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$ 500.00 P AID to F il^r N I By The Indiana Daily Times under provisions of SI,OOO ACCIDENT POLICY Issued to Times Readers Makes 50 Cent Here is the $500,00 Check Collects $ 5Q0.00 Investment ' ; One Month • Finley B. Brown, 43, tinner, residing at I|s£k On Sept. 30 Mr. Brown suffered a crushed 1118 Villa Ave. and employed by the /yy 4 * leg when his motorcycle turned over at Armour Packing Company, secured one *&:/. ■ ,4f # State and Pleasant Avenues, throwing oi The Daily Times SI,OOO Travel Acci- .. .• **>•♦.-* # *, I**®** -W '/,//,„< 1 him against the curbing and a tree. On dent Insurance Policies August 4. The charge was ; s / •. II Uctobei o, his left leg was amputated only 50 cents covering cost of securing and regis- . . V ///,>/, \ s .1 between the knee and anKie at the city tering as he is a regu ] ar subscriber of The Indiana *. P' • | : hospital. October 6he received SSOO Daily Times. IDL / 11 check through The Daily Times. Three Days After Claim Was Filed He Received SSOO Check Wide Variety of Claims Made Under Daily Times Policy Indicating Broad Protection 1. Indemnity claim as result of “jitney" accident in Indianap olis. 2. A wagon (horse drawn) broke down in Crawfordsville, In diana. The driver received internal injuries when thrown out and was laid up at home. He is eligible to receive a weekly in demnity of $lO up to $l3O. i 3. A man riding in a privately owned automobile in Indianapolis was another lucky holder of a Times Insurance Policy. He re ceived S2O for minor injuries. 4. A horse-drawn wagon was struck by a traction car near In dianapolis. An occupant injured. He will receive his in surance promptly like all others protected under Daily Times Insurance Plan. Names of the Above Furnished Upon Request. Mail This Coupon Today IV INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTO BER 11, 1921. “I have ridden a motorcycle for years and never had an accident in which I was injured more than to receive a few scratches,” said Mr. Brown. ‘‘l don’t know how the accident happened on Friday night, it all came so quickly. I guess I must have skidded in turning.” He is married has three children, two of whom are self-sup porting. The third, a son, is in college. “This SSOO paid me through the Daily Times certainly will help out,” he said. \ All Subscribers to The Daily Times Eligible for Same Insurance— Either Sex—Provided You are Over 15 and Under 70 Years of Age. No Medical Examination—No Red Tape ORDER AND REGISTRATION FORM Indiana Dally Tim**. Indianapolis 1921 Insurance Dept. Indianapolis, tod. 1 will buy the Dally Times from /our carrier for six consecutive publishing days from data hereof and regularly thereafter until further notice, and wish you to register me as entitled to the travel accident Insurance procured by you for your subscribers. This Is to bola accordance with the provision* of the travel accident Insurance policy which la to be delivered to me by the In surance company or the Dally Times. I further agree to pay the Dally Times fifty cents (50e) to cover cost of securing and handling policy, which is to be mailed to mo within one weefc after this payment. Name ........ .......... .i,...m ..♦. Age. •.................. Street Ns .. ft. W. D... M Telephone No. (If may) City Where do you wish the paper left by carrier! Are yon at present a subscriberT.•...<_.....• It yen are at present n subscriber of the Daily Times, please to state Present subscribers, as well as uew. are emitie< to all U* advantages of the Travel Accident Insurance Plan, but all sub scribers, present and new. must send la thla registered term. Usß. !. D. subscriber, uncles* nsasy order severing; uno year's paid In advance subscription by mail and charges f*r laenannse policy. 9