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BLACKER’S FAMOUS CHILE SEASONING "IT'S ALL IN THE SEASONING” On Sale at All Grocers MAKE YOUR CHILE CON CARNE AT HOME ) ELECTRIC LIGHT \ \ { AND POWER V ; SERVICE I I MERCHANTS j Heat & Light Company | C. O’B. Murphy, General Manager ' The Daylight Corner 8 Recreation Building 16 Cowling Alleys—lo Pocket Billiard Tables AH New Brunswick Claman Dairy Lunch Number 3 Cafeteria Service Sunday Chicken Dinner Good Music Soda Fountain and Soft Drinks Three Places No. 1 -305 North Illinois st. No. 2—42 Virginia ave. No. 3—207 N. Delaware st. A Christmas VICTROLA ■will be laid aside for XMAS delivery for persons mentioning this ad on these unusual terms. Choose £5 worth of records—pay nothing more until after Jan. 1, 11* 22 —then easy weekly payments. Offer applies to any Yictrola from $25 to $225. Vletrolas and Victor Records Exclusively Circle Talking Machine Shop 35 The Circle JVPT WEST OF CTKCLE THEATER Give a Diamond This Year VOU make your gift an Investment when It's a Diamond. Ever Increasing In value, beauty and appreciation. ifoyfvfew Its of the highest Stanford of quality if it comes from W- I.P.MULLALLV DIAMOND MERCHANT 2 MONTMF.NT CIRCLE Helm-Lewis Cement Block Cos. High-Grade Building Blocks. Porch Columns sad Concrete Prodajts. Office and Factory, 14th £ Fall Creek. Main 4967. SPECIALISTS Grilles, Wickets, Machinery Guards. Factory Partitions, Tool Gages, Window Guards, Wire and Iron Specialties. Indianapolis Wire and Iron Works 123 E. MARYLAND. MAIN 4778. Bedford Stone and Construction Cos. Contractors—Engineers 810-15 Fletcher Savings and Trust Building Indianapolis, Indiana. Service Transfer & Storage Cos., Inc. LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BAGGAGE MAin 4400. MAIn 4401. ®FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS The Trade-Mark of Quality, Workmanship and Service HAYES BROS., Inc. PLUMBING AND HEATING SPECIALISTS. MAin 2492. 236-38 West Vermont Street. OUR TRUCK SERVICE COVERS MARION COUNTV DO YOUR OWN DRIVING AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT, by day, week or month. Day or night, at price* cheaper than owning a car. Do your own driving and go where yon please. Special rates to commercial men. WARREN AUTO LIVERYwIi 7 .i„ AST BT . O. BURNS, Manager Auto Laundry and Storage Phone, MAin 6931 MARVEL CARBURETERS Built to Endure and Handle Low Grade Gas We Have a Marvel tor Your Car ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED We Maintain Expert Service and a Complete Rebuilding Plant Marvel Carbureter Sales Cos. 926-28 East Washington. Phone, Drexei 0172. WORK ORGANIZERS Solve that littered desk problem and clear year desk for action. Order from Hiller Office Supply Cos. 26-28 8. Penney I v&nia St, Kretch Bros. Plumbing and Heating Specialists Prompt Attention Given to Repair Work 636 VIRGINIA AVE. DR exel 1224 4116 BYRAM AVE. Res. WAshington 3867 OILDAG The World’s Best Lubricant LOWERS MOTOR COSTS Petroleum Service ' " (Inc.) MAin 3484. 58 W. New York St. RADIO BUSINESS GROWS DAILY Development of Wireless Tele graph and Telephone Creates New Mercantile Field. £ Only a few years the purchaser of sup plies for radio equipment was forced to shop Com place to place and from store to store and it was with difficulty that he found what he was looking for. In addition the technical character of the supplies made It difficult for clerks Inexperienced In the kind of equipment to deal Intelligently with the trade. But now Indianapolis has a store de voted wholly and solely to radio sup plies and equipment, both for radio tele graph and the newer but popular radio telephone. This store, which is operated by the Hoosier Radio Company, 108 Pem broke Arcade, in charge of L. 11. Smith, president and manager of the company. According to Mr. Smith, the store draws its patronage from a constantly Increasing number of patrons, which in cludes not only the flocks of youngsters Interested in the work, but a surprisingly large number of persons of mature years. “There has been a great fallacy In the Ideas of the public at large as to the supposed expensiveuess of radio out fits and the amount of technical educa tion necessary to operate them,” Mr. Smith said. “Most persons have be lieved that In order to operate radio out fits the expenditure of a large sum of money and a long course of hard study were necessary. Asa matter of fact sls will pay for a receiving set with a range of from 400 to 500 miles, under favorable conditions, and only a small amount of study is necessary to enable the owner to operate It. “At present I believe that there are not less than one thousand youngsters and Older persons Interested in radio work In Indianapolis and this number Is stead ily on the Increase. “The newest and most novel radia ap paratus ts the wireless telephone, a form of wireless that Is Jumping Into great popularity. Unlimited enjoyment can be had from the wireless telephone. For example the Commonwealth-Edison Com pany every night sends out concerts by the Chicago grand opera company which are heard in Indianapolis by wireless and all over this section of the country. The Westlnghouse company sends out daily concerts from Pittsburgh at the same time and the owner of a wireless telephone outfit can make his choice of which con cert he prefers, as they are sent out in different wave lengths, and the owner of the wireless merely adapts his instrument to the wave length of the concert he wishes to hear. “Our company does a big business with amateurs and we are equipped to supply apparatus of all kinds for amateur oper- LUMBER SUPERIOR MILLWORK BURNET-BINFORD LUMBER CO. • Thirtieth St. and tiie ( anal. * ; , |; Fine Hardwood Floors Electric Floor Surfacing, Rescraping and Reflnlshlng a Specialty. "UNEXCELLED SERVICE.” L. E. REED 1514 Samoa Street. Webster 1240. THE WHITAKER PRESS Incorporated Printing :: Publishing Liberty Building, 107 South Capitol Ave., Cor. Maryland Indianapolis Room. 10-12-14. Main SOS 7. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING Pi 11 !. 4 e l !£* rd y , ou £ Ta,uabl ol<l silverware. We can rehlate It In triple plate grade work only ° f UeW ° UM ' Jewtilrir of eTerjr description gold plated. Ulgh Xmas Presents Made From Old Sllrerware or Jewelry. GEORGE W. DICK COMPANY Phono Circle 0750. 41 Virginia Avenue. MAin 1376. Residence, Irvington 365 Q The Lightning Transfer & Storage Cos. WM. W. GRAVES, Mgr. OVERLAND AND HEAVY HAULING FURNITURE, PIANOB AND BAGGAGH 314 South Illinois Street EXPERT RIGGERS FOR MACHINERY W. W. WISE All Kinds of Brick Work 206 Indiana Trust Building. Circle 4164. American Paper Stock Company Incorporated. We Buy Waste Paper of All Kinds Main Don't Burn Your Old Books and Records. 832-40 W. 6088 • Sell Them to Ce. That Means Thetr Destruction. Market St. use new type every type perfect monotype cast by Mellett Printing Cos. particular printers Century Blkg, Main 4756 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5,1921. Comforts and Equipment of Club Mark Building Anew Idea In the Ufa of the city ha s been Introduced by Charles G. Claman and Edward H. Claman in the Recreation building at 207 North Delaware street, a building comprising the advantages of a city clubhouse, with none of the coat of those exclusive organizations. Ipr and have enough time to play a gams of b llllards or pool If he so tloslres. Our cafeteria has a seating capacity of 120 p ersons and Is thoroughly modern In every respect. In connection is a soda fountain, for since national prohibition went In to effect, the soda fountain has assume and a very important place in the Ufa of a community. “In selecting the equipment for the billiard and pool department of the building we were particularly careful, an and the result Is that our 10 tables are the very best type of Brunswlck-Balke Collen dar equipment. We feel that we have every reason to be mighty proud of them. i “Results have shown that we were right beyond the shadow of a doubt In our Judgement. From the time we first opened the building the eating and recreation features conveniently combined on one floor proved attractive to the public, and the place is rapidly becoming more popular every day. At first we were told that the idea was too novel to succeed In Indianapolis but experience has proved that it was something the people have been waiting for and oi? which they were quick to take advantage.” ators. As the Interest In radio work grows the demand for equipment grows and, of course, this demand can be In telligently cared only by persons who are thoroughly familiar with wireless opera tion of all kinds." Kl-KU X KLAN. LONDON, Deo. 6.—lt is reported her* that British, French and Italian chap ters of the Ku-Klux Kian are belrg or ganized. Phone MAin 1015 ALL OUR CABS Are METER EQUIPPED YOU PAY ONLY FOR THE DISTANCE YOU RIDE. Yellow Cab Cos. Mary Davts Emma Pearce Indianapolis Letter Shop 823-826 State Ufa Bldg. Main 4343 Typewritten Circular Letters. Letter head and Envelope Specialists— Addressing, Ftlltng-ln, Fold ing, Enclosing and Mailing. > 29* YEAR Stafford Engraving Cq ( Jha jHbuse af'&deas* Century Bldo_ Indianapolis Commercial Art Halftones -Zino Etching# - Color plates Enoraved and Embossed stationery On tho ground floor of this building, which by the way Is unusual ly large and commo dious, are to be found a modern, up-to-date cafeteria, a large splen didly appointed soda fountain, a large cigar stand, ten of the very finest pool and billiard tables in the city, the whole surrounded with an air of comfort most attractive to the busi ness and professional man of the downtown district. “For a long time we have operated cafeter ias at 300 North Illi nois street and at 42 Virginia avenue,” one of the brothers said, “and we found that among our patrons there was a large de mand for a cafeteria with the equipment of a good social club. This led to the estab tabllslmient by us of t! e Recreation build ing.. In it the business man, with an hour or even less can eat a meal, enjoy a smoke LUMBER DEMAND REMAINS STEADY Home Building Indicates Rec ord Year in 1922. Despite the fact that the colder months of the year are looming close at hand V°vZZr a y pho " e R4ndolph lSetvn tyousan,/ *||T ’ “LumberMeasured By The Golden Rule” A WHOLESALE - HETAIL Johnson Lumber Cos. FINE MILL WORK - BUILDING MATERIAL *9lt fl, MQWON a It6W.BR HANDLON GARMENT CLEANERS Cloths Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. ''Service and Satisfaction.” Main 6184 340 Blake St. We Call and Dellrer. Blacker’s Famous Chile Seasoning SALE AT ALL GROCERS KATZ Transfer&StorageCo. MAX KAfl, Proprietor, ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL TRANSFERRING AND STORAGE 132 8. PENN ST. Phone Slain 6281 RADIO, SIS.OO If yon haven’t a hobby, get one. Will Install a aet In your home, Hear all the current events, grand opera, concerts, weather and market re ports. Headquarters for amateur operators, THE HOOSIER RADIO CO. 108 Pembroke Arcade. - - Circle 7406. Yourself Asa Christmas Gift A 8 an Xmas Gift nothing equals the personal chann of a well-made, well-mounted photograph of yourself. OCR WORK IS BEYOND REPROACH ' Holland Studio n • ivimuu Miiuvaiu Cor. Illinois and Market Sts. BARBER SUPPLIES Manufacturer and importer of fine cutlery. Expert grinding of razors, shears, clippers, etc. High class service. 40 years’ experience. Try our special razors, shears, pocket knives and special shaving outfits etc. E. E. SCHAAF BARBER SUPPLIES 107 West Maryland St. MAin 4033. INTERSTATE Public Service Cos. ja LIMITED XI TRAINS JL “ mM ST DAILY Between INDIANAPOLIS and LOUISVILLE 1\ Sanitary Laundry Company j&iceT W/l 2441 to 2443 Central Ave. ' \--JTvU / Harrison 2915. —Phones— Haryison 2916. there has been a remarkable steadiness In the demand for lumber for home building purposes, according to Forest A. Hill, president of the Speedway Lum ber Company. “So great has been the demand for new homes during the last summer and fall and so bright are the prospects for a record-breaking building season next year that I believe persons who are plan ning to build homes should begin to place their orders for mill work now. If they do not they are likely to find that mill work factories are loaded to capacity with orders when next spring opens up. There has been an excellent demand for mill work such as sash and doors and cabinet work. Stocks of doors are gettting low and there may be a de cided shortage later on. “The trend modern building is taking is very interesting. For instance, very few small single cottages and small double houses have been constructed. I attribute this to the present financial con ditions, which makes investment in ren tal property less attractive to Investors than formerly. The present tax rates and tax systems place a heavy burden on rental property. Then, too, the prac tice of issuing tax exempt securities has had the elite of slowing up construction of homes for rental purposes. “This shortage of good rental property has had the natural effect of causing many persons who nave rented in the past to turn to the proposition of build ing and owning their own homes as the only satisfactory solution of the problem. Because of this I think an un paralleled period of home building Is about to begin.” USE OP SANITARY WIPERS GROWING Necessity of Cleanliness Real ized by Business Men- More and more It is becoming apparent to Intelligent and progressive business men that far more than mere sentimental and humanitarian Interest attaches to Ideas of cleanliness In the conduct of business. Formerly It was thought that whiie cleanliness was desirable from a general standpoint in business, that it was a secondary matter entirely and one that could be neglected with no great in jury to anything or anybody. However, all this has changed In the past few years. It is now recognized that cleanliness and sanitation In a plant greatly Increase the efficiency of the work ing foroe by providing for the health of Die employes. Not so many years ago the Idea of a sanitary wiper was regarded as a mere trifle, a sort of Industrial affection, by many business men, according to Louis N. Grossman, president of the Sanitary Washed Wiper Company. Recipe for Delightful Dance Music— Try Emerson’s New “Hits” on Emerson Phonograph Hear Same at Putnam-Line Music Cos. 1042 S. Meridian St. Phone Drexei 6503 EAT SWEETHEART GROCERSBAKINC CO. NCt MA TTF R how badly damaged the sheet metal _ ** * * “ ” parts on your automobile seem To be, see us before throwing them away and buying"new parts’ You will be surprised to see what we can do for bent fenders, hoods, or other sheet metal parts* BAKED ENAMELING Guarantee Metal Enameling Cos. 325 E. St. Joseph St. —lndianapolis ~ 7 Main 3126. Studebaker Light 6 Touring *1235 Indianapolis We are making Indian apolis a Studebaker town. 4 315 N, Penn. Main 0308 ... r . •: * t* BUILDING MATERIALS Cement Blocks, Wall Plaster, Lath, Cement, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Par tition Tile, Exterior Stucco. Licensed- Manufacturers of Gran-A-Tex Magnesite Exterior Stucco. A year-round building material, beautiful, permanent, fireproof, weatherproof. This material is now being ap plied on many residences in our city and can be applied successfully during all the winter months in safety. It is not mixed with water, but magnesium chloride, which will not freeze. Consult our Stucco Department for detailed information. Indianapolis Mortar & Fuel Cos. 407 ODD FELLOW BUILDING Phones—M A in 3030; Auto, LI ncoln 7581. OGLE COAL CO. PRODUCERS OF 25,000 TONS PER DAY EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTS FOR VANDALIA COAL CO. MONON COAL CO. VIGO MINING CO. BY-PRODUCTS POCAHONTAS CO. Also selling agent for other large producers of high-grade Indiana and Eastern Coals. 359-354 hast Washington Street RUNKLE’S BITTER CHOCO LATE—For candies and |ft Icing. Half pound block... lirC POTATOES—Extra fine Michigan. 2J/C{-bushtl bag, $3.10. OO Peck SI C BROWN BEAUTY BEANS Lunch l OC FARM HOUSE APPLE BUTTER—Quart jar ZSJC POMPEIAN PEANUT OIL— One-half ■* r pint * IDC ASSORTED CARAMELS— Six-pound *7 s tray .......75C LUMBER -MILLWORK ONE BOARD OR ONE MILLION FEET. QUALITY SERVICE O. D. HASKET LUMBER CO. PhOnea—WEbster 0114, Auto. BR ookslde T 415. Sales Photography. W. FRANK JONES Commercial Photographer. “MY CAMERA IS YOUR SALESMAN. 1 * 103-05 WULBIN BLDG. MAIK 5258. C. & G. POTTS & COMPANY Inoorporatod. FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS Manufacturers of GRATE BARS, STOKERS CASTINGS and a GENERAL LINTS OF GRAY IRON and SEMI-STEEL MACHINE CASTINGS.'/ 800-840 W. Woahirigton Ave. ' MAin 2749; AUto. Lincoln 1744 EVERYTHING for the OFFICE Expert Filing Adrloa, Office System* Installed or reor ganized under direction of oar Ex pert Accountant and Auditor. Let us Analyze Your Problems. W. K. Stewart Cos. 44 E. Washington 8t Indianapolis is a Great City For her continued growth and prosperity she must have a good transit system. She can only have this by a thonghtfnl, sympa thetic support of the only company prepared to give such service. Indianapolis Street Railway Cos. Look for the Dicus Auto Signal (Pronounced Dy-Ktu) Maximum Safety for Al Be. Demonstration at Salesroam Dicus - Schildmeier Signal Company 924 Ft Wayne Ave. Main 7128. ARMOUR’S PREPARED MINCE MEAT—I 4-0 z. If can I DC PENNANT SYRUP—MapIe flavor. Table size .......12 Gallon 75<1 DRIED MUIR PEACHES— .ifi 1920 crop, 2 lbs ZDC TEACAKES AND SUGAR -8 Q COOKIES. Pound lifC MONARCH AND MRS. RORER COFFEE—SteeI cut, or* 3 lbs.. $1.00; lb .DDC GOLDEN STATE PEACH n| JAM—IB-oz. can * ZIC LIBBY’S SWEET ■£ PICKLE RELISH IDC F. £. Gates Marble & Tile Cos. Manufacturers and Erectors Twenty-First and Adam* Webster 4330* 7