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12 We Will Help You to Save Safely Stagings anu Crust Coit patty INDIANAPOLIS WOOLLEN AGAIN HEADS SOCIETY Holliday Successor Re-elected by Charity Body. Evans Woollen who was elected presi dent of the Charity Organisation Society following the death of John H. Holliday, will continue to serve in that capacity. He was re-elected at the annual meeting of the society in the 'Board of Trade li brary yesterday afternoon. Other officers elected are: Frederic M. Ayres, first vice president; Louis Hollweg, second vice president; O. A. Efroymson, treasurer, and Eugene C. Fos ter, general secretary. Two members of the executive committee, Mgr. Francis H. Gavlsk and Merle Sidener, were re-elected, The Rev. M. L. Haines was elected on the committee to succeed Mr. Holliday and Walter E. Pittsford was elected to suc ceed Thomas H. Spann. According to reports made at ths meet ing, the work of the organization is rap idly Increasing. The figures presented show that last year 1,306 families were aided and $32,616 was expended, while this year 2,501 families were aided and $03,632 was expended. It was reported that there Is a deficit of $5,010.54. Mr. W.sllen urged support of the community cheat Directors who were elected at the meet ing are: One-year Period—Frederic M. Ayres, Mrs. Eliza Blaker, Mrs. L. A. Cox, Wil liam Fortune, Mgr. F. H. Gavisk, Alex ander R. Holliday, Merle Sidener, Walter E. Pittsford, Mrs. W. W. Woollen, G. A. Efroymson. Two-Year Period—Thomas C. Day, Ed ward A Kahn, the Rev. M. L. Haines, L<ral3 Hollweg, W. J. Mooney, C. P. Orbison, Evans Woollen, C. R. Yoke, James M. Ogden, John F. White. Three-Year Period —James A. Collins, A. B. Grover, Mrs. Fred Hoke, James W. Lilly, Charles Remster, John It. Welch, Dr. F. S. C. Wicks, George Vonnegut, J. W. Fesler and the Rev. G. S. Henninger. BICYCLE RIDER HIT BY TRUCK Parked Autos Damaged in Runaway Crash. Antone Rasmussen, 30, ISO3 Dext'r ave n*ue, was injured last night when his bicycle was struck by a truck driven by John Williams, 1007 Cornell avenue. The accident occurred at Belletontaine and Thirtieth streets. Rasmussen was taken to the office of a physician where his in juries were dressed. Herbert Eastland, negro, 512 East Court street, driver for the City Coal and Ice FOR HER CHRISTMAS A 15-Jewel, 20- Year Case, round or octagon Wrist A small deposit will h-ld any article until Christmas nr ) THE FLETCHER M. NOE JEWELRY STORE 103 North Illinois Street Opposite Terminal Station CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE One busy business man writes us: > This is a fine Idea and will be very helpful to me when I come to the national holiday selection of books for presents. I am more and more partial to books sa the solution of th gift-giving season, and this catalogue will save many weary moments of pulling and hauling through mad shopping crowds. W. K. STEWART CO. Ecoks. Stationery, Offce Furniture. 44 EAST V/ASHINGTON ST. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Nervousness Is Due to Eye Strain W Nerve specialists will tell you that a great deal of nervous troubles come from the eyes. A pair of properly fitted glasses will relieve the strain off of the optic nerve in the back of the eyeball, which leads to the back of the neck. The balance of the nerves strain in sympathy with the optic nerve, bringing on a complete nervous condition. It is strange to say most people who are troubled with headaches and nervousness can see better without thfir glasses. A pair of Deep-Curved Lenses with any desired f \a_4 f A $4.00t0 $6.001 t ) THE WM. H. BLOCK CO. Optical Department, Main Floor, Balcony. Dr. Jos. E Kernel in charge. • DOG HILL PARAGRAFS J I Jfewf E Jpll UJL Luke Mathewslas placed a ladder in his home, and now has an upstairs. • • * The congragation of the Hog Ford Church is so divided on a Question that came up last week, It Is feared a parti tion will have to be built through the church. ... Fletcher Henstep went and renewed his subscription to the paper last week for another year. He says a person ought never to read but one paper, then his mind won’t get confused as to which is rigV. Company, is scheduled to appear in city court to answer the charges of impropet driving and leaving horses untied. East land, It is alleged, failed to tie the horses nitched to a heavy wagon and when he left them they ran away, and, at Vermont and Meridian streets, the wagon crashed into two parked automo biles. Both automobiles were badly dam aged. J. O. Rider, 2214 Langley avenue, a taxi driver, caught the horses. The au tomobiles were the property of Mrs. Howard Marmon and Howard C. Vent, both of whom live in the Blacherue Apartments. 3 ROOM OUTFIT S 9B 7S SI.OO Per Week fflioen/'&iurfu&ivfik . Famous For Our Outfits. ii£s 927 Virginia ave. Drexei 0647. * Polychrome Narcissus Bowls Richly decorated and filled with five paper-white NARCISSUS BULBS and plenty of fine wished ocean gravel. You’ve only to add the water. Special, $1 .00 while they last, I complete Best results are obtained by leaving bulbs in dark maH orders, please ad-1 20c extra for for ten day softer plant- boxing and pa rcel poß t. Gay Christmas Greetings At Very Special Prices 12 Folders of attractive design. Each different. Complete with en- or velopes CD C By mail, 30 c Charles Mayer & Cos. 29 and 31 W. Washington St. Established 1840 Our Rapid Growth Can Only Be Attributed to the Values We Give Just 30 days ago we opened up this JST ffYfepsxcggy | popular priced shoe store. Our business V a 1i has grown so fast that we have found it -? necessary to increase our sales force W —also our stock. A wider selection than a 9 .'‘dNa ever awaits you here and again we chal- vn -® lenge any one to equal our values at less a Blacks—Browns —Grays With French, Military High and Low Shoes Satin, Suede, Kids |Qra||j|p^p NO MORE "X NO LESS Company 2nd Floor State Life Bldg Office Furniture We have one of the largest as- n „ sortments of every style desk iJj jj needed for the office. Let us § help you in the proper selection \ Fire and burglar proof safes aud "fcw I Safes for home or office. P FIXTURES FOR STORE, OFFICE AND BANK. AETNA CABINET COMPANY Display rooms, 321-29 W. Maryland St., Indianapolis. Progress Laundry INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1921. 20 Postcards with seasonable sentiments. No two alike. The sets won’t last long at this e* 1 25c 15 Cards with Christmas greetings.^ Each different. Complete with en- rn. velopes DUC By mail, 55d I A pleasant feeling of It P warmth and comfort || I follows the first dose m fig “I coughed for two years 4§ ■ without a day’s or night’s rest. | H Was told it was chronic bron- 9 | chitis and could not be cured. $1 JjL Foley’s Honey and Tar helped 9 P me and I sleep all night long. EB I I will never be without it in fe| my house.”. Mrs. Sadie Lay, 8 Puts a healing, sooth- J ■an inflamed oat. Stops ding throat, ? hoarseness, | chest irrita- | tions, hack- ■ ing cough. | h J|| WETOGRAPH Secret Writing System Invaluable for lovers and for keeping; recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other Information safe and private. No stranger can read your postals if you use the We to Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don’t miss it. Send 10c and we will send the Weto Graph by mall with full Instructions. Address PENN Pl’B l.LSHlN'h (,n_ T> Get What the Children Like Automobiles, SB.OO to $25.00 Irish Mails, $5.25 Scooters. with 1-inch tires, 2 sizes, $5.00 and .$6.00 Velocipedes, $5.00 to $15.85 Roller Skate,. $1.75 The G H. Westing Cos. 7 ■~ ' • " ready to do your repair - WORK - and DO IT RIGHT. Mayes Bros. plumbing, t eating.and VUNTiLATING MAIN 2493 AUTO 27 493 TR/kWI IMP SWIF*M llave all the Comforts of Horn* at ■ • EIbIImW "ICH one-half price of the big Hotels. Fireproof. Modern. HOTEL PURITAN Corner Market and New Jersey Btreeta. S— -M TRY A WANT AD IN THE TIMES. THEY BRrNG YOU QUICK RESULTS. Irjnljj /fil . fp CTff f H Ine Store for Useful wits You Ca or . V(>ars Vonnegut's has been known as the store for practical and beautiful Christmas gifts y ou Q an Get It at -the kind that play an essential part in one’s daily life long after Christmas day has be- Q et y ~ come a pleasant memory. This year we are better prepared tlxan ever before to help you Vonnegut’s negut s so i ve perplexing gift problems. Practical suggestions in high quality merchandise extreme ly reasonably priced await you here on every hand. SILVER PLATED ware Is, of course, always appro priate as a gift. In mauy homes it is preferred to solid silver. We have the latest patterns in Wil liam Rogers, 1847 Rogers Bros, and Orteida Community brands. Teaspoons, a set of six, are from $1.25 to $4.00. Chests of plat ed ware start at $12.00. WISS SHEARS NTlie name “Wiss” assures you of the highest quality in scissors and shears. Asa practical gift to her who sews they would be very acceptable. Scissors 0 start at sl.lO. 11 Shears are from Rail $1.40 up. Six-inch \\ Equity shears, steel blades, black handles, special at II 6%-inch Equity \\_Ji shears, steel blades, nickel plated han dles, special at 09£. SCROLL SAWS and TURNING LATHES Breathes there the boy who would not be overjoyed with be ing presented one of these prac tical scroll saws. Think of the fun he could have operating it by foot power and sawing out aB kinds of designs and toys. Prices from $11.50 to $15.25. Turn ing lathes for boys, complete, with emery wheel, chuck and lathe tools, are from $22.50 to $26.25. Apex Electric Washers—Hoover Sweepers — A. B . Gas Ranges VONNEGUT 120-124 East Washington Street PERCOLATORS A handsome 99 percolator as __ a gift brings M| forth more ® than the ordl- M i? 11 Lg| jlj| U nary "Thank || hn ve some vMr gyMr either nickel HA** or aluminum J] 7?! , wife would be —"v overjoyed to Ezjm TO VJ receive. Stove 111 9 a. Jr styles start at A ' $2.89. Electric Percolators are $8.29 up. POCKET KNIFE SPECIALS What’s Ciiristajas without at least one pocket knife in Junior's Christ mas stocking? We have two extra special values which we know you will interested in. One is of the Valley Forge brand with 2 steel blades and a dark metal han dle, special price, 29 cents. The other is of the 1,. F. & C. brand, with 2 steel blades and a dark wood handle, special price 60 cents. Other pocket knives from 60 cents to SIC. Knife like cut, with pearl handle, $1.75. CASSEROLES Always extremely popular as a gift is a handsome casserole. Our spe cial Is n 114 Pint size with earthen ware insert, brass nickel plated holder, priced at $1.89. Other cas seroles are from $2.19 up. Cas serole like cut with Pyrex insert is $7.25. DURHAM DUPLEX DEMONSTRATION WW A ff n IJke regular Durham except tliat IT& 811 * uard Is steel polished and ban- I \/Jll die is composition rubber. Spe- JL clal with one blude. IggggSwWWtlWlfl / —'v Think how happy f A Grandma will be to find beautiful Moorefleld por traits of the kiddles in her Christmas stocking! Ninth Floor. * iha Bldg. WHEN YOU GO TO CHICAGO STOP AT THE Itongtim Intel Michigan Blvd. at 22nd St. A Hotel with a Home Atmosphere Absolutely Fireproof 450 Light, Large, Airy Rooms Every Modem Appointment of Comfort and Convenience. Near 111. Cent., Mich. Cent, and Big "4” R.R. Station. A few minutes from downtown, shopping and theatre district. European Plan. Rates cheaper than any other first classHotelinChicago. Excel lent Cuisine. Three moderate priced cases. Music, Dancing. Wire for Reservation at Our Expense We Make P.ANTS and sell ’em direct to YOU at a saving. I m\T TAILORING CO. LLUII 254 Mass. Ave. “SHINO” CLOTH | The “Shino’’ Polishing Cloth shown here is a specially prepared cloth for cleaning silver and plated ware or gold and nickel. The red cloth does the magic work while the white cloth does the finishing. Spe cial at 29 cents. ROASTERS Mother may not say it, bus she can always use a roaster to good ad vantage. Our stock offers you an unusually large variety of choice. Prices range from $1.75 up. "Wear- Ever” Aluminum roasters, like cut, are $5.08. SLEDS AND WAGONS Steering sleds start at $2.50. Genu ine Flexible Flyers, 49 inches long, are $5.50 each. “Biear,” imitation Irish malls, are $7.25 up. Coaster wagons start at $7.25. “Non-Tip” wagons with front axle built cn automobile principle, SB. Skypa longs ’or sidewalk scooters, 98 cents. Christmas Bargains IVJI TTG at wholesale prices. Ivw * O Including English Walnuts, Pecans, Hazel Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Mixed Nuts. 25c Per Pound x Ml JB Just cne square of Penn, at } TV*'*’’. THE BICKSLER RECITALS Men. and Toes., Dec. 5-6, 1921 8:15 P. M, CHAKLOTTE PEEGE, Contralto. PHILIP SEVASTA, Harpist. FLORENCE BRINKMAN, Pianist.. Y. M. C. A. AUDITORIUM Illinois and New York Sts. Indianapolis, Ind. / Benefit of Joseph R. Gordon W. R. C., No. 43 ®USE the Best Lincoln 7397 You Can Buy It Cheaper at MOYER’S 137-139 W. Washington St. ffin’otjjfmtrQiicago dlslt of oi§ [PRISON HOIEL I 1 the OTEL or PERFECT SERVICE*® and the CARVING SETS Our large and varied stock Includes carvers of all kinds. Handles are of stag. Imitation stag, silver and pearl. A special 3-piece set, 8-inch steel blades, with imitation stag handles, Universal brand, $1.98. Other sets from $1.75 to $17.50. TOOL CHESTS If you want to see the “smile that won’t come off” just present your boy friends with a tool chest. For the lit tle fellows we are showing a line of tool chests known as the Boys’ Favo rite. There are 4 sizes at <5 cents, $1.25, $2.00 and $2.50. For older boys and young men we suggest making up chests of tools from our own stock. Mahogany stained chests, with 16 tools, are priced at $9.50. Chest of tools like cut, $35.00. MANUAL BENCHES Extremely useful for she home as well as an excellent gift for the boy who likes to make things. Strong, sturdy benches with two wood vises at $12.25. Bench with one iron vise and one large tool drawer, $13.23. Bench like cut with two good vises and a cabinet of three drawers and a cupboard, $22.