Newspaper Page Text
APRIL 5,1922. IRVINGTON IS RELIEVED OF SUNDAY MOVIE Operator Explains That He Did Not Deliberately 9 Offend. wiu 4.'e Sunday movie in ** siugton. Tha powers that be dismissed the charge of operating a show on Sunday against Earl McCoy, manager of the Irving Theater, when Earl Cox. attor ney for the motion picture interests, agreed that the show would not be oper ated again on Sunday. Claris Adams, former prosecuting attorney of Marion County, appeared for the State in Jus tice of the Teaee T. R. Rainey's court, where the charges were brought. The trial was halted early when a four-minute conference over who should “foot the bill” was held between Mr. Adams, Mr. Cox and Philip Zoercher. a member of the State board of tax commissioners, and who signed the af fidavit against McCoy. This question was raised by the justice of the peace when Mr. Adams said the case would be dismissed. The conference, in the hallway, followed. At the close it was announced that the question would be taken to William P. Evans, prosecuting attorney for Marion County. After this, the chief difficulty, was smoothed over, Mr. Adams and Mr. Cox each explained the stand of the persons whom they represented. Mr. Adams de plored the fact that any common promo ter should invade the sacred sancity of Irvington so far as to permit a moving picture house to be open on the Sab bath. Mr. Cox explained that his client did not wish to commit any act that would antagonize the inhabitants of Irvington that, as it seamed the will of the J®ority that Sunday movies be "taboo,' 'O they should be. The fact that no Sunday motion pic tures would be tolerated In the future was not entered into the record of the court. The only fact which the record shows is that the case was dismissed on the motion of the State. Fined $l5O Each for B1 ; nd Tigers Charles Goldstein and Hyman Haspiel, arrested several weeks ago in a raid on 2018 North Capitol avenue, where two large stills and a quantity of mash was found, were convicted of operating a blind tiger by Judge Delbert O. Wil xneth in city court and fined $l5O each. They denied ownership of the stills. Sixty days on the Indiana State Farm and a fine' of S2OO was the sentence im posed upon Pete Massulesen. 120 South West street, who was arrested recently on a blind tiger charge. Joseph Howard, 005 Belmont avenue, was fined sloo' and given a thirty-day sentence on a similar charge. He was arrested when a quantity of white mule was found in his automobile. 125 Indicted by U. S. Grand Jury The Federal grand jury, which has been In session for about a month will report to Judge Albert B. Anderson Sat urday morning, acording to Homer Elliott, United States district attorney. • Elliott said that about 200 defendants )lved in about 125 cases will be in dicted. In aditlon to usual grist of cases of violations of the prohibition, narcotic and national motor vehicle acts, the grand jury has been investigating the affairs of the First National Bank of Corydon, which was closed some time ago. Arraignment day probably will be set for about April 17. “Muvver it j tastes so dood’ course it does, because it’s home made grape jelly —Mother made it in 10 minutes today with bottled grape juice and ( SurejeU) Wonderful Certo is simply the “jell” property of fruit extracted and sealed up in a bottle for you to make jelly any day in the year. No gelatin— no preservative. Certo Jells Any Fruit Juice Anytime No fuss, no long boiling, no hot work in Summer; with Certo, you icon make jam or jelly in Winter of left over fruit juices, dried fruits, 0 canned fruits or oranges or grape- j 1 fruit that you never thought would Y\ // \ jelL It’s as easy as boiling water. /r-ya> CERTO is economical. Makes grape I 1-; I jelly for 12 cents a large glass— ! / apple jelly for 5 cents. Ask your grocer for CERTO and | J§jp|; a recipe book. It’s a revelation to B house-wives —the recipe book tells how 7 to make 'Cj nearly ICO delicious fruity foods. Extra free H recipe books can be obtained by writing Dept. 6. JB OBJ l PECTIN SALES COMPANY, Inc., %ochester, N. Y. DE MOLAY DRILL TEAM TO DANCE ABOVE—RICHARD SMITH AND AUGUST SCHRADER. BELOW—FRED PARSON'S AND HAROLD V. CLARK. ALL ARE OFFICERS OF DE MOI.AY TEAM. Indianapolis chapter, Order De Molay, will give its second subscription dance Thursday evening at the ’Athenaeum. Plans for the dance are being made by the members of the drill team, to uniform which the proceeds of the dance will be used. The drill team Is one of the most Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce The answer of most fat people is that it is too hard, too troublesome and too dangerous to force the weight down. Mar mola Prescription Tablets overcome • alt these difficulties. They are absolutely harmless, entail no dieting or exercise, and have the added advantage of cheap ness. A case is sold at one dollar by all druggists the world over, or send the price direct to the Mnrmola Cos., 4tU2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Now that you know this, you have no excuse for being fat, but can reduce steadily and easily without going through long slcgej of tiresome exercise and starvation diet or fear of bad effects. —Advertisement. flourishing of the many organizations within the main body. The Aniccnt Downstairs at Ayres’ For .Thursday’s Selling Easter Dresses, Special $7.50 and $8.95 At $7.50 At $8.95 Taffeta, Canton crepe, crepe de chine, Lovely aUks, Canton crept* and taffetas; wool jersey, in neat, serviceable models; wool serges, too, are me uetm tns grmi|e . . , , ’ . , r , , Bouffant hips, basque waists, straightline straightline, basque effects. These have drpssfts are included; new sleeves, neck- Georgette sleeves, braid and color embroid- lines, trimmings are featured; braid stitch eries to distinguish them. In navy, brown ings, beaded ruffles, panels; sizes 1G to and black. Sizes 16 to 42. 50 1 /"; in navy, brown, black. Women’s Novel Envelope Chemise, SI.OO In this assortment in softest nainsook, daintily em broidered or outlined with color hemstitching, in pink, blue, apricot or lavender. Step-In and Regular Bloomers, to Match 79c Pr. In styles and colors to go with the envelope chemises. Muslin Gowns, Envelopes, Petticoats, 59c Os good, substantial muslin; well made, nicely trimmed, full cut; some tailored styles, some lace or embroidery trimmed. Corsets at 98c Special Os coutils, satin stripes and brocades, in medium and low bust models, rubber topped or plain topped, with four hose supporters; sizes 21 to 30; not all sizes in every style. Yard-Wide Pajama Check Dimity, 12V 2 c Yard Very special at the price; slightly imperfect. Men’s Dress Shirts, $1.19 Printed rnadras, cut to fit properly. From a well known maker. Excellent assortment of patterns. Sizes 14 to 17. Mens Sox, 19c Fine combed yarns, double sole, reinforced toe and heel; colors black, brown, gray and navy; irregular. Sizes 9% to 11%. L. S. AYRES & CO.—DOWNSTAIRS STORE. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. Accepted Order of Scottish Rite, which is sponsoring the De Molay movement, has agreed to furnish half of the eighty members of the corps with uniforms. The funds for the purchase of the, rest must be raised by the boys themselves. The uniforms, as aropted, will consist of French blue tro'users with a black stripe down the side, a coat cut on the order of an English army officer's coat of the same material, black leather Sam Browne belts, English officers’ caps and white gloves. In the summer white duck uniforms will be worn. The members of the corps will ba armed with sabers and the cadet officers will carry swords. The present officers of the corps are: nnrold V. Clark, captain; Richard Smith and August Schrader, first lieutenants and Fred Parsons, second lieutenant. Over 100 aspirants for places in the drill team have turned out. This number will be reduced to eighty. The first public appearance of the De Molay drill team, which Is under the supervision of Brandt C. Downey, com mander of the Raper Commandery and a major in the National Guard, will be on May 1. The by-laws of De Molay require that this day shall be observed as De Molay Patriotic Day. At this time, the members of the organization will parti cipate in a parade through the down town streets. Fancy movements and man euvers. which are now being practiced, will be exhibited by the corps. Ten members of the drill team have been picked to accompany the degree team and assist in the conferring of the degrees and the presentation of the ritual. Those who compose thts selected group are: August Schrader, Russel Jordan, Paul Stiner, Merle Wilson, Lyle Clift, Arthur Welhaun, Rolla French, Rextall West, Edward Rosebrook and George Mc- Cadles. These boys accompanied the degree team to Lafayette March 6 and to Terre Haute on Monday of this week. In addition to the drill team some of the other organizations are basket-ball and other athletic teams, a paper, the IDe Molay News, edited by Sherwood i Blue, an orchestra, a choir of thirty voices, and a degree team. A band Is being organized and a glee club, a ten nis and swimming team and other ac tivities will be introduced and taken up. The present membership of the Indi anapolis chapler is 1,500. 14 Sinn Feiners Freed From Jail LONDON, April B.—The last fourteen Sinn Feiners held prisoners in Great Britain were released today. They had been arrested for political crimes. Soon 14EflST every family WASH. can Qj cash-in at v I ■ Men’s Pajamas, $1.29 Os fine soft materials; four silk frogs, well made; colors white, blue, lavender; all sizes. Women’s Knit Union Suits, 69c 2 for 91-25 Os fine mercerized lisle, loose or tight knee; bodice top and built-up shoulders; sizes 34 to 44. Slight imperfec tions, which do not. impair the looks and wearing qualities at all are the reason for this low price. Children’s Dresses, SI.OO Sizes 2 to 6 years. Ginghams and chambrays, dozens of good styles to choose from; well made; deep hems. Cut, Oh Cut, My Job Away! Says President of Uruguay Mr. Brum Declares for Commission Form of Government in Interview. President Brum of Uruguay urges abolition of his office and adoption of a commission form of government for re publics. He advocates a commission of nine, to be renewed by thirds every two years, to control all executive affairs of republics. He predicts, within a few years, a ma jority of the Latin-American republics will have done away with their presiden cies and be controlled by commissions. The change according to President Brum, may prove the antidote for soviet ism. MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, April 5. President Baltasar Brum took a position in the forefront of progressive world politics by declaring himself in favor of complete abolition of presidential office in republics substituting a commission form of federal government, in an inter view with William Hawkins, president of the United Press, at the presidential palace here Saturday. He outlined a plan which might prove an antidote for soviet ism. The president carefully avoided saying ho believed the reform should be applied in the United States, but explained his views of the tremendous danger of con centration of power in the hands of a single individual asserting most mis fortunes of Latin-American republics had sprung from onuse. Brum talked clearly, directly and un qualifiedly, about his desire to abolish the position which gives him practically unlimited power. Thus was presented a phenomenon! of human history, the President smilingly asserting the belief his political elimination would prove a How Absorption Method Brings Girlish Skin The complexion may acquire that girlish flush, the real essence of physical beauty, only by means of the capillary circulation. In advancing age and in anv condition where the circulation is poor, the complexion is pale, faded or sallow. If, however, the lifeless scarf skin be removed, the skin beneath, being that much nearer the capillaries, ex hibits a healthier, rosier bloom; the new complexion is young in fact as well as In appearance. . It will be gladsome news to many tnat such a complexion easily may be ob tained—the offensive outer cuticle harm lessly removed by the use of ordinary mercollzesl wax. The wax procurable at. any dru£ Rtorp, I*? used at night liki cold cream and washed off in the morn ing. It completely absorbs the senile, sallow, muddy or blotchy surface skin fine, almost invisible particles coming off dav bv dav. Then the exquisitely beautiful girlish complexion Is in e\i rtPnc .p_ a result which astonishes all who trv thts simple mhod. An ounce of mercollzed wax usually suffices.—Adver tisement. Women’s Fine Mercer ized Lisle Hosiery ‘ 29c Pair Seamed back, fashioned ankle, reinforced toe and heels, double sole, deep garter top; colors black, white, mode, gray, cor dovan; sizes BV2 to 10. Mill irregulars carefully mended. Children’s Hose, 19c Pair Black and brown, of good carded yarns, reinforced toes and heels; sizes 5% to 10. Ir regulars, carefully mended. Women’s Knit Drawers, 19c A special clean-up. Loose knees and ankle length; sizes up to 38 only; fine quality yarns; are first quality. White Sateen Petti coats, sl, $1.49, $1.98 Excellent quality sateens at each price; all are double paneled front and back; either hem stitched or scalloped; lengths 34 to 40. Aprons, $1.25 Os fine ginghams, trimmed in harmonizing shades of sateens and sateen bind ings ; extra deep hems; well tailored and will fit prop erly; several good styles. blessing to his country. Brum also said ho considered the Washington ariryi con ference has gained effective results for consolidation of world peace and the be ginning of universal disarmament. Referring to the strong friendship at present uniting ail countries of Latin America, the President said all hoped that from the misunderstanding and good will of President Harding would come a happy solution of the Tacna Arica question. Brum, who is 38 years old, served pre viously as foreign minister, and traveled extensively in the United States. He is known as one of the most progressive of South American statesmen. “The great obstacle to true electoral liberty is the institution of presidency in a republic.” said President Brum. “Presidents of republics always tend to absorb power, nnd always try by every means within their reach to secure certain electoral results. &Co* Stylish Stout Suits Bought at a Special Price Will Sell Specially a. $35 Q fh These are new suits, without 111 \w/ I ikA V exception, bought in one lot at a / \ ) f ) surprisingly low price. To patrons I \ ll l / of large proportions goes the ad- \ J vantage of this purchase, for they, in turn, are given the opportunity to pay a smaller price than is usual for the high quality. The material employed in their \l 01 making is trieotine of a nice qual- U aj ity, and they are plainly tailored or \ trimmed with stitchery tastefully \ applied. The shades are navy blue and black. L. ■p* Sizes 42 to 52 1 /£, inclusive. 1 / Practical suits for practical wear. jfj —Ayres—Gray Shop, third floor. 1/ \ Many Boys of 2 to 7 Years Will Be Recipients of New Suits —When their mothers learn of — a\ the special values, Thursday, at $1.95. For just that day only, suits regularly priced a deal higher Mill wear that in teresting figure. Oliver and middy styles are predominant in the lot. One model has a white waist aud tEi&h blue pants, with braid trimmed collar and cuffs, and an emblem on one sleeve. * Another of all blue is trimmed with white braid on the collar and vest, has a cord tie and cunning pockets. The middy models come in tan or blue with braid trimming and black silk ties. All of these at $1.95. Other Suits for Boys More Fancy Suits Attractive Jack Tar regula- There are many of these— . in plain shades and combina tion suivS of white jean have tions. They are hand em blue serge collars and cuffs, broidered and self trimmed; a white braid trimmings, em- complete assortment of styles ~ ... ... , and sizes, 2 to 6 years— blems and ties Also two pairs 93.95 to 98.95. of pants, short and long. Per- __ . . . , . _ . ’ . . „ . „ . 0 Hats for boys are of straw, fectly right for Easter, 3to 8 , . . ~ . . , T , JL in rah-rah, chin-chin and Jack years—Horner style 5—92.95 to Other all-white suits, tai- 94.50. I o r e and or fancy—s2.9s to And every other needed gar -96.95. rnent. —Ayres—Children’s store, fifth floor. Special at 89c Large, Fluffy Pillows Luxurious and brilliant enough to serve hap pily in any porch or summer cottage. Jolly for the comfortable canoe, also of bright colored cre tonnes, round, large, soft and trimmed with en hancing braid. Stamped Pieces in Unbleached Muslin, Also Special at 89c Morning dresses made up and Children’s play dresses, stamped In a delightful tulip made up and stamped in at design for applique embroid- tractive designs, 2, 4 and 6- ery, S9q. year sizes, 89q. Derryvale Linens, Stamped for Embroidery Lovely bleached linens, these, internationally known for their quality, and stamped in unique and highly decorative embroidery patterns. Centers Scarfs 36-inch diameters, 91.95. 18x36, 91.25. 46-inch diameters, 93.25. 18x45, 91*50. 64-inch diameters, 94.25. 18x54, $.1.75. Ayres—Art needlework, fourth floor. 2 Victims of Bomb Outrage Are Dead BELFAST, April s.—Two persons who were wounded In a bomb outrage on Sunday, died today. The lull In the fighting between religious factions con tinued. Bandits held up and robbed the Falls Road railway station. Democrats Indorse Morgan’s Candidacy The Fourth Ward Democratic Club at a meeting In Bowers’ Hall, Clifton and Udell streets, Indorsed the candidacy of Charles Morgan for the Democratic nom ination for sheriff of Marion County. Ar rangements were made for a joint meet ing of the club with the Seventh District Women's Democratic CiuL' In the hall, April 22. Negroes Advised to Leave Machine The colored race was advised to break away from machine political domination by John W. Becker, candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress, Seventh District, in a speech at 2338 Sheldon street last night. "When you begin handling the ballot •untrammelled by paid solicitor* of votes you will take a progressive step toward advancement In society,” Becker de clared. “When you throw off the yoke of the infernal machine and vote against machine candidates, you will have taken a second step.” Dyed a Sweater and Skirt with Diamond Dyes Every “Diamond Dyes” package tells how to dye or tint any worn, faded gar ment or drapery anew rich color that will not streak, spot, fade or run. Per fect home dyeing Is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Jnst tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. For fifty-one years millions of women have been using “Diamond Dyes” to add yearß of wear to their old, shabby waists, skirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, stockings, dra peries, hangings, everything.—Advertise ment. Tonight at the Y W. C. A. Style Show In co-operation with the officials of the Indianapolis Y. W. C. A_, models from L. S. Ayres & Cos. will show the newest styles in wom en’s, misses’ and girls’ ap parel, In Hollenbeck hall at the Y. W. C. A. Altogether ! about one hundred styles | will be shown, ranging in price from the very moder ate to the newest French im ports. The show will begin a.t 7:30. - ■ D Shirts for Men An Extensive Variety at Ayres With the thoughts of men hovering around Easter finery, this is a most opportune time to remind them of the exten sive variety of fine quality shirts that are to be had in the men’s store. New fabrics, new color ef fects, new patterns—all are to be seen in the constantly ar riving shipments of new shirts. Particularly in evidence are shirts with collars attached— these promise to be most pop ular for spring and summer. Ayres’ Shirts—sl.2s to $7.50. —Ayres—Men's store, street floor. The Notion Section Offers Worth-While Values in Its Weekly Thursday Sale All silk and French belting, black and white, to 3-Inch widths; yard, 25^. French belting with remov able stays, black and white, 1% to 2%-lnch widths; yard, 19^. Muslin waist linings, sizes 34 to 44, 35<. Kohl-noor snap fasteners, S cards for 10<. Scissors and shears, sizes 4 to 6, pair 49<L Pearl underwear buttons, good quality; dozen, 10<J. Black stocking feet, pair 15<*. Shoe trees, steel and wood, pair B^. All-rubber baby pants, pair 29*. All-elastic sanitary belts, 25£. All-rubber sanitary aprons, 39<*. Moth bags, 24x37 inches, 29<*. 300-count silk pins, package, B*. Nickel-plated safety pins, as sorted sizes, card, Assorted wire hairpins, box, 10<L Celluloid hairpins, medium size, package, 6£. Rick-rack braid, white and colors, bolt, 9^. White lawn and cambric bias tape, bolt, B<. English twill tape, bolt of 8 yards, 10£. Colored stickerei edges, bolt, B*. Elastic girdle supporters, special at 98^. Hickory hose supporters, pair, 23<. Odd assortment of children’s waists at 35^. —Ayres—Notions, street floor. 7