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16 W Wili Help You to Save Safely fcatolnja enD Artist Company PROFESSORS GET THRILL IN BOOK FOR STUDENTS Columbia University Faculty Shocked by Contents of Volume. NEW YORK, March 9.—Staid Columbia Cfllverelty professors today received a ■hock when they opened their copies of the “Black and Blue" book, an anony mous campus publication, and found therein specific Instructions to men stu dent# on how and when to "pet,” how to care for a fraternity brother in an in toxicated condition how to pick “snap” courses and “easy professors," and other information designed to lead tbo student to the “perfect life.” Th# book's editors point out in an in troduction the compendium of Informa tion, if properly digested, will guarantee the success of any man's “college career.” "Petting,” the book says, “Is the most enjoyable intercollegiate sport, with the exception of taking a girl to swimming meet. “Always pet in darkness,” the Instruc tions say, “not so much because of modesty, but of imagination. This also will prevent being caught in an em barrassing clinch if father returns home unexpectedly for the other quart.” Included in “General Instructions” are the following: “Do not drape your arm around a girl’s shoulder, as it makes her neck sore. In a taxicab, this discomfort may be alleviated by holding her in your lap. “The touch, as in typewriting, should be light. Running your fingers through her hair also Is very effective.” The contents of the last page of the fifty-page booklet will be gladly received by Margot Asquith, as Jt upholds her assertion of the failure of prohibition in the United States. It is a blank to be filled in with the proper names and addresses and carried in the male colle gians' bill-fold. It reads like this: "If the bearer is found intoxicated please deliver to “My key is in lower right vest pocket. Third floor front, door to right. 1 Bath room In rear. Collect taxi fare from— In large bed nenr window. Flask in right hip pocket. You are welcome to what’s left.” The entire issue of nine hundred was sold on the campus at 25 cents a copy within five hours after publication. The editors prepared for a reprinting, but Dean Hawkes of Columbia College, learn ing of the plan, ordered the publication “squashed.” Zealous holders of t'-e nine hundred prized copies are exulting over their less fortunate fellow classmen, ADMITS GUILT , SWEARS TO IT WITH PLEASURE Daughter-in-Laic of Former Kaiser Co-respondent in Divorce Suit. BERLIN. March 9.—Former Princess Eltel Friederich, daughter-in-law of the former Kaiser, appeared in the Potsdam court oday as co-respondent in a divorce suit Drought by the Baroness Pletten berg. The Princess confessed she had known the baron intimately for years and that their relations continued after her mar riage to the ex-kaiser's son. The persons in the court were aston ished at the Princess’ frank confession of guilt. The charges were in the form of a legal statement which was handed up to the judge. "Do you swear this statement is true-” asked the court. The Princess laughed as though enjoy ing a joke as she replied: “I swear it is true with the greatest .f pleasure. The court was angered by the levity of the princess and t*.e manner in which sbe treated the charges against her morality. The presiding judge reprimanded her, telling her, her conduct was not com patible with the dignity of the court. A letter was introduced which the princess had written to Baron Pletten berg. In it she said: “You know that I have nothing in com mon with the man to whom I am married, but yon and I have so much to give one another.” Baron Ple'.tenberg was an officer in a guards’ regime"! during the war. Prince Eitel Friedetlch is the second son of the former German emperor. He was married to Prii-ceta Sophia Charlotte, daughter of the Grand Duke Friederich August of Oldenburg, Feb. 27, 1906. Despite her 42 years, the princess is still a woman of great beauty. She has a dashing, vivacious mruner. WAY COUGH AND COUGH AND COUGH? ARE you going to let it .stick and become a chronic condition? Os course not! Not when you know you have a preparation like Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey to loosen it up and so allow Nature to rid you of it. This preparation is second to none | for its soothing, relieving effects, r Coughs, colds and bronchitis, quickly relieved by Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. Keep it on hand. All druggists. 30c. Dr.Beli’%gff Rne-Tar-HonegW and Colds REPAIRED U. S. Army Shoes Field Type, All Sizes FRIDAY and SATURDAYONLY $1 .50 Per Pair Repair department of til© WORTHMORE SHOE CO., Inc. Formerly >l-WAY SHOE CO. 2.51 N. ILLINOIS ST. Just north of Ljrrlo Theater. Mail orders promptly filled; 100 extra. SHANKTOTAKE UP QUESTION OF STREET PAVING Asks Opinion as to Whether Car Company Can Be Forced to Act. FAIR VIEW PARK DEAL UP Declaring there are a number of badly needed street improvements being held up. Mayor Samuel Lewis Shank today announced he has asked Corporation Counsel Taylor E. Gronlnger to find out whether the Indianapolis Street Railway Company is going to pave between car tracks, and whether the city can compel the company to do so. At the same time the mayor asked the corporation counsel to ascertain if the city legally could abrogate its claim that the utility owes it $500,000 in franchise taxes in return for the transfer to the city by the com pany of title to Fairview Park. The track paving question has been a vexatious one to city officials for years. Under the franchise the company was bound to pave between tracks wherever and whenever the city paved the rest of the street. The company, however, did not carry out a number of sfueh improve ments and the board of works in the past five years never has made a serious effort to force it to. FRANCHISE SURRENDER RAI>ES QUESTION. When the company surrendered its franchise last summer th ;re arose a ques tion as to whether the city could con tinue to order paving between tracks. Corporation Counsel Samuel Ashby, ot the Jewett administration, maintained that the city had such a right. Street railway officials said there was considera ble doubt about this and indicated they would rather the public service commis sion pass upon it. The utility men said they thought there might be some fair ness in requiring the company to keep up track paving once it was laid, but they did not believe it right to tax it for the original cost. Mr. Ashby contended that the com pany in falling to pay its annual in stallment of $30,000 on the franchise tax when it was due, allowed the full amount of $.500,000 to become due. The lapse occurt.d some time before the franchise was surrendered, and Mr. Ashby filed a suit in a county court to collect the $500,000. This still is pending. ASKS ADVICE ON FAIRVIEW PARK GIFT. Mayor Shank said he had asked Mr. Groninger, Mrs. Ashby's successor :o de termine whether It would be good policy and legal for tte city to dismiss the suit and accept the gift of Fairview park from the company in payment of the alleged delinquent tax. “Therd's no use in paving these streets where street car tracks are located un less the "acks are paved, too,” said the mayor. ‘The pavements won’t last where the tracks are left open and I don't think we ought to suddie the taxpay ers with the expense when we know It won't last. But there are streets that must be improved. We’ve got to find out right away if the company is gofug to pave between the tracks, and if we find out it won’t, and we can’t force it to pave we might as well face the fact that we have to pay for the paving ourselves and get it over with. I’ve asked Mr. Gronln- i ger to go can ffijiy into the whole mat ter. I don't expect we'll have a de cision for several days, though, because he is very busy with other corporation matters.” The mayor went to Greeneastle to speak to the Klwaais Clui at noon today. Borrowed Bloomers to Pose for Picture , Then Took Nightie A desire to have her picture taken in “those pretty bloomers” caused Frances Starr, negress, to take a pair of bloomers from the room of Mrs. Myrtle Itnglln. negress, 425 North Senate avenue. After the picture had been taken the bloomer* , were returned, but according to testi- j mony in city court today the Starr g ri then took a pink night gown and a corset cover. The corset cover has not been found, but Sergeant Marren saw the girl on In diana avenue yesterday when she was carrying a small bundle and then she saw the policeman she ran. He persued her and the chase ended in a restaurant at 40K Indiana avenue where he recovered the pink nightie. She admitted In court that she took the bloomers to wear when getting her picture taken, and said she was going to buy the night gown “on time.” Judge I’elbcrt O. Wilmeth fined her $1 and costs on the charge of petit larceny. * The Wind-Up A I P Ends Satur of OUR BIG 9MLEi day Night £>; THE BIG DAYS SATURDAY /gSr'-'jkgv Motar, Airplane, I Walk or Driv<j Jjobbin—But COME!! JUt SUGAR, lc POUND SSk ; | A 7 and 12 and 2 and 4 Friday Slpll or Saturday We Will Sell 5-Lb. Box Domino Sugar for One Box to a Customer Regular Flood of Bargains! 100 LADIES’ ALL- ONE RACK DRESS- NEW SPRING SMART NEW WMVi.'-. \ i >/, WOOL SUITS— ES Taffeta Silk, SUITS All-Wool DRESSES—Of Can- WM W 'if* Splendid models, silk | at,n •"* Wo ?' Tweeds. Beautiful ton Crepe, Taffeta T / Serges. Values to and Crepe De Chene. ;|i '. t / lined. Values to S4O, S2O. Sizes to 40. styles. Up to sls. jjp to S3O, 'fpf / s lS= *s= *ls= SIMP / Everything Goes—Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses Included £ Ladies’ knit Union Suits up to SI.OO 39£ Ladles’ silk lisle Hose up to 76c 39£ # $1.50 Sateen Bloomers, elastic cuff and waist..79£ Fancy Coverall Aprons, 200 In the lot ..79^ sTfy m 100 Wash Waists and Middies up to $2.00... .49<> 50 all wool Street Skirts up to $5.00 $1.48 * w dozen Notaseme, pure silk, guaranteed Ladies’black sateen Coverall Aprons $1.89 jra! / Hose, $1.50 quality $1.19 Silk crepe de chene Envelopes, fancy lace j Fancy wool Sweaters up to $6.00 $3.85 tops $1.98 r 1 WINTER COATS AND FURS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Plenty Parking FJ Space. If ■ m RpSf H ■ If ■■ 9 Saturday Night No Time Limit. g g lik wf ||| Until 9 p.m. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS sjn |N !' ililjk The show man had a good audience at the school house in the Calf Rlbe neighborhood Wednesday night. Sid Hocks had the honor and distinction of being the first one to ask him where he went from here. * * • Columbus Allsop had the misfortune this week to lose his thls-year's almanac, which was accidentally torn up by a puppy, and the future now is a blank to him. • * * Atlas Peck says when a married man gets to acting sleety around the girls his wife turns on the damper by calling attention to the fact that he is getting entirely too old for any such foolishness. STOMACH Ls, TROUBLE \ When yon have so called Stomach yJEjStSk Trouble there Is a /*'aS3a nerve pressure at the V place in the spine ln t |IF dieated by the arrow. I Ml Let me release the pressure tnd thereby |4— -SK Remove the cause of your stomach trouble. I have feMr done It for others, j 'S why not for you? j A TESTIMONIAL. Indianapolis, Ind. I suffered with stomach trouble for several year* and got so that there were very few things that I could eat without causing distress. I had what is commonly called heartburn after most every meul. One of the best diaguos- * tielans told me that my kid neys were in a bud condition. I received no help for these conditions from tlie methods usually used in such cases and was getting worse, when a member of my family who had taken Chiropractic adjustments from Win. Ellery, 1). C., ad vised mo to try wlnit Chiro practic would do for me. I have gotten such good re sults that 1 want to say a good word for a science that will do so much in such a short time and 1 want to pass the good word along to those who need Chiropractic adjustments and who may not realize how much good these adjustments will do them. CLARENCE HEADLEY, Indianapolis, Ind. (Address may be had upon request.) CHIROPRACTOR 904 Odd Fellow Bldg. Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.i 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 F. M. Sunday and other hours by appointment. Office Tel., Main 6941. Residence Tel., Randolph 7717. No Charge for Consultation STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE and DELAWARE STREET INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 9,1922. INGERSOLL WATCHES All Models now at a /fJ discount of ■■ “ # -VONNEGUrS— -120-124 E. Washington St. ' |j^ CJOHE&NTIN&aCQ Clothing and Men’s Furnishings Announcing New Spring Arrivals in Soft Hats SOU’LL get a sense of fresh crispness in your appearance, of STYLE, of looking and feeling fit. These New Hats Are True to the Valentine Mark of Quality Featured this season are the low crowns, in a selection of colors to fit every man’s preference. $6, $7 and $8.50 CMVaDENTINB&CQ 15 North Pennsylvania St. Supply Your Kitchen Needs At Lilly’s j\ We are offering special a 6-lb. Electric Iron that is guaranteed, AQ J* j j for onl y Also a big value In an Klectric Toast,-r qq “Wear-Ever” Aluminum * Cleaner cleans aluminum / gl***^v so easily you will not want to be without it; a LILLY HARDWARE COMPANY EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE 114-118 East Washington Street Progress Laundrv Really good photo s graphic portraits not only AmrtlA portray you feature#. bnt —what is mors lm i portant—they reflect your character. Ninth Floor, Kahn Building P Easy to Play Easy to Pay — Qolbraats* Trad* Mark Playe^^P^ruf The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street Beautify Your Home Spring house cleaning and decorating sea son is nearly here. Arrange to have that picture framed and ready to hang. See our different designs from which to make your selection. Variety of Luster Glass and Pottery in unique and graceful shapes on display. Candlesticks, Our Reasonable mirrors and other art novelties too numerous Prices Will to mention that will help put the finishing Please You. touch to your home. The Store of Courteous Service ERS • 223-225 East Ohio Street 50,000 Indiana Miners May Strike in the Face of these Facts We are Glad to Announce This Wonderful Price Pocahontas Coal $7.00 With a shortage of coal this Is a remarkable price on Pocahontas Mine Run. One of our operators reduced his price on February 3d and the other on February BQj. We have just commenced to receive this coal. There is a rumor that this cut will not be general and the old price 60on restored, but while it endures we will quote you this price on CHILTON POCAHONTAS and Red Ash. We handle no other, and there are no better operators In West Virginia. We have sold CHILTON POCAHONTAS and can assure the trade there is no better Pocahontas mined. St. Clair Coal and Feed Cos. 831 EAST ST. CLAIR STREET Frank Goodridge, Mgr. Cl rcle 4784. AUTO PAINTING ZERKLE PAINT CO. 30 Years l’aiutera. We own our plant: guarantee work and save you 30%. Ask us. THERE'S A REASON. DRexel 4455 until 9 p. m., also Sun day. 1517 Kelly Street. Fish-Fish-Fish Follow the Crowds to the— | WILLIS STORE 337 EAST MARKET STREET BETWEEN ALABAMA AND NEW JERSEY STS. CARLOAD SALE NOW GOING ON Fancy Round Tulibee (White Fish) <gg|| %to I Found Each, g| M Fancy Round Lake Pickerel ... . \ || || IS. Fancy Round W. C. Mullets #.. . I H 11 Dressed Lake Superior Bluefios . . J 10,000 Pounds ol Win Caught, Round 1 Yellow Pike* (1 to 2*/2 Lbs. Average) . / On This Sale We Do Not Deliver or Ch i. Fish WILLIS Fish and Oyster Cos. 337 EAST MARKET STREET Opening SOON—IN DAYLIGHT BASEMENT OF MERCHANTS BANK BLDG. Thrift Shoe Store “The Biggest Value Shoe Store in Indianapolis* 9 Defer Your Shoe Buying for a Few Days. It >vYll Pay You! TS7jj.f-,p>T-| for important announce- W aLLII ment in this newspaper! WETOGRAPH Secret Writing System Invariable for lovers and for keeping recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other information safe and private. No stranger can read your postala If you use the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don't miss It. Sent 10c and we will send the Weto Graph by mall with full Instructions Address PENN PUB LISHING CO., Blairsville. Pa. ■#iifilate Washington and Delaware. Bpeclal Purchase and Sale of 1,000 Heavy Turkish Towels Size 22x42; full bleached and hemmed ends Motor Fans Rest § Your f Bones • Auto Show Visitors Welcome to “Come in and Set’’ at the Booth of the Hoosier Motor Club —in Northwest Corner of Auto Show Building. Comfy Chairs, Free Phone, Free Information, Headquarters Hoosier State Auto. Assn, and the A. A, A. See the Safety Signs our Members are Paying for to Aid All Motorists and to Make Motoring Safer. You should wish to come in with us and help our civic work. At any rate, come in and rest a bit, any time, during the show. Hoosier Motor Club Main Office Claypool Hotel. A GOOD BUY A 6-LB. LAUNDRY IRON THERMAX Sturdy and Dependable Heat-Proof Reversible Spring Stand, Complete with 6 foot cord $4.95 NOW REGULAR PRICE $6.75 MERCHANTS HEAT & LIGHT CO. C. O’B. Murphy, Gen. Mgr. THE DAYLIGHT CORNER. The Best Watches^ ON REFINED CREDIT PLAN Small payment down: then every week. f When yon boy at OUR STORE you are absolutely sure I of getting the beet poe '*!gr slble value for your money. Yon may know thtre are styles for f Ta. ladies and gentlemen IM'A —engraved and plain designs. You may j& j, YJm know the watches are m TvVjf booked by the makers and by us! You may know a better value can not be secured. Gray, Gribben & Gray Corner Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. ~' We Trust Anyone Who Works • TRY A WANT AD IN TIIE TIMES.