Newspaper Page Text
12 INDIANA DAILY TIMRS. 25-29 S. Meridian St. UalD 9500. Classified Adx. Dept. RATES. One time 11 P r Un* Three consecutive times. . .10 per line ■lx consecutive times 09 per line Contract rates on application. Lodges and club notices 75c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch 07 per line additional Death notices 15c per insertion Card of Thanks er in Meraorlnm Notices . .07 per line Ads received until 11:45 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Wirlcfs, Parlors 1999 Union St. PLANNER * BUCHANAN 120 North Illinois at funeral directors to tho people it Indian apolis since 1111. Phones—Main 0641-0542. LI 914 L IN LHaN APOLIS CREMATORY George Grmstemer Funeral Director. 622 JC. Market. Old phone Main 0909. LI 729 k J. C. WILSON 1220 Prospect ST 1671. Drexei vjn. W. T. Blasengym 1625 Shelby st. Drexei 2579. Stewart 1114. 1702 N. Illinois. Randolph 6970. EDW. L. HOLMAN 2512 Central Ave. Randolph 5903. CHAS. A. HOC KEN SMI TH. 794 N. Illinois. Main 1166. LI 1169. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. iS. KREIGER. LI 1164. Main 1464. 1402 N. Illinois. GADD—BERT S. GADD. 2130 Prospect *C Phones: Drexei 0422. ST 2279. Undertakers— hisey & titus. 95i North Del. LI 6564. Main 9660. FEENEY 4c FEENEY. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HAY'—-Mrs. Sarah Dewey, widow of Wil liam H. Hay, daughter of Judge Charles G. Dewey, died Feb. 10 at her late resi dence, 1319 Brookside ave. Friends may view the remains at the funeral parlors of Kirby & Dlnn, 1138 N. Illinois st. Funeral notice later. MASON —Mary A., mother of Mrs. S. C. Hunt, Mrs. Robert Wells, Mrs. Joseph Haller, Miss Margaret Mason and Mrs. Nettie Wilson, died Feb. 9, 1922. Funeral Monday, Feb. 13, at 8:30 a. m., at her resi dence, 2940 Highland place. Services at Holy Angels Church at 9 a. m. Friends Invited. STECK, HENRY—Husband of Mrs. Ger trude Rommel Steck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steck and brother of William T. Steck, passed away at his late resi dence, 1441 W. Twenty-Fifth street, Fri day. 9:30 a. m., age 27 years. Funeral at residence Monday, 2 p. m. Friends in vited. CARD OF THANKS. CARD OF THANKS—We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for kindness and sympathy shown us dur ing the illness and death of our beloved husband, father, son and brother, Alfred F. Helphlnstine; the Rev. C. E. Oldham for his consoling words; the singers, O. W. Nutt, undertaker; the Union Traction Company, pallbearers, relatives, friends, neighbors and lodges for their efficient services and for the beautiful floral offer ings. MRS. ALFRED F. HELPHINSTINE. SONS. MOTHER, FATHER, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. CARD OF THANKS—We to express our heartfelt thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness ad death of our beloved wife an dmother. The consoling words of Rev. Robinson and the singers was very much appreciated: also services of Walter G. Blasengym. undertaker, pallbearers, relatives, friends and neighbors, as well as the beautiful floral offerings are to be long remembered in the hearts of AUGUSTUS D. WILMOTH AND SONS. CARD OF THANKS—I wish to express my heartfelt thank3 to the many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym pathy shown at the time of the sudden death of my beloved husband, Relnhard Fuelle; to the Rev. Mr. Plepenbrook for h!a consoling words; for the many beautiful floral offerings: Carpenters’ Local Union 75; also the undertaker, Mr. H. C. Vehllng. MARY' FUELLE. CHURCH NOTICES. AH Souls Unitarian Church Alabama st.. near Fifteenth. Mr. Harry E. Hill ADDRESS AT 11 A. M.: ‘‘ABRAHAM LINCOLN” The forces that made him and the religion that inspired him. Church School at 9:45 a. m. Get Acquainted meeting at 7;45 p. m. tewtefeimr , Christ Episcopal Church Rev. James Stanley, Rector. Rev. Clarence Blspham, ' Locum Tenene. Holy communion. 8 a. m. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. fornlng prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Bible class, 3 p. rn. Organ recital, 4 p. m. Song service. 4:30 p. m. Subject sermon; “How Best to Make Your Light Shine.” ' FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. * 608 N. Liberty street, between Mass, avenue and North Etreet, Sunday, 7:46 p. m.; 15 minutes’ song service. Lecture by L. J. Van Deßeuken. Messages by Mr. John R. Klausser. Message service every Wednesday at 2 and 7:45 p. m., conducted by the Ladies’ Aid. Part of the time will be devoted to spirit ual healing. The Union Spiritualist Ly ceum will hold Its sessions every Sunday at 2:30 p. m. in the above named church. It is becoming very interesting. The chil dren will give an entertainment on the last Saturday of each month at 8 p. m. Come, bring or send your children to the Lyceum. Y'ou are cordially invited to at tend all of these services and will be made welcome. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. . Redmen’s hail. Corner Capito! ave. and North st. The REV. H. W. B. MYRICK will lec ture. His subject will be; "Beating the Devil.” Messages will be given by Mrs. Bessie Woodworth. Services promptly at 7:45 p. m. Every one welcome. The Ladies' Aid will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Redmen's hall. The Rev. Myrick will be present. Mrs. Woodworth and other mediums will give messages. Public invited and made welcome. The Lyceum will meet Sunday after noon at 2 o’clock at the First Spiritualist Church, corner Liberty and North sts. Every one is invited to come and bring their children. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST —Meridian and Twentieth streets. Sun day services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day school at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room at 813 Occidental building, open week days from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m„ except Wednesday, when closed at 7. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth streets. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and S p. m.; Sunday school, first session, 9:30 a. m.; second session, 11 a. m. Wednesday eve ning testimonial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room, 1258 Lemcke Annex, open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., except Wednesday, when closed at 7:15 p. m., and Sunday, when open from 2 to 5 p. m. THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST —3350 Washington blvd. Sunday serv ices,' 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school. 9:16 a. m. Wednesday evening, testimon ial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room at 305 10. 34th st., open daily from 10 a. m. *T> 9 p. m., except Wednesday, when closed at 7:10 p. m. and Sunday, when open from .9 o 6 p. tn. GAS BUGGIES HELLO ED- HOW THAT SUITS ME -f TMATS YOUfl UNCLE OH WERE HEY! - STOP THE J SHAME ON VOU ] OH NOW PONT ^a T a tmfl flip ! AREYUH-?-?- IT'LL GIVE ME | EDWUsI-BE NICE TO GONNA BE OAR -MY HAT S WINTHROP— \ BE HARSH WITH maTTFB ? r Ve/i ” SAT-COME ON A CHANCE TO $ HIM WtNTHROP- / <3OOO FRtENPS BLEW OFF- / SHAME-!! TO / HIM - THERE’S ctoo tuit 1 io!r NN : OUT FOR A SEE TOUR BOY- I V-L AREN'T WE —HL. ACT LIKE THAT NO DAMAGE f l" OME " ™W- CV- | RIDE WITH US / A ~ -w—" SnNY-4 I 1 WITH UNCLE J DONF HFH - j £RYIN<? AND l) HE PINCHED TOMORROW- J . T | T (SONNY yH L.. EDWIN - HEH ~J BE NICE TO )ME - HUH -UH-/ ■— - j — woe 1 IIKQIIOEiEI I °°° The Mills Novelty Bales Cos., 30 So. Pennsylvania St., wishes to announce their formal opening Saturday, February 11, and extend a cordial invitation to the public to come in and hear our “Violano Virtuoso,” a self-playing Violin and Piano, designated by the U. S. Government as one of the “eight greatest inventions of the decade.” We will always be pleased to demonstrate these instruments at any time. The public always wel come. PERSONALS. CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Bea Chiropractor! Get out of the rut. Make more money than you ever have before. Be of greater service to humanity. Now is the time to start. Or, if you are sick and want to get well, come to our big Chiropractic Clinic, where hundreds of men, women and children are taking adjustments and getting well. You merely pay $1 registra tion fee, and are then entitled to adjustments free for 30 days. Don't be sick any longer. Come and get well. Registration hours, 3p, m. and 7 p. m. Central States College cf Chiropractic E. R. BEBOUT, D. C„ President. 1031-1037 Lemcke Bit ‘‘--ner Market and Pennsylvania Sts. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Opal diamond pin at Masonic Temple, Illinois car, or at Sixteenth be tween Illinois and Delaware. Call Ran dolph 2692. Reward BUNCH of keys lost. Riley 1814. PERSONALS, jbdwcn C fnAofi/utetct President of the Indiana Chiropractic College, Inc. Rational adjustments tor chronic, sub-acute and acute diseases. Specializing in women's troubles. Phone, Circle 7374. 149 N. Delaware street. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private: prices reason able; may work for board: babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS T. B. LONG. 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh st., Kansas City. Mo. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mabel Beerwart, MR. VICTOR J. BEERWART. Feb. 8, 1922. Hanna, Tnd. MARG. A. SELLERS, D.P . D.C., D O. Drug less therapy, osteo, magnetic massage. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 721 Russell avenue. PRIVATE massages by masseur of French Lick Springs Hotel, Here for the win ter. CLAUDE POWERS Belmont 1956. BABY’ boy wanted: less than 6 months old with privilege to adopt. 234 Mtnk ner street. Belmont 5054. WANTED —A good home for baby; priv ilege of adoption. Address A No. 1907. Times. MASSAGES—2I7 44 N. Illinois st., apt. 8. Select patronage. Circle 1890 LODGES AND CLUBS. *THE ORDER OF DRUIDS. The oldest fraternal bene ficial order in America. Es tablished In England In 1781. United States 1830. Indianap olis Grove No. 37, offers membership at reduced rate in class now forming. Pays $7 week sick and $lO9 at death. Personal attention | when sick. Are you sufficiently protected lln case of sickness or disability? This appeals to you. For detailed information applv CHAS. G. N. GEIDER. Grand Sec., 14 W. Ohio st.. or C. E PAULSEN. Fin. Sec.. 4226 College ave. Phone Wash 1407. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—-Boys who want good down town Times routes, call and See Mr. Moorehead at Times office any afternoon after 2 o’clock. INSTRUCTIONS. PRIVATE LESSONS: all systems short hand; typewriting and bookkeeping; also Burroughs calculator work, certliled teach ers; day and night classes; special rates now offered. Call or write for particulars. Circle 1214. JACKSON BUSINESS COLLEGE. 157 N. Illinois. ip*. a and popular piano music IW’ •JJ taught in twenty lessons, k X 4 a VJI beginners and advanced. Christensen School. 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle 3034, MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. S0 E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 0757. SALESMAN—WANTED. SALESMEN A self-respecting sal. man whose am bition is beyond his present p.ace. might find more congenial employment with us and at the same time double his income. We require a man of clean character, who would appreciate a life Job with a fast growing concern where industry would be rewarded with far above average earn ing. Call at 606 Odd Fellow Bldg, after i 9:80 a. m. ' SALESMAN TO SELL WASHERS AND CLEANERS. SEE OUR PERMANENT DISPLAY AT THE ’’DAYLIGHT CORNER." MER CHANTS HEAT AND LIGHT CO. AP PLY TO H. W. CLAFFEY, HOURS, 2:30 TO 5. SANBORN ELECTRIC CO., 309 N. ILLINOIS ST. SALESMEN, call Mr. Bennefield at Circle 8449. A high class salesman wanted; j both ladles and gentlemen. We are open ! Sunday. Call at 149 N. Delaware, 2d floor, , room 6. WE want a few men and ladles, either ; whole or part time, soliciting on a good paying proposition. Previous selling ex perience not necessary. Room 1256 Lemcke Annex. MR. GURRIB. SALESMAN wanted as vice president of a sales company now forming. Must be able to take a financial interest in com pany. Address A No. 1862. Times. WANTED, man with car to sell low priced Graham tires; $l3O per week and com missions. GRAHAM TIRE CO., 1006 Boulevard, Benton Harbor, Mich. SALESMEN —If 325 per week guaranteed salary and expenses interests you, write for particulars. DECATUR SOLDER CO., Decatur, Ind. wjkEN patronising these advert!sera men ■un the Times. NOTICES. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS—S 4 on hour for your s para tlmn Write for canvasser*’ outfit containing 1 18 samples of guaranteed line of pure Food Flavor*. Perfumes, Soaps. Toilet Preparations, etc. Sell In every home. Big repeater*; steady Income. Send for sam ple case today. Lightweight. Beautiful appearance. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. WSI American Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS—Enormous profits, start manu facturing Polar Pie; new sensational seller. Ice cream In sealed chocolate shell, 10c package; cost 2c. \Ve furnish everything except Ice cream Outfit ami complete instructions $27.50. SHAFER 21 J AGENTS -Make sl6 a da y selling Crew so Newleather Shopping Bags and guaran teed Waterproof Aprons Our new' three in-one bag Is the fastest seller on earth. Write for territory. IMPROVED MFG. CO. Dept. 245. Ashland. Ohio. A spare time Earn $3 hour selling “Simplex Ironing Board Covers.” Something new. One agent made $0 first hour. Box 718, Springfield, Illinois. sl6 DAILY EASY—Something new. “Sim plex Ironing Board Cover*.” Biggest seller in year*. New agent made s*s first hour. W. J. LYNCH 8718 Springfield u $ and expense* to introduce our guaran teed poultry and stock powders. BIGLER COMPANY. X-160, Springfield, Illinois. ' AGENTS make $7 2 a week by welling four average Raincoats a day. Outfit ; free. No delivering. IMPROVED MFO. CO. Dept- 244. Ashland. Ohio. SITUATION WANTED —MALE. i EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur. Call Lincoln 6188. ~FEMAL E HE L P—W A N TED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced hand embroiderers; crocheters, hem ! stitchers. We furnish material, paying liberally for making - . Stamp'd envelope brings particulars. UNDERWOOD ART GOODS CO.. Portsmouth. Ohio. WANTED —Twenty neat appealing young ladles for light work; good pay. Call ' Saturday and Sunday. 9:30 to 12. Apply Hotel Linden. See MR KENNEDY. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. i MISS WILLIAMS, hand laundry ; finished j work; rough dry. Harrison 2078. 608 | W. Twenty-Seventh st. j HOME LAUNDRY wants family washings. I Called for and delivered. Kenwood 4536. MAID for general housework; cook, clean ing and ironing Circle 5706. WASHING —Lace curtains laundored. Cir cle 4867. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i FOR SALE —Rooming house and furniture 14 rooms. 223 W. Marylnad street. BUSINESS SERVICES. ewwA'eoooeeeee/ww-wvvvwweee FAMILY WASHING 8 CENTS A POUND Flat work washed and ironed ready to use. Wearing apparel washed and dried. $2 Minimum Charge. Ask for Economy Service. THE BEST-GRAND LAUNDRY. MA in 0774. Eat Home Cooked Food Breakfast and dinner served at 1901 N. Illinois. Good food; reasonable prices. Chicken dinner on Sundays. Harrison 0619. M OLM A'BROTHERS ~ Tinners and sheet metal work. Furnace epalrlng. 2109 Ashland ave. Har. 2023. BATHROOM fixtures, complete. J9O. Plumbing supplies at retail. We eave you money on installation. E. M. HAS DIN CO,, 8220 E. Michigan. FURNACES Installed $98.00 up Call MESSENGER’S. Main 0494 or Circle 8144, Ask for manager furnace dept. ELECTRICAL contracting. Wire suroom cottage. sls; lighting fixtures and repair work. Circle 5726, Drexei 9598. HOUSE _ WlßlNG—Electrical work ah kinds. Reasonable. W. F. Owen, Ran dolph 0264. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened. PUTT LEDGE *Ol Indiana ave FEATHERS bought, sold and renovated; feather mattresses and pillows made. E. F. BURKLE, 410 Mass. Main 1428. HEATH’S Union Barber Shop. Warm, comfortable bath rooms. 138 W. Mar ket street. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922. How some people get a reputation BUSINESS SERVICES. SEE MULLER FIRST Spring 1922 Samples Now Ready All kinds of ladies' and children's hats remodeled into new, up-to date styles. Men's hats cleaned and blocked. GEO. H. MULLER CO., Snc. 28 Kentucky ave. MA in 6179 | Don’t throw those used Multigraph rib bons away! Let us re-lnk them for you. We mt'k' a specialty of match ing. A trial will convince you. Just call Main 6455. All work guaranteed. D. 11. Duncan Supply Cos. 20 3. Capitol Ave. GOOD roofing, $1.25 per roll and up. E. M. HARDIN CO., 82 20 E. Michigan* ELECTRIC Hiring. hou*# a epecialty. No chargee for estimate*. Main 2C31. PAPER HANGING done promptly anl cheap. Call MR. CARSON Drul ltil. DRESSMAKING anfl plain eewing. Rea sonable prices. Main 8082. PAPER HANGING. $3 n+r room, guar anteed. Circle 6012 CURTAINS to launder. Drexei 0895. MRS. J. LUTZ. DETECT IVES. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and* Criminal investigator* 626 529 People* Bank Bldg Main 2908 HOUSES—TO LET. 529 S. EAST. mod., heated. 7 rms. $65.00 1144 N. Chanter, bath. 5 room* 35.00 I7 E. loth, mod* , boated. 4 room* 35.00 22 N. Bradley ave., 5 room* 15.00 505 Division *t , 5 room* 20 00 411 N. Arsenal ave.. 6 room*. 20.00 330 Tabor at., furnished, 4 rooms. . 15.00 111 Hiawatha *t.. colored, 5 room*.. 15.50 E. E. Hatfield 40 N. Delaware st. Reasonable Rents 8717 Crescent. 4 rooms 114.00 2244 Bailey, 4 room* 14 00 433 S. Harris, 3 rooms 15 00 1 620 Bates, 6 room* 16.00 2963 Cornell. 5 room* 15.00 Dunlop & Iloltegei 122 E. Market. 2135 Napoleon St. Three rooms, semi-modern, Shilby car line, *lB. State Savings and Trust Cos. | Main 4518. ; FOUR-ROOM houM and pantry: jood banement. Inquire at 1702 Rembrandt | etreet. Circle 3682. STRICTLY modern apartment and flat; raa, water and heat furnished. 606 N. ; La Salle street. [CAPITOL, 2166 N.; six-room strictly mod ern half of double. IlAndolph 6967. 1 NORTHWEST—6-ROOM "MODERN. $45! RANDOLPH 4707. HOUSES—WANTED. ("WANT to rent March 1, 6 or 7-room house, privilege of small grocery, north j r east. Web. 9648. FUR NISH ED HOUSES AND FLATS. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room cottage; electricity, gas. fine yard. Randolph 6340. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. ROOSEVELT and Station, the Alpha; 4- room fiat, modern, heat, water fur nished; winter *4O per month, 25th. E„ 8514; 5-room double; modern except fur nace; half square from car; *3O month. BHKIHTtVOOI) REALTOR. Web. 3813. VISIT Messengirn for furniture eepeclally designed for apartmente. Special pat terns In day and night beds, kitchen cabi nets, stoves and refrigerators for small apartments, MESSENGER'S. Delaware and Washington streets. SIX all outside rooms; modern apartment; refrigerator and gas range; front and rear porches. Irvington 1650. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Otto j. Suesz PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SHIPMENT AND OVERLAND HAULING. Boxes and barrels furnished for over land hauling. Special price on return load Chicago, Cincinnati, Dayton. Louisville. NEW MODERN STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. LOW FREIGHT RaTES ON CALIFORNIA SHIPMENTS. MAIN 2353-3628. NIGHT WEBSTER 0699. Blue Star Transit Return load from Toledo to Indianapolis between the lat and the 11th. Local and long-distance hauling. BERT SMITH 155 Kentucky ave. AUTO MOVING VAN SERVICE. Main 2294. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO, Private locked roorua and open apeca |sc per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 41S-33 V Market street. Main 2750. LI 3689. Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Main 2028. LI 1128. ! UNION STATION TRANSFER Local, over land moving; guaranteed work. M. 7119. SC HOLL TRUCK TRANSFER by ThS hour, day, week or Job. Kenwood 3644. Tunes Want Ada find tne ngnt petals lor the right places and the right placet i for the right people. Phene Mala lilt, Alta 31-3(1. | ROOMS—TO LET. NICELY furnished front room; modern; private home north. Central car line. Randolph 8283. WE have an accumulation of slightly used rugs and furniture which we wish to dis pose of at attractive prices. MESSEN GER'S, Delaware and Washington streets. TWO furnished rooms upstairs and down, $2.50 and $3.00; modern. Drexei 4131. 110S Madison avenue. LIGHT, airy sleeping room; hot water heat. Illinois near Thirty-Third stieet. Reference. Harrison 3496. ONE furnished room for rent in private family; steam heated; gentlemen p.’<- ferred. Randolph 9350. TWO rooms or cottage furnished for house keeping. 1034 S. Pershing Belmont 1291. PARK ave., 2400 block; modern room for gentleman in private home. Harrison 2060. _ _ Illinois, 174$ n two beautiful room*, first and second floor. Harrison 3148. ONE) upstairs, one downstairs room; mod ern; reasonable. East aide. Circle 2960. CENTRAL, 1326; one furnished room. 1 thoroughly modern. Circle 7186. BOA RD AND ROOMS—JO If T. COLORADO, 101 N.; defilrabl* modern room, private home; gentlemen. Irv ington 4206. ILLINOIS tt, 1732 N.. modern home, pleasant surroundings. RAndolph 4341 COLORADO. 101 N. ; modern room, private home; gentlemen; .Leals. Irvington 4206. ROOK AND BOARD, one or two; homo . LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WK have nn accumulation of slightly u**d rugs and furniture which v,t* wLh to M poee of at attractive price*. MKSHKN- Ci r.U j* l*f. v. a; •• A u .‘•treats S room; $i 50, everything furnUhcd, Circle 5490. TWO large room* and kitchenette fur nished: ground fiv>r. 604 E. 12th st. . ' t 1 keeping rooms; adult**. Drexei 2 461. DORMAN. 318; 2 connecting, modern light houaskeeplng. J 7. Ur. 1966. RE A L EST AT E—F OR SALE. Come Out Sunday, the 12th 1602 E. Forty-Second now eix room house, bath room. electric lights, furnace, full basement. gnrage. Price $4 500. 1608 E. Forty-Second. S-room home; newly painted, In ftrrt-cla** condition, front and r*ar porch, garage Price $3 .500. Also 16 lot*. 2 facing on Fort/-Second street. Price SSOO each. 16 lot* facing on Schofield ave.. s<4 00 each. These lots ail have fronts, size 42x130. easy term*. Ag*nt will b* on ground from - to 4 p. nn Sunday the 12th. Tuke Fair Ground* car. go to end of line, walk northeast two square*. Come early as these will not last long "Live Wires.” T. R. JONES *v CO. 414 Peoples Bank. 134 D. Market. Alain 5758. Beautiful Bungalow Bargain Brand new f’eiUfornl* Florida bunffalow. modern with garage newly furnished on beautiful Carrollton ave. Owner leaving city, will sell furnished for $8,500. Here is r real chance for someone with It GAL MONEY. Shown by Appointment only by owner. Addre&s A No. 1166. 11 mi*. 12,000 - SSOO Down, sls Per Month S*ven-r<om house, four down, three up. ; Gas for light* and cooking. Inside toilet. good cellar. All in good condition. Lo j cated on McCarty street, near Virginia ave. A REAL BUY. Call El) O’CALLA HAN, South Side SpeclaU*t. McCord & McKinney, Realtors *ll Lemcke Bldg. Circle 5220. Evening*, Webster 8800. North Audubon Road Irvington Eight-room modern; hardwood floor*, hot water heat. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; lot 80x145 feet. Price $7,000. Only SI,OOO down. ,J. G. McCullough Sss Mr. Halls. Main 1710. 1328 W. 33rd St~ Five-room modern bungalow and extra lot, 40x186; large basement; fine south ex posure. Price $5,500. Leaving city. Must sell. See it and make proposition. Call Trueblood. Reliable Realty Cos. Main. u,BB. Evsnlngs, Irvington 4213. UAILRO ADM EX “ N. Jefferson near New York dandy 8- room modern home for sale at pre-war j price. $3,850 S4OO cash, balance terms. Dunlop & Iloltegei, Realtors HERE IS A HOME. Six-room semi-modern, Blaine avenue, one-h Alf square Morris street car. Near school* and churches; $250 cash, $27.50 month. Call Washington 1564 evenings, or Main 2957 days. Six-Room Modern Bungalow, East Dot 40x139; will sell for 94.006 Requires 92.000 cash; balance at 9 per cent. 62 South Denny street. Bungalow, North Near Illinois car line, 5 rooms, hardwood floors; bath. furnace. Complete cojy | home. $4,750. Terms, $1,500 cash, balance monthly. The GATES-KINN EAR COM PANY. 760 Bankers Trust Bldg. Main 1409. Evenings, Randolph 7264. 926 Missouri St. Seven rooms, gas, electricity, city water, sink In kitchen, cellar, garage. Price 32,500. Terms. Call Trueblood. Reliable Realty Cos. Main 0186. Evenings. Irvington 4213. Seven-Room House | Semi-modern; River ave.. near Morris, j Price $3,000. Terms. Howard C. Venn Main 1115; 108 E. Market. ’; Bungalow Bargains East I can nell as low as S3OO cash and bal ance easy terms. See Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Richie & Son. 110-12 Bankers Trust Bldg. Main 0530. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. $500.00 Cash Six rooms to side, modern double north. East front, about 8 years old, in excelletn condi tion. on car line pear Fall Creek boulevard and Thirtieth. Price $6,500. Act quick. A real bargain. Trustees System Main 5857. Eve." Mr. Laub. Webster 0302. Hoyt Ave. Home Here we have an excellent home with six rooms on one floor; MODERN; very tastefully decorated! good electric fix ture.-; well appointed bath and a tically new ftirnace. The street and alley ure both paved No repairs of any kind needed. Price ?4,000. Call ED O’CALLA HAN, South Side Socialist, with McCord & McKinney, Realtors 311 Lemcke Bldg. Circle 5220. Evenings, Webster Bsoo. North Side Home Bargain Six rooms and bath on lmprovrd street, thoroughly modern, new. PRICE, $6,750 $1,250 caah, balance term*. Dunlop & Iloltegei, Realtors 122 E. Market at. Nice 5-Room Cottage Electric light*. cement walk* ea*t front. located southwest. Will sell on easy term* Mr Anderson. 1, N. Richie & Son. 710-12 Banker* Trust Bldg. Main 05 80. South Side Bargain Six-room house, double g.irage. gas and city water, sewer connection. Price |;,500. Live Wires.’’ T R. JONES A CO. 414 Peoples Bank Bldg. 134 E. Market St. Main 5751. West Indianapolis Six-room houo modern except bath; located on hill, S2R>OO; n ea*>* terms. Fowler & Eaton. Main aoUcity Trust Cos. X. Elder Ave. Eight-room semi-modern. $2,600. Howard C. Venn Main 1115. _ 198 E. Market. a tt Five-room bungalow ,-ast. if TI At It wlt h 1 acre, $1,250: well 'll! II located and not quite a ” year old. GEO. A LUCAS. 726 K. of P. Bldg. Circle 6609. BROOKSIDE, 1307; 6 rooms row vacant; newly painted. pr.pered; toilet Inside cl*< trio, gas city water, cellar; improved street: bargain for cash or payments. Drexei 5375. BARGAIN—CIose In Tletcher avenue home. 8-rooms all modern, double garage, first class condition. MARGARET BERRY Main 5147 Drexei 4254 Seven Rooms ■trtctly modern, double giraffe, $5.000 00. | Termn. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. . Main 0107. FIVE-ROOM house; electric lights; sink. ! closet, cellar, garage; cement walk; very i reasonable; must sell. Call Drexei 6610. ? 6* room modern bungalow. | east near car line. Only $4,200. MR. WRMHT. Irvington 0292. ; BY OWNER. 7-room modern home; good i terms; fine location. 2806 N. <J*le. PEVEN-ROOM modern, north, by owner; 95.760; terms. Washington til9. FOR houses on terms, double* or singles. Call C. J. OSBURN. Drexel 6184. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. 47 Acres, Marion Cos. 18 acres bottom land, 10 acres In timothy, j 10 acres wheat, wind mill, 6-room hou-e. 'cellar, good barn and outbuildings, orch ard; good fencing. H. J. COULTIS. Indi anapolis, Ind. R. R. K. 1. Webater 6577. 23 Acres For Florist j In good location right at th. odge of ‘town; priced right to sell quick. "Live Wires " T. K. .TONES & CO., <l4 Peoples Bank Bldg. I*4 E. Market St. Main 67*8. LOTS—FO R SA LE. Lot, For Trade Beautiful corner lot. 50x200 feet; hear ing fruit trees, shade troes, walks; east or. Greenfield line; for city lot east or north. Address A No. 1701, Times. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE ' REAL ESTATE and real aetata contracts bought, sold and exchanged. Main 12*3. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. Wanted to Buy Real Estate Have cash buyer for city property; call me at once If you want to sell your sin gle house or double. Main 0520. SHEtr- BURN, with I. N. Richie & Son. 710-12 Bankers Trust Cos. Main 0520. 45-ACRES of Florida land, suitable for truck gardening or fruit, as first pay ment on modern house. Will assume mortgage. Irvington 1456. FAR MS—FOR SALE. Land Auction Tuesday, February 14th at 10 a. m., we will sell 147 acres good producing corn land without reserve, 2 miles west of Cicero. Hamilton County. Good seven room house with cellar; front veranda; two overflowing, wells, 46x70 barn; ga rage for two automobiles; doubls corn cribs with sheds; wood house, chicken house; good orchard. ,lne producing sugar orchard. One of the nice farm homes in Hamilton County; excellent location; farm ' well fenced and drained; $2,000 cash on day of sale. Very liberal terms on bal ance. Will also sell personal property. James E. Webb. R. C. Fo-Land Auction Cos. Auctioneers, Noblesvllle. LANDOLOUY, FRE EL 8 PEC IA L NUM BKR Just out, containing many facts of clover land In Marinette troumy. Wisconsin. If for a home ot an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of LANDOLOUY. It It free on request. Address SKIDMORE RIEHLE LAND CO., 113 Skldmore- Rlehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wls. FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRAPE. HAVE four farms that must sell. 220. 175. 922 and 80 acres; good level land, close j to town. Will take part payment or trade j for city property. 3529 Kenwood. Ran- j dolph 6152. ' 80-ACRE farm for sale or trade. Call j Irvington 0538. | DID YOU SELL ITT If not, try the automobile, columns of The Times Want Ads. j Bi* DTJn ]/ (Copyright, 1921, by y DLif I\ New Era Featniw FARMS—WANTED. Y\ ANT to hear from owner having farm for sale; give particulars and lowest price. JOHN J. BLACK. Indiana street. Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE. DODGE BROTHERS motor ears; a goad assortment at all times. C.H.Walleric.?i Company Doom UasTMMa Motcr Wtiin** FORDS —All models and styles. Sale or exchange for any make car. Cash or payment. 725 Virginia ave. DR exel 6083. ALL kinds of cars, SSO, $75. SIOO down. balance small weekly payments. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. FORDS’ FORDS.’ FORDS! YVe have a few bargains left as low as S4O down; balance one year. WIDES A MILLER. 644 E. Washington. FORD ROADSTER $85.00 FORD TOURING 50.00 TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. Drexei 6083. OVERLAND touring, good condition. 8160; perfect condition, balance elx months. See this bargain 220 S. Pennsylvania Main 1705. MAXWELL 1919 touring. new paint, good tires; A-l mechanical shape. Bar gain and terms. 644 E. Washington st. Main 3493. OtERLAND speedster; good running order. 935 cash. Y’ou will have to hurry. Drexei 6083. FOR SALE by owner, late 1917 Interstate in A-l condition. Washington 5334 after 6 pm. FORD touring car; good condition, |IOO. Webster 1070. TRUCK S— FOR s AL FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. CALL LIN COLN 6085. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 919 N. Illinois st. Main 1679 LI 9068. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Hors* and wagon for Ford. ROY COX. corner Miiey ave. and Harvey street. ALToe wanted. WEISSMAN’B. 818-14 S. New York street. Mala 4446 ’AUTO REPa7rS~AnITSUPPLIES. AUTOMOBILE owners. garagemen, me chanics. repairmen, send today for free copy of this month’s issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on over hauling. Ignition troubles. wiring. car buretors. storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy to day. AUTOMOBILE DIGEST. 67 Butler Bldg , Cincinnati. SCORED CYLINDERS REPAIRED. EAGLE COPI'ER INLAY PROCESS. CYLINDER GRINDING. NEW EQUIP MENT. Oversize piston rings and pins, crankshaft grinding: steel starter gears put on. EAGLE MACHINE CO. 34 N. Noble st. Main o*B4. I CARBON REMOVED ' 50e per cylinder, while you wait; guar antied harmless to motor. TOWING —OPEN 24 HOURS—SERVICE M. M. Trexler’s Auto Service. [ 1120 Central. Main 5075. | COLVIN BATTERY COMPANY 121 E. Maryland st. Circle 1870. Recharge, 6-volt. 50c; 12-volt, 76c. i New battery, guaranteed two years. I 811. $14.50, 613, $16.50; 137. $22.50. AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 214 North Illinois S & S Auto Laundry Ford Bodies Trade your old one for a new one. One open commercial. aUTOWA BODY DIST. 330 E. Market. AUTO TIRE for sale or trade. 3229 Euclid ave. Web. 2219. TIOTORgVCLES AND BICYCLES. Now is the time to have your motorcycle overhauled and ra-anamelod. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 614-36 Mass. Ax*. Main <404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycle* FLOYD PETERMAN. 601 UasaacbusotD axanu*. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. /TPH Match Your Coat 1 f With a Pair of /f \ 11 TROUSERS l|| J \l $3.95 to $11). Work 111 / U l Pants, $1.95 to $4 Hfl / W THE PANTS STORE COt lu J ** 48 W. Ohio. 114 E. Ohio JF % I W * Two Stcres. “ WHEN you think of buying furnltura. i come in and see the largest and most < Complete lino of it in the United States in one store sue we will make agreeable terms with you. BAKER BROS. | WHY pay h’gh prices lor new furn'tu.-e ; when you can buy good, clean, rebuilt furniture to - almost half what you pa/ - for new at the square-deal store. BAKER BROS. | FOR couch, w ( '.n extra heavy pad, in good condition. Phone HA rrison 0633. Nights phone [ Circle 7883. WiS CARRY the largest and most com plete line of stoves in the city; hotblasts. baseburners, cannon stoves, combination 1 coal and gas ranges or gas and coal oil. You can save money here. BAKER BROS. WE ARE overstocked on leather rockers ; and easy chairs of all makes and de- j striptions. Now is the time to buy and buy right at BAKER BROS., on easy terms. THREE-PIECE overstuffea daveno suites, in tapestry, velour. leather. imitation j leather and mohair at prices that will I amaze yot and on terms that any one can buy at BAKER BROS. | WE boy in large quantities so that ws j can give our customers a better quality I of furniture at lower prices th- they | can get anywhere and we sell on easy terms. BAKER BROS. COMPLETE suites m bedroom furniture ! and many odd pieces of the beat quality | at lowest prices and on easy payments at BAKER BROS. MAKE your old com im, like new suit | by matching a trousers with tbs CORRECT PANTS MAKER’S CO H 4 ) 4 w Ohio St FOB SALE—-Black crepe de chine pa jamas, silk kimono and other things. Everyth’ng new. Reasonable. Phone Drexei 4282. NEW drop side sanitary couches; Sim mons make. 33.50; new pad 33.50; $1 down ana 50c a week. BAKER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. WE MAKE PANTS AND SELL ’EM DIRECT TO TOU AT A BA VINO. I EMM TAILORING CO. LCUII 254 Masaacbasattg At*. FOR SALE —Bedspread and bolster, full size, unbleached muslin; . appllqued in morning glory deaign. Phone Drexei 4293. TERM* 4 given on new and used machines. White Sewing Machine Cos. 919 Maaa are. CINDERS; large load; truck delivery. Webster 1401. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. WE CAN usa gome good showcases, caah registers and grocery fixtures. Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. Main 3466, WE CAN use 100 first-class refrigerators j must be good. , BAKER BROS.. ’ 219 East Washington St. WANTED —Stroller oi sulky; must be cheap. Circle 7090. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—FOR SALE, VISIT Messenger’s for furniture especially designed for apartments. Special pat terns in day - and night beds, kitchen cabi nets, stoves and refrigerators for small apartments. MESSENGER'S, Delaware and Washington streets. OAK library table. princess dresser, couch, washstand, fifteen yards good linoleum, mahogany piano stool, sewing machine. Moving. 3037 N. New-Jersey. Randolph 2575. WE have an accumulation of slightly used rugs and furniture which we wish to dis pose of at attractive prices. MESSEN GER'S. Delaware and Washington streatg. MUSICAL—SALE OR WANTED. LARGE table size Columbia graphaphona. Just like new. sls. Drexei 0362. j • j DOGS. POULTRY, PIGEONS. ETC. ! THOROUGHBRED COCKERELS and eggs. Rhode Island Red. Harrison Strain I Beech Grove 155-1. I HO’JES wanted for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY, City deg pound 924 E. N. Y. Main 0873. | FOR SALE!—Thoroughbred tumbler pig | eons. Inquire 1326 E. Ohio, Sunday. RHODE ISLAND RED cockerels and pullets for sale. Web. 2219. COAL AND WOOD—FOR SALE. Bay Your Coal Best Prices I Best coal money can buy guaranteed, and our guarantee is absolutely good. B. st W. Va. splint lump, fk 37.40 Ben Kentucky lump forked 7.-40 Best Pocahontas lump. fk.... 8.40 Best Pocahontas shoveled lump 8.10 Best Pocahontas mine run........... 7.85 Best Indiana Cass lump fk...•••••.. 6.50 Best Hamilton lump, fk 6.50 Best Indiana clean 1ump............. 6.35 Best Indiana Dugger lump 6.25 Best Cass egg forked 5 60 Best Cass egg shoveled 5.25 Prompt delivery to any part of tha city. Give me your first order and I will get tha aecond one. TOM SHROYER. 430 INDIANA AVE Circle 14 35 Lincoln 5449. Kindling With Each Ton Best Ind. or Linton No. 4 clean fk...36.25 Best Illinois mine run 6.50 Best 111. lump, large forked, clean... 7.00 Best Illinois egg. clean forked 6.75 Best Brazil egg, clean frrked 7.09 Best Brazil block, clean forked 7.75 Ugh grade nut and slack 4.75 Delivered anywhere in the city. Drexei 3290. St. 2235. Union Ice and Coal Cos. Since 1909. Ask your friend* COAL. * 1 Call and get our prices. No charges for wheeling in. J. E. SIMON. Drsxe'. 3174. I GLENDORA Lump, $7; best Ind., 96.50. ! Xc charge for wheeling. Call l. Baker. Circle 5573. 449 Blake. GOOD grade of Indiana coal, forked coal. 16 ton, shoveled. $5 75. mine run, $5.60. Clrcis 8449. COAL ■" L. H. BaIN COAL CO. Malt 1531 212 ft. Pine. Main 316 L MACHINERY AND TOOLS. | WONDER MIXERS MIXERS. HOISTS. FUMP9. ENGINES. ALL SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH. DIST. 312-29 W. MARY LAND STREET. AUCTIONS. ” McPherson auction co. We sell everything on earth- 10 West Ohio street. Room 203. Phone Circle 4583. Circle 5871. LEGAL NOTICES. I NOTICE TO BIDDERS ON CITY TEM- L PORARY LOAN OF *590,000. j Notice Is hereby given that in pursu ance to the provisions of General Ordi nance No. 1, 1922, of the common council of the city of Indianapolis, State of Indi ana. passed on the 4th day of January, 1922. and approved by the mayor of the city of Indianapolis on the sth day of Jan uary. 1922. the undersigned city controller of the city of Indianapolis will receive sealed bids at the office of the city con troller up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday he 13th day of February. 1923. for a tem porary loan of flv a hundred thousand (*590,000) dollars, to the city of Indian apolis, payable from the ,-urr'nt revenues of said city, said mc-iey to be delivered as follows; Five hundred thousand (*50o,009) dollars to be delivered on the 18th day of Feb j ruary. 1922. Notice of the determination to Issue bonds or other evidence of Indebtedness for such temporary loan, or loans, has been duly published as required by law. All bids to be on the annual rate of In terest asked to which a premium may be added and the loan will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, but the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. That obligations Issued by said city wllll be negotiable note or notes of said city,’ ! dated February 13th, 1922, and the date of j the delivery of said money herein specl- I fled and all of said notes shall be due and I payable July 14th, 1922. and will ln j amounts of five thousand ($5,000) dollars ! and upwards, at the option of the success ful bidder. CITY OF INDIANAPOLISL By S. L. SHANK. Mayor. JOS. U HOGUE. City Controller. TAYLOR GRONINGER, Corporation Counsel. FINANCIAL LOANS On furniture, pianos, autos, live stock, farm implements and other collateral. CAPITOL LOAN CO. 14155 S. Washington 8t- Main 0695. Auto. Lincoln 71*4. i WF MAKE first and second mortgages on 1 .mproved farms and Indianapolis real J estate. AETNA MORTGAGE AND INVEST'T CO. 508 Fidelity Trust bldg. VIRST and sscnnd mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R_ B. WIL SON. ] N Delaware it Main ISIS. DIAMONDS IN' EGOS. DAXTZIG, Feb. 11.—A Russian traveler headed for Berlin showed extreme ner vousness when searched by customs men here. Opening his luncheon they found gold in the butter on his bread, while his eggs had been emptied and refilled with diamonds. MORE SKIRT. MORE WORK. ( MANCHESTER, England, Feb. 11— English and Scotch dress goods manu facturers have Indorsed the dressmakers' edict of longer skirts, pointing out that this will require more cloth aci de crease unemployment In their factoxs*. OMEN SAVES 100 MINERS. BIRMINGHAM. Eng., Feb. 11.—'W/hen miners arrived at Hamstead Colliery and found a black cat sitting at the mine entrance they declared it an omen of disaster, and refused to enter. Only two men went down. An hour after they entered there was an explosion which killed both. WILD DUCKS AFFECTIONATE. Domestic life and affection are very highly de' rioped among wild ducks.