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6 CONDITIONS OF THE “HONEY DEW” NAME-RACE Ticket* May Be FIRST PLACE—BOX OF 6 SEATS. ) r*ed Tuesday SECOND PLACE—4 BEST ORCHESTRA SEATS. THIRD TO TWENTY-FIFTH PLACE—2 BEST ORCHESTRA SEATS. ) >i*ht only HOW MANY TIDIES CAN YOU SPELL THE NAME “HONEYDEW” OUT OF THE LETTERS CONTAINED IN TIIE TWELVE ADVERTISEMENTS ONLY ON THESE 2 PAGES? DO NOT INCLUDE THE WORDING UNDER THE PICTURE OF THE CHARACTER IN THE SHOW OR ANY THEATRE ADVERTISING. YOU MUST NOT USE THE SAME LETTER MORE THAN ONCE. State the exact number of times you can make the name “HONEYDEW” in each ad. Remem ber, you must not use a letter In the ad more than once unless it appears in the ad more than once. Identify your answer to each ad by using the name of the advertiser. Then total the number of times you have made the name “HONEYDEW" in each ad and the Name-Race Winners will be those having the largest total correct list. Neatness will be considered. Ail answers, to be considered, must be in The Daily Times office by noon next Saturday, addressed to the Contest Editor, Names of winners will be printed in the home and final of The Daily T4mes Monday. No other notice will be given. Winners' tickets will be mailed. Be sure your name and address is plain. Take them to the Shubert-Murat Theatre, and by paying the war tax have them reserved for Tuesday night or Wednesday matinee or night. PAMELIA SAYS: “You Don’t Mean To Tell Me One Can Buy That Wonderful EDEN Washer for PAM^JA In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, “HONEYDEW” Two Floors of Bargains—Buy How—Don’t Wait DOROTHY In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, “HONEYDEW” JIT Lu ¥ 5? 1j RUTH In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, “HONEYDEW” $ 109— Why It Used To Sell For $160.00, And Will Do Your Washing As Sweet As Honey and In Half the Time” We’ll say Pamelia is riglvtfas usual and add that every Pden \\ asher m this sale is a brand new machine, and fully guaranteed by the factory with free service bv our company for one year. Better get yours while the sale lasts and make your wash days play days, like a bee making honey would do. ]gy Tho //a us it Electric * m ARE YOU PREPARED FOR WINTER? MEN Union suits, ribbed and fleeced 95<g Work shirts 59£ Dress and work Wool socks • 23£ Dress shirts 89c Wool sweaters $3.95 Hats 98£ , T , , , , \ Ct Ss ICU ( Boys’ scout shoes, sizes Men . drees and work j OHULS ) Bto 13 91.60 shoes $1 98 \ < Men’s house slippers.. .98C ( Women’s high and low J Girls’ high or low shoes, v J shoes $1,951 sizes 11 tc 2 $1.95 Open Until 10 Saturday In Your Clothes Question John’s “Golds-worthy” “IToney dew” will be “Goldsworthy” to you. “Terry”—even thou you 11 be—“ Slaves of the Demon King” you’ll get a “king’s excuse” and be happy as “The June Bug” at the “Entrance of Fairies.” You can “Park” and hear “The Morals of a Sailor” and it “Fol lis” ee you’ll say, ‘Oh, How I Long for Someone” to help me— ‘Liquid-ate’ ” —(in this dry state) —with “A Cup of Tea.” **Sy-Far Lung”—don’t hesitate to catch your “Cue” in “Chinese Phantasy”—and sing like a “Msl ican” man—Just “Drop Me a Line —“Lester’s Clothes Line”— full of “Sparkling new” Sonshine Suiting.” HONEyDEW WOMEN Middies, blue, white, rose S9C Peco plush coats, $35 value $14.85 Extra special corsets, $1.98 to • 95C Hose, thread silk 98C Aprons, scout percale.. .59^ Hose, cotton • lOC HOMEyDEW When you “bask” in the “Sunshine of Love” and find it “Unrequited Love” you’ll say it’s “Time to Take a Drink,” when you hear “The Eyes of the Girl I Love” in “The Sound of Sound” 'you’ll say it’s “A Fast Step Creation” and “It’s a Small, Small World” without the “Fairies.” At Sonrise —shine like the “Morning Glories.” Always get your smile inside a “Les ter Sonshine Suiting.” AC I I7CTCD 2nd Floor . U. LLU 1 Lii Kahn Bldg. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19Z1. READ THE RULES OF THE NAME-RACE CAREFULLY. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON YOUR ANBWER PLAINLY. A GORGEOUS ARABIAN NIGHT * J SmiCTACLE^ DIRECT FROM BROADWAY SELFSAME COMPANY 1 □ At the Shubert-Murat Theatre All Next Week □ Cop} ngbt, 1919 —All Rights Reserved'■by Frank Cruickshank. Cash Price, $109.00 Payment Price, $119.00 ONE YEAR TO PAY For Friday and Saturday Selling CHILDREN Boys’ blouses, 69c t 0... .49c? Boys’ suits. $5.95 t0..53.49 Ribbed fleece underwear, 89c to •. 39C Heavy ribbed hose... . 12 1 •>C Girls' bloomers ... 29C Gingham dresses, $1.49 to • 59C Hug-me-tight It’s “Clothes”— time to order your new “evening full dress” “bathing” suit to make your “plunge” in the “so cial swim” this sea son. / Special Full dress suit, silk lined, all “silk white vest,” made to your meas ure, $75.00. Come, look over “Lester’s Clothes Line.” Childrens Rainy-Day Outfits anti Girls’ Rain Coats Rainproof, of course. Various styles and many different cloths to select from. All sizes— to SIO.OO Girls’ Capes "With hood, like illustration. Red, blue or preen sateen; tan, maroon or black rubber. All sizes— s2.9B to $6.00 School Bags Waterproof. Keep the books dry and Have drawstrings and strap handles. Mackintosh Leatherette 30c to Tan, 75c. Blue or 65c green, sl. Imidiamiapolis Raincoat Cos. Traction Terminal Bldg. 106 West Market St. Opposite Block’s Blacker’s F amoos Chile gives “The Taste That Lingers” No. 1 —555 Massachusetts Ave. Main 1143 No. 2—44-46 West Ohio Street Main 6052 No. 3—l33South Illinois Street Main 6898 Slacker's Famous Chile Seasoning on Sale at All Gwcers Betty to Her Companion: “Honey, do hurry and dress, I want to go shopping at THE FAIR STORE and see those Bramley Jersey Dresses at $6.95 the girls have been talking about” —so the two girls hasten to THE FAIR STORE, and upon entering the store immediately said to the. saleswoman: Honey, do show us some New Fall Dresses. “Now Honey, I like this one, do try it on.” So Betty and her com panion go into the fitting room. “Honey it fits perfectly. Do look at the price, only $39.&0 for a handsome Roshanara Crepe,” and Betty tells the saleswoman, “Do send this one over to my hotel, Honey, at once.” “Oh, look, Honey, do you see those stunning Coats at $35.00f Look at the beautiful linings, Honey, they’re gorgeous-—do buy one.” So Betty purchased a handsome Winter Coat. As they pass through the Blouse Section she spied a handsome Beaded Blouse, and promptly asking the price is astonished to find it marked $16.50. “Now, Honey, send that along with my other packages, and do hurry them, for I want all the girls in the Honevdew Show to see what perfectly stunning garments THE FAIR &TORE have, and how reasonably they axe priced.” Rain Hats, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Overshoes Boys’ Slip-Ons Guaranteed waterproof. Look like cloth coats, and can be worn on the cool, dry days as well as when it is raining. Light and dark mixed cloths, $4.00 to $12.50. Rubber Coats For boys. Black rubber coated. Ex cellent qualities. Verv durable— s3.9s to $6.50. Students’ Aprons and Sleeves Protect the clothes and body. Used in chemistry, domestic science and manual training classes. Aprons, 75f up. Sleeves, 75£ pair. Good Raincoats and Nothing Else. MAKS In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, “HONEYDEW” ETHELIND In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, “HONEYDEW” BETTY In Zimbalist’s Musical Spectacle, "HONEYDEW”