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DECEIT CHIEF DIVORCE CAUSE ASSERTS JUDGE Honesty Between Husband and Wife Proposed as Remedy. LYING DOESN’T PAY SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., March fibbing. Just plain lying—or name one cares to give pre varication—is the thief cause for the ever increasing number of divorces to day. At least such is the reason assigned for the severing of marital relations by Judge Thomas F. Graham, for more than twenty years on the Superior Court bench here and who, despite his more than State-wide reputation as the “great reconciler,'* has granted thousands of divorces. * And a proper remedy for the present ly divorce evil Judge Graham suggests honesty between husband and wife re g rding every matte! of mutual interest to them. DECEIT CAUSE OF t XHAITISESS. “Back of the majority of divorce suits filed here—and it must be true of other cities—is deceit by either the husband or wife.” said the jurist. “I have run across scores of variations of fibs, lies, white lies, half truths and vicious de ceits. Wives, as well as husbands, are guilty of deceit, but in most eases where a marriage is of short duration it will be found that the young husband is the one chiefly to blame. •'Often he makes the mistake of start ing matrimony without making his bride his full confidante. He earns, say $l5O i. month. During the courtship he tells her his income is more than that. The automobile he courts her In is not paid for. There are monthly payments that must be met, but the girl knows nothing ,of them. |HINTS HE HAS BANK ACCOUNT. “He hints vaguely at a bank aecounv. They arc married, and the deceit con tinues. The young bride, perhaps from a home where there has been little need of economy, unknowingly spends more than her husband earns. Bills begin to arrive. Still the husband does not con fess the real limit of his salary, but vainly tries to bluff it out, hoping against hope for a ‘change of luck’ or a semi e.vpected raise in salary which never comes. "Quarrels over money and unpaid bills begin to mar the home life of the young ©duple. The outlook is dreary to the young wife, who fears every ring of the doorbell is that of a btll-eolleetor. The husband begins to worry and is short tempered and cross. Things go wrong at the office, and he takes it out in short, spiteful words at home. "Divorce proceedings are filed, and friends are amazed. *They seemed such a happy couple,’ all say. AS HE SAID ONCE BEFORE. “But back of it ail is the decit prac ticed by the husband during the court ship and maintained through the short marriid life. “There are cases also where the wife Is gi.ilty of deception. She Luys clothes beyond her husband's means, charges them and deceives her hu c band about their cost. When she makes the pur chases she expects to pay for them, but how she is going to get the money is another question. She trusts to luck, and nsually the husband gets the hills, and there is a scene, tears and bitter words—then divorce. * “Intemperance, of course, is a major factor in divorce cases, but investigation shows that intemperance Is the result, not the cause, of married unhappiness,” said Judge Grahare. And here (he judge, who has sent many couples reunited from his courtroom, pointed out the remedy that might curb the evil. COUPI.ES WHO KISS ARE SAFE. ’Husband an wife who trust each other, who harbor no secret* from each other, who kiss at parting and kiss at the evening reunion never get into the diworce courts. “The woman who loses at bridge and tries to hide her losses from her hus band is making the gravest mistake. “The husband who ‘keeps his business affairs’ to hiinsclf and deceives his wife when things go wrong is courting mari tal disaster. “All women like to be trusted, and few of them betray genuine, full-hearted confidence. “Deceit is the microbe of divorce. It is the start of all troubles that lead to the divorce conrs. “Sly advice to young couples Just start ing out on the uncertain voyage of matrl- , mony is to be square with each other at all times. Then the ship will weather every storm,” he said. Sweet Young Co-ed I Avers Every Girl Likes to Be Kissed NEW YORK, March 6.—Some of 'em •Jo and some of ’em don’t, all emphatic declarations from California notwith- ; standing. There's no general rule. Such is the retort of co eds of New York colleges to the charge of Editor K. I/. Ingraham of the California Pell- j can, *bat “all college girls like kissed," and “expect every takes 1 1 ''it to ♦ “Kissing Isn't on the lum." said Miss Mitzle Kallsh, New York University dramatic star. “It's ridiculous } to say that onr idol is a cave man. “Every girl llkea to he kissed by the 1 tn.-wi she loves. She wants it and ex ppcta It." A sweet young thing at Barnard, on the other hand, deposes that: “Petting has established itself as the new intercollegiate sport." While a short-skirted, bobbed-ha)red, rolled-stockinged flapper chimed in with “Don't yon know that the idea that you marry the girl you kiss Is worn out and ancient ?" The editor of Mortar Board, Barnard’s annual publication, dodged the Issue partly. She said: “There are two classes of girls In a college, the social lionesses and serious students. The former are distracting and a danger to education." —— Indigo Dye Used by Egyptians 1,000 B. C. I.ONDON, March 9.—German scientists have discovered the "navy ft hie" fashion of today was the vogue among the ails tocracy of Egypt long before the days of Cleopatra. Dr. Rathegea, _in the German Chemical Newspaper, says a portion of an Egyp tion princess' garment of the period about 1000 B. C. was submitted to a chemical analysis to test the coloring, and the presence of indigo-dye was detected. Several feminine household gods were examined. Including a Babylonian vase .<’■ glass and a finger-ring made of tin. ! • •_ bmk to about 1000 B. C. that the vase had been made by means of a shaped mould of iuid glass being placed on the si.!,. The glass was rr aque. Further examination of tther articles I revealed a high state of industrial ait j among the Babylonians. Tew Married Couples Happy/ Asserts Judge NEW YORK, March 9.—“1 have an idea that very few married couples are really happy,” Supreme Court Justice Irving Lehman said from the bench in a talk to counsel in a separation action. He RECORDS CQc We Have the Records You Want Nfojs* TWO FOR SI.OO Avoid Disappointment * * s NEEDLEB, or THE LATEST RELEASES *>° L—— J EVERYBODY STEP. Introdnoin* “They Call It Dinning. ’ Fox Trot. Frisco Syncopntors Irving Weis and His Bits Carlton’Orchestra iOIPST BLUES. Fox Trot Irving Weis and His Bits Carlton Orchestra LEAVE ME WITH A SMILE. Introducing “If You Knew” Yerkes Jazzarlmba Orchestra I’VE GOT MV HABITS ON. Fox Trot. Vocal Chorns by Arthur Hall Lenzberg’s Riverside Orchestra GRANNY. Tenor Solo. Orchestra Accompaniment . Chan. Harrison I'LL FOBGBT YOU. Tenor Solo, Orchestra Accompaniment Sam Ash HAWAIIAN BLUES. Sopron* Solo, Hawaiian Guitars, Arc... Alice Leslie BIBOS OF A FBAPHKB. Tenor 5010... Harold Clark NO ONE’S FOOL. Vocal Solo, Orchestra Accompaniment Bee Kerwin. Accompanied by the Happy Six I HOLD HER HAND AND SHE HOLDS MINE. (Ain’t Nature Grand) Comedy 6ong, Orchestra Accompaniment Arthur Fields TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOKS Jones and Best I WONDEB WHO (You’re Calling Sweethwirt) • • Henry Jones YOO HOO. Fox Trot Gotham's Favorites SATURDAY. Fox Trot. Sherbo’s Famous Danes Orchestra WANNA. Fox Trot. Vocal Chorus by Arthur Hall Saxophone Sextette BOW WOW BLUES. Fox Trot. Vooal Chorus by ltcc Kerwin TELL HER AT TWILIGHT. Tox Trot .Ertsc!/* sTnc^qTtD^rs SMILIN’. Fox Trot Frisco Syncopators ST. LOUIS BLUES. Medley Fox Trot. Introducing “Ole Miss Blues” (W. C. Handy) Handy's Memphis Blues Band YELLOW DOG BLUES. Medlsy Fox Trot. Introducing "Hesitating Blues, ’’ "Beni© Street Blues” Handy’s Memphis Blues Band STEALING. Fox Tret. Vocal Chorus by Arthur Hail Giant* and his Orchestra GOOD-BYE SHANGHAI. Fox Trot. Introducing "Call Me” Yerkes S. S. Flotilla Dance Orchestra GRANNY. Fox Trot California Ramblers MY M.AMMY KNOWS. Fox Tro* California Ramblers This is'our Price Every Day. The Most Complete Stock of‘'Hits” in the CrfyJ The Wm. H. Block Cos. Music Department. Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. HAAG’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS 40c Quinine Capsules, 2 Grain, 2 Dozen, 25< ' Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice SI.OO Abbott's Saline Laxative 84c 50c Abbott's Saline Laxative 39c 75c Abbott's Rheumatic (Remedy. sc (2.60 Absorbine sl.9* *1.25 Absorbine. Jr 88c 50c Abilina Water 85c SI.OO Albolene Oil Me 35c Alien'** Fleerine Salve Zsc 75c Alophen Pills (IUU) 49c 60c AJoin Strycb. & Bel. P111a.... 84c 25c Aleoek's Porous Plaster 15c $1.25 Alkalttbia . 84c 35c Analgesic Balm 29c 75c Anaigeslque Baums Bengue... 59c 75c Antipulogietlne 58c 50c Aspirin Tabs. 5 gr. 3 dox 25c $1.25 Aspirin Tablets, Bayer 88c SI.OO Aspirin Tablets, 100 6-gr.... 45c sl.Ol Armour's Grape Juice, qts... Gse SI.OO Atblopboris 85c 50c Bay Hum, Gly. & Rose Water. 25c 25c Benson's Capsine Plaster .... 19c 50c Badex Salta 89c 25c Beecham Pills 48e 25c Bellans 19c 1 75c Bellans 9c S 26c Belladonna Plaster 15c I 30c Bell's Pine Tar and Honey.. 24c 5 26c Barkeeper's Friend 19c SI.OO Blair s Gout A Kheu. Pills 84c 50c Blaud's Iron Pills *4c 75e Blaud's Liquid Iron, Lilly's.. 69c SI.OO Bitro-Phospbate 84c 30c Borden's Eagle Milk, 2 f0r.... 89c $1 00 Blits Native Herb Tabs Btc 25c Burkhardt's Veg. Tabs 18 30c Bromo Seltzer 60c Bromo Seltzer 46c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 89c $1.50 Browuatone -...51.19 $1.26 Cadomeue Tab* .7". . 98c 25c Calomel Tabs., 100 any size... 10c 15c Camphor Moth Balls 10c 60c California Syrup Figs 49c 50c Camphor Spirits 25c 30c Capsolin **© 60c Canthrox 4 9 35c Capudlne *9* 70c Capudlne -. 6® l ' 50c Cascara Arom, Sweet, 4 oz 25c 50c Cascara Bitter, 3 oz 25c 60c Case*a Cathartic Hinkle .... 2c 15c Carbolic Acid 10c 25c Carters Little Liver Pi 115.... 19c 35c Castor OH, pure, half pint 25c 50c Castor Oil, pure, one pint.... 3c 30c Castor Oil, 40c Castor Oil, Kellogg s 29c $1.50 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts 98c 25c celery Vesce * #c 50c Celery Vesce 39c SI.OO Celery \esce ••••••• I* e 60c Clayton’s Mange Remedy #9c 60c Clayton's Dog Remedies 39c 35c Capaiba and Cubeb Capa 29c !5c Qban Hair Color Restorer Site 36c Coregea 25c Colorlte, l2\c® lors * ea , oh lac 15c Coin I). Licorice P0wd ......... 10c sm Calcium Wafers, Stuart’s..... 39,- 60 - Chase's Blood & Nye Tab... 49c SI 00 Creole Hair * 88< 35c TiaCdtfcM**© tXK* Dandenne SI.OO Dandenne ..••••••••••• *" 50c Dauiichinskey ■ Hair Dye 39c 25c Delost’a Headache I owd 19c 50c Denatured Alcohol quart 35c 75c Deans Liquid Smoko ® ae BOc DeWltts Kidney Pills 39c 60c Doan’s Kidiey Pills... i 60c Drake's Croup Remedy 39c ’sc Dloxogen 15e Diamond Dye, 10c; 3 for 26c| 50c Eatondc S3< ’ COc Rheumatic Pills 45c SLSO Ead’s Rheumatic Pills 9*c 30c Edward’s Olive Tablets....... 24c 88 assSr&SiTui: nVpi::::.i';s r 3£KSlid®Stf‘s!~.':.'.v: & rA. Formaldehyde humlgator .... 39c Grape Juice. N. Y„ pints 31c 35c Freezone for Corns 29c 75c Gentry's Mange Remedy 49c 36c Gets-It for Corns 29c 75c Glycotanphene ...... 68c 75c Glover’s Mange Rem dy 64c 50c Glyedthymoline 24c 80c Glycotbymoline 46c SIOO Glycotbymoline sic $1 25 Glide's Peptomang StV 11.25 Gray's Glycerin T ale 98c 30c Grove’s Bromo Qu' due 23c S6c Jad Salt's *9© 50c Bicycle Cards S9c 3oc Hornet Cards 29c 35c Chamois Skin *se $1.0( Chamois Skin 75c $2 00 Chamois Skin $1.48 $1 00 Auto Sponge 75c $1.50 Auto Sponge 81.15 $2 00 Auto Wool Sponge 81.48 $2.60 Auto Sponge 81.98 25c Haags Pills for Biliousness... 25c 35c Hand's Baby Remedies 29c SI.OO Virginia Dare 74c Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices $2.00 Re Umberto Italian Olive Oil, Quarts $1.34; Pints 74fi; I£alf Pints, 39£ Bed Bags, Fleas, Ants, Roaches, Hies and Plant Lice Killed nllb Haag’s Insect Powder. Haags’s Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Con stipation The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis. The Haag Drug Store at 156 N. Illinois is only Six Doors North of Interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores, 27 and 53 S. Illinois St. are in the Ist Sq. South of Washington Street. The Haag Drug Store, 101 W. Washington Street is in the Point Room 0?f the Lincoln Hotel. The three other Haag Drug Stores are located at 114 North Pennsylvania f Street, 55 Virginia Avenue and 802 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianamlis. ’ . made a last-minute effort to effect a rec- I oncillatlon between a man and his wife before the ease was taken for decision. Henry G. Schmidt and his wife, Ida Belle, run a hairdressing establishment. Schmidt brought an action for a 'sepa ration, alleging cruel and Inhuman treat ment. His wife countered with a charge j of abandonment. I “I do not find that these people have ! been an ideality united couple. I have 36c Hurlem OH Caps, Lilly's 29c 35c Hurlem OR Caps, Gold Medal. 29c 26c Hill's Cascara Quinine Tabs.. 19c ic Uorllck s Malted M.k 39c .-1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk 69c (3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.98 11.20 Memo Malted Milk 89c $4.00 ileum Malted UUk $2.98 $1.50 Hood s Sarsaparilla 89u 75c imperial Granum 59c 3<*c Lavoris .1 23c 60c Lavoris S9o SI.OO Lavoris 74c SI.OO Listertne 74c 25c Laxs-Firin Tablets lw< 30c I.ysol 19c 00c Lysol 80© COe Lime Stone Phosphate 39© $1.50 Maltine, all kinds $1.19 1.10 Miles Nervine sic 30c Miles Anti-Pain Pills 22i 26c Mentbolatum 19© 00c Menthulatum 99c 90c Mellln’s Food 64: 75c Mead s Dextro Maltose 64c 75c Milks Emulsion 44c $1.50 Milks Emulsion 98© 15c Moth Balls lc 30c Mucol 24c 60c Mulsifled Cocoanut Bkampoo.3!H -30c Musterole *4c 60c Musterole 4Sc 20c Napthoiene Flakes 15c 26c Nature's Remedy 19c 50e Nature's Remedy 89c $1.60 Nature s Remedy 74c $1.50 Neoferruu. sl.lO sl.lO Nuxuted iron SBc 75c Nujol 54c $1.60 Nujol 94c 50c olive Oil, Pompeian, half pint 89c SI.OO Olive Oil, Pompeian, pint..... 79c 36c Omega Oil 29c 00c Omega Oil 49c SI.OO Ovoferrln Sic SI.OO Oil of Koreln Caps 84 soe Pape s Dlapepslu 89c SI.OO Pepgen 6o 16c Peroxide Hydrogen 9c 60c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia.... 39c 25c Phenolax Wafers 19c 50c Phospate Soda. Merck's 29c / 75c Phospate Soda, Wyeth’s ... 49c 60e Pretzluger's Catarrh Remedy lie $1.25 Pierce’s Favorite Pres S9c $1.25 Pierce’s Golden Med. Discos.. 89c $1.25 Plnkbani Veg. Compound 79c SI.OO Pineolium Sic 25e Quinine Caps. 2-gr., 2 d0z.... 250 t!oe Sal Hcpatica 30c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 79c 30c Sal Hepatica 28c SI.OO Salvltae 74c, 76c Saphanol 4t sl.lO 8. S. 8. Blood Remedy 67© 60c Scott’s Emitlslon 39© $1.20 Scott’s Emulsion 74e 35c Sloan’s Liniment 29e 60c Sloan's Liniment 49c 35c Solution Citrate Magnesia.... *4e 56tc Stnnojax 39c 35c Stero Cubes 2Sc 35c St. Jacob's Oil 29c 60c st. .Ta mb’s Oil 49c 60c tlwauip Root 45© $1.15 if' warn p Root 84,. 75c Wi.ilnutta Hair Stain 49c 35c Wild Jlool Hair Tonic 290 60c Wild Hoot Hair Tonic 4ue SI.OO Vinol 74c $1.25 Veracolate* Tablets 98c 50c Veronal T.ablets, 5 gr., 1 doz.. 2iw. Quality and Strength Tested Rubber Goods Received Weekly Direct From Il>e Manafacturert*. and Hold at AJI I’imrs at Cut Price©, SI.OO Fountain Syringe 74c $1.25 Fountain Syringe 89c $1.60 Fountain Syringe oe $2.00 Fountain Syringe ....$1.48 $2.50 Fountain Syringe ....$1.98 $3.00 Fountain Syringe ....*2.24 $4.00 Fountain'Syringe '...52.98 $1.75 Comb. Syringe & Water Bo t.. 51.24 $2.00 Comb. Syringe & Water Bo b. .81.18 S2.EO Comb. Syringe & Water Bot s .$1.98 $3.00 Comb. Syringe and water bot .$2.24 $5.00 Comb. Syringe & Water Bot. ..$3.98 $2 00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.4 52.50 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.98 $3.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray Z 2.24 SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 71© $1.25 Hot Water Bottle 39c $1.50 Hot Water Bottle aw© $2.00 Hot "nter Bottle $1.4<4 $2.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.98 $3.00 Hot Water Bottle $2.24 $1 00 Ice Cap 74c $1.50 Ice Cap 98c $2.00 lee Bag, oblong $1.48 $2.00 Throat Ice Bag > sl.lß $2.00 Spinal Ice Bug sl.lß Ayres' Face Powder and Rouge. $2.00 Extra Strong Coarseß Armand’s Cold Cream Powder. $7.50 Strong All Coarse Comb.... 98c 75c Extra Strong Fine Comb... 49c INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922. , an Idea that very ;few married couples are Ideally happy,” said Justice Lehman. "But they have gotten altyig fairly well for fourteen years and only parted after i a flareup in a theater. “I iq not going to try to force people to ’i e together, but this couple have gc.. 1 along together and have built up a , ood business during their fourteen j yet rs of married life, and my impression i is t. at they should live together.” Ayers Face Powder and Rouge SI.OO Fonellla Toilet Set 15c 75c BonciUa Face Powder 69c 25c Babcock's Corylopsla Talc .... 15c 26c Babcock’s Cut Rose Talc .... 15c 75c Boncilia Cold Cream 59c 26c Djcr Kiss Talcum I2c 50c DJer Kish Face Powder 89c 85c Djcr Kiss Faix, Powder 86e 75c Dorin's itruuette Rouge ..... 49c 75c Dorin Compact Powder 49, 6'>c Elcoya Face Powder 45c 50c Freeman's Face Powder 89c 6oc Java Rice Face Powder 39c 2.">c J. it J. Baby Talcum I9c 50c Levy's I .ilUuch Powder.... 39, Mary Garden Talcum Powder 24c 35c Mavis Talcum Powder 19c 5" Mavis F’ace Powder s< 25c Mennen's Boratcd Talcum .... lv< 60c Pompeian Fare Powder sac 50c Pozzonl Face Powder Bsc Gk- Sempre Giovln© 39,. 35c Radon na Face Powder 2*c SI.OO Roger & G. Face Powder .... 79v Ayres (Teams and Toilets. C6c Berry's Freckle Ointment .... 49c $1.25 Berry's Cremola 76c Boncilia Cold Cream ;ut r $1."0 BonciUa Set trial size 4,-h ---60c Champlin'a Liquid Pearl 49c 60it Daggett i Rams. Cold Cream. 89c 60c Elcaya Cream 4* c 35c Espy's Frag. Cream 24,. 60c llinda Honey & Alia. Cream.. 39c 35c Holmes' Froatilla J9 C 50c Honey Girl Almond Cream.... swe s<>c Orchard White g9c $1.50 Oriental Cream •....$! 19 Ooc Muhina Cream "] 6<)o Milkweed Cream 50c Nadlnola Cream B Uc 60c Pompeian Day’ Cream I 45,, 35c Pompeian Night Cream ...... ZBc ■BI.OO Pompeian Night Creum \ i\ c 00c Pompeian Mussuge CTcam .... 4,)r toe Satin Skin Cream iu. 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c 60c Sea Shell (Yearn 4.v 25c Woodbury’* Facial Cream ’.lll 19c 50c Theatrical Cold (.Teain jjy, 25c A mol in Deodorant Powder ..1 J9<- 26c Banda line ‘ j ßt . 60,: Bazin's Depilatory Powder 49,. soe Briliiantine j 8 (. • Ooc Brilliuntiae ' SI.OO lieiatone ' a.„ sl-00 Demiracle .’. 1 u,, 76c El Kudo 11111.11" iu . [ 30c Eversweet " 2 4,. ! 76c Evans' Depilatory ...... "1*"" ! 30c Mum . 60c Non Spl o HI . I 36c Odorono l " „ u „ 60c Odorono 1111" In, 35c Cutex Cuticle Keinover 60' Cutex Cuticle Remover "" 35c Cutex Nail White H’"' 380 Cutex Cake. Nall White . 60c Cutex Manicure .Set .... 49,. 25c Dorin's Lip Stick 1 ,a‘ 50c DJer Kiss Lip Stick .l" 39' 60c Glazo Nail i’olish " #L 35c Hyglo Cake Nail White -Z. 35c Hyglo Cake Nall Polish ... ’ oh,. 30c l-usterlte Nall Enamel 24 „ 35c Arnica Tooth Soap ....; ' 2!h . 30c Benzolyptus Tooth Paste >4,. 50c IJsterlne Tooth Paste ...."la 60c Forhnn’g Pyorrhoea Paste”" ax, 60c F. E. t. Pyorrhoea Paste 1..." ga, 30c Lyons I ooth Paste or Pow’der 2ie SI.OO Pyorrhocide " gi' 50<; Pepsodent Tooth I’ast© a'ti 60c I’ebecco Tooth Paste ... **" 35c Kubifoam 35c Senreeo Tooth Paste 21,. 30c White's Tooth Paste " /,u. 20c Arm. Stork Castile, 13c; 2 for 25e 20c Bocobella Castile Soap 4a c 25c Clayton's Dog Soap H, j 9r 35c Conti Castilo Soap, Italian.... 25,. 15c Cocoq Castile Soup. Kirk's, all 25c 25c Cutlcura Soap, 19c; 3 for nr, r 30c Packer’s Tar Soap gg c 50c Packer's Liquid Tar Soap..." 4j o !6c Palm Olive Soup, 9c; 3 for 25,. 25c Germacidal Soap j ßc . 25c Pear’s Glycerla, 19c; 3 f0r.... ga c 26c Pear's Unscented Soap is c 15c Jergen's Violet Soap 8 for 2fic 30c Woodbury’s Facial Soap igr iOc Resinol Soup 76c Societe liygieneque 49,. 50c Kogers & G. Violet 50ap...... g.y, | 50c Rogers & G. Lilac Soap gsc ! 35c Barba sol 29 c I 50e Gillette Blades, 6 for .\. 37,. 1 ~sl 00 Gillette Blades, 12 for ?4„ iV)c Gem Junior Blades S9o 5 Tc Ever-Ready Blades Bic 35c Keen Kutter Blades 29 35c$ Enders Blades 29c $1.75 \Ever-Ready Razor sX.(si I si.(:( ) Gem Junior Razor 85c $5.00 Mllette Razor $2.98 j 85c Slaving Brush 25c 75c 61 laving Brush 50c | Tomorrow, Friday, OUR BARGAIN DAY. LINEN /AEROPLANE LINEN REMNANTS —Yard wide; all lineu; In lengths of % to 2 yards; suitable for tancy work, pillows, small boys’ suits, etc. Many of these remnants contain the stamp of the British government; however, it is easily washed out. 49c and 59c qualities, qq yard OOC TOWELING REMNANTS—At one % half original bolt prices; bleached or unbleached. For example: A toweling that sold for 18c per yard in bolt, you can buy for 9c yard. DISHCLOTHS —In coarse mesh weave; 10c quality, H each .. DC MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK -58 Inches wide; neat floral in designs; 76c quality PURE LINEN PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS—7Ox7O inches; round de signs with plain centers; $6.50 quality DJ/D . HUCK TOWELS —Large size; very close weave; 25c quality, | ©y each 1 f C TURKISH TOWELS size; soft finish; 19c ■ r* quality IDC LONGCLOTH—Yard wide; | i soft, even thread; 19c quality. ITtC —First Floor, Northwest. WOMEN’S UNDERWEAR WOMEN’S LIGHT WEIGHT COT TON UNION SUITS—Low neck, sleeveless, tight and wide knee, bodice top; wide knee o/\ (3 for $1.00) OUC WOMEN’S FINE RIBBED GAUZE VESTS—Low neck, sleeveless, built-up shoulder strap; regular and extra sizes | a (3 for 50c) I uC WOMEN’S LISLE UNION SUITS —Broken lots; bodice top, tight knee, low neck, sleeveless and shell knee; flesh and white; - £*a special for Friday U/C —First Floor, SouthwesL HOSIERY WOMEN’S CHIFFON SILK HOSE —Full fashioned, high spliced heels, double soles, silk lisle garter tops; pretty, sheer weight; black, brown, Russian calf and A * qq navy; $2.00 quality I .Jb WOMEN’S PURE THREAD SILK HOSE—Seamless foot, fashioned leg, lisle garter tops; black, white, brown and gray (3 n a pairs, $2.00), pair ©/C BOYS’ BUSTER BROWN STOCK , INGS —Heavy ribbed, seamiesß, ful ly reinforced; black; sizes on 7 to 1114; 50c quality JJ/C —First Floor, Southwest GLOVES WOMEN’S FRENCH LAMBSKIN GLOVES 16-button length; black, white, tan and brown; broken line of sizes; $5.00 aa qualities WOMEN’S SILK AND FABRIC GLOVES —2-clasp; white and col ors; small sizes only; up © to SI.OO qualities lifC KAYSER WASAHBLE CHAMOIS ETTE GLOVES—2-clasp, black, white and colors; r a pair OUC —First Floor, Southwest WOMEN’S NECKWEAR VENISE LACE COLLARS—Large assortment of patterns. Tuxedo shape, cream and white; 69c quality Z*/C COLLAR AND CUFF SETS—Of Venise lace. Tuxedo in shapes; 98c quality 4oC —First Floor, South. NOTIONS Sanitary Apron* i Sanitary Belts \ Children’s Waists \ Sew-on Supporters I Rubber Sheeting—36x36. I Tango Shields I Gym Supporters f Babies’ Rubber Pant*... f _ Mercerized Rick-Rack-** 2 bolts. 6 yards ) Bias Tape—Extra fine, 2 bolts, 6 yards I ' Embroidery Edging—4l bolts, 3 yards 1 Kitchen Rubberized A Aprons I Leatherette Shopping / Bags I Garrity’s Waving Fluid./ —First Floor, Northeast LACES—RIBBONS— VEILS REMNANTS —Os laces, embroidery, fancy trimming; slightly © soiled; up to 50c qualities IUC Val. Laces \ Real Linen Cluny ] Mercerized Cotton IP 0 Cluny f 48c Filet Venise Collar \ qualities, Laces ) j Venise Collar Laces... ( 1 Camisole Laces 1 . Narrow Fur Trimming | y Bands / FUR TRIMMING BANDS—Coney, squirrel, astrakhan, imitation Bquir rel, mufflon, skunk opossum; up to $2.98 qualities; 69c FANCY RIBBONS —For children’s hairbows and sashes; various color combinations of light and dark col orings; up to 48c © p> qualities, yard IDC PATTERN VElLS—Black only; fancy meshes with Chantilly bor ders; $1.98 quality, 9C** each V . (uDC —First Floor, Northeast. MW*H. BLOCK C? Hart Schaffner & Marx Guaranteed Clothes for Men, Young Men and Boys, 8 to 18. IN OUR MODEL GROCERY Quality — Service —Moderate Prices BREAD—On Sale from 3:30 A. M. to 12 M. Sun-lit Bread, hot from our ovens. All pan breads, including gaa rye, graham and whole wheat. One-pound loaves, while supply sea lasts, loaf BREAKFABT BACON, lean, Bweet sugar cured, machine sliced (two pounds, 45c), no pound xLoC STANDARD OI.EOMAttGAKIN'E uncolored, pound, 24c, Colored, ready to serve, pound, 34. BOURBON' SANTOS COFFEE, old crop, fresh roasted (4 pounds. $1.00), pound. 27<L FRESH OYSTERS, large select standards from Baltimore, in full measure, sealed, sanitary cans; pint, 3<t. MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE, ponmd, 4f)£. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, 1- pound carton, IJOc*. PURE COCOA, in bulk, pound, 15C. EVAPORATED MILK, Pet. Van Camp's; tali can (dozen cans, $1.05), can, 9<t. CORN, Yankee Baby, Country Gentleman (dozen can3, $1.75). can, 15C. SIFTED PEAS, finest flavor (dozen cans, $1.75), cgn, 15<*. SMOKED WHITE FISH, pound, 35C. SMOKED KIPPERED SALMON, pound, 45d. Remarkable Underselling of Women's Pumps, Strap Pumps and Oxfords Qualities Lucky is the woman who gets a pair of these shoes at $2.95, for there is only a limited selection and they will sell in a hurry. Placed on tables for con venient selections. BLACK SATIN BLACK CALF BLACK SUEDE - PATENT LEATHER BROWN CALFSKIN * Pumps and oxfords in styles of pleasing appearance, durable qualities;* formerly $7.00 to $9.00. Military, baby French, high French and walking heels. Few sizes and widths missing. Cqme in th* morning to "be sure of getting your size. Pair, $2.95. Children's Skuffers at $1.49 Boys’ and girls’ skuffer shoes, of brown calf leather; sturdy construc tion; extension d-| AQ soles I • BASEMENT STORE life" | DOMESTICS AND BEDDINGS No Mail or Phone Orders Vast color apron GINGHAM—AII size blue checks; extra | o special I£C PERCALES—Yard wide, neat droits patterns in light and dark colors (10-yard limit), t r extra special lOC BLACK SATEEN—Yard wide, nicely mercerized ibOC CURTAIN MATERIALS —Yard wide, marquis ette, i scrim, crossbars, etc. (limit 10 yards to a customer); ex- |/ tra special, yard... IDC CURTAIN SCRIM—Yard wide, plain and figured, 2 to 5-yard lengths; n\/ up to 18c qualities f /2C DRAPERY CRETONNES —Yard wide, new spring patterns in medium and dark colors; I Q extra special JLOC SMOKED HAMS, sugar cured, wood smoked, half or whole, on pound JuC LE GARDE SARDINES, 6-ouuce cun, 2 tiC. CALIFORNIA SARDINES, in mustard or tomato sauce; 15- ounce oval can, 25C. RIDGWAY’B TEA, Orange Label; 1 pound, 72<J; Vi pound, 21<L CHEESE, Wisconsin cream, pound, 28Ci brick cheese, pound, 28o> NAVY BEANS, 8 pounds, 25<S RICE, Blue Rose brand, 3 Is, 25ib MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI, Red, White and Blue; 3 pack ages, 25C LI'DWIG PURE EGG NOODLES (dozen boxes, $1.30), box, 11C PREMIER SALAD DRESSING, large bottle, 37<J; small bottU, 18C. BLAC K PEPPER, In bulk, pound 25<t CALIFORNIA PRUNES, pound 25<* SUN-LIT WHEAT CEREAL, an Ideal breakfast food, 8 pounds 19C Women's Comfort Slippers, * $1.59 One-strap models, of black kid leather; low heels, turned soles; a decided saving —Third floor. PLAIN WEAVE CRETONNE Inches wide; rich, dark colors; in floral and bird patterns; ex cellent for comfort coverings, porch fur niture, slips, etc.; limit 16 yards to a ’custo- 191/' mer i L / lA. MUSLIN REMNANTS— Bleached and unbleached, up to 19c qualities; while 400 yards © last, yard lUC HOPE BLEACHED MUSLIN —Yard wide (8- yard limit); © *y\/ extra special.. 1 L /2C WHITE OUTING FLAN NEL—26 inches wide; double fleece, good weight for children's and infants’ wear; limit 10 yards to a customer; ex ySr' 1a1 '.....12 1 /2C FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, country style; no phone orders; -i n pound lOC CORN MEAL, white, made from choicest Indiana corn, 5 pounds 9<i PEANUT BUTTER—Sun - Lit, made at the counter, 2 pounds ...23<* POTATO CHIPS, from our Sun- Lit kitchen, pound ,55<J U-lb 15<j GOLD DUST WASHING POW DER, large box 29 1} LUX, for fine laundering, pack age 10<J CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP CHIPS, large package —. .23<j OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, can lOd ARGO STARCH, 6-pound package 39^ IVORY SOAP, 10 bars 69C WERK'S TAG SOAP, 10 bars ... 69<* CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP (case of 160 bars, $4.10); 10 bars -42 C —Fifth Floor. UNBLEACHED SHEET ING —Mohawk, yards wide (5-yard jo limit) 45C SEAMLESS BLEACHED SHEETS—BIx9O, good heavy quality (limit four to a custo- no mer), special iijC MOHAWK BLEACHED SHEETS—BIx99; extra S. $1.49 HEMMED PILLOW CASES special, © q each lOC BLEACHED SHEET ING—IO-4 width; bet ter than Mohawk; while 200 r q yards last DuC BABY BLANKETS— White with pink or blue stripe border, 45c qual ity ; while o o they last, pair £OC 15