Newspaper Page Text
APRIL 12,1922. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. 25-29 8. Meridian St. Main 3500. Classified Adv. Dept. RATES. One time .11 P' r *>“• Three consecutive times.. .10 per line Six consecutive times 09 P er Lodge and club notices (1 Inch or less)... .75 per insertion Over i Inch, .07 per line additional. Contract rates on application. Church notices (1 Inch or I less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 Inch ... .07 per line additional Death notlcee 35c per Insertion Card of Thanks or In Memorlam Notices 07 per line The Dally charges small Want Ads as an accommodation to Its readers. In return for this courtesy the advertiser Is expected to remit promptly. Ads received until 11:45 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Parlors 1333 Unloa t. PLANNER & BUCHANAN , 320 North Illinois St . untral directors to the people of Indian* spoils since 7417. Phones— MiJn 0541-0543. LI 344 L INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner funeral Director. 533 K. Market. Old phone Main 0908. LI 73CE W. T. Blasengym 1425 Shelby st. Drexel 2570. Stewart 1114. 1702 N Illinois. Randolph 4370. J. C. WILtSON 1230 Prospect. ST. 1471, Drexel 0333, EDW. L. HOLMAN 2512 Central Are. Randolph 5903. CUAS. A. HOC KEN SMITH. 734 N. ilUnola. Khln 1155, LI 1149. FUNERAL DIRECTORS—I4O2 N. Illinois WM. E. KRIEGER. BERT S. GADD. 2130 Prospect st Phones: Drexel 0422. ST. 3273. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY A TITUS. 951 North Del LI 4584 Main 3450. H. D. TUTEWILER. 334 N. Meridian. Main 0314, FEENEY 4 FEENEY. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. CRONIN, WILLIAM T.—59 years, father of William S. Cronin, brother of James J. Cronin of Indianapolis, died April 11 at 3 p. m., at Methodist Hospital. Fu neral at Terre Haute. Ind. ROACH. DAVID ALLEN—Age 78 years, died early Tuesday morning. Survived by wife and daughters. Maude and Mabel. Funeral at late residence. 3241 Park ave.. Thursday 2:30 p. m. Friends invi.ed. Bu rial CrtWvn Hill. RUSSELL HARVEY B.—Beloved hus band of Elizabeth B. Russell. <iepar:ed this life Tuesday. April 11 at "3:30 p. m. at hla residence, 1212 N. Lasalle, age 73 years. Funeral Thursday at 'fountain Street M. E. Church. 2 p. m. Fr.ends in vlted. Burial New Bethel cemetery. VORDEP..MARK. AUGUST of Margatette Vordermark. brother of Mrs. Louis Wacker, Mrs. Robert Bauer at the late home, 314 Bradley ave.. Tuesday. April 11. at 10:40 a. m. Funeral at resi dence. Thursday, April 19. at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Mottled purse by widow, either In Star store or from there to Illinois st.: contents and owner's name inside. Lib eral reward. Belmont 2526. LOST—One pair lady’s black lisle hose In Block's wrapper. Lost In Kresge’s 5 and 10-cent store Friday noon. Please call Main 3500. LOST—WiII party finding box of curtains, lost from delivery truck, call SCHOEN PfIROS., 601 N. Pennsylvania st. Main 0645. JKeward. LOST—Yellow and black angora cat, fe male; answers to "Mlckdy.” Drexel 1341. Reward. LOST—Purse containing bills between Block's and New Y'ork store. Reward. Drexel 6399. LOST—Would party finding ope l-faeed South Bend watch please call Drexel 3102. LOST—A. T. O. fraternity pin; n; me en graved on back. Reward. Main 1919. LOST—Coat with DeMolay and K. of P. button. Beech Grove 131. Ring e. UMBRELLA. left In postofflce Monday aft ernoon. Lincoln 1233. Reward. LOST—Opal ring, small; near Fortieth st. Main 0695. Reward. LODGES AND CLUB3. VERITAS LODGE No. 608, F. & A. M. Called meeting Thursday evening, April 13, at 7:30 p. m. for work in the apprentice degree. Visiting brethren welcome. WM. E. RENO, W. M. E. A. LESTWICH, Sec. NOTICES. r \ PRITCHETT The Barber I am now in my new loca tion and would like to see all my old customers. 24When Bldg, SECOND FLOOR ‘v ■■ > PERSONALS. Get Into a Profession STBIV raroOPBACTO E'fEBEKiaS ©We hare one class nicely un der way and are now starting anew class. Get Into this class NOW I Suite 604 National City Bank Bldg. FAIRMOUNI MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private; prices reason able: may work for board: babies adopted, write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG, 4911 E, Twenty-Seventh st., Kansas City, Mo. INDIANA CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Teaching the rational svstem of pain less adjustment. Fourth floor When bldg. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by wife, Edith Babbitt FRED C. BABBITT. WALTER E. JOHNSTON, Dentist; pyor rhea treatments. Te!.. Main 4073. 612 Terminal bldg. COME to 116 W. St. Clair .or vapor and sulphur baths and massages. Circle 5819. MARGARET SELLERS. Osteopath, chiropractor, massage. 731 Russell avenue. MASSAGED—2I749 N. Illinois st., apt, a. Select patronage. Circle 1390. BUSINESS SERVICES. p YATHERS bought, sold and renovated; feather mattresses and pillows made. B. F. BURKLE. 410 Ma. Main 1428, HOWARD ELECTRIC CO. Electric wiring. 5-room cottage; com plete 317. Circle 5724. Circle 3171. PAPER cleaning, hardwood floors cleaned. re waxed and polished; white service. Phone Brookslde 2X27. ELECTRICAL wiring, 5-room house com plete. $16.50. bauman & gray. Drexel S6l. ROOFING AND TINNING. New or repair work. Estimates furnished. Coll Ran dolph 9417. HEATH'S Union Barber Shop. Warm, comfortable bath rooms. 133 W. Mar ket street. > SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened TUTTLEDGE, 301 Indiana are, BUSINESS SERVICES. ELECTRICAL WIRING Light and power. Houses a specialty. Repair work given prompt attention; rea sonable. DILTS ELECTRIC. ; 948 FT WAYNE. MAIN 5685. EX-SERVICE BROS.—Vault, sink or dry well cleaning; se-vers opened on connections; repair work reliable and rea sonable. Go anywhere. Mall orders or * phone orders. Truck service, i all Circle | 7618. PAUL WEISS. 626 N. Caldwell. , PAPER CLEANING. WORK GUARANTEED: BEST REFER ENCE; ABSOLUTELY NO DIRT. BEL MONT 4871, DAY OR U BATHROOM fixtures, complete. |9O. Plumbing supplies at retail. We save ! you money on Installation. E. M. HAR DIN CO . 3220 E. Michigan. ' BABY carriages reflnlshed and repaired; all kinds of reed and wicker furniture repairing and reflnlshlng. TEDDY SHOP. | Circle 7090. 607 X. Alabama, YOUP. LACE CURTAINS j laundered like new by our new method. XU-WAY CURTAIN LAUNDRY. Ran. 4048, ROOFING; best quality and service; tin work of all kinds. Phone. Main 3572. GOOD roofing, |l.L> rr roll and up. M. HARDIN CO„ 3?20 E. Michigan. O ET ECTI \ZjEs7" Quigley-Hyland Agency, Inc. Bulte 404 National City Bank building. Phone Main 2902 Local office Interna ! tlonal Secret Service Astn. Seventy offices in America and foreign countries. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—Boys not over 14 years old to carry Times route In central part of city. Call and see Mr. Moorehead at Times office after 2 o'clock any afternoon. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. ; WANTED—Position as night watchman; j experienced. E. T. WALKER. Beech | Grove 201. 7 Alton street. CARPENTER work, garage building and general repair w’ork, reasonable. Call j Webster* 1376. INSTRUCTIONS. PIANO—SAXOPHONE In 25 lessons, the Christensen way. Be ginners and advanced. CHRISTENSEN SCHOOL. 106 Pembroke Arcade. Clr. 3034. PRIVATE lessons In shorthand, typewrit ing. bookkeeping, etc. JACKSON BUS INESS COLLEGE. 157 N. Illinois street. Circle 1214. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER'S COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 0757. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. A FEW YOUNG LADIES over 18 years of age. In our long dis tance department. Pay while learn ing. Vacation with pay. IND. BELL TELEPHONE CO„ Room 322, cor. New York and Meridian. GIRLS. over IS years of age to learn telephone operating. IND. BELL TELEPHONE CO. Room 822, corner New Y’ork and Meridian. COMPETENT white cook; no laundry, 312; four in family; city references absolute necessity. Apply between 5:30 and 8 p. m. Irvington 0251. MIDDLE-AGE lady for general house work; white. Call Ben Davis 15. ASSISTANT masseur. Call 116 W. St. Clair. Circle 6819, WANTED—Whits restaurant cook. 126 W. South street. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. ROUGH dry washing at 8 cents a lb, in neighborhood of Riverside. Harrison 1043. CURTAINS TO LAUNDER. MRS. LUTZ. Drexel 0895. HOUSES—TO LET. WWW UPPER duplex, 4 rooms, bath, heat; rea sonable. Randolph 7475. TWO unfurnished rooms, 916 % Chadwick at. Call Drexel 4170. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET~ FOR COLORED 21st Street and Highland Place New apartment building, ready for occupancy. Two rooms, dressing closet, bath. ln-a-door bed and gas range. Front apart ments, 325; back apts., 522.50 and S2O. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4518. For Colored 823 W. Nineteenth St. Two rooms and bath; front apartment, 325.00. State Savings & Trust Cos. Main 4518. Apartments, Close In Located at *OS South Meridian; 3 rooms, 530 month; 2 rooms, 523 month. Dunlop & Holtegel. FOR RENT—Five-room apartment, fur nished; both waters, gas, electric lights, first floor; big yard and barn. Call 1010 North Senate avenue. FIVE-ROOM modern apartment down- ; stairs; excellent location. Randolph 2165. 130 W. Eighteenth street TRANSFER AND STORAGE. ESTABLISHED 1336. Otto J. Suesz Packing, Hauling, Storage Overland Hauling Main 2353-3628 Night, Webster 0699 PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE * CO. Private locked rooms and opsn space. 36c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations 411-22 E. Market street Main 2750. LI. 3680. Shank Superior Sei rice BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st DAVIS & NORRIS, new storage house. We store household goods or anything. Storage, packing, shipping or transfer. Circle 6672. Night Belmont 1026. Office 328 W. Maryland. TRANSFERRING OF ALL KINDS. CALL DREXEL 2379. UNION STATION BAGGAGE TRANSFER MAIN 7119. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMB. PERSHING, 1034 8.; furnished 2 or 3 rooms; light, heat and phone. Belmont 1391. xl .. ROOMS—TO LET. GENTLEMEN to board and room In strictly private, modern home; reason able. Lincoln 8143. FRONT room neatly furnished; modern; private home north. Central car line. Randolph 8283. TWO clean unfurnished rooms in modern private horns close to Columbia ave. car. Circle 6730, SUITABLE front room on N. Meridian st., for one or two gentlemen. Kenwood 5466. WASHINGTON. 2435 E.; front room, mod ern home, employed couple. Webster 1967. NICELY furnished, modern, steam heated room. Circle 7791. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO L ET. TWO GIRLS; ROOM AND BOARD. CALL RANDOLPH 8342, REAL ESTATE—WANTED~ What Have You f We want a modern bungalow south that can be bought on terms. Call us Imme diately as our buyer must locate very soon Fowler & Eaton SOI City Trust Bldg. Main 6871. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? I have a pressing demand from buyers for doubles, singles and lots. . E. E. HATFIELD. 40 North Delaware St. MODERN or semi-modern live to seven rooms. Can pay 3700 cash and balance monthly. Main 0142. WILL PAT CASH FOR 4 TO 9-ROOM HOUSE SOUTH Oft EAST. PHONE MAIN 6340. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Bungalow Bargains You will love these two 5-room modern bungalows on Brookslde ave., near Rural st. Lots 40x185 ft. Price 54,800. Only j 3500 down. Tou will be surprised when you see our ! new bungalows In the 300 block S. Ran dolph. 5 rooms each. Modern except fur nace. for only 33,500, with a deposit of 3500 down. MR. HALLS, with J. G. McCullough i 106 N. Delaware. Main 1710. Brand Ne w Bungal o w $350 Cash Excellent location, five rooms and bath room with inside toilet Installed. Large j basement arranged so that furnace can jbe installed; cement front porch and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call Ed O'Callahan. South Side Special ist, with. Mc-Cord & McKinney, Realtors. 311 Lemcke Bldg. Circle 5220. Evenings, Webster 8800. Double—North of Fall Creek Brick, new. modern. Terms. Two doubles, modern, east, 52,000 cash, balance terms. Five-room bungalow east, modern, SI,OOO cash, balance terms. L. E. Williams 22-23 When Bldg. Circle 0446. Semi-Modem Bungalow SSOO DOWN. $32 PER MONTH. Five rooms, electric lights, gas, city water and cistern, furnace, cement porch with brick rail. Just half block to car line on Tremont. Meredith & Johnson, i Main 2393. Webster 7958. SemkModem Homes One 6-room cottage; electric lights, gas, city water, inside toilet. cement front porch; newly papered and painted. $2,750. j Terms, $275 cash, $25 monthly; 1318 Lee street. One 6-room house; electric lights, I gas. city water, Inside toilet, cement front I porch; newly papered and painted, garage. $3,000: terms, S3OO cash. $27 monthly; 1314 Lee street. One block from street car. J. F. CANTWELL CO. REALTORS. Main 6204, 830 Lemcke Bldg. DUPLEX—I 4 rooms, modern, steam heat, located on the most desirable corner south of Fall Creek. Double garage with living rooms above. Rents for $167.50 per month; rents have not been raised. Can be bought for $2,500 cash, balance SIOO per month; price $12,500. This Is first class property and the price is low. Shown by appointment only. E. C. McLaughlin 407-9 INDIANA TRUST BLDG. ONLY ONE LEFT EAST SIDE HOME ON PAYMENTS 1925 N. Rural st., 4 rooms; pantry, gas, electric lights, city water; paved street; In good condition; price $2,250; terms, $250 cash, balanj monthly. Take Brookslde car to Rur §. st. HENRI .V ROBINS. REALTORS. Main 5538, Res,, Wash. 0848. 153 E. Market 5-Room Cottage Southeast Modern except furnace, newly painted and decorated. For quick sale. $2,100; S3OO cash, balance easy terms. Better hurry, as this won't last long at this price. See Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Richie. 710-12 Bankers Trust. Main 0520. Guilford Ave. Home Thoroughly modern 7-room house, east front; up-to-date ii. every respect; garage. PRICE $8,750. Will consider terms. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors We Will Build for You If you have a good ot paid for we will build you a house up tr $4,000 and let you pay for It by the month. We can use your plans or our own. Meredith & Johnson, Main 2393. Webster 7955. Bungalow, West Six-room semi-modern bungalow. Will sell very cheap. For further particulars call Mr. Anderson, with I. N. Richie & Son. 710 Bankers Trust. Main 0620. TWO houses, e:nl-m?dern, one 4 rooms and one 5 rooms, within one block of Fountain Square, rent.s for $32; can be bought on payments with S3OO cash, bal ance S3O per month; price $3,000. E. C. McLaughlin 407-3 INDIANA TRUST BLDG. 4-Room Bungalow, East on paved street; reasonable price. Easy terms. IT. C. Venn 108 E. Market. Main 1115, Webster 0440. Bungalow, East. Five-room seml-moderi.; paved street; corner lot. East Tenth car line. Price $3,750; SI,OOO cash, balance monthly. ELMORE BROTHERS. ___ Circle 7962. jf-r) , tj Two doubles east, one ([ fr /\ II corner New York and q ]| /*\\ || . Gray, $9,500; the other 232-34 Dorman street; i splendid terms on either. GEO. A. LUCAB. 726 K. ot P. bldg. Circle 6600. Evening, Belmont 4926. B EAUTIFUL HOME. Seven-room strictly modern, one of the most complete homes In city, on Thirty- Second, Just off Central ave.; full base rrsnt; muat be seen to be appreciated. GIBBS, 35 When bldg. j—v a jv West; In Trotter & (I n II Henry’s addition, 6-room Vi II n * modern home with ga " rage. $4,250; $250 cash, balance $42 per month. Including Interest. GEO. A. LUCAS, 726 K. of P. bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Belmont 4926. Le Grande, Near Meridian Cottage 5 rooms, well and electric lights, newly decorated; price $1,600. $l5O cash, sls month. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. Horae Southeast Flve-rotrsi cottage on Improved street; $2,300. Only S3OO cash required. Bal ance monthly. MARION COUNTY STATE BANK. Park Ave., Near 21st Six-room to side, strictly modern; good buy at SB,OOO. Call Trueblood. RELIABLE REALTY' CO. Main 0186. Evenings, Irv ington 4213. " 438 S. GRAY ST. Six-room cottage, semi-modern and va cant lot adjoining; SSOO cash and balance like rent. GRIFFIS & ETTINGER. 302 City Trust Bldg. Main 6064. Indianapolis Avenue Five-room bungalow. Terms. Margaret Berry, Main 5147. M JDERN bungalow east, semi-modern bungalow, modern doubles, semi-modern doubles. Any kind of a property you want east or south. Cash and payment. C. J. OSBORN. Drexel 6184. WEST New York, double 6 rooms, pan try, gas. electricity, well and cistern; each side new roof, $2,000 cash, balance like rent. Harrison 1362. FOR colored; strictly modern five-room bungalow. Large lot, garage and chicken park, $4,500; $750 cash, balance monthly. Main 0107. IV4 EAST of Irvington and Vi mile south of National road; $1,250; sls monthly. Call Webster 5774, evenings, or Cooper & Hadley 838 Lemcke Bldg. Main 2776. DRUG store, brick corner, east; modern fixtures; clean stock; doing $45 day. $5,- 700. INDIANA BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 617 Ind. Trust bldg. EAST; nice five-room modern bungalow near car line. Long living room; SSOO cash; $55 month. MR. WRIGHT. Irving ton 0292. SEVEN-ROOM modern except baShi two lots, garage and work shop, $3,500. SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Main 0107. ARROW ave., 1846; five rooms, semi-mod ern. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Main 0142. SEVEN-ROOM modern. 71 N. Addison st.; small payment, balance like rent. Bel mont 4818. EIGHT rooms, strictly modern; fine cor ner; located north. $9,000. Main 0107. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. TWO doubles renting for SBS to trade for modern residence south of Fall Creek. Male 1232. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. EVERETT TRUE. THAT'S MY N-4M<5! IT SAYS OMS Dot-LAre Ct-i/SRCes*; 1 OSKJ S<SCL IT Plainly from Htrrets L - r . —— if Yog mth such n 1 wni't TMFtMCOLTY tUHY DOfM’T [f3=aW?<?D CLASVSS y ol> Ger That’S ad (AASL<- , THCM , N fc GOT A -IT REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Five Acres Located near S. Meridian st.. dandy cot tage, new, 4 rooms and pantry, well, elec tric lights, barn, chicken house, shed and outbuildings; price $6,500. Very reason able terms. Dunlop & Holtegel. Realtors. LOTS—FOR SALE. Lot Bargain 80x160 feet on College avenue north of Forty-Fourth street. Beautiful building site with all public Improvements In and paid. Must be sold within ten days and a pflee made on It to sell quick. If you i are looking for a real bargain In a lot call I Main 1409. MR. YOUNG, or evenings, Washington 1079. 114 FEET on Illinois, north of 42d, cov ered with beautiful fruit tress. HALL A HILL. REALTORS. 147 E. Market st. Main 2815. AI.T JEN ave.. choice building lot; price 1580 cosh. Harrison FOR SALE—A lot, 2400 block Parke- ave.. $350. Cali Webster 4177. PA RMS—FOR SALE. BACK TO THE FARM. I have 80 a' res located In Johnson County, south of Trafalgar, near the Three Notch road. No buildings, but plenty of timber. Will sell at $3,500 or trade $3,000 equity for Indianapolis rental or some clear lots. E. E. HATFIELD. 40 North Delaware street. FURNITURE rtor* an 4 repair shop, closed recently; death. 6 living rooms and ga rage connected. Circle 2667. PLAIN Mwing; work called for and de livered; children’s clothing specialty; reasonable. Webster 5172. GROCERY; two tmail living rooms; good location; bargain. SEBHEE. 40 North Delaware street. DRKSSM AK prices reasonable. Miss Haynes, 124 K. Thirtieth st. Kenwood 5136. RESTAURANT for sale ch*ap; reason, leaving town. Call Main 0630. A UTOM OB 1L ES—FO R SA LE. DODGE BROTHERS motor cars; a good assr '.mem at all times. C.h. Wallericm Company DaxiMßasntMUi Motto Vbtmum 846 North Meridian. FORD, late 1920 sedan; newly painted; perfect condition; good tires; $l6O down, ! balance one year. WIDES & MILLER. 1 644 E. Washington. Main 3493. AI.L kinds of cars, SBO, 375. SIOO down, balance small weekly payments. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 N. Capitol. ' FORD touring. 1920-21 model; starter . and demountable. Sale or exchange. Eqiall payment. 725 Virginia avenue. i FORD touring. $125. Ford roadster SIOO. Ford light delivery truck SIOO. 725 Vir ginia avenue. I CHALMERS sedan; aocept reasonable of ! fer. Looks like new. 610 N. Capitol ave., Indianapolis. ! PACKARD touring; good condition; trade or sacrifice. Reasonable offer. 610 N. Capitol ave.,. Indianapolis. WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-possenger; will sac rifice. 610 N. Capitol ave., Indianapolis, ! LEXINGTON, 1921 *sport touring; a bar gain. 510 N. Capitol ave.. Indianapolis. ÜBED cars; always a bargain on hand In light cars. Main 6735. MARMON chummy roadster; like new. 510 N. Capitol, Indianapolis. HAYNES chummy roadster; bargain at S4OO, 510 N. Capitol. STUTZ roadster, S6OO. 610 N. Capitol ave., Indianapolis, AUTOMQBiLES—Vy ANTED. USED CABS WANTED Don’t sacrifice your car. Get a good price. SEE ua We want —• Fords, Ford Coupes, Ford Sedans and Packards. Mercers, Marmons, Bulcks, Plerce-Arrowa. SEE US FIRST—QUICKLY PIONEER MOTOR SALES CO. 610 N. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois at. Main 1579. WILL trade my 6-cyllnder Overland and some cash for your smaller touring or roadster. 5345 Carrollton avenue. AUTOS wanted. WEIKSMAN"B. 212-14 HI New York street. Main 4446. lISCELLANEOUS—TO Let! CONCRETE MIXERS FOR RENT. Circle 6665. auto REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. COLVIN BATTERY COMPANY Recharge, 6-Volt, 50c; 12-Volt, 75c. New Battery, Guaranteed Two Years, 611, $14.50; 613, $16.50; 127, $22.50. 121 E. MARYLAND ST. CIRCLE 1870. "FITTED TO ANY CAR FHEE.’’ BRING your hauery troubles to us. We are experts in this work and our prices are right; 6 volt recharge 50o; rebuild complete $6.00; 12 volt recharge 75c; re build complete SIO.OO SOUTH SIDE BATTERY SHOP. 418 S MERIDIAN ST. AUTO WASHING Our specialty. 834 North Illinois; I S & S Auto Laundry BUICK H-45 light six touring; looks like new; real bargain; $650. Yor and better hurry. 220 S. Pennsylv°"t By CONDO. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. FORD BODIES SPEEDSTER Autowa Ames and Ford Body Dtst. Swisshelm & Parker 330 East Market. TIRES, all sixes. $4 and up. Rebuilt ca lnge with NEW TREADS. We also re pair or retread your tires. ANDERSON STEAM VULVANIZER CO., 611 North Capitol. 3d floor. REDUCED PRICES. Auto washing. Touring, $1.00; sedan. $1 25. BCH ROYER'S. 323 W. Maryland. Circle 065$ 300 USED tiros, all sizes. $2 each. ROG ERS. 3115 W. Washlngon. Belmont 4800. _ MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. Now l, the time to have youi motorcycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-36 Mass Are. Main 6434. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 509 Mass. avs. Main 7029. MISCELLANEOUS—FQR SALE. Now at 22 8. Pennsylvania St. $2 DOWN Brings You a Brand New Corona. The MmJuqb lA.BY PAYMENTS THEREAFTER. Judd Typewriter Exchange 22 S. Pennsylvania St GAS range, good baker. only 17; bed davenport, dark oak. $7; drop-aide sani tary couch, $3.00; folding card table, prac tically new, $2.00; fine stand table, $1.50; electric fan. A. C. or D C„ $2.75; curtain stretchers. $1.00; some dishes, very cheap: half size Iron bed. $1.00; two electric light fixtures. 3 lights each, $3.00 for both; tine Manila mantel clock, good timekeeper. $2.25. kitchen tablee with drawer, $1.00; steplad der, $1.50; good pair rubber boots, large size, $2.00; fine hammock, $1.50; several screen doors and windows very cheap; tai lor Iron. 25c; antique stands, cheap; 8-day weight clock. $3.4)0; very old antique dielw $1.00; several other things vc>y cheep. Call at residence any time, 1529 Woodlawn. Drexel 8940. Take Prospect oar get off at Spruce street. ® TROUSERS rr\ The latest spring styles I 1 now In. Match Your 1 I I Coat and Vost. II I The Pants Store U i I 2 Stores Full of- Pants • 48 West Ohio St. Typewriter Bargains LARGE AND SMALL TYPEWRITERS AT LOW PRICES. IN FINE CONDITION AND GUARANTEED. CASH UR PAY MENTS. Clark Typewriter Shop 18 W. MARKET ST.. SECOND FLOOR. PHONE MAIN 2686. ONE FAIRBANKS TRACK SCALE. 100 tons capacity. Bargain for quick sale. INDIANAPOLIS SCALE CO.. 836 E. Washington st. Circle 5106. BURROUGHS statement adding machine, good condition; would consider trade for multigraph. Call MR. MICHAEL. Circle 7316. INVALID CHAIRS—Good, strong rubber tired chairs for rsrit, $3.50 per month. Crutches. 26c. Delivery free. _ BAKER BROS, MAKE your old coat look like new suit by matching a pair trousers with the CORRECT PANTS MAKERS CO. 104 C 4 W. Ohio St. FOR SALE —Dahlia bulbs, all kinds. Phone Belmont 3568. Do not call on Sunday. GENTLEMEN'S suits, library table, chairs and antique settee. Irvington 3820. DRESS, new, black taffeta, hand em broidered. Webster 3357. GOOD black soil; low price; delivered. Irvington 2365. ROLL-TOP DESK; Hwlvel chair. Irvington 3005. DENTAL "ENGINE. D. C. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. GOOD, SOUND YELLOW EAB CORN WANTED AT , THE STOCKYARDS MULTIGRAPH outfit, win trade Bur roughs statement adding machine, good condition. Call MR. MICHAEL. Circle 7316. HO USE HOLD GO O D S—FO R SALE. DROP-HEAD Singer sewing machines, 810; good condition. Circle 6580, MUSICAL—SALE OR WANTED. isseeeeseseesaeeseeeeeeeeeeertseees PARLOR Grand, ebony case, $250 cash. CHAB. C. MORGAN. Randolph 4221. CASH PAID FOR PIANOS. CALL MAIN w- DOGS, POU LTRY, PI GEONS, ETC. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless doga INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE 80CIETY. City dog pound. 924 R. N. Y. Main 0872. COAL AND WOOD—FOR SALE. ' Kindling With Each Ton Best Ind. or Linton No. 4 clean fk...55.00 Best Ind. mine run 6.00 Best 111. lump, large forked, clean... 6.76 i Best Illinois egg, clean forked 6.60 Best Brazil block, clean forked 7.25 High grade nut and slack 4.50 Delivered anywhere in the city. Drexel 3280. St. 2225. UNION ICE AND COAL CO. Quality, Service and Correct Weight. Since 1908. Ask your frlendA LINTON No. L forked $6.00 Pocahontas lump, forked 8.00 Pocohontas lump, genuine red ash... 7.75 LI. 6237. MERIDIAN COAL CO. COAL L. H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 8531. 212 N, Pine. Main 216 L LEG ALNOT^C^E. NOTICE—SALE OF MARION COUNTY TRACK ELEVATION BONDS. Notice is hereby given that, up to 10 o’clock a. m., on the 25th day of May, 1922, sealed bids will be received at the auditor's office of Marlon county. Indiana, for the purchase of Marion county track elevation bonds to the amount of two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000) dollars, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually, said bonds being payable and negotiable at tho office of the treasurer of Marlon county. That said bonds be dated May 15. 1922, and number two hundred fifty (250), of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, and be of the following numbers and denom inations and mature as follows, towlt: Said bonds numbered 7926 to 7940, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable one year after date. Said bonds numbered 7941 to 7955, both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable two years after date. Said bonds numbered 7956 to 7970, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable three years after date. Said bonds numbered 7971 to 7985, both Inclusive, in the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable four years after date. Said bonds numbered 7986 to 8000. both Inclusive, In the sura of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable five years after date. Said bonds numbered 8001 to 8015, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable six years after date. Said bonds numbered 8016 to 8030, both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable seven years after date. Said bonds numbered 8031 to 8045. both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable eight years after date. Said bonds numbered 8046 to 8060, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable nine years after date. Said bonds numbered 8061 to 8075, both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable ten years after date. Said bonds numbered 8076 to 8090, both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable eleven years after date. Said bonds numbered 8091 to 8105. both i Inclusive, In the eum of one thousand | ($1,000) dollars each, payable twelve years after date. Said bonds numbered 8108 to 8120. both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable thirteen years after date. Said bonds numbered 8121 to 8135, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable fourteen years after date. i Said bonds numbered 8136 to 8150, both | Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand (SI,OOOI dollars each, payable fifteen years after date. Said bonds numbered 8151 to 8155. both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable sixteen years after date. Said bonds numbered 8156 to 8160, both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable seventeen years after date. Said bonds numbered sl6l to 8165. both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1 000) dollars each, payable eighteen years after date. Said bonds numbered 8166 to 8170. both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each. payable nineteen years after date. Said bonds numbered 8171 to 8175, both Inclusive, In the eum of one thoueand ($1 000) dollars each, payable twenty years after date. That said bonds will be sold to the hlirhent reaponstbl* bidder, but *hall not be sold for less amount than the par value and accrued Interest thereof to data of ral#. If nnt gold on said date they will be offered for sale from day to day until sold. Tho rlfrht Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Each bid must state the full amount of cash which shall be paid by the bidder for the bonds proposed to be pur chased and shall be accompanied by a certified check for three per cent of the per value of the bonds bid upon and drawn ayainst. moneys in some re- I liable banks In Marion county. Indiana, j said check to bo made payable to the j board of commissioners, and shall be held as a guarantee of the performance of said ! bid should the same be accepted. The bid must be made upon the form provided by the auditor and must be ac companied with affidavits of noncolluslon as provided hv law LEO K. FIDS L EH, Auditor of Marion County. ! NOTICE)—SALE OF MARION COUNTY BRIDGE BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that, up to 10 : o’clock a m. on tho 25th day of May, 1923, sealed bids will be received at the audtlor’s office of Marlon County. Indiana. ! for the purchase of Marlon county bridge ' bonds to tho amount of thirty-live thou | earn! ($35.000> dollars, bearing interest at j the rato of five (5) per cent per annum, j payable semi-annually, said bonds being ( payable and negotiable at the office of the I treasurer of Marion County. J That said bonds be dated May 15, 1922. j and number seventy (70) bonds, in the denomination of live hundred (1500) | dollars each, and be of tho following num- I bers and denominations, and mature as follows, towlt: Said bonds numbered from 8.601 to 8.607. both Inclusive. In the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable one year after date. Said bonds numbered from 8.608 to 8 614. both Inclusive, in tho sum of llvo hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable two years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8.615 to 8,621, both Inclusive, In tho sum of live hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable three years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8,822 to 8,628, both Inclusive, In the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable four year* after date. Said bonds numbered from 8,629 to 8,635, both inclusive, In the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable five years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8.636 to 8,642, both Inclusive. In the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable six years after date. Said bonds numbered from 3,643 to 8.649, both Inclusive, In the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payabto seven years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8.650 to 8.656, both inclusive. In the sum of five hundred ($600.00) dollars each, payable eight years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8,657 to 8.663. both Inclusive, In the eum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable nine years after date. Said bonds numbered from 8,664 to 8,670, both Inclusive, in the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, payable ten years after date. That said bonds will be sold to the highest responsible bidder, but shall not be sold for less amount than the par value and accrued Interest thereof to date of sale. If bonds are not sold on said date they will be offered for sale from day to day until sold. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Each bid must state the full amount of cash which shall be paid by the bidder for the bonds proposed to be pur chased and shall be accompanied by a certified check for three per cent (3%) of the par value of the bonds bid upon and drawn against moneys In some reliable bank In Marlon County. Indiana, said check to be made payable to the board of commissioners, and ehall be held as a guarantee of the performance of said bid should the same be accepted. This bid must be made upon the form provided by the auditor and must be ac companied with affidavits of noncollusion as provided by law. LEO K. FESLER. Auditor of Marlon County. “ LEGAL NOTICE] “* Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the board of trustees of the Cen tral Indiana Hospital for the Insane until 10 o’clock a. m., April 17, 1922, for ex terior painting. Specifications for this work are on file at the office of the board of trustees of the Central Indiana Hospital for the In sane and at the office of Adolf Scherrer, architect. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. By order of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Central Indiana Hospital for tho Insane. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE—SALE OF MARION COUNTY JULIETTA HOME BONDS. Notice la hereby given that, up to 10 o’clock a. m. on the 25th day of May, 1922, sealed bids will be received at the auditor’s office of Marion county. Indiana, for the purchase of Marlon county Julietta home bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars, bearing inter est at the rate of five (s'/e) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, said bonds being payable and negotiable at the office of the treasurer of Marion county. That said bonds be dated May 15, 1922, and number one hundred fifty (150) bonds, in the denomination of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, and be of the fol lowing numbers and denominations, and mature as follows, towlt: Ten of said bonds numbered from 8226 to 8235, both inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable one year after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8236 to 8245, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable two years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8246 to 8255, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable three years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8256 to 8265. both Inclusive. In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable four years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8266 to 8275, both Inclusive, In the Bum of one thousand dollars each, payable five years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8276 to 8285, both Inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable six years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8286 to 8295, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable seven years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from- 8296 to 8305. both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable eight years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8306 to 8315, both inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable nine years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 831? to 8325, both inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable ten years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8326 to 8335, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable in eleven years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8338 to 8345, both Inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable twelve years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8346 to 8355, both inclusive. In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable thirteen years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8356 to 8365. both Inclusive, in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable fourteen years after date. Ten of said bonds numbered from 8368 to 8375, both Inclusive, In the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable fifteen years after date. That said bonds will be sold to the high est responsible bidder, but shall not be sold for less amount than the par value and accrued Interest thereof to date of sale. If bonds are not sold on said date they will be offered for sale from day to day until sold. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Each bid must state the full amount of cash which shall be paid by the bidder for the bonds proposed to be pur chased and shall be accompanied by a certified check for three per cent (3%) of the par value of the bonds bid upon and drawn 'against moneys in some reliable bank In Marlon county, Indiana, said check to be made payable to the board of com missioners, and shall be held as a guaran tee of the performance of said bid should the same be accepted. This bid must be made upon the form provided by the auditor and must be ac companied with affidavits of noncolluslon as provided by law. LEO K. FESLER, Auditor of Marion County. NOTICE TO HEIRS. CREDITORS). ETC" In the Probate Court of Marlon County. April term. 1922. In the matter of the estate of George G. Grady, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Mary p. Grady as administratrix of the above named estate has presented and filed her account and vouchers In final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court on the 29th day of April, 1922, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to ap pear In said court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. GEORGE V. COFFIN, Clerk. B. E. BATTLER. Attorney. AUCTIONS. Allot ion Sale at our auction rooms 227 N. New Jersey St. Thursday morning, 9:30 o’clock, April 13. wo will sell a nice assortment of house hold goods, consisting of several kitchen cabinets, kitchen safes, gas ranges, laun dry stoves, heating stoves, dressers, dining tables, buffet and dining chairs, one mission dining room suite, brass beds, iron beds, springs and mattresses, sani tary couch, 9x12 rugs, small rugs, re frigerators. wardrobes, cook stoves, dishes, cooking utensils, bedding, one floor show case, many other articles. Shank Auction Cos. 706 CaN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bonded firm, for use In paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 at legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all the time you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the r -may. Fair, Isn't It? You Can Afford to Bo tow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COST IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day. and through personal contact and personal •ervtce, plus a deep personal Interest, we can serve you and your friends as you wish to be served. In these unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation are real assets to all of ua. We are ready to go three-fourtbs of the way. Now It Is up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO. 106 E. Market St. Room 632 Lemcke Bldg. Main 3 278. Lincoln 7782. REALESTATE CONTRACTS PURCHASED SECOND MORTGAGES PURCHASED COMMERCIAL PAPER PURCHASED. WE ADVANCE RENTS ON LEASES. INVESTIGATE OUR NEW PLAN. AUTOMOBILE FUNDING CO. 918 HUME-MANSUR. MAIN 3868. LOANS On furniture, pianos, autos, live stock, farm Implements and other collateral. CAPITOL LOAN CO. 141 % E. Washington St. Main 0695. Auto Lincoln 714. WE MAKE first and second mortgages on Improved farms and Indlanapolla real estate. AETNA MORTGAGE AND INVE3T*T C(X 508 Fidelity Trust bldg. MONEY furnished on realty mortgages and contracts. FRANK K. SAWYER. Meridian Life *sldg. 307 North Pennsyl vanla street. Circle 1061. FIRST and second mortgages or. Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. U. B. WIL SON. 1101 National City Bank bldg. Lin coln 6104. MONEY to loan tn second mortgages. L. B. MILLER. 127 N. Delaware at. Main 5762. ‘Sailor* Friedman Is Held Without Bail CHICAGO, April 12.—William (Sailor) Friedman, lightweight pugilist, and four others charged with the murder of Abe Rubin in a west side saloon, were or dered held without bail when arraigned today. The hearing was continued Un til April 18. LARGER NAVY BILL CHANCES BRIGHTENING Proponents Are Hopeful in View of Administration Favor. WASHINGTON. April 12.—‘‘Big Navy” j men were Jubilant today over the bright j oning chances in the House of adopting j the 86,000 Navy program, instead of 67,- ! 000 proposed by the powerful Appropria j tions Committee. It is apparent that with the open en- I dorsement of the ‘‘big Navy” by Sec ; rotary of State Hughes, the full weight of the Administration has been thrown upon the scales in favor of the 5-5-3 treaty Navy with American ships fully ] manned and of highest efficiency. \ While refraining from public comment, ; President Harding has told his House friends unofficially, it is stated, that he : desires the 80,000 Navy as the minimum. IHe believes that a Navy smaller and | weaker than this would not be a treaty Navy and would lose prestige for the United States. Representative Longworth is understood to have carried a message to House leaders today to this effecL GOVERNOR TO OPEN PROGRAM OF EXPOSITION Nurses Will Aid in Unveiling Statue of ‘Hygeia’ on First Night. A luncheon preliminary to the Indiana health exposition was given by Governor McCray today at the Claypool Hotel. More than one hundred fifty persons prominent In business, civic and social affairs of Indianapolis, as well as repre l sentatives of various organizations, at j tended tbe meeting. Its purpose was to acquaint Indianapolis with the vital im ! porlance attached to visual education by health authorities. Preceding the luncheon, a meeting of ! the State board of health was held to ! consider tbe progress thus far made in organizing for the exposition. This re port was presented at the Governor’s luncheon. Following an address by Governor Mc- Cray. at the official opening of the expo sition, a colossal statue of “Hygeia” will jbe unveiled. This figure represents the ; daughter of Eseulapious, the first physi cian. According to legends, Hygeia was the first trained nurse. One hundred nurses in uniform will participate in the I unveiling of this statue, which will be i constructed by an Indianapolis artist. It will be located immediately facing the entrance to the Manufacturers' building. Motion pictures on health subjects, ad dresses by health educators, and pag eants. masques, athletic exercises and playlets will be included in the first day's program. Served in Army CLARENCE B. FEABEY. Clarence B. Feasey, 3651 North Capitol avenue, a veteran of the World War with an engineering record covering three countries, is a candidate for the Re publican nomination for county surveyor. During the war he served thirteen months overseas as a first lieutenant with the SlSth Engineers. During this perlo-d he was engaged in road and brldgo construction at the front and took part in engagements In the Vosges Mountains, the Gerardmer sector and the Meuso-Argonne offensive. After the armistice he had charge of repair and maintenance work in France and Ger many and had more than 1500 men under him. Later he was appointed director of public utilities for the town of Adenau, Germany, which was under con trol of the Army of Occupation. Mr. Feasey is a gradute of Emmerich Mauual Training High School and Purdue University. Before the war he was employed in the office of the city engineer and later was made assistant engineer for tho Pennsylvania division. At present he is a member of the en gineering staff of the Indiana Public Se-vice Commission. He is a member of the* American Legion, the Military Order of Foreign Wars, and is commander of Templeton- I’arry post, No. 126. He is the sou of John N. Feasey, Indianapolis business man. Fertilizer Plant Destroyed by Fire SEYMOUR, Ind., April 12.—Fire of un known origin destroyed the plant of the Buhner Fertilizer Company, near here, today. The loss was estimated at $50,000, not covered by Insurance. Anew plant will be built Immediately, officials of the company said. Senator Crow in Shadow of Death PITTSBURGH, Pa., April 12.—United States Senator William E. Crow early this afternoon was reported at the point of death at Mercy Hospital here. All relatives have been summoned. FOREWARNED KOKOMO, Ind., April 12. Had John E. Lytle, electrocuted while handling an electric drop light at the Midwest Paper Mill, heeded the pleas of his wife not to go to work, he would not have died. She had a pre monition an accident would befall him if fcp left home. -t 11