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12 Well-Balanced Living 9 °% 10% expenses saving Try this plan with the aid of an Interest Paying Account at this bank. You can open an account with one dollar i jflctcljer §?a'tmtgs anti Crust Company Manor Shank to be Guest • ~ x. of Yankee Circus Today Newsboys of City Are Entertained by Clowns and Other Artists. Today was Mayor’s day at the Ameri can Legion Yankee Circus In the State fdlrground coliseum. Although Mayor Shank formally opened the circus with a speech and act ed as ringmaster for a short time Mon day night, the legion circus management waited until today to honor him offi cially. He will be the guest of honor tonight. Thousands of people are packing the coliseum at every performance. The newsboys of the city were the guests of the legion yesterday afternoon at an ob-1 srrvance of "Kids’ day.” They had a 'S.rlly” good time and the clown never appeared to better advantage. The clowns, the elephants and the trick mule were the things which set the boys wild With laughter. NEWSBOYS’ BAYD GIVES CONCERT. The Indianapolis Newsboys’ Band fur nished the music yesterday and will ap pear Friday night of this week and also Monday night. A forty-fl ve-mlnute con cert is given prior to the circus by this band. The American Legion band is providing the music for the other per formances. Miss Hazel D. Silvey was soloist last night Japs Calmly Hear Reports of Battle TOKIO, April s.—According to a re port from the commanding officer of the Japanese troops In Siberia, Saturday's clash between forces of the Chita re public and Japanese troops in which ROO Chitans were killed, occurred at Spa zaka, 100 miles north of Vladivostok. The report places the blame for the battle upon the Chitans. stating that the Chitans claimed the Japanese had nul lified the Russo-Japanese agreement by aiding the white forces. Tokio is not greatly excited over the battle, due to the belief that the Darien conference will have a successful culmi nation. Ad Club Convention Committee Is Chosen Jesse E. Hanft has been named chair man of a committee to make arrange ments for the Indianapolis delegation to the Association Advertising Clubs’ Con vention at Milwaukee, June 11 to 15. Howard J. Wisehaupt, business analysis! of Cleveland, will address the regular Thursday session this week of the Indianapolis Advertising Club on the subject of "The Human Element in Busi ness." Mr. Wisehaupt is making an ex tended tour of America surveying buying and selling conditions and has first hand information, it is said, which is im portant to local business men. Two More Killed in Chicago Crime Wave CHICAGO, April 5. —Chicago’s crime epidemic claimed two more lives today. William Parlon, 32, was shot and killed by automobile bandits who at tempted to steal his car. I’arlon's fiance, on whom he was calling, witnessed the slaying. Fritz Meinhausen pointed a revolver at his wife when she accused him with being too friendly with another woman. Mrs. Nicholas Peters, the other women, jumped between Meinhausen and his wife and was killed by the bullet in tended for the wife. Your skin is your armor Protect it with RESINOL Soothinq and HeAlinq Dorit neglect that itching rash,scratch, or cut - a break in the skin is dangerous Apply Resinol ana start the healingat , once Does not smart .—or sting Resinol Soap . aids by preparing PS the skin for the ( n// Resinol \&/ / medication y f> The circus is in its third day and In dications are it will be a big success for the Marion County Council of the Amer ican Legion which obtains ail the pro ceeds after expenses are met. Governor McCray will be the honor guest at an evening performance before the circus closes the night of April 15. The Governor will be escorted by his mili tary staff. ELEPHANT OSCILLATES "PIRPLE" SHOULDER. Patterson’s elephants are attracting much attention. One of the big animals is an expert "shimmy shaker’’ with some what oriental tendencies. lie shivers all over to the great enjoyment of the au diences. It Is marvelou* the way these elephants keep time to the music. The circus also has its peanut, pop corn and soft drinks salesmen Just like a "regular” circus.' Former service men are selling these circus necessities. Two performances are given dally be ginning at 2.15 and 8:15 o'clock, but It is wise to arrive early. Indianapolis merchants are cooperating with the circus and many of the big stores contain notices of the circus in their daily advertisements. FIRST FATALITY SCRANTON, r , April fi. Domi nick Ferlano first victim of the strike, died here today. Ferlano, a miner was shot from ambush Sat urday night. His slayer has not I been captured. V. J Raised Bills Lead to Arrest of Trio Charged with having In their posses sion fourteen bills which have been raised from 55 to S2O, Mike Cato, Philip Kozok and Max Nouehk, were brought from Hammond to Indianapolis yesterday and placed in Jail to await action of the Fed eral grand Jury. They are held under bonds of from $2,00 Oto $5,000. New Hall at Purdue Ready by September LAFAYETTE, snd„ April 5-Leslie Colvin, an Indianapolis contractor, will build anew recitation hall at Purdue University, the trustees awarding him the Job yesterday on his bid of $139,450. The building will be a three-story struc ture of brick and reinforced concrete. It will be ready for occupancy Sept. 1. Blackburn* M CascaßQyal PillL | I IS SOSES . 15t I .■■■ i i„' au fi Starts Good Firm Flesh- Increased Weight, Strength and Energy Amazing New Food Factor, Thousands who have always been complaining about being weak, thin, emaciated and run-down may now find in Yeast Vitamines when used in con nection with Nuxated Iron the very > thing which will often quickly help them to put on good firm flesh, round outface and figure and increase their strength, energy and endurance, provided their blood contains a sufficient quantity of oxygenated or • ganic iron to enable them to assimilate their food properly. Without organic iron both food and Vitaminea are absolutely uselen. aa your body k*s the power to transform lifeless food m itter into living cells, flesh, muscle and tissue, therefore your food merely passes throng h your body without doing you any good. It therefore appears that in practically all cases where Vitamines are necessary, organic iron is also neceesary. To prove to ru the surprising results which we feel should be quickly obtained from this valuable combination, arrangements have been made with druggists in this city to give yon A LARGE DOLLAR PACK AGE OF GENUINE YEAST VITAMINE TABLETS ABSOLUTELY FREE, with your purchase of a bottle of SM am (- organic Nuxated ffl "" ilron. Take your it tu -* wh Tablets before meals and organic Nuxated iron after narsis. Weigh youroelf before you start and again after tan days and see how much you have increased in weight, also in strength, vigec and energy. If you are not perfectly satisfied with your weight increase and the general results obtained, the manu facturers will promptly refund your money. IMPORTANT: We recommend that you do not takeVitaminee unless you wish your weight increased—if you merely wish greater strength, energy, physical and mental vigor, we recom mend that you take Nuxated Iron only. -^Advertisement. SHIVELY GIVES BUSINESS VIEW Senatorial Aspirant Makes non-Partisan Address. Confidence in the American business man, his ability to cope with the busi ness men of the rest of the world-wide trade conditions were dwelt upon in a speech hero today by Bernard B. Shively, candidate *jT the Democratic nomination for United otates Senato, befoe the In dianapolis Beal Estate Boad. His speech was along buslhess lines and of nonpar tisan character. Superior American resources In mate rials and manufacturing capacity were given as reason why the United States must cultivate foreign markets and Lring about the use of an American mer chant marine. "With such an aggregate of wealth it seems strange,” said Mr. Shively, "that our nation’s business should be paralyzed, the wheels of industry clogged and nor mal conditions only a dream of far-off daj-s. To say that the sltautlon is be yond solution Is cowardly. To say that it is inevitable because of the war. Is begging the question. Much can be done by legislation.” The status of the merchant ships built during the war was discussed by Mr. Shively. Whether or not a ship subsidy Is right, he declared that it was no other nation’s business, and he added that this country had entered the war partly be cause of the freedom of the seas prin ciple and that the United States means to preserve that principle. Two Slightly Hurt in Auto Accidents Ernest Summers, 13, 1117 South Senate avenue, was cut about the head and painfully injured when he was knocked from a bicycle on* which he was riding by an automobile driven by Thomas Moore, 034 North Capitol avenue, yester day. Moore was arrested on charges of assault and battery ar.d driving on the left side of the street. Frang Hudson, 1238 South Belmont ave nue, had a narrow escape from serious in jury when the truck he was driving was forced against a girder of the Kentucky avenue bridge over White River by a large cattle truck which w?,; being driven at a high rate of speed on the left side of the street. Hudson’s truck was damaged but he escaped injury. Morris Abrams, 70, 322 North Davidson street, suffered slight internal Injuries ’•hen he was struck by an a'utomobile uriven by Enos Hurt, 19, 222 Detroit street, at Ohio and Division streets last night. A charge of assault and battery was placed against Hurt but he was not taken into custody. Rice May Succeed to Council Place A special meeting of the county council has been called for Wednesday, April 12, It has been announced by Leo K. Fesler, county auditor, at which an appropriation of $20,000 to defray current expenses for the Center Township as sessor will be considered. The extra expense is Incident, it was said, to the preparation of the spring .assessment. A successor for Honce Orme will prob ably be selected at this meeting, in ad dition to consideration of the appropria tion. Mr. Orme has announced he will resign as member of the county council from the Third district. Mr. Orme Is a resident of the Second district, but this fact was overlooked when he was elected to the council in 1920 to lake the place of Albert Hoffman, who resigned to seek the office of county commissioner. The probable successor to Mr. Orme is William L. Rice, who has filed his papers declaring his Intention of seeking the Republican nomination for county council member from the Third district, It was said. Orphans to See Monte Blue Act Alumnae of the Soldiers' and Sailors’ Orphan’s Home at Knlghtstown, will at tend In a body a Thursday night per formance of Monte Blue, movie star, at Loew’s Sfnte Theater. Mr. Blue will motor to the home Thursday morning. Last night, he was made a member of Ben Harrison Camp, No. 356 of the Sons of Veterans. The movie star, who Is an Indianapolis native, is having a bnsy tlme visiting with old friends this week. HUlcr'a Antiseptic OH, Known as Snake Oil (’juaranteed to Relieve Pain, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Etc. For Sale by Haag Drug Cos. j Special Mirror Sale J IThrec-panclod mitred mirror exactly like illustration, 24 inches high, 54 inches long. Designed especially for over Mantel, Buffet, etc.; richl;• polycliromed in blue, old rose and gold; fine French Mirrors. g Y ith Mitred Mirrors. Originally priced With Plain French Mirrors. Originally yl 1 at $36.50. For rfl**/* *"7 T* priced at $33.75. npi | ek ....526.75 J 23.75 p !>/ Mirrors are being used more than ever before. We are offering you the opportunity to ’q y, secure a beautiful one at a greatly reduced price this week. There are hundreds of beautiful j>l I designs to choose from, in all colors, shapes and sizes. To appreciate the beauty of them you must see them. A comparison of prices will convince you that they are really unusually low. |sj East Ohio |i \/Hk4 A ATW PDC. Courteous |j Street. 1 JLA Treatment. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS In the Western play at the Tickville opera house Saturday night, four of the desperadoes were shot. However, the coroner, who sat in the audience, does not believe any of them were shot In ternally. • * • Miss Flutle Belcher announces to her friends as well as the public, that she is now r prepared to do staple and fancy singing at all hours on short notice. No extra charge is made for Cricket Hicks, who accompanies her everywhere on his fiddle. • • • Sidney Hocks is assisting nature In its task of bringing about spring, by wearing a pair of green eye glasses. Arbuckle Eager to Describe Party SAN FRANCISCO, April s.—Just sev en months ago today Roscoe (Fatty) Ar buckle staged a party at a local hotel. Today, for the second time since the pnrty and on the occasion of his third trial for manslaughter, the fat comedian was to mount the witness stand and tell hls story of the events which led to the fatal illness of Virglna Rappe, pret ty motion picture actress. Arbuckle was anxious to testify. He feels that the Jury must believe hls story. Gavin McNabb, his veteran chief of counsel, was prepared to conduct his direct examination while defense coun sel were making a careful study of his esfimony In the first trial tc. be on the alert for discrepancies or changes. The largest crowd of the trial was on hand when court convened today. Dr. F. W. Shields, medical expert, was the first witness, hls cross-examination not not having been completed last night. FOR COLDS A Cold or the Grip starts with a Chill; Indicating checked circula tion; the use of "Seventy-seven” at once; restores the circulation of the blood and stops the Cold. “40” INDUCES SLEEP No Narcotic, Strictly Homeopathic. Price, 30c and SI.OO. at Drug Stores, or sent on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Par cel Post. lltunphrey*’ Homeo. Medicine Cos., 150 William Street, New York, Medical Book Free. —Advertisement. iuiaiiiiiim!ffliiffiu:;;iiimimffin!iimiKuiiiiiHimmnr.ii;ni''ii!”!i;ffiiHiJUi!n!inaiiiiiii!iiiii:i:nnmiiniiiiLiin;a::!in!titSiiiiU!ffl!iiiua!nsiffiaiinii!nai[iiiirnn!mnifii:i!!i;fli!3iH:!i:i]nrjHii 23-123 "Ch* Mm MA In 0123 Electric Washing and Wringing Machine Guaranteed to wash 100% clean. Sold on easy payments. The Hatfield Electric Company Corner Maryland and Meridian Streets. iliiiinniniiHiiaiiiniiiiiiiJiiiiiffiiiiiniinuniii^'iiiiiifflJiiiiiißiniiißiuir/ninninMiii.muircninininiiinHiuii’iniiiiniuiniiiinniiniiHfiiiiiniiifniiifljnnniHnifiiii'niniiiinTiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiH^ ADVERTISING CONVENTION Credit Monthly Boosts Local Meeting, May 6 to 9. Nation-wide publicity is being given the national convention In Indianapolis of the National Association of Credit Men, to be held May 6 to 9. The Credit Monthly, the official maga zine of the National Association of Credit Men, is giving Indianapolis pages of publicity in every Issue. E. K. Scherer, an Evansville credit man, writ ing in this magazine, has this to say: “The 1922 convention at Indianapolis will afford many their first opportunity to attend. No city in the United States is more favorably located with respect to railroad and electric lines. As In dianapolis Is only a night's run from any point between Pittsburgh and the Mississippi River, between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes, the task of traveling to the convention city will be very slight. The good roads of the State will permit many to come in their automobiles. The great railway systems entering Indianapolis will safely and comfortably bring the credit men from the East, West, North and South. Those from the far-away sections will be In terested in visiting the wheat and corn centers and viewing the prairies of In diana.” UNCLE SAM NEEDS HELP. Civil service examinations for positions of auditors and Inspectors in the Income tax unit of the Internal revenue depart ment will be held May 3, according to H. M. Trlmpe, secretary of the civil service board, 421 Federal building. En trance salaries for these positions range from SI,BOO to $3,000 a year, with good chance of advancement. (UIM(T|| ndjuslmenisy&jSy. Jor if' msasmd ; rpHE digestive sys i tem Is most as -1 suredly controlled by „ 1 Ej3f the nervous system n for the nerves of the n] 3HB body furnish tho mo- WJ gS tive power for Life. 1 fo-lw Knowing this It Is Ifc 1 easy for us to relieve ■E® Indigestion. gpK E~jj Phane for Consultation it; pf| Feweil & Bawling g 'iM I CHIROPRACTOR*. H lUi 40H Mute Life Bide. XF f X-Ray Service. BEL 1 Palmer Graduates. 3 ROOM OUTFIT *98 75 TERMS jßnapggmiEßnßßggEMr Famous For Our Outfits. •25-927 Virginia Ave. Drexcl 0647 . Moorefleld portratls are r -A the true expression of your personality—lmpor \De§L tshably imprinted for j \K3t wlk!{]k your dear ones to cherish. (Incorp orated) Ninth Floor. Kahn Building SPECIAL! Seeing Is Believing! Come and see the wonder ful bargains in CENTRAL WALLPAPERS. Several thousand rolls of papers discontinued from our i wholesale line and selling j at RETAIL at tremendous ■ reductions. Central Service Department Only Central Wallpaper and Paint Cos. 127 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis. L I —I'.TI W 'I'—II'T—P—BMP—fBB—B j TRUSSES j 1 A positive guarantee of and satisfaction goes with ■ every IVHACO Truss, Brace or Abdominal H LJ Supporter. Tou a r e the L i I Judge, and if you are h II not pleased, we refund I your money without ques- ■ I ] W* H. Armstrong Cos. [ j CT/ie Surgical JnstrumentJfouse y Established IRAS. 1 iWWfk 34 West Ohio At. fj fcvi;y_fs(sl Indianapolis, Ind. nßßSg'altegfri Complete Line off Sickroom Supplies U oo Guaranteed Glasses NEW LOW PRICES. j Depp curved lenses In any (p j a/\ j frame In stock j lUmless eyeglasses, com- t\r\ plcte with chain SJ.UU | No extra charge for examination. Dr. L. H. RATLIFF 417-18 Occidental Building, j M.Un 5,777. ■ —> STATE LIFE LUNCH ONLY A STEP FROM YOUR OFFICE STATE LIFE BLDG. Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Sample free of Cutlcvr* Laboratories, Dept , AlM—■ everywhere. GET THE HABIT WEAR NOE’S QUALITY JEWELRY THE FLETCHER M. NOE JEWELRY STORE. 103 N. Illinois st, Opp. Terminal St®. V- / (Paid Political Advertisement-) EDWARD A. RAMSAY County Recorder Republican Primary, Offers Service and Experience. " *" " •7=.-—-1 ■■ We clothe the Entire Family ON CREDIT Peoples’CreditClothingCo. 46 North Pennsylvania Street. Second Floor. - ■ —>J GLAZER’S New Location 211 E. Washington SL Mending Tissue oe e the n age No Hewing or darning. Repairs csothiug silk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, efc:. Pack age postpaid 15 cents, two packages 25 cents. Address PENN PUBLISHING CO., BlalraviUe. Pa. Darmody-s Polo m -cm Men’s Barker m,x i9c Camels sox . , , Washington and Delaware. 3c 3 for 50£. ° 8 Fair for 25® Easy to Play MQC ||£3|9fc Easy to Pay — ***/} I (Pronounced Gul-BRAN-xn) oaiotßM.TftottMk ’ P 1 aye r-Pi ano The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street Don’t Forget All Deposits Made at This Bank On or Before — APRIL lOth Will Draw Interest From April Ist WE PAY 4.1/2% ON SAVINGS Interest payable April Ist and October Ist. Start today. Tomorrow’s savings without today’s savings will make less to “bank on” later. Meyer-Kiser Bank 136 East Washington Street THE BANK “Where Get One of Our Little Home Banks. This Is the BIG 3 of the Automobile World Today Studebaker Light 6 $1,115 Studebaker Special 6 1,575 Studebaker Big 6 1,900 DELIVERED—INDIANAPOLIS. 315 N. Penn. LI. 4371. gL (sfGarland Gas Rangeso. f flSfc- w* A DANGER POINT 1 Every tooth that is aching and unsound Vj P m is a DANGER POINT to health. It Is a ii j | | | center of POISON and may even be prejudicial to life itself. Permanent pain in a tooth is a signal from nature that SOMETHING IS WRONG. Better have us LOOK OVER your teeth now than have trouble in the future. Gas for Painless Extracting, .Tost a quiet, gentle Si.iep—you feel nothing. EITELJORG & MOORE, Dentists J Corner East Market St. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant/"* 1 S3 Window Shade Manufacturing Indiana’s Leading * Blind Mien” R. W. DURHAM CO. 136 N. Alabama St. MAin 5823 —A- T f . Honest Service. i Reasonable Prices SHIRLEY BROS. CO., Inc. UNDERTAKERS ! OFFICES—O4B X. Illinois St. # 5377 E. Washington St.,', 3020 N Illinois St -0108 W. Michigan St; 2815 E. Washington Bt. ' . £ lr £ le 1 , 918 * ' Auto. 31-13S. Arab. Service. We Manufacture Our V)wn Cemeut Caskets L ■■ / ——■ r ' i \L 3 lbs. Extracted Honey, 75c 1 POUND, 30c i THE HONEY STORE 163 NORTH DELAWARE BT . APRIL 5, 1922. Garland Combined COAL and GAS RANGE Most perfect range on market. Per fect lower oven for coal or gas; upper oven for gas only; broiler with enameled pan; polished tops; self lighter. Kindles coal with gas. Largest variety combination stoves In state. Other combination ranges as low as $50.00. Cash or easy payments. Liberal Alio wane® for Your Old Stove. Charles Koehring 878-882 Virginia Are. Telephone 1)R exel 944)0.