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8 CHINA PUZZLE HARD TO SOLVE BY DELEGATES (Continued From Page One.) whether she rejects that principle. Her representatives here are comporting them selves as ambassadors n unduWtably sovereign, stable, function lag Chinese government. They base their claims to unqualified recognition of the fact that the Pekin regime is the only one acknowledged by the powers as sembled around the conference horseshoe. But the assurances of Messrs. Sze, Koo and Wong on that score are not con vincing to everybody. Vital and far reaching arrangements, of hoped-for per manency are under way In Washington. Will it be possible—ask European and American statesmen—to effect such ar rangements with a nebulous China? Where is young Mr. Wu, son of Tu Ting Fang, of the Canton government, whom Pekin asked to Join the Chinese delega ting as representatives of South China, is being asked. He has not come. He •eorned the honor Pekin offered him. The South China Junta in Washington is. dinning into the ears of all the delegates that the Canton government will under no circumstances feel itself bound by any decisions taken here. There are rumors that the Sze-Koo-Wong triumvirate has made peace overtures to South China by offering it the chairmanship of the Wash ington delegation. That report cannot be verified. But the mere fact that it hae ganied currency seems to indicate that an uncertain and wholly incalculable sys tem is crystalizing. SEEK TARIFF IX DEPENDENCE. China's “new charter" proposed last week by Dr. Sze, and substantiated broadly by the Root resolutions adopted this week calls first of all for “tariff autonomy” for the Chinese people. China demands the right to enact a Sze or a Koo tariff law, just as the United States passes an Nnderwood or Fordney tariff law. She demands the privilege of col lecting anything beyond the existing 5 per cent restricted rates that she pleases. But here again the powers that have vast trading in this China “want to be shown.” They want to know in particular about the institution called the Ll-Kin, or local taxation system. It has not been made plain, conference statesmen say that although China may Impose only 5 per cent on foreign im ports for revenue purposes, the Li-Kin organization requires in fact the pay ment of enormously higher and additional taxes before foreign goods landed at a treaty port can reach destination in the interior of China. The Li-Kin system is described as a widespread net work of petty “graft.” Everybody with power to extort it—the gatekeeper of a city wall, the controller of a canal lock the guardian of a highway crossing—sets up Li-Kin collecting bureaus. They cannot be passed without tribute, which is as sessed arbitrarily and usually sticks in the palms of collector and his satellites. Hsu-Sbih-Chang, president of China him self has referred to the “universally execrated Li-Kin imposition.” Has the Chinese government the power to abolish that system of extortion'! It it has, de clare those who propound the query, the time then will come when'tbe powers that trade with China can say whether or not they are ready to cooperate in reforming the Chinese tariff and placing it un restrictedly under Chinese control. GUARANTEES WANTED. * From whatever angle one approaches measures of relief for China, one sooner or later bumps np agt'nst the question of the guarantees China can give regard ing her internal stability. Capital can only come from abroad In any useful degree. Under the financial consortium, it can only bof obtained under interna tional control. If it comes it will demand tangible and Inviolable pledges of secur ity. Is the delegation now at Washing ton for China able to hold out assurances, A BUILDING TONIC I To those of delicate con- I stitution, young or old, I Scott’s Emulsion! is nourishment and tonic that builds up the whole body. Scott St Borwnc, BioomfioM, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF Rl-HOIDS (Tablets or Granules) Eo^iNDIGESTION I COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre at Once. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol add ed, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Mix ing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use prepara tion Improved by the addition of other Ingredients a large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as “'Wyeth's teage aqd Sulphur Compound,” thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we aU desire to retain our youthful appear -1 ance- and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth’s Sage and Sul phur Cojnpound, no one can tell, because It does it so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and drAw this through your hair, tak ing one small 6trand at a time; by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. —Adverti semen t Miller's Anti septic Oil, Known as Snake Oil Has Brought Relief to Thou sands of Sufferers And what It has done for others, it will do for you. Don't continue to suf fer with rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff and sore muscles, cold in tne chest, croup, coughs and kindred aches and pains. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Miller’s Antiseptic Oil < taoivn as j Snake Oil), use according to directions I and know what it means *o be free of pain. This great oil Is said to be the most powerful penetrating pain relieving rem edy on the market. Refuse Imitation, I nothing like it Every bottle guaran teed. Soc, 70c, SI.OO, on sale at Haag Drug aement. negotiable in a Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Yokohama or Brussels bank that the delegation can pledge the absolute safety of foreign freights and property in China? It is the all-important score.' Everything de pends upon it. No amount of emotional sentimentalism about China, her outraged past, her hopeful future, can obliterate that paramount issue. Dr. Koo is putting up a gallant light against what Chinese consider the in nuendo that China is not a “going con cert.” Dr. Koo’s contention is that if Cbiqa is chaotic and anarchial, in a po litical sense, intriguing foreign influ ence is responsible. The blame is placed primarily on the Japanese officers ir. command of' forces deliberately engaged in .prolonging and aggravating civil war in provinces. “Self-detarmlnation,” is the le’gend emblazoned in brilliant yellow on the banners of the Chinese delegation at IVashington. Any schemes that seem fraught with infringement of unqualified %***“ .. \ fcafe.. W' ■- v } •jPwfrr 1 SjSßtfc % IHaref Mr 1 ' 818 i ——> ui mi mi—w—— MRS. MARY WILHELM Pittsburg, Pa. "No matter what I should say about Tanlac. It wouldn’t be half good enough,” said Mrs. Mary Wilhelm, 716 Mint Way, South Side, Pittsburg, Pa. “I never dreamed it possible for a medi cine to restore me to the splendid health I now enjoy. In fact, I bad almost re signed myself to being an invalid, as I could see I was losing weight and strength every day, and no relief was in sight. For three years stomach trouble headaches and nervousness made my life miserable. “The first bottle of Tanlac acted almost like magic and It wasn't long until I was so well and strong that I could hardly realize I had ever known a sick day. I am like a different person in every was- now, eating, sleeping, feeling and looking better than in years.” Tanlac is sold in Indianapolis by Hook Drug Company, and leading druggists everywhere.—Adv. Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor JSe.r;mrtwr. u?Cr<tst>: Cincsn lUMes.luu Eyes Sore? If vour eyes or lids are sore; if they i itch. Dura or feel dry; if your vision is blurred, your eyesight dim; if you are j obliged to wear glasses, go to the Hook i and the Haag stores and get a bottle of : 3on-Opto tablets. Dissolve one in a ! fourth of a glass of water and bathe the eyes as directed. Sound, comfortable eyes and improved eyesight will make the world look brighter. Note: Doctors say Bon-Opto strengthens eyesight 50 per cent in a’ week's time In many instances and druggists everywhere sell it under a positive money-back guar antee. —Advertisement. NNMtf * m CASARRHALJOJLY is guaranteed by 30 years n service to millions of Americans. Kondon’s works wonders for your snc -ring, cough, chronic catarrh, hgad- ache, sore nose, etc 20 tin on at your came have aod address it KONDON Minneapolis, Minn. “Gets-It” - Tickles Corns to Death First Stops All Pain—Then Peels the Corn Off. Don't try to fox trot on corn tortured feet. Get rid of your corns. If you have ! never seen a corn tickled to death. Just ! apply a few drops of "Gets-It” to yours, i Then watch yhat corn die—peacefully as if it had gone to sleep. Soon It is noth ing but a loose piece of dead skin that you can lift right off with your fingers. Get after them now. Your druggist has “Gets-It” Costs but a trifle—or nothing at all If it falls. Mfd. by E. Lawrence Sc Cos„ Chlosgo. — Advertisement, “self-determination” are to be fought as long as they can be fought. Chinese es timates as to the duration of successful resistance to “international cooperation" are more optimistic than those encoun tered in other quarters. CHINA WILL FIGHT SPLIT The ruction over acceptance or rejec tion of “international cooperation” is second only in gravity to the storni sure to be aroused by any attempts to delimit “China” to the eighteen provinces within the great wall and possibly Manchuria in m*ke your selection and tell us to charge it. There is no red tape of That’s all there is to it. any kind —ho rassing questions asked. All you pay is a small X 3 * amount down the Your dealings with us balance in convenient are absolutely confi weekly or monthly xjfZE/ dentiaL amounts. TRADE MARK —lt’s Like This O ELECT any article of wearing ap liSrolilf, parel and tell the sales person you J:ml2g|g4 wish to open an account. There is no delay; no waiting; a small down JjT payment and you take your purchase IffiSlSgS' right along with you. Remember, f WT\. EguMßfi alterations are free. Start your ac- /f V/ u x count NOW. Welcome. / \ \ jj Charming Dresses ' (7 7 A wide choice dt j'~ C A trimmed-beed- ■'* / > of very beau- **r I ed and embroi- | v 1\ tiful models. dered effects. 1 \' \ j!ffl 1 Elaborately Alteration* Ft* , ‘v. \ , I • Men’s Suits and O’coats LjjLLl Made to sell at $35 and S4O j g i You will find upon inspection that these suits mm g j | and overcoats represent unusual values. Very W r J vJ If carefully tailored; attractive materials and / v £ ff. patterns. /&aar 4 -THE HCttlE OF CHEERFCL CREDlT— f'tr* A most remarkable selection of boys suit* T"* J P( • V/ In the season’s most desirable materials |-</"\xrT VlllfO and patterns. These suits are extra well JL/U V L/Ltltu 1 B made. In casslmeres, mixtures and * fancies. Sixes sto 17. ■ " M " v y<r • ' v ; V o ASKIHH MARINE Efl - i■■ I— ■.■■wl ■ ■ P—Jhu—i i——— ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 "■■■■ I ■■ ■ Open Saturday Night Anniversary Special Saturday J| down jggl Sends this high-class xSjSßiii instrument home nt oner Easiest Terms for the Balance Regular $l4O Phonographs Super-Tone I reduced to $*6S for this special q Plays AU 1 sale only. Records W Just 5! Make your selection early if you expect to get one at this reduced price. The saving is yours. Everybody can now afford a Phonograph—and a good one, too —while these five in Widener’s stock last. . Widener’s terms make the purchase very easy. Place Your Order Early Saturday . 'idc'fwr'ls 44 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 Columbia GRANBY Columbia t Grafonolas Phonographs Records INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. addition. Efforts to detach Mongolia and Tibet from “the Chinese republic” will be bitterly contested. The Japanese, In accord with their dip lomatic. traditions, are seeking to main tain an attitude of masterly inactivity in connection with the pending squabbles over “What is China V’’ and co-reiate<l questions. ' The Japanese delegation professes to feel its wisest role of the moment is a passive one. It is setting up no vocif erous claims.—Copyright, 1021, by Pub lic Ledger Company. 127 West Washington Street OLD GHOSTS AT TABLE OF ARMS CONFERENCE (Continued From Page One.) Suppose' that the territorial integrity of China is destroyed and- an intelligent, organizing Mongol race, repeating his tory, recruits the Mongolian armies by forcing millions of Chinese into the Suburban Accounts Welcome ranks. Then the nations of Europe may well take warning from the ex-Kalser’s celebrated picture and unite, perhaps too late, to protect their firesides from the peril from the East. The great objective of the Christian nations should be to pre serve China as a separate nation, or at least save it from peaet-ful Occupation or conquest by any Mongolian empire. x The right to trade free frbrn boycott, to obtain raw materials from China, per hnps more, must bp secured to Japan. sSk, Cedar Chests handsome ' tone of refinement Credit. It will pay you to see oui 1 wonderful N&ajh line of cedar chests. Genuine Ten nesseeVed cedar, with and without r /*f L /-Oja (!/■>( copper trimmings; various.sizes to y’ I f/r 1 select from. The one, like above picture, special for (f>lQ 7C torn orro w r Vt/i CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS. Get a Blue Bird Set. — LAMPS Three-Piece Davenetle Suites S pulls, cord and HB EQ 1*.!™..515.85 * Table-lamps, Nothing down on any Talking Ma- Tho saving on our three-piece Davenette Suites is m cbioe. Simply buy a few Records. unlimited. We have a large selection to choose 11* tu Cl {“ - from, in oak and mahogany finishes. We advise yfc, / B | vour coming early to get the best values. Splen- mi I|l ( dal did grade of Imitation leather. Prices range up- M.ZS 9v/ CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS. GET A BLUEBIRD SET. j ffjg==|k3 |lf| hSrs A genuine Simmons brassold bed. an all-cotton Sim- pap l mons mattress and a Simmons all-metal spring u j|ll| 'J fT _ , . „ regular $45 00 value, complete for $20.75. This is a v W i Come to Etove 3? rare opportunity. If you are going to refurnish ■a| hpadnnarters Sat- &*! your room it will nay you to see this outfit, 0n1y...,. Ms/ 81 O? Headquarters, oat V^y * urday—large line aSL Get a Blneblrd Set of Dishes. EASY TERMS. . ) 311 and De * troit Jewel heat- VS'ir-i ' ’ ~ ' " ers to select from. Iwggffl/ Sale of Dining Room Suites /Hi start at— t|R|ad sl4 CA TTTf TTT > Ea#y Terma< 1 j ** 75 patterns of oak and mahogany jy c 1 at. SILBS Nine-piece Quqen Anne Walnut Suite, as pictured, tomorrow, only $185.50. If you admire handsome furniture and know a real bargain, nothing should asy Terms, keep you away from this selling tomorrow. Please note these Suites ex emplify the best of modern furniture designings. They have both character Get a Bluebird Set Frea, and real beauty and the craftsmanship i9 excellent. The chairs are well upholstered. The table, buffet and china cabinet are handsome. * ——————— Fine Bedroom Suites at Cut Prunes spring back and S if.’7 5 We have many outfits in 4-piece walnut, ivory and & /x am £\ seat. Prices on ■ HVi _____ mahogany bedroom suites to offer you Saturday at wkjkl rII overstuffed rockers ■ i— prewar prices. Well constructed throughout, with fin- v xk m r%ll start at cst workmanship apparent throughout. Prices on 4- I illallll piece suites as low as v> V/ •vw vr Convenient Credit Terms. Get a Blneblrd Set of Dishes. Get a Bluebird Set. Normans 237 E. Washington St., Opposite Courthouse Special Discounts for Cash, BUNGALOW BARGAINS ARE BEING ADVERTISED DAILY IN THE TIMES but it is not in the interest of the peace of the world to permit Japan, an essen tially military nation, to obtain the overlordship of China and an opportu nity to organize the vast hordes of that country for war-—an opportunity to lead these hordes to western conquest, as in the days of Tamerlane. The very qualities which make the Japanese people great, their talents for and bravery in war, will make Japan a danger if given the suzerainty of China. Brland departs; Vlvianl takes his place; another orator. His speech is as fiery as the African sun under which he was born. He can do little now; Briand has called the tune and £pr this con ference, at least, France plays a military part, unfortunately stirring up in Ger many the old, discarded Prussian junk er, militarist spirit which I -and others who think we know something about that country, believed sincerely no longer actuated the majority of Germans.— Copyright, 1921, by International News Service. 4 rooms fur. nlshed for $385 Easy Terw&K