Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES. 25-29 S. Meridian St. Main 3500. Classified Adv. Dept. , RATES. One time 11 rfer line Three consecutive times.. .10 per line Six consecutive times 09 per line Contract rates on application. * Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 inch .07 per line additional Death notices 35c per Insertion Card Os Thanks or In Memorlam Notices 07 per line The Dally Times charges small ■Want Ads as an accommodation to Its readers. In return for this courtesy the advertiser is expected to remit promptly. Ads received until 11:45 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. fSf*® 1 TValef^ Parlors 1212 Union at PLANNER & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois St Funeral directors to the people of Indian apolis since 1887. Phones—Main 0641-0642. LI 284 L INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner Funeral Director. . 522 E. Market. Old phone Main 0908.’ LJ 7208. J. 0. WILSON 1280 Prospect. ST. 1671. Drexel 0322. W. T. Blasengym 1625 Shelby st. Drexel 2670. Stewart 1114. 1702 N. Illinois. Randolph 6870. EDW. L. HOLMAN 2512 Central Ave. Randolph 5903. CHAS. A. HOCKENSMITH. 724 N. Illinois. Main 1166, LI 1166. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KREIGER. LI I? 64. Main 1464. 1402 N. IlllnolA GADD—BERT 3. GADD. 2130 Prospect st. Phones: Drexel 0422. ST. 2278. UNDERTAKERS—HIBEY & TITUS. 951 North Del. LI 6564. Main 3880. FEENEY & FEENEY. FUNERAL notices. AjLLER, EDMONDS JOHN—Beloved HBnusband of Adda May Fuller, died Feb. 1922. Aged 30 years. Funeral 2 p. m., Wednesday at Woodruff Place Baptist Church, corner Walcott and Michigan. Friends invited. Interment Crown Hill. KRAFT, FREDERICK "D— Beloved hus hand of Minnie (nee Kramer) and father of Claude, passed away Monday at 12:30 a. m. at the residence. 717 Cottage avenue. Funeral services from the home Wednes day at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill. KUETEMEIER, SOPHIA ELIZABETH— Beloved wife of Charles W. Kuetemeier, passed away Sunday afternoon. Funeral services Wednesday, 2 p. m. at the home, 1430 Spann ave. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill. __ _____ HOLLINGSWORTH, WILLIAM N.— Brother of A. R. Hollingsworth, lied at Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 20. Funeral at resi dence of his nephew, B. F. Hollingsworth, 1116 W. Thirtieth, Wednesday, 2 p. m. Bu rial at Crown Hill. Friends may call after 6 p. m. Tuesday. SIGMON. SAMANTHA B.—Age 77 years, beloved wife of Thomas Sigmon, mother of Mrs. Emma Lester, Mrs. E. F. Bur row's, Mrs. G. I. Owen. Dale W., Charles M. and Earl L. Sigmon, passed away at her residence, 3212 Kenwood ave., Mon day. Feb. 20. Funeral Wednesday, Feb. 22 at the residence, 2 p. m. Burial Crown Hill cemetery. WEIGEL, ANNA F.—Widow of William Weigel, died Monday, Feb. 20, 1922, at 7:45 p. m., at the family residence, 8138 Central ave. Funeral 10:30 a. m. Thurs day at the residence. jl N M JEMO RI AM. IN ME MORI AM—ln loving memory of eon and brother, Guy Stevens, who died four vears ago today. Feb. 21, 1918. Ills MOTHER, SISTER AND BROTHERS. r W Christians gathered to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ meet at 324 N. Temple ave! Bible readings are now being conducted by Mr. Thomas Black of Fairhaven, Mass., every night at 7:45. All welcome; no col lection. IF YOUR clock isn't running phone C 4307, SHEARN BROS., the clock man, 811 N. Alabama. All work called for and deliv ered. Also general repair, LODGES AND CLUBS. IMPROVED O. R. M.—Chief and brothers of Itasca Tribe No. 252. You are hereby notified of the death of Past Sachem Brother Fred Kraft. Please meet at wig w'am Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 12:80 sharp to attend this funeral. GEORGE BUSH, Sachem. CHARLES MOHR, C. of R- . PERSONALS. CHIROPRACTIC ©ls a Useful Profession. Why hot Become a Doctor of Chiropractic t Day and evening classes now forming. art bank bloc. Room iOAWAPOUS.gfIWAHA 604 j&MMcn CAw/)fvuietoi President of the Indians Chiropractic College, Inc. Rational adjustments for chronic, sub-acut* and acute diseases. Phone, Circle 7374. 149 N. Delaware street. Violet Ray Machines Will demonstrate and give treatments to prospective buy era J. L. WRIGHT, 316 N. Tacoma. Webster 7986. JjTi Amount maternity hospital f<V confinement, private; prices reason able; may work for board; babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG, 4911 E. Twenty-Seventh st., Kansas City, Mo. MARG, A. SELLERS, D.P., JD.C., D.O. Drug less therapy, osteo, magnetic massage. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 721 Russell avenue. PRIVATE massage* by masseur of French Lick Springs Hotel. Here for the wln ter. CLAUDE POWERS Belmont 1958. MASSAGES—2I7% N. Illinois st., apt. 8. Select patronage. Circle 1890. BUSIN E SSSERV 1C ES. FAMILY WASHING 8 CENTS A POUND Flat work washed and ironed ready to use. Wearing apparel washed and dried. $2 Minimum Charge. Ask for Economy Service. THE BEST-GRAND LAUNDRY. MA in 0774. EStT 1895. Otto J. Suesz Packing, hauling, storage, overland hauling. Main 2353-3628. Night, Webster 0699. BATHROOM fixtures, complete. S9O. Plumbing supplies at retail. We save you money on Installation. E. M. HAR DIN CO., 3220 E. Mtchigan. NOTICE to the public: Call me, the man with the largest barrels In the city be fore the rush starts cleaning vaults, dry wells and cisterns. Call Main 9081. WANTED—Washing and Ironing from • parties who can bring them to ifer. Use Loft water, boil ‘clothes. Wash. 2667. GAS BUGGIES WHEN TAKE A PUNCH OUT SO YOU GOOD MATUHEPLY WAIT H PUT WHEN THEY BEGIN TO FUSS THAT 9 TOO MUCH FOR ANY MAN RIOING-YOU DON'T MIND WHILE THEY TAKE PICTURES S AS>OVT GETTING THE CATK IN- ANP AND TH£NS WHEN TOO CUT LOOSE HUNTING *EM A LITTLE - OF EVERYTHING- WEAR YOU OUT BACKING IT 'ROUND- _ SL dovvn so ) -ri s - 1 femuG it J -V' pj—iTi.— ./ . , 7 r- A. 1 ■e/iiS BUSINES3 SERVICES. ( > SEE MULLER FIRST Spring 1922 Samples Now Ready All kinds of ladies’ and children's hats remodeled into new, up-to date styles. Men’s hats cleaned and blocked. QEO.H.MULLER CO., Inc. 28 Kentucky ave. MA in 6179. ELECTRICAL CONTRA CTING Wire five-room cottage. sls. Lighting fixtures and repair work. Circle 5726. Drexel 9698. PAPER HANGING and painting. Have it done early arid avoid the Inconvenience of waiting; latest samples; work guaran teed. Randolph 1267. FEATHERS bought, sold and renovated: feather mattresses and pillows made. E. g, BL'KKLE, 410 Mass. Main 1428. _ PAPER "hanging, *4.50 room complete. Paper furnished. Painting, varnlehlng, CORDELL. Irvington 1440. Bt. 2410. ROOFING, plain red, green or design, laid over shingles or new work. Repair work. Webster 9174, _ SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened TUTTLEDGE, 201 Indiana ave. PAPER hanging, paper furnished, *4.60 per room; latest samples. Circle 6667. PLASTERIN'O of all kinds; chimney building and pointing. Call Drexel 9280. ALL kinds furnace work, tinning, roofing Repair work a specialty. Call Drexel 8519. ELECTRIC wiring: houses a specialty. No charges for estimalea Main 36*5. GOOD roofing, *1.25 per roll and up. E. M. HARDIN CO.. 3220 E. Michigan. PAPER HANGING. Price right. Drexel 4687. MALE HELP—WANTED. BOOKKEEPERS AND ACCOUNTANTS ALWAYS WANTED by firms that will not tolerate mediocre uncertain and slip-shod methods In their bookkeeping. If your .llure to know bookkeeping and elementary accounting has prevented you from landing a Job that pays *25 to *6O and more per week, you can soon prepare yourself, In your spare time, to accept your choice of many such openings that are frequently available. There are no text books, no bothersome home work. A certified public accountant will Instruct you without taking any of your time from your presert employment or depriving you of your recreation or pleasure. Phone or call H lgh M. Simp son. 1305 City Trust bldg. Phone Circle 1629. WANTS D—A mbltioue middle-aged men for canvassers; good proposition to thou© who can obtain results. Call H. W. BERKSHIRE. Main 3500. Circulation Dept., between 9 and 10 a. m. FIRST-CLASS operator wanted for Bay City dry land dredger; must be expe rienced with dry land dredge, and who can take down and set up dredge. Apply NELSON J. COLE. Greenville, O. WANTED —Boys who want good down town Times routes, call and See Mr. Moorehead at Times office any afternoon after 2 o'clock. HUSTLERS who can sell monthly pay life Insurance. Call between 9 and 10 *_ m. 40* Chamber of Commerce Bldg. INSTRUCTIONS. PRIVATE LESSONS; all systems short hand; typewriting and bookkeeping; also Burroughs calculator work, certified teach ers; day and night classes; special rates now offered. Call or write for particulars. Circle 1214. JACKSON BUSINESS COLLEGE. 157 N. Illinois. 'jjpU j-y and popular piano music B* A5 11 taught In twenty lessons, 6 'V * u vJi beginners and advanced. Christensen School, 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle 3034. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER'S COLLEGE, 809 E. Washing ton st., Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 07 57. SALESMAN—WANTED. WANTED —Experienced traveling salesman to sell our line of trousers In State es Indiana and southern Illinois. Give past experience and references. PENN TROUSER CO. 1018 Firth ave., Pitts burgh, Pa. f-EMALE HELP-WANTED. WANTED—Young lady for stenographic and bookkeeping work. Share of knowledge and experience required. See Mr. Jordon or Mr. Ross. INDIANAPOLIS WATER CO. GIRLS over 18 years of to learn telephone operating. IND. BELL TELEPHONE CO. Room 322, corner New York and Meridian. WHITE maid for genera! work at ternity house; references required. Good wages. Call Circle 0805 atfer 2 p. m. j Sunday or apply 1523 Broadway. Ask for A. C. Fennell. _____________ FORELADY with experience to take charge of fiatwork lroner. Must be able to turn out both quality and quantity. Apply Tiffany Laundry. 25 McLean place. EXPERIENCED store Clerks state fully what your experience has been and give references. Address A No. 1912, Times. HOUSEMAID, WHITE: SMALL FAMILY; GOOD SALARY; REFERENCES RE QUIRED. RANDOLPH 0717. WHITE girl for general housework; stay nights; small family; references. Wash. | 4800. 1 SrrUATION WANTED—FEMALE. WASHING and Ironing to bring home; ; first-class laundress; called for, deliv- j •red. RAndolph 1277. j I WANT DAY WORK CLEANING, IRON- I ING AND MAID WORK. CIRCLE 5706. RESTAURANT work of any kind; experi enced salad maker. CURTAINS to launder. Drexel 0895. MRS. J. LUTZ. I NURSING; sick only and maternity. Phone | RAndolph 0979. | DETECTIVES. Qnigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 626-629 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 2902. HOUSES—TO LET. Alabama. 501 S.; Seven rooms *35.00 Pershing, 719 N.; five rooms 18.00 Ralston, 2087; three rooms 11.00 Union st., 2304; 2 front rooms 10.00 COLORED. North, 1112 E.; 3 rooms 11.00 Smith, 424, three rooms 10.00 FARMERS TRUST CO. 118 E. St. Clair 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, gas and city water; $35 month; walktng distance. Dunlop & Holtegel. 122 B. Market. FOUR-ROOM house, 1118 S. Pennsylvania st.. electricity, gas; low rent. Apply 119 Union street. NEW four-room house; electric lights. 1103 West Vermont. Circle 6038. SHRIVER "AVE.. 2519; "half double, thor oughly modern, RAndolph 4781. HOUSES—WANTED. HOUSE WANTED —Five or 6 rooms mod ern by March 1. Harrison 1882. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. ! One three-room kitchenette and j bath, just completed. Call Ran ! dolph 1153, or 1801 North Capitol ■ Avenue. U FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. ; ! BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED APART ! MENT ON N. MERIDIAN. PHONE J CIRCLE 6080. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Otto J. Suesx j PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SHIPMENT AND OVERLAND HAULING. Boxes and barrels furnished for over land hauling Special price on return load Chicago. Cincinnati. Dayton. Louisville. NEW MODERN STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. LOW FREIGHT RATES ON CALIFORNIA SHIPMENTS. MAIN 2853-3628. NIGHT, WEBSTER 0699. Blue Star Transit Return load from Toledo to Indianapolis between the Ist and the 11th. Local and long-distance hauling. BERT SMITH 165 Kentucky ave. i AUTO MOVING VAN SERVICE. Main 2294. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CcT. | Private locked rooms and open space. I 260 per month and up. Local and over | land transfer. We cail and give you ex , act prices on any kind of work without any obligations 419-2* K. Market street. Main 2750. LI. *6*o. Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE, j TRANSFER PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Main 202 4. Li 113*. UNION STATION' TRANSFER Local, ovar ; land moving, guaranteed work. M. 7119 ROOMS—TO LET. NICELY furnished front room; modern; private home north. Central car Hue. ! Randolph 8288. NICE, large, light room, semi-modern, walking distance; gentleman preferred; private family; *ls per month. Circle *289. HOTEL CAVET Rooms by day or week, strictly modern. Auto, 25-278. 53* Maas ave. Main 6983. ROOMS, private home; twin beds or sin gle; breakfast optional; ladles or gen tlemen. RAndolph 7130. j BOARD and rooms; married couple or 2 persons: nice sunny room; modern, j HArrlson 0619 FURNISHED front room; modern with kitchen privileges; suitable for two. RAndolph 59*1. PERSHING av#., 1084 8.; furnished 2 or more rooms; light, heat, phone. BEI - 1231. ILLINOIS, 1429 N.; MODERN FUR NISHED SLEEPING ROOMS. CIRCLE 8968. FURNISHED room In steam-heated aot~ no other roomer; reasonable. KEnwood 5824. WASH., 1918 E.; nloely furnished room, modern apt. Reasonable. DRexel 4458. CRAIG HOTEL, rooms $1 75 to $3 per week; 35>, to 600 a day. MAln 1881. CHEERFUL, front room; breakfast If de sired; reasonable. Irvington 0958. J WASHINGTON, 459tt, E.; modern room | with steam heat. Circle 1983. BOARD AND ROOMS—-TO LET, j DELAWARE, 2225, ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 1 MODERN, HOME PRIVILEGES BREAK FAST, DINNER. KEnwood 6523. PARK AVE., 1540; lovely location; room v 'wuf , 'home cooking and privileges. Circle 7764. | PENNSYLVANIA, attractive room, 2 or 8; ideal legation; good meal a. Circle 8309. h OUS/-KEEPING ROOMS. NOBLE, 309 ,N.; 2 MODERN HOUSE KEEPING \ ROOMS; DOWNSTAIRS. CIRCLE 1400, MASS. AVE., 81** Apt. 4; sleeping room with kitchen pr-ri! e S* s ; modern; *6.00. Circle 1763. ' MODERN light house# v plng rooms In private family; close t, car line. Circle 6325. WEST INDIANAPOLIS; two TOP™ *u!te for light housekeeping. BEln> n t 1359. | TWO large rooms and kltchcne,'? fur i nlehed, ground floor. 608 E. 12th _ BUCHANAN, 825; furnished front electric lights, gas, garage. Dr. 3*3T, LARGE front housekeeping rooms; mod" eru; centrally located. 227 E. New York. THREE modern housekeeping rooms; bath, laundry; large yard. IRvlngton 0619. ILLINOIS, 725 N.; two light housekeep ing rooms; modern. Circle 8884. LONE woman would like to share home with couple. DRexel 4719. BUSINESS PLACES—WANTED. THREE rooms, medium size, for doctor’s l office, south or east preferred; heat fur | nlehed. Call DRexel 7362. NITIES. MODERN home to trade for clean stock of groceries and butcher shop. Call DKexel 7045. CIGAR stand for sale. Inquire Atlas Hotel. Meridian and Douisia streets. GROCERY fixtures for sale and some | stock. Belmont 1133. | TAILOR shop. Must be sold at once. Call ! Circle 7078. _____ j LOTS—FOR SALE. Choice Lot I 40x175, two squares southeast of Fair Grounds. Price only *525; $lO cash, $1.60 weekly. MaJn 1409. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1922. That’s going just a little too far REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Beautiful Bungalow Bargain Brand new Callfornla-Fiorlda bungalow, thoroughly modern with garage newly furnished on beautiful Carrollton ave. Owner leaving city, will sell furnished for 18.500. Hera is a real chance for someone with REAL MONEY. Shown by appointment only by owner. Address A No. 1856. Times. 115 E. 23rd St. Seven-room thoroughly mod ern. Bargain pries $4,500; SI,OOO cash, balance like rent See Mr. Van Aradal with H. C. Tuttle Bros. 131 B. Ohio. Near St. Philip Neri Church S3OO Cash, S3O Month Then© reasonable term* will buy thla dandy new bungalow, 4 rooms and kitchen ette; gas, city water, electric light a. inside toilet. Price $3,300 Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 6-Room Modern, $4,750 SSOO cash and *4O per month buys six room modern home In wonderful location north of Thirty-Eighth street. Large lot fruit trees, chicken house and yard, ce ment walks, front and back; garage. Im proved street. Priced for quick sale. Call Mr. Brown. Evenings, RAndolph 5799. J. G. McCullough, Main 1710. 10 J N. Delaware. IF* you d©alr© food homos in any part of city pleea© © m© tirat before you buy J. A. LYNCH Circle 1422. Modern Home FMffht room© aad bath, alt convenience* on Dark av©., north of creek. Price, $8,750 *1,009 cash, balance terms. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 12* E. Market st. 200 Block On Leota St. Barrin; 4 rooms, electric lights and gas 11,600: S2OO cash. sl4 a month. Mr. Sh©iburn. with I. N. Richie & Son. Main 0520. 710-12 Bankers Trust Bid*. SSOO Down and SBS Per Month buys a five room bungalow having electric lights, furnace, driven well, cement front porch. .Newly decorated, east front lot, naif block to car line.. Call Meredith & Johnson MAln 239*. WEbster T9s*. Six-Room Modern Bungalow, East Lot 40x119; will sell for SI,OOO. Require* $2,000 cash: balance at ft per cent. 52 South Denny street. 4-Room Cottage, Southeast Halt of Garfield Park *9OO cash. 3ee Mr. Anderson. I. N. Richie & Son. 710-12 Bankers Truat Bldg. Main 0520. Southeastern Ave. Seven-room, exoellent con dition; n.wly decorated, only *250 cash, balance monthly, snap Call M. M. AN DREWS. RAndolph 9664. with WASHINGTON BANK AND TRUST qO. West Indianapolis 164* Shephard street. l-roora houee; modern except bath; located on hill, $2,300, SBOO oaeh. Fowler & Baton Main 8811. 101 City Trnet. For Colored Five-room bungalow, etrlotly modem, garage, large lot. chicken park; an ex ceptionally fine property, *4,000; terms. *I,OOO down, balance like rent. Main 0142. PV A IT Six-room modern home II TT II ,n Trotter & Henry'e ad- Vt JL /A\ ll dltlon, wtst; *260 cash, balanoe *4O per month. GEORGE A. LUCAS, 726 K. of P. Bldg. Circle 6600. SEVERAL desirable homes, all parts of city on payments. Call Circle 1422. J. A. Lynch. East Four-Room Double Semi-modern; good condition. MAR GARET BERRY. Main 6147. Drexel 425A * j. High-class double In Irv d it A B ington for eale, Boautl- II fully located. GEO. A. a u. LUCAS. 728 K. of P. bldg. Clrclo 6600. IRVINGTON. New, thoroughly modern 7-room house; hardwood floors, built-in featuree, long liv ing full basement, garage. A reel home. Irvington 0292. MR WRIGHT. Fletcher Avenue home of eight roome: modern; bargain; termx MARGARET BERRY. Main 6147. Drexel 4254, SEE THIS new, attractive 8-room bunga low, garage, three full lots; near Inter urban; Ideal for garden and cblckone. OWNER. Main 0188. Evenings. Drexel 1493. g~X ROOMS, close In. East Tenth, strlotly jOodern; nice baeement, hot water heat, eleelTic lights; the best buy In the city Jor *4,260. Call c - J - OSBURN. Drexel 6184. k SEVEi' rooms, strlotly modern; 1 room unfiru 'bed; 3-car garage; 40-foot grape arbor- v ell and cistern; esst front, paved street- b ll '® aln ,or oftsh Belmont 3108. TACOMA N-, DOUBLE; 5 room* side; emi-mnii ern ; good condition, $4,000; for terms Cal ‘ * BjTTMIGBR. 802 City Tr u,t Bldg. MAln 6064. rttvgaT.OvL modern, 2-car garage, iot 60x1 85 foe l ' P rlcß $8 600; one-half cash, terms on ba lanc ®- JENNINGS BROS. 28 S. Illinois et. SIX ROOMS~;' no< * ern ® IC ®Pt furnaoe, paved street: deatN In family necessitates sale. Main 0107. ' port qxT.F—\lodera 6-room cottage on south tide, leaving city. Call DRexel 4210.1 SIX-ROOM hou- acre of ground. Bargain. DRo>’ e * 9486. 3824 Stanton ave. SIX rooms, mode-’f fu „ r /l a „°*A ca * h or terms; colored- WEbster 2089, Owner. BY OWNER, 7-rotdP m °dern home; good terms; fine locia-B 1 - 2806 N. Gale. BY OWNER; 5* 9 1fe modern bungalow, $8,760. DRexel REAL.ESTATE—FQR SALE. 1955 Arrow Ave. Four-room, bungalov/ style cottage; gas, \ city water, electric lights. Price $1,850; i S2OO cash, balance terms. 1506 E. EIGHTEENTH ST. Six-room cottage, nowly painted and pa- ! pered; gas, electric llg.ts. well and cis tern. Price $2,200; s2to cash, balance terms. \ \ LEO K. CLINE. 431 Lemck£\ Bldg. Main 3115. Four-Room Home All large, light rooms; electric lights, well and cistern; full basement; new paint. Good lot; very good location. Only $250 oash required. Cal! ED O’CALLAHAN, South Side Specialist, with McCord & McKinney, Realtors 811 Lemcke Bldg. Circle 6220. Evenings, Webster 8800. MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms and bath; hot water heat; front and rear porches; garage with front driveway. Price $4,750. "Live Wires." T. R JONES & CO. 414 Peoples Bank Bldg. 184 E. Market St. Main 1328 West 33d Street Five-room modern bungalow and extra , lot, 40x186, large basement, fine south ex- 1 posure, price $6,500; leuvlng city; must! sell. See It and make proposition. Call Trueblood. RELIABLE REALTY CO. Main 0186. Evenings. Irvington 4213. Stop! Look! Listen I Lint your property with me for quick sales. J. A. LYNCH ! 305 Baldwin Bldg. _ Circle 1422. ' REAL ESTATE-—SUBURBAN. 2% Acre Tracts East Only two left. $1,260 each. Easy pay j mei. te. Irvington 0612 evenings. TV. H. Cooper & Cos. j 838 Lemcke Bldg. | REAL ESTATE-WANTED. ; Real Estate Wanted Two <loubl©s ©ast from owner; modern or semi-modern; around $6,000. Mr. OMara. Main 111 ft. Howard C. Venn. FARMS—FOR SALE. LAND AUCTION a Thursday. Feb. 23, at 2 p. m. w© will | sell 104 aerss level highly productive black and clay loam corn land without reserve. S ml>e west and V* mile south of Sheri i dan. Boone County, ludiana; rood eight-j room frame house; rood Cellar; good. 1 warm house ir.d smokehouse; two good orchards two h*n houses; double crib# and granary; good barn about 32x50 with shed; two good wells; 13 acres of woods with blue grass pasture ell the year; ex cellent location on a good gravel road In a good agricultural community; near school, church ard trading facilities; fair fencing and g. od drainage; SI,OOO cash on j day of sale L'.beral terms on balance. A. M. Stephenson, sdm. R C. FO-LAND i AUCTION CO., auctioneers Nohlssvllle. j 2 Bid BARGAINS No. 1,40 . re* Marlon Cos., 7-room house ! and eumrn mee, large born, etantlon* for 8 cow mplete hog house, chicken houee and ah ther outbuildings, 8 horses, 3 cows, 17 hogs, 4 brood sows. 76 chick ens, about 260 bu. corn, 8 tun* hay; ail farming Implement*; some dining room furniture, baseburner and coal range. No. 2. *0 acres Hendrlckn Cos. Price $S 000. Caah *2.000. Terra, on balanoe. "Live Wires." T. K. JONES A COM PANY. 414 reople* Bank Bidg. I*4 E. Market St. Main 6768. I. ANDO LOGY. FREE. SPECIAL NUMBER Just out. containing many fact* of , clover land In Marinette County, Wisconsin. If for a home or an Investment you are | thinking of buying good farm lands, where farmers grow rich, send at onoe for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It la free on request. Address 9KIDMOKE ( RIEHLB LAND CO„ ll* Skidmore- Riehle Bldg., Marinette. Wta. | ~ AUCTIONS." McPherson auction co. W* eell everything on earth 10 Went Ohio street. Room 20*. Phone Circle 4683 Circle 6871. ! AUTOMOBILES— FOR SALEr~ Automobile Insurance The kind you ought to have at the price you can afford to pay. Automobile Insurance Agency 303 Baldwin Bldg. Circle 1422. 1 DODGE BROTHERS motor cars; a good ! assortment all times. Company Dons* natmiesji MotorVftuaß* 848 North Meridian. FORD ooupes, 1920-21 models. Sale or exchange for any make car. 725 Vir ginia ave. Drexel 8083. FORDS —All models and styles. Sale or exchange for any make car. | Cash or payment. 725 Virginia ave. DR exel 6083. | FORD touring. 1921 models; sale or ex change for any make car. 726 Virginia avenue. Drexel 6088. ALL kinds of care. *SO. *76, *IOO down, j balanoe small weekly payments. ! IN DP 1.3. AUT* PARTS AND TIRE CO. | 518 N, Capitol. FORD touring with special body, *186; ’ ] cash or payment. 725 VYrginia avenue. 1 Drexel 6033. _ BUICK 1918; half-ton truck. A-l meelron -1 ioal condition; 5 extra good tires. *BO I down, balance one year. WIDES & MIL j LER. 644 E. Washing ion. MAln 3498. FORD sedan, 1920 model. Sale or trade for any make car. TURNER. 725 Vir. avenue. FORD coupe; excellent condition; new battery; mechanically overhauled; good tires; starter and wire wheel*. Phone Belmofit 1416. FORD roadater, 1920 model; starter and j demountable rims. 725 Virginia ave. Drexel 6088. OVERLAND TOURING At a bargain and In A-l condition. Bel mont 1734. Re*. 632 N. Central Court. FORD coupe body, sale or exchange for touring or roadster body. 726 Virginia avenue. , ~1926" SCRiPPS-BOOTH TOURING" A bargain, good as new. Belmont 0815 or 3401 West Michigan. FORD, 1920 douring; starter; A-l shape, *9O down, balance one year. WIDES & MILLER. 644 E. Washington. Main 3498. FORD with Ottowa body, wire wheels, 1920 Motor. For *ale or trade. TURNER, 735 Virginia ave. DRexel 6083. FORD roadster with 20 motor block, SBS. TURNER. 725 Virginia ave. PRexet 60S8. FORD tops, new; one-man top and side curtain, *2O each. 917-919 Virginia ave. FORD touring body. 1917 model, *ls. 725 Virginia av*. Drexel 6088.' MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE Late Records, 59c each, or 2 for SI.OO Anew lot of German Operatic, Vocal and Instrumental Records just received. Come and hear them. Mail Orders Solicited. SEIDEL’S MUSIC STORE. 139 East Ohio StreaL Main 8962. A UTO M O BIL E S—WA NT ED. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois et. Main 167* LI. 20*1. AUTOS WAN ED. Open evenings 9:30. Phone WEbster 7280. ACTUS wanted] WEISSMAN’S. 212-14 K New York street. Main 4446. *A UTO~R E PAmsUa, Ni cT SUPPLIEB.' BRING your battery troubles to ua We are experts In this work and our prices are right; 6 volt recharge 50c; rebuild complete *3.00; 12 volt recharge 75c; re build complete *IO.OO. SOUTH SIDE BATTERY SHOP. AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 234 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry COLVIN BATTERY COMPANY"? 121 E Maryland st. Clrci* I*7o. Recharge, 6-volt, 50c; 12-volt, 75c. New battery, guaranteed two yeara. 611. *14.50; *l3, *18.50; I*T. <22.66. Ford Bodies Five dlstinci Specials *4 exchange for used. aUTOWA BODY DIST. 3*o K. Market. M OTO RCYCLBBjVNDJiICYCLI4L^ Now la the time to have your motorcycle overhauled ami re*enarneled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-?': Viass. Ave. Main 1404. CASH paid for mil kinds of motorcycle*. FLOYD PETERMAN. 503 Massachusetts avenue. BAKN r 2- ©Tory! ~TT stalls. 323 W Morris at., for information. Drexel 2197. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALET 100-*gg Incubator S2O 00 160 egg Incubator 25.0# See ua first when In the mar ket for poultry auppllea OVERMAN CO. 33* E. Market. Clrola 6021. Largest Stock In the State We sell no Junk or trash because we never buy anything that Is not in good shape or etfn be made so before we offer It for eale. Hundreds of families that are feeling the need for economy, yet must have additional pieces of furniture or stoves, are finding our half price bargains of wonderful help. Whatever your needs aro we can supply them. Baker Bros. Pioneer dealers in used furniture that can hardly be told from new. Match Your Coat With a Pair of ( \ TROUSERS 1 $3.35 to no. Work \ i Pants. $1.95 to $4 l , l THE PANTS STORE CO. llf . 41 W. Oblo. 1)4 K. Ohio J % Two Store*. * The Best Oil Burners On Earth Burn with blue gw* slams, generated from kerosene; absolutely safe, very economical; satisfaction guaranteed; types for cookstovve, hotbiasts, vulcanlsers. single room heaters camp stoves and furnaces. THE HEATING APPLIANCE COMPANY OF INDIANA. Sl9 Massachu setts. Circle 8142. A Complete Line of Bed* springs and mattresses, of all makes and descriptions at prices that you can t re sist. Baker Bros, The largest Used Furniture Store la the Country, opposite the Courthouse. WHEN you think of buyin* furniture. come In and see tba largest and most complete line of It In the United States In one store ant we will make agreeable terms with you. BAKER BRQB. WHY pay high prices lor new furniture when you can buy good, clean, rebuilt furniture for almost halt what you pay for new at the square-deal store. BAKER BROS. WE CARRY the largest and most com plete line of stoves In the city; hotblasts, baseburnera. cannon stoves, combination coal and gas ranges or gas and coal 4>lL You can save money bet's. BAKER BKQ3. TRUNKS—Bags, Suitcases. Why pay two middlemen profits? Buy from factory direct. dend for FREE catalog. ACME TRUNK AND BAG FACTORY, Spring Valley, 111. WE ARE overstocked on leather rocker* and easy chairs of al 1 makes and de scriptions. Now is th# to buy and buy right at BAKER BROS., on easy terms. SAVE HALF your money by buying re built furniture and stoves. They are as good as new and will last as long. BY ALL MEAN'S SEE US. BAKER BROS. WIC buy In large quantities so that ws can give cur customers a better quality of furniture at lower prices than they can get anywhere and we aell on easy terms. BAKER BROS. THREE-PIECE overstuffed daveno sulkcs. In tapestry, velour, leather. Imitation leather and mohair at price# that will amaze you and on terms that any one can buy at BAKER BROS. COMPLETE suites in bedroom furniture and many odd pieces of the best quality at lowest prices and on easy payments at BAKER BROS. MAKE! your old coat look like new suit by matching a pair trousers with the CORRECT PANTS MAKERS CO. 10114 W. Ohio St. NEW dr< t> side sanitary couches; Sim mons make. *3.60; new pad 83.5; $1 down and 60c a week BAKER BROS. WHITE porcelain gas range, all standard makes, at a saving of one-third co one half; payments easy. 219 E. Washington at. BAKER BROS. MAJESTIC steel range; like new. Burns coal or wood. Worth 375. Make an offer. HArrisoo 1848. _ TERMS given on new and used machines. White Sewing Machine Cos. 312 Mass. ave. ALMOST new gas range sell* now tor $86.50 for *40.00. 24 S. Temple, FOR SALE—*2S tireless cooker, one-half price. Call IRvlngton 4386. By BECK WE MAKE PANTS AND SELL 'EM DIRECT TO YOU AT A SAVING. B FfiN tailoring co. _ _____ 258 Maagachusett* Ave. CARLOADS and carloads of good clean rebuilt furniture for half the price of new; low, easy payments. 219 E. Wash ington st. BAKER BROS. CINDERS, large load; truck delivery Webeter 1401 misoellaneous—wantedW GOOD, SOUND YELLOW EAR CORN WANTED AT THE STOCKYARDS BAKER BROS, could use eome high-grade walnut and mahogany furniture; also some high-grade ruge; call us at once. The largeet used furniture store In the world. Opposite courthouse. BAKER BROS. WK CAN use some good showcases, cash registers and grocery fixturea Will pay a good cash price BAKER BRO 9. Main 84*6. WE CAN use 10# first-class refrigerators; must be good. BAKER BROS.. 119 East Washington St. WE WANT enough medium-class house hold goods to furnish 50 rooma We want It at once and will pay cash. CaU our buyer. Main 8465 or Main 84*6. BAKER BROS. V 'NT ED BABY CARRIAGE OR &TROLLER, REGARDLESS OF CONDITION. CIRCLE 7090. HOUSEHOLDGOODS—FQR SALE. DROP-HEAD Singer sewing machlnea _J10; good condition. Circle 8580. DOGS. POULTRY, PIGEONS, ETC. 8. C. White Lffhoms. fjLrm raised, enow white; the everlasting layers. Eggs 81.26 per 15; *6.00 per 100. E. L. CULVER. Thorntown. Ind. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. City dog pound. 924 E. N. Y. Main 0872. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES. WHEN you need a horse think of me. M. GREGORY. 819 8. Alabama st- COAL AND WOOD—FOR SALE. Special Price on Coal Three Days Only We eell the best coal money can buy guaranteed and our guarantee le abso lutely good. Best Pocahontas lump, forked sß.of Best Pocahontas lump, shoveled 7.75 Best Pocahontas, mine run 6.75 Best W. Virginia lump, forked 7.25 Best Kentucky lump, forked T. 25 Best Cass egg, forked 5.5 v Best Hamilton lump, fo.-ked (.60 TOM SUPOYER 410 Indiana ave. Circle 1436. Lincoln 844*. Kindling With Each Ton Beet Ind. or Linton No. 4 clean fk.. 1t.25 Best Illinois mine run 5.50 Best 111. lump, large forked, clean... 7.00: Best Illinois egg. clean forked 6.76 Best Brazil egg. clean ftrked T.OO Be*' Brazil block, olean forked...... 7.T6 ' High grade nut and slack 4.75 1 Delivered anywhere In the city. Drexel 8260. Bt. 2225. Union Ice and Coal Cos. Quality, Service yid Correct Weight. Since 1908, Aek your friends TRY ONE TON. ' Linton No. 4, forked 36.00 Illinois lump large 6-lnch 700 Kentucky lump, forked 7.50 W. Virginia lump, forked 7.60 Pocahontas, mine run..... 7.00 Pocahontas lump, genuine Red Ash.. 8.00 If this coal don't meet with your ap proval. send It back. MERIDIAN COAL CO. Lincoln 6237. 24th and Canal. GOOD hard wood, furnace or cook stove. *5 a cord delivered, 8 feet long, 4 feet high, IS inches wide. Call Main 60(3 day time or Washington 0710 evenings. COAL — ! U H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 3531. 212 N. Pine. Main 1181. GLENDORA Lump *7; best Ind., 86 50. So charge for wheeling. Call I. Baker. Circle 5578, 449 Blake. SPECIAL Poca. M. R„ 4C % lump, *6.75; Linton No. 4, $6.25. ADAMS. Ra 5162. j Times Want Ads find the right people for the right places and the right places for the right people. Phone Main 3500. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO HEIRS, CREDITORa ETC 59—18806. In the Probate Court of Marlon County. , February term, 1922. In the matter of the estate of Ellseph P. Monsoa. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Waiter C. 1 Clarke as executor of the above named es tats has presented and filed his account and vouchers In final settlement of said es tate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Pro bate Court, on the ISth day of March, 1922, at which time all heirs, creditors or ! legatees of said estate are required to ap pear 'n said court and chow cause, If any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. RICHARD V. SIPE. Clerk. CLARKE & CLARKE. Attorneys. NOTICE TO HEIRS. CREDITORS. ETC. In the Probate Court of Marlon County. February Terra, 1922. In the matter of the estate of Emily ; Smith, deceased. No. 69-18599. Notice Is herebt given that Martin F. Lynch, as administrator of the above named estate, has presented and filed his account arid vouchers In final settlement of said estate, a id that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Couri, on the 11th day of March, 1922. at wh'ch time all heirs, creditors or legatees of t'ald estate are required to ap pear in said court and show cause, it any there be. why said account and vouchers should not b# approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their hel-shlp. WILLIAM P. REAGAN, Attorney. i RICHARD V. SIPE. Cler# (Copyright, 1921. by New Era Feat a rest LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE —The Board of Trustees of Cen tral Indiana Hospital for Insane will re ceive sealed proposals until Friday. Feb. 24 at 10 a. m , for furnishing supplies for the month of March. 1922. Estimate book will be on file at Brom 148. Statehouse. from and after MonUay. Feb. 20, 1922. By order of BOARD OF TRUSTEES. MACHINERY AN D TOOLS. WONDER MIXERS MIXERS. HOISTS PUMPS. ENGINES, ALL SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH. DIBT. 812-20 W. HARD LAND STREET. FINANCIAL. yyWVW^WVW\^WVAA^VWWW%AA^i^ PERSONAL LOANS $lO TO S3OO This office Is operated under the super vision of the State of Indiana and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from $lO to 8200 without paying more than the legal rate of In terest or without being Imposed upon In any way. It Is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friends, relative > or trades people. You can hav; all time necessary for re payment ar.d pxy only for the actual time you keep the n oney. Call and let us ex plain. No charges unless you borrow. Loans with companies paid off and more money adv meed at legal ratea IF IN A HURiIY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR LINCOLN 2450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Rooms 205-7-9 Indiana Truat Bldg. 118 E. Washington St- Cor. Ylr. Are, LOANS On furniture, pianos, autoa, live stock, farm Implements and other collateral. CAPITOL LOAN CO. 141 H E. Washington St. Main 0586. Auto Llaeoln TlB4. Legal rate loans. ‘ INTERSTATE COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANY. 608 Odd Fellow bldg., fifth floor, corner Pennsylvania and Washington st*. Main 3130. Phonea Auto. 31-48#. WS MAKE first and second mortgagee on Improved farms and Indianapolis real estate. AETNA MORTGAGE AND INYESTT CO. 608 Fidelity Trust bldg. FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 103 N. Delaware st. Main 1818. fJfcljSc MOOL ggggSpggn Much practice tide v*ek In the Short ridge camp has been devoted to basket ■hoofing aa the team work and passing aeem to have been developed aa much aa Is possible In the short time remaining befort the Bedford scrap Friday. Rosner and Ferguson, both floor guards, are un able to take part In the game Friday, which leaves a big hole for Coach Gor ton to fllL Franklin, a red-haired floor piard with lots of fight, probably will bo chosen to fill the gap. Bedford haa a fine basket squad thlg year and haa lost only four games, two of them to Vincennes. Bedford has won from Franklin and Bloomington beside# other numrrous victories, whlls Short ridge has won only one game this season and that from Wiley of xerre Haute. The probable Shortridge lineup for the game will be as follows: Riley and Harrington, forwards; Johnson, center; Franklin and Kilgore, guards. Broad Ripple has won a host of games this year and should make Manual step to beat them Friday night. Jefferson of Lafayette Is crippled by the lose of three of their beet players, which gives Tech a fine chance to slip over a win Saturday night. PIULIARDS CITY THREE-CUSHIONS. Floyd Bostoek last night defeated Mar tin Shane in the City Three-Cushion Bil liard Tournament at the Board of Trade Billiard Parlors by the score of 50 to 45. The match lasted ninety-two Innings. Shane had four counts of three and one count of four, while Bostoek twice held the balls for counts of three and again at another time scored a ran at four. Through Shane losing last night the lead is now In the hands of Howard Mitchell, who ha' lost bnt one game In nine games p’ayed. Bostoek has now won ten f .nos and lost two, and has but one more tame to play. Howard Mitchell, who holds first place with eight games won and one gams lost, Is booked to meet Charles Frye to night. To allow the players to attend the Reynolds-Mlller wrestling match the game will start at 6 p. m. E. APPIEBT YS. COLLINS. PHILADELPHIA Feb. 2L—Edgar T. Appleby of New York, national champion, and Percy X. Collins of Chicago, a former national title holder, will meet here to night for the International amateur title at 18.2 balkline billiards. Each has won throe ;amcs and lost one. Appleby suf fered ais first defeat Monday night at the hands of Edouard Uoudii or France, while Collins' beating was glTen Satur day by Francis S. Appleby, a brother of the champion. KoudU's victory Monday night, 300 to 129, came after his defeat la the afternoon by Collins, SOO to 154. The afternoon match today between Ary Bos of Holland and J. E. Cope Mor ton of Philadelphia, was the last on the schedule of these players. The best the Hollander can land is fifth place and a victory for Morton would put the Phil adelphian on an eqnal footing. Won. Lost. Edgar T. Appleby, New York.. 3 1 Percy N. Collins. Chicago.... 3 1 Francis S. Appleby. New York 3 2' Edouard Roudil. France 3 2 Ary Bos, Holland 1 3 J. E. Cope Morton, PhiladePla 0 4 High run, 96, by Edgar T. Appleby. Amateur Basket-ball The Francis Pharmacy five took a scrappy game from the Woodsides. The game was a thriller at all stages. Wood side taking a C-to-2 lead in the Initial period. The Pharmacy quintette dis played a classy brand of basket-ball dur ing' the last stanza and carried the scor* to 19 to 14 before the fracas ended. There will be an Important meeting of the managers of the teams entering the cltv Junior basket-ball tournament to be held under the auspices of the Boys' Club Association, tonight at the Boys’ Club, 449 South Meridian street, at 7 230 o’clock. Pairing of teams and drawing for place In schedule will be In order. For further information call Main 1992. In a fast game featured bv the defen sVre work of both teams the Olive Branch five defeated the Fairfax. 21 to 20. Games are desired with teams having access to floors. Heath Memorials take no tic*. Call Marlon Griffith, Drexel 1619. The Imperials had little trouble In win ning from the Kenwood A C. last night, 34 to 16. The Imperials desire games with fast city teams in the 10>-year-old class. Speedway Seconds take notice. Call Belmont 3723 and ask for Harry. Morris Street M. E. attention! The Y. M. 11. A. vs. Morris Street M. E. game sch-vtuled for Feb. 22. ha* heen postponed to March 1. The game will be played St the Communal building. The Ferndale Triangles are booked to play the Southeasterns Wednesday night at the Ferndale gym. j 9