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6 IN THE REALM WHERE WOMAN REIGNS Daughter of D. W. Voorhees Seeks Otfice Descendant of Famous Hoo sicr Will Run for Legis lature. By JtUA C. HESDERSOX. Although the women of Illinois had the privilege of the ballot long before the women of Indiana hud any form of suf frage, the State may have for the first time In its history a woman to sit In it* Legislature after the new assembly is elected this fall. It is expected one of the most strenu ous and stirring campaigns of recent years will be waged for Mrs. Julia Voorhees Johnson of Peoria, whose name has been placed in the political field by her friends. Mrs. Johnson is a granddaughter or Daniel W. Voorhees, the “tall sycamore of the Wabagh.” It is needless to say, she is seeking the nomination on the Democratic ticket. The support thrown to Mrs. Johnson will not be confined to party lines, since women’s clubs, which are said to be very strong in Peoria, will support her regardless of party, and many business men are rallying to her support. Under the laws of Illinois, a nomina tion in the primary will amount to an election in this legislative district. The result will be watched dith interest by politicians and by the women of the States both of whom are much concerned as to woman’s entrance into politics and who will measure her worth in the poli tical field. Indiana has had her woman repre sentative In legislative halls in the per son of Mrs. Julia D. Nelson of Muuele who was elected to serve in the Indiana General Assembly of 192 L Mrs. Nelson made good for her constituency and. while the initial step In this capacity was difficult, she came out with credit to her self and the women of her State. Indiana s neighboring State or onto also is coming forward with a woman candidate lor United States senator, in the person of Mrs. Virginia Darlington Green, a member of the Cleveland Doaru of education, who recently announced her candidacy. She will run independ ently and will be her own campaign manager. Within tn e last wees rrom across. the seas—from Stockholm, Sweden —comes the word that the speech from the throne, at the opening of tne Klgsdag, made reference to tne lact women had participated for tne first time In the parliamentary elections, anu the admission of women to government posts will be one of the new bins to De presented at the parliamentary sessions. Women are entering the political neiu with the thought of service uppermost in their minds and with an aniDition to do their work well. Club Index Aftermath Club—' Thursday. Hostess, Mrs. J. H. Brill, 008 North New Jersey street Mrs. V. W. Woodward will give a talk on “Short Stories” and Mrs. H. E. Von Grimmenstein will discuss “Life On a Sheep Ranch.” Culture Club—Friday. Hostess, Mrs. Fred M. Stone, 911 West Drive Woodruff Place. A lecture on Chile will compose the program. Expression Club—Tuesday. Hostess, Mrs. Lloyd C. Litten, 13 East Tefffh street, Puccini’s opera “Madame Butter fly” will be the subject for the program. Mrs. Vincent Binager will read the 11b bretto with musical illustrations by Mrs. John A. Sink, pianist and Mrs. Helen Miles, volealist Hoyl Study Club—Tuesday. T. W. C. A. building. The book for study is Greece and the Aegean Islands. Mrs. Ballard Long will read chapter seventeen and eighteen and Mrs. William Neal nineteen and twenty. Mrs. T. P. Woolery and Mrs. C. H. Hardy will lead the current event;*’ Mrs. P. A. Davis will give a talk on psychology Home Economics Club —Thursday eve ning. Hostess, Mrs. Edward E. Stout, 8810 Washington boulevard. Fatnilie* and friends of members are to be enter tained with a party, music and reading* to make up the Informal program. Independent Social Club —Tuesday. Hostess, Mrs. Arthur Harms, 3509 North Illinois street. The regular business ses sion is to be held. Indianapolis Woman’s Club—Friday, Fropylaeum. Mrs. Brandt T. Steele will talk on “The Whatnot" and Miss Flora McDonald Ketcham on “Fuss and Feath ers." Irvogton Fortnightly Club—Friday. Hostess, Mrs. C. L. Stubbs, 22 North Bolton avenue; assistant, Mrs. G. 2L. Black. Mrs. C. J. Orblson will talk on “Longfellow, the Poet,” and Mrs. Philip Zoercher will discuss him as “The E sayist and Critic.” A group of reading* will be given by Mrs. August Jutt. Irvington Tuesday Club —Tuesday. Hostess, Mrs. L. Dora Strawn, 53 North Ritter avenue. Mrs. E. C. Ropkey will give a talk on “Frances industrial Re construction,” and Mrs. C. M. Cunning ham will discuss the “Housing Problem in Indianapolis.” Irvington Woman’s Club—Monday. Hostess, Mrs. Beecher J. Terrell, 505(1 East Washington street. Mrs. George Buck will give a talk on “A Modern City.” Meridian Heights Inter-Se Club—Tues day. Hostess, Mrs. Scott L. Denny. 625 East Forty-Ninth street. Mrs. Howland Johnson will read a paper on William Dean Howell*. Monday Conversation CiuD—Tuesday. Hostess, Mrs. Edwin Hunt, 5939 vvasn lngton boulevard Mrs. Leroy A. Mans field and Mrs. Roy Adams wuj talk on "The Abandoned farmers." New Era Club—Monday. Hostess, Mrs. Otis McCracken, 3007 College avenue. Mrs. J. M. Little will tell tne “Story or Hutb,” and Mrs. VV. 11. GUere will taut on “The Great Supper." Phillip Schorr Chapter, u. S. Daughters of 1812—Monday. Hostess, Mrs. A. Guthrie, Claypool Hotel. The regular meting Is to be conducted. Wednesday Afternoon Cinn —Wednes- day. Hostess, Mrs. J. u. Martin, 21'i.0 Beilefontalne, apartment L Mrs. w. tt. Burcham will talk on “Indianapolis—a No Mean City,” and Mrs. j. m. white will give readings. Woman's Advance C’luo—i nursnay. Hostess, Mrs. K. E. Price, apartment o, the Coronado. Mrs. D. H. Raker win talk on Latin America and Mrs. p. jr. Logsdon will lead the current events. W rlters’ CiuD —Tuesday, pud lie lADrary auditorium. Mrs. uren Hack wm De the speaker for the evening. SMUGGLE GERMAN GOODS. DOVER, England, Jan. 14.—During the last throe months sixty-three men ana women have been fined here for smug gling German cigars, cigarette!, cameras, binoculars and automobile accessories luiG England. LOCAL THETAS ACTIVE IN FOUNDERS’ DAY LUNCHEON GREEK LETTER FOLK DIGNIFY FOUNDERS’ DAY Thetas Stage Brilliant Event at Claypool Hotel —Many Out-of-Town Guests. Un e of the brilliant affairs In Greek letter circles was the annual rounders Day luncheon today In the Riley room of the Claypool Hotel, tne Indianapolis alumnae chapter acting as nostesses. Tonight the State dance wiu be held in the same room. Among the local Thetas who have been active in arranging for the ceieDranon are Miss Louise wins. Miss Manna i p degraff and Miss Hilda Lieber. -Miss Wills attended Indiana university and Miss l pdegrarr and Miss EleOer were members of Butler chapter. RADIANT. DECORATIONS. The decorative .scheme for luncheon was carried out in Mac k and gold, i htn colors. The speakers table was effect tve ly arranged with gold colored tapers in dnil gold holders with unique hidek ana gold tulip shaped shades and myriads of gold and black pansies scattered over the cloth. The centerpiece Tor the small tables were "splash-me” dolls yarned in Welfare Club’s Activity in Behalf of A ged Women Praised by Beneficiaries MRS. JO Kit WILMOTH. By MABEL WIIEELEB. In my rambles around town this past week I ehaneed to drop into the Horae for Aged Women, to chat a bit with some of my old friends. I was gossiping with on© silver-haired woman concerning various happenings and foik, when she asked me suddenly If I belonged to the Welfare Club. I was forced to admit that I did not to her very apparent disappointment. "Why," queried I, "I belong to some other very excellent organizations; won’t any of them do?” She refused to take any apparent Inter- ! est in my club affiliations, but showed signs of delight when I ventured to add that I had some friends who did belong to the club, which opened the floodgates of her confidence and she told me just what a wonderful coterie of women make up the club. It seemed from her conversation that most of the good things she had received had come from those women. She told how they took them to the movies, bought them delicacies to cat, gave parties and musicales for them, brought them bric-a-brac and comforts for their rooms and, best of all, just came to see them personally as good friends, writing- and reading to them at times. AH of which led mo to delve a | little deeper into the character of the club and read up on its history. CLl'B ORGANIZED BY 15 WOMEN IN 1912. The club, I found, was organized In the fall of 11)12 by fifteen women under the leadership of Mrs. Joed Wilmoth ut her j residence on North Capitol avenue. It! was the outcome of more or less disor- ! ganized work among the aged folk of ' the city wlio needed help. On that first j afternoon Mrs. J. D. George, president of j the board of directors for the Indianapolis ! Heme for Aged Women, talked concerning i the needs of the home which were many. I The first effort to obtain funds was r ; tnusirole given in the auditorium of the j Y. M. C. A., the proceeds going to furnish a room in the home. At that time the club members also visited the city liosplta’ old people, distributing fruit, magazines and candies. The motto adopted was “Cultivate the Habit of Sympathy” and j the members, according to the grateful j “hApe” lady evidently have lived up to It ' 1 ‘I e charter members of the club were j *■ LOUISE WILLS. Colonial gowns and bonnets or golden hue, with black trimming and parasol, from which to the plates. Huge Diack and yellow bows decorated the sides or the cloth. A harpist played throughout the luncheon time. The program was opened with the sing ing of the “Theta Prayer,” by Christine Newhardt of De Panw chapter followed by a song, “Love Never Falleth,” by Mrs. Roy Metzger of Lebanon. An interesting group of toasts composed the larger por tion of the program. Miss Charlotte L- ah of Indianapolis, president of the alumnae chapter, presiding as toastmlstress. The theme for the responses nas "Theta's I Calendar.” ea 'h of the four active chap ters In the district giving an episode of an eventful day In the 6orority year. Purdue chapter showed how “Theta Rushes;" Butler chapter followed with a comedy giving a frightened pledge's dream of how “Theta Initiates;” Indiana chapter built their skit, “Theta Cele brates.” around the annual founders’ day luncheon, featuring a huge birthday cake, and De Putiw chapter closed the aeries showing how "Theta - Plunges” to gain” a chapter house. The committee In charge of the lunch eon Included Mrs, Edgar L. Davis. Mrs. John J. Griffith. Mrs. George C. Witt and Mrs. Archie I>. Ereh*rt, program; Mrs. Jeanne C. Bose. Mrs. C. B. Dyer, Miss Martha Updegroff, Mrs. Scott Brewer ami Miss Rebecca Nlccoson. ! Special guests were Miss Grace Phllpatt | of Bloomington, who made a short la- MRS. FRANK HAIGHT. | Mrs. Otto Anthony, Mrs. Harry Baxter, ! Mrs. Harold Ltlllou, Mrs. Charles Drake, Mrs. Edwin Kmerick, Mrs. Louis Hage i don, Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth, Mrs. J. F. Judd, Mrs. Henry Laut, Mrs. L. o. ; Rotbchild, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. N. ! Elmstedt, Mrs. Omar Caswell, Mrs. A. )’. Walker and Mrs. Reese Wvsong. The first officers were Mrs. Wiluioth, presl jileut; Mrs. Elmstedt, secretary, and Mrs. 'Anthony, treasurer. .MEMBERSHIP LIMITED TO FIFTY. | Membership in the club was limited to fifty active members aud such limitation is still a ruling. The wembershp is di vided into several classes .active, associ ate, out of town, and sustaining. At pres ent the entire roster includes over two hundred members. At present Mrs. Frank Haight Is presi dent of the organization, Mrs. Wilmoth being honorary president. During • the past few months, the activities have been extended to the Marion County Asylum for the Poor. Two vietrolas have been given the inmates, one for the men and one for the women, with a variety of rec ords. Also a rag rug and rocking chair was bought for one woman. On the third Thursday of each month the club visits the home, serving hot chocolate and cake. During the last week Mrs. Haight, who Is a frequent visitor at the asylum, taking a personal interest in the various unfortu nate folk there, received letters from two of the old women, one blind, thanking her for all the club had done and was do ing for them. A number of interesting cases have come under the notice of the club women, one helpless woman of cul ture being found there, who had relatives in the Far West. The club started sleuth ing and before long were in touch with an attorney who said that she had been lost trace of and her relatives were hunt ing her. Now she is with her own peo ple. thanks to the interest of the club. The old ladies at the Home for Aged are entertained monthly and during tho summer maple rockers for the porches were presented the home by the club. The club was incorported In 1920. A card party is to be given Friday, Jan. 27, in the home of Mrs. Haight, 145 East vail Creek boulevard, the proceeds to go for the general charity fund. UlylliErii ImPlfr '.%! ft 11 , V /1 j" II ,n ift '^MWPiBACjMg 1/mjui inuLiOj u i'*, 1 HILDA LIEJSER. formal talk, and Mrs. Jean C. Vollrath of : Sheboygan, Wls. ! list op THOSE PRESENT. Thetas who attended Included Mrs. A. 11. Brock of Newcastle, Miss Genevieve Brown of Wlnamac, Miss Katherine Bur ton of Martinsville, Mrs. J. W. Edwards of Noblesvllie, Mrs. A. Lyman Love of Robinson, 111., Mrs. Roy Metzger of Leb anon, Miss Mary Mason of Delphi. Mrs. Don Bridges of Greenfield. Miss Marjorie Rose of Martinsville, Mrs. Edith Shelby Berry of Lebanon. Mrs. James Stelnbaugh jof Attica, Mrs. L. Searles of \nderson, Mrs. F. F. Crockett of Lafayette, Mrs. Bruce Goble, Mrs. L. E. Garriatt. Mias Marjorie Hughes, Mrs. Jesse D. Hughes, I Mr-. Samuel Offutt of GreeniloU, Mrs. ; Doyle Heylmnnn, Mrs. Frances Hare and j Mrs. A. W. Truitt of Noblesvllie, Mis* j ! Irene Selby and Mr*. F. E. Hester of ! | Greencastle, an I Mrs. C. E. Lawrence of j ! Mooresville. From Indianapolis: Mbs j Sarah Ashby, Mrs. Samuel Ashby. Mr*, j Bertram C. Day, Mrs. A. C. Arnett, Mr3. j R. J. Anderson, Miss Helen Ardery, Mr*. Kcott Brewer, Mrs. Boss, Miss Ethel i ! Baker, Mrs. Russel Busart, Mr*. Max V. : i Bailey, Mrs. Charles lilnkley. Miss Jean j Brown, Miss Janiia Beadle, Mrs. Severin | Ruschman. Mrs. Owen Clark, Miss Grace Crowder, Mi.-s Emma Clinton, Mrs. Wayne j Cory, Mrs. Oscar Carlstedt. Mrs. Burma i Church. Miss Sarah Catton, Mrs. Edgar ■ L. Davis, Mrs. C. B. Dyer, Mrs. C. E. Donnell, Miss Harriet Dlthmer, Miss frith D lley, Mrs. Carl Ev'-lelgh. Miss j Edith Evans, Miss Florence Fuller, MBs ! .Tulin F nnell. Miss Madge Garten. Mrs. Hillary Goblu, Mrs. Taylor Groningcr. j Mrs. \V. Holmes, Mrs. Henry Hornbrock. Miss Marjorie Haynes, Miss Josephine Ives, Mr*. Archer I). Erehart, Mrs. Clar ence Jackson, Miss Esther Jackson, MB* Florence Jay, Mrs. Howland Johnson. ' Mrs. George James, MB* Katherine Kenney, Miss Jean Klrlin, Miss Arda Knox, Mrs. Russel Koehler. Miss Vir ginia Kluslmry, Mrs. Waller Krull, Mrs. Leonard Kcrcheval, Miss Mary I*yer Lemon, Miss Meta Lieber, Miss Lieber, Mi** Charlotte la;sh, Mr*. Perry I Lesh, Mrs. Frank Levinson. Mrs. Theodor* L. Locke, Miss Uene Morgan, MBs Mil- | (1 red Morgan. Mrs. Robert Mansfield, Mrs. J. lion Miller, Mrs. Walter Montgomery, Mrs. Waym* M. Cory, Mr*. J. W. Mullane, Mrs. George Moffett, Mrs J. E. McCauley, MBs Josephine McCord. Mrs. .Tame* L. Murray, MBs Rebecca Nlccoson, Mr*. O. R. Norman, Mrs. Ralph Nessler, Mrs. Henry Ostrom. MBs Ruth O’lTalr, Mis* Philena Palmer. MBs Irens Pritchard. Miss Edna Hitter, Mrs J. P. Ragsdale, Mrs. 11. D, Robinson. Miss Martha Kabb, Mrs. Kate MUnor Kabb, Mrs. Halstead Selby. Miss Marjorlo Stewart, Mr*. Fos ter Smith. Mrs. William Russell Stuart, Ml ;s Edith Silver, Mrs. Albert Smith. Mrs. Arthur B. Schultz, Mrs. Richard Shirley, Mrs. Eugene Sims, MBs Myrtle Stucky, MBs Nathalie Smith, Mrs. Arthur , Strickland, MBs Mary Stucky, Miss Mnr garettn Stevenson, Mrs. J. C. Sheets. Mr*. H. E. Sutherland. Mrs. Catherine Tlllot- ; son. Miss Helen Thompson, MBs Dorothy j Thornburg, MBs Elizabeth Trook, Mr*. Thomas Woodson, Mrs. V. E. Wagstaff, Mrs. George C. Witt, Mrs. Mark Van Nuys j Miss India Wilson, MBs Beth Wilson,! MBs Dale Waterbury. MBs Anne Young, 1 Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson, Mrs. Jean O. Volt- j rath. MBs Lucille White, Miss Josephine Wooling, MBs Martha TJpdegraff. Miss Ruth While and Miss Marlon Wheeler. : Gl ETS FROM INDI AN A TO I,LEGES. Indiana University—Miss Marjorie Bln iford. Miss Katherine Wyatt, Miss Flor ence Benner, Miss Gevevieve Burzer, Miss alary Frances Wertz, Miss Louise Humps ton. Miss Edith Wood. Miss Jane Vor heos, Miss Florence Hammond, Miss Katherine Rice, Miss Marie Field, Miss Dorothy Sparks. DePauw Fniversity Miss Mildred Parr, Miss Christine Newhnrdt, Miss Aileen Trimble. Miss Martha Eldredge, Miss Margaret George, Miss Evelyn Wylie, Miss Dorothy lillter, Miss .Tennett Bene dict. Miss Mary 111 O’, Miss Davida Gard ner. Miss Louise Carpenter, Miss Eliza beth Webster, Miss Rachael Benton, Miss Dorothy Wiese, Miss Mary Walktip, Miss Marcia Haugh, Miss Margaret Garry, Miss Ruth Stone, Miss Mary Ott, Miss Esther Alice Green, Miss Virginia Grove, Miss Jo Wilson, Miss Caroline Gould, Miss Helen Gtills, Miss Cornelia Allen, Miss Myrtle Ashburn, Butler College Miss Virginia Barry, Mlhr Florence Hoover, Miss Helen Bello McLean, Miss Marian Miller, Miss Anna Moorhead. Miss Virginia Moorhead, Miss Mildred Beutlon. Mlhs Lucille Hodges, Miss Gladys Sudhrock, Miss Helen Myers, Miss Margaret Iligbce, Miss Blythe Burk hardf. Miss Mary E. Sutherland, Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Martha Lucas, Miss Mary Louise Mann. Miss Alice Edna Walsh, Miss Mary IV Carver, Miss Mary Evelyn Riley, Miss Irene Seuel, Miss Lois Wlshard, Miss Kathryn Relder, Miss Martha Merritt, Miss Anna C. Gardner, Miss Marjory Spencer, Miss Betty Bru baker, Miss Elizabeth Bertermann, Miss Ruth Fromm, Miss Ester Duckwall, Miss Mary Boar, Miss Mildred Brosnan, Miss Pauline Holmes, Miss Velma Gentry, Miss Porthea Relsnef, Miss Ruth McKenzie, I Miss Lula Burton Kerrheval, Miss Leora Floyd, Miss Virginia Royer, Miss Helen Spnhr, Miss Edith Fitzgerald. Purdue Fniversity-- Miss Edith Hen oinger. Miss Edith Evans, Miss Mary Paulding. Miss Pauline Waller. Miss Lucy Slckier, Miss Charlotte Fhl, Miss 1 Katherine Ferguson, Miss Elizabeth j Guide, Miss Lulta Curtis. Mis* Thelma | Sprague, Miss Mildred Morgan, Miss i Elizabeth Thompson, Mias Helen Good. 1 Miss Dorothy McConnell, Miss Elizabeth j McMath, Miss Marcia Kenyon, Miss j Handrum Jones, Miss Glenn Gregg. Miss ! Clameda McCollough and Miss Constance Jones. For the dance tills evening the Riley | room is to beJtiven the aspect of a sum- | mer garden, She orchestra setting is to i MARTHA rPDEGRAFF, boa pergola of white lattice overrun with vines banked with ferns and palms. A small gateway of white leading to an electric fountain surrounded with shrub bery. Above the pergola Is to be sus- I pended an Illuminated Theta kite, the sorority emblem. Three hundred couples are expected. The patrons and patron esses will be Professor and Mrs. J. W. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dyer and Mr. ana Mrs. Hilton U. Brown. The committee in charge of the dance includes Miss Elizabeth Trook, chairman; Mrs. Russell Moore .MBs Marjorie Stewart. Mis* Hilda Idber and MBs Louise Wills. CHRISTAMORE AID UU YS ALL TICKETS One /Sight's Proceeds to Help Settlement House. Member* of the Chrßtnmore Aid As sociation have bought out the house for the prscentatiou of “MBs Lula Belt” on tho night of Jan. 39. at the Murat, the proceed* to go toward the building of a new settlement house in Hanghvlile. A number of boxes have been sold to vari ous Individuals end clubs, and the eve ning promises to be a brilliant social affair. Members of the board Include MBs Martha Carey, president and general chairman of the theater arrangements; MBs Brink, vice president; Mrs. Wilbur Dark, secretary; MBs Anna Louise Grif fith, treasurer; Mrs. Bowman Elder, Mr*. Rnssell Fortune, MB* Belle Dean. Mrs. Frederick Appal. Mrs Garvin Brown, MBs Gertrude Baker. Mrs. Noble Dean, Miss Margaret Shipp, Mrs. Barrett Mm ley, Mrs. Oren Ragsdale, Mrs. Matthew Flechtr, 'Mrs Reginald Hug hen, Mrs. Charles Latham, Mr* David KttiJßaiield, Mrs Jaqueline Holliday, Mis* Katherine Watson, Miss Jane Ridgeley, Mrs. Charles firhaf, Mrs. Sheldon Ruylc*. Mrs. Theodore Griffith, Mrs Gordon Tanner, Mrs. Frederick ITney Bird. Mrs. George 1 Horne, Mrs. John FBhbaok, Mrs. Russell Wood* Johnston MBs Katherine Coburn, Mrs. Thomas I) Stovenson. Mrs. Jesse Fletcher. Mrs. Douglas Pierce, Mrs. Her bert Wocher, Miss Carolyn Coffin, Miss Eleanor Dickson, MBs Sullie Haueßen. MBs Ruth Williamson. MBs Alice Holli day, Mrs William Higgins and Mrs. 'Valter Pfaff. Parent-Teacher Notes Parent-Teacher Association of school No. 0 will meet. Wednesday afternoon, the program to be furnished by tho chil dren of the school. Mr. L. It. Ritter will speak to the mothers at school No. £9, Wednesday i afternoon, on the subjoct “Why is a Postage Stamp.” Musical numbers will be furnished by Mrs. Carl WLsenberg. At the regular afternoon meeting at i Fhortrldge High School Tuesday, Louis H. Dirks, assistant principal will talk on J “The Grading of High School Pupils.” Mr. E. G. ITesser, director of musle 1n ■ public schools, and Mrs Frank Eden hartor will furnish the program Wednes day afternoon at school No. 70. At the regular meeting of achool No. ’OO, Mrs. Fred lloke will talk on "Family Life.” A group of songs by Mrs. Ar nold Spencer will complete tho program. Mb s Julia Landers will speak on ‘'Vis ual Education” at school No. SO next Wednesday afternoon. Theto will be a vocal solo by Mrs. Graham Lolirlg, read { Ings by Janet Nogle and Lloyd Max Tfll ; madge and n piano solo by Edith Gray. Mrs. Fivd 1,. I’ettijohn entertained the ' members of tho executive board of the FHy Federation of Parent-Teacher As ! sociation of the Indianapolis Public schools at n delightful luncheon this last week. Those present were Mrs. George |C. Finfrock, Mrs. Curtis Hodges, Mu. Jnllus 11. Moeller, Miss Sue Blastngham, : Mtsa Martha Plch, Mrs. Melvin E. Rob bins. Mrs. n. C. Fledderjohn, Mrs. Charles IT. Smith. Mrs. Charles McNaull, Mrs. Charles E Rush. Mrs Wayne K •<] dick. Mrs. George Dickson and Mrs. J W. Vestal. DEPARTMENT CLUB NOTES. There will boa genera] club dance on the evening of Jan. 21 at the clubhouse. The committee In charge Includes Mrs. Gall Spangler, chairman; Mrs. E. 1,. Ped low, Mrs. Tj. N. Poyser, Mrs. Pearson Mendenhall, Mrs. Edward Forger, Mrs. Lawrence F. Orr, Mrs. Frank Dell, Mrs. El wood Ramsey, Mrs. Alfred Evans, Mrs. Frank Flnnner, Mrs. O. E. Anthony, Mrs. Marvin Jones nml Miss Eva Reynolds. Tickets may be obtained from any mem ber of the committee. The guests will be limited to fifty couples. * * 1 Friday, Jan. 20, the art section will entertain with a card party in the house for the benefit of the elub fund. The committee in charge includes Mrs. John F. Chambers. Mrs. K. L. Burnett, Mrs. Scott Doming. Mrs. W. G. Pickens. Mrs. ,T. Ft. Curry and Mrs Guy Stayman. on I Jan. 17 the regular business meeting of ' the art section will be held at the club house. BANANAS FRIED WHOLE. Peel and cut off the tip at. each end; sprinkle with pepper and salt, roll in beaten egg. then in fine crumbs, again in egg, and crumbs again. Leave them for an hour or two on ice, and fry in deep hot fat to a delicate brown. Serve very hot as a vegetable. ENsglEtj Mrs. John Downing Johnson, 20 East Eighteenth street, will depart Monday for Fort Worth, Texas, where she will attend the wedding of her son, John Downing Johnson, Jr., and Miss Mary Elizabeth Dickinson, daughter of Charles Dickinson of that city to take place Jan. 26. Mrs. Johnson will stop a few days in Pittsfield, 111., and will be joined by Mr. Johnson and son, William, who also will attend the w’edding. * * * Miss Elizabeth MoMath who has come from Purdue University to spend the week-end at her home at Golden Hill, is entertaining a house party including Miss Nina Huffman of Newcastle, Miss Joyce Paulson of Noblesvllie, Miss Thelma Sprague of Lafayette, and Miss Winifred Smith. Miss McMath and her guests attended the Theta luncheon today and will be guests at he State Theta ball this evening. •• • Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffries, who have been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rudd. 3245 Kenwood avenue, have re turned to their home in Newcastle. Mrs. Jeffries formerly was Miss Allelne Budd. The Indianapolis Alumnae Club of Pi Bela Phi entertained with an attractive ly appointed luncheon in the tearoom of the Woman’s Department Club today, mothers of the members being special guests. The hostess committee included. MBs Annette Hedge*, chairman; MB* Ruth Tharp, Mrs. Justus Taul, Mrs. Paul Denny, Mrs. Ellis B. Hall. Miss Hazel Abott, Miss Lettie Blue. Mis* Grace Bryan, Mrs. S. O. Dnngan, Mrs. J. T Hooplngamer, Mrs. C. R. Marshall, Miss Fay Marshall. Mis* Margaret Reniy, Mrs. C. 11. Wsrvl, Miss Lillian Weyl and Miss Adah Wyrlek, The program con cerned the PI Phi settlement school* with Illustrated talks by various mem ber*. Mrs. Ellis Hall conducting. The table* were arranged with basket* of bright colored spring flowers tied with tulle. Mis. Carl Fletcher preildcd. • • • The Indianapolis Alumni Association of , Kappa Kappa Gamma were entertained with a charmingly-appointed luncheon this noon at the Spink-Arms. Jonquils in silver baskets tied with yellow tulle were used to decorate the table* which were lighted with yellow candles in all tor holders. Mrs. George Losey was In charge of the arrangements and was as sisted by Mrs. Panl MeCampbell. Mrs. H. Landers. Mrs Fred Millla, Mrs. Lewis Morgan and Mrs. W. A. Morgan. Mrs. Luke W. Duffey waa In charge of the theater party which followed the lunch eon. • • • The marriage of MB* Carolyn Coffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Colin, to Charles Harvey Bradley Jr., wdl take place thß evening at 8 o’clock at the Meridian Street M. E. Church. Bishop w A (Juayle, formerly of this city, will perform the ceremony, assisted by Dr. \ ir_r 11 E. Rorer, pastor of the church. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the Woodstock On b. Additional out-of town gn**ts who have come for the wedding Include: Mr. and Mr- <’ M Bradley of Dubuque, parent* of the bridegroom; Mrs. Francis Ilord, Terre Haute; Mrs. Franoie* Jones. Chi cago; Mrs. Lillian Frost, Riverside. Cal ; Mr and Mrs. Charles Ray, Terre Haute; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shaffer; Mrs. Carroll Sha/Ter, i hi.ago; Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, S. ch Bend, and Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy, SheibyvtUe. • • • The Ph! Delta Sigma sorority enter- ! fatiTed with a surprise birthday dinner Is*l evening in honor of MBs Freda SebakeL 1423 Brooksble Parkway. To morrow afternoon the sorority will have s guest day meeting at the home of MBs Mary Haul, 2124 Central avenue. * • The Beta Beta Alumni Club of Alpha Chi Omega was entertained with a 1 o'clock luncheon today at the home of Mrs. Charb* Thomas. 535 East drive, M oodruff Place. Assisting the hostess j were Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs. Kenneth j Davis, Mrs S. B. Walker and Mrs. J. s. I Milligan. A business meeting followed I the luncheon and plans were made for } the annual .State luncheon and dance to be given In February. • • • Mrs. Don I*. Bridge gave illustrated biographies of the following Alpha Chi Omega composer i; Mr*. H. H. Beach, Margaret Ruthfen Lor ; and Ellen Beach Vow, Illustrating eacu with vocal selec tion*. Mrs. George Smith Illustrated the biographies of Fannie Bloomfield Zelsler, Madam Helen Iloopklrk and Mr, Edward MacDowell, with piano numbers. • • • The Woman's Rotary (.Tub will meet 1b weekly luncheon session in the Floren tine room of tlie Claypool Hotel at 12:30 WILL BECOME SPRING BRIDE . • - ■ - t *• * * :1 ' yL'• ‘ ./ jff"' \ . - 'J. ' * jit 5 --'Mh- \Jr Jr Among the bride-elects whose weddings will take place this spring, is Miss Mona Routine Hall, daughter of Mr. an and Mrs. John B. Hall, 5437 College avenue, who will marry Melvin Curtis Bradley, a on of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley of Murray, Ky. Miss Hall is known in musical clr cles, having studied at the College of Music and Fine Arts. f Sings in Concert I- jnSS FLORENCE BYERS. Miss Florence Byers, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. A. L. Byers, 1524 East Wash ington street. Indianapolis, will assist In the third concert of the season by the orchestra of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, under the direction of Pier Adolfo Tirindelll, Thursday. Jan. 19. Miss Byers wil sing Mozart’s aria, “Deh Vieni Non Tardar,” from Figaro. She ha* a dramatic soprano voice, and ts a pupil of Thomas James Kelly of the Cincinnati conservatory. [ o’clock Monday. The Rev. Frank S. C. Wicks, pastor of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, will speak on “A Few Snap 1 Shots In England.” Rotarian Laura Stef fens New will speak on “Antiques.’* • * • 1 “The Cedars of Let anon," s club of local women, former residents of Leba non. met with Mrs. Nellie Seezer Tyler, 1528 North I/a Salle street, yesterday aft ernoon. Mrs. Margaret Seezer Kemp was the assistant hostess. Mrs. Dessie Dale Burkhardt, president, read an original poem, "Memories of Old Lebanontown,” and Mrs. Addle Cobb Artman gave an original monolog bringing In cleverly the girlhood names of the women present. A musical program was given by Mr*. Nelle Hoffman Wagoner, pianist, and Mrs. Christine Roush, violinist. The mem bership committee appointed includes Mrs. Artman, Mr*. Emma Moore Mat thews and Mra. Dessie Hardin Clark. Miss Mary Gabriel Willllams was named a publicity chairman. The next meeting of the organization will be with Mrs. Clark, 2140 North Alabama street. The charter membership will be left open for application through the coming two months. • • • Mr. and Mr*. H. E. Stearns, 3861 North Delaware street, will go to New York the latter part of this month to spend several week*. • * • Mr. and Mr*. William A Marsh. 3860 Guilford avenue, have returned from New York City, where they were the guests of their son, Howard Marsh, who is appear ing In Schubert productions In that city. Miss Ethel Mae Moore will receive in formally tomorrow evening at her home. 1525 North Meridian street, in honor of MBs Margaret June Alexander, pianist, o.* New York, formerly of this city. Mu sical numbers will be given by Miss Alexander during the evening. • • • M'.ss Grace Willis, 2516 North Pennsyl- i vanla street, assisted by Mrs. Marvin Jones, entertained the alumna chapter of Alpha Omicron PI at her home, this after- j noon. The Parent-Teachers’ Club of the Austin Brown School No. 6 will entertain with a card party at the Talmud Torah building. Union and McCarty streets, at , 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. BRAN BREAD. Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast in half a cupful of tepid water, and then gradually bleud with three additional cupful* of tepid water, one quarter of a cupful of dark molaßses, one fablespoon ful of sugar and half a tablespoonful of salt. Mix together five cupfuls each of bran and whole wheat flour and half a teaspoonful of baking soda and gradually combine the liquid with th* dry ingredi ents. Knead thoroughly. Let stand in a warm room over night. In the morn- [ tng cut Into loaves. Knead and place in bread pan. Let it raise and then bake for fifty-five minutes in moderate oven. W.C. T. U. DECIDES TO SUPPRESS FALSE REPORTS Aver Untrue Stories Circu lated to Halt Laic En forcement. In a resolution adopted yesterday at a meeting of the Central W. C. T. U. | the home of Mrs. J. M. Dairy tuple, 1238 Park avenue, a resolution was adopted calling upon the members to assist in breaking up what is termed “a highly organized and powerful propaganda de signed to break down the enforcement of! the liquor laws and to cast odium upoa the operation of the laws.” • Agents In all parts of the United States are reported engaged In the dis tribution of newspaper articles, word of mouth reports and in the manufacture of distrlb ited and untrue reports concern ing the enforcement of the liquor laws and the unpopularity of the anti-liquor amendment," the resolution declares. "Highly paid, shrewd and unscrupu lous persons are imposing op the publio of Indiana a false and mistaken Impres sion relative to the liquor situation in the United States, therefore be it resolved "That the members of this organization.] mindful of the far-reaching result* or insidious and dangerous propaganda ot this kind, call upon your organization and others In the State of Indiana toj present to your members a call for aoe tion against this most un-American prac tice, dLscising to those about you tho real nature of the movement end t<* adopt resolutions deploring It In its dan gerous entirety.” Mrs. John Rader was in charge of the devotions and the quartette gave several numbers. Mrs. Nina Newman, who has returned from a visit of several months in China, gave a talk on that country and the people. The following committees were eppointed to visit de-J partments of city government: Park* board, Mrs. R. C. Huggins, Mrs. R. M. Miller. Mra. J. E. Holt; board of works, Mrs. B. S. Gadd, Mrs. K. A. Rinker, and Mrs. H. E. Gaddis; board of safety, Mrs. Start ha J. Stubbs. Sirs. J. L. Hogue, Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhns; board of sanita tion, MBs Carrie Styer, Mrs. Edward Bower, Mrs. Austin Black; public serv* Ice commNsion. Mrs. T. M. Gardner, Mrs. S. Bayack, Mr*. George Hutts, Mr*. Frank Lay; board of school commission ers. Mrs. Samuel Ashby, Mr*. Alice Ber bans, Mrs. Robert Hammond. JEWISH WOMEN HAVE MEETING Special Assembly Called for Sunday Afternoon. A eperial meeting has been called by Mra. Benjamin Moyer, president or In dianapolis Section or Council or Jewtsa Women, at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow alter noon at the vestry rooms. Temple, xeutn and Delaware streets, it is or tne ut most Importance tnat junior memner* as well as the senior members attend this meeting at which Mrs. Isaac naipern or St. Louts, national Chairman oa Juniors, will discuss matters or vital terest pertaining to the National Blen-j nial Convention or Juniors, to De neiq in Indianapolis the latter parr or April.’ Sirs. Haipern. a rormer president oi| the local section and enrausiastn i worker In the uatlonal council, has seD an urgent message in which she sayi it is necessary to have the whole snppor of this section, and earnestly asks ioi our cooperation. The subject or Mrs Haipern's talk will be "Why A Juniot Section';” The schedule meeting of the juntoi Council will be held Jointly with this special meeting and George w. KaDinoir, superintendent or the Jewish federation will speak, a musical program toil ioi. low. Y. W. C. A. Notes The Manual Training nigh School girl reserves met to organize their club otj Tuesday afternoon. Tbe following offi-j cers were elected: Lora Magee, preslJ dent; Cleuna Kennedy, vice presidents Lola I.yzott, secretary, and Marguerite! Wit, treasurer. They will give a partfl In the 'cluhroom Friday afternoon with about forty Manual Training girls as their guests. Word has been received from Mrs, ! Thomas C. Craig of the death of hed husband. Dr. Thomas C. Craig. U. S. N.l retired, in Brooklyn. N. Y. Mrs Craia formerly was Miss Cornelia Souther ami at one time general secretary of th* j Y. W. C. A. of this city. The winter term of the Federation o< Industrial Clubs will open on day, Jan. IS. The forum hour will bh devoted to the subject of “thrift” andi j Miss Elizabeth L. Cowan of the bom<s | economics bureau of the Fletcher Savings and Trust Company will be the speaker. | She will talk on budget making and wise : use of money. The classes, which start at 7:30, will be offered in the following subjects s 1 Mrs. William Adams in Bible discussion. Miss Caroline Hendricks in dramatic art, i Miss Mildred Clarke in organized games I and Miss Ruth Mull in novelty art. Miss j Mull Is a teacher In the public schools and is to instruct for the first few weeks in the making of lingerie. While In ! France Miss Mnll took instruction In the art of French needlework and she has a i beautiful assortment to be used as sam ples. I The program for the forrim hour for I the term is: Jan. 14. ‘Thrift.” Miss ; Elizabeth Cowan; Jan. 25, association membership banquet: Feb. 1, business meeting, initiation of new officers; Feb. 8, “Opportunities for Education:.” Mr. Russell C. Lowell, director of vocational education; Feb. 15, Mr. Chic Jackson, cartoonist; Feb. 22. Washington's birth day celebration: March 1, "Eugenics.” Dr. Arthur Estabrook: March 8. music, glee club, community singing; March 15, "Industrial Democracy,” Sir. William Hapgood; March 22, Butler federation night; March 29. fashion show. Miss Alice Newman will talk at the Sunday afternoon open house. During the social hour, piano numbers will be given by Mrs J A. Sink and Martena ' Margaret Sink will read' The girls from the Y. W. C. A. residence will be Id charge. This week Mrs C. J. Buchanan will discuss in her Bible classes ‘‘The Woman Who Wished to Pay Her Debts.” The high school course for credit, which meets at the Y. W. C. A. in con nection with the Indianapolis Community School of Religion, began its second se mester's work on Tuesday night. The study is beginning with the entrance into the land of Canaan. The following classes were organized in the sewing department this week: Dress form making on Monday, 7 to 9 p m.: day sewing on Tuesday, 2:30 to 4:31*. and night sewing. Tuesday, 7 to 9. The show card lettering class will be gin its second term of study on Wednes day night. This class meets under the instruction of W. L. Winning from 7:30 to 9:00. The students' council will hold a party at the home of the education director. Miss Alice E. Newman on Saturday night. A course of eight lessons on ‘ Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount" will be given by the Rev. Willard O. Trueblood. raster of the First Friends Church, under the auspices of the religious education de partment of the association. The first lesson will be on Tuesday night from 7:15 to 8:00 in the Y. W. C. A. lounge. This is planned especially for business women, but any one may attend. Ther# is no fee. Association membership is * not required, €