Hv sod west from Meridian Address Left a Times Want Ad Get You Results GAS BUGGIES— 'K, „ ME! I, —\ WEtfFNT MAPE FOP SPEEPIN6 IHERE 5 ONE <?F 3HOULP GET A GCCX) SPHL j . isl lllMhMjMffl' aJP sp vwsss&'t&m? toy wswsaJ MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED BOYS WANTED—Boys not over 14 years old to carry Times routes In central part of city; boys who want to make good money call and" see Mr Moorehead any afternoon at Times office after 2 o'clock. WANTED Experienced solicitors in city. Can make from 15 to 88 per day. Apply Cir. Mgr.. Daily Times MAN to work this city reflnishing chsn dellers. brass beds, automobiles by new method; *lO daily without capital or ex perlence. Write GUNMETAL CO.. 97 Elm. Decatur. 111. i WANTED —Five mn to demonstrate and sell LUSTRE BRITE. anew reflnishing process for furniture, woodwork and auto mobiles. 31 West Ohio. Room 20 3. ~ SALESMEN—WANTED. Automobile Salesman One who can sell eeoond-hand Ford and Dodg* care. Good ealary. Permanent position. Travel for large finance company. Only *'live wtre** ne**d apply. Address A No. 1807, Times. sales agents and solicitors WANTED- -Stipulated territory. start at once, hardware guarant*d. enormous demand. a clean-cut Vrp^**ltion. sell di rect; commission, drawer L. Erie. I’a. SALESMEN railing on dealers, jobbers. auto accessory and vulva nixing shops. Write for particulars. Side or main line. VIRGINIA - CAROLINA RUBBER CO. Richmond. Va. 57 MILES per gallon made with pat ented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. STRANSKY VAPORIZER Ok Pukwana. South Dakota. AG E NTS— W ANT ED. SALES AGENTS—Make 83.000 to $5 000 a year. We want exclusive territory, agents to sell Creeco Guaranteed Rain coats, Waterproof Aprons and Utility Bags. Outfit free. \S e deliver and col lect. IMPROVED MFG. CO. Dept, 155. Ashland. Ohio. AGENTS, ere w managers, sell Kverplay phon*>#rrrtph needle; plays 25.008 rec ords. profit; retails SI.OO, sample 60c; circular free, county distributors wanted CENTRAL SPECIALTY CO.. 1320 W. Seventy-Third place, Chicago. 111. _ AGENTS—9Oc an hour to advertise and distribute samples to consumer. Write quick for territory and particulars. AL BERT MILLS gen mgr., 4695 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. FEMALE HELP WANTED, Girls Between 18 and 25 year*, who are seeking permanent employment and whose homes are in the city apply to the Indiana Bell Telephone Cos. Room 822. corner New York and Meridian. WANTED —Competent white rook "ver 30 sl2: email family: no waehing. city ref erences requlr-d. lrvingron 0251. Do not call between 2 and 5 p m. RELIABLE white woman for cleaning In restaurant: 5:30 p. in. to 12 a. m. 11* South Illinois. . RELIABLE woman wanted to take care of two children. WALTER BAKER. 405 Arbor, WANTED —Experienced rage sorter. 23S W. Pearl street. Permanent position. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. REFINED, middle-aged lady would like place taking care of buslnesa phone ca Is, preferably In real estate office: thoroughly experienced In listing, talking ami show ing real esate. Harrison 0*75. YOUNG man. married, desires work. Will ing to do any kind of work In or out of city. Address A No. 2349. Times. AS HOUSEKEEPER - In Catholic family; beet of references. Drexel 5041. LAUNDRY neatly done If brought to the house. Webster 2642. INSTRUCTIONS. MEN WANTED. THE MARINE UNIVERSITY wants to get in touch with men who are anxious to become DECK OFFICERS in the MERCHANT MARINE SERVICE. COAST GUARD, U. S. NAVY. To these men we can offer a complete course tn navigation. seamanship. etc., which will enable them to pass the re quired examinations for these positions. Our HOME STUDY PLAN Is the best In the world. This preparation will take four to six months. Salaries after the course 1* completed run from *175 to *4OO per montn and all expenses. THIS SCHOOL HAS NEVER YET FAILED TO SECURE A GRADUATE A POSITION. THE MARINE UNIVERSITY. Nautical School. St. Paul. Minn. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E Washing ton st.. Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 0757. LICHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ASHLAND. 2114; one two or three large. clean room*, modern. Randolph 0979. TWO furnished rooms and kitchenette for light housekeeping Belmont 4 15'b BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. BOARD and room; private family; front room adjoining bath; gentleman. Ran TWENTY-FIRST ST., room and board; private family; gentleman. Randolph 192*. __ ARSENAL. N.. 1107 furnished room with board. Webster 6861. business services. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and plllowa made to order E. F. BURKLE. 41* Mass. ave. Main 1421. Nsw 21-775. SAFETY KAZOR “BLADES ” Sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana ave. PLAIN sewing done; reasonable. Call Web ster I**B HAIR CUT 25c at MOUDY'S. 560 Mass. xvi. HEMSTITCHING. 10c YARD. MRS. TUTTLE 201 INDIANA AVE. WWY WORRY 7 REAu ESTATE—FOREALE. 3-ROOM DOUBLE WEST INDIANAPOLIS. Newly decorated inside and out, electric light*, renting $24 month. SSOO CASH. OR AUTOMOBILE, Balance small monthly payments. H. C. VENN 108 E Market at Main 1115 IRVINGTON Five-mom modern. two-story houne. bath, furnace, garage and electric lights. Ijot 40 by 140. in good condition. Price $5,500, $2,500 cash will handle. CRUM & BOULDEN Realty Cos. 217 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4233. NEAR COLLEGE CAR Located close in; six rooms and bath, full size lot; 1n good repair; Just painted. PRICE. $3,150 Easy terms. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 123 E. Market at. 7-ROO M “MODERN 1100 block on Tuxedo. In good repair outside anil in. Lot 40x156. garage. Price *4 900. This la a good home BEN M. CLOUD. 72* K. of P. Bldg Office 0657. Rea , Harrison 2282. MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms and bath, new, located on I Fairvlew park car line PRICE, $4,850 Knsy terms. Duplcp & Holtegel, Realtors i 122 E. Market st. IF YOU WANT to sell your real estate quick ask ua about our up-to-date auction method. DAY & DAY. 160V4 8. Illinois. Phone. Clrcla 4909. TWO fine modern doubles, east; modern doubles north, all kinds of properties south, cash or payments. Five-room bun* alow, southeast. S6OO cash. A beautiful modern. 6 room.*, near Union stieet. Call Drexel 6184. _ SIX-ROOM cottage. N Rural; ready to move into, price $3,000. Six-room cottage and 2 lots. 3000 K. New York .Mr Conerty. FIDELITY TRUST CO. Main <614. Evenings C. Till FOR SALE--Bix-room hou.*e with barn. light*, well, cletern and fruit. Imme diate posaeeaion $2,100. term*. Owner. 200$ Catherine street. Brlghtwood car line | CORNELIUS ave. 1128 sis rooms i Ml ern. garage. $3 800. $2,000 cash. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. ,41:2 CORNELIUS AVB Six rooms, mod ern. garage. $3,800. $2,000 cash. THE 1 SOUTHERN LUMBER CO six ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floor, oak finish. 1365 N. Gale. By ow ner. ! TWO lots cottage, barn different kinds of fruit. 4541 Ralston. Wash. 337 V ST ATX--S, U B U R B TWO and one-half and 5 acre tracts, east of Irvington. Sold on easy payments. \V. H COOPER & CO. Phone evenings. Webster 5774. rOR SALE—-Two aerea, stop 4% North western; 4-room bungalow; electric ; lights, garage, chicken park. Randolph 4194. NEW 6-room bungalow. 3 lota, garage; near .Stop 5, Lafayette lnterurban, $2,650. $350 down. LOT9 SALE. ; FOR SALE—Only one lot left on Hervey •treet near Garfield Park for such a low price. Hewer. water. ga*. sidewalks, i curbing in and paid for. Uaah or eae; terms. Call MR. DEAN. Main 6261. Mon j day. LARGE, beautiful lota in Wayne park. Just off W. Washington st., which is being paved; 81 down. $1 a wsek. Will take you out in our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE. 607 City Trust. Main 0217 WE have som desirable lots near Fair view on easy payments FRANK S. CLARK & CO. *26 E. Ohio at. Main 337 T. CHEAP —Owner wants $375; make offer, 9 lots south of Twenty-Ninth, east side of Columbia ave. Main 8846. E. J. BLK | TON. Drexel mi. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR EXCHANGE $35,009 worth of Indianapolis property to trade clear for good stock of general merchandise; *15.000 loan guaranteed on property If wanted. Write LEAVITT LAND COMPANY. Indianapolis, lrd. TWO well located tracts of land near Indianapolis for city property. LUCAS. K. of P. bldg. A FAIR trade Is better than a sacrinos sale GEO. R. BROWN. lio2 City Trust REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HAVE small electrically equipped tour ing car and some cash for flrst pay ment on five-room houHe In good neigh borhood. From owner only. Address A No. 1806, Times. I WANT a small homo; will buy an equity or contrac' Address A No. 2251, Times. CASH FOR Eql 'TT OR CONTRACI FOR REAL ESTATE. MAIN 1115. FARM S—FORSALE. TEN acres of good ground and buildings within *0 rods of Fortville, natural gas. W. E. A'OR ME. owner Fortville. ind. ~ FARMS TO LET. " ~ 70 ACRES good land, large orchard, team and cow on place. Address A No. 1808, Times. B U FOR SALE Storeroom an<l 10 living rooms; best buy in Haughvlllu; to close ♦Mate. MARTIN MORON EV, 2601 West Michigan. Belmont 1661. MEN who have SIOO to S2OO to invest can make from SSOO to $1 000 a week by in terviewing. D. C. HALE, Heverln Hotel. ! Suite 821. GROCERY, confectionery and 10 rooms; good furniture, rooms rented; for sale cheap. Circle 3498. " BUSINESS PLACES—TOTETT~ OFFICE room for rent. Telephone and electric lights furnished. GEO. R. BROWN. 1002 City Trust Bldg J DETECTIVES. Suigley-Hyland Agency vll an<f Criminal Inreatfeatora. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27,1921. It Depends On Where You Sit How the Picture Looks. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DODGE TOURING This car just repainted, new tires, new top and Is in excellent condition. Priced to move quickly. He bought anew Paige. Briscoe Touring We have several new Briscoe touring cars, fully equipped with front and rear bumpers, windshield wing*, motometer, etc. To close them out quickly we have placed a very low figure on them, If you are thinking about anew car. Investigate. Chalmers Sedan In splendid condition Will trad* for opf*n cur and pay or a- c*pt cash difference. He bought anew Paige. Overland Touring Th* price la very low; the car In dandy condition. Paige Touring Model 4-3*. Fine car for jitney work He bought a naw Paige. Ford Truck Panel body. Cheap, or will trade for | open Ford A demonstration In any of our used care place* you under no obligation whatever. W art Aiwa) i glad to show you our I ! Gail Mr Peterson for Information or demonstration. TERMS IF DESIRED Sterling Motor Car Cos. Distributors Paige cars and Trucks C. 72*1 533 N Meridian st M. 19 09. Franklin Touring In exoeHenr shape, good tires; special top for winter driving, can be bought at a great saving. l,oeal Branch. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Renewed Car Department. Meridian at 11th. Main 1884. LKXINGTON sportster; newly painted dark maroon, now top, tine shape; beautiful ear; has Red Seal Continental mo tor; late model; only $295 down. 518 N. Capitol. Today’s Best Used Car Values Briscoe Demonstrator S9OO Briscoe Roadster $550 Briscoe Touring $450 Overland Tourinj? S3OO Mitchell Tourina $550 VERY LIBERAL TERMS 510 North Capitol Avenue. Circle 8301. Packard A high-grade used car, tn excel lent oondltlon. offered for Imme diate sale at *1.200. Local Branch. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Renewed far Department. Meridian at 11th. Main 1184. STUDKBAKKR 4, roadster; painted Rolls- Royce blue and very good looking. Its low price will move it immediately. Only $145 down. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. Nash-Renewed Cars ARE GUARANTEED. We offer for your careful Inspec tion the following used cars at ex ceptional values Impossible to dup licate 1919 Maxwell touring with new top *4OO Jeffries 7 pass, touring *so# 1917 Oakland touring *350 Paige 5 pass, roadster SSOO Overland modal 90. 5 pass. ..*360 1919 Oakland rosdater tSO 1918 Bulck E-45, 5 pass *750 Cash or terms. Losey-Nash Retail Cos. 400 N. Capitol ava. Main 3348-3349. Automatlo 21-946. Cole. 4-Passenger 1920, lata model, looks and runs like new. The price on this car will move It within a few days. Local Branch. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Renewed Ctr Department. Meridian at 11th. Main 1884. STUfyEBAKER Six touring; newly painted and retopped; a great bargain; an ideal fami ly ear; only $145 down. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. Columbia t automobiles. arthur DTBT2 <'C^AVT i distributer* B*o N. 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. OVERLAND Country Club; wire wheels, newly painted; one of the best Overland mod els; only $14.) down. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. • Marmon, 1920 Seven-passenger. 1922 standard. This 1 the opportunity to ov, n a lute model Marmon car at a sub stantial saving. Loral Branch. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Renewed Car Department Meridian at 11th. Main 1881. | DOIXJE touring; repainted and retopped; in fine condition; only $175 down. 518 N. Capi tol ave. Open evenings. MAXWELL, 1918 touring; fine paint and top; demountable wheels; only $95 down. 518 X. Capitol. Open evenings. ; OVER-LAND 90. touring; fine condition; dandy tires; only $95 down. 518 N. Capitol. Oven evenings. FORD touring excellent condition. 1521 East Michigan street Apt Nr Tf:Vu UP MO DJI. E~ touri r. g . !i k f new. 23 5 N. Pennsylvania. MAXWELL touring; good con dition; bargain price $195; $75 down. 518 X. Capitol Ave. j Open evenings. SAXON 6. ehum my, wire wheels: nice condition: only $145 down. 518 \ Capitol. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. ; *l9 N. Illinois St. Main 1579. Auto 32-063. autos wanted Largest us*d car dealers In Btat*. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS ! 61* N. Cmpttol. Opan evening* i HAVE a valuable oil property will trade 1 for good automobile. D. C. HALE. Room I *2l, Baverln Hotel. AUTOS wanted SMANS 212-14 E New York street. **:!n 4446. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIEB. AUTO WASHING ovr specialty. 384 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundrv We excel in Auto Top Building. I 26 East S< uth Street. - MOTORCYCLE3 AND bicycles. Now la the time to have your motorcycle overhauled and re-enameled ERNEST HUGHES CO. 634-36 MMn. Ave. Main 6401. CABH paid for all klnde of motorcycle*. FLOYD PETERMAN 509 Massachusetts avenue. ’ GARAGES TO LET. * | WILL build you a garage, any elxe. easy I terms, twelve months to pay. Also service stations. L. G. BRIGHTMI RE. 30ft Mart hanta Bank bldg. Phone Main 4888. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. Washing Machines We have several slightly used Edefl Electric Wash ing machines at prices ranging from SIOO up. These are real bargnlns and are fully guaranteed. Hatfield Electric Cos. Main 0125. Auto. 23-123. Walk two squares MA and save a dollar on | \ your TROUSERS at I J THE PANTS STORE 1 J COMPANY. 1 | f Two Stores. ] 1 48 W. Ohio. 114 E. Ohio. W • Quit va earing ready-made CANTS $ E=? Wa make tnem to your j J measure for Cl 1/ LEON TAILORING CO. >4^*' 1(1 B. New York at. Upstairs. Good rubber tired Invalid rgjt chalm for rent. *3.50 a month. XgigajEft no charge for delivery. Baker MAHOGANY dresser, *2O. fine oak stand. *4.50; good crex rug. blue ftgure 5x7, *2; walnut dresser, $5: walnut bookcase, *4; marble top tstile *1.50. 1723 N. Meridian. Apt. 9. Harrison 0660. TRUNKS. Bags. Sultca-ses. Why pay two middlemen profits? Buy from factory direct. Send for free catalog ACME TRUNK AND BAG FACTORY, Spring Valley, 111. OLIVER TYPEWRITER; GOOD CONDI TION; ONLY *16.00. GUARANTEED. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP. 18 WEST MARKET. PHONE MAIN 2666, ODDS and ends in grocery fixtures Meat boxes, Ice boxes, restaurant tables and Chairs, counters and show cases. BAKER BROS. LADY'S dark blue French serge eult, silk lined. eUk braid and button J.rU tuning. Mj_SCELLANEOU— FQR SALE. 170 POPULAR songs with music postpaid. 25c. Address ALBERT BROOKS. 926 Dakin stieet, Chicago. FOR SALE—Concrete mixer made by the Jaeger Machine Cos.. Columbus. Ohio. Webster 6618. ONE Knight Templar outfit. Prince Albert suit, mink muff, 1 brass student lamp. Harrison 0398. GREEN MEANS - for canning. 4500 E. Thirtieth. M'ebster 5142. HOFFMAN. 5-A pressing machine. Randolph 5851. HOUS EH OLD GOODS, HIGH-CLASS household furnishings, In cluding fine leather davenport, chiffo niers. dresser*, beds. rugs, library tables and various other articles. No dealers. 1412 Central avenue. GO TO BAKER BROS, for furniture, rug* and stoves. Payments. 219-226 E%at Warhington street. WILL agll furniture of 5 rooms in one lot only, complete furnishings c*f house on N < apitol near boulevard, privilege of renting house. Randolph 7 498. DINTNG room table and chairs and gas range. refrigerator. good condition. Washington 0203 mpi ate; daveno. piano, two rug. and dresser. 229 N. Davidson Circle 641jn LEATH * R f ouch and chair. chiffonier. Call before noon. BED rug i. .i -*n ;•!. mograph, piano, buf fet *r 2401 Ashland Harrison 0509. “SEWING MACHINES FGR SALE, USED White and Singer Rented *> per || nj month. Repair* 1 < —and part* for all IQ J makes guaranteed y J 812 Mas*. Ave Main taw*. :~ MU SI C A LIN S TRUM ENTS. KURTZMAN mahogany case piano. Dull finish l ine ondition. Must be eold to se’t o estate. For cash. Call Belmont 47 rda of any make you de-lrt* 40c. BAKLR BROS., 219 Ea*t Washington. $409 PIA.NO. high grade; Cable Nelson; perfect condition Cheap for cash. C. 6648. \ ICTROLA and records; sacrifice for sale. Irvington 3134 “coal and FOR SAULU THE BEST IB THE CHEAPEST. Best Ind. or Linton, clean forked 17.0* Illinois lump, large clean forked 17.50 Best Brazil block, large forked. *l.6* Try our Pocahontas, noae better. Delivered anywhere In the city. Free kindling with each tot. ordered or more. Drexel 3280 Auto. 12-96*. PET STOCK AND POULTRY.' HOMES wanted for nealthy homeless dogs INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. Ctl> and r pound. 924 E, N. Y. Main *67* MACHINERY AND TOOL* WONDER CONCRETE MIXERS Nus ced. BURL FINCH. 314 W. Maryland St. AUCTIONS. 138% ACRE FARM To Be Sold At AUCTION Tuesday, Aug. 30th, 1921. Fine land, splendid buildings, good roads, schools, churches and surrounding. Not an old rough rundown place, but a farm any one would be proud to own. On same day we will also sell farm implements, live stock, household goods and growing crops. Location Adjoins Sardinia on Southern Railroad, five miles southwest of Westport, fifteen miles southwest of Greensburg, in Jackson Township, Decatur County. (The best one in Decatur County.) Terms SI,OOO cash day of sale, $2,000 in 10 daj-s, balance on easy terms. We will drive down on morn ing of sale, leaving our office at 6 o’clock. Come with us if interested. The best opportunity to own a farm for the least invest ment we ever offered. BAY<& DAY, Agts. 150% South Illinois Street. Phone—Circle 4809. S. B. Leech, Owner. Levi Burns, local representa tive, Westport, Ind. Auto. 28-351 Rpplr (Copyright, 1921, by Uy DCbll New Frs Feature*) FINANCIAL. you can BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP on such easy terms of repayment 'om the Fidelity Loan Company, a 11 eensed and bonded firm, tor use in paying overdue bills or to buy the things you peed for CaSH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of •ur service. LOANS AN FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 at legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all the time you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the money. Fair. | Isn’t It 7 You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and Interest On $ 61 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIM E AND REDUCE THE COST IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day. and Ihrough personal contact and personal Service, plus a deep personal Interest, we San serve you and your friends as you Wish to be served. In thee* unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation ere {■sal assets to all of us. We are ready t> ffo three-fourths of the way. Now it is *p to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO -106 E. Market St. Room 532 Lemcke Bldg. Main 137*. Auto. 27-78*. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYEJR. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market FIRST andTsecond mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate . R. B. WIL SON. 108 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. ' INSURANCE In all Its branches AUBREY D. PORTER. I* Lemcke bldg. Main 101* LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice Is hereby giten. that the under sign ed. the board of commissioners of Ma >.on County. Indiana will, up to 10 o’clock w. m. Sept. 27. 1921. receive sealed bids Vr construction of woman* department or Marlon Count} Jail by remodeling old power house according to plans and spec ifications on file In the office of the auditor of Marion County. Each bid must be accompanied by a bond and $n affidavit as required by law. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Witness our hands this 11th day of August, 1921. CARLIN H. SHANK, H. L>. TUTKWILKR, LEWIS W. GEORGE. Commissioners of Marion County. Attest;—LEO K. FESLER. Auditor. NOTICE—To the taxpayers of Center Township. County of Marion. State of Indiana: Notice ia hereby given that the advisory hoard of Cepter Township. County of Marlon. State of Indiana, will meet at the office of township trustee of said town ship on the 6th day of September. 1921. to hear any and ail objections to the pro posed estimate of expenditures and trx levies for the year 1922. notice of which was published in the Indianapolis Star and the Indiana Daily Times on the 10th day of August, 1921. WILLIAM H. EVANS. Trustee Center Township. SHANK SAYS HE WILL MAKE OWN APPOINTMENTS (Continual From Page One.) anapolU 1n the next four years depends on my ability to bring to my assistance cltlxens of ability and desire to serve the city. Tbeee should lie selected with a view to their capacity and willingness to serve the city of Indianapolis and it is preposterous to pretend tnat they could be selected by ■ nominee either before or in the midst of a campaign for election. SAYS APPOINTMENTS NOT DELEGATED. "My attention has been called recently to reports that certain individuals who are interested In this campaign have been saying that they have been assured of ! appointments by me or that the privilege ; of naming appointees has been delegated to them by me "This is, of course, untrue. "Whet) t am elected, as I believe I ! will be, I shall give nty closest attention i to the selection of board members and I other appointees with a view only to naming those citizens of Indianapolis who are best qualified to help give the city the kind of au administration that will be a credit to it. I have heretofore expressed my desire to include women among my appointees and I have let it be known that my appointees will be such as to Inspire the confidence of all the various interests that go to make up this community. "I could not accomplish this purpose if I were to permit others to make these selections for me and 1 could not at this time make these selections either tentatively or contingently. "Under these circumstances I think it only fair to the people of Indianapolis that they be warned against accepting as true any unauthorised statements! thßt may be or may have been made purporting to have my approval. "Yours respectfully. "S. L. SHANK." | Whiting Man Cleared of Slacker Charge The names of Andrew Ritcko of Whit ing has been removed from the slacker list by order of Maj. Gen. G. W. Read, commanding the sth Army Corps at Ft. UenjamiD Harrison. Ritcko, according to the Army order, enlisted in the Army on Dec. 7, 1&17, under the name of Andy S. Ritsko, but failed to notify his loeal draft hoard. He was discharged on Jan. 25. 1919. He was certified to the ad jutant general of Indiana as a deserter when he failed to report to the draft board on Feb. 22, 1918. MINISTER ASSIGNED. SHEI.BYVILLE, Ind., Aug. 27. The appointment of the Rev. Herbert Bassett of this city, as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal ohurehes at Action, and lk>n don, has been announced here. The Rev. Mr. Bassett fill* the vagancy caused by the resignation, of the Rev. (Tiarles Alex ander. who will enter college for post graduate work. The Rev. Mr. Bassett will fill the pulpits ftnndsy for the ®rst time. TAKES ISSUE WITH BAND ON AMENDMENT Dunn Says Claim of Edu , V, cators’ Association Mis statement. EXPLAINS SAGE PLAN Jacob P. runn, who has given the pro posed constitutional amendments and their effect on the State a thorough study, in a statement given out today, takes issue with the Educators' Association ! which is sponsoring the amendment which would make the State Superintend ent of Public Instruction appointive in stead of elective. Mr. Dunn's statement is as follows: "My attention has been called to some resolutions of the State board of educa tion favoring an appointive superintend ent of public instruction, in which the following statement is made: "Fourteen States have changed thir method of choosing their State superin tendent from election oil a State ticket by popular majority, to appointment.” MISSTATEMENT ASTOUNDING. “So astounding a misstatement, from such a source, and at this time, when its only possible effect can be to deceive the voters of the State in the pending elec tion. cannot remain unchallenged. The State board cannot possibly verify this statement. Asa matter of history, noiX of the fourteen appointive States ever ; had the elective system. The changes by progressive States have all been in the opposite direction. "in reality the appointive States are merely survivals of the early period of American history, when the great ma jority of offices were appointive., Until 1851, the only State officials elected in Indiana were the Governor. Lieutenant Governor, and members of the legisla ture. all the others being appointed or chosen by the Legislature. The treasurer of State, who was chosen by the Legis lature. was ex-officio superintendent of public instruction, hut. in reality, paid no attention to the schools except keep ing account of the school funds. This condition was general throughout the United States until the middle of the last century. •‘There is absolutely nothing progres sive about this proposed change. Thirty four of the American States have adopted the elective system, and only three of the States that remain appointive are West of the Alleghenies, in the appointive States the school system is under full control of the Legislature: and in nearly erery cue of them the office of superin tendent of public instruction has been abolish ri at various times by cranky Tjeirislf.tures. SATS SCHOOLS SLANDERED. 11 "Jn this connection it Is also impor tant to correct a slander on the In diana schools that is being industriously circulated by representatives of the so called 'Educators' Association,’ to tha effect that our schools rank seventeenth* 1 in the United States in efficiency. This preposterous statement is 1 ased on the •index number' of the ‘Russell Sage Foundation,’ a collection of intellectual highbrows who have evidently little ac quaintance with the principles of math ematics. Any 'educator’ who does not detect the fallacy of their results ought to have his licensee as a teacher re voked. “The Russell Sage index number is the average of ten statistical proportions, of which five are called ‘educational compo nents' and five 'financial components,’ as follows; “Educational components; 1. per cent of school population attending school daily; 2. average days attended by each child o', school age; 3, average number of days schools weer kept open; 4 per cent that high school attendance was of total attendance: o. per cent that boys were of girls in high schools. "Financial components: fi, average an nual expenditure per child attending: 7, average expenditure per child of school age: 8, average annual expenditure per teacher employed ; 9. expenditure per pn pil for purposes other than teachers* salaries: 10, expenditure per teacher lor salaries "By these figures the Indiana schools rank very high In educational features, it being the fourth State In the Union, and surpassed only by California. Ore gon and lowa. But In expenditures It ra;.: s down to the average, being tba tw.-’i'j third State in financial compo nents and the average of the whola makes it seventeenth. California, which is put first in educational features, sur passes Indiana only 8 per rent; Oregan and lowa surpasses Indiana less thaa 1 per cent in educational results. INDIANA GETS BEST RESULTS AT LEAST COST. “These sage Russell Sage experts rank Montana first in the United States. By their figures Montana is slightly below Indiana in educational results, but her schools cost 60 per cent more than those of Indiana, which brings up her “index number." California, whose school ex pense is SS per cent greater than Indiana. 1 is given second rank. What the Russell Sage figures actually show Is that with the exception of Oregon, Indiana Is get ting hotter educational result*, at least expense, than any other State in the Union. If that Is due to an elective su perintendent of public instruction, In diana has no cause of complaint. “Anybody ought to have sense enough to know that the test of efficiency is get ting t.he bets results at the leest expense, and instead of advertising Indiina as be ing in a disgraceful condition in school affairs, that portion of the "educators'* who have any conception of the meaning of statistics ought to be singing the praises of the Hoosier State. The w-ort reflection on our schools that has come to light recently is the apparent delusion of so many "educators” by this Russell Sage rubbish." BURGLARS AT WOODSTOCK. Burglars broke into a building of the Woodstock Club, Thirty-Eighth street and Northwestern avenue, during the night and stole a number of golf balls and dubs. The police were unable learn the number stolen, but believe loss will be at least s.">o. Dream of Poor Boy to Come True; Will Move Into Mansion EVANSTON, Hi.. Aug. 27.—The dream of a poor boy will come true here next month, when Thomas C. Russell, president of an electrical ap pliance manufacturing concern, moves into the mansion owned by Henry J. Patton, one of the show places ol Evanston. Several years ago, while a student at Northwestern University, Russell was helping pay his way through college by working nights in ths shops of the 'Evanston Public Serv ice Company. One night he was called upon to fix the fuses in the Patton home. “Gosh,” Russell said to himself, "wouldn't it be great if I could mar ry my girl ar.d move into a Buck ingham Palace like this?” He made up his mind to do *t. Since leavlDg school Russell has mar ried "the girl," gone broke once, and today is head of a concern rated at' $1 .OOO.WM). And shortly he and the girl will more Into the Patton man sion, for which ho Is said to have paid SIOO,OOO.