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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, November 25, 1921, Last Home Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047611/1921-11-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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Lively Dispute Arises Over
Amounts to Be Paid
Mayor Charles W. Jewett announced to
day that he will withhold his signature
from the resolutions fixing compensation
of the members of the board of election
commissioners, adopted by the city coun
cil last Monday evening, until City Con
troller Robert H. Bryson has a confer
ence with Jesse E. Eschbach. chief ex
aminer of the State board of accounts.
Mr. Bryson will confer with the State
official next Monday, the examiner be
ing ont of the city meanwhile.
The resolution fixed the pay of Maurice
E. Tennant and Thomas P. McGee, mem
bers of the board of election commission
ers, at $1,500 each for their services dar
ing the recently closed municipal cam
paign and the pay of these two men and
City Clerk George O. Hutsell for being
members of the board of canvassers who
reviewed the official election returns at
§SOO each. Mr. Bryson and the city eoun
cU have been engaged in a controversy
since Monday because he insists he will
not approve payment of more than SI,OOO
for both pieces of work to Tennant and
McGee and SSOO to Hutsell for his work
at a canvasser. To odd to the tangle Mr.
Escbbach on Wednesday announced that
the State board of accounts can not ap
prove of the payment of the SSOO for h; s
work as a canvasser to Mr. Hutsell, who
regularly draws pay as city clerk.
Mr. Bryson said he Intends to lay all
angles of the controversy before Mr. Esch
Mr. Hutsell was paid §SOO for serving
on the board of canvassers after the city
primary election and it Is possible that
the legality of this payment may oe af
fected by the State board of accounts’ al
titude upon the payment proposed for his
recent services.
Mr. Hutsell pointed out, in defense of
the request for the payment, that it al
ways has been the custom in Indianapolis
to give the city clerk extra compensation
for work on the canvassing board.
Judge Malle Gives Mrs. Martha
Venable a Divorce From
A decree annulling the marriage of
Martha C. Venable, 1115 North Be-rille
avenue, and formerly of Vincennes, to
Delbert E. Venable, alias Forest E.
Warner, who Is now serving a sentence
from two to five years at the Indiana
State prison for bigamy, today was
authorized by Judge T. J. Moll of Su
perior Court, room 5, on application of
the woman.
Mrs. Venable testified that when she
married her husband at Vincennes, on
April 9. last, he was then married to
five other women.
She introduced a signed confession of
Venable or Warner showing his former
marriages without first obtaining a single
divorce. It was stated that this confes
sion was made in August while Venable
was In Jail here on a bigamy charge. He
was sentenced to prison from Vincennes.
Warner's statement, as Introduced by
his wife, is as follows.
“My name is Forest E. Warner. I am
52 years old, born at Greenville, Park
DRESSES, Values Up lo $22.50 “Style Without Extravagance’’ | Trimmed HATS j
Tricotine, Canton Crepe, French Serge, Wool . .. . _
Velours. Poiret Twill, Taffetas, Pin ftp Hla * flT\ Closing Out at the Special Cl OS
Satins. Velvets $10.95 Jfi TOft I'T rr ' C ~ ° f VI.VO
Cor. Washington and Alabama Sts.
300 BEAUTIFUL CLOTH and yffk
f M COATS ft f
,! / Fur Trimmed and Plain jin
jCSsII Vsjij ' J|' IiIS is a rare opportunity of obtaining a handsome
t|:| M jj j. season) at a price far below their actual worth. Everyone
lilM \ / Jars and some have fur cuffs, others plain. The styles are
m \ if / the Dewes t creations, Russian blouse embroidered models, |\ fl/\
\\ •jlf I long, loose, flare, belted styles and other designs. These are “/ |
silvertone No Charge sP/ " 1 navy
I Alterations 7*^
Romantic Wabash
Swigs Moonshine
and Red , Red Wine
TERRE HAUTE, Nov. 25.—A six
months' accumulation of wet goods,
confiscated in raids, trickled Into the
Wabash River today when Sheriff A.
A. Wolfe destroyed 900 bottles of
beer, seventy-five gallons of moon
shine and a quantity of rich wines.
. . i .
County, Ohio, Pec. 20, 1868. 'On May
18, ISB9. I was married to Mattie E.
Wills of same county and State and
have the following named children by
her: Lawrence C. Warner, who Is a sales
man for the Pelco Company In Seattle,
Wash. He is S9; Daniel T. Warner, 28,
of Canton. Ohio; Lorena, 27, who is a
singer at Payton, Ohio; Thomas Warner,
22. of Payton; Esther Fischer, 20, of New
-1 port News, and Lois Warner, 13, who is
living with her mother at 20 North
West street. Canton, Ohio.
“I married Laura Begley, 33. of Canton,
Ohio, in September, 191S at Toledo, Ohio,
under the name of Elmer J. Hines.
Married Pearl Lowry. 3§. of Janesville,
I Ohio, in February, 1919, under the name
jof Elmer Wills at Janesville, Ohio. In
| Little Rock, Ark., I met Beaulah Head,
i 22, married her In March, 1921 at Monroe,
• La., under name of Edward Wills, lived
| with her about one week.
“In either last April or May, I married
! Martha C. Lucas at Vincennes, ind., and
> lived with her about one week. 1 was
| married under the name of Delbert E.
j Venable.
I "I never, secured a divorce from any
of the women I was married to and never
married twice umier the same name.”
Judge Moll granted the annulment de-
Icree. The court restored the former
name of Martha C. Lucas to the plaintiff.
Seventy-Five Exhibits to Be
Shown by Prose
| LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 25.—Expect-
I !ng the jury will be complete by tonight
| and the taking of testimony started Mon
j day, District Attorney Woolwlne fioday
i ordered a round-np of the thirty-five
! prosecution witnesses in the trial of
Arthur C. Birch, charged with the murder
i of J. Belton Kennedy.
When the trial was resumed today
eleven prospective Jurors, nine women and
two men. were In the box.
It was announced for the first time
j that eighteen witnesses will be called by
I the defense during the trial, In addition
;to testimony contained in depositions
i taken in Chicago and Evanston, 111.
Most of the defense witnesses were ex
perts and others testifying to support n
claim that Burch is insane.
More than half of seventy-five exhibits
to be Introduced by the prosecution, it
was learned, are letters exchanged by
| Kennedy an Mrs. Madlynne Obenchain,
Indicted with Burch for murder, and be
tween Burch and Mrs. Obenchain. They
will be expected to establish a motive
| for the crime.
For Colds, Grip or Influenza.
and as a Preventive, take Laxative BRO
;MO QUININE Tablets. The genuine
t bears the'signature of E. W. Grove. (Be
sure you get BROMO.) 30c.—Advertise
; ment.
(Continued From Page’One.)
Contrary to belief, these will not be
character witnesses. It is understood a
large number of Los Angeles screen stars
volunteered for this duty, but it was
learned today that the defense has no
intention of calling the movie colony to
take the stand for this purpose.
The defense will spring a surprise wit
ness in the person of Miss Irene Morgan,
a Los Angeles nurse, who lived with Vir
ginia Rappe as a companion for seven
years. Her testimony will combat that
of Mrs.- Kate Hardenbaek, “aunt” of the
dead film star, who testified Miss Rappe
was in perfect health during the period
she knew her. Miss Morgan will testify,
it Is understood, that Miss Rappe suf
fered a chronic bladder ailment and had
been warned against partaking of alco
holic drinks for that reason. She and
members of the film colony from Los
Angeles will testify. It Is expected, that
Miss Rappe on other occasions tore her
clothing following drinking of non-
Volstedlan liquors.
Depositions of a Chicago nurse and a
Chicago doctor remain to be Introduced.
There may be a little more medical testi
mony but not a great deal—the defense
does not desire to weary the jury with
repetition of matter in evidence.
Arbuckle failed to qualify as a turkey
cook—Thanksgiving day—as he had
planned. Instead he spent the day large
ly with his attorneys. Remaining wit
nesses were checked up.
Arbuckle made final preparations for
taking the stand, if called. Ills story on
the stand, as already forecatrt, will he
an absolute denial of any improper rela
tions with Virginia Rappe. He will as
sert that when he entered room 1219 It
was for the purpose of changing his
clothes to keep an engagement and with
out knowledge that Miss Rappe was
there. He will further declare that he
found her In a state of excruciating
nausea, induced by the drinks she had
takeu. He is expected to say also that
Miss Rappe fell from the bed on which
she was lying in one of her paroxysms.
If the defense completes Us case Satur
day morniug, as now planned, a verdict
is expected by Tuesday night.
The State will call some rebuttal wit
nesses—probably occupying Monday
morning’s session for the purpose. This
would lay the way open for arguments
to begin to the Jury Monday afternoon—
providing there 1b no agreement to sub
mit the case without argument, a rather
remote possibility. Both sides will un
doubtedly offer voluminous requested In
structions to Judge Louderbaek, who will
have to take time for their considera
tion before charging the jury. This will
slightly delay completion of the case.
Possibly it will not reach the jury until
very late Tuesday. Most observers who
have followed the case from the start
.intlelpate a fairly quick verdict.
Arbuckle Is scheduled to appear before
Federal Commissioner Hayden this after
noon to answer to a charge of violating
the prohibition act. The case will go
over a week, but several witnesses now
In attendance at the manslaughter trial
will be placed under subpoena.
Autoist Found Dead,
L T gly Gash in Head
WAUSAU, Wts., Nov. 25.—With an ugly
gash In his head and lying in a pool of
blood In his Third avenue garage, the
body of Frank I.uehchow was discovered
early this morning by Ms wife. The en
gine of his automobile was running and
the garage doors were closed. Gas
fume* were evident and it has not been
determined when Luebehow was asphyx
iated or the victim of foul play.
Jury Being Selected to Try
Brother of Virgil Decker
for Conspiracy.
Special to The Times.
COLUMBIA CITY, Ind., Nov. 25.—The
trial of Fred Decker, charged with con
spiracy to murder Leroy Lovett of Elk
hart, for whose slaying near Warsaw last
spring Virgil Decker is serving a life
term In the Indiana State prison, was
begun in the Whitely Circuit Court here
today. Twenty-five members of the spe
cial venire of seventy-four men In addi
tion to the regular panel of jurors were
in court for prospective jury service.
The State's case will be conducted by
Deputy Prosecutor George Ralph Gates
and Benton Gates of Columbia City. The
defense will be represented by Robert
Buhler of Ft. Wayne, who defended Vir
gil Decker; Judge Bowser of Warsaw and
Attorneys David W. iYhitelenther and
Benton J. Bloom of Columbia City.
Fred Decker, who Is u brother of Fred,
Is at liberty on bond.
Lovett, termed Virgil Decker’s “dou
ble,” was slain In carrying out an al
leged Insurance fraud plot of the Decker
The keen smell of Federal prohibition
officers will cost John Morrison, 2131
Massachusetts avenue, §IOO and costs and
thirty days In jail as a result of his ar
raignment in city court today. After ar
resting his neighbor across (he street, the
officers started away, when the winds
wafted the aroma of “mule” to the un
erring noses of the guardians of tho law.
They Investigated and found Morrison
and Ray Melvin at work making “white
mule” whisky. Both were arrested and
charged with operating a “blind tiger.”
Morrison assumed all blame and the
charge against Melvin was continued in
Another case In which tho defendants
saved money by one taking the blame
and paying this one fine, was that of
Edward Craig and Floyd Cralner, both
living at 1339 Pershing avenue. They
were arrested at Tenth street and Indiana
avenue yesterday. They had agallon Jug
of “m'ule” In an automobile. Craig took
tho blame and tho fine of SSO and costs.
The case against Cralner was continued
k * *
“Bayer on Genuine Aspirin —say “Bayer”
Warning: Unless you see the name
“TTayeron package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions. Take
Aspirin only as told In the Bayer pack
age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia,
(Continued From Page One.)
mistaken sentiment. No one can con
sider the status of the plaza project
without realizing that It is in the best
Interests of the community that there
boa pause at this time and that no bond
issue be floated until there is reason
for the money.
“In the first place, it should not be
forgotten that this plaza project, and,
by plaza project, I do not mean the In
diana War Memorial, was originated by
the News-.Tewett combination which pur
chased the garbage plant for $175,000,
when It was appraised for taxation at
$14,000. Now, in the last few weeks of
the Jewett administration, an attempt Is
being made to rush through the purchase
of millions of dollars' worth of prop
“I cannot be convinced that the record
of the Jewett administration for pur
chasing is such as entitles it to confi
dence and I feel quite certain that no
benefit will accrue to the community by
leaving the purchase of these two blocks
of city property to an administration
that has wasted hundreds of thousands
of dollars In purchases from Us friends
at exorbitant prices.
"I had three sons in the war and I
believe that I am as patriotic a citizen
as any other. I cannot, however, feel
that my patriotism demands that I sup
port the sacrifice of the financial inter
ests of the county for no other purpose
than to make it possible for a discredited
city administration to ‘pull off' some
thing before it ends.
“Marion County has been compelled, by
lack of funds, to resort to temporary
structures for the housing of disabled
soldiers at Sunnyside. it is foolish to
say that, we have not money enough in
the community to provide permanent hos
pitals for glck service men, but have mil
lions to spend for a plaza on which we
do not yet know what we will erect.
“No one, so far as I know, is opposed
to a war memorial. Thousands of us
are opposed to the purchase on a high
market of property wfh-h we cannot use
for years and which is not at all neces
sary to a war memorial.
“The very nature of the attacks made
on the commissioner* who have opposed
this extravagant and ill-timed bond is
sue, is an evidence of the Insincerity of j
Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lum
t go and for I’ain. All druggists sell
jyer Tablets of Aspirin In handy tin
boxes of 12, and In bottles of 24 and
100. Aspirin I* the trade mark of
Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacld
ester of Halt-yll-acld.—Advertisement.
the persons wno are supporting it.
“Instead of confining their criticisms
to the commissioners for refusing to rush
the bond issue for #he plaza they are
denouncing the commissioners for op
posing the ‘war memorial’ and are appeal
ing to sentiment In the belief that they
can avail themselves of the universal de
sire to help the service men and accom
plish their own selfish purposes.
“This is in line with the policies of the
newspaper of doubtful ownership that
for years filed false statements of owner
ship with the government, and evaded
a trial on the issues when Its manage
ment was Indicted.
“Its efforts to ruin officials who have
the courage to stand up for the best in
terests of the community are in line with
the policy of dictation which has been
~' z 'o^
"Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in a Few Hours
Instant Relief! Don’t stay stuffed-up 1
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of
“Pape’s Cold Compound" taken every
two hours until three doses are taken
usually breaks any cold rlght r up.
The first dose opens clogged-up nostrils
amd air passages of head ; stops nose run
Toys Toys Toys
Xo profiteering here. Where your dollar buys an
old-time dollar’s worth.
Make the Kiddies happy with real American toys.
Huy Now, Our Stock is Limited
30 South Pennsylvania St.
Two dozen Quinine Capsules, 2 Grain, 2T>C
Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
$1 60 Abbott's Saline I/axatlve $1.19
60c Abbott's Saline Laxative 49c
75c Abbott's Rheumatic Remedy. 59c
$2.50 Absorblne $i 98
$1.25 Absorbiue, Jr 98c
CiOe Abilina Water 85c
$1 00 Albolene Oil 74c
35c Alien’s Ulc-rlne Salve 25e
75c Alophen Pills (100) 49c
60e Aloln Strych. A- Bel. Pi 115.... 84e
25e Alcock’s Porous Plaster 15c
$1.25 Alkalltliia 8c
35c Analgesic Balm 29c
75c Aualgeslquo Baiune Bengue... 6c
75- Aatlpbloglstlne 69c
50c Aspirin Tabs. 5 gr. 3 dor 25c
$1.25 Aspirin Tablets, Bayer 88c
SI.OO Aspirin Tablets, PO 5 gr 45c
SIOO Armour's Grape Juice, qts... 6c
$1 00 Atalophoris 85c
SOc Bay Rum, Gly. A Rose Water. 25c
25c Benson's Capslne Plaster .... 19c
SOc Badex Salts 89c
25c Beechnm Pills 19c
25c Bellans 19c
75c Bellans 59c
26e Belladonna Plaster 150
SOc Bell's Pine Tar and Honey.. 21c
25c Barkeeper's Friend 19e
SI.OO Blair s Gout A Kheu. Pills 84c
60e Bland's Iron Pills 34c
75c Blaud's Liquid Iron, Lilly's. . 69c
SI.OO Bttro Phosphate 84c
SOc Borden's Eagle Milk. 2 for 89c
$1 00 Bllsa Native Herb Tabs 84c
25c Burkhardt's Yeg. Tabs 19c
30’ Bromo Seltzer 23r
One Bromo Se’tzer 4flc
$1 20 Bromo Seltzer 89c
$1.60 Brownstone $1.19
$1 28 Cadomene Tabs 08c
25c Calomel Tabs., 1(81 any size... 10c
15c Camphor Moth Balls 10c
60c California Syrup Figs 49c
f>oo iVmphor Spirits 25c
30c Capsolin 24c
60c Cantbrox 49c
35c Capudino 29c
70c Capudino 69c
50c Cattonra, Arom. Kwmt, 4oz 25<-
60c Osßcam Ritter, 3 or 25c
50e Onseara Cathartic Htukle .... 2tr
15c Carbolic Acid 10c
16c Carter’s Little Liver Pi 115.... 18c
35c Castor Oil. pun’, half pint 25c
50c Castor Oil. pure, one pint.... 350
3<>c Castor Oil, Kellogg's lc
4(V Castor OH. Kellogg's 29c
$1.50 Carlsbad Sprodel Salts 8c
25c Celery Vesee 18c
800 Celery Vesco She
SI.OO I’elery Vesco 74c
MM Clayton's Mango Remedy 89c
50c Oaylon's Dbg Remedies S9c
35c Cupalba and Oubeb (hips 28c
75c Qban llalr Color Restorer 58c
35c Cos regen 29c
250 Coiorlte, 12 colors, each 19c
Jsc Comp. Licorice l’owd 10c
fiOc Calcium Wafers, Stuart's 89c
60c Chase's Blood & Nerve Tab... 19c
SI,OO Creole llalr Color Kestorer .. 88c
85c Danderlne 29c
60e Danderlne 49c
SI.OO Danderlne 74c
50c Damschinskey's Hair Dye 39c
25c Delost's Headache Powd t9c
500 Denatured Alcohol, quart 85c
75c Dean’s Liquid Smoko..: 69c
60c DeWltt’s Kidney Pills 89c
(Ha- Doan's Kidney Pills 46c
60c Drake's Croup Ilemedy 39c
25c Dioxogen 19c
15c Diamond Dye, $Oo; 3 for 25c
60e Ea tonic 83c
60c Bad's Rheumatic Pills 45c
$1.50 End’s Rheumatic Pills 98c
30c Edward's Olive Tablets 24c
SI.OO Enos Fruit Salts 85c
$1.50 Fellow’s Comp. Syr. Hyp0....51.10
75c Formaldehyde, pints 40c
,'!Be Formaldehyde, 1 ounces 25c
50c Formaldehyde Fiimigator ..., 89c
50c Grape Juice, N. Y., pints 84c
36c Freezone for Corns 29e
75c Gentry’s Mange Remedy. 40c
85c Gets-It for Corns 29c
75c Giycottnphene 69c
75c Glovers Mange Remedy...... 64c
50c Glycothym oline 24c
60c Glyeotbymollne 46c
SI.OO Glyeotbymollne 84c
$1.25 Gude’s Peptomnng 88c
$1.25 Gray's Glycerin Tonic 98c
30c Grove's Promo Quinine 23c
85c Jad Salt's 9c
50c Bicycle Cards 89c
35c Hornet Cards 29c
35c Chamois Skin 25c
SI.OO Chamois Skin 75c
$2.00 Chamois Skin $1.48
SI.OO Auto Sponge 75c
$1.50 Auto Sponge $1.15
$2.00 Auto Wool Sponge $1.48
$2.50 Auto Spontge $1.98
25c Haags Pills for Biliousness... 25c
85c Hand's Baby Remedies 29c
SI.OO Virginia Dare 74c
Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices
No Mall Orders Filled at These Reduced Prices.
Bod Bags, FI oh s. Ants, Roaches, Flies and Plant Idco Killed with Haag’s Insect Powder.
Haags’s Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Constipation
The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis.
The Haag Drug Store at 156 N. Illinois is only Six Doors North of Interurban Station
The Haag Drug Stores, 27 and 53 S. Illinois St. are in the Ist Sq. South of Washington Street.
The Haag Drug Store, 101 W. Washington Street is in the Point Room of the Lincoln Hotel.
The three other Haag Drug Stores are located at 114 North Pennsylvania Street, 55 Virginia
Avenue and 802 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis.
pursued for many years and the fact
that the discredited News-Jewett ma
chine Is now bending every effort to get
Itself In position to purchase this plaza
site is sufficient to arouse the distrust of
all who are acquainted with its meth
Damages of SIO,OOO today was asked
In a suit filed in Superior Court, Room 4,
by Herman Carroll against the Indian
apolis Street Railway Compauy and H-r
---nert E. Brown, who is engaged In tbe
trucking business, for alleged injuries
sustained when a truck owned by Mr.
Brown, collided with a street ear on
Drover street. Carroll claims he was
seriously injured while a passenger on
the street car.
ning; relieves headache, dullness, fever
ishness, sneezing.
"Pape's CWd Compound” is the quick
est, surest relief known and costs only
a few cents at drug stores. It acts
without assistance. Tastes nice. Con
tains no quinine. Insist upon Pape's.—
35c Harlem Oil Caps, Lilly's 29c
35c Harlem Oil Capa, Gold Medal. 29c
25c Hill's Oascara Quinine Tabs.. 19c
50c Horlick’s Malted M.ik ........ 39c
SI.OO Horllck's Malted Milk 69c
$3.75 Horllck's Malted Milk $2.98
$1.20 Homo Malted Milk 89c
$4.00 Hemo Malted Milk *2.88
$1.50 Hood's Sarsaparilla 89c
Tse Imperial Granum 6<-
SOc Lavorls 23c
60c Lavorls 80c
SI.OO Lavorls 84c
$1.(4) Listerine 74c
25e Lax a Pirtn 19c
.'loc Lysol 19c
60c Lysol 39c
60c Lime Stone Phosphate SOc
$1.50 Multine, nil kinds $1.19
30c Miles Anti Pain Pills 24c
$1 .o Miles Nervine 84c
2.V Mentholatum 19c
s**e Mentholatum 39r
90c Mellln's Food 64c
75c Mead’s Dextro Maltose 64c
75c Milks Emulsion *. 4le
$1.50 Milks Emulsion DSc
15c Moth Balls 10c
Mucol 24c
39c Mufti Cleaner 24c
SOc Musterole 24c
Do- Musterole 49c
20c Naptholene Flakett 15c
25c Nature's Remedy 19c
50e Nature's Remedy 39c
SI.OO Nature's Remedy 74c
Sl.fKt Neoferrum sl.lO
sl.lO Nutated Iron 9c
75c Nujol 64c
$1.50 Nujol 01c
60c Olive OU, Pompeian, half pint S9c
$1.(4) Olive OU. Pompeian, pint 7.')c
35e Omega Otl 29c
00c Omega OU 49c
SI.OO Ovoferrin 84#
§].(<> Otl of Koreln Caps 84e
5(8- Pape's Plapepsin 39c
§1.(41 Pepgen 69c
15c Peroxide Hydrogen Be
50c Phillip s Miik of Magnesia 39c
25c Phenolax Wafers 19c
50c Pho spate Soda. Merck's 29c
Tso Phospato Soda, Wyeth’s BBc
60e Protzlnger's Catarrh Remedy 45c
$1.25 Pierce's Favorite Pres S9c
$1.25 Pierce's (‘olden Med. Discov.. BSc
$1.25 Plnkhauj l eg. Compound 79c
SIOO Plneollum 84c
25c Quinine Caps, 2-gr., 2 doz 25c
$1.75 Quinine P. & \V., 1 ounce... .SI.OB
70c Sal Hepatlea 45c
$1.40 Sal Hepatlea 8c
SIOO Sal vitae 74c
75c Saphanol 44c
sl.lO S. S. S. Blood Remedy 67c
000 Scott's Emulsion 39c
$1.20 Scott's Emulsion 74c
35c Sloan's Liniment 29e
60c Sloan's Liniment 49c
35c Solution Citrate Magnesia.... 24c
50c Stanolax 39c
35c Stero Cubes 28c
35c St. Jacob's Oil 29c
60c St. Jacob's Oil 49c
60c Swamp Root 45c
$1.15 Swamp Root 84c
750 Walnutta Hair Stain 49c
35c Wild Root Hair Tonic 29c
60c Wild Root Hair Tonic 49c
SI.OO Vinol 74c
$1.25 A'eracolate Tablets 98c
50c Veronal Tablets, 5-gr., 1 doz.. 25c
Quality and Strength Tested Rnbber
Hoods Received Weekly Direct From
the Manufacturers and Sold at All
Times nt Cut Prices.
SI.OO Fountain Syringe 74c
$1.25 Fountain Syringe 89c
$1.50 Fountain Syringe 98e
$2.00 Fountain Syringe ... $1.48
$2.50 Fountain Syringe $1.98
s3.ot* Fountain Syringe $2.21
$4.00 Fountain Syringe $2.98
$1.75 Comb. Syringe k Water 80t..51.24
$2.00 Comb. Syringe & Water Bot. .$1.48
$2.50 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t..51.98
$3.00 Comb. Syringe and water b0t..52.24
$5.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t..53.98
S2OO Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.48
$2.60 Vaginal Syringe Spray . $1.98
$3.(4) Vaginal Syringe Spray $2.24
SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 74c
$1.25 Hot Water Bottle 89c
$1.50 Hot Water Bottle 08c
$2.00 Hot Water Bottle $1.48
$2.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.98
$3,00 Hot Water Bottle $2.24
$1 00 Ice Cap 74c
$1.50 lee Cap 98e
$2.00 Ice Bag, oblong $1.48
$2.00 Throat Tee Bag $1.48
$2.00 Spinal Ice Bag $1.48
Ayres' Face Powder and Rouge.
$2.50 Azurea Perfume $1.98
Armand’s Cold Cream Powder.
$1.75 Azurea Vegetal SLI9
$2.50 Azurea Eau de Toilet ....... .$1.74
Can Be Cured!
But You Must Clear Your Blood
of Waste Products.
Lack of exercise and improper diet
causes waste products to accumulate In
the blood. You will at once realize that
unless tbe blood is pure, some part of the
body will become diseased.
Rheumatism, with its pain and agony,
is one of the most serious diseases caused
by waste products in the blood. I'm
know, of course, the blood is not confined
alone to the arteries and veins. It passes
out of these channels (o all parts of the
body. This Is how sediments or waste
products are deposited in the muscles and
joints. Genuine relief can be had only by
correcting the basic trouble—waste prod
Thousands and thousands of men and
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booklet, “Facts' About the Blood"—free.
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Delay in properly
treating skin trouble
is dangerous You make
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In UseNearlyThirtyYears
§I.OO Azurea Sachet Powder 84c
$1.25 Azurea Face Powdet 98c
75c BonclUa Face Powder 60c
25c Babcock's Corylopsts Talc .... 15c
25e Babcock's Cut ltoe Talc .... 15c
75c Boncilla Cold Cream 59c
25c Djer-Ktss Talcum 22c
500 Djer-Klss Face Powder 89c
85c DJer-Kiss Face Powder 69c
7.V Dorln’s Brunette Rouge 49c
75c During Compact Powder 49c
5(4’ Elcnya Face Powder 45c
50c Freeman's Face Powder 89c
60c Java Rice Face Powder 89c
25c J. A J. Baby Talcum 19c
00c L* vy'g Laßiach Powder 49c
Mary Garden Talcum Powder 24c
35c Marls Talcum Powder 19c
SOc Mavis Face Powder 45c
25- Mennen’s Borated Talcum .... 19c
50- Pompeian Face Powder S9c
50- Pozzonl Face Powder 89c
On- S-mpre Glovine 39c
35- Radontm Face Powder 24c
§I.OO Roger A G. Face Powder .... 79c
A.'r-s 1 ('reams and Toilets.
65- B rry's Freckle Ointment .... 49c
$1 25 Berry Uremola BBr
75- Rom ilia ('old Cream 6c
75c r.oncilla Vanishing Cream .... 59c
6(4' Champlin's Liquid Pearl 49c
50c Daggett A Rams. Cold Cream. 39c
60- Elcnya Cream 45c
35c K.-py'g Frag. Cream 24c
60e Hind's Honey A Aim. Cream.. S9c
35c Holmes' Frostilla 29c
50- Honey Girl Almond Cream 39c
s*4’ Orchard White 89c j
§1.50 Oriental Cream $1.19
60- Malvina Cream 460
firte M ik weed Cream 89c |
6<K: Xadlnola Cream 89c
60n Pompeian Pay Cream ........ 45c
350 Pompeian Night Cream 23c
§1.(4) Pompeian Night Cream 74c
60- Pompeian Massage Cream .... 46c.
60c Satin Skin Cream 49c
30c Satin Skin Cream 24c
60c Sea Shell Cream 49c
25c Woodbury's Facia! Cream .... 19c
50c Theatrical Cold Cream 89c
26c Amolln Deodorant Powder ... 19c
25c Bandalllie 19c
60- Bazin's Depilatory Powder ... 49c
50- HrlLiantlne 89c
60- Brllliantine 45c
$1.(4) Delatone 84c
SI.OO Demiracle 89c
75c El Itado 69c
30c Eversweet 24c
76c Evans' Depilatory 59a
30c Mum 21c
50c Non Spi 89c
35e Odorono 29c
60c Odorono 49c
35c Cutex Cuticle Remover 29c
60c Cutex Cuticle Remover 49c
350 Cutex Nail White 25c
35c Cutex Cake. Nail White 29c
60c Cutex Manicure Set 490
25c Dorin's Lip Stick ie c
50c DJer-Kiss Lip Stick 3o c
50c Glnzo Nail Polish gfl c
35c Hyglo Cake Nail White 290
35c Hyglo Cake Nall Polish 29c
30c Lusterite Nall Enamel 4c
35c Arnica Tooth Soap 29c
30c Benzolyptus Tooth Paste .... 24c
60c Listertne Tooth Paste g9 c
60c Forhan's Pyorrhoea Paste ... 88c
50c F. E. I. Pyorrhoea Paste 33 C
30c Lyons' Tooth Paste or Powder 24c
SI.OO Pyorrhoclde $4,.
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 88c
60c Pebecco Tooth Paste 3g c
35c Rubifoom 29 C
35c Senreoo Tooth Paste 23c
30c White's Tooth Paste 24c
20c Arm. Stork Castile, 13o; 2 for 25c
20c Boeobella Castile Soap 150
25c Clayton’s Dog Soap J9c
35c Conti Castile Soap. Italian 25c
15c Cocoa Cast'le Soap, Kirk’s, 3.. 25c
25c Cutlcura Soap, 19c; 3 for 55 c
30c Packer's Tar Soap 23c
50c Packer's lAquid Tar Soap 45c
15c Palm Olive Soap, 9c; S f0r..,. 23e
25c Germacldal Soap 19c
26c Pear’s Glycerin, 19c; 3 f0r.... 65c
26c Pear's Lnscented Soap 15c
15c Jergen’s Violet Soap 8 for 23c
30c Woodbury’s Facial Soap 10c
30c Iteslnol Soap 180
75c Societe Hygieneque 48c
50c Rogers & O. Violet Soap 83c
50c Rogers & G. Lilac Soap 33c
35c Barba sol 29c
50c Gillette Blades. 6 for S7c
SI.OO Gillette Blades, 12 for 74 c
50c Gem Junior Blades 89e
60c Ever-Ready Blades 84c
35e Keen Kutter Blades 290
35c Enders Blades 290
$1.75 Ever-Ready Razor $1.49
85c Gem Junior Blades, 1 doz 450
$5.00 Gillette Razor $2,98
85c Shaving Brush 25c
75c Shaving Brush so©

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