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Kyra Meets Approval of Women Only Audience pur Mabel Likewise Grows Enthusiastic Over Physical Cutt ure Exhibit . BY MABEL TTHF.EI.tB, “Say old dear,” lilted "Hick,” as I drifted Into my happy little parking apace yesterday morning, “Toddle found ’eafternoon and hear Kyra, will you?” “Kiro” said I, “Klro corn sirup, chiro practor or chiropidests? Hate strop, got a friend in the hospital from visiting a chiropractor and never have any trouble with my fc-e . Got any other kind of Kiro to oicf. Anyway I wanna play tennis ’safternoon.” “Poor fish,” he ejaculated rorta sad like, “Doneha read the papers? Why any man in this office would buy me a din ner for the chance I'm offering you, and not stop to attempt asinine witticisms. Why—Kyra—the sensation of the ’New York Whirl,’ Kyra the dancer who would put dear old Psyche off the map if it tame to a beauty contest and make the Immortalized Venus look like a dumb bell with the gout.” “If she's so all-flred beautiful 'nevery thing, why donteha go yourself,” I sug gested. “Why pick on me. “Whata I care for Psyches and Venuses? Give me a golden haired Apollo or a nice old hard boiled Jupiter, who's a whiz with the thunder throwing.” I started to work, but that was all—Just a start. ■AD BEADS “LADIES ONXT.” “Shades of ray temperamental ances tors, do you think for a moment that I would stand here talking to you, if men were admitted; no, the irony of it all is the irrevocable ad that reads 'Ladies only.’ ” “Yon flatter me," chirped I, “bnt I’ll go. glide along little one, rest in peftce, Jfyra shall be my charge; exit ternls, Pnter Kyra. Avaunt!” And he avaunted without further com ment. And I did “toddle” round and Join the eager throng parked in the Murat lobby waiting to hear Kyra’s health and beauty talk, illustrated by some of her dances and poses. There were more than 1,300 women present for the matinee, and Kyra earried them off their feet. It might be easy for such a vision of physical per fection and charm to carry the ever sus ceptible males into a riot of enthusiasm, but when one lone woman wins the spon taneous approval of such a flock of her own sex It is nothing short of mlracu lona. ADDRESS CREATES SERIOUS INTEREST. But her unaffected manner, her grace ful movements and her clever interpola tions. together with her straight from the shoulder shots on the poor management of the human body by the average woman, drew their close attention and serious Interest. She didn’t tell the women to rest and play to become beautiful, instead she told them that work was the greatest factor In becoming healthy and beautiful. “There are Just two don’ts I want you to remember,” she said, “don't be self-in dulgent and don't be lazy!” She demonstrated dally exercises that rhould be taken for various faults in health and beauty. Her suppleness, her perfect control over her muscles, won a Itorra of applause from the women. She is slender, but developed to what looked like perfection to my untrained feminine ye, and 6he could touch the floor with the palms of her hands, goln’ or cornin’; foil clear across the stage without qnlek inlng her breath, and she incidentally Ihowed the fat women how to get rid r fifty pounds in six months and “us girls'* of the string bean variety how to jrnw a figure in sixty days. It may lound like a Joke, but it wasn’t. It was 111 good, solid common sense. If every )ne of us who groan about being too (at and too thin wonld remember all ;hat Kyra told us and follow out her instructions we would, without a doubt, fain a good healthy body and looks rith it. DANTES NUMBERS OF HER DESIGN. She dances some exqnlsits pantomime eumbers of her own design, which were |o enchanting that the audience gained !or breath at her loveliness. It was a Sainty youthful affair all the wav PARTIAL PAYMENTS “Can’t” cripples thou sands. Write or call for Investment Infor mation. /Save nd\ f [nvestSaJem \^7io h °y through, the slim little girl Just told all the folks a lot of fine things Just for the good of their health and happiness, turn ing the curiosity of a certain portion of onlookers into surprised interest. Following the lecture she received all who cared to spenk to her, on the stage, and the fair ladies fairly smothered her in their eagerness to thank her for her courtesy. One matron, approaching the double chin stage, said that Kyra should not go on with the show, for her duty was to stay in Indianapolis and teach the under and over-weight women how to be Just like her. “You don't need me.” the dancer an swered. "You have a splendid Y. W. C. A. Go over there and get instructions where I first started. Then stick to it. I have been six years gaining what I have ac quired. It's perserverance that wins out in most any fight even in the line of good looks.” She shook hands with hundreds, told them the things they wished to know, looked as if sue loved everyone of the bunch, didn't even look weary, after be ing carried across the stage by the hu man current, but on her tiptoes waved me a merry “adios” as I warbled “so long” to her from the top of the paste board flight of stage stairs. Crane May ‘Make Up 9 With Pretty Wife Froni Costa Rica CHICAGO, Nov. 16. —Herbert P. Crane, Chicago millionaire, and his former wife, Elida Piza, Costa Itica beauty, are to re marry, according to reports in social cir cles here today. The former wife on her way from Costa Itica will be met in New Y'ork by Crane, it was said. She was granted $70,000 alimony re cently. Her attorney, J. Hamilton Lewis, said she was returning to the United States to reopen the case, the alimony be ing unpaid, it is charged. "I admit that I have heard of the reconciliation,” said Lewis. “It would be a good move on Crane's part.” ” MOTHER! Open Child’s Bowels with “California Fig Syrup” Even a sick child loves the “fruity" taste of “California Fig Syrup.” If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is I,'srless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has col!c, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourse f how thoroughly It works all the constipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy. They know a tea spoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has direc tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “California - ' or you may get an imi tation fig syrup.—Advertisement. May be Made on the 7% Preferred Stock of the Citi zens Gas Company. The Small Invest or as Wei! as the Large is Cordially W elcomed. The More Customer- Owners We Have the Greater the Distribution of Quarterly Divi dends. I Citizens Gas Company Majestic Building INDIANAPOLIS “Every Patron a Partner” Chicago Teamsters Return to Work i CHICAGO, Nov. 10.—The strike of teamsters which began here on Monday, ended today and approximately 8.000 men returned to work'. The strike was ended when Ezra Warner, arbiter, promised that tbe matter of a $3-per-week wage reduction which caused the walkout tvould be given a rehearing. The men aeepted the $3-per-week cut pending the outcome of mediation. Acts of violence were frequent during the brief strike. New York Physician Says Weak, Thin, Nervous Folks Need. Bitro-Phosphatc It’s worth your while to r what Dr. Jo*. P. Harrlgan, a New York speelailut. has to say about the nerTe and brain cell builder that ; lending druggists sell so much of these days. He writes: “Let those who are weak, thin, nervous, anaemic or run-down take natural unadulter ated substance* euch as Bitro-Phosphate and you will soon see some astonishing results in the inereas of nervo energy and streugth of body nud mind.” Bitro-Phosphate Is a pure organic phosphate such as good physicians prescribe to Increase weight and create abundant serve force. Hook's Drug Stores sell Bltro-Phoephate under a guarantee of sati taction or money | back.—Advertisement. SLEEPS FINE AS TRAINS RATTLE BY HER WIOW “Railway trains rattle past our house all night long, but I never hear them. I sleep soundly since taking Pepgen,” says Mrs. Bessie Clegg of 347 South State street, Indianapolis. “I was In a goneral run-down, nervous condition before I took Pepgen. I don't think I had enjoyed a good night's rest for two years. I felt weak and tired nearly all the time and could hardly do my housework. My stomach also troubled me. Gas formed on my stomach : after I had eaten Just a few bites. I I bloated badly and felt miserable. In ■ addition. I suffered from severe pains in my back caused by my kidneys. “I am so pleased with Pepgen that I’m glad to recommend it publicly. Pepgen : has made anew woman of me. The nervousness is gone. I sleep soundly all night long. The railway tracks are near ! our house, but I never hear the trains j rattle by. I 6leep too soundly. The tired ! feeling is gone. I go about my work with more energy than I've known for i many a day. The gas, bloating and other stomach trouble I had before has disappeared. I eat my meals with a rel- ; ish. Pepgen also relieved the pains in j my back.” It is necessary for every person to keep 1 * she organs of digestion and assimilation j |in good health. The constitution de- | mands a variety of foods. Those who take Topgen say they can [ eat anything without discomfort. Pep- j gen has relieved hundreds of thousands iof cases of headaches, constipation, in-I digestion, dyspepsia, catarrh, sluggish liver and kidney ills because it induces ' I good digestion and assimilation. Men and women who need better diges ! tion, more strength and a toning up of j the nervous system will do well to try i Pepgen. I Pepgen is recommended and sold by ; the following leading drug stores: Haag's, Hook's -and Iluder's. It is also stocked by other first-elass pharmacies ; in Indianapolis and nearby towns.—Ad- 1 vertlsement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1921. Cut Prices on All MILLINERY A special group of ladles’ hats are only SI.OO. Other spe cial groups at $2 95, $3.93 and $4.95, which represent savings to you of about half. Don't fall to visit our millinery sec tion in the rear of the store. All the popular hats are less here. Th Indiana Is Now A Link In A Big Chain of Stores. A STORE FOR ECONOMICAL SHOPPERS—JOIN THE CROWDS COMING Sale TORCHON LACE Big special lot np to 5 RSI ft Inches wide. Just what f® V you want for pillow 3|)B|k cases. See front bar- ■ gain table sale. No limit. n Vv'atch It sell quick, SPECIAL Thursday and Friday Aluminum Roasters Genuine Aluminum Konttcrs—deep shape. Yon may have bought them before In dollar sales, but our any of selling for less makes BfWBB them only 85c while a big quantity holds out. gs 'j M The,' may all sell out on Thursday, so those who wg.■ 8r EtfcJSs /use delay please do not feel disappointed. Our spe- jKjk 01 ® ct*l are snapped up quickly and It pays to act Wrd promptly. Owing to immense number that M aßt IS? & will be sold s e can not deliver them nor o*>- x,a.'~w’ xjgpr cept phone oi C. O. D. orders. Better come Thursday if you want this bargain. Thursday and Friday 'msLXjm' WjWi Dish Pans Instead of holding a $t sale we set the price at 83c, which wiU cause a stampede for these dandy pang. They are 10-quart size, with 2 giile handles. Bright fin ish, genuine aluminum that will outwear a dozen ordinary kinds. None will be delivered. No phone orders. We hope there's enough for 2 days' selling, but to be sure for yours, don't delay. More of Those Girls' New Velvet Coats On Special <£fP> Sale at— v|La So great ha# been the de- l mand for these coats that wo have had several rush ship- ytAJM roents come In and here 1# another lot of 100. Women are telling us there is nothing in the city to equal them for the money. We are proud of our ability to offer a much wanted article for less These couta are for girls, age 3 aud up to 14. Made of good heavy velvet In various dark colors with contrast collar and cuffs. Bring the girl in tomorrow and get her one while we have the as sortment to select from. Economical Parents Will Take Advantage of Our SALE OF BOYS’ SUITS We make a specialty of boys’ Suits. We buy them In tremendous lots for our chain of stores and we get rock bottom prices from leading makers. Our prices mean big savings to you. Big lots to chooso from as follows: $7.50 Value BOYS’ SUITS $5.95 All age*. Hcrviccablo suits for school wear of dark ma terials. Norfolk styles. At $5.95 we call them wonderful values and you will sav so, too. We are out to do a big business in boys’ clothing and our low prices wIU bring it sure. $1.25 Sheet BLANKETS for X C4x76-lnch size cotton blanket in fAff BBC M* grey or tan with colored border. 1 Shell Btitched at both ends. An B IS extra ppeclui while 600 last at h* Jfe 83<j each. Ladies’ $1 Wool Hose, 79d; 3 Pairs for $2.00 Madame, If you are looking for a good wool hose don’t fail to see this special. Come In heather, French grey, black, Oxford and nary. A big lot for Thursday and Friday. Children’s Famous “Notaseme” Hose, a Pair Avery fine ribbed hose In cor dovan and black, sizes 5Mi to 10. Equal to hoso usually selling for 50e. Big Sale Ladies’ Fine Hose at $1.49 Pair Among this assortment you will find sport wool liose, silk and wool, wool cashmere hose, with fancy dock embroidery. Black, navy, brown. All are usual $2 values, specially priced here at $1.40. Odd Lot Corsets, $1 A great many discontinued styles taken from our big corset stock. Values in the lot up to si{. Furniture Polish, 39<^ A full quart bottle of fine polish for various uses, floors, etc. A 50c value for only SOo, “ The Economy Spot of Indianapolis 99 INDIANA DRY GOODS STORE 306 East Washington Street lust East of Court House A CHAIN OP DEPARTMENT THAT IS FAMOUS SEE THE BIG BARGAIN DISPLAYS—MANY EXTRA SPECIALS THUR. and FRI. SALE of ALUMINUM TEA KETTLES SALE of Aluminum 414-qnart size bright aluminum tea kettles which if bought to sell in a regular way would be nearly double the price. Perhaps you have seen them in dollar sales before, but here's a price of only 85c for Thursday and Friday. Women will in stantly recognize this as a big bargain, and vve anticipate a lively rush. Several hun dred on sale but they’ll go f-at, so don't delay. None delivered. No phone orders, please. 85' £***3 v*<K r ■ SIO.OO Value BOYS’ SUITS $6.75 People who have shopped around a bit at > telling us right along that these suits at $6.75 are the best values shown them. They have two pa lrs of pants for extra service. The materials nr splendid and in serviceable colors. Now is the time to dress up your boy. 25c White Outing, 15< Yard A soft fleecy flannel, nap on both sides; the kind for gowns, pajamas, etc. $1 Sheets for 79<^ A splendid sheet, size 72x90 inches. A limited quantity on sale, so not over 6 to one customer. $1.98 Messaline, $1.49 Yard Avery good assortment of wanted colors. A special shipment Just re ived. Calicoes, lOh a Yard Come In 10 to 20-yard length; light and dark patterns. A special big lot for Thursday and Friday. $2.98 Infants’ Sets, $1.95 Two and three-piece Infants’ sweater sets —sweater, cap, leggings. Various colors. 25c Dark Outing, Yard Scarce, but we ehave Just received a case that we will sell at this spe cial price Thursday and Friday. The kind used for comfort covering. OPEN DAILY TILL S:3O—OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK J® I You Will Never See An Extravagant Shopper Here. This store will appeal to those who Want to get good, dependable merchandise at low- I est possible prices. Our gigantic chain store pur- I chasing power makes lowest ' prices possible. We sell for strictly cash. ) Our patrons will never have to make up for credit losses, i You will like this store, not ‘ alone for the savings It offers, but for the way we so plainly display the many bargains for I you to Inspect. It's a pleasure | to shop here. We have remodeled this store to remain permanently. Watch I this store grow. We want you for a customer. If any purchase you make here Is not entirely satisfactory when you get it Dome, you may return It aud your money will be cheerfully refunded. You are not forced to accept due bills. Fair and gqnare dealing has built up an Immense volume of buslnees In our chain . of stores. COMB IN AND GET ACQUAINTED. 1 Several Hundred Canteen Square and oblong shape canteens of eiubo s s e and leathcre t t e. PURSES 98c Three inside fittings. Various] colors. Some similar to Ulus-’ tration. Sale New Velvet Pouch PURSES Ladles —these an? dsome bags of (j? m ml rich black velvet tv, 1 rose silk lining | /| || and fancy nickel frame. Worth asl * I /JS U more but this Is a special offer while B ."i'll 100 last. ■ ■ w Sale Up to Leather Purses Dozens of new styles—all genuine 4 mm leather. See the special bargain table JR a display *r Up to sls Value BOYS’ SUITS $9.85 These are high grade suits In every way, the kind boys want for Sunday wear. Strictly all wool materials and splendidly made; two pairs of pants suits. A big variety to choose from. You’ll admit these suits are great at $9.85. See them. 25c Dress GINGHAMS for sat Where can you buy a good quality Es H pheck dress gingham at 15c a yard? EH This Is one of our chain store quan- E] tSA fi tlty purchases enabling us to make Eh Bl| this offer. Many women will supply Wf CS future needs. Ladies’ 59c Vests and Pants, 44^ Slightly fleeced ribbed shirts or drawers. High nock, long sleeves. Sizes $6 44. Children’s $1.25 Union Suits, 98^ Extra heavy fleeced union suits, age 2 to 10 years. Brassieres, Special, 19£ A well-made pink brassiere, with tape shoulder straps. A limited quantity on sale. Ladies’ $1.75 Union Suits, sl-39 Fine ‘‘Springtex" union suits, with good fleece; with sleeves or sleeve less. The extra size for $1.49. 20c Cheviots, Yard Avery good weight, used for boys’ blouses; cut from full bolts Oil Mops, 89^ A triangular shape, bushy floor mop, with long handle. Just what you need in your home. Knit Skirts, Ladies’ Jersey knit petticoats, with fancy borders. Same kind usually sells for 75c. WATCH OUR BARGAIN WINDOWS SIP Thursday and Friday COAT SALE Offering Coats Worth Up to $25 Special Group of 100 You need a good warm coat, madam, for this kind of weather, and here they are, at a very special pric Thursday and Friday. All brand new winter styles of bolivios and velours. Popular shades of browns and blues. Some elaborately embrcldered, some huvo fur collars. Coats you’ll not rtfid the equal of in the average store under *22.50 and *25 are right here for you at *ls. Are you going to let this offer pass ? DRESS £ 11- SALE M3 About fifty sample 1 dresses, ladies' and misses’ sizes, of fine quality can ton crepes, trieotines and serges in the seasons cleaverest models. Dresses you must sea to fully ap preciate this special offer of sls These Items Selected From the Main Aisle Tables Nearly one hundred special big bargain tables in the aisles. Every day something new makes its appearance and it will pay you to come in often to inspect thcac tables, which are already the talk of the town. These tables put extra money in your pocket. See them tomorrow. s4.ooand $5.00 SHAWL SCARFS sor A Ladles you shonld see these—they are wonderful fit Bi V for $2.98. Girls In offices need these on chilly days. Jei They are made of brushed wool in a variation of a | J JtjjD B l|U beautiful color combinations. They have belts and pockets. This is one of our special chain store pur- jgv? chases last week comprising several thtfn-and scarfs py*j]r?H and It brings to you usual $4 and $5 values for only $2.93. There will be lively selling on this special ■ bargain table. _ Child’s Bath Robes, 91.49 Crepe Kimonos, $1.47 Warm bath robes for small chfl- ladles’ kimonos naa ® p ai T|f dren. Various, pretty colors. With serpentine ql dpslens ss.r b * lt “*• A "'“ dcr,ul Ladies’ $7.50 SWEATERS for - - AO These are not ordinary Sweaters, madam. They H, Ojf are not coarse rough Sweaters, but very dressy M mLy (J looking styles of medium weight made of pure wool I xtar w yarns. Come In dark and light shades with long T BKgSpjIS roll contrasting collar. It's a special purchase of course, otherwise we could not present to you In mid season such Sweaters for $4.98. Yon must see and examine these to fully appreciate their value. I ■ ' $1.50 Kimonos, $1 Girls’ Hats, SI.OO Ladles’ kimonos of medium and Dressy velvet hats for school girls, dark color flannelette with beautiful Floral wreath trimming. Earlier in floral designs. Full cut All sizes. the season the price was $1.98. Giris’ Good SCHOOL MIDDIES It wouldn't pay any mother to take the time to Rj ,lii ® BJ *3 make her daughter a middy such as these for 58c. BfVwjpz fl They come tu all sizes and are made of a substan tial middy cloth in white with various contrasting epl **s§k collars, and others are light blue and rose. We have -g| /ml them priced special regularly at 79c, but as a big flyer for Thursday and Friday we offer them for 58c. Quantity may not le enough for both days. V Girls’ Sweaters, $1.49 Girls' $1 Tams, 79<i Sweaters for girls up to 12. Heavy The popular cloth tarns in brown, repe stitch knit In dark blue and rose. blue, red and tan. The kind girls are Belted coat stylo. Very special. wearing for school. Child's Sateen BLOOMERS at 19<*—think of It— how many mothers would lE| izjSSk want to buy material and make girls' bloomers for fig Rjs I this amount of money. It s simply an extra special; BS just twenty-five dozen while they last which won't be EH very long. Made of a black medium weight sateen in Sizes up to 10. Elastic waist and knee. Remem- |Sgi&| ber, a limited quantity, so don't delay if you want some. V —— —^ Girls' $1 Toques, SS<* Lunch Kits, $1.49 These are fancy style slipover Black Japanned lunch kit, large toques in many colors. All wool, size with a pint size, hot and cold buckle and fancy tassel trimmed. A bottle. Leather top handle. Very big special lot. special. Large ARMY LAUNDRY BAGS Uncle Sam had them made for soldiers'barracks. Didn't Ayr fcj Jfo need them all. so somebody bought them at a special K:J PifSx ■ a price and our chain of stores in turn secured a lot of W them at a special price. If made to sell In a regular ggy way the price would be nearer SI.OO. They are extra A 1 ? largo and made of a very heavy white duck with rope- XfeagfmW drawn string. Just the thing for the family washing. ■ Only 200 on sale while they last. V J Coverall Aprons, 79<* Kitchen Aprons, 25<J Ladies’ bungalow style aprons of Ladles’ regulation tie-tring kitchen dark stripe and plain blue percale iprons of staple blue and with white trimming. Usual $1 check apron gingham. Limited quality. quantity. SI.OO HOT and COLD BOTTLES -T "How in the world do they make them for that?” — /FTw* that's what a lot of people will say. They usually Blil sell for around a dollar, but our tremendous quantity Bafflß ’iffiSaenl buying works wonders, and we are abn; to make the MB’ Ijß price only 69c.. They keep liquids hot or cold. Men ra and women, also school children who carry their lunch, will appreciate our bargain offer. Only a limited quantity to sell. I _ —/ SUGAR, 4c Lb. With Other Goods On any one day that your purchases amount to $5 over the store you are entitled to five pounds of Domino granu lated sugar for 20c. Five pounds with each additional purchase amounting to $5. We want you and your friends to share this get acquainted offer. We Buy and Sell for Cash. We Can Save You Money. Sale BOUDOIR CAPS Two big special lots g% on front bargain table, asw V dotted Swiss caps, 25c AND and pretty silk and lace jm trimmed caps only 49c. ili^il: SUITS i/ 2 Price S2O Suits, Now. .. S3O Suits, Now... .$15.00 $35 Suits, Now $17.50 S4O Suits, Now $20.00 SSO Suits, N0w....925.00 7