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ROOT GIVES OUT ASSIGNMENTS IN RESERVE CORPS Chief of Staff Makes Selections for Several Offices, Units and Organizations. Ihe following assignments of officers of the Officers’ Reserve Corps to offices, units and organizations of the Organized Reserves of Indiana, have been announced by Col. E. A. Root, chief of staff: Maj. Francis H. Miller, Engr., Indian apolis, to attached to 741st Engineer Bat talion. • First Lieut. Elmer LeG, Goldsmith, Engr., Indianapolis, to attached to head quarters staff (adjutant), 741st Engi neer Battalion. (’apt. Charles S. McMahon. Eng. R. C., Liberty, to headquarters staff, 741st En gineer Battalion. First Lieut. Elbert A. Terhune, Engr., Indianapolis, to attached to headquar ters and service platoon, 741st Engineer "Battalion. Second Lieut. William P. Tilley, Engr., i’.razll, to Cos. C, 741st Engineer Bat talion. Second Lieut. Frank J. Dalton, Engr., Indianapolis, to Cos. D. 741st Engineer Battalion. Capt. Charles T. "Wiley. Engr.. Rich mond, to headquarters staff (adjutant), -300th Engineers. Capt. Devere Yeoman, Engr.. Indian apolis, to headquarters staff (I. & T.l, SOOth Engineers. Capt. William W. Dick. Engr.. Evans ville, to headquarters staff, 300th En gineers. Capt. Reginald G. Bowman. Engr., Hammond, to headquarters staff (sup ply), 309th Engineers. Capt. Ray Seely, Engr., Hammond, to headquarters and service company, 300th Engineers. * Second Lieut. George E. Caswell. Engr., Whiting, to headquarters company, 309th Engineers. First Lieut. John L. .\iesse. Engr., Madison, to headquarters company, 300th Engineers. First Lieut. Henry C. Ketlham, Engr., Indianapolis, to headquarters company (train commander), 309th Engineers. First Lieut. John R. Stephenson. Engr., Elkhart, to Ist Bataliion Headquarters (adjutant), 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Harry J. Warines. en gineer, Logansport, to Engineers. First Lieutenant George A. Holmes, en gineer, Indiana Harbor, to Company A, 300th Engineers. Second Lieutenant Alexander D. Sta ples. engineer. South Bend, to Company A, 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Harl C. Bradley, en ! gineer. Ft. Wayne, to Company B," 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Owen £. Archibald, i engineer. Ft. Wayne, to Company B, 309th Engineers. Second Lieutenant Glenn M. Kepplen, ; engineer, South Whitley, to Company B, 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Frank 11. Prescott. - engineer. Anderson, to Company C, 309tb Engineers. Second Lieutenant Everett E. -Ellis, ! engineer, Lafayette, to Company C, ?09th ; Engineers. Captain Vorls It. Norton, engineer. Bed - 1 ford, to 2d' Battalion headquarters (ad- ! Jutant), 309th Engineers. .First Lieutenant Keller P. Thiry. en- j gineer, Danville, to Company D, C99th ' Engineers. Second Lieutenant Daniel M. Howard, j engineer, Terre Haute, to Company D, j 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant James A. Wilson, en gineer, Indianapolis, to Company E, 300th j Engineers. First Lieutenant Clarence J. Everson i engineer, Newcastle, to Company E, 300th Engineers. Second Lieutenant Vance L. Bushnell, engineer, Indianapolis, to Company E, i 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Nevil 11. Frank, en gineer, Mauckport, to Company F, 309th Engineers. First Lieutenant Robert E. Colvin, en- j gineer, Evansville, to Company F, 309th ‘ Engineers. Capt. Henry C. Gemmill, Infantry. ' Greenfield, to headquarters 84th Division (general staff section.) Second Lieutenant Frank O. Medsker, • infantry. Edinburg, to headquarters 84th Division (general staff section.) Second Lieutenant Sanford S. Stnrffs, Infantry, N'ewpolnt, to special troops. Capt. Audley G. Holleman, infantry, Indianapolis, to special troops (head quarters company.) Capt. Henry L. Cheslck, Infantry. Newcastle, to 167th Infantry Brigade (headquarters staff.) Capt. Herman Minton, Infantry, New j — —= For Those Who Were Disappointed Last Week, Another Shipment Sky-Blue Graniteware Made of good grade granite—offered for Saturday only. NO PHONE ORDERS OR DELIVERIES. I "If Hartman Says It's Right, Q 017 OI A f it is Right.” * | or LUAL Fancy Market Baskets Factory Demonstration 1 9c-2Bc-33c Solid Carload of Kitchen Cabinets At a saving of nearly one-half cabinet with porcelain sliding FLOOR SAMPU£^| PHONOGRAPHS || BIG REDUCTIONS lII] Play Like a New Machine. P^3> jjj Can't be Told from a jgSSsD IOiA New Pathe. BUO9 Thm*> are not wond hand machine*. They hate been used I I—i for demonstrations only. j| I I Get Our Price,. McsHßroapi—R-aiw Actual selling price, $43.50. HARTMANN’S 315-317-319 East Washington Street. Albany, to 167th Infantry Brigade (headquarters staff, supply.) Capt. Jacob J. Pfenninger, infantry, Newcastle, to 167th Infantry Brigade (adjutant.) Second Lieutenant Atlee P. Slentz. In. fantry, Indianapolis, to 167,th Infan • try Brigade, headquarters. Second Lieutenant Paul Grosjean, in fantry. Indianapolis, to 167th Infantry Brigade commanding platton headquar ters. M. E. Churches Show Six Years^Jncrease CHICAGO, Nov. 25. —The number of ■Methodist Episcopal Churches with a membership of 1,000 or more has doubled in the last six years, according to Rev. Oliver S. Baketel, editor of the Methodist Year Boob. In 1915 there were 163 such churches in the -United States, as com pared with 232 at present. > Philadelphia leads the list with eleven. Columbus, -Ohio, is next with nine. De troit has eight and Baltimore five. Rev. Baketel used the statistics up to the fall conferences of the denomination. According to conferences Northeastern Ohio ha(s twenty-five churches with a membership in excess of 1,000, West Ohio seventeen, Pittsburgh eleven and West Virginia five. Os the.six largest churches, all over 2,500 In membership, three are in the col ored conferences. The largest Is at East Cavalry. Philadelphia, colored, member ship 4,320. Indigestion or Sour, Gassy Stomach "Pape’s Diapepsin” gives Relief in Five Minutes j “Pape's Diapepsin” relieves stomach distress in five minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad —or an uncertain one—-or a harmful one —your stomach Is too valuable; you mustn't Injure It with drastic drugs 1 Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed In giving relief, its harmlessness, its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home — keep It’ handy—get a large slxty-cent case irom any drug store, and then if you should eat something which doesn’t agree with you, if what you cat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea: eructations of ucid and undigested food —remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes In contact with the stomach all ludlgestiun vanishes. It is the most es ficient antacid known—the certainty and ea?"* with which It overcomes stomach and digestive disorders is a revelatlou to those who try it. —Advertisement. For Itching Eczema, Old Sores and Piles “I guarantee my oinmert,” says Peter son of Buffalo, “to cure eczema; to stop tho itching at once and any reliable druggist will cheerfully refund vour money if PETERSON'S OINTMENT doesn't do everything l say it will do. William A. Carley of Franklin. N. Y„ Is surely a wise man. He writes. “I used PETERSON'S OINTMENT on a lit tle boy suffering terribly with eczema. It did the work." Tlmn there is Alex. Louttel. a brave fireman of Buffalo, who it, to write as follows: “I had an old sore on my leg for many years. The best doctors failed. PETERSON’S OINTMENT en tirely healed the sore quickly.” And from over in Canada comes a letter from A. Blockeby, stating: “The best thing I ever hit for Itching piles is PETERSON'S OINTMENT.” A big 1, for 35 cents. Mail orders filled by l’e rsou Ointment Company, Id. 1 ., Buffalo, N. Y.—Adver tisement. Let Mrs. Murphy Tell You About LUXTONE PREPARATIONS Mrs. Murphy, a beauty expert of Chicago will be here Saturday to explain and answer questions to women who want to leurn how to have a good complexion and how to take cure of the hair. She will discuss with you j>oints on oily, dry and normal skin and -"you may gain valuable knowledge free of charge. Incidentally* she will explain the merits of the famous Luxtone toilet preparations on sale exclusively here. It will be worth your while to come and consult Mrs. Murphy who has been visiting the big stores all over the United States. LADIES’ PERCALE I APRONS, 98c © I Wonderful aprons for tho M i money. Made of dark blue H ; scout percale with neat stripe's; J i white rick-rack trimming. LADIES’ FINE APRONS, V $1.49 ] I Splendidly made coverall I : apron dresses of very best medium and dark blue per- ft cales. Fancy braid trimmed. Bj Long sleeves, large' pockets. H NEW DOUGHNUT APRONS, $1.95 1 These are clever styles of A 1 light, color percales with fancy ■ plaid doughnut trimming. In- j deed very pretty. ■ CHECK KITCHEN 1 APRONS, 25c A Regulation style tie string J aprons of staple blue and white 1 1 check apron gingham. A lim- flj * ited number on sale, " (SAVE ON TOYS i SET OF TOY DISHES, 49c A A decorated set of tin dishes, l put up in a large box. The A right kind for small children. I BROWN TEDDY BEARS, J 49c 1 10- Inch size, woolly brown J bears, Just tho size for the I small child. Other sizes 99c 1 and 98c. 4 VARIOUS RUBBER TOYS, ] 25c | The plaything for baby. All kinds of rubber dolls. Also some for only 10c. TERRY CLOTH DOLLS. 59c Thq dolt made of Turkish cloth. ,cotton stuffod, painted A body. I ! THESE ARE b SPECIAL ' I BABY PLATES FOR 490 ] Extra heavy semi porcelain £ plates with deep side rims, £ Nursery decoration. J FANCY CELERY TRAYS, I 49c Big lot just received and they’ll J I sell last. About 12 inches 9 long, scalloped edge, glaze tint J and fancy decorations. Buy I for Xmas. FANCY SALAD BOWLS, I .29c ! 7-inch size fancy semi porce lain dishes with yellt w tint and floral decoration. FANCY SALAD BOWLS, 39c I 8 Inches in diameter, semt-por rcdaln. nicely colored and dec- I orated. Buy them now for Xmas presents. - ON 4 i SWEATERS LADITS’ $4 SWEATERS, [ I $2.98 4 New Tuxedo style Sweaters I I in black and light colors. Ilnve I Angora trimmed front. Avery 4 dressy style. 1 GIRLS’ $4 SWEATERS, i $2.98 \ Wonderful Sweaters for tho money. Knit of wool yarns, 4 coat style and in various dark \ colors For girls up to 16. . LADIES’ $5 SWEATERS, \ $3.98 A special big lot of medium | and heavy weight, all coat ' style. Big variety of colors to i select from. ( LADIES’ $3 SCARFS, $1.95 Long Scarfs of brushed wool J In many colors. Fringed ends, belted. Warm and stylish. 4 I SAVE ON I HOSIERY | 20c HOSE, SPECIAL, 10c i Another big lot for tomorrow \ of ladies’ and children's hose to . sell at this low price. Ladies’ f ,hose are black and brown. \ ■ Children’s are black, ' small • A j and 69c OUTSIZE HOSE, 49c ' A Ladies’ highly mercerized hose ! ■ In black or cordovan. A special \ I purchase of 60 dozen. . | LADIES’ 39c HOSE, 25c | J They are fleece-lined. Some A have rib top. Black only. A j 3§ limited quantity only for* to- 1 ■ morrow. § LADIES’ FINE SILK HOSE, | | $2.49 % They are pure silk and still- I J fashioned. If you want some- ' ■ thing extra good see these. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. A LINK IN A CHAIN OF UNDERSELLING STORES BE HERE WITH THE IMMENSE CROWDS DRAIN SATURDAY Let the Sign of the Owl put you wise to the right road to travel for savings on whatever you need. Wise shoppers in every city where we operate one of these low price stores eagerly watch for the advertisement with the Owls. More and more people in Indian apolis are now doing this and it will mean money in their pocket. A store full of bargans, and with the many extra specials for tomorrow we are planning to handle a record-breaking crowd. We claim to be able to save you money and tomorrow is a good time to test us out. We are expecting you. B*ing your friends. SALE BOUDOIR CAPS Just 200 while they last and they’ll sell quick. Pretty caps of jpjrg* net and lawns in white and colors, H TOpre # some ribbon trimmed. If you H ’’""JK Sfj want some for Xmas gifts now is the time to get them. On sale in Dept. 18. \ SAVE S L ON UNDERWEAR I J LADIES’ $1.69 UNION j [ SUITS, $1.39 I k Springtex Union Suits with A I: good nap. different I r styles lu all sizes. 9 I LADIES’ 69c VESTS AND i PANTS, 44c 1 | All sizes up to 44. Slightly J F fleeced. While one case lasts ■ L at this price, Saturday. I GIRLS’ 75c UNION SUITS, I L 59c I All sizes, 2to 16. A medium fl r weight suit at a special low 1 k price. J I 69c VESTS AND PANTS, I L 49c Children’s heavy fleeced two- E [ Piece suits in ecru color. This 1 L is a special price. J Wgvfr? —* Best Domino Granulated VVlltCll /ItedlC SUGAR 4c POUND Toys rnd Dolls Sold with other goods only; 5 pounds ffc'l/SP * or rcal M/, i!fr jslk '-Up, YV for 20c with purchases on anyone day W/' iilflU 'BBWC MB -BBl' a fw/. j4£ Wf jn- .ss\ nmountlng to Sf; 5 pounds With each Ks/. 4*t- JR', DnV4f4MH ' SATURDAY SALE of 1,000 | SATEEN PETTIBOCKERS # I Special A tlmely Hale of pettl ' .-.-m. jfW ; ... bookers and good ones, too. I vw m fe? •' ,la< le of nn extra quality r lIBk ySjj iamercorlze.l sateen in tdaek, I navy, lirown and other fllllaflii I Vfy F.iastlc waist, double elas tic shirretl cuffs, reinforced r Our chain of stores made 50c Silk Boudoir Caps, special 29^ Up to $1 Boudoir Caps, special .... 49<^ 35c Fancy Boxed Stationery 29<* Heavy Torchon Laces, special, yard. Children’s 50c Knit Toques, for Fancy Plaid Gingham A special quantity purchase *i r enables us to offer you this IDC plaid dress gingham at this special price in Department 7. $1.19 Bleached Sheets Your choice of a 72x90 or 81 Q’7_ x9O sheet. Just six dozen on OI C sale tomorrow add a limit of 6 to one customer. - $1.25 Dress Plaids The genuine Jamestown part no wool plaids. A variety of col- /QC ors. See the.special table tomorrow In Department 7. 85c Value Window Shades Just received a big lot, size pr 36 inches by 7 feet; in dark UDC green. Specially priced for tomor row in Department 9. 25c Light Percales Yard wide, standard brand, -j j" Comes 10 to 20-yard lengths, 1 OC but buy what you want. This is a special bargain. 36c Dress Gingham The genuine Red Seal gingham orp in a very good selection of pat- Ct i C terns for ladies’ and girls’ dresses and aprons. On sale Department 6. Light and Dark Calico For tomorrow a special table i rv heaped high with this bargain 11FC offer. Buy as much as you want in Department 6. $2 Quality Silks A special assortment picked (h* m from our regular stock; ipl.T - Sr some are short pieces, but most are lengths suitable lor dresses and waists. Three-Pound Roll Cotton Fine and clean, opens up in one sheet 72x90 inches; large ODC enough for comfort. 75c roll is the usual selling price. $3.50 Comforts for An extra large comfort cov-d* qq ered with silkoline on bothip&.yo sides; filled with clean white cot ton; good weight. Department 9. ** The Economy Spot of BndSanapoßis 99 INDIANA DRY GOODS STORE 30€ East Washington Street .lust East of Court House\ OPEN DAILY TILL S:3O—OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK SATURDAY - ANOTHER SALE 2,000,10-Inch Double Side RECORDS HI •■VV No need to fell you to lie early. You can realize there will he a staxnpde for famous 4’arainount double side Phonograph Hec ords at 25c. All kinds of instrumental and vocal selections. Nearly 100 different titles to pick from. All will be arranged on large counter for quh-k selling. We hurried to get this lot to satisfy the hundreds who have asked for them since the last sale. Every body says It’s the biggest value ever offered In Indianapolis. No phone orders. None delivered. Remarkable Offerings Saturday Women’s Wearing Apparel! We can save you 25 per cent and more on your | winter needs. Just corn - In tomorrow and see /gasp'll I bow much better you can do here, \ou ll be sur- TwHiWi 2 BIG COAT SPECIALS lN§? ' At $15.00 At $24.85 i Ladies’ and misses’ Handsome coats, every heavy winter coats; all ono of them. Right-up- 1 brand new styles of _ . (3 HMI a. I good cloth. Some are o-the-mlnute styles of U t* HB t\ embrolderied, some have fine velours, bolivias, * u BIS 11 | fur collars. There are etp > j n the popular I Q ' sw wija ';f -Km. ~ * jfuuua | you are in need of a lars. Ts you want to coat wo know we can save at least $lO. here save you money. is your chance to do so. \ of h A c Suits x /2 Price | W | S Madam: Note This Special { SILK and f>OrCCCC i WOOL Values up to $25 a pi / A nice assortment of very 'th 1 jj3 i clever !iew styles In both wool IS us and silk. Styles so pretty ■ ! and value so good you must ■ flj| ' see them to fully appreciate gts Jg tills offer. Ladies' and misses’ SHI sizes. Better select one to morrow. More of Those Girls’ Velvet Coats at /fffk This is the Mg coat A \*\_. Lv\ ' bargain of the city. Good O PRM \ X o / looking coats for* the HiJ \ /VT | Biuall girls. Made of Jwjjx Y/ *•*> \\ ' heavy velvet in various * • , dark" colors. A big de- ■ I mand for these and we ra Jf will have nearly 100 for i tomorrow r 's rush. If you * I // • II want something good / / l for $5, here it is, mother*. 11l i M'iSmEwk >sjswi®C SALE CANTEEN PURSES Oblong and square shape with iSSSh angle corners of embossed leather- .*v ette in various colors. Inside fit tings and mirror lined. A special S&iM, wj x, big lot for Saturday at this spe ciai price, 98c. On sale in Dept. IS. Workingmen—Just Look Here! SPECIAL SALE <f Saturday! 1,000 Work Shirts—^ Any man will admit that a blue chambray work shirt for s!>c is a special bargain. We ‘Y do not advertise a big special like this @ BM with only a handful to offer for effect, but fll we will have 1,000 on sale. May seem like a ' if lot of shirts for a one-day sale, hut this ad IBS IB a PSI a 1 and the window display is bound to create tffb&Sg a stir and we doubt if the quantity will last ail day. Better get here early iu the day. We reserve right to limit number to each customer. None to dealers. Ladies’ $4 Georgette Blouses $2.98 Girls’ Velvet Trimmed Hats £I.OO Infants* Rubber Jiffy Pants 290 Special Lot $1 Corsets, at 75 c Big Lot Good Aluminum 95<^ Saturday Candy Specials Mmik I SAVE ON GLOVES f $1 KAYSER GLOVES, 79c S Ladies, these are the real £ chamoiselte in black, tan, mode vjj| and brown, 2-clasp style. M LADIES’ $1.75 KID GLOVES 1 $1.49 ' A real imported kid glove in black and different shades of n brown. Some embroidered Lack. S LADIES’ 50c GLOVES, 39c | A good heavy fleeced glove, ■ lined. In black only. A lim- H lted quantity tomorrow. $3 CHAMOIS GLOVES, | $1.69 16-button length gloTes in R white, tan. brown and gray. A l very big special. ? Boys’ $1.25 Union Suits Heavy fleece lined, flat knit. qq ■elastic ribbed cuffs and tJoC ankles, closed crotch. Sizes 2 to 16 years. Boys’ $1 Winter Caps Good quality, wool mixed rm cloths, well lined; inside turn- I jC down bands. $1.39 Overalls or Waists Men’s size, good weight indigo qq blue striped drill and plain */OC blue. A special purchase enables us to offer this low price. Men’s $5 Corduroy Pants Dark color, narrow wale, Qq fully lined, hip pocket laps. ]!>s. I D cuff bottoms. Strongly reinforced seams. Boys’ $1 Rompers Indigo blue striped drill, bell. QQ,, cuffs aud pockets; drop seat o*/C Sizes 2 to 8 years. Boys’ $7 Mackinaws Made of good serviceable d* 4 no material, brown, blue and ;70 grey plaids. Large per cent wool. Sizes 9 to 16. Boys’ $2 School Pants Made of good quality grey (hi £Q mixed cassimere, button p 1 .0,7 bottoms. All seams securely sewed. Sizes 8 to 18. Boys’ $1.25 Sweaters Coat style, good weight grey qq cotton with large roll collar. */OC Sizes 8 to 16 years. Men’s $5 Sweaters Pullover *style, with large (ho QQ shawl collar. Solid color body with contrasting collar, cuffs and bottom. They are wooL Men’s sl-39 Winter Caps Os good serviceable materials, qq well lined, with turn down UOC lined inside bands. Men’s $1.50 Union Suits 1 Big lot. Some ribbed. Light- (hi ift' ly fleeced. Some flat knit $1.1,7 with heavy fleece. All sizes. Men’s Cashmerette Sox Black, elastic top, heavy | p weight. A usual 25c value at IDC 15c pair. 49c Box A pound box of rich choc olates with nuts and fruit in cream centers. Very flue quality, famous “Walker” candy in ribbon tied fancy boxes that usually sells for Gse. i SAVE ON DOLLS f UNBREAKABLE DOLLS, a 19c W The right size doll for the a small child. Has composition i 9 unbreakable head. Usually \ f 25c. SMALL DRESSED DOLLS, | 49c a Cute little dolls with neat , 9 dress and hat. Wig and clos- | sing eyes. Very special at 49c. | LARGE $7 DOLLS FOR | 7 $3.98 k Tmported Bisque dolls fully j @ jointed. Beautiful features. ' [ Moving eyes. Parted Wig. 24 % inches high. j f FAMOUS TALKING | DOLLS, $3.98 j f Unbreakable head chubby ' I boy or girl dolls, dressed, that a will say “mamma” when you j w pick them up. I SAVE ON L MILLINERY , [ LADIES’ HATS, ONLY $1 | A special lot of winter I 9 millinery offered for a quick l clean np at this sensational - I low price. | I LADIES’S4 and $5 HATS, $2 9 A quick clean up lot inclnd- j k Ing some sailors and various ■ other shapes. See special I r bargain table. " % LADIES’ NEWEST HATS, l f $3.98 \ 1 A Just in shipment of the i fl newest style tinsel hats With I i fur trimmings. Unusual values ’ | at 53.98. 4 ? GIRLS’TAM O’SHANTERS, \ I 79c 4 f The new cloth tarns in all \ jk colors also big lot new styles. . 9 Knit of yarns and tassel J r trimmed. 1 I 0k t*O* IMH Jr gji/' . Mlti'ili • r i* AV/ia ■vftW YYA" 1 SAVE ON BOYS’ | SUITS I BOYS’ $7.50 SUITS, $5.95 For all ages; good, service- 1 r able suits of dark mixtures. 9 for school wear; 1 pair of i m pants. I BOYS’S9.OO SUITS, $6.75 , ■ For all ages; these have 2 ' 1 pair pants for extra wear: 9 goot looking suits of splendid | W wearing dark materials. BOYS’ sl2 and sls SUITS, | $9.85 A Wonderful suits for the J W money. Age up to 17. Each ’ I with 2 pair pants. Dress-up A suits such as boys will like. | $ See them. B BOYS’ OVERCOATS, $5.50 ( w Age 6 to 11). Warm coats, in i brown and grey mixed. Pleated i M hack. ?7.50 value, $5.50. | v ' : v ■’ -■• [ SAVE ON BATH- ! ROBES i 1 LADIES’ $4 BATH ROBES, J $2.98 1 9 And they are good, heavy A [ robes made of fancy figured I B robe flannels. Cord loop. A.l 9 special big lot. A k GIRLS’ $4 BATH ROBES, ] f $2.98 | k Made just like mother's, of 1 f pretty pattern heavy robe flan- 4 . nels. Now is the time to buy 1 a one for your daughter. ’ BOYS’ $4 BATH ROBES, I | $2.98 , The boy wants a bath robe 1 [ either for now or for 1 Here they are priced low. DaTk 4 7 fancy patterns of heavy flan- 1 k nel. J - : *IM OI M 1 SAVE ON n f BLANKETS, \ i $2.50 VALUE BLANKETS, ( $2.19 1 | Come in gray and tan with 4 F colored border. Can be split 1 L and used for sheets A I $6.50 PLAID BLANKETS, I $4.98 5 I A woolnap finish blanket in I r different color plaids. Good ] L size. Good and warm. A I $12.50 WOOL BLANKETS, I $9.98 J ft This is guaranteed and all- fl 7 wool blanket, full bed size. 1 I Comes in various color block A 7 patterns. i $>1.25 SINGLE BLANKETS, J | 89c fl 64x76 inch size. The kind J k used for sheets. Both ends are 4 7 shell-stitched. An extra spe- I l rial. a 11 19c Sack for famous “Ukno” broken* stick made in the city. We are going to give you a gen erous size sack for 10c Sat urday. None better. Every body knows what it is.