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J. F. WILD & CO. BUILDING COST PUT AT $850,000 Contract for 12-Story Struc ture Let to Bedford Con struction Company. The contract for the new twelve-story bank and office building to be erected by I. F. Wild & Cos., 123 East Mar ket street, has been let to the Bedford Stone and Construction Company of this city, according to an announcement made by officials of the bank. Although exact figures as to the amount of the bid of the successful company were net given out. Fermer Cannon, ar chitect of the building, said he believes the building, when completed and equipped, will cost approximately $850,, 000. Work on the new building will be be gun within ten days. Mr. Cannon said, and he added that unless unforseen cir cumstances arise, it will be ready for occupancy by next Christmas. MSB BIDOERS ON CONSTRI CTION'. Nine bids for the general construction work were received. Bidders other than Ihe Bfdford Stone and Construction Com pany were: J. B. Goodall and Sons, Peru, Ind.; Seidon-Breck Construction Company, W. M. Sutherland Building and Construction Company, and the Gamble Construction Company, all of St. J. Mo.; William Schumacher Com pany, William P. Jungclaus Company, Cornell Engineering Company and Con ner and Culbertson, all of Indianapolis. The outstanding feature of the con struction will be that the new building will be erected on the very spot now occupied by the bank without necessitat ing any change in bank quarters. In other words the building will be built around the business without disturbing it. The banking business will be carried on in the west side of the present build ing while the east side is wrecked and temporary walls erected. When the east one-third of the building has been com pleted to the second story the bank mil move into it and then the west side will be wrecked. According to Mr. Cannon, the build- fiidwnkadwr iw&m.'in' iHLSi? (ZD.w* The one conspicuous success at the Indianapolis Show! President Repeats U. S. Must Celebrate Liberty's Birthday WASHINGTON, March 9.—Occasion again has been taken at the White House to indicate President Harding’s lively in terest in the sesqul-centennial project to be held in Philadelphia in 1926. The President wishes the country and Con gress to know it is his very enthusiastic opiulon the United States Government should take cognizance of the 150th an niversary of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Mr. Harding is not con cerned at the moment with the form of Federal participation and support of the sesqui-centennial project* That is a de tail which he thinks safely may be left “to be worked out.” What the President wishes to emphasize, and did emphasize, is the sesqui-centennial of the birth of American liberty is an important land mark in the history of the Republic and merits commensurate commemoration. — Copyright, 1922, by Public Ledger Com pany. ing will be modern and np-to-date in every particular and the banking depart ment will contain many unusual and at tractive features. The building will oc cupy a space 65xS0 feet and will be fin ished on three sides with Bedford sand stone. The barking room proper wilt con tain six terracotta columns decorated in arabesque ornament. The pavement will be of marble. There will be no glass screens in the bank. All cages will have bronze wicket windows, and the teller occupying the cage will see only the customer directly in front of him, and will not be de tracted by seeing all over the room. This is a radical departure in bank architec ture. The president's room will have the side walls paneled from floor to ceiling and he finish will be English oak. A large fireplace will add to the attractiveness of the room. WOMEN’S ROOM OF COLONIAL DESIGN. Special attention has been given to the women's room, which will be located on the first floor. 2s will be colonial in design and equipment, even the furni ture being of this type. The bond department of the bank will be located on she second floor and the savings department lock bojes and vaults will be in the basement. Two Success! It was instantaneous! From the moment the doors of the Indianapolis Show opened the larg est crowd has always been found around the Rickenbacker exhibit. This car has taken Indianapolis by storm. Probably never before has a motor car created such genuine interest. This Six was pronounced by many of the industry’s leading engineers as being the biggest step forward in motor car design in years. And why not ? Who knows motors better than Capt. E. V. Ricken backer. What’s more, associated with Capt. Rickenbacker are some of the in dustry’s leading figures—Everitt, Flanders, Hood, Cunningham, Tichenor, Evans, Drumpelmann, Miller—all men who individually have held first-line positions in the industry! Such a group of men know how to produce a real value. They know motor car designs; they know the very best production practice. The Rickenbacker is the sweetest running motor you ever sat behind. *1485 5-Passenger Phaeton special bank elevators, one for passen gers, will run from the second floor to the basement. In the safety deposit department the table tops will be of heavy structural glass which will give a clear view all One ride will convince you of that! For sheer motor performance this new Six is destined to establish new standards. For soft, smooth-as-silk, noiseless, flexible operation, this car has as tonished the veterans of the in dustry. You can start it on high (just as easily as on low) and away she whirls with the speed of a high powered aeroplane. Take her right down to two miles an hour. Slip her up to 25—30—35 —40—45—50—55—60—65 miles per hour! At 65 miles per hour she rides as smoothly as at 25! Mind you there are fundamental reason for all this. New engineer ing principles. Look over and be shown. Another thing! What is the ele ment that causes a car to wear? Friction! And friction comes from vibration. Up to date every car built has some bad period of vibra tion. Some at 25 miles per hour— slßßs 4-Passenger Coupe Price P. O. B. Factory plut war tax J. G. Wilmoth Company 1001 North Meridian Street Circle 4948 Rickenbacker Motor Company, Detroit, Micigan He beat the train to the crossing • a good many times “It’s never touched me yet,” he explained when they pointed out the risks. That's the answer a good many people make when they hear that the drug element in tea and coffee often harms nerves and health. They say it’s never touched them yet. Sometime's they only think it hasn’t. Wakeful nights, drowsy days, headaches that keep com- •*' ¥wQ&S2*o&r e*h=^ ®wz ?“■■-• INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922. the way to ths floor, making It asy for the customer to detect any papers or other things that may drop to the floor. The bookkeeping department will re ceive special accoustlcal treatment so when the calculating machines are In ing more fre quently—often are blamed on bad luck when the blame be longs on bad Postum for Health “There’s a Reason” Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. others at 80—others at 85, etc. But not with the Rickenbacker. This car has no period of vibration. Os no other car can this statement be made—regardless of price. You’ll want to see the unusual frame—unusually strong and un usually light. The easy riding of this car have astonished e j one. This is without question the smoothest riding car that has ever been produced. The body lines are very snappy. In fact it’s one of the smartest cars on the American or European mar ket today. Quality considered, the Ricken backer is the lowest priced fine car ever offered. But see it yourself. The car will tell its own story. Complete line of phaetons, closed cars, and polished chassis at the Automobile Show. *1985 5-Passenger Sedan operation the place will not sound like a boiler shop. The top Door of the building also will be used by the bank and will ontaln a large auditorium, conference rooms and coat rooms. judgment In taking needless chances with harm. Over on the safe side is Postum, a pure cereal beverage, delicious and satisfying con taining nothing that can harm nerves or digestion. Thousands who used to try their luck with tea or coffee are enthusiastic over having found safety and satis faction in Postum. It’s worth your while to make the test with Postum for ten days. Postum is a delightful drink for any member of the family, at any meal. Your jrocor Km both forma of Poatum: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in ths cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meat is being prepared) made by boillngfor 20 minutes. Y° u Can Shop jj§ m I 1 Chamoi* l w m I Jlf \ Suede Gloves ■ 1 L CngClCy 5 * I 48c i ’’fciffik £JSS'SKsSir - ' g Suede Gloves in almost el- H S® n r n . „ | bow length—slightly soiled s I • No Phone, Mail g K“S^^ Ia i 80U I I I or C. O. D. 1 -strect floor - 1 Q f ii'!ll!ffliifll(]liilllilin[ili!l!inillli!n!S!liiiiiiiil!lii!!l!!!Hi!lHi!l!!li]!!!n!in!inilDillliiii Hj 1 Oxfords and jt. For You—a Hat! § Satin Pumps | i A SPRINGS I 1 jH s§ A m if Broken lots of Tan Calf §§ Ifp § g g Oxfords, and Satin one and jg Bl gj g B two-strap Pdmps, and a host gs R 9 Is W HV A . -rfiriW—C-- m I of other styles too many to '==■ ■ If a tT T ii tell—Friday Pop j % Specials in 1 S tdd fifi ,47 l 1 1 Women’s HOSE I ’ Hi \/ | 1 Silk Hose, 69c K§9 —■= i J IB Silk and Fiber Hose in fg EttN V / | |j black, cordovan, tan, gray 8 —• S 1 E and navy blue; seconds of H SNeW Styles t Ip aver - v Sood manufacture. jj Fashion’s New Shade,! I I Cotton Hose, 14c § BIWX g H Goad quality Cotton Hose g In Horsehair Braid, Milan Hemp and § 1 In black only with mock J ' Llsere Straw, and some silk and straw g§ g seam. I cloth combinations! With crepe facings I | Fiber Silk Hose, 48c I Kara In becoming colors and all perkily g g , . , • ... a . trimmed with fruit and flowers! Just a g j§ Black a . nd cora ° vaa wlth 'm host of shapes and shades! g fj IODS s e tops _stre>t floor. S Slii&MMuniß —Second floor. g § UJUllllUlllUlllLlMlillllllMlllUlilllllllllLlllllllllllLllllllllllllllllllWlllllllllllll| l |llllll 111 111111111111111111111 lllllllllilll 1111111111111 l 1 IIIIIIIH 111 lif China and Glassware WATER SETS 72c Regnlarly $1.28 These sets are wonderfully de signed in colonial pattern the optic effect; a one-gallon pitcher and six tumblers to match! Seven-Piece Berry Sets, 69c Rock crystal design In polished pressed glass. sl.lO Combinets, 84c Regular size in gray stoneware, complete with bail and cover. $8.75 Dinner Sets, $6.48 42 pieces; a service for six, with decoration of blue and gold lines on best selected semi-porcelain. This pattern may also be had in 50 pieces for $8.98. Special price for Friday only I —Basement. nui!iiiCi!iiniii!fl!n!!iiiiiHir!3iiiffi3nßii!;inißiifnffln!iHiiniiH!i{ai!iDii, f ii?!ninjii!ii p p | Men’s $1.50 | I Union Suits § 95c | I® A small lot of slightly g soiled winter weight Union g Suits, in ecru and gray. —Street floor. g PETTIS DRYGOODS CO. ™ E Y ORK fl TO RE EST. 1833. STOP MUTISM WITH RED PEPPER When you nro suffering with rheuma tism so you can hardly get around Just try Red Pepper Hub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. .Tust as soon as you apply Hed Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion— and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Howies Bed Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lum bago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds In chest. Almost Instant relief awaits you. Be, sure to get the genuine, with the name Howies on each package.—Advertisement. BULGARIAN BLOOD TEA Assists Nature to GENTLY MOVE THE BOWELS SWEETEN THE STOMACH FLUSH THE KIDNEYS TO KILL THAT COLD Take it steaming hot at bedtime. Sold by druggists.—Advertisement. Women’s Vest* 19c Gauze Vests with beaded tops in sizes 36 to 38 only. J ust a small lot. —Street floor. Children’s Stockings lOc lUbbed Stockings for the kiddie. Broken sizes and black only. —Street floor. Hi'".' ; 1 , Men’s SOCKS 15c a Pair 7 Pairs for SI.OO Double soles, reinforced heels and toes, etc., in black, brown, gray and white. —Street floor. MWMBWIIWWWIM Boys’ Suits With Two Pairs Knickers!! J||||| $6.9 51 The Usual $8.50 Values! Coats have yoke backs and belts and the Iwltif'Jfii trousers are full lined. Made of splendid qual- jsS^yßß ity, dark heather mixed cassimere. In sizes _8 pltSaW to 17 years. And two pairs of trousers to In- 'S'M sure serviceability! BBBBUIIHWBBIIIIMWWBBIMWMIIIIIIWHIB^BWffiBanMIIIBII!MinBiIiaiIiriiBiii<a!i , Ln!{!t^IISB'~TX-W—a_l PM UN IAUt TCHEDIADLY Also On Neck. Very Pain ful. Cuticura Heals. “ For some time I was bothered with pimp' js on my face and neck. §They were very painful and itched so badly at times that I could not get my rest at night. I could not wear anything close around my neck, and af ter about a week the pim ples festered and became inflamed. "I read an advertisement for Cuti ctn.* Soap and Ointment and aent for a free sample. I purchased more an .’ within two weeks I was com pletely healed.” (Signed) Miss Syl via Hooper, 817 Fulton St., Jeffer sonville, Ind., July 23, 1921. Improve your akin by daily use of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. SAmpfc Stab Ttm by Mall Addrwai "Oatlnra Lab •r.aertw, , Icaldaa ♦. Ibu" Sold tvrry wbjjjnjioap 2Sc. 28 and 50* Talcum 26c 9NT*Cuticura Soap aba.—■ TRY A WANT AD IN THE TIMES LACES I 3c Yard i Yards and yards of tor- | chon, filet crochet and Val- | enciennes laces, 1 to 2 Inches | wide. —Street floor. i Shopping Bags \ 25c Caratol leather with two ; handles. —Street fiooST. lli!ll!!iniiiSiiinC!D!llllllit!l!!lin!i!!HinUllß]lllflin2inilOßiffi^ Jewelry Specials j 98c Spanish Combs, 59c f Different styles, mounted | with brilliant white stones. | Crystal Beads, 25c | Graduated styles and tas- | sel combination In many col- f ors—regularly 4Sc to C9c. —Street floor. | ||imi!Ilffl8ll8i!II!CIIBI91HI!1!nnin!i[I!i'l!!1!l!{!n]!linilflniR^mBS MASTIHS to get the Original and genuine YEAST VITAMON TABLETS IMMK& * “'C/fIARRHAL JELLY is guaranteed by 30 years V rt service to millions of Americans. Kondon’s works wonders for your cold, snc./ing, cough, chronic catarrh, head- ache, sore nose ' etc 20 Trealme^^^^^ (la oo receipt •i your asmo have •ad addreM sEk it KONDON NUoaeapslis, Minn. 5