Newspaper Page Text
SENATE PASSES BORAH’S CANAL > BILL, 47 TO 37 Act Would Relieve American Coastwise Shipping of Panama Tolls. HOUSE TO HOLD MEASURE Special to Indiana Dal'y Times md Philadelphia Public Ledger. By ROBERT BARRY. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11—The Senate yesterday passed-and sent to the House the Borah bill exempting American coast wise shipping from payment of Panama Canal tolls. Th£ Tote was 47‘to 37. Thir ty-five Republicans supported the bill and seventeen opposed it; twelve Democrats favored it against twenty of their party, who voted in the negative. By its action, the Senate moved to undo what Woodrow Wilson accomplished un def such sensafionrJ circumstances in the summer of 1914 when he forced the Democratic party to repudiate the plat form of the Baltimore convention on which he was elected.'. Passage of the bill had an international as well as a domestic political signific ance, in that it brings to the fore a highly controversial issue between the United States and Great Britain almost on ihe eve of the Washington conference which is to turn so much on treaty obli gations. The Toting, developed unusual com plexes. Senator Lodge, majority floor leader, spoke and voted in direct oppo sition to the platform pledge of the Re publican party at Chicago last year, the platform on which President Harding I was eletced. Offsetting the Lodge repudiation of a party pledge was the action of Senator I nderwood,, minority floor leader, whose vote for free tolls waa a direct slap at a widely advertised policy of President Wilson. Mr. Lodge has been opposed con sistently to the exemption of American vessels. He supported Wilson in the 1914 AMUSEMENTS. ’ ENGLISH’S Thnrs., Frl., Sat., Oct. 13, 14, 15 QtCUAQD G H£QNDO4 M “ tinr ' # Saturday USANCE O'NEIL PASS/3N nm/EJlb A DtSTJNCT D&AM AT IC. 4CUf£ T PRICES—Night, 50c to *3.00; Mat., 50c to $1.50. Seats Now Selling. NEXT WEEK STARTING MONDAY] MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday ASSOCIATION OF THE TWO MOST FAMOUS STARS CF COMIC OPERA W FRANCIS . DeWCLF ilsge: Hopper If’ A NEW AND WONDROUS “cRMINIE” STAR CAST, GORGEOUS PRODUCTION SYMPHONY C RCHESTRA. PRCE CHORUS IJlail Orders Now. Seat Sale Thnr. | Prices: Eve. and Sat. Mat., 55c to $3.75 I <i^^lVednesdaj^^latinee^>sc^^<^sLtO^J KEITH’S RETURN OF THE POPFEAB RAE SAMUELS BLUE STREAK OF VAUDEVILLE ’HO M ECO.MI NO OF WALTER NEWMAN A CO., IN •‘PROFITEERING." EDWIN GEORGE McFARLANEA PALACE CAMILLA’S BIRDS DANCING KENNEDVS ADDED ATTRACTION— MME. DOREE’S OPERALOGUE AESOP’S FABLES. PATHE NEWS. EVENINGS, 30c, 55c, Ssc, sl.lO. MATINEES HALF PRICE. COMING! I STARTING SUNDAY PARKS The Mischief Makers and the Famous Popular Chorus Tickets Now on Sale at Murat Box Office. Inf war tax. J MOTION PICTURES. /S/WVNA/VA/V^A<^/V^i/W\A/V>^VSA/W>^VWN^VN^WVNA^\/ , ^SA^A^/S^S/S/WWS/WVWS/VS/S GREAT DOUBLE PROGRAM, Yffjz/Mzffor ETHEL CLAYTON in “BEYOND” FAMOUS SINGER’S MIDGETS IX “SIDE SHOW.” BUCK JONES 1315 in “BAR NOTHIN” The “Joe Jeffereon version of Washington Irvings classic, J “Rip Van Winkle” SIOO in gold givedaway in our “Rip Van Winkle” Essay Contest. Any Indianapolis Ycbool boy or girl is eligible. Ask your teacher! fight. Mr. Underwood ha favored free tolls Just as steadfastly, having declined in 1914 as majority floor leader in the House to assent to the Wllßon request for repeal of the original tolls act asked for on the ground that otherwise he should "not know how to deal with other ! matters of even greater delicacy and , nearer consequence” if Congress did not j grant the free toils repeal to him "in ; ungrudging measnres.” Senator Lodge spoke of the possible ef fect of the legislation on the forthcoming conference for limitation of armament. He upheld the right of the United States to take such a step under the Hay- Pauncefote treaty, but doubted that right should be exercised. The Senator, re ferring to "compelling reasons" against the assertion of that right, said such rea sons were especially potent on the eve of the assembling in Washington of na tions Invited here by the United States. Arbitration of the tolls question was urged by Senator Lodge as the proper method of solution, but Senator Borah, , in reply, declared the United States had I nothing to arbitrate if the Senate voted ! down the bill and thereby proclaimed its , view American ships should not be ex- I empt. As to the possibility of em ; barrassment for the conference, the Sen -1 ator from Idaho said he was able to as sure the Senate there was no such dau j ger. It is well known the bill will be held in the House by the Administration I until after the conference. Senator Pomerene, Democrat. OMo, said | the bill "bartered away the honor of our | country for a ship subsidy." Senators I Cummins, McCormick and Sterling, Re i publicans, opposed the legislation, as did 1 Senator Williams of Mississippi, who fa j vored arbitration. Senator Willis, Re ; publican, Ohio, twitted Senator McCor ! mlck for repudiating a part of the Re j publican platform, the Illinois Senator j had supported as a member of the com- I rnittee on resolutions at the Chicago con ! ventlon. Senator Watson of Indiana, who i was chairman of the resolutions commit tee, declared the plank was agreed to i unanimously by the committee. Amendments offered by Senator King. Democrat of Utah, for arbitration of the tolls question, and for an outright sub sidy of $2,000,000 a year to American coastwise ships were rejected vive voce. — Copyright, 1921, by Public Ledger Com pany. AMUSEMENTS. MTid r aT tonight URAI 3:15 O’clock | Matinee* Tomorrow and Saturday. I Richard Walton Tully Presents | A Brilliant New Cast with ANN READER and the SINGING HAWAIIANB. Prices: Tonight, 50c, 750, sl, $1.50, $3. Tomorrow Matinee, 50c. 75c, sl. Sat urday Matinee. 50c. 75c, sl, $1.50. 3 NIGHTS MONDAY 17 STARTING OCTOBER II MATINEE WEDNESDAY ONLY Prices SI.OO, $1.30, $3.00, $2.50, SB.OO RICHARD WALTON TULLY Presents THE GREAT AMERICAN ACTOR. GUY BATES POST “The Masquerader” World's Touring Cast. The Century’s Sensation. Thematic Music. Double Revolving Stages. Triple Electrical Equipment. Three care reqnlred to transport. No One Seated During Prologue. CURTAIN 3:15-8:15 SHARP. BEATS NOW SELLING ANNIVERSARY WEEK I V'D 11 1 CONTiNUOUS E. IH IV VODEVILLE “GIRLS OF 1921” A SPICK AND SPAN REVUE FIVE MUSICAL QUEENS, THREE JEANETTES, WALLACE WARD, HUNTER h ROSS, SEYMOUR Si JEANNETTE, DAI LY A BIRCH, DARE-DEVIL REYNOLDS. Dancing In the Lyric Ball Room Afternoou and Evening. Rl A I T O NOW ALL ■ n S- I W VAUDEVILLE NO FEATURE PICTURES Continuone—One to Eleven P. M. EIGHT ACTS THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM SULTAN’S MUSICAL HAREM PRATHER AND WILEY FARNELL AND FLORENCE PEDDBICK AND DEVKRE WRIGHT AND VIVIAN ADELE PEMBROKE LEON NORTON ROBINS. NYLAN AND ROBINS TWEEDIE COMEDY PRICES—WAR TAX PAID RROADWAV CONTINUOUS. ■ FAMILY I FEATURE VAUDEVILLE I PHOTOPLAYS Now Showing TRAIL OF A CIGARETTE Attractive Prices Mat., 10c-30c—Nights, 20c-30c Sat., Sun., Thnr*., 20c-25c-350 1 DEAD, 1 DYING IN K.C. TRIANGLE Salesman ‘Ends’ Affair With Manicurist in Tragic Manner. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 11.—While his wife sat outside in a motor car, H. H Slick, shoe salesman, entered a beauty parlor today, shot Miss Hazel Hasten, 24, a pretty manicurist, and then turned the weapon upon himself. dying Instantly from a bullet in his brain. Miss Maston was shot through the head and cannot re cover, phyalclaus stated. The tragedy was the climax of a love affair between Slick and the manicurist. When his wife threatened to securV a di vorce Slick . said he would “end” his affair with the girl. He left a note stat ing that the only way to end it was the course he took. MOTION PICTURES. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in “THE THREE MUSKETEERS” As the gallant, swashbuckling D’Artagnan, Douglas Fairbanks, who Is appearing at Loew’s State this week In his latest picture, ‘‘The Three Musketeers,” gives the finest characterization of his career; also he is appearing in the most elaborate and picturesque production yet given him. So satisfactory is this pic ture from every point of view that to linger on one aspect of it is to do injustice to the others. —Bertram Taylor in The Star. • • • Lay aside your critical self when you enter Loew’s this week. It will not be needed. Mr. Fairbanks has aimed high at the target, but he hit the bell when he produced “The Three Musketeers,” adapted, story and all, from Dumas’ yarn of D'Artagnan. Here Is a pic ture that better than anything the German producers have offered in this country. It is the kind of picture one will wish to see once, and then see again —Walter Whitworth in The News. • ... > Undoubtedly Douglas Fairbanks and Edward Kno block, who adapted the movie version from Dumas’ 6tory, have given us a great picture, as well as the most important movie entertainment- of the year. This muvve will live for generations, and if I am not entirely wrong it will proye the "Llgktnin” and "The Old Home stead ’ of the screen. I not only suggest, but recommend a vish to Loew's State, where "The Three Musketeers” Is cn view dally for a two weeks’ engagement. Doug las Fairbanks has won the gratitude of the American play-going public.—Walter D. Hickman in The Times LOEW’S STATE THEATRE 30c ™™ 50c AFTERNOONS (J EVENINGS Evening Prices Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays That Makes It Unanimous Fifteen Thousand t People Roared With Delight Sunday at CHARLIE CHAPLIN “The Idle Class” His First Picture Since JOHNNYHINES Feature Picture Burn ’Em Up Barnes Here’s AVhat the Critics Say = The Circle theater has an exception ally good and unusually Interesting bill this week. Movie fans who are seeking diversion, or wish a hearty laugh will find both In plenty there, for all the fil-ns are comedies and all the comedies are riotously funny. Charlie Chaplin In “Ti e Idle Class.” Is sidesplitting "Burn ’Em Cp Barns," with Johnny Hines Is tj second feafuro and it runs at a ter r WALTER WHITWORTH, Indianapolis News. Chaplin’s latest movie Is filled with lots of laughs and plenty of action. The bill at the Circle Includes "Burn 'Em Up Barnes.” This Is a dandy picture. Indiana Dally Times. The proceedings on the screen at tht mi • 1I I A | I this week evidently intended to 1 hie In flair I inlir I provoke laughter, and they succeed ad- I tub II CCK UIIIY I mlrably. BERTRAM TAYLOR. lndianapolis' Star. Circle leaf re] 1 —- INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, mi. Evidence Taken in Brumfield Case ROSEBURG, Cal., Oct. IL—Evidence was to start today in the trial of Dr. Richard M. Brumfield, former Indiana school teacher and later a Rosenburg den tlst, for the alleged murder or Dennis Russel, laborer. The Jury was completed late yesterday. The prosecution has subpoenaed fifty witnesses for the trial. SHANK CLAIMS! BIG FOLLOWING Samuel Lewis Shank, Republican nomi nee for mayor, recalling that Boyd M. Ralston, his Democratic opponent, de clares that the only fellow behind Shank is Bill Armitage, declared to 1,000 per sons in the Idle Hour Theater at Massa chusetts and College avenues lhst night, "I'd like to have him go around with me and see ibe crowds who are coming out te give me the glad hand everf night." Mr. Shank repeated his open charge that Ralston is a gambler, and a “poor player at that,” and that Ralston's right hand man 1s "Tom Meeker, who several years ago ran the Oneida Hotel down In South Illinois street where the most notorious murder in the city of Indian apolis was perpetrated.” The candidate declared his idea of law enforcement was not t<s lock 15-.vear-old boya up “in the lousy old Jail," so, shoot ing craps. He said he was in favor of taking the boys home and letting their parents punish them. SOME wonderful offerings from every department of the store will be a feature of the selling on the last day of the great 68th Anniversary Sale. We suggest that thrifty folks be here early, as quantities N in many of the lines are limited and late comers may be disappointed. On account of the extraor dinarily low prices at which these goods are sold, we can not accept any Mail, Phone or C. 0 D. Orders for Dollar Day Spe cials. - Cut Flowers $ t A basket of assorted flowers —for such a ■mall sum. —Street floor. A 'Potted Ferns- Each s*i Specially priced for Wednesday's selling. } —Street floor. Jl Children’s Knit Wear $1 Knit Vests and Knit Pants for children 2 g to 6 years. Regular pric $1.38. A. —Second floor, t Middies h For children and mlse, atylrd in plain white and white with colored collars. Sizes A 8 to 20 years. —Second floor. $1.89 Middy xies h Full Square Middy Ties blue, red and | black. —Street floor. JL Fur Chains 2 for s■ Silk crochet chains for fur scarfs. 1 —Second floor. JL Silk Snappers for Furs. .4 for s*■ Bilk Crochet Snappers for furs, specially j priced. —Second floor. A $1.75 Mirrors .s*l Rectangle Shaped Mirrors, suitable for office 1 or home, imitation walnut finish framss. A —Fourth floor. $1.98 Night Gowns $* Almost unbelievable value#, a button front, long aleeve modei of excellent grade muslin, JL V neck with yoke of tucking and embroidery, very full and long. —Second floor. Dress Aprons $| Made in gingham or percale, plain rotors or checks, many pretty patterns from which to A make your selections Trimming Is of rick braid or eontrastlng shades of materials, baited or sash effects. —Second floor. Women’s Petticoats $1 Satin# and Heatherbloom Petticoats, plslted | flounce and colors consist of the moat suitable A street shades; $2 98 to $3.96 values. —Second floor. Kimonos $1 If you miss this sale at these prices you are the loser. Serpentine Crepe Kimonos in new A ind attractive shades, elastic waistline, tassel trimmed. —Second floor. Marquisette and Scrim Curtains, Pair $$ Made of double thread marquisette or fine | scrim 2’4 yards long, with plain hemstitched A border. —Third floor. i Curtain Scrim .......6 Yards, $| With wide fancy drawnwork style border, also check pattern, in white, ivory and ecru. A —Third floor. Figured Silkoline ..3 Yards, s*l For comfort covers, neat floral designs in r rich colors, wonderful value. —Third floor. A Curtain Marquisette 4 Yards, $| Highly mercerized, double thread, plain marquisette, in white and ecru. —Third floor. A Filet Curtain Net.. .4 Yards, $i Heavy double thread, durable quality with *, neat conventional designs, 3<S wide, A in white and ivory. —Third floor. Overdrapery Madras. 2 Yards, $ | Verdure patterns, in rose, blue and green, Sfl Inches wide. —Third floor. A Manor Curtain Voile. 3 Yards. $-• Very flue material with a stripe and floral combination pattern in black and rose, blue JL end rose, gray and rose. —Third floor. Huck Towels 8 for s*■ Regular alse, fast color, red borders. —Street floor. JL Longcloth 7 Yards, $-* A yard wide, nainsook finish, for fine un derwear. —Street floor. A A Madeira Linen Doilies, Each.s*| Hand embroidered, on fine round thread art U nen —Street floor. A Bleached Sheets, Each $1 In two qualities and sizes, 03x90 and 81x g 90-Inch. —Street floor. A Women’s Felt Slippers- Pair. .s■ In navy blue, brown, maroon, red and | gray—rest well soles. —Street floor. JL Red if Mix Cake Flour.s Pkgs, $-g Nothing to add but water to make a good cake. —Baeement. JL Choice Layer Cake, 14-lb. Young Hyson Tea, Both for $| l2xtra quality tea and extra good cake. —Basement. A Coffee 3 Pounds,s*■ Chase & Sanborn's, 3 pounds Os this popu- I lar No. 1 Coffee, In bulk. —Basement. A PETTIS DRYGOODS CO. TT*E MEW YORK 3 TORE * E3T. 18^3- OLD TRAILS ROAD PLANS OUTLINED Memorial Scheme Projected by Association. With a view of fostering the movement to make the National Old Trails Road a national memorial highway. Dr. I. S. Harold, Indiana vice president of the Na tional Old Trails Road Association, who has been actively engaged In this work for a number of years, and M. E. Noblet, secretary of the Hoosver Motor Club, Boys’ $1.50 Flannel Blouses. ,$t Collar attached, sizes 8 to 15 years. In gray or khaki colora. —Third floor. A $2.00 Casseroles $1 Brow n, fireproof insets, white lined, with cover, nickel plated frame with handies, largo A size. —Basement. Clothes Hampers $-1 Os fine elm splints, double bottom with wooden cover, assorted colors, family size; A values up to $1.75, while a limited quantity lasts. —Basement. Wash Tub and Wash Board. .s*■ One heavy galvanized tub with two strong f handles and ono zinc washboard, both for A $1 00. A limited quantity to sell at this wonderful —Basement. Pure Linen Toweling. 4 Yards,s** Bleached or unbleached, made from soft I spun Russian flax. —Street floor. A Hem. Huck Towels 4 for s■* Large size, soft finish, damask borders J with space for initials. —Street floqr. A Decorated Tea Pots, Each s*• The Jet black kind, tm hard fired Epglish J earthenware, your choice of three sizes in A assorted shapes and decorations. —Basement. Milk Classes, a Set s*g Clear crystal, in light blown glass, with £ needle etched design, a set of six for SI.OO. A —Buen..<nt. China Jelly Sets ■ s*| One round jelly Tray with 0 individual t Dishes In Nippon' decorated china. A —Basement. Boys’ $1.45 All-Wool Knick ers $i In cnsslmere fabrics, ages 7 to 17 years, £ wonderful value. —Third floor. A Boys’ $1.95 Coat Sweaters...s*• Well made, warm and durable, in sizes 30, I 82 and 34. —Third floor. A Boys’ Blue Serge Pants s*■ Well cut, lined, not all sizes. —Third floor. A Boys’ Up to $1.69 Fancy Per cale Shirts ... $ i Neckbands are sizes 12 to 14, good grades I of percale and neat patterns. —Third floor. A Wash Goods 4 Yards, $1 Rome a yard wide, Tarlous weaves, a clear- I a nee lot. —Street floor. A Shirting Percales .. .3 Yards, $1 Splendid patterns, a yard wide, best qual- i ity. —Street floor. A Plain Chambray .. .11 Yards, s*■ Comes in lavender and green only and very p specially priced for Dollar Day. A —Street floor. Silk and Velvet Rem. Each.. .s*■ Lengths suitable for trimming and lining, a "i clearance lot; up to $1.50. —Street floor. A Plain Colored Velveteen, Yd.s*i Only 200 yards of it, a clearaway of odd pieces, —Street floor. A Tub and Lining Silk, Yard.. .s** Odd lot of tub and lining silk, some a 8 yard wide, half silk. —Street floor. A Dress Goods, Yard s*i A clearance lot of plain and fancy weaves; up to $1.50 values. —Street floor. A Dress Percale, 7 Yards s*9 Checks, figures and dots—wonderful quality \ of material. —Street floor. A Wash Goods, 6 Yards $-8 Voile, Gingham, Challio and Chambray— beautiful variety of goods and for a mlracu- A lous price. —Street floor. Black Satine, 4 Yards s■* A yard wide and very fine grade of ma terial. * —Street floor. A $1.50 Fancy Jacquard Silk, Yd s*■ Excellent quality for linings, silk mixed, I yard wide. —Street floor. A 69c Fancy Satine, 2 Yards.. .$-| New stock, variety of popular shades, a yard wide. L —Street floor. A Plain and Fancy Dress Ginghams, 9 Yards s*i Good material and color schemes are the best. —Street floor. A Boston Pencil Pointers $-1 Fits all sizes of pencil—regularly $2.00 —a real convenience. —Street floor. A Self-Filling Fountain Pens.. .s*■ A limited number of Capitol Self tilling Fountain Pens— regularly $2.00, specially on A Dollar Day for SI.OO. —Street floor. 39c St’mp’d Huck Towels.3 for s*t V pa.ierns already stamped for em broidery. —Fifth floor. A $3,00 Lot of Wall Paper s*■ 6 rolls of Tapestry Wall Paper, bird de signs, suitable for Dining Rooms. A —Third floor. Cut-Out Border 20 Yards, $- For living rooms, in bright cheerful colors. Regularly 10c per yard. —Third floor. A have called a meeting to be held at tb£ Claypool Hotel tomorrow afternoon, which will be attended by prominent 7 good roads men from many cities and towns along the highway. Letters calling attention to the im portance of the movement have been sent to Senator New and Watson, Governor McCray, Secretary of State Jackson, and others. Among the speaker* for the meeting tomorrow will be J. P. Dunn, Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society, Dr. W. O. Trueblood, Pastor of j the First Friends Church, Indianapolis, ‘ Humphrey Sullivan, head of the Speak j ers Bureau of the National American Legion, Charles A. Bookwalter and others. Representatives will be present from Richmond, Greenfield, Plainfield, Green castle, Brazil, Terre Haute and from many smaller towns along the line of the highway, besides a large cumber of Indianapolis persona. The session Is scheduled for 1 o’clock in the afternoon, NEGRESS FINED SSO. Aleva Taylor, negress, 625 West Four teenth street, was fined SSO and costs for operating a blind tiger in city court yesterday by Henry Abrams, city judge pro tem. Ceiling Paper \8 Rolls, $1 Brighten up those dim rooms with new K celling paper, 8 rolls for SI.OO. —Third floor. A House Dresses $1 .viatie es percale in light and dark patterns, I tripes and small checks, round collars, A trimmed in rick-rack braid, and some have white -oisr<- of 'ndla liren. belted effect, button front, three-quarter length sleeves. —Second floor. Hair Nets 12 for Cap and fringe nets of good quality hair. f —Fifth floor. A Children’s Creepers s<*- Creepers, Rompers and Dresses in a large I tssortment. Good quality ginghams, figured A tnd plain lawns, and styled in many youthful and ittractlve ways; up to $3.50 values. —Second floor.- Dresses s•* Gingham and Peggy cloth dresses in plain | tolors and fancy checks. Good assortment of A styles and colors, 6to 14 years. —Second floor. Smocks $• Assortment of women's and misses’ fancy I smocks, made of sateen, linene and solsette A Copen and attractive colors, trimmed in embroidery and fancy designs. —Second floor. Pearl Beads s*• Beautiful French filled pearl beads, very I lustrous, 27 Inches loDg, graduated style. A Very special price. —Street floor. Vanity Boxes $^ Leather Vanity Boxes, large mirror In the t Ud, coin purse and other articles. Anew ship- A cieut Just arrived. Also are real leather hand bags, splendid value for SI.OO. —Street floor. Men’s $1.75 Collar-Attached Shirts $< Oxford weave, made with collar attached, pocket and faced sleeves. —Street floor. A Men’s Shirts $f Fine madtas and high count percale. In a | generous line of colors that are guaranteed, A finished wita soft cuffs —Street floor. Women’s Silk Hose $| Fine pure thread silk with shaped seam up I the back and fashioned ankle. —Street floor. A Children’s Union Suits . .2 for $1 Bleached and fleeced lined, drop seat and I ankle length, sizes 4to 12. —Street floor. A Women’s Silk Gloves s*l Full 16-button length gloves In white only I and good quality silk. —Street floor. A Butter Dishes $* Large size dish with silver top. Dish is at- I traotively designed with cut glass border. A Regular price $1,48. —Street floor. Popular Fiction 2fors*j Copyright books, covers slightly soiled from I handling. Red Mist, by Parrish; Mr. Bingle, A McCutcheon ; Master's Violin, by Myrtle Reed; Story of Mcrco, by Eleanor Porter. Regular price 95c each. —Street floor. Dress Forms, Pay Down $1 $12.50 adjustable Dress Forms for SI.OO down ? and the balance SI.OO a week. Favorite Dress A Form for women who sew. —Street floor. Ribbons 12 Yards for $-1 The popular narrow Trimming Ribbons, I plain, picot and two-tone effects. A —Street floor. Ribbons 3 Yards for $f Ribbons of style and quality. —Street Hoot A Summer Dresses s■! Limited number of Women's Dresses, I slightly soiled. In organdie, voile and dotted A Swiss, light colors, but very good values. —Second floor. Brushed Wool Scarfs Brushed wool scarfs in China blue, brown, | buff and green. Special for Wednesday. A —Second floor. Wool Caps for Misses $-■ Brushed Wool Caps In brown, navy, green I and China blue. —Second floor. A Waists 2 for $| Voile Waist* in white with touches of color. Tucks and lace edging for trimming. Slight- A ly soiled from handling. —Second floor. Corsets .' s*i For the growing girl—a Corset in fancy flesh colored material, fashioned Into elastic A top with correct —Second floor. Wash Skirts s■• White Wash Skirts that are real values for a the price. —Second floor. A Toilet Goods, Brushes and Combs, Both for $i Composition Ivory Brushes and Combs, both 1 for sl. Solid Back Brushes with pure bristles, A Good heavy comb. —Street floor. Mary Carden Articles s■ Box of Face Powder and a 35c box of Tal cum Powder, both for SI.OO, —Street floor. A Handkerchiefs 6 for $-1 200 dozens Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, ft plain white or embroidered corners with neat A hemstitched hems; 25c values. —Street floor. Men’s Kerchiefs 5 for s*■ A good quality cambric with woven colored s borders. Largo assortment of patterns. A —Street floor. 7