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LOCAL STUDENTS COMPLETE WORK Fir /From This City Get Ad vanced Degrees. Special to The Times;. BLOOMINGTON, Inl„ March Among the ninety-six students of Indi ana University who are carrying on re search work In the field of science and iterature and who will receive advanced Jegrees on completion of their studies In :he graduate school of the State univer sity are the following Indianapolis stu ieuts: Ruth Wetter, _\. M.: Mari k Car eer Mills, economics and sociology, A. \f.; Mary Margaret Dougherty, Spanish, A. XL; Glen Arthur Blackburn, history, A. M.; and Mrs. Anna Lila Dickey, Eng lish, A. M. $} One hundred fifly thousand volumes written in every civilized language and eoyering every eonceivaile subject, to gether with four hundred current period icals, provide reading material and text book work for the Indianapolis students ind their associates in advanced study. -Special laboratory apparatus is also pro vided and original problems in science, ire worked out from time to time, the results of which are published in na tional magazines and in university bulle tins that are circulated among scholars, .ducators, libraries and universities throughout the world. A recently pub lished li\t shows more than 1.700 such treatises and books have been written by graduate students and faculty members >f Indiana University, since 19(M. U. S. REFUSAL GIVES GENOA PARLEY CHILL (Continued From Page One.) Europe's petty bickering and quarreling. Europe jumped too fast, official said, to the idea that “America is in again iust because she promoted and took a leading part in the world armament con ference in Washington." DISAPPOINTMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN LONDON, March 9.—Keen disappoint ment W3S expressed in official circles to day over the refusal of the United States to participate actively in the interna tional economic conference at Genoa next month. The attitude of the United States was nor completely unexpected, however. .Premier Lloyd George is hope ful the American Government will find it possible to approve some of the de cisions of the conference. Downing street officials expressed sur prise over the reasons given by the Amer ican State Department for not partici nating in the conference. They declared 'he conference had been called to adjast -onditions of which the United Statea omplained. It was denied there was any political significance to the meeting. For the time being foreign affairs are overshadowing the political crisis result ing fro mthe conflict between Premier Lloyd George and the Tory "die hards’’ in the coalition party. The premier's health has improved and he is attending to his ofTicial duties. "We are not surprised at the refusal .f America to participate in the confer ence,” it was stated at the British foreign ifHee. The Genoa conference will be held iceording to plans and It is hoped Amer .•a will send observers.” So serious has the Indian situation be •ome that the Cabinet decided to take It up today instead of waiting until to morrow. The political unrest in India is regarded as Vrttical and the Premier is anxious to unite bis colleagues upon a settlement policy at the earliest possible moment. While the Irish Free State act, officially ' establishing the new Irish s:ate has passed tfce House of Commons upon third ind final reading, it is understood the' morales In the House of Lords intend to put up a fight against it. This will Ih> more for display than any other rea son, as passage of commons makes the I.tlx effective. RUSSIANS BUILD UP GREAT HOPES MOSCOW, March 9—All classes in Russia, except the great mass of Ignorant peasantry, look forward to the Genoa con ference as the first step toward reunion with the outside world. Merchants, college professors, army men, newspapermen—all see in the con clave approaching release from the isola tion which has been imposed upon this country To official Russia —the Kremlin and the ■’ommunist party about three hundred Uou.-and strong—Genoa achieve- We Want Motor Car Salesmen Monroe Motor Cars $875 In the inauguration of the new Monroe sales plan—from the factory to the owner—we want salesmen to direct In tensively small units of territories —men who can represent ns in supervising the service stations which, through the rendering of perfect service on Monroe cars, will be the big force in the sale of Monroes. Our sales plan eliminates the distributer and the dealer, with the big commissions and expenses which go with those men. Salesmen and service station men desiring to associate themselves with us should write. See the Monroe The Auto Show Our Retail Branch Fair Grounds Capitol Ave. and North St. In the Lobby of English’s Hotel Monroe Automobile Cos. 31-37 W. Eleventh Street, Indianapolis. Ifi ‘ • • - | •.>* A FLOCK OF FtfRDS ~u \ LANG OF MFN ALWAYS ON THE 'JOB. Iwf Hayes Bros. . v *.V--PLUHBIH%*EArirN'G ANO VfNTILATINu TfMC TORS ' MAIN 2493 AUFO 27-405 . ment of a long cherished ambition, offi cial recognition by the -orld at large. It means an opportunlt to lay a real foundation of governmer It Is a mixed blessing, because it mtiiis abandonment, for the time being at least, of the great Idea of world revolution and a return to the principle of nationalism. The rest of Russia w,’l benefit more than the politicians. “It will at least give us some idea as to what to expect,’’ a merchant said. “Genoa will show us whether com merce with the rest of the world may be expected on r. large scale immediately.'’ “It is the beginning, I think, of better times,” a college professor and former social revolutionary, said. “It is true ob taining credits will give the Communist administration anew lease on life. But better a Communist administration for a few years with a return as they are to day. ’’ “It will mean the selling of our country to foreigners,” a former cadet remarked bitterly, “but there is not enough capital in Russia, so I do not see what else can tie done. It hurts, but we must hare out side help.” “A change In our government will follow the Genoa conference,’ said a newspaper man. “The allies will insist upon inclusion of a strong non Commun ist element in the administration.” “It cannot be worse." a barber said, and the aged drot.ichsky driver outside cracked his whip and echoed the senti ment. adding one of his own: “Nichevo nye znayou” (I know nothing whatever about it). andL Bronchial Troulsle Ju*t Apply This Paste and the Hairs Will Vanish (Boudoir Secrets) The judicious use of a delatone paste insures any woman a clear, hairless skin. To prepare the paste, mix a little of the powdered delatone with some water, then apply to the objectionable hairs for tw o or three minutes. When the paste is re moved, and the skin washed, every l: ,ce of hair will have vanished. No pain attends the use of the delatone and it will not mar the most sensi tive skin, but to insure results, see that you get real delatone.—Adver tisement Why March is Most Dangerous __ March is the Bon is more than yst em s can land. Too oft n it is true that ie sick nly till spring.'* ;m Is fortified, re driven from ues fed with wholesome and strength - giving food medicine, there is no danger in the change of seasons. Father John’s Medicine is invaluable as a tonic in the spring. It strengthens the system and drives out the poison ous waste matter—builds up the body. It is this power that has made it so successful in treating colds and throat troubles. No weakening stim ulants, morphine or other dangerous drugs.—Advertisement. TIIREE EVILS ARE NAMED. DETROIT* March 9. —Liquor, the red light district and gambling are the three evils er, ngering Detroit homes and INDIA Cord Tires MM. '2, \ jjfe c M 1 ■Bgyn , |*| pSyrki.- • •'•*Li I IP&iFK ypgs;. 5iC 111--, x Jfi * ilSp t Pf - -- r ii iffe Hjfl|H wmW ■■■ wfwit" >Wy vP A-' I " '-/| / •Quality Considered, We Sell It for Less* OPEN BATURDAY EVENING TILL t O'CLOCK. CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY WHOLESALE CO RETAIL PEARL C. BARNES, Mgr. Homer E. Enlow, Asst. Mgr. Mass. Ave. at Delaware and New York Sts. MAIN 4168 “’The Economy Spot of yXSpecial for Affip INDIANA ( SH? j IX DRYGOODS STOREV 3,w 50 °/£ || 306 E. Washington. Just East of Court House „| M f Friday Bargain Day | rr Katra ftpeclal* throughout the SR ■ store. Only a few itom* from ■ A our many bargain tallies ran be B B mentlonrd hero- It's a pleasure tgk ■ to shop h**r#-—where everything 2® H Is so plainly <li*playe| and V B plainly marked at saving prices. 1 OUR GUARANTEE | & Any purr-ha*,* j ju make her* that 1. not cnlircly :ittnfao* jry V B when you get it home, plerute HA jm brine it bark In good con- H W dition and we will cheerfully B £ refund yonr money for itmn. §!? You are not required to take jff due bill. here. We want you I Ms for a eutlhtled customer and H anythin* that doe. not Hiitl.fy B M you doet, not satisfy ns. K fi FRIDAY SALE ijtV'New Spring ft SILK DRESSES Madam, if you want to have an in expensive. good looking spring dress of silk taffeia, then see these v?e are offering special at 510. They were intended to be sold fur sls. A limited number of these while they last Fri day. Don’t fail to see them. MOTION SPECIALS 1 card dress snaps 3<F 3 cards safety pins lO^ 1 card DeLong pins 3 hair nets for lO^ Darning cotton 3<p 300 count pins, 3 pkgs f0r...10<! Package of ten hair pins 3 spools basting cotton 10£ *. ...I—-—■—■ < INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922. threatening to ruin the young men and women of this city, the Rec. H. C. Gleiss, general superintendent of the Detroit Baptist Union, told members of the Fed We wish to announce we are the Marion County Dis tributors on INDIA TIRES. INDIA has never been quite satisfied with making a tire that merely runs out the standard guarantee of 8,000 miles—but have always used the very finest ma terials the market affords and that is why INDIA TIRES average over 15,000 MILES. You’ll marvel at the wearing qualities of INDIA CORDS and wonder how anybody can build a tire which will stand so much abuse and give such unerring service. Undoubtedly if you ask any user of INDIAS he will in stantly suggest that you equip your car with them, for they have proven to him they are the best made. Other manufacturers try in vain to produce a tire that will equal INDIA for service. It is simply impossible unless you get INDIAS. The value of a tire is not alone what you pay to buy, but what you get in SERVICE. The treacherous kind of economy is that wherein the saving is secured .through the price tag. The worth while kind of economy is that wherein the saving is secured through the value of the service a product renders. Remember, we can buy tires and sell at less than we pay for INDIAS—but it is simply impossible to make any truthful statements as to any satisfactory service. We are not interested in merely selling tires, but you wart service, and if you’ll buy INDIAS we pledge our word you’ll be more than satisfied. INDIA CORDS priced reasonable. Let us show you INDIAS. Distributors for Marion County EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY IS, GINGHAM 1 Anw shipment of line dreM ginghams Jnat re- I gp |8 eelved and offered extra special tomorrow at 15e 81£|> \SLm yd. Neat checks and broken bar effect*, also stripes. A limit of 10 yards t* any one customer. Staple Apron Check Ginghams at 1A n A special big lot for Friday in 2to 10-yard lengths. All I IBS piled out on big bargain table. Buy as much as you want ■■ while it lasts at 10c yard. Royal, 0. N. T. and R. M. C. Cotton A large table of these well known thread*. A special lot of 'la _ odd numbers for quick sale. Practically all color*. $1.49 Bleached Seamless Sheets sl.lO Kxtra large, 81x90inches. Hemmed ready for use. Just 120 of these sheets for Friday selling. No more than 3 to dn one customer. Ladies' $1.50 Sateen Petticoats AQ n High luster sateen of extra good quality In various dark colors. Have deop fancy accordion pleated flounce. Better VVW than you ever bought for 9Sc. Pretty Embroidered Table Scarfs /SQ Long dresser scarfs, square and round table scarfs of Mrsi , white and tan llnene with fancy embroidered deslgus. See S wr this special table display Friday. Over 300 pieces. Sale of 50c Silk Boudoir Caps QQ-, Beautiful boudoir caps of various color silk and lace com blnatlons. Five dozen of regular 50c ones on a table Fri- ww day at 39c. LADIES’ PATENT “SHIMMY” /\q pumps 3)1.35 Smart patent shimmy pumps and one eyelet ties. Neat vamps and turned soles. Covered or leather heels. All sizes. MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S d*l AQ SHOES. SPECIAL 3)1.35 The $3.50 kind of shoes for the young miss and the youngsters. Lace and button style. Brown or black. School or dress shoes. Sizes up to 2. Our cut price, $1.98 a pair. WOMEN’S WALKING An OXFORDS. SPECIAL JpI.JJO Many neat styles of these walking oxfords. Have military rubber j heels. *ln most stores tie price would be $4. Save the difference here. I BOYS’DRESS SHOES. (f** SPECIAL iI.SO I Neat black blucber style for dress wear and will also stand rough wear. Sewed and nailed genuine leather soles. Sizes to 6. MEN’S WORK SHOES. <t>-j no SPECIAL 3)1.70 I The genuine Scout Elk hide. Made on a comfortable last. Strong j sewed bottom. Every pair guaranteed. Save at least SI.OO a pair. LADIES’PATENT JAZZ AO i OXFORDS.... 3)1.35 Fit good, smart looking and made of fine quality patent leather. ' Low, broad walking rubber heels. Many stores would sell them for | $4 and $5. |Entrance to Grocery, Center of Store| eration of Women’s Clubs in urging them to help in arousing public sentiment and in giving every support to the police and Federal officers. Continuing the Sale of SUITS at $34.75 Friday Value Features f Plaited Prunella and Tailored Tweed SKIRTS Mi SIS' SALE jHtty Values IlmA PRICE im to $8.95 !fP!A JBi Opportunities like this are really exceptional. The ii skirt section, noted for its remarkable sales from time to jtg I / \ time, affords you another value-giving event. The ira- \T\T i 1 \ i portant fact is that the skirts are all new, in the smart- \ 1 U /I \ I est spring models. The styling is splendid and tailored \\ with unusual eare. Developed in the new spring shades, ]l wt in various sport colorings, plaid and striped patterns and pj M attractive combinations; sizes 26 to 34 waistbands. o' Silk Petticoats, $^.95 Former values up to $lO. Regular and exta sizes. TAFFETAS, SATINS, MILANESE. JERSEYS. Tailored and pleated flounces. Every attractive color combi nation, including black and navy. Negligees, s 5 Former value to $25. Ten pieces in the lot, slightly soiled through window dis play. PAJAMA SUITS. BREAK FAST COATS, NEG LIGEES. In crepe de chine and satin; while they last, at f 5.00. i- Marott's Economy Department REMARKABLE SHOE H| VALUES New arrivals that represent the utmost in style, service and econ \| / \ Women’s Oxfords yf lb 1 J Black kid, brown calf, with wing or 4 • punched tips, ball straps and plain ® altßrns ’ and Cuban heels— M Women’s Women’s Strap BOOTS Patterns A wide selection Os black Frown calf, one strap, buckle kid, brown kid and comblna- rS tlon two tones, specially tips, military und Cuban heelsj $295 7pS s3^s Men’s Shoes Combining Style and Economy OXFORDS Medium toe, English and - straight, last patterns, brown Hj .95 calf, black kid and calfskin stock, Goodyear welted soles. HIGH SHOES ] Same patterns and materials as $ / 5.9S above in high shoes at— *•* wwbw ’welts . TKT v aas .... £i . , East Washirbgtorv St. I 21-23 North Illinois Street TAILORED BLOUSES Former Value* to $7.50 SO-75 In heavy crepe de chine and satin, white and flesh color, splendidly tailored collars and cuffs; some slightly counter soiled. Friday Special, at $3’75. NewSpring Dresses Arriving Dally, Silk Camisoles, 98c Former value $1.50. Satin and crepe da chine, In flesh and white, bodice topß, daintily lace trimmed. For Friday, at 98<t. Japaaese Crepe Kimonos, Special value. Breakfast coats atad kimonos, beautifully embroidered, in floral designs; shown in long and short effects. In ail sizes. 3