Newspaper Page Text
12 INDIANA DAILY TIMBR 25-29 8. Meridian St. Main 8500. Classified Adv. Dept. BATES. One time 11 P®r lln Three consecutive times. . .10 per line 61* consecutive times 09 per line Contract rates on application. Dodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 inch or leas) 60c per Insertion Over i Inch 07 per line additional Death notices 85c per Insertion Card ol Thanks or In Meraorlam Notices *7 per line Ads received until 11:45 a- at. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. sff XEi hJii CcL Parlors 1922 Union Pt FLANNEK & BUCHANAN 920 North Illinois iv Funeral directors to the people of Indian spoils since 1227. Phones—Main 0641-0842. LI 2541. ifrUiAnnapolis crematory George Gnnstemer Funeral Director. 623 E. Market. Old phone Main 0908. W 720*. j. o. Wilson 1230 Prospect RT 1871. Drexel 032 X W. T. Blasengym 1625 Shelby st. Drexel 2570. Stewart 1114. 1702 N Illinois. Randolph 6870. CHAaTAL" HOCKENSMITH. 734 N. Illinois. Main 1166. LI 1166. kX'NEKAIT DIRECTO 168— WM E. KKKIGER. LI 1154. Main 1464, 1402 N. Illlnoia UAXiD—BiIKT 8. GADD. 2120 Prospect el. Phones: Drexel 0423. 8T 2278. UNDERTAKERS—HISEI * TITUS. 961 North Dei. LI 6524. Main 3520. KEENEY & KEENEI. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. CONES, WILLIAM W. —Beloved husband of Margaret H. Cones and father of Charles G. and Frank Cones. Mrs. Emms Arbuckle, Mrs. Bertha Johnson and Mrs. Tressla Moore Kirk, all of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Alice Applegate of Clermont, de parted this life Thursday, Jan. 12, at his residence, Clermont, Ind., at 10 a. m., age 81 years, 11 months and 9 days. Funeral Monday. Jan. 16, at M. E. Church, Cler mont, at 10 a. m. Burial Crown Hill. Friends Invited. NORTON, CHARLES CL—Beloved hus band of Alma Norton and father of Har old Norton, passed Into eternal sleep at the home, 1621 W. Morris st., Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock. Friends may call at any time after Saturday noon. %fvices at the residence Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial at Crown Hill cemetery. Funeral and burial private. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy given us and Mrs. William Fleming, who was so faithful during the Illness and death of our baby girl, Mary Frances. Also the beautiful flowers and the Rev. Mr Davis for his words of consolation. MR. AND MRS. CHA3. MILLER AND FAMILY. IN MEMORIAM. IN MEMORIAM—In loving remembrance of our dear mother, Elizabeth Bangert, who passed away one year ago today. Beneath our eyes she faded slowly. Growing day by day more frail; Bearing sweetly all her sufferings Without a murmur or a wall. A loving mother, true and kind, Her like on earth we cannot find; For us she always did her best. May God grant her eternal rest. HER LOVING CHILDREN. _ CHURCH NOTICES. HEAR HUM EMI L KITES AT CABLE TABERNACLE Ohio and New Jersey Sts. 2:30 p. m. aiid 7:30 p. m. Special chorus by the largest organized choir in the world of 1,500 voices. Also special duets and quartet selections. Joe Overmeyer, Direc tor of choir. Everybody invited. Doors open at 1 o’clock and 6:30 p. m. All Souls Unitarian Church Alabama st.. near Fifteenth. Frank S. C. Wicks, D. De, MINISTER Address at 11 a. SUBJECT: ' “Reward asset Punishment” Does nature reward and punish or only visit consequences upon us? Church school at 9:45 a. m. FIRST .SPIRITUALIST - CHURCH ’ 608 N. Liberty street, between Mass, ave. and North street, Sunday T. 45 p. m. Lecture by the pastor, Ruth Van De Beuken, S. M. Subject: “Spiritualism, the Light of Life.’" Messages by J. R Klausser. Message and healing service every Wednesday at 2 and 7:45 p. m., con ducted bv the Ladles' Aid. Mediums pres ent will give the messages qt 2 p. n>. The pastor will give messages at 7:45 p. m. We want every splrltuaist who Is Interest ed in spiritualism to attend the lyceum each Sunday at 2:30 p. m. This Is a Sun day school for the children, so bring them or send them to us. This lyceum is held at 608 N, Liberty street. It Is a lyceum of and for the churches affiliated with the I. S. A. of S, So come; be one of us. You are cordially Invited to attend ai! of thee services and will be made welcome. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITU Y.LIST CHURCH' Redmen’s hall, corner Capitol ave. and North street. REV. H. W. B MYRICK * will favor us with a lecture. His subject will be: "GOD’S POOR HOUSE." Mrs. Bessie Woodworth will give blind fold ballot message*. Music by Mrs. Hod son. Services promptly at 7:4 p. m. Everybody welcome. The ladles' will meet on Tuesday afternon at 2 o’clock at the F.edmen's hall. Mr. Myrlck w 11: be pres ent. Messages will be given by Mrs. Wood worth and other mediums preseat. Public U vlted and made welcome, GAS BUGGIES WHATS MAKING / TUIS O\o ByjF’K ( T ACX, 17. --.I V / v ( , h - ( -—\ f * THE C4E &UMP \ -n oe'e, x-r I THAT i KEY- . MI STE/? , ) a i \ HEY/ - DO YOU ) C 1 V OU &07TA FLAT ) I THOUGHT S j QobtT ■36 MIICHf J w ITs UnLO / '•'AN TRYINC ] WCM TIRE IS FLAT-) AUmHBa j MNOW YOUR BACK ( ofu'm3 I™ B IN THt REAR I '£ U J^ E 5 NT / PEOPLE TO S/n Wrn SSi2¥j 7 \ one U (Are p oZtJ K ) there - fellaT ■ , | —. J— — y,- • jrIN. INSTRUCTIONS. Biuisieess Training Os University Grade Through Home Study w rOU need not devote from 2 to 4 years experience. The thoroughness of LaSalle u to preparation for your business ca- training Is proven by the positive results reer. The LaSalle Problem Method It has brought to thousands of men who Os Business Training affords a have been advanced to Important plan that requires only a few positions with every large corpor months of your spare time at business firm In Amerl v,,™, This unu-ual speed Is ItFgbggK ca. Complete Information about home. This "" LaSalle *;.■•'iallz,-,i business tram re P ms y lmeA h rom Vai* W LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY THE WORLDS LARGEST BUSINESS TRAINING INSTITUTION. HID 1020 Uume-Mansur Bldg. Please send me Information about the requirements and opportunities of the position Choked—also details of the quickest and most practical plan by which I may secure it. r 1 Business Management. f I Department Manager, t 1 c ? u "t“‘ nt ant [ j Production Manager. [ J Bank Executive, c 1 9°®f,A C [ 1 Traffic Manager. I I L-gal Counselor. [] Auditor. r i s.ues Manager. f ) Expert Correspondent. II Coinp.toller. [j Advertising Manager. t ) Corresponds Supervisor [ ] Collection Manager. [ ] Office Manager. I i Foreign Correspondent. Phone No Name Business Address Address - - ... . CHURCH NOTICES. .... FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. St.TLNi .6i Meridian ar.d Twentieth Hoy services lit II a. tu. as'd S p. day school at 11 a. m. Wednesday even ; * testimonial meeting at 8 o'- ■; k ,„ room at 813 Occidental bulging. week days from 9 a. m to 9 P- m.. except Wednesday. *\. h-n closed at ~ “ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth 'd l ’*' 1 -:'- , Sunday services at 11 a m. and xP- •• Sunday school, first session. S>3ol a. m second session, 11 a. m. ' S j^s'Vclock nlng testimonial meeting at ■ Reading room, 1258 Lemcke Ann . P dally from 9 a. m. to 4 P- “ „ a ,,d Wednesday, when closed at i do P- n„ a Sunday. when_opea from 3 to 5 p. m. rit inn CHURCH OF CHRIST. S'' lEN I ■■■" 1 T U? 3 ?0 Washington blvd. Sunday serv ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school, . 1' a m Wednesday evening testlmon 2lmating at 8 o'clock Heading room a. 205 la. 34th *t., opn daily Lorn 10 a. u. 9 and rn. except Wednesday when . at 7 30 p. m. and Sunday, when open from 1 to 5 p. m. LOST AND FOUND LOST —Crystal locket with photo R-ble; valuable as keepsake. Reward. \\ a. h ington 3717. Leave at Indiana 1 lai.y Times. LOST —Gold wrist watch. Initial AJ. S. Valued as gift. Dr*. 3391. ring 1. Re- FOUND —One tire south of city. For ln tormatlon call 531 Kentucky aver tie, PERSONALS. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private; prices r iv li able: may work for board; babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4xll E. Twenty-Seventh st., Kan as City, Mo. WANTED —Everyone suffering plies; fis tu'a tiseures, ulcerations, t -.nstlpatlon, bleeding, itching, write for trial. pleasant painless pile combination, b. U. fAK.d.I, Auburn, Indiana. . I SPEC IALIZE on drugless healing. Chiropractic, osteop athy and magnetic massage. MARGARET SELLERS. Drexel 4277. 715 South Meridian. PRIVATE massages by masseur of French Lick Springs Hotel. Here for the win ter. CLAUDE POWERS. Belmont 1906. NOTICES. " ASH NOTICE The cooperation of ail householder is asked In keeping their ashes dry to pre vent freezing In order that they can bo collected. A city ordinance requires covers for all containers. A wooden or metal cover can easily be made to protect the ashes from the weather. Frozen ashes can. not be removed from the receptacles and this results In many complaints of "failure to collect” and also in damages to con tainers In attempting to remove the ashes. BOARD OF SANITARY COMMIS SIONERS. ~~ MALE HELP—WANTED. Want e d —Boy s who wish to carry Times routes or to start up new Times routes In central part of city, call and see Mr. Mooreliead any afternoon at Times office after 2 o'clock. SOLICITORS and canvassers wanted for house-to-house work in Indianapolis. A worker can make good money on a well Advertised proposition; commission basis, .-tee Mr. Barton, the Indiana Dally Times, before noon any day this week. EXPERIENCED scoring machine men; also corner cutter for paper box factory; steady work. Address A No. 1852. Times. ONE first-class striper. None other need apply. CLIMAX MACHINERY CO. 143 E. Morris st. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS —Hert s a sure winner. We p v $3 an hour for jour spare time taking orders for "fcanol” Pure Food Flavor*. Miss Edith Haut made $54 in one w . k Wnite for sample case. Mnk. beautiful display. Shows IS articles of best ami fastest sellers of Flavors, fioap.s. Perfumes, Toilet Articles, etc. Every woman buys. Big repeaters. Have a steady income. Customer must be satisfied or money back. Send for sample case today. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO., 5614 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. $36 to $56 weekly in your spare time do ing special advertising work tmong the families of your city; no experience nec essary; write today for full pa. titulars. AMERICAN PRODUCTS Cos., 5616 Ameri can Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. MAN to work this city reflnishing chan deliers. brass beds, automobiles, by nen method; $lO daily without capital or ex perience. Write GUNMKTAL CO., 97 Elm. Decatur 111. FEMALE H ELP-WAN-t^ WANTED IMMEDIATELY Exp. rlenced hand embroiderers; crochets rs, hem etjtchers. We furnish material paying tfbfrally for making. Stamped envelope krlngs particulars. UNDERWOOD ART GOODS CO. Portsmouth Ohio. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. I DO laundry work at home. Randloph 1790, Lincoln 3956. INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIAL COURSE for Burroughs calulat< r perator. Class starts Jan. 16. F>r information call or write rne. JACKSON BUSINESS COLLEGE. 157 N. Illinois. Circle 1214. Bailway Mail Clerks are offered S *,OOO to start, $3,300. D .st- f*‘ e c:t. rks. $1.40u to S;.SOO, Mm and women over is. Experience tin no'essary. K.xamination soon. U.>r fu!! partlcu ar and tp* ial preparti. >n ca 1 or write Indiana Civil Service School, 157 N. Illinois te t. Suite 207. Bhone Main -■ ‘ • ; eveningg. SPECIAL COURSE for Burroughs calculator operator. Clas-s starts Jan. 16, P'or information call or write me. J ACKSON BUS I NESS COI.LEG E 157 N. liiinoiH. Circle 1214. PHIVATE le.H.M,!:.'- all sy? terns shorthand typewriting und bookkeeping; certlfled teachers; day arid night cl&set-s; special rates now offered. Cali or write for par ticulars. Circle 1214. JACKSON BUSINESS COLLEGE. 157 _N. Illinois t. MEN to learn narber trade. TKI-CIT* BAKBEH COLLEGE 30d E. Ua-htog ton at.. Ind! tnapolls. Ind. Circle 0757. BUSINESS SERVICES. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened. TUTTf.KDoE 201 Indiana av. FURNITURE repairing, upholstering arid reflnishing; n* v overstuffed furniture made to order. 2121 L\ Mich. Web. 4 519. FEATHERS bought, sold and renovated; feather mattresses and pillows made E. K. BURKLK, i) a Mass. M 1428. LI. 87 75 L. E HOLDING. Fheet metal worker, guttering, spouting, furnace repairing a spe.jJa.ty. Circle 6568. FOR dead animals. aj4T.ll Drexel 8365, or b’tewart 1581. CURTAIN'S to launder. Drexel 0895. MRS. J. LUTZ. DE” FCTIVES. CJxi igl*'y-Ilyland Agency Civil atid* Criminal Investigators. 226-529 U bldg. '-liln 2902. HOUSE&—TO LET. Houses NORTHEAST. 2227 N Meridian, 8 rooms $60.00 3115 Central, 6 rooms $60.00 4311 E. Michigan, 7 rooms $40.00 21s N. Hamilton ave., 6 rooms $95.00 1215 Cornell ave.. 3 rooms sl6 50 NORTHWEST. 8470 Salem st., 8 rooms $60.00 163 McLean, 6 rooms $30.00 919 Ketihamst., 6 rooms $12.00 403 Haugh st., 4 rooms $15.00 SOUTHEAST. 2314 Woodlawn ave., 6 rooms $lB 00 139 Detroit st., 6 rooms $16,00 712 S. Keystone, 4 rooms sl2 00 SOU I'HWEST. 114 W McCarty, 5 rooms $15.00 1302t4 S. Belmont. 4 rooms sls 00 FLATS. 3335 N. Meridian, 7 rooms SIIO.OO 3744 N. Meridian, fi rooms SIOO.OO J. < r. Ml'( 'ullougll 106 N. Delaware. Main 1710. Good Houses 116 Shelby, f. rooms $16.00 161'3 Bates. 5 rooms 15.00 1626 clmber, 4 rooms 14.00 2032 Maine. 4 rooms 17.50 2060 Cornell, 3 rooms 12.00 668 Highland ave., f> rooms 20.00 Oil E. St. Clair, 5 rooms 20.00 3324 Hobson. 6 rooms 20.00 Dunlop & Holtegel 122 E. tfarket. 2102-4 Langley Ave. Four rooms, semi-modern, good location, near car line. $20.00. Htato Havings and Trust Cos. Main 4518. Four-Room House 1710 Bialne ave., electric lights; price, sl6 per month. Irvington 2504-R2. FOWLER & EATON SOI City Trust bldg. Main 6871. For Colored 614 Blake; 7-room house $26 per month. Dunlop & Holtegel ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room cottage; electricity, gas. No objection to 1 or 2 children. Randolph 6340. F(.l U-KOOM house, garden space, garage. Thirty end and Emerson. Webster TEMPLE, 242 S.; four rooms; electric Sights, gas for cooking. sl6. Drexel 511$. t FI^NISH WOODLAWN. 2312; one-half double four rooms neatly furnished; bath, phone. Call Drexel *194. TWO lar*?e rooms und bath; special to reliable employed couple. Circle 2629. The old world aint so selfish after all FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. 316 E. North Five-room apartment, SOS per month. Howard C. Venn, los E. Market Main 1115. For Rent Colored apt., 705 North Senate avenue. Circle 6600. li ANoFER AND STORAGE. Blue Star Transit Local ami long-distance hauling. BERT SMITH 155 Kentucky ave. AUTO MOVING VAN SKRVICE. Main 2294. PARTLOW FIREPROOF .STORAGE CO I’rlvate locked rooma and open apace 25c pe" mon h and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and gl 'e you e act prices on any kind of woik without any obligations. 419-23 la. Market atteet. Main 271,0. LI 3680. Sliank Superior Service BUST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 22 7 N. New Jersey at. Main 2028. Id 112*. PACKING, 1 SUESZ. Main 3628. Night, Web* titer 0699. J I Alt A NT. E E I’KANSFEK * u. 74.00 per load We esltmato your house free. Call Circle 3469. b< HOLL T RAN SUL It will Have y.u money. all kinds of hauling. Phone lu*. 364 4. Randolph h^/3. UX'CURSIuN rates on transfer work, quick service-. liaul anything anywhere. Call Web. 2512. PEOPLE'S TRANSFER, under nw man agement. $- xt*r load and up. Drexel 1465 UNION STATION TRANSFER Local, over land moving, guaranteed work. M. 7113. rocms 7: to LET. Front Room Modern; private home north. Randolph 8283. I . • gentlemen at $6.60 each at 3719 East k street. BEAI TiFLL <--!onial home; private bath; hone comforts; for respectable. Ran dolph 3938. BROADWAY, 2622; sleeping room in pri vate home; 1 or 2 gentlemen. Randolph TWO room, modern. h**;c and light fur nished. J 6 per week. 1611 E. Market t. p NIA ' '• 12; nice room j .**.,*. rn ; reasonable Randolph >622. SLEEPING ro*m; trtcc> modern, use of Phone 11'01 Polk st. Webster 4 666. TW large rooms and bath; special to re liable employed couple. Circle 2529. FRONT room, nicely furnished; hot water heat; well located. Harrison 00 39. BOARD AND ROOf/lS—fO LFT. BOULEVARD PLACE. '320; nicely fur nished front room; modern; 1 or 2 ladi*-; private family; meals if desired. . i '7. TA< oil A N., 1130; neatly furnished large front room, connecting bath; breakfast if desired. Webster 82J4. CAPITOL, N.. 1311; modern sleeping room, meals if desired, also garage. Circle 0898. r : Board if de:dr**d. Cali after 4 p. m. Harrison 2012. GALE, 2806 N.; room and board in mod ern horn*?, gentlemen preferred. Webster CENTRAL ‘ ar; nl o front room and board for 2. Harrison 3162. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, LARGE, clean, furnished front room, pri vate entrance; walking distance; sleep ing or housekeeping. employed couple or men; $3 50 week. Circle 1899. ROOMS; lights, h'-at and phone; also 4- room cottage. Belmont 1291. FURNISHED room; modern; board if de sired. Circle 8046. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TAILORED SUITS AND OVERCOATS. rkadv-to-wkar. in ali, sizes, AT ORKATLT REDUCED PRICES. W. (J. Schneider 39 W. Ohio St. Ba sure you are In the right place. FORCED SAI,B—A wagon, carriage and automobile shop with full oqulpment of tools and stock for the purpose of closing an estate. Write JAS. WARD KEY 1, l’lquft, Ohio. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Near Garfield Park $250 Cash Four-room homo in good location; eleo tric lights; full basement; well and cistern, newly painted. A real buy on easy terms. Cali Ed O’Callahan, South Side Specialist, with McCord & McKinney, Realtors 311 Lerncko Bldg. Circle 5220. Evenings. Webster 8300. Six-Room Modern Bungalow, East Lot 40x139; will aell for (4,000. Requires $2,000 cash; balance at * per cent. 52 South Denny street. A Now, Never Occupied Bungalow iri one of the finest locations north, hard wood floors; full bueement, laundry; gn rage and all modern up-to-date built-in features. Price attractive. Terms easy. The Firm That Hustles. MR. YOUNG. Main 1409. Washington 1079. KEEP CHICK ENS AND A COW. Four-room cottage, garage, electric lights, well; nearly Vj acre ground, on paved road, about 5 blocks from car line; down. $23 per month. MEREDITH & JOHNSON. Main 2332. ___ Webster 7958. BEAUTIFUL new four-room bungalow; inside toilet, basement sewer connec tions, garage and over SI,OOO worth of now furniture; $3 500; must bo sold quick; leaving for Florida. EVERROAD. Drexel 3250. 524 Board of Trade. Main 0327 sT7ooo"lx7wn! Eight-room modern, above 30th st., double garage; price $6,600, balance monthly. L. G. MILLER. & CO. Main 1002. liar. 2683. _____ Eight-room modern, N*. East. st.; good repair; price $4 500, balance monthly. H. G. MILDER & CO. Main 1002. Webster 4835. FIVE-ROOM house with enclosed back porch. Built four years; gas, electric lights; newly painted and papered. Drexel 8963. FOR houses in terms, doubles or singles. Call C. J.MSBUKN. Drexel 6184. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 2314 Woodlawn Ave. Five-room cottage, gas, city water, electric lights. Price $2,200; S2OO cash. Will decorate to suit purchaser. 1121 Roach St. Five-room cottage, gas. electric lights, well and cistern. Price $2 250; s_o cash. Will decorate and repair to suit purchaser. 1953 Arrow Avenue 4 .room bungalow, eieotrlc lights, gas, city water: price 81.850; J2OO cash, balance like rent. 1506 E. 18th St. S2OO Cash Six-room, 2-story cottage; has Just bem nj*wly painted and decorated; elec tric lights and city water. This home will be sold for $2,200; S2OO cash. Leo K. Cline 431 Lemcke bid* Main 3115. Evenings, Randolph 3319. V___ J Now 5-Room Bungalow Bath room, porches, pantry, etc . ga rage. Three full lo:s. North near Michi gan road and Sixty-First. Price $2,650; $250 cash. Call owner, Main 0180. lies.. Drexel 1493. You probably have noticed thts ml be fore, however, it is not the same house, as we have sold mor* than thirty. Wo would ;ike for you to talk to any of these pur ch.isersi and learn the advantages of this Ideal suburban addition We have five under construction end three are sold. It •*iil bo to your advantage to see these at once. Reliable Realty Cos. 601 City Trust Bldg. Main 01S6. Res., Drex. 1193. Wash., 3543. Beautiful Bungalow, North Payments A bx'uutifu! 5-room, thorough ly modern bungalow, In one of the most exclusive sections, north; long living room, hard wood floors, enamel finish, ga rngo. complete with shades and linoleum, price reasonable. Trustees System Main 5807. Eves., Webster 0302. SBOO Cash Double, North Six room** t< hide, bath, gns. electric lights, furnace, good e.i t front 1 ! Price reason able. This is .a very desirable double as home erul investment. Trustees System Main 6837. Eves., Ran. 0943. A New, Never Occupied Colonial home; good location north of Thirty-Eighth *t. Thr*© flne sleeping rooms, large living room; hardwood floors throughout. Full basement, laundry, ga reg© an-1 other modern features. Bargain. Price $8,500. Terms to Mult. The Firm That Hustles. MR. YOUNG. Main 1409. Washington 1079. Bungalow Bargain, North east on very reasonable terms. See Mr. Me- I. N. Richie & Son 710-12 Bankers Trust IJdg. Main 0520. Buy this now, $250 down Beautiful r;©w 6-room bungalow, long living room dining room, two bedrooms, bathroom, porches, pantry, etc.; garage. 8 full lots. Near MR hlgan road on Sixty- First street; $2,650, easy payments. Wash ington 8546 after 6 80. West Indianapolis }BOI Mwfran, 3-room bungalow; electric lights, well, eurage, 11,360. Terras. Truebiood. Reliable Realty Cos. Main 0186. Evenings. Irvington 4213. Modern, Close In Cottage, 5 rooms and bath, full size lot; garage. PRICE. S3. J 50. DUNLOP * HOLT E l l EL, REALTORS. 123 E. Market at. Seven-Room Modern Home Double garage, deep lot. 85.090; J 2.000 ctthh, 330 per month. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. FIVE ROOM cottage for aaie.~l3s2~W. Twenty-Eighth st. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Near Stop 2, Southport Line Six-room bungalow; eieolrlo lights, well, poultry houso and yard; lot 100x140; $3,000. Terms. Call Truebiood. Reliable Realty Cos. Main Evenings, Irvington 4212. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE Have Good Machine Will trade for small rental or vacant lot. Mr. Andersen. I. N. Richie & Son. 710-13 Bankers Trust bldg. Main 0520, BUY EXCHANGE SELL Improved farms or Income producing city property. Desirable locations. Avail yourself of our service. Send your de scriptions. Ask for particulars. MID WEST REALTY CO. Box 242. Lima, Ohio. FOP. BALE OR TRADE. For small farm. Four-room bungalow; extra lot. 2 rooms on rear; large barn. EVERROAD, 1399 Hoefgen st. Drexel 3250. FIVE vacant lots near Michigan st.. east of the Belt; trade for equities. IT. G. M'iNKS, 101 l Lemeko bldg. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. R. C. Fo-Land Auction Co.' Auctioneers 615 Traction Terminal Bldg Cir. 0247 Evenings Ben Davis 158 Have a Customer for a 5-room modern bungalow east or i north. Also six-room house and a double. ! If your house is for sale call The Firm That Hustles. We ll sell it quick. MR. \ YOUNG. Main 1409. Washington 1079. j a tt 1 'will pay cash for me- J ii TT II dium priced property rea- i V\ II /“Vi II sonaply well located. ; ' “ c.EO, V LUCAS. 726 K. of P. Bldg. Circle 6600. i lines v. ant Ads unit the right pvnpi* for the right places and the right placet for the right people. Phone Main 159*. Auto. 88-251. AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE. IEPEMSIIE USED IMS At Greatly Reduced Prices In announcing a reduction in prices of New Dodge Brothers Cars, we are also making a substantial reduction in prices of used cars. , We haA*e always offered GOOD VALUES but with these reductions you have the opportunity to buy a serviceable car at a very low price. These cars include — 1 1917 Dodge Brothers Touring 1920 Dodge Brothers Sedan „ 1920 Dodge Brothers Roadster ( 19 J.® r Dodgo Brothers during 1920 Dodge Brothers I ouring j Dodge Brothers Panel Business Car Car 1919 Dodge Brothels Touring'Ford Tourings Car j Ford Coupe 1918 Dodge Brothers Touring fteo, Oakland, Haynes. Chevrolet, Car 1 Pathfinder, Interstate. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY MORNING Liberal Terms. No Brokerage Charges During This Sale. C. H. WALL ERIC Ml COMPANY Dodge Brothers Motor Cars S4ti North Meridian. Cl rcle 4300-1-2 FARMS—WANTED. AUCTION SERVICE THE FOLLOWING 13 A LIST OF THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT AND S. H.r> RE AL ESTATE DURING 1921 THROUGH THE AUCTION SERVICE RENDERED BV THE R. C. FO-LAND Al l TiON t’OMPANI': GeMrudt Strlngfeliow, Noblesvlll*. prop er!; to Joseph Herron. NoblesvUle. for $Bl5 00: J. P. Davis. Sheridan, property to James Keliant, Sheridan. $3,865.00: Jesse Martin. Camden, 136 acres to Miles T Martin. Delphi, J 13.972.95; O. T. Hill. Arcadia. 101 acres to Charles Eaton, Cic ero, $9.090.00; Mary McManaway, Royal i enter, ■> acres to Jesse I). Smith, Royal ■ enter. $e 225.90. James Keilain. Westfield, buslm-sa bldg.. In Noblesvlllo to Srno, k xi I‘aca, Noblesvlllo, $2,500 00, Eula Briles. Wes;field, 69 acres to J. M. Briles, Marsh jail County, $9 720.00; Dr. J. O. Mlesson, i Cicero, property to Henry O. Johnson, i Cicero. $1,183.09; Harry Norris. Kirklln. ' property to Glen Perkins, Klrkiin, $960.00: Arna Nanca, Noblesvllle. residence prop erty to Loren K. Wolfgang, Fortville, $620.00, E. O. Hershtnan, Noblesvllle, 70 acres to William and Ver* Hershman, I Tipton, $10,5011.00, F. S. Hamilton, Dun kirk, 30 ueres to Dr. Meade Hamilton, Muncle, $5,620.00; James lvellatn, West field, f<4 acres. to Everett Goins, Westfield, $2,100.00; Vern Beaver, Nobles vllle, property to Lewis Beals. Nubles \ lII*-. $110.00; Jesse Cullins, Noblesvllle. property to Coy Robbins, Noblesvllle, *SO. 00. Roma Major, Arcadia, .0 acres to W. J. Kimble, Noblesvllle. $7,825.00, It. S. Dryden. Mitchell, 196 acres to R. P. McClemant, Bloomington, $17,640.00; Kolia Shields. Carmel, 20 acres to Bally Hawk ins, Carmel, $3,140.00; Oscar 3. Hunt. Eaton, 120 uercs to Charles Weller, Shid ler. $21,480.00; Addle Coverdale, Pendle ton. property to I-em Faucett, Nobles vllle, $975.00; Augusta Fleetwood, West field, 4 2 acres to John Ballenttne, West field, $3,171.00; E. V. Atwell. Biountsviile. store bldg., to W. J. Davis, Biountsviile, $2,925.00; Will N. Reed, Mooreland. 7 3 acres to Jacob Felton, Muncle, $5,353.40; Albert M. Gordon, Gaston, 140 acres to Virgil S. Day, Alexandria, $16,050.00; W. F. Lagie, Mitchell, vacant lot to A. D. Hall. and Henry Turley. Mitchell, $1,300.00; Wm. E. Vance, Eaton, 180 aeree to Othe Gtliand, Eaton. $7,100,00; M. E. Leavitt, NoblesvUle, property to John Clark, Nobtesvllie, $1,760.00; H. P. Maker, Noblesvllle, 78 acres to Jasper Dooley, Dooley, Noblesvllle. $12,916.00; Wm. 3. Moyer, Scottsburg. S6 acres to Samuel H. Planck. Henryvitie, 39,116.00; Mrs. J. W. Briles, Westfield, residence property to Harry Hlnshaw. Westfield. $2,260.00; W. O. Rhoades Columbus. 90 acres to Mr. Krause, Columbus, $4,150.00; Charles H. Boyd, Worthington, 160 acres to A. E. Coe her. et al, Winamac. $10,000.00; Homer Wright, Worthington. 16! acres to Tom Nugent, Washington, $6,473.00; Bailey W. Gray, Louisville, Ky.. 80 acres to B. F. Whitson, Austin. Ind., $8,840.00; Wesley Eades. Medora. 200 acres to Goo. Spruq: Bedford. $4,100.00; Rose Craw, Muncle. 63 acres to W. H. Funk, Muncle, $2,610.00; Oscar Slmrt, Worthington. 121 acres to Wtlllam A. Hayes, Worthington. $6,561.00; Ray Mutton, Swra City, low a, 166 acres to Butlervilie Bank, Butlervllle. Ind., $2,210.00; Alvin Spurry, Zionsvllle, 63 acres to Fred Ottinger, Whltestown, $3,804.26; Evan J. Carson. Westfield. SO acres to Joseph Moore, Lebanon. $ll,SOO.OO; Wal ter J. Ross, Gosport, 75 acres to J. W. Ross, Torre Haute, $3,857.00; Katie Roush, Cicero, property to Henry O. Johnson. Cicero, $520.00; George W. Smith. Selma, 112>X acres to Perry Orr, Selma, $17.- 437.50; J. A. Carey, Cteero, restaurant and residence property to Leo Lively et al, Cicero, $900.00; Charley Care. Noblesvllle, acres to Nancy J. Gunn. Westfield. $2,400.00; Kirtley & Arnold, Kokomo, 96 acres to Charles L Beattly, Sharpsvilie, $16,837.60; E. L. Kell, Indianapolis, resi dence property to Horace Wright, Indi anapolis, $1,600.00; Hurry McMurty, Sheri dan. property to Nelson Hlgbee, Sheridan, $565,00; J. J. Westrlck, Sunman, residence property to Mr. Comstock, NoblesvUle, $605.00; Mary L Small. Tipton, property to John T. Ogle, Sheridan. $600.00; Fred Patterson, NoblesvUle, poultry yard anil residence property to C. L. Rabourn. An derson, $2,425.00; H. A. Stauffer, Lafay ette. business bldg., to Oris Kercheval, Sheridan, $1,975.00; Wm. F. Milligan. Port land, residence property to Wynhausew & Wise, Kokomo, $1,130.00; Maggie A. Simp ler, Indianapolis, residence property to Lew is W. Williams, Indianapolis. $1,705.00; Mary Jane Pickett, Indianapolis, 20 acres to bra W. Walls, Sheridan, $3,630.00; Elmer Pierce, Scottsburg, 153 acres to Jesse B Davis, Scottsburg, $4,054.50; Minor McClead, Selma, 120 acres to Geo. Helm, Selma. $18,157.00; Virgil Etchlson, Selma, 20 acres to Raymond Carmicliel, Selma, $3,100.00; B. F. Crockett, Walton, property to Samuel Ruth, Walton, $1,200.- 00; Hurshel Hethcote, Parker, 80 acres to Murray Lumpkins, Muncie, $8,880.00; Henry Clay Webb. Sheridan property to P. Goodner, Sheridan, $t,485.00; John C Gerbitz, Scottsburg. 155 acres to E. B. Porter, Scottsburg. $10,230.00; Solomon Thorpe, Scottsburg. 110 acres to Horace Boivyer, Austin, $7,700.00; Gertrude String fellow. NoblesvUle, property to Ed Low ery, NoblesvUle. VI. 150,00. For direct lnfotmation those interested are requested to communicate with any of the above. Fall in lino and sell by tills quick, modern and most efficient method. These are only a few of the hundreds of boosters for the system. R. C. Fo-Land Auction Cos. (NoblesvUle, Ind , or 615 Terminal B.dg.) Indianapolis. WHY WORKT Ji LET • TLmea Want and mg It ter y M. B, f Rl?n If (Copyright. 1921, by y 15 111 CTV New Era Features( sale. Corner Lot All Improvements in, 40x140 feet, near Riverside Park; $550. Will sell on easy terms. Howard C. Venn 108 F- Market. Main 1115. Corner Lot All improvements in. 40x140 foot near Riverside Park. $550 Will s-11 on easy terms. Howard C. Venn 108 E. Market. Main 1115. FARMS—FOR SALE. LANDOLOGY, FREE. SPECIAL NUMBER Juzt our, containing many facts of clover j land In Marinette County. Wisconsin. If for a home or an Inver tment you are thinking of buying g> od farm lands, where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It Is free on request. Address SKIDMORE HI EH LE LAND CO.. 113 Skidmore- Ki©hle 131£g.. Marinette. Wls. Green County Farm 600 acres (three-fourths woodland); at less than S3O pr acre. Has tenant houses and a $6,000 barn. Would make good stock or fruit farm. Will sell outright or trade for desirable Indianapolis Income property. For particulars call MR. ROUSE. Main 6045. FOR SALE—Ten acres timber, 15 miles south of Miami, Fla. Belmont 1901. FOR SALE—I32-acre farm, house, barn and outbuildings. Terms. Box 23, . Cloverdale, Ind. FARMS—TO LET. TO RENT—Thirty acres, good buildings and water, 70 acres wood pasture DIL BRIUHAM 9 X. Illinois. Main 0331. AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE. FORDS special: With our very liberal payment plan, our assortment of used cars and our reasonable prices, you can't a-Ford to be without a Ford. Come In and let us sell you one. Open Sunday, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Wangelin-Sharp Cos. Ford Dealers "Personal Service" 443 and 459 Virginia Ave. Drexel 0360. SSO, $75, SIOO ' down buys a dandy Ford, Maxwell, Over land, Grant, 9axon, Studebaker, Mets and many others. Balance small weekly pay ments. Bring your down payment with you and drive your car away. Open Sun days and evenings. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 618 N. Capitol ave. Cadillac 8 Sedan, 1919 In A-l mechanical condition; six cord tires, two bumpers, motometer. heaters and other extras. Thia car absolutely looks and runs like new. Priced to sell. Your car in trade. Terms if desired. €l9 N. Illinois. Main 1579. CHALMERS 6. late 1920 model This Is I one of the aport models. Several extras Including wire wheels arid perfection wind shield. Bargain for quick sale. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. OVERLAND ROADSTER $75.00 OVERLAND TOURING $55.00 PATHFINDER COUPE $75.00 L. T. ALLEN. 919 Virginia Ave. PATHFINDER ' 6-passenger; a real bargain for quick sale. Call Webster 5302 Sunday. FORDS- —If you want a Ford we have any kind. Sale or exchange for any make car. Cash or payment. Open Sundays. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. FORD speedster; one of tne classiest little speedsters In town. Sale or trade; cash or payments. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. OVERLAND 90, with Rex sedan top in A-l condition. Sale or trade for any make car. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. FORD touring with California top. Same as new. Electric lights and starter. Sale or trade. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. FORD CHASSIS, (iO. TU RNER. 725 VIRGINIA AVE. AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE. OVERLAND touring; will consider soma paint work on outside building as down payment. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. LIGHT 8-cylinder touring car; electrlo lights and starter; late model, SBS. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. FORD coupes, 1920-21; sale or trade, for any make car. cash or payments. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. FORD one-ton truck; worm drive; good condition. Sale or trade. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. DORT touring nith new paint Job; A-l condition; starter, etc, $135. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. COLE touring; electric lights and starter; running order, $66. TURNER. 725 Vir ginia avenue. FORD roadster. 1920 model. A-l condition. Sale or exchange. TURNER, 725 Vlr gina ave. FORD roadster with slip-on body. Bar gain. TURNER. 725 Virginia avenue. FORD coupe, late 1919; good condition; 5 good tires and wire wheels. Main 7590_ AUTOMOBILES—WA_NTEO. " AUTOS WANTED CASH for your Junked, burned, wrecked or used car. WE are the LARGEST used car dealers In the state. WE have all parts for 200 cars. INDPLB. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. ill N. Capitol eve. Main 2638. Open evenings and Sundays AUTOS WANTED" I. Wolf Auto Cos. 819 N. Illinois st. Main 1679 LI 206*. WILL pay cash for five or six-passenger medium-priced car. 1921 model In No. 1 condition. Must be bargain. Addresa A No. 1851. Times. AUTOS wanted. WEISSMAN'B, 218-14 K. New York street. Main 4446. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Ford Bodies S2O and up. Trade your old one for anew one. Two commercial bodies, one open and one closed. Autowa Body Distributers CARBON REMOVED 50c per cylinder, while you wait; guar anteed harmless to motor. TOWING—OPEN 24 HOURS—SERVIC3 M. M. Trex'.t-s Auto Service. 1120 Central. Main 5076. ~ AUTO WASHING Our spfclalty. 834 North lillnolA S & S Auto Laundry MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. I Now is the time to have your motorcycle overhauled end re-enameled. LIUS'EST HUGHES CO. CA£H paid for all kinds of motorcyclii FLOYD lETEKMAiN. 509 Massachusetts avenue. GARAGES FOR SALE. ’ GARAGES—Portables, made from good lumber; painted; ea*=y monthly pay men ts. Liberal cash discounts. Set ud free. Webster 0355. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. Wby Not Save Twenty Per Cent Bl* ORDERING YOUP. SUIT AND OVER COAT DURING THIS January Reduction Sale Any $75 suit, to your measure, now SBO. Any S7O suit, to your measure, now $53. Any $65 suit, to your measure, now $52. Any SBO suit, to your measure, now S4B. Any $55 suit, to your measure, now $44. Any SSO suit, to your measure, now. S4O. Any $45 suit, to your measure, now' $36. Any S4O suit, to your measure, now $32. | Any $35 suit, to your measure, now S2B. Overcoats, trousers, full dress Tuxedo suits, etc., are priced In the same propor- Ition. All fabrics are Included In this sale, itbtng reserved. . yon oj g I opportunity to replenish your waraX robe at a good saving. " HIGH GRADE TAILORING. AS USUAL. W. G. Schneider 39 W. Ohio St. Be sure you are la the right place. Match Your Co*t With a Pair of / \ II j Work Pants. 2 to *4. I|j j THE PANTS STOKE CO. |HI I Two Stores. MUf 48 W. Ohio St. M % - r w i NATIONAL cash rgeister, hot wp.ter urk I small counter, g.ass top refrigerated small iron safe, double oven restaurant range, small wail case, chairs and tables; prices low, payments easy. 219 JE. Wash ington street. BAKER BROS. FOR SALE—Sanitary couch, wltl extra heavy pad, In good condition* Phone HA rrison 0633. Nights phonaj Cl rcle 7883. INVALID chairs and cratches for rents free delivery to all parts of the city. Ins valid chairs. $3.59 per month; crutches 25c per month. 219 E. Wash. BAKER BROS. CHILD’S white Iron crib with Bids that lets down. In good shape. Call HA rrison 0633 days, nights Cl rcle 7883. SCHOOL BOOKS \ New and used. We pay cash for used" books. CRAWFORD'S. Penn, and North. ADDRESSOGRAPH. adding machine, roll. top desk, flat-top desk, office table and chairs; low price; easy payments. BAKER BROS. MAKE your old coat looa. like new sulk by matching a pair trousers with the CORRECT PANTS MAKERS CO. FOR SALE—Boy's heavy blue coat, sir# 14 or 15. Just cleaned, altered and pressed. Will sell for price of alteration. Call Webster 6S9Ju LARGE grocers' and butchers' refrigera tors; A-l condition; very low price. BAKER BROS. LADY'S black serge suit; good. Slse 33. $5. Sport coat also. Randolph 2631. IhRM* given on new and used machlnea. Whits Sowing Machine Cos. 318 Mass ave. HORSE and cow manure for lawns anti gardens; also kindling. Webster 1433. CHILD'S dresses to sell, elze 10. In condition. Harrison 2150. CINDERS; large load; truck delivery, Webster 1401. Good second-hand bicycle. Drexel 5863. GAS RANGE, cheap. Webster 2360. W£] MAK g PANTS AND SELL 'EM DIRECT TO YOU AT A SAVING. I k\! TAILORING CO. LCUI - 254 Massachusetts Are. JEWELER'S work bench; golden oak; at* good as new; $25. 219 E. Washington st. BAKER BROS. M |SCELLANEOUS — WANTED WANTED—Baby carriage or stroller, re-1 gardless of condition. Circle 7090. DOGS, POULTRY, PIGEONS. ETC. ARE you Interested in dogs? Send 35 cents (stamps or coin) today for thre months' subscription Sportsman's Digest- Contains interesting. Illustrated stories oa dogs, hunting, fishing, etc. SPORTSMAN 0 DIGEST. Dept. 67, 15 West Sixth, CinoUl natl. _ POULTRY RAISERS, we buy fresh egg* any quantity. Write stating price a(i how "many dozen you can ship weekly. He BISEK. 1152 Milwaukee ave., Chicago, 03. HOM ES wanted for health; homeless dogt, INDIANAPOLIS HUM* NE SOCIETY, City dog pound. 924 E. N. Y. Main OSTSI. Continued on Next Pag# /