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2 MARRIED WOMEN SHOULD TRY TO KEEP INFORMED Anne Mathews, Recently Elec ted Democrat in Mew York, Talks to Housewives. NEW YORK, Not. IS.— To be of the greatest service to her community and her country, the married woman should teep herself informed on questions of public interest and never allow herself to become Indifferent to politics. This was the opinion of Miss Anne Mathews, Democrat, elected to the highest salaried political office a woman has ever held in this country. She was the suc cessful candidate in New York County for the offee of register, a post paying $12,000 a year. The salary of Alice Rob ertson, Congresswoman from Oklahoma, is only $7,500 a year. Miss Mathews ran on a platform the chief plank of which called for “a busi ness woman for a business Job.” She will admit no sex disqualification for political positions, but has no patience with the society dilettanti that have Invaded the realm of women’s politics. ‘‘The butter fly woman :s useless in politics,” she said. OFFICE NOT PICT CRESQFK. The office of register is not picturesque. Miss Mathews will have jurisdiction over a force of 144 workers, the majority of whom are men. The register's office records transactions in real estate and other activities requiring official record and keeps a file of notaries public sig natures. "I do not propose to change the policies now being followed in the offee,” she ex plalne 1. "Women have the inherent ability which fits them to discharge any public function as well as men can do it. Fre quently they are handicapped by lack of business experience. Women since the beginning of time have been keeping the home and raising the children, while men have had unlimited opportunity to engage in civic affairs. A business train ing is the greatest asset for any public officer—man or woman. The person who The Influence of an investment i YOU, more than any one else, exert a lasting influence— for good or bad—on your child’s future. There are more ways than one to give your youngster a square deal. Why Not Make an Investment for your boy or girl? The dividends —payable every three months by mail —will soon accumulate into a tidy fund. And the time will come when this money will be an influence—a tig influence, perhaps—in determining your child’s welfare. It will serve as capital for making new invest ments, for additional schooling, or starting a business, or something which will have a direct bearing on your child’s welfare. Our Easy Payment Plan The Easy Payment Plan which we have arranged will enable you to pay a little each month on your purchase of 7% Preferred Stock, thus making it easy for your boy or girl to be a stock holder in this safe, essential home utility company. Dividends 7% This is a high rate on a security as safe as our 7% Preferred Stock. 66,000 customers, a population of 325,000 people dependent upon our service, a prosperous and growing territory—all this spells a safe investment and sure dividends. And as the buying power jf money gradually increases, the dol ars you receive in dividends will in crease in purchasing power. Shares are selling NOW for $98.00. This price may be advanced at any time. Our easy payment plan, $lO down per share and $lO per she re monthly, makes you or your child a profit sharing partner. Write, phone or call at the Company Office for particulars. Citizens Gas Company Majestic Building, Indianapolis, Indiana “EVERYPATRON A PARTNER” has been employed understands best how to give the people dull value for their money and how to get the greatest quan tltj and best quality of work from those under him. CHANCE FOR MARRIED WOMEN. "People who are compelled to work, especially if they like their vocation, are the ideal public officials. 1 believe there are great possibilities for the married woman in political roles—the woman who has raised children that have gone their way, who retains her youthful enthusi asm, but, after years of Isolated domes ticity. is out of touch with current events. Many medical men hold that the female brain, under such circumstances, retro gresses beyond recovery. This theory is ridiculous. I can't refute it scientifically, but I know many women who have ‘como back’ after raising families. Children should broaden a woman, never cramp ber. Os course, the mind becomes flabbj through disuse, but the married woman’s mental sluggishness is no greater than that which afflicts any o**e after years of mind inertia. “Married women, though occupied with* their homes, should keep abreast of af- SLOAN'S EASES PAW RELIEVES THE ACHE r'ORMENTING, agonizing rheu |_ matic aches are quickly relieved by Sloan’s Liniment. Apply it freely and enjoy a comforting sense of warmth. 11 penetrateswipiout rubbing. Good also for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff joints, external aches and pains, back* aches, strains and sprains. Don’t let pain lay you up. Keep Sloan’s Liniment handy and at the first sign of an ache or pain, use it, for it certainly does produce results. At all druggists—3sc, 70c, $1.40. Sloans liniment (£±3 ImaaßnMaaiauaHwJM fairs from the moment of the ceremony. Thus they will be of greater service to their children as well as their commu nity.” Miss Mathews was so twenty years a fashion designer and has traveled ex tensively. Caught With Whisky, Youth Gets 5 Years FAIRMONT, W. Va., Nov. 18.—Th e drastic operation of the West Virginia State Prohibition laws is shown by the penalty Imposed upon Claude Metz, a young man, by Judge E. M. Showalter of the Marion County Criminal Court here. Metz was sentenced to serve five years in the State Penitentiary at MoundsviUe for having two bottles of whisky on his hip. That seems rather severe, but the State law provides that a second conviction for violation of the prohibition law is a felony punishable with penitentiary confinement, and the = REMEMBER—ENTRANCE,9 NORTH ILLINOIS ST Second Floor—TAKE ELEVATOR SI 5 Jph ££f FREE VEIL WITH ANY HAT lllwOt SOLD FOR $1J)8 OR MORE Here Is the Greatest of All Millinery Sales A sacrifice for us, but your gain. Never before in this city have you seen such beautiful hats for the money. Dozens of new hate just re ceived, together with choice hats from our regular stock. Soft Chin-Chins Finest Lyons Turbans Panne Velvets Sailors Fur Combinations Off-the-Face Styles Duvetyns, Brocades Black and Good Colors Values , $8.50, $lO to sls Entrance— v il li || |i W * 9 North Illinois Street Second Floor. HAAG'S CUT-PRICE DRUG 5 Two dozen Quinine Capsules, 2 Grain, 25^ Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice S3-50 Abbott - ! Saline Laxative $1.19 60e Abbott’s Ssllue Laxative 49*' 75c Abbott's Rheumatic Remedy. 59c $2.."i0 Abiorblne $1.98 sl.2s Absorbine, Jr 98c 50c Abilina Water sac $1 Ou Alboleue OU 74.- 35c Allen’s I lcerine Salve 25* 75c Alophen Pills (100) 49c OOc Aloin Strych. A B-*l. Pi 115.... 34c (TV- Alm>ck's Porous Plaster 15- $1.25 Alkalithia 98c 35c Analgesic Balm 28c 75c Analgeslque Bauxite Bengue... 58c 75c AntlpblorlsUne 59c s<lc Aspirin Tabs. 5 gr. 3 doz 25c $1.25 Aspirin Tablets, Bayer 88c SI.OO Aspirin Tablets. 100 5-gr 45c Sl.Ui) Armour's Grape -L \ qts... 65c SI.OO Athlophoris 50c Bay Rum, Uly. A Rose Water. 250 260 Benson's Capslne Plaster .... 19c 50e Badex Salts 39c 25c Beeeham Pills 19c 25c Bellana 19c 75c Bedlans 59. 26c Belladonna Plaster 15c 3<ie Bell's Pine Tar and Honey.. 24c 2&c Barkeeper’s Friend 19c SI.OO Blair a Gout A Kheu. PLUS.... Sic 60c Blaud's Iron Pills 34c 75c Blaud's Liquid Iron, Lilly’s.. 59c SI.OO Bltro-Phosphate 84c 3Ue Borden's Eagie Milk. 2 f0r.,.. 39c 1 SI.OO Bliss Native Herb Tabs 81c 25c Burkhnrdt’s Veg. Tabs 19c 30c Bromo Seltzer 28c 00c Brotuo Seltzer 46c $1 20 Bromo Seltxer 89c $1.50 Brownatone $1.19 $125 Cadomeue Tabs 98c 25c Calomel Tabs., 100 any size... 10c 15e Camphor Moth Balli Utc 60c California Syrup B igs 4c 50c Camphor Spirits 25c 30c Capsolln •’ *4® 00c Canthrox 40c 35c Capadlne '**' 70c Capudlce 59c 60c Cascara Arotn, Sweet, 4 oz 25< 50c Cascara Bitter, 3 oz 25c 60c Cascara Cathartic Hinkie -24. 15c Carbolic Acid 10c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 19c 35c Castor OU, pure, half pint 25<- 500 Castor OU, pure, one pint.... 38c 30c Castor Oil, KeUogg’s 19c 40c Castor Oil. KeUogg’s 2Me $1.50 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts 98c 25c Celery Vasco 19, ‘ 50c Celery Vesce ..., 39c $1 00 Celery Vesce 34c 60c Clayton's Munge Remedy 39c 60c Clayton's Dog Remedies sue 36c Capuiba and Cubeb Caps 29c 75c Qban Hair Color Restorer 50c 35c Coregea 29,5 25c Colorite, 12 colors, each 19c 16c Comp. Licorice Powd 10c 00c Calcium Wafers, Stuart’s 39. 00c Chases Blood A Nerve Tab... 4!o SI.OO Creole Hair Color Restorer .. 88c 35c Danderlne 2ac 00c Danderlne 49c SI.OO Danderlne ••••• •• ” c 50c Damschlnskey's Hair Dye 39c 25c Delost s Headache Powd l!)c 50c Denatured Alcohol, quart 83c 76c Dean's Liquid Smoko 69c 60c DsWltt's Kidney Pills 89c 00c Doan s Kidney PUis 48c oOc Drake's Croup Remedy 89c 25c Dioxogen 19c 15c Diamond Dye, lOo* 3 for.*... 2Be 50c Eatonde 880 60c Bad's Rheumatic Pills 45c $1 50 Ead’s Rheumatic Pills 98c 30c Edward’s Olive Tablets 24c SI.OO Enos Fruit Salts. „ 88 ® $1.50 Fellow's Comp. Syr. 1yp0....51.19 75e Formaldehyde, pints 48c 35c B’ormaldeliyde, 4 ounces 25c 50c Formaldehyde Fumigator Sue 50c Grape Juice, N. V., pints 3le 35c Freezone for Corns *9c 75c Gentry’s Mange Remedy 4c 36c Gets-It for Corns 29c 75c Glycotanpliene 59 <' 75c Glover s Mange Remedy 81c 50c Glycothyinoline 24c 60c Glycothyinoline 45c *I.OO Glyeothymoline 84c $1.25 Gudo's Peptomang 8 8c $1.25 Gray's Glycerin Tonic 98c 30c Grove's Bromo Quinine 23c !ssc Jad Salt’s 6y 50c Bicycle Cards S9c 35c Hornet Cards 29c 35c* Chamois Skin •••• 25c SI.OO Chamois Skin ■ 75c $2.00 Chamois Skin $1.48 SI.OO Auto Sponge 75c $1.50 Auto Sponge sl-18 $2.00 Auto Wool Sponge sl-48 $2.50 Auto Sponge $1.98 25c Haags Pills for Biliousness... 25c 35c Hand's Baby Remedies 29c SI.OO Virginia Dare 74c Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices Jio Mail Orders Filled at These Reduced Prices. Bed Bugs, Fleas, Ants, Roaches, Flies and Plant Idco Killed with Hoag’s Insect Powder. Kaags's Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Constipation | The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis. The Kaag Drug Store at 156 N. Illinois is only Six Doors North of Interurban Station I The Haag Drug Stores, 27 and 53 S. Illinois St. are in the Ist Sq. South of Washington Street. I I The Haag Drug Store, 101 W. Washington Street is in the Point Room of the Lincoln Hotel. I The three other Haag Drug Stores are located at 114 North Pennsylvania Street, 55 Virginia j | a twine nwrl Rft*,; Massachusetts Avenue, Indiananolis. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1921. prosecution showed that Metz had oifte before served a Jail term for violating the prohibition laws. In addition, the CASCARFIS 10* For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and boWels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid- Stomaeh is candy-like “Cascarets.” One or two tonight will empty your bowels 35c llarß-m Oil Gaps, Lilly’s *9c 35c Harlem OU Caps, Gold Medal. 29c 25c HUi's Cascara Quinine Tab#.. 19c 6<)e Horilck's Malted M—k 39c l.uO Horilck’s Malted Mlik 69c $3.75 Horilck's Malted Milk $2.98 $1.20 Homo Malted Miik 88c >4 'j liemo Malted illlk $2.98 $l6O Hood's Sarsaparilla 89c 75c Imperial dratuni si*o Sue Lavoria 23c Earorls Sfc SI.OO Lavorls 840 51.00 Listerlue 74c 25e Laxa-Plrla •9c 30c Lysol 19c 00c Lytol 39c 6<>e Lime Stone Phosphate 89c ,*7.5? Maitlne, all kinds $1.19 3tk} Miles Antl-I’alu Pills 240 sl.lo Miles Nervine 84*- 26c Mentholatum 19c 500 Mentholatum S9c yOe Mailin'* Food 64c 75c Mead’s Dextro Maltose Mr 75c Milks Emuision 41c Sl.ii Milas Emulsion 88c 15c Moth Bails 10c 30c Mucol 24c 39 Mufti Cleaner 24c 30u Musterole 24c 6<>e Musterole 7 49c 20c Nuptholene Flakes 15c 25c Natures Remedy 19c soc Natures Remedy 89c .51.n0 Nature’s Remedy 71c 51.51 Neoferrum sl.lO sl.lO Nuxated Iron 69c 70c N'ujol 61c $1 50 NuJuJ 91c 50c Olive Oil, Pompeian, half pint 89c SI.OO Olive Oil, Pompeian, pint 79c 35c Omega OU 29c One Omega 01l 49c SI.OO Ovoferrin At* 51.00 OIJ of Koreln Caps 81c 6*; Pape's Dlapepsln 39c SI.OO Pepgen 69c 15c Peroxide Hydrogen 9o s<>c Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia.... 89c 25c Pbenolax Wafers 19c 50c Phospate Soda, Merck's 29c 75c Phospate Soda, Wyeth's B9< title Pretzlnger's Catarrh Remedy 45. 81.26 Pierce’s Favorite Pres 89c $1.25 Pierce’s Golden Med. Dlscov.. 88c $1.25 Plnkham Veg. Compound 79c $1 00 PlneoUum 84c 25c Quinine Capa, 2-gr., 2 d0z.... 25c $1.75 Quinine P, A W., 1 ounce... .SI.OB 70c Sal Uepattea 46c $1.40 Sal Hepatica 86c SI.OO Salvltae 74c 7fce Saphanol 44c sl.lO S. S. S. Blood Remedy 67c o(>c Scott’s Emulsion 39c $1.20 Scott’s Emulsion 74c 85c Sloan’s Liniment 29c 00*2 Sloan's Liniment 49c 35c Solution Citrate Magnesia.... 24c 60c Stauol&x 89c 85c Stero Cubes 28c 35c St. Jacob's Oil 29c 60c St. Jacob’s Oil 49c 00c Swamp Root 4Be $1.15 Swamp Root 84c 75c Walnutta Hair Stain 49c 35 a Wild Root Hair Tonic 29c 60c Wild Root Hair Tonic 49c SI.OO Vinol 74c $1.25 Veraeolate Tablets 98c 50c Veronal Tablets, 5-gr., 1 doz.. 25c Quullty and Strength Tested Rubber Goods Received Weekly Direct Front the Manufacturer* and Mold at All Time* at 4’ut I’rtces. SI.OO Fountain Syringe 7le $1.25 Fountain Syringe 89c $1.50 Fountain Syringe 98c $2.00 Fountain Syringe $1.48 $2.50 Fountain Syringe $1.98 $3.00 Fountain Syringe $2.24 $4.00 Fountain Syringe $2.98 $1.75 Comb. Syringe A Water R0t..51.24 82.00 Comb. Syringe A Water Bot. $1.48 $2.r,0 Comb. Syringe A Water Bot. .$1.98 $3.00 Comb. Syringe and water bot..s2 24 $5.00 Comb. Syringe A Water 80t..53.98 $2.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.(8 82.60 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.98 $3.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $2.24 SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 740 $1.25 Hot Water Bottle 89c $1.50 Hot Water Bottle 98c $2.00 Hot Water Bottle $1.48 $2.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.98 $3.00 Hot Water Bottle $2.24 $1 00 Ice Cap 74c $1.50 Tee Cap 98c $2.00 I<-e Bag. oblong $1.48 $2 00 ThVoat Ice Bag $1.48 $2.00 Spinal Ice Bag $1.48 Ayres’ Face Powder and Rouge. $2.50 Azurea Perfume $1.98 Armand’s Cold Cream Powder. $1.75 Azurea Vegetal $1.19 $2.50 Azurea Eau de Toilet $1.74 Judge said, in passing sentence, Metz had been arrested numerous times for boot legging. completely by morning, and yon will feel splendid. “They work while you sleep.” Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil, and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets, too.—Advertisement. ijai( * /h&t Choice in FOUR LOTS— *I.OO *1.98 *2.98 *3.98 SI.OO Azurea Sachet Powder *4c $1.25 Azurea Face Powder 98c 75e BonciUa Fu<*e Powder B9c 25c Babcock's Corylopsts Talc .... I3e 25c Babcock's Cut Rose Talc .... 15c 75c Bo net II a Cold Cream 69c 25c DJer-KUs Talcum 22c 600 Djer Kiss Face Powder 8c 85c Djer Kiss Face Powder B‘Jc 75c liorin’s Brunette Itouge 49c 75c Dorln'a Compact Powder 49c 6oc Eleaya Face Powder 4Bc 50c Freeman's Face Powder 89c One Java Rice Face Powder 89e 25c J A J. Baby Talcum 19c .A- Levy’s Laßlach Powder 49c Mary Garden Talcum Powder 2lc I 36c Mavis Talcum powder ic 50c Mavis Face Powder 45c 25c Mennen's Berated Talcum .... ISc 50c Pompeian Face Powder 89r 50e Pozzonl Face Powder 89r 60c Sempra Gloviue 89c 35c Uadonua Fsce Powder 24c SIOO Roger A G. Face Powder .... 79 A> res’ I’reams and Toilets. (15c Berry's Frockle Ointment .... 49c $1 25 Berry . Creuiola 98c 75c Bonciila Cold Cream 69c 75c BonciUa Vanishing Cream .... 590 (kV Champlln's Lhiuld Pearl 49c f4)e Daggvtl A Rams. Cold Cream. 89c 00c Eleaya Cream 4Bc 35c Espy's Frag. Cream 24c 50c Hind’s Honey A Aim. Cream.. S9c I 35c Holme#' Frost Ula 2c I 5()o Honey Girl Almond Cream.... 39c j 50c Orchard White 89c I $1.50 Oriental Cream $1.19 j (SOc Malvina Cream 48c I s<ic Milkweed ('roam 89c I 50c Nadinola Cream 88c I 60c Pompeian Day ( roam 45c | 36c Pompeian Night Cream 28c . SI.OO Pompeian Night Cream 7lcl 00c Pompeian Massage (''ream 45c I Oc Satin Skin Cream 49c 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c 00c Sea Shell Cream , 49c 25c Woodbury’s Facial Cream .... 19c 60c Theatrical Cold Cream 890 25c Amolln Deodorant Powder ... 19e 25c Ilandaline 19 tiOc Bazin’s Depilatory Powder ... 46c 50c Brilliantlnp 89c COc Brllllantlne 45c $1 HO Delatone 84c $ 1 .00 Deuiiraele 890 75c El Kado 59c 30c Rversweot 24c 75c Evans' Depilatory SOc 30c Mum 24c 60 Non Spl SOc 35c Odorono *9 00.. 1 Odorono 49c 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover 29c 00c Cutex Cuticle Remover 49c 36c Cutex Natl White 28c 35c Cutex Cake. Null White 29c 00c Cutex Manicure Set 490 26c Dorin's Lip Stick 19c 60c Djer Kiss Lip Stick 390 50e Glazo Nail Polish 89c BT>e Hyglo Cake Nail White 29c 35c Hyglo (Vike Nall Polish 29c 300 I.usterlte Nail Enamel 240 35c Arnica Tooth Soap 29c 31k* Bensolyptus Tooth Paste .... 24c SOc I.tsterine Tooth l*aste 89c 00c Forban’s Pyorrhoea Paste ... 380 50e F. E. I. I’yorrhoea Paste 88c 30c Lyons' Tooth Paste or Powder 24c SI.OO Pyorrhoeide 84c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Pa*te 88c 60c I’ebecco Tooth Paate 880 35c Kublfoam 29c 35e Senieco Tooth Paste 28c 30c White's Tooth, Paste ..... 24 20c Arm. Stork Castile. 13c; 2 for 26c 20c Bocobella Castile Soap 18 2!jc fTayton’s Dog Soap ic 35c Conti Castile Soap, Italian.,.. 25c 15c Cocoa Castile Soap. Kirk’s, 3.. 280 2&c Cutlcura Soap, li)c; 3 for 65c 30c Packer’s Tar Soap 280 COc Packer’s Liquid Tar Soap 45c 15c Palm Olive Soap, 9c; 3 f0r.... 25c 25c Germacldal Soap 19c 25c Pear's Glycerin, 19c; 3 f0r..., 65c 25c Pear’s Tlnscented Soap 15 15c Jergeu's Violet Soap 3 for 25c 50c Woodbury's Furial Soap 16c JOc Resinol Sonp 18c 76c Societe Hygieneque 48c 50c Rogers A G. Violet Sonp S3c SOc Rogers A G. Lilac Soap 33c 36c Barba sol 29c 50c Gillette Blades, 0 for 87 c SI.OO Gillette Blades, 12 for 74c 50c Gein Junior Blades 890 SOc Ever-Rendy Blades 84c 35c Keen Kutter Blades 290 35c Enders Blades 29c $1.75 Ever-Rendy Razor $1.49 I 85c Gem Junior Blades, 1 doz 45c $5.00 Gillette Razor $2.98 35c Shaving Brush 25,. 75c Shaving Brush boc “Style Without Extravagance" Di&niiC CORNER WASHINGTON and ALABAMA STS. Thanksgiving Specials TREMENDOUS REDUCTION ON COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS and MILLINERY Every woman should have anew garment to wear Thanksgiving at these tremendously low prices. Why put off buying what you need when you can buy NOW at such low prices as wo are offering? A few of these wonderful values are listed below. Come yourself and be convinced. £ DRESSES Priced So Sell on Sight ft j/~\ V V Beautifully embroidered and beaded tricotines, braided velvets /1/ \\ ■ |\ 1 °tber charming designs. Long line models and belted styles. IV, \\ Every one well made and snappy in style. Special— Formerly to $2250 C O AT S , Grouped in Two Big Lots Coata of wool materials and silk plusn. Coats of velour and mixtures, in brown,’navy blue, rein deer and black. Some are fur trimmed, others have deep cape collars and embroidered. Some are full silk lined. Every one Is a good warm all-wool coat. Many to select from. Special at — f Coats of all the new fall and winter cloths. Fur trimmed, both on collar and cuffs, very one beautifully silk lined and interlined. Russian blouse models and loose flare styles, as well as belted and other models. Colors of rich browns, navy blue and all the new . .1., ,r. 0,1 v, 11., .111,.,1n. ,11, 1 11 1 ., ... fur coats marmot coats . ... „ ... Made of brown Marmot fur. Silk lined and in- Dark brown, French coney fur; beautifully silk terlined. Large cape collar and open bell lined and interlined. Deep cape collar and open cuffs. Wide reversed border. This is a fur bell cuffs. Double reversed border. Special— coat with snappy style and wearing qualities. Special— $79.50 Vi. .111. ■ 11 Prunella 1 Hci TIT Q 1 [hats I SKIRTS Choice of Choice of Eaiire Stock House Skirts of the “better Y° ur unrestricted kind.” Striped and n mm choice of any hat in plaid prunellas, in /Ljf our stock. All colors all the newest com- jjf| /W/ __ —and styles to select binatlon colors. A/l from. All fall Some have beautiful B /M(ffiwh i 111 fr* trimmed hats of this fringed sashes. Spe- /&!$/ “ A* Vv seasons latest pat dal — terns s7.9s No Charge lor Alterations $2.89 l l 1 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT