Newspaper Page Text
MAIN 3500 INDIANA DAILY TIMES. 25-29 S. Meridian St_ Main 2500 Classified Adv. Dept. RATES. One time 11 per line Three consecutive times.. .10 per line Six consecutive times 09 per line Contract rates on application. Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 Inch 07 per line additional Death notices 15c per Insertion Card of Thanks or In Memorlam Notices 07 per Una Ads received until 11:45 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. sk*”- 7 Child* Parlor* 1121 Union St. . FLAXNEK * BUCHANAN 229 Norm llltnoi* St Funeral rfra.nirfe to the poopl* of InAlae ajnc* 1187. Phones—Main 0641-0843. LI 1841. A IJia*\APOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner Funeral Director. 222 £. Market. Old phone Main 0902. LI _7m. J C WILSON 1220 Prospect. 8T 1871. Drexel 0221. W. T. Blasengym 1625 Shelby st. Drexel 2oTO. Stewart 1114. 1702 N. Illinois. Halidolph 6570. CHaS. a HOCKENSMITH. 724 N. Illinois. Main 1168. LI 1168. tL : .\t HALDIKECTO RB E. KREIGKR. LI 1124, Mam 1464, 1402 N. Illinois. tjADD—BERT S. OADD. 2120 Prospect st. Phones: Drexel 0422. 8T 2171. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY A TITUS. 851 North Del. LI 6584. Main 3620 FEENEY A KEEN EY. 1024 N. mmols. Main 8842. CARD OF THANKB. CARD OF THANKS—To each o£ our many relatives, neighbors and friends we wish to express our sincere thanks for the kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended during the illness and death of our dear wife and mother. Mrs. Marie C. Baase; especially Rev. R. H. Benting for the consoling words; Mabel Harding and Mrs. Benting. singers; also Drs. J. Emhardt and M. E. Claris and H. C. Vehling, undertaker. HUSBAND and SON. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Dog, brown, short haired, white streak on face, white breast, feet, long tall; answers to “Laddie/’ Harrison 2755. Reward. LOST—Brown leather purse, In downtown* district, containing money and automo bile keys. Reward, Randolph 6879. LOST —Lose leaf book with salesmen's records; $lO reward for return to W. A. KEELER, Severin Hotel. LOST—Nov. 28. string of pearl beads, valued as keepsake. Phone Washing ton 4702. Reward. LOST—Wrist watch on Washington st., Friday afternoon. Reward. Randolph 0782. LOST —Child's wrist watch without chain. Return to 22 BcKim street| $5 reward. LOST —Brindlp bulldog, Nov, 2. .Randolph 2507. PERSONALS. MY mother, Violet Loretta Pierce, dis appeared in Chicago, 111., in Englewood, year of 1903. June 19. Name before her marriage was V. E. Perry, Her home was in Kentucky. Father has sister namec Leota. She has two children. Gladys anc. Edna. Father disappeared and I was be tween 2 and 3 years old. Mother dis appeared when 1 was 13 and am IS now. My present address Is 1451 South East st. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private; prices reason able; may work for board; babies adopted; write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG, 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh st.. Kansas City, Mo. NEURITIS, rheumatism, lumbago, nerv ousness, poor circulation Heated by elec tric hot pack, either at my office or your home. 318 Traction Terminal. Circle 34it. MARG. A. FELLERS, D. P. D. <7. D. O. Druglesoi TherapoPT Osteo. Magnetic mas sage. Hours 9 a. m. to T p. m. Hit* building. 715 South Meridian, PRIVATE massages by masseur of French Lick Springs Hotel. Here for the winter. CLAUDE POWERS. Belmc.t 1956, LODGES AND CLUBS. GOLDEN RULE Lodge No. 35, L. A to B. of R. T.. will hold a bazar Wednes day. Dec. 7 at the Denison hotel, with a card party in the afternoon arid card party and dance In the evening. NOTICES. BARBERS —If you want high-grade bar ber supplies call on Victor A. Glimour. , Barber Suppilea. 309 E. Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. He Made Over SIO,OOO One Indianapolis man Invested $1,500 with pie In my first indus try. Seme 4 years later he sold his Interests for $10,060 and he had received fat dividends in ad dition. Hy second industry has been successfully operating for almost S years, and I am about to add to it the same line of manufac turing that made the first one fa mous, and made big money for all connected with it. I srill take in a few more asso ciates—not many—for the need is not great. if you have faith in the ability o{ this big country of ours to come back strong, then join me in this enterprise. Join if it is only for a few hundred dollara • 1 AM OCT TO REPEAT MY FORMER RECORD. Address C. R. C., P. O. box, 3S. Indianapolis. WANTED —A few- men to make big money. opportunity to be independent; no can vassing. oniv office work; must have S3O; possibility unlimited. Call Webster 6201. 538 N. oxford st.. Indianapolis Ind. IN DIANA RIGHT ANGLE TRIANGLE CO. ROOMING houses; 5 rooms, 10 rooms and 14 rooms; low rent, low price. Main 0657. 7-6 K. of P. bldg. _ PHYSICIAN, genera! practice wants loca tion central Indiana or city. Address A No. 2385 Times, ' ~~~~ DETECTIVES. The Nation il Detective Bureau, Inc. Criminal and Civil Investigations. SUITE 1010 ODD FELLOW BLDG. Circle *3BO. Night, Webster 5*37. Represented in ail principal cities. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil Imd* Criminal Investigators. 626-620 Law bldg. Main 2002. ■ INSTRUCTIONS,-, A BETTER JOB NOW If you have no trade you can get a good one in a few weeks. Learn the auto business. Repairmen always needed; get good pay; 10,000.000 autos, trucks, tractors need expert service. You can get in this business in a few weeks. Our free 188- page book tells how. Send name today. MICHIGAN STATE AUTO SCHOOL -18 52BAuto_Bldg. Detroit. Mich, MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE SOB E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 0757. LARGE PROFITS ~ from small expenditure follow Real Estate advertising in “Want Ad“ columns of the Times. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES GAS BUGGIES ARENT 'rtD RE4PY I■" Tl II ~ “II >. [| Y =77 YET-WE'LL VATTVICmTEAI , y , /~n WHAT2MUJ I CUT MYSELF cTiyte /A,/ f/, , lyar? (-’****/ XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS v The Little Shop Thirty-Fourth and Illinois Sts. A wonderful selection of gifts for the whole family. Randolph 4701. See Barskin Drrgoods v o 1246 Oliver Ave. for a wonderful assortment of gifts at reasonable prices. Lots of toys. It always pays to buy of a reliable jeweler. Buy your Watches Diamonds and Jewelry F. C. BONNET CROCHET lace for towels, pillow cases, and larger pieces; beautiful crochet rag rug; also comfort tops. WEbster 4767. WANTED —Plain and fancy hem stitching on all kinds of materials. IR vington 1524. ET H ELT REES. at 3773 N, Illinois, has lot* of Chlnaware, hand work and toys. Other assortments. Randolph 0356. I~EEE 4306 E. New York street, for large assort ment of Christmas gifts. HAND crochet bouduolr cap; pink; beauti fully lined. Reasonable. Webster 1142. MA L E HE LP-WA NT ED. Learn to Vulcanize Tires Three Days’ Free Trial Haywood Tire and Equip ment Company, 530-32 N. Capitol Ave. Solicitors and Canvassers Men who are hustlers can make good money; house-to-house work; commission basis. See ME Barton. Dally Times. \ Corner Delaware and North sts. Phone Main 0452. WANTED —First-class Job and catalog compositors Steady Job. Open shop, 48 hours per week. State full particulars in first letter. Address A No. 1840, Times. WANTED —Competent linotype operator. Open shop. 48 hours per week. State full particulars in first letter. Address A No. 1650, Timea __ 6 I TUATION WANTED—-MALE. POSITION as truck driver or stationery fireman. 136 S. McKim. Drexel 5868. “Bid you sellTtt If not, try the automobile columns of The Times Want Ada, FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Corner Delaware and North sts. Phone Main 0452. WANTED YOUNG LADY In dentist's office, combines complete busi ness course and laboratory training. JACKSON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Circle 1214. _ 157 N. Illinois St. ■SITUATION WANT E D—F EMA LE. CURTAINS to launder. Drexel 0895. Stewart 1515. BUSINESS SERVICES. FIVE rooms, wired 3-drop light, one 2- light and one 3-!ight chandeliers, com plete, $26.50. Webster 0272 or Webster 9452 after 6 p. m. FURNITURE repairing, upholstering and refinishing; new overstufted furniture made to order. Randolph 0146. NOAH WISE. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana v> FEATHERS bought, sold and renovated; feather mattresses and pillows made. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass, M 142 8. Li. 3775. GENERAL repairs and storage. Call days. Circle 4732. Night, Main 3120. 1012 Park avenue. CALL Webster 3603 for expert roof re pairing and laying. Prices right. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE Veterans’ of Foreign Wars land settlement committee will cheerfully give information about homesteading and reclamation lands. GEO. S. GEIS. chair man of National Land Settlement Commit tee. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 726 K. of P. Bldg. Main 0657, FURNISH E D HOUSE SA N D FL A1 S. UNUSUAL. Resident owner of downtown colonial home that cannot be sold has remodeled same into pleasant modern 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; 1 left one month free to responsible business people. Call Apt. S 515 N. Capitol. Carrollton Ave., North Modern furnished home, block from Col lege or Broad Ripple car; garage; refer ences. Washington 4004, COZY 5-room modern bungalow, Irvington. Preferred middle-aged Catholic couple; within walking distance of Lady of Lourdes. Irvington 2557. HOUSES—TO LET. FOUR-ROOM SINGLE HOUSE 1917 Dearborn st.. electric lights, city water; rent S2O. I. N. Richie & Son. Main 0520. 2124 Langley Ave. Four rooms, semi-modern. $20.00. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4518, FIVE-ROOM house, $25 per month, or will sell. Main 0657. Room 728 K. of P. bldg. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Blue Star Transit Local and Long-Distance Hauling. Toledo, Dayton, Columbus. Cincinnati. St. Louis. Chicago, Louisville, Detroit and other towns within 400 mile*. ROturn load wanted from Indianapolis, Ind., and Evansville, Nov. 30 and Dec. 2. Ben Smith, 155 Kentucky Ave. Auto Moving Van Service. Main 2294. Krisberg Transfer We have 4 sizes of trucks; $4 per load and up, depending on size of truck re quired. We estimated cost at your home free. Careful handling. Prompt service. Office 9 U. East st._ Tel. Circle 6932, PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Private locked room* and open apace. 25c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligation*. 419-23 E. Market street. Main 2750. LI 3680. Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER, PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Main 2028. LI 1121. CAIN TRANSFER CO. Local and long distance hauling. Esti mate your house free. Equipped to handle 1 to 6 ton loads. Call Circle 3469. A1 TRANSFER and trucking, large or small trucks. We sell high-grade coal. Webster 1580. CRATING, packing and shipping at re duced rates. JOHN M. NORRIS, mgr. Phone Main 3654. Night. Belmont 1036. UNION STATIOn’tRANSFER Local, over land moving; guaranteed work. M. 7119. BOARD AND BOgiVIS-TO LFT. ORIENTAL, 213 N.; two front rooms, modern, splendid heat; meals. Clrale 2060. BOARD at Hotel Lafayette. Mars Hill. Good car service. Dances Wednesday eve. BOARD AND ROOMS—WANTtiD. WANTED—Room and board near Catholic church; Catholic family preferred. Ad dress A No. 1839. Times. ROOMS—TO LET. ROOMS 75c to 11.50. Special rates by the week and alt mod ern conveniences. THE GEM STAG HOTEL. 32 W. Ohio street. ROOM for sleeping or light housekeeping. 832 Blake street. MRS. DOLLY ROB ERTS. TWENTY-FIRST st., 127 W.; modern fur nished room with meals. Harrison 1329. LARGE modern room witli kitchenette; gas range; good heat, $5.00. Circle 7313. MILKY ave. 125; two clean rooms; gas, electricity, $5. Belmont JS39. TWO furnished rooms and bath down stairs. Randolph 8066. TWO light housekeeping rooms for couple. 1702 Montcalm street. Want Ads find the right people for the right places and the light placet tor the right people. Phone Main ISO*, auto. 13-2.51- DON H WRIGHT SUCCESSOR TO WRIGHT & SON UNDEKTAKERS PHONCS I! AND Cambridge City. Indian* Deoenber 1 1921. Indl.ina Daily Tines. Indianapolis. Gentlenen: Fnolosed yon will find recittanoe •over-inc ost of an adtetbat yon ran for uq in your lost oolwui. I wish to say that I got qnieker rosults fro* the add rn in your paper than any other paper that I hare erer aed. I lost By tiro on the enening of N0t.24 and ■ailed ry add to all the three papers of Indianapolis on Friday evening. Your paper earried the add on Satarday evening and I had the tire looated before eight Otoslosk Sirnday norning. That is wha’i I wall results. Youra reap., ~ j sShn///- “SOT IT HTC3 a IB MP Into the worthwhile homes of this city and vicinity over 50,000 copies of the Indiana Daily Times are delivered every evening. Direct your story to these readers. You can not secure their attention thru any other paper. So whenever you lose any thing, in anything lut a holdup or robbery, just call the Daily Times "Want Ad Department. -They will find it for you. Read what the Times did for this man. We can do the same for you —nearly always. CALL Mill 3500, kU FOR MIT AD TAKER INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1921. Lots of people mistake a home for an accelerator LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. MADISON ave. 1625; 8 housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, private entrance $6. Drexel 5375. TWO unfurnished rooms, well located. Randolph 8006. GARAGES—TO LET. #N^^^^^WVWW>AfW^WSAfVW4iAWVW DOWNTOWN storage, special rates; steam heat; fireproof; also space for a shop. MYERS GARAGE, 448 N. Capitol. Main 6009. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Bargain—s2,loo—Bargain Seven-room home, 5 rooms down, 2 rooms and attic up; electric lights, gas, city water and sewer In yard; large deep cellar, garage. All 1 i condition. Located on lowa street west of East street. Call Ed O'Callahan, south side specialist, with McCord & McKinney, Realtors 811 Lemcke Bldg. Circle 5220. Evenings. Webster 8800. Fletcher Ave. Peven-room house; toilet, electric lights, city water, gas, cistern, steam heating plant. Full basement, double garage. Lot 31x193 feet. Price $3,400. Terms. Eve ning, Irvington 2336. Crum & Boulden, Realty Cos. 217 K. of P. bldg. Main 4233. Owner Leaving City Must sell cottage located southeast, four rooms, pantry, gas, etty and cistern water, electric lights. Your chance to pick up a real snap on payments. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. 122 E. Market fit. MODERN LONGALOW, EAST 5 rooms, Rybolt furnace, brick and ce ment front porch, lot 40x170. You can't beat It cast for $3,760. For terms call Mr. Keller, Irvington 0139. Schmid & Smith, Inc., Realtors. Main 4083. 134 N Di aware. A Dandy Little Bungalow with two good lots on corner; nice ga rage; can be bought; worth the money. Call Mr Anderson, with I. N. Richie & Son. 710-12 Bankers Trust Cos. Main 0520. yVV A 77 n tt fa. II oughly modern, 6 large U II Aft II , rooms on each side, front and rear stairway, hard wood floors throughout; $5,000 building and loan. Price $5,500. GEO. A. LUCAS. 726 K. of P. bldg. Circle 6600. __ ONLY puts you In n cozy semi-modern, nearly new, well located bungalow. southeast, near car. Price $2,500; SSUO cash, balance S2O month. "The Firm That Hustles." 760-62 Bankers Trust bldg. Main 1409. Nights. Washington 1079 EAST Btrictly modern home full basement; hardwood floors throughout, buffet, fire place, sleeping porch, paved street. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. FOUR. 6* and 6-rOom modern bungalows. Also modern double. For a rquare deal call EVERROAD. 524 Board of Trade. Main 0327_0r Drexel 3250. ~NEW MODERN HOME. Five rooms with city and cistern water; corner lot. garage, small payment, balance like rent. Randolph 3204. BIX ROOMS, full basement, 2-car garage, Guilford ave., south of 42rid. WADDT & SPRINGER. 1009 PEOPLES BANK. MAIN 0131. 1200 DOWN, balance like rent, buys a nice home on car line. 726 K. of P. bldg. Main 0657. FOR housea on terms, doubles or singles. Call C. J. OSBURN. Drexel 6184. MUST - se 11 my equity 8-room semi-modern house, west side. Circle 1064. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Beautiful AVashington Boulevard Home New, never occupied colonial home; modern to date. Center hall type; hard wood floors throughout. Three line bed rooms; sleeping porch, tile bath, full base ment with fully equipped laundry. Large lot. Double garage. A real home. Open for Inspection Sunday afternoon and eve ning. Location 3108 Washington blvd. “The Firm That Hustles.’' Tel., Main 1409. Rea, Washington 1079. Ask for Mr. Young. Don’t Pay High Rent Buy On Rental Payments on St. Peter street near Prospect, six rooms, gas. electric lights, city water, ga rage; house In splendid condition. Price $2,500. Terms S3OO cash, balance monthly. If you want a neat south side home at right price, see this. HENRY & ROBINS, REALTORS. Main 5538. 153 E. Market St. Northeast Five-room bungalow, and extra lot; semi-modern. Price $2,750; $350, balance easy term*; for particulars call Mr. Me- Inteer. I. N. Richie & Son. 710-12 Bankers Trust Bldg. Main 0520. Six-Room Modern Bungalow, East Lot 40x139; will sell for $4,000. Require!! $2,000 cash; balance at 6 per cent 52 South Denny street * 77 Duplex east. 4 rooms and n rr fa || bath up, 6 rooms and bath VI II /*s\ II - down, furnace heat, full lot. Property In splndid condition. Rents 175 per month. Price $6,000; SSOO cash, GEO. A. LUCAS. 726 K. of P: bldg. Circle 6600. DOUBLE on payments. Wade street, east of Shelby. Fine condition; S2OO cash, bal ance like rent. Live in one side, rent the other. RUBBE It HARTMAN, 224 North Delaware. ' WHY WORRYT LET ■ Times Wool ad sail lt _fo£ jmL LOTS—FOR SALE. THREE lots. 133x132 feet in all, near school, car ilne. paved street, etc. Lo cated in a rapidly growing section north east. Splendid home, site; responsible party can buy for S3O cash, balance $3 weekly. MR. YOUNG. Mala 1409. Res., Washington 1079. __ FOR SALB——Lot No. 20, Kenwood addi tion. between Thirty-Second and Thirty- Third Streets. 40x132. By owner. Call Belmont 1902. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Stop Six, Edgewood Five-room bungalow; pantry, electric lights. v.U.i. one-half acre land, garage. $2 600'; $250 down. $25 per month. Call Trueblood. RELIABLE 'REALTY CO. Ma in 0136. Evenings, Irvington 4213. _____ 5-Room Bungalow Garage, 3 lots, near interurban stop north. Price $2,650. Terms. Drexel 1495. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. Notice We have calls every day for houses, both doubles and klftgles And in ail parts of the city. We can sell yours providing the price is right. Howard C. Venn, Realtor 108 E. Market. Main 1115. WANTED to buy a house, farm or busi ness on easy payments What have you to offer? 726 K. qf P. bldg. AUTO R EPAI RS AN DSU PPLI ES. SlitlTE MS e®. IF MIMS We exchange all makes of lighting Let us renlckel your stoves and make tanks. City delivery every day. them like new; all kinds of nickelplating. 0. K. WELDING CO. We get you any place in the State. O. K. STUART. Irvington 3106, ring 2. 'EAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. Just 11 Miles Out Forty-three acres, nice 7-room modern house, garage, barn and outbuildings, lots of nice fruit; good road. Will trade for a good double. Call Mr. Anderson, with I. N. Richie & Bon. 710-12 Bankers Trust Cos. Main 0520. NEW, vacant, thoroughly modern bunga low on 121 S. Gladstone, for south side equity. EVERROAD 524 Board of Trade. Main 0327 or Drexel 3250. FORD SEDAnT ALMOST NEW; FIRST CLASS CONDITION, FOR GOOD BUILDING LOT EAST. EVENINGS, IR VINUTON 4 213. A GOOD farm in Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska or lowa. Want city property. 72 6 K. of P. oldg. Main 0657. See me for lots north of Fall Creek. GEO. R. BROWN. 1002 Lemcke Bldg. RE A L EST AT E—FO R TRADE. FOR EXCHANGE $16,000 Income property, clear. Rents $l5O monthly. Merchandise wanted. 160-acre black prairie Illinois corn farm, clear, for merchandise. Will guarantee $16.000 loan If wanted. Price $250 per acre. 150-acre northern Indiana farm, clear; SIOO per acre for merchandise. 7,000-acre Mississippi cattle ranch; prairie black lime soil belt. Price S2O per acre. Income property wanted. Write Leavitt Land Company INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. i . TTTT All This for SIB,OOO 12 Miles From Circle One of the most beautiful home sites in 20 miles of Indianapolis; 80 acres; 7- room house, front and rear porches, full basement; good barn;; silo; stanchions for 18 cows; main road running through farm; water stream on two sides; beautiful for est woods; one cottage all ready for serv ice: could easily rent or sell ground for more; including all this stock and tools; 3 brood mares and colts, 2 bay horses, 10 head of cattle. 1 lamb. I manure spread er. 1 binder, 1 mower. 2 cultivators, 1 har row, 1 disc harrow, 1 wagon, harness for 5 horses, 200 bu or corn. 200 bu. of oats. 30 tons of hay, 60 chickens, 1 gasoline en gine, 1 feed grinder, hay forks and ropes, all other miscellaneous tools; 10x20 slio, full. Will accept some city property. So lure la a chance to trade your city prop erty for a farm complete, possession at once. “Live Wires." T. R, Jones & Cos., 414 People’s Bank bldg., 135 E. Market st. Main 5758. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 1 >0 acres Improved near Center Point. Ind. $2,500; part cash. EVERROAD, 624 80. rd of Trade bldg. Main 0327. WE have 5,000 farms for sale or exchange. GEO. S. GEIS, agent Western Salea Agency of Minneapolis; also business op portunities. 726 K. of P. bldg. Main 0657. AUTO MO BIL ES—FO R S A LE. FORDS Buying with good Judgment saves you money. Let us show you some of our used car*. Open Sunday. • a. in. to 12 m. Wangelin-Sharp Cos. Ford Dealers “Personal Service" 443 and 439 Virginia Ave. Drexel 0360. Ford Touring 1921 model. Anew car equiDped v.-ith shocks, dash Hjthi and new cord tires. A real buy. Best terms in town. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 510 N. Capitol Ave. Circle 8301. DODGE BROTHERS motor cars; a good assortment at all times. C.H.WALLtr£ii-rl COMPANV Donee Brothers Motor Vehicles 845 North Meridian. MODEL 83, Overland, by owner, $150; first-class condition; 6 good tires; win ter and summer curtains, slip covers, new battery. Call ROBBINS BODY CORP. FORDS, tourings, roadsters, coupes and trucks. Sale or exchange for any make car. Cash or payment. TURNER, 919 V Irginia avenue. FORD, Hupmobile and King 8. Make your own terms. 518 N. Capitol. Open eves. INTER-STATE and Grant 6. Make your own terms. 518 N. Capitol. Open eves- FORD speedster and Chevrolet touring. 518 N. Capitol ave. Open evenings. TRUCK S— FO R SALE, M ATS TRUCK CHEAP G & J Tire Garage 549 E. Georgia St. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE3. Now is the time to have your motorcycle overhauled and ra-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6464. CASH paid for all kinds or motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 606 Massachusetts avenue. B lr Dl7 T U (Copyright, 1921, by J DLL -tv New Era Features) AUTOMOBILE 3 —WANTED. AUTOS WANTED. CASH for your junked, burned, wrecked or used car. WE are the LARGEST used car dealers In the state. WE have all parts for 200 cars. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 5X6 N. Capitol eve. Main 2638. Open evenings and Sundays. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 1579. LI 2063. AUTOS wanted. WEISSMAN'S 212-14 £ New York street. Main 4468. AUTO RE PAIRS AND SU pp L| ES.^ FORD~BODIES AND WINTER TOPS. 330 E. MARKET ST. SCORED CYLINDERS REPAIRED. EAGLE PATENTED PROCESS. CYLINDER GRINDING, NEW EQUIP MENT. Oversize piston rings and pins; crankshaft grinding; steel starter gears put on. EAGLE MACHINE CO. 24 N. Noble st. Malt; 0884. AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 334 North IHlnols. S & S Auto Laundry AUTO RADIATOR SERVICE] Over hauled radiators. $5. Work guaranteed. FRED BRIGHAM, 212 E. New York st. Main 4446. GARAGES FOR SALE, Rent a New Ford—- Drive It Yourself Touring cars, roadsters, coupes, sedans, 15c per mile for open cars. 13c per mile for closed models. Gas and oil extra. TEN DOLLARS DEPOSIT. ABILITY TO DRIVE AND OUT YOU GO. Saunders’ Drive It Yourself System 330 N. DELAWARE. CIRCLE 6826. MY garage for sale or trade, located downtow-n. Main 5009. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Get our low prices on high-grade used and second-hand UNDERWOOD. MON ARCH. REMINGTON, L. C. SMITH, ROYAL and other good machines. We sell machines that we* can guarantee. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP 18 West Market. Second Floor. Phone, Main 2886. Indianapolis. Ind. Match Your Coat With a Pair of I \ TROUSERS l 1 THE PANTS STORE CO 1A / Twe Store*. \ j Us 48 W. Ohio St. # % 1 214 E- Ohio SL W w MAN’S FUR COAT Beautiful Fur Coat with extra large otter collar. Very long and heavy, S6O for quick sale. Address A No. 2382, Times. _____ - PANTS AND SELL ’EM DIRECT , TO YOU AT A SAVING. H IC/6IVI TAILORING CO. iL.ILiA/1 Y| 264 Massachusetts Ave. SINGLE and double oven restaurant ranges; guaranteed; low prices; pay ments. BAKER BROS. HAVE anew suit by matemng your coat with a pair of trousers at the PANTS STORE CO. 114 E. Ohio. GENUINE SQUIRREL CAPE. KOLINSKY" CHOKER, ERMINE CAPE. PRAC TICAL L Y_NEW l __MAlN_2isA_FL_iliiA_ SLATE roofing, red or green. $2.25 per roll. Webster 0272 or Webster 9452 after 6 p, m. DARK blue overcoat, size 40. $5. 138 Harman street. ’IERii given on new and used machines. White Sewing Machine Cos. 312 Mass ave. GOOD rubber tired invalid chairs for rent, $3.50 a month. No charge for de livery. BAKER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTEu GOOD, SOUND YELLOW EAR CORN WANTED AT THE STOCKYARDS HOUSEHOLD GOODS—FOR SALE, TWENTY’ ROOMS of medium class room ing house furniture; beds. springs, dressers, wardrobes, washstands, mirrors, rugs, rockers, chiffoniers, etc., cheu; pay ments. BAKER BROS. SOLID oak, round dining table. 5905 University ave. Irvington 2492. LI ncoln 8351 MUSICAL-SALE OR WANTED. SEVERAL good used pianos, from $75 to $150; payments as low as $1 per w,eek. BAKER BROS. GRAND piano cheap for cash; would trade or sell on payments, Randolph 4221, HIGH-GRADE string Instruments. half price at factory; expert repairing. Ran dolph 0616. _____ LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES^ HORSE, wagon and harness in good con dition. Belmont 3413. 22 N. Blooming ton street 'THEN patronizing these advertisers men tion the Times. DOGS, POULTRY, PIGEONS, ETC. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUU NE SOCIETY. City dog pound. 924 E. N. Y. Main 0373. COAL AND WOOD—FOR SALE. UNTIL BEG. ISTH or Until Present Stocks Are Exhausted Pocahontas lump $8.75 Pocahontas mine run 7.75 W. Virginia lump 8.50 W. Virginia mine run 7.00 INDIANA lAJMP, TWO TONS OR MORE 6.50 Indiana mine run 5.50 Indiana screenings 4.75 Coke 11.50 Call us for special prices on lots of ten tons or more. Additional charge of 50 cents per ton for wheeling. E. S. Coal Company Successors to The J. L. Hampson Coal Cos. Phones: Circle 0306. Randolph 0466. THE BEST is”THE CHEAPEST. ’ Best Ind. or Linton No. 4, clean forked 7.09 Illinois lump,, large clean forked 7,50 Best Brazil block, clean forked 8.50 Best Illinois egg, clean forked 7.25 Best Brazil egg, clean forked 7.60 High-grade nut and slack 6.00 Delivered anywhere In the city. FREE KINDLING, with each ton or more ordered. Drexel 3280. ST. 2225. COAL. ~~ Best Linton No. 4 lump. 4-inch vein, de livered, $6.50; mine run bright clean, about 60% large lump, $5.50 delivered. Coal how on track at Sixteenth and Monon. Telephone Webster 1344 or Randolph 1721. CASH COAL CO. Pocahontas M. R., $7.50 3 TONS $7.25. 3 TONS OR MORE $7.00. Drex. 5747. Rand. 6263. SPECIAL—SPECIAL. * ONE WEEK ONLY. Big. clean Indiana lump, single ton. $6.50 2 tons $12.50. Main 0430. Main 0431. LI 4730. COAL CLEAN forked fourth vein Linton LumD, $6.50 per ton. Nut and Egg, $6.60. RAN DALL COAL CO., Kentucky ave. and White River. Drexel 4967. NICE, clean forked Indiana egg coal, 3 tons, $12.50; 1 ton, $5.50; No. 4 Unton lump, $6.75; Virginia lump, $8.75; kin dling with each order. Belmont 1907. coal" L H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 3531. Main 2151. ALL kinds of coal delivered; large or small quantity. J. SIMON. Drexel 3174. FURNASS kindling and cook stove wood; big truck load cheap. Main 8432. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF PARK DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sealed bids will be received by the city controller of the city of Indianapolis, In diana, until 12 o'clock m., on the 24 th day of December. 1921, for the whole or | any part of thirty-three thousand ($33,000) ; dollars of bonds of the park district of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, w r hlch j said bonds are designated “Park District 1 Bonds of 1921, Issue No. 10,” and will be : dated as of Dec. 24, 1921. Said bonds i will be sixty-six (66) in number and i will be for five hundred ($500) dollars i eqch with interest coupons attached. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of five and one-half (5H%) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year. The first coupon on each bond will be come due and payable on the first day of July, 1923, and will be for the interest on said bond from date of issue to said date. Tills issue of bonds consists of twenty-two (22) annual series of three bonds each. The first series will become due and payable on the first day of January, 1924, and one series will mature on the first day of January of each succeeding year in the consecutive order of their respective num bers. Both principal and interest are pay able at the office v - the treasurer of th# city of Indianapolis, Indiana, and con stitute an obligation of the park district of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, Bids for the purchase of said bonds shall be indorsed “Bid for Park District Bonds of 1921, Issue No. 10," directed to the city controller, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bidders may bid for all or any part of said bonds. Proposals will be opened by the city controller at his office on the 24th day of December, 1921, between the hours of 12 m. and 2 o’clock p. m. and shid controller will thereupon award said bonds, or if he shall see fit, a part thereof, to the highest and best bidder therefor, but the said controller shall have the right tx> reject any or all bids or proposals or any part thereof, and shall have the right to accept a part of any bid, and to award upon any bid tile whole or any less number of bonds covered by each bid, excepting only that no bonds shall be sold for less than par. He may also, in his judgment and discre tion, award a part of said bonds to one bidder and a part to another. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check upon some responsible bank of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, paya ble to the order of Ralph A, Lemcke, city treasurer, for a sum of money equal to two and one-half (2(4%) per cent of the face or par value of the bonds bid for. The bonds awarded will be delivered at the office of the city treasurer of Indian apolis. Indiana, on the 24th day of De cember. 1921, or at such time or times as may, on the day bids are opened and award is made, be agreed upon; ail such deliveries, however, to be made within thirty (30) days from the date of such award, and the successful bidder or bidders shall take and pay for the bonds awarded to him or them and his or their omission, neglect or refusal so to do shall be a breach of the contract of his bid or pro posal. on account of which damages shall be retained or recovered as liquidated. Said bonds aro offered for sale under and by virtue of the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved March 14, 1919, entitled “An Act concerning the 'department of public parks' in cities of the first class, defining its powers and duties, creating a taxing district for park purposes In each city of the first class, repealing conflict ing laws, and declaring an emergency,” apd all acts amendatory thereof or appli cable thereto, and pursuant to a resolution of the board of park commissioners of the city of Indianapolis. Indiana, directing the undersigned to issue and sell bonds ? for the purposes therein set out. The opinion of Messrs. Smith. Remater, Hornbrook & Smith concerning the legality' of these bonds will be furnished to the suc cessful bidder for the. same. ROBERT H. BRYSON, City Controller. NOTICE TO HEIRS. CREDITORS. ETC 69—18585. In the Probate Court of Marion County. November term, 1921. In the matter of the estate of Catherine Dugan, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Michael J. Ready as executor of the above named es tate has presented and filed his account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Pro bate Court on the 24th day of December. 1921, at which time ail heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to ap pear in said court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. RICHARD V. SIPE, Clerk. CHARLES L. BARRY. Attorney. ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. “ Notice Is hereby given, that the under- j signed has duly qualified as adrrdnistra- I tor of estate of Milton E. Stemple, de- J ceased, late of Marion County, Indiana. I Said estate is supposed to be solvent. I WILLIAM H. FLANDERS. I No. 19608. J Continued on Next Page M 9