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14 - / Two Worth While New Year’s Resolutions for You to Make 1. I will adopt a plan for apportioning niv income during 1921 and will stick to it. - 2. I will keep account of alhof my ex penditures and will do it regularly. Our Home Economics Bureau can help you put these resolutions into effect. It will show you how to make a budget for spending and saving and will furnish you with an expense record sheet for keeping a detailed record of expenditures. the bureau be fore THE NEW YEAR BEGINS Jfletctjer fairings anti Crust Company Northwest Corner Market and Pennsylvania Streets. 4-POWER PACT BASIS OF PLEA Philippine Commissioners Ask Independence Under New Pacific Treaty. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14.—The four power Pacific treaty was today made the basis of a pew plea for Independence for the Philippines, In a letter presented to the President by the Philippine resident commissioners, Jaime C. De Terra and Isauro Gabaldon. The plea for independence, made by the commissioners, 'declared that in the past the principal objection to independence for the Philippines has been that such action might make way for Japanese ag gression in the Islands. It was declared that, under the terms of the four-power Pacific treaty, such aggression would be impossible and that therefore the great objection to independence is wiped out, and the Philippine people are anxious that the administration take quick action to grant them entire governmental free dom. DELEGATES TO REPORT TONIGHT. Delegates to the conference of the Christian Church which was held last week at Louisville, Ky., will give a re port of the conference at a meeting to be held tonight at the Eighth Christian Church on Pershing avenue. The meeting is under the auspices of the Central In diana Christian Church Institute. WE INVITE YOU TO TURN TO PA.GE 7 OF THIS NEWS PAPER TODAY AND READ OUR OFFERINGS OF GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. LILLY HARDWARE COMPANY Give Practical Gifts From Rapp’s $4.50 Women’s Bathrobes $2.98 $6 Women’s Bathrobes.. 1(3.98 $8 Men’s Bathrobes 153.98 $7 50 Men s Bathrobes 84.88 $4.50 Girls’ Bathrobes 82.98 $3 Children's Bathrobes 1(3.98 $2 50 Worn. Crepe Kimonos 111.48 $3 Women’s Crepe Kimonos.. -81.98 $1.23 Fleeced House Jackets T9p $1 Women's Knit Skirts 69<* $1.50 Women’s Outing Gowns...9Bc $1.50 Worn. Sateen Petticoats.. 98C $3 Worn. Sateen Petticoats 81.98 $8 Worn Wool Swenters 53.98 $l5O White Voile Waists 98< $4.50 Worn. Silk Waists $2.98 75c Fancy Boudoir Caps 48 <? RAPP’S l\rll 1 kJ STORE 338-340 E. Washington St. STATE LIFE LUNCH ONLY A STEP FROM YOUR OFFICE STATE LIFE BLDG. W$ clothe the Entire Family ON CREDIT Peoples’CreditClothingCo. 46 North Pennsylvania Street. Second Floor. Mending Tissue &W*££ No sewing or darning. Repairs clot ting silk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves. mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc. Pack age -postpaid, 16 cents, two packages. 25 cenjt Andres* PENN PUBLISHING CO.. Fa. Civil War Veteran Buried at Crown Hill Funeral service for John Paver, 82 years old, was held at the First Congre gational Church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. George Savary, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be at Crown Hill Cemetery. He served with the sth Ohio Cavalry during the Civil War aud became a cap tain. Mr. Paver moved to Indianapolis in IS6B and opened a wholt ,ale canned goods brokerage house in South Dela ware street In ISB4. He is survived by his widow, a daugh- The Best Gifts on the Tree will be articles of jewelry from this establishment, because they mean enduring pleasure to the receivers. Come and select them Wrist Watches ?. sl4 to $75 J. P. Mullally BSlßi’r Diamond Importer 28 MONUMENT PLACE C ty>rl!!hristmas Give Practical Gifts House Slippers Are Always Welcome We carry a complete stock in every style of women’s and men’s slippers at LESS THAN ORDINARY PRICE. Women’s Satin Slip- Ladies’ Felts with comfort L’‘^*V^' v 4 soles, in all colors. At prices >sy ;= s .9Bc to $1.79 Men’s Felt and Leather Slip pers. Similar to the cut $1.39 to $1.98 Other Men’s Felt Slippers with comfort /\Q soles of very good quality, at %/OC The store that sells good Shoes at prices up to $5.00. None Higher. WORTHMORE SHOE CO., Inc. FORMERLY NU-WAY SHOE COMPANY 151 NORTH ILLINOIS STREET Just North of Lyric Theater r\ • \r 117* C Make her a useful Christmas surprise Your Wife chine: terms if desired. See our _ . . . * „ ... . snappy line of Electric Library Cabinets, Portable Machines, Motorsaad n and Singer Junior for your little daugh ter. HEMSTITCHING A SPECIALTY. * SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 124-I*6 West Washington street. MAln 1418. Honest Service. Reasonable Prices. SHIRLEY BROS. CO., Inc. UNDERTAKERS OFFICES—S 46 It. Illinois St.. 5377 E. Washington St., 8020 N. Illinois St. 3108 W. Michigan St.. 2815 j£. Washington St. Circle 1918. Anto. 31-138. lilt. Service. Ve Manufacture Oar Own Cement Caskets. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS The Horse Doctocr was summoned to the blacksmith shop this morning to re vive Sile Kildew. Sile it appears got into the barber chair which is run in connection wth the blacksmth shop, to get a haircut, and Dock Hocks, the ton sorial artist, got to talking and wasn't noticing what be was doing, and put the apron around Sile's neck so tight it cut his breath off. • • • The Mail Carrier was behind time again this week. The rain caused his lines to draw up and stop his horse. • • • The tall yellow mule belonging to Yam Sims is convalescent after having been slightly indisposed for the last few days. ter, Miss Augusta W. I’avc-r; two son 6, Paul W. Paver, manager of the J. M. Paver Company, and John M. Paver, Jr., of Evanston, 111., and a brother, Charles N. Paver. Thieves Get Fowls Among Other Things The theft of three hens last night was reported to the police by E. W. Coe, 1177 West Twenty-Eighth street today. Frank Nelglinger, 1155 West Twenty-Eighth street, said an Army shirt and a pair of overalls were missing from the clothes line in the rear of his home. J. T. Rus sell, 1173 West Twenty-Eighth street, re ported a double blanket stolen from the clothesline in the rear of his home. The blanket was valued at $7. Frank Black, 11<S5 West Thirty Third street, told the police his room was en tered last night and a suit case and cloth ing worth more than SIOO was missing. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1921. Page Mr. Santa Claus —Look Who*s Here —think of paying so little for these Captivating Dollies With their lovely curls and eyes that “go to sleep” and are fringed with lashes! Full-Jointed Composition Body. Handsome Head of Bisque. 23 inches tall, .ft 5.00 20 inches tall. .$3.75 16% Ins. tall. .$2.50 12 inches tall. .$1.50 ~ ■■■ - - ' "V. jg*. CHARACTER Out-of-Town -w* _ Baby Dolls one would buy / ("Ag/ ' \ Jointed limbs, bisque head. Such values m • a "d dress s-J's \ moving eyes with lashes. ir k . 7 1 _ I Short bobbed wig. Very J Juu : 5a ' -lor' J cunning and appealing, go quickly. chilly this time / 9% inches high. Mailorder* of year!" -L please allow Jt OllT Special $ 1 .50 for postage. Christmas Price J[ = > Charles Mayer & Cos. 29 and 31 West Washington Street. The Gift Store Since 1840. Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes Reduced For Thursday Only earnm You don’t have to know shoes to know that those values are abso- ffißbaiSir’ lutely unbeatable. It will pay you to buy two or three pairs at 342-344 Virginia w w w 938-940 South Avenue. •§| RS a B |jS 1k? B . T Meridian Street. 1108-1110 H J§ I j |§®* 2630 Fountain Square JR, JB JB JL JB Northwestern Eskimo Pie! What Is It? DETROIT VAPOR BTOVE3 PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO. 443£ E. Wash. Post Bankruptcy Sale Granger Department Store 336 West Washington Street Our sale started Saturday and was attended by people who appre ciates real values. By attending this sale you will find merchandise that is unsurpassed as far as quality and prices are concerned. Our creditors as well as ourselves have accepted a tremendous loss. The buying public is practically the only one that gains In this transaction. We are offering merchandise at prices we can barely duplicate. A few items which we offer at this great post bankruptcy sale, other Items too numerous to mention. * Men’s wool suits and overcoats; values up to $40.00 $9.98 Ladies’ overcoats, broadcloth, plushes, etc.; values up to $ Sweaters, underwear, gloves, hats; values up to $3.00 98^ Men’s hose io^ Pants, all wool $2.98 Men’s shoes $1.98 Ladies’ shoes 98£ This sale is at 336 West Washington street. You will find something different here. Post Bankruptcy Sale The Apex Electric Suction Sweeper "Takes the work out of housework.” Free demonstration in your own home. The Hatfield Electric Company Main 0123. Cor. Maryland and Meridian Sta. Auto. 23-123. A small edition of J A yourself—the Moorefleld Hlfltßl photographic portrait is the best Christmas gift Ninth Floor. Kahn Bldg. We Make PANTS and sell ’em direct to YOU at a saving. I CAM TAILORING CO. HJiv/li 254 Mass. Ave. FOR HER CHRISTMAS A 15-Jewel, 20- Year Case, round or octagon Wrist //o $15.00 A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas nr, / THE FLETCHER M. NOE JEWELRY STORE 103 North Illinois Street Opposite Terminal Station Every Kid Wants a Su BICYCLE First OU hit the spot when you give your X youngster a bicycle. The Christmas that brings the long-desired bicycle lives on as the happiest Christmas in many a boy’s and girl’s memory. It brings pleasure, healthful enjoyment, convenience and good times at little cost. We will be glad to show you o.ur attractive models. Come in and see them. Prices Are Much Lower $25—528.75—531.75 j BASKET BALL V S Best Game of the Season, INDIANA UNIVERSITY VS HABICH PROS. Tomlinson Hall, Thursday, 15th, 8:30 o‘Clock. GET* TICKETS AT HABICH's! Dance After the Game. THE GUS HABICH CO. 142 EAST WASHINGTON STREET What 1$ a Real Gift? A real gift is a thing of value the whole year through—a gift that keeps without tar nishing or spoiling, or decreasing in value. There is such a gift—one that only does not decrease in value as time goes on, but increases—it is A Christmas Savings Account You can give it to any member of your fam ily. In a word, such a gift is money, and money means pleasure for young years and independence and safety for old. $1 WILL START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT We Pay 4V 2 % On Savings Meyer-Kiser Bank One of our HOME BANKS also makes a nice gift. orders Monogram g . Jr M /Ja Box contains 6® sheets (7%x Jr Ar JS and 50 envelopes of a Je /mzM high-grade Bond paper, com- Jr ff JfUtr P le *e with two-letter mono- Jr Jf MjSjjSF gram, address and city, beau- Jl // mSOOw tifully printed in two colors. Price $1.50 Per Box O. C. Osborne 19 East Market Street MAln 4613 Indianapolis XMAS CANDY AND NUTS Broken Christmas candy Fresh crop 1921 Hazelnuts. lb. 1 Daniels f [Just one square east of Fonnsyl- J vania at Washington and Delaware. You Can Buy It Cheaper at MOYER’S 137-139 W. Washington St