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Mrs. Joseph E. Reagan entertained with a charmingly arranged luncheon-bridge this afternoon at the Hoosler Athletic Club at which Christmas greenery and scarlet tapers in crystal holders entwined with smilax were used in decoration. I>ose who assisted the hostess were Miss Reagan, Mrs. V. W. Woodward, MM. Charles Gerrard, Mrs. Chauncey Clark, Mrs. Charles Sumner Wiltsie, Mrs. Thomas Hendricks, Mrs. Charles Ovald, Mrs. Herbert Sieber, Mrs. John Madden, Mrs. Archibald C. Thomas, Mrs. Harry Rasmussen. Mrs. James Perry Hostler, Mrs. Maude W. Coons, Mrs. Ned B. Nel son, Mrs. Guy Lemon, Mrs. Frank Wocher, Mrs. Hadley Green, Mrs. W. W. Carter, Mrs. George Batchelor, Mrs. Ben jamine Howard, all of this city, and Miss Carolyn Conrey of ShelbyTille. Over one hundred guests were entertained. • • • A delightful Christmas musicale was given by the Sigma Alpha lota Sorority this morning at the home of Mrs. Adah Strong. 4578 Carrollton avenue. Baskets of poinsetties, ropes of holly and laurel were used through the rooms, which were lighted by red tapers. The program included a paper by Ferdinand Schaefer, Instructor of vV>lln, on "Brahms,” which was illustrated by a group of composi tions of the composer, Mr. Schaefer him self playing a sonata, and Mrs. Glern Frlermood, contralto, singing the >ap phlc Ode.” Mrs. Strong and Miss Elinore Beauchamp were the accompanists. Tbj sorority will entertain during the holi days with an informal dance at the Woman’s Department Club on the evening of Dec. 27, and with a matinej party Dec. 29. • • • Mrs. A. G. Prentice of Danville, is the guest of hr daughter, Mrs. H. A. Rod man. 325 Burgess avenue. Dr. Frank Huron of La Grande, Ore., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rodman, has de parted for home. * • • The Woman’s Rotary Clnb will enter tain with a theater party at Keith’s on the evening of Dec. 22, in honor of Mrs. Marie Dawson Morrell, violinist who will appear on the program. Mrs. Morrei! is an Indianapolis artist and a member of the clnb. Reservations may be made at the box office by the club members. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McLean, 1030 West Twenty-Ninth street, have gone to Tam pa, Fla., for the winter season. • • Miss Margaret Trittipo, 2366 Adams street, will be hostess for the meeting of the On-ea-ota Club meeting tomorrow afternoon. Guests of honor will be the recent initiates, Lorene Burke, Francis McNeil and Alma Baker. * • • Mrs. T. Z. Lavery, 2416 East Michigan gt reet, entertained the Garnet Club with the annual Christmas dinner. The house was attractively decorated with mistle toe, holly and red tapers. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. C. A. Keller, Mrs. E. Tyndall and Mrs. C. Kees. Le Cercle Francals entertained last eve ning with a “soiree" musicale in the par lors of the Woman’s Department Club. Miss Margaret Jean Gilmore, who ar ranged the program, read a paper on “French Music,” which was Illustrated with musical numbers by Miss Margaret Seegmiller, violinist; Mrs. Morris G. Fuller, mezzo-soprano, and Miss Agnes Hodglcs, soprano. Mile. Leone Dubies read a group of French stories. Mrs. Lucinda H. Spann of the Alex andria apartments, was hostess for a meeting of the Zetatbea Club this after noon. The speakers were Mrs. H. E. Robertson, who spoke on “An Ideal Par ent Teacher Clnb” and Mrs. J. R. Mar tin, whose subject was “Some Things Our Children Learn at SchooL” • • • Mrs. Joseph B. Keallng, 1424 North Ala bama street, was hostess for a meeting of the Jessie Brown Travel Club this after noon. Luncheon was served at 12:30 o’clock, after which Mrs. Demarcus L-own spoke on “Rome, the Eternal City.” • • • Mis? Lydia Jameson who will return from Radcliffe College to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jameson, 303 Downey avenue, will be the guest of honor at a tea to be given Christmas afternoon by Mrs. Thomas Carr Howe. • • • The Wednesday Afternoon Club will have their annual Christmas party Wednesday, Dec. 21, at the home of Mrs. C. W. Shaffer, 1143 King avenue. • • • Miss Leora Floyd will go to Green castle Friday to visit friends and Sat urday will go to Bloomington, Ind., where she will attend the Phi Kappa Psl dance at Indiana University. • • • Members of the expression class of Mrs. Eugene Fife will give a recital at the College of Music and Fine Arts at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Those taking part Include Wilma Davis, Clorinda Carl ton, Anna Costello, Martha Jane Phelps, n ALL The same price all the time, never more, never less— I MEN’S! LADIES’ AND BOYS’ Shoes, Oxfords English and conserve- and Slippers 3fr r ZK\Bgi I o M,h' ,b^d h “ U | I . A , U lowTeek. ” ' widths and sizes. H Fresh, new stocks. Ab- Satins, Suedes, Kids solutely first class. and Patents. No Seconds. We Guarantee All Our M Shoes to Be First Class in EfSy’O/j |jl| p \A VJUIf Every Respect ij£V |<p| Wr 2nd Floor State Life Open Saturday Until 9P. M. I In Role of ‘Androcles 9 ML ■ • •■ * v •' o%^.% > -&r* : -.i£ • ■■■'* f: ■m- Jobs W KOLLO TALCOTT. The role of “Androcles” in the Little Theater production of Shaw's “Androcles and the Lion,” Friday evening at the Ma sonic temple, will be taken by Itollo Tal cott, who is head of the public speaking department at Butler College and'at the Indiana College of Music and Fine Arts. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and formerly taught in Columbia Uni versity. Vivian Slagle, Frieda Regula, Hazel Carlton, Helen Lesher and William Sweet • • • The Brookside Trio, Including Miss Pauline Smith, violinist; Miss May Ruby, cellist, and Miss Thelma Sehiffman, pian ist, gave a musical program at the Sunnyside sanitarium Monday evening. They were assisted in entertaining by Miss Lucille Row, reader. • * • General and Mrs. George W. Read of Ft. Benjamin Harrison have recalled the invitations for the mnrriage of their daughter, Margaret, for Thursday, Dec. 15. The marriage will not take place. • • The active chapter of Pi Beta Phi will entertain with a formal dance in the Propylaeum, Dec. 22. Miss Marjoire Parrish is in charge of arrangements. • • • Miss Helen Ernst will entertain Satur day afternoon with a tea and miscellan eous shower in honor of Miss Luelle Kathryn Ernst, whose marriage to Harry A. Mitchell is to take place Dec. 21. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Ernest, parents of the bride-elect, will entertain with a dinner for the bridal party at their home, 3553 Salem street. CHEST WORKERS PUSH FORWARD TOWARD GOAL (Continued From Page One.) men who have been unable to actively help in work. “The weather man says snow and northwest winds, and with the tlrst touch of winter demands on Indianapr lls re lief and welfare Institutions will task the resources of the agencies,” declared Dick Miller, campaign chairman, today. “We have emphasized poverty and dis tress, which already are here, but none Dyed Her Silk Stockings to Match Skirt Each package of “Diamond Dyes” con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweater,', coverings, draperies, hangings, everj thirg, even If she has never dyed before Buy “Diamond Dyes"—no other klnd thei perfect home dyeing is sure be cause Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it la linen, cotton or mixed goods.—Advertise ment. of ub can picture what is going to hap pen when extreme cold comes. We can not exploit our poor and crippled and helpless. If the people could see them I know that they would expedite our job by being ready for the solicitor when he comes. “The Community Chest is the oniy re lief available for the bulk of those upon whom poverty lays its heavy hand. Un less we would have our streets tilled with solicitors for alms, our door bells con tinually rung by mendicants whose needs are real and our newspapers tilled with sob stories of death and starvation of the unfortunate, unless we deliberately invite these things we will dll this Community Chest—and All It quickly.” Last night’s program at Cadie Taber nacle showed the work of the Camp Fire Girls and the Y. W. C. A. and the Mu nicipal Symphony Orchestra, Mnrlnus P. raulsen, conductor, delighted the audi ence with a too brief program. The orchestra appears again tomorrow night with the Community Chorus production of "The Messiah.” Judge James A. Col lins urged the* workers to renewed and inspired efforts and told of destitution relieved and constructive work done. The feature of Festival Night No. 3 at the tabernacle tonight will be the presen tation under auspices of the Little Theater of Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Hack’s miracle play “The Quest of the Lost Gift.” George Somnes will direct the play and Mrs. Mary Flanner will have the principal role of the Pilgrim. Team captains reported total sub scriptions to date as follows: W. 8. Frye, $680; J. Eward Morris, $961; E. C. Foster, $820; Earl Conder $3,078; Fred McNeely, $030; Isadore G. K<>hn, $1,130; Theodore E. Myers, $477; Leo Welch, S29S; Lex Cory, $217; John A. Osbon, $481; Henry Stenger. $147; Frank N. Lewis, $1,149; W. C. Wehrloy, $239; Henry Campbell, $1,923; Paul Donald Brown, $1,175; L. K Babcock. $751; A. S. MacLeod, $1,154; Willard C. Hopkins, $216; M. T. Ntman, $163; Herman E. Schmitt, $253.00; Rolland Mellett, sl,- 209.50; Carl Shively, $526; C. W. Rich ardson, $768; Alfred E. Evans, $180; B. S. McConnell, $149; C. B. Prendergast, SSO; O. B. Ties, $1,259.00: William Fesior, $859; W. W. Wise, $439.50; Dr. E. E. Voyles, $1,420; J. T. Wise, $S18; W. H. At the first sign of skin trouble apphj RESINOL Soolhinq and HctJinq Delay in properly treating skintrouHe is dangerous. You make no mistake when you adopt Resinol In UseNear(yTltiriy\ean Let it be a Musical Gift this year’ —something that the whole family can enjoy A Genuine VICTROLA ** Outfits ready for immediate delivery Outfit No. 9, SBO.IO Vlctrola. Style No. 9, mahogany or oak, price $75. Equipped with speed indicator and regulator, and many improvement*. The outfit at SBO.IO Includes $5.10 in 10-luch double-faced records of your own selection. ■ =D Outfit No 100, $157.50 This Includes beautiful cabinet Vlctrola. Style No. 100, ma hogany or oak. Price $l5O. The outfit at $157.50 Includes $7.50 worth of records by such well-known artists as Galll-Curcl, John McCormack, etc., or as you select. - Outfit No. HO, $235.00 This include: a beautiful cabinet Vlctrola. Stylo No. 110, ma hogany or oak, complete with 13 record albums holding 130 records. Price $225. The outfit at $233 Includes SIO.OO worth of records by such well-known artists as Galll-Curcl, John Mc- Cormack, etc., or as you select. ' ■■■ - - - 4 Outfit No. 120, $290.00 This Includes a beaiitWul cabinet Vlctrola. Style No. 120, ma hogany or oak. complete with 20 record albums holding 200 record*. Price $275. The outfit at $290 includes sls worth of records by such well-known artists as Galll-Curcl, John McCor mack, etc., or as you select. ■ = V Order Yours Tomorrow While Stocks Are Complete Monthly Paynents. Terms If Yon Wish. Victor Records for Christmas make an ideal gift, bringing repeated pleasure to all and radiating the joyful spirit of friendship and good will. Our salespeople will gladly help you to make a selection. Save Time and Worry by Giving a CHRISTMAS VICTOR RECORD CERTIFICATE Information may be had at our Record Service Counter. V / “Everything in Music** 27 EAST OHIO STREET Hume-Mansur Bldg. LI 4023 PHONES MA In 4292 Btore open evenings until 0 p.m. Saturday evenings .until 9 p. m. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1921. Insley, $2,074*; W. J. Greenwood, $875; Dr. C. C. Gohn, $463; G. W. Blain, $359; Ralph L. Colby, $4,.119; Joseph J. Schmid, $280; O. T. Roberts, $840.01; Dudley Pratt, $785; Vattier Snyder, $1,105; George T. O’Connor, $892; C. L. Rader, $770; Maj. Earle Hites, $510; Irving C. Brown, $437; T. C. McDonald, $225; Perry Lesh, $040; Uz McMurtrle, $2,119; R. J. Hoffman, $405; Dr. James H. Taylor, $335.25; Fed eral building, J. F. Poe, $227; State house, W. G. Oliver, $376; postoffice, Charles Byfield, $125; public schools, E. U. Graff, $1,796.00; L. It. Klein, $00; Dwight S. Ritter, $809.00; Indianapolis Water Company, B. J. T. Jeup, $340; Western Union Telegraph Company, A. R. Brown, $809.25; Indianapolis Street Railway, Thomas L. McMarty, $557.40. KU-KLUX ANGLE ADDS TO MYSTERY PITTSBURGH, Pa., Dec. 14.—A Ku- Klux Klan angle added further mystery today to the strange shooting and killing Monday night of Leroy Holmes Morris, Federal vocational teacher. Morris was shot to death in an Allegheny park. The police clr m they found a Ku-Klux ap plication .n the dead man's pocket. A “want ad” Inserted in a morning news paper offers SIOO for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the slay ers of Morris. Those having any infor mation are directed to address E. X. Clarke, Klancrest, Atlanta, Ga. Three suspects are under arrest. Harm!es>s Mleans of Reducing Fat Many fat people fear ordinary means for reducing their weight. Here is an extraordinary method. Extraordinary because while perfectly harmless no diet ing or exercise are necessary. Marmola Prescription Tab.els are made exactly In accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription. You reduce steadily and easily, with no iil effects. Procure them from your druggist at $1 a case or send price direct to the Marmola Company, 4612 Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mich.— Advertisement. EVARD— D 3 N £ D S We have an elegant assort ment of Fine Diamonds, mounted In newest platinum and white gold rings. WONDERFUL VALUES 835.00 $185.00 $5150.00 $522 5.00 Up to 9750.00 —EVARD— IM Monument Circle. 213 Mass. Ate, I'lrst Block. REPORT REVIVAL OF BUSINESS IN RUBBER TRADE AKRON, Ohio, Dee. 14.—Akron, tne “boom town” of war days, today was showing signs of business revival. Evidences of revival in the rubber ln di stry were: Resumption of night shift in rubber heel department soon, announced by Goodyear. Resumption of three shift plan of pro duction in several factory tire depart ments by Jan. 1. Miller Rubber Company report of in crease in foreign drug sundry business. During the last two weeks nearly 2,000 former emplloyees have been rehired. Kelly-Springfleld announcement that production "had been increased this week to normal. General Tire Company’s announcement that its Indebtedness of $2,000,000 had been cleared this season. During the next two months indica tions are 4,000 additional workers will be rehlred. However, employment agen cies estimate there are 20,000 former rub ber workers idle here. DRIVEN OUT BY RATS. NEATH, Scotland, Dee. 14.—The fam ily of Neil Campbell was driven from L-tSAxRgs &Gy Misses’ New Wool Frocks Specially Priced\ $16.50 The new frock,that the holidays invariably require for a miss’s wardrobe may be very satisfyingly chosen from this new collection which the Petite Shop is offering at a specially low price. The Sizes: 14, 16 and 18 And not only misses of these ages and sizes may Indulge, but so.all women who wear particularlv well youthfully chic styles. 0* Poiret Tut// and Tricotine Some are embroidered, some are beaded, some are trimmed with braid. Tailored and smart are the straight-line coat styles; quaint or basque bodices with long waistlines. The selection Is delightfully varied. And In this presentation Is offered another suggestion for gifts to misses. Make an Ayres VICTROLA Your Gift to the Whole Family That is perhaps the happiest of all the features of the Victrola —the universality of its appeal. Nursery tales and songs for the wee folks, the latest dance music for the young folks,* the whole repertoire of opera and concert for the family “high-brow,” the quaint old songs for father and mother —you make all these constantly avail able when you give a Victrola. Terms are in every case REASONABLE —Ayres—Victrolas, fifth floor. Special Sale of Scissor Samples Securing an assortment of manufac turer’s samples at a conspicuously rea ff.-f sonable price we are enabled to offer you all sorts of scissors at a correspondingly P | low quotation. BEI 49c Secures choice of a large group of manicure, button hole, embroidery, pocket and household scis sors. 75c Secures any of an attractive lot of household and g barber’s shears. Vl J) AU Sizes—Striking Values —Ayres—Housefumishings, sixth floor. tome by an army of rats that swarmed through every section of the house. An ippeal for help was made to the town council, but its members do not know how to rout the rats without burning the house. PLEDGES EARLY ‘BONUS’ ACTION WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.—The House Ways and Means Committee will take up soldier “bonus” legislation immedi ately after the holidays and report such legislation to the House early in the new year, Chairman Fordney announced to day. ’ “The committee will work on this leg islation as rapidly as possible,” said Chairman Fordney. “We will bring out a ’bonus’ bill with an attached plan to raise the necessary money to pay the ‘bonus.’ The legislation will be passed by the House as early as feasible In the present session. “This much and no more I have prom ised the National commander pt the American Legion,” continued Fordney. “I could not make a pledge when the legislation will pass the House or whether It will pass the Senate.” Fordney is in favor of a manufacturers’ tax to raise the necessary revenue. —Ayres—Petite Shop, third floor. r ITALY HONORS WAR HEROINE. ROME, Dec. 14.—Among the delayed war honors now being awarded was a medal for Marla de Luca, a -widowed LSAyres&Co. Downstairs Store One Dollar For Your Chbice HATS iNf Attractive shapes of felt, velvet and Camelshair. Quite a number of “Frivolettes” are included. Hats for street, sports and business wear. Thursday, while they last, SI.OO. — Ayres—Downstairs Store. Christmas Slippers for Women , Children and Men Women’s yfUjia Men’s felt felt Juliettes I iSjjß Everett In nearly I BEgS slippers with every wanted L leather soles color. These C * flslSi and hee,£ ; mako an Ideal k brown, gray gift, one that- { J fpl* and black, a woman ai- gragjS “Dad” or ways appro- PPul brother would elates.. Sixes ; f|f|| enJoy a pair 2 / 2 to 8. Em| of them ’ Sizes 6 to 11. Children’s felt moccasins and Juliettes, sizes 6 to W/ 2 and 11 to 13J^. Extra! Men’s Leather Slippers at $2.00 —Ayres—Downstairs Store. 300 Unusually Good All-Wool Sweaters Sale Price In a 7Q E^ry Gift jD W 0 %J One Box If ' M a You Real • Wish. Bargain A special purchase—all the maker had for a quick clean-up. Less Than Regular Cost We are actually offering these fine sweaters at less than the original wholesale price. A wonderful oppor tunity. Tuxedo coat style, heavy quality, all wool; black, navy, brown, tan, taupe and Russian green. Sizes up to 46. — Ayies—Downstairs Store. Lovely Silk Petticoats & so*9s Gift 1 Boxes %J We were fortunate in securing 200 of these beau tiful silk petticoats at a decidedly low price. Silk Jersey—Milanese and Treco Silk in Charming Color Combinations The colors include black, navy, emerald, Russian, King’s blue, taupe, brown, gray and henna. Some with ruffled flounces, two and three color tones; taffeta, satin and braid trimmed. Each in a Gift Box —Ayres—Downstairs Store. Eskimo Pie! The Kind Icelanders Make peasant of Frezona, She left her sick child to help Italian spies enter the Austrian lines. When she returned the child was dead* 5