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10 DOUBT ARISES AS TO QUESTION OF ELIGIBILITY Are Legislators Holding Ap pointive Positions Qualified , to Serve? SPECIAL SESSION GOSSIP Th? question of whether members of the Legislature who are holding ap pointive positions with the State will be eligible to serve during the proposed special sessison, is again confronting persons interested in legislative affairs. Governor Warren T. McCray is known to be still considering such a session to t?-ke up ne reformatory removal tangle and an announcement as to whether it will be called may be forthcoming within a short time. ESCHBACH MADE SPEAKER. A precedent in the matter of appointive employes serving in their old places as members of the Legislature was set by Jesse E. Eschbach during the first spe- j session of the Goodrich administra tion. Mr. Eschbach, who was chief ex aminer of the State board of accounts, had been speaker of the House of Rep resentatives during the previous regular session. When the special session was called he calmly stepped back into the speakers chair and presided over the lower house. No one saw fit to oppose this move and he served during the en tire session and then went back to the board of accounts. At the second special session Mr. Eschbach also served as Speaker of the House but this time he resigned from the board of accounts and was re appointed following the session. CITES SENATOR DUNCAN’S CASE. The man who pushed the reformatory removal measure In the last regular ses sion, Senator Estes Duncan of Clover dale. chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is now an appointive employe of the State. He is secretary of the State teachers’ retirement fund board. He was also a member of the committee or Glove and Hosiery SPECIALS For Saturday Only! Pairs a? French Lamb, Real Kid and Cape G-loves Comprising the finest of ; & Tucker’s one and two-clasp /j gloves, in black, white, gray, [M 7 brown, mode and tan. Reduced, /JS j for Saturday only, to the low /SL J price or— Wool Hosiery Imported wool hosiery of Tucker’s stand- Q C ard quality, some full-fashioned and some y g • fancy ribbed effects, with rein- ||j “ forced foot and comfortable elastic tops; heather jj@ mixtures in g r ?en, brown and blue; reduced to — dHi LISLE HOS'ERY of unusually fine quality, reinforced foot and top, close ankle fit, cordovan only, reduced to QQ (3 pairs, SI.OO > J/C MEN’S SOX of high-grade lisle yarn with extra reinforced heel and toe, black and brown; regular price, 25c; (limit r\A of one dozen to each purchaser); 6 pairs Ipl.Uu Glove Silk Vests Made of Kayser and Van Raalte; pure tin- QC weighted glove silk; ribbon shoulder straps. £ L—JI. For Saturday only— £m& To obtain full choice of specially priced articles, it is very necessary to COME EARLY? r Also at Our New Store 4 E. WASHINGTON Next Poor to Craigs j / STOVES STOVES Ad Standard Makes SAVE HALF Cash or Payments BAKER BROS. 217-219 East Washington Street th* removal of the reformatory appointed under the act that was found not to be workable. Whether Senator Duncan will go back to the Senate if a special session is called is in doubt. Others who have appointive places In the Statehouse are Senator Maurice Doug las, Democrat, of Flat Rock, a member of the public service commission, and Representative Chester Davis of Jay County, attorney for the State fire mar shal's office. The latter Is being talked of for the speakership despite the fact that there is a question whether he is a member of the assembly. CONTEST FOR SPEAKERSHIP. Contest for the speakership probably will be one of the most interesting events of the session if It is called. The con test has been brought about by the death of Speaker John F. McClure of Anderson. It is taken for granted by most mem bers of the House that the man elected Speaker for the special session will be THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT “Danderlno” costs only So cents a bottle. One application ends all dan- W* wa druff, stops itching and falling hair, and, In a few Jir lInV momenta, you have dou bled the beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, , i! and easy to do up. Cut what will please you tawP o wSmI most will bo after a few - weeks use, when you see i $ ■ new hair fine and sss& [ TCg&S downy at first—yes—but ' ftSals really new hair growing. all over the scalp. “Dan derine is to the hair what freah showers of rata and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonlt helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and lux uriant.—Advertisement. Speaker at the next regular session, pro dding his 'onstltuents see fit to return him to the Legislature. Most of the Republican members of the House are talked of tn one way or an other as speakership possibilities. One of those discussed is Representative Claude A. Smith of Princeton. Mr. Smith took a hand in everything that came up during the last regulnr session and made an effort to abolish the public service commission. Jacob D. Mliter berger of Muncie may be a candidate. He was defeated by a very small mar gin at the last session, but since that time he has incurred the opposition of administration forces when he opposed the enactment of the tnxation amend ments to the constitution. There are also two Lake County possibilities in the field, A Christmas Sale of Valentine Merchandise (For Cask O/ily) Reduction on Valentine Suits Hosiery Neckwear Bathrobes Overcoats Handkerchiefs Underwear Suspenders Raincoats English Collars Ready-made Shirts Belts Hats Pajamas Tuxedo and Dress Shirts Garters Caps Nightrobes Gloves Jewelry The 25% reduction applies to everything in the store except cus tom-made shirts, Arrow collars and Handcraft collars. The sale prices are for cash sales only; charge purchases at the regular prices. The merchandise in the sale is new and fresh, of regular Valentine quality, and is marked AT THE REGULAR PRICES, at the new low levels. 15 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET MADE-TO - MEASURE Suits or Overcoats Three More Days — Choose From Friday nr 'AI Sixty All- Saturday dy m Wool Suit Monday - iff' M Patterns Open Saturday , jjjh Seethe Patterns Until 9:3o p. m. j *— in Our Windows These include all of our $31.50 and several $39.50 patterns. Why buy hand-me-downs when you can have a hand-tailored, made-to-measure suit or overcoat for as little as $27.00? Oup Shop occupies the entire second floor of this building. Come up. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. Representative Otto G. Fifleld and Repre sentative J. Glenn Harris. These proba bly are the most talked of candidates at this time, but no one seems to have very much of an advantage. Hunter Shoots Rabbit and Injures His Son While hunting rabbits near Troy ave nue and the Bluff road yesterday, August Weishoff, R3 I.e Grande avenue, accident ly shot his son, Kenneth Weinshoff, 13. The boy's injury is not serious. Ken neth appeared at the top of a small hill just as his father fired at a rabbit. Weishoff and Edward Kirtz, 57 Le Grande avenue took the boy to the of fice of Dr. A. W. Snyder, 924 East Wash ington street, where the injury was dressed. Sample Way To Take Off Fat There can be nothing simpler than tak ing a convenient little tablet four times each day until your weight is reduced to normal. That's all—just purchase a case of Marmola Prescription Tablets from your druggist for one dollar, the same price the world over. Follow directions— no starvation dieting or tiresome exercis ing. Eat substantial food—be as lazy as you like and keep on getting slimmer. And the best part of Marmola Tablets Is they are harmless. That is your absolute safe guard. Purchase them from your drug gist, or send direct to Marmola Cos., 4612 Woodward Are., Detroit, Mich.—Adver tisement. My Guarantee From strangers I request a small deposit at the time suit is ordered. When the suit is fin. ished, if it is not right in every way, if it is not equal to any $40.00 suit you can buy. I whl return the deposit without ques tion or quibble. All I ask is that you make your decision be fore the clothes are worn. My recent record is 97 suits out of 100 Extra tall men or extra heavy men will be charged a little more for a suit or overcoat. \ Money in Your Pocket Is Easy to Spend Deposited in this bank— —subject to check—your money will earn 3% on an average daily balance. Interest remitted at the end of each month. / Accounts in our savings department draw 4V0% interest per annum, payable semi-' ~ annually, May Ist and November Ist. Deposits made before the 10th of the month draw interest from the Ist. TXI CsfaWWiedinlfiST j Incorporated tn 1905 J.F.Wild Mo. State Bank Indianapolis i Indiana. USA, Ly^ BUNGALOW BARGAINS ARE BEING ADVERTISED DAILY IN THE TIMES LEON TAILORING COMPANY jaWMHMMWMBBPMBHBWBMBMBMiMIIffiaaMMBMWWWMraiWrnHIIf II Hill Hll ■IIIIM 254 Mass. Ave. Floor Shop—l3l East New York Street (Entire Second Floor)