Newspaper Page Text
APRIL 12,1922. JAPAN GREETS ENGLISH PRINCE IN ROYAL STYLE Holiday for Edward’s Arrival in Land of Britain’s W Ancient Ally. 4-POWER PACT INDORSED TOKIO. April 12.—Edward, Prince of Wales, is the guest of Japan. All eastern Japan, in gala attire, bade him welcome. Arriving at Yokohama on board the bat tleship Renown, the vlsijing prince landed on Japanese soil at 9:30 this morning. A special train bore him to the Toklo Central station where Hirohlto, rrince Regent of Japan, the imperial princes and officials of state greeted him. Rockets and the roar of welcoming guns announced his arrival to waiting thou sands who lined the streets. The occasion of the Prince's arrival was made more or less of a holiday by the populace. School children by arrangement held the post of honor next to the street. Tonight the Brst day of the visit of rhe heir to the British throne was cli maxed by a brilliant banquet at the im perial palace. Hirchito. prince regent. In toasting his royal guest, reviewed his own reception in England last year—a vi6it the Prince of Wales is now repaying—and paid glowing tribute to Edward. “In view of the signature of the quad ruple treaty at the epoch-making Wash ington conference.” Raid the Prince Re gent, “it is not amiss for me to dwell upon the high and honorable role played in the past by the Anglo-Japanese alli ance In the interests of peace in the Far East and upon the admirable spirit manifested by both countries in living up to the obligations contained in it. 1 have every confidence that the same loyalty will be manifested by the four powers in the new Instrument—wider in scope—which supercdes the same!” Assignments of Officers Assignments of officers in the officers’ reserve corps of the United States have been announced by J. F. Taulbee, acting chief of staff of the headquarters of the S4th division as follows: First Lieutenant Charles S. Davis, I.ogansport; attached to 338th Infanrry. First Lieutenant William C. Miller, Lafayette: attached to 336th Infantry. First Lieutenant Paul E. Williams, Richmond; attached to 335th Infantry. First Lieutenent Perry C. Garman, J Patent Chrome, White Kid and THE ARISTOCRACY OF EASTER FOOTWEAR STYLES See these pretty Grecian Pumps and you will appreciate the price The season’s newest creation. Medium C vamp, flexible hand- <0 turned soles, new * Spanish heels. Spe- V ■ daily priced at — A Large Variety at $4 and $5 26-28 E. Washington St. - One Door West Washington Hotel ——■ ■■■ ■ - Statement of Condition OF THE Patriotic Assurance * Company LTD. NEW YORK, N. Y. 54 Pine st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 P. T.. KELLEY, U. 8. Manager. Statutor- deposit $ 200,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. CasL In banks (on interest and not on interest) $ 59,004.-82 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 736,222.60 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 8,067.55 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 184,635.97 Accounts otherwise secured... 24,904.46 Total net assets $1,013,730.40 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 385,808.49 Losses due and unpaid 27.546.3S Losses unadjusted and In sus pense ' 74,925.02 Other liabilities of the com pany ... 25,130.87 Total liabilities $ 513.710.76 Capital 200.000.00 Surplus 300.013.64 Total $1,013,730.40 ■Greatest amount in any one W risk $ 10,000.00 Greatest am<-unt allowed to be insured in any one block..s 40,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of InSuinUCe. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the aboTe is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April, 1922. T. K McMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. SCENE OF GENOA ECONOMIC PARLEY St. Giorgio Palace at Genoa, Italy, is the scene of the European economic conference, Lloyd George’s meeting to adjust world finances, now in session. All important plenary sessions will be held in this building. Goshen, attached to 335th Infantry. First Lieutenant Mark H. Shldeler, Huntington; attached to 335 th 'Infantry. First Lieutenant Leonard I. Kercheval, Eheridau; attached to 333 th Infantry. First Lieutenant C. Weatherholt, Ft. Wayne; attached to 335th Infantry. First Lieutenant Leslie S. Tucker, Ft. Wayne, attached to 335th Infantry. First Lieutenant Edward L. Hay, Go shen, attached to 333 th Infantry. First Lieutenant Ora B. ltodkey, Red kev, attached to 333 th Infantry. Maj. Arthur C. Newkirk, Crawfords vilie, attached to Third Battalion, 336th Infantry. Capt. Harry L. Beshore, Marion, Com pany E, 335th Infantry. Capt. Carl F. Hetberington, Indian apolis, Howitzer Company, 334th Infan try. Capt. Oliver M. Leath, Attica, Com panv I, 336th Infantry. Capt. Abraham X. Levin. Terre Haute, Howitzer Company, 333d Infantry. Capt. Harry E. Rubin, 352 Good ave nue, Indianapolis; Service Company, 334th Infantry. First Lieutenant Edwar E. Petri, 410 Statement of Condition OF The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance • Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. 503-510 Walnut st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 CECIL F. SHALLCROSS, President. H. J. THOMSEN, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up...s 750,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 540,359.70 Real estate unincumbered... 130,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 8,845,265.20 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 116,864.46 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collec tion 815.852 25 Cash in office 400.00 Collateral loane 1,897.56 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 3,912.88 Total net assets $10,474,555.05 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 6,001,905.97 Losses adjusted and not due 53,517.70 Losses unadjusted and in suspense 530,323750 Bills and accounts unpaid— 215,839.99 Total liabilities $ 6,801,586.96 Capital 750,000.00 Surplus ... 2,922,968.09 Total $10,474,555.05 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 600,000.00 State of Indiana. Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember. 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April, 1922. T. JR., East Thirty-Seventh street, Indianapolis; Howitzer Company, 334th Infantry. First Lieutenant Jack E. Walters, Corydon; Company L, 334th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Marshall Bennett, Columbus; Company H. 334th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Charles E. Puc harme, 2619 North Illinois street, Indian apolis; Howitzer Company, 334th In fantry. Second Lieutenant Dwight E. Rorer, Meridian and St. Clair streets, Indian apolis; Service Company, 334th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Le Roy Fledges, Bluffton; Company F, 335th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Richard Kett, 2050 Starting Thursday Morning — An Exceptional Sale Used Phonographs Just the Thing for Summer Camp or Cottage Priced Included In the List Are These Makes $f\ f \nn Columbia Aeolian Pathe Victrola \J Edison and Others _ These Phonographs Have Been Gone Over in Our Shop and up. terms to Suit. And Are j n Perfect Condition. Every One a Real Bargain 124 N. \%tM6Wick\ Opposite Penn. St. Keith’s Statement of Condition OF The Ohio State Life Insurance Company COLUMBUS. OHIO. 33 N. High st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 JOHN M. SARVER, President. JOSEPH K. BYE, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up $ 225,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on interest) $ 31,956.68 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 5U.14L80 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 2,320,774.12 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 39,867.27 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 79,458.21 Accounts otherwise secured.. 292,592.48 Total net assets $3,275,790.56 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $2,805,207.00 Losses adjusted and not due 3,007.00 Losses inadjusted and In sus pense 1,038.00 Bills and accounts unpaid... 5,231.53 Other liabilities of the com pany 51,689.00 Totai liabilities $2,866,222.53 Capital 225.000.00 Surplus 184,568.03 Total $3,275,790.56 Life companies: Maximum risk written $ 50,000.00 Amount retained by com pany $ 10,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my [SEAL] official seal, this Ist day of April. 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR. Commissioner. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. Ashland avenue, Indianapolis; Service Compuny, 334t1i Infantry. Second Lieutenant Richard D. McCain, Anderson, Company M. 335th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Walter <4. Schlmkat, Tipton, Company I, 335th Infai try. Second Lieutenant Herman L. Harms, Nappanee, Howitzer Company, 335th In fantry. First Lieutenant llogen It. Morrlssesy, Peru, Company M. 336th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Stanley B. l’aimer, Michawaka, Company H, 836th Infantry. Second Lieutenant Orville H. Hollen back, Stockwell, Company L, 336th In fantry. Statement of Condition ‘ OF The Belt Automobile Indemnity Association EL PASO. ILL. Front st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 THE ALYRA-NICHOLS CO., Atty.-in- Fact. Amount of capital paid up.. ..Reciprocal NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 213,491.71 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 68,672.18 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 107,500.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 5,072.48 United States Certif. of In debtedness 4,000.00 War savings stamps and cer tificates 2,258.80 School tax warrants 9,916.66 Premiums due and In process of collection 46.559.47 Total net assets $ 457,771.30 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 233,301.42 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 156,499.76 Other liabilities of the com pany 10,000.00 Total liabilities $ 399.501.18 Surplus 57,970.12 Total $ 457,771.30 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 11,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 19C1, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement in now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April. ‘022. T. S. McIiIRRAY, JR., Commlsslone HALF HOLIDAY IN DENVER FOR HEROOFFRANCE Marshal Joffre Greeted by 20,000 Children at State Capital. ESCORTED BY VETERANS DENVER, Colo., April 12.—Marshal Joffre, famous F'reneh soldier and hero of the first battle of the Marne, arrived in Denver al noon today. A half-holiday has been declared by city and State offl cials and an enthusiastic welcome will be accorded the visitor. He will be escorted by a parade of ex service men from the railroad station to the municipal auditorium, where a public reception will be held. At 3 o’clock this afternoon the Marshal will be greeted by 20,000 Denver school children on the lawn of the State capitol, and he will be the guest of honor at a dinner to night. Thursday Marshal Joffre will make an automobile tour of Denver's mountain parks. He will remain here until Friday, leaving for Kansas City. Aviation Regular Subject at Purdue LAFAYETTE, April 12.—Aviation is now included among the regular sub jects taught at Purdue University. It Is proving particularly attractive to stu dents in the school of engineering. Two hours of class work and six hours of design work are offered, running through two semesters. The course is opou only to seniors in the engineering school. Each student during the course Is re quired to design an engine suited for a particular phase of engineering. Second semester classes study the the ory of flight, meterolog.* and various in struments used in practical service. De tailed studies are made of aircraft and Its futuro development. The university owns one plane and two aircraft motors. Future plans of the school call for a large engine testing plant and air tun nel. Statement of Condition OF THE Consolidated Underwriters KANSAS CITY, MO. 1907 Grand ave. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 P. H. MASTIN’ A CO., Atty.-!n-Fact. Amount of capital paid up... .Reciprocal NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Interest) $1,325,303.58 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 289,880.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 3,579.25 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 488,398.08 Total net assets $2,107,160.91 LIABILITIES. Losses due and unpaid; losses adjusted and not due; losses unadjusted and in suspense ... ' $ 734,846.29 Administration expenses 88,686.75 Premium deposits 302.154.56 Total liabilities $1,125,687.60 Surplus 951.473.31 Total $2,107,160.91 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct'copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company ou tne 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April. 1922. T. S. McMURRAY. JR., Commissioner. HW*fl BLOCK G? Hart Bchaffner A. Marx Guaranteed Clothes for Men, Young Men and Boys (8 to 18). In Our Model Grocery Quality —Service—Moderate Prices Exclusive distributors for Indianapolis and vicinity of Park & Tilford’s world’s best food products. Bread on Sale Only From 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. Sun-lit bread, hot from our ovens. All pan breads, Including rye, graham and whole wheat. One-pound loaves, while C supply lasts, loaf .DC CHOICE BEEF RIBS Fine for roasting, | n pound 1 I C No phone orders. BREAK FAST BACON, machine sliced and de rlned pounds, 81 pound ,15C BCN-I.IT LARD, pure open kettle rendered. pound carton 17<l PHI NEB, Sweet Val ley. new crop Cali fornia, special, pound 25<t LAYER FIGS, new Imported Turkish Smyrnas, pound..39<j SNIDER'S TOMATO CATSUP, 10 - ounce bottle 23d 8-ounce bottle.... 14d FRESH PORK CHOPS— 91- Pound LDC No phone orders. BEACHES, Park & Tllford fancy Califor nia yellow cling, in very heavy syrup, dozen cans.. ...$4.10 can 35c PIMENTO CHEESE, made fresh daily In our sun-lit kitchen, pound 37c SMOKED BLOATERS extra fancy, large tag, 3 for 35<*. each 12 MiC GINGER ALE, Beth esda, extra dry, dozen bottles, $2.75 bottle 25d tA Timely Sale of Women’s and Misses’ Coats Up to $25.00 Qualities is With only three shopping days left before Easter, wo men will consider this a golden opportunity to choose their Easter coats at a substantial saving. We effected an ex traordinary transaction with a manufacturer who wanted to close out this group of coats, and we are sharing the bene fits with you. Materials are: Colors are: I Cloth Mixtures Velours Tam Sand Tweeds Fawn Herringbones Polaires Gray Browr —Modeled on smartly tailored lines with mannish pockets ' —Lined with heavy quality silk or satin. Up to $18.50 Quality Silk and Wool Dresses 53^ New Models for Easter /. n Jersey wai Messaline f YX. &\\ Wool Crepe ▼/ U Crepe de Chine •vS&fL* Krepe Knit i •1/ Canton Crepe xNU For \Vomen and Misses 'sSpf Jjfn Women who have not selected their Easter frock owe it to them- n'nj selves to see these remarkable dresses before choosing. To a lot 1 of dresses especially purchased for this occasion at noteworthy \ \| p“Yj < savings, we have added dresses from our higher priced stock that Sj 1 sold up to $18.50. *IWi. \ ! 1 All the new style features are shown and the trimmings are ffPJ&yjfT >. most effective. Many are in the ever popular navy, but other Hraaßli . \ $ shades are henna, black, jade, American Beauty and bisque. ri|r l ' M Sale Fibre Sports Scarfs, $1.98 These strikingly colored scarfs will effectively brighten any cos- \ \ tume and are a most extraordinary offering at $1.98. U\ 1 \ Roman stripes, checker two-tones or plain colors with fringed / \ ends. YyS Secured at way below their actual worth and offered to you at a vd drastic saving. >1 Children’s Easter Frocks Extraordinary Values at f Cunning little frocks of fluffy organdy or pretty swiss em broidery. Prettily trimmed with beautiful lace, medallions, bows and ribbon sashes. There’s a number of adorable styles to choose from and all as dainty as can be. Crisp and fresh and brand new—they’ll make lovely frocks to wear for Easter or confirmation. And at these low pricings every little miss may have one. Men’s Athletic Union Suits, 59c Made of fine pin checked nain sook generously cut; sleeveless, knee length; sizes 34 to 46; extra special at 590. MEN’S LISLE HOSE—Fully re inforced, high spliced heels; sizes 914 to 11; in black, gray, navy, cor dovan and -white (3 pairs for 60c), pair, 190. MEN’S COTTON WORK SOCKS —Reinforced toe and heel; sizes 10 to 11%; in black, gray, navy and cordovan; 16c quality, extra spe cial, pair, 100. ROYAL LUNCH EON COFFEE— Our own blend of the finest cof fees, perf ec t aroma and flavor (3 lbs. QO -95c), In CjL C PINEAPPLE, sliced Hawaiian in rich syrup, Libby’s brand, No. 2V; can, dozen cans.. . $4.6© can 39d PEAS, Park & Til ford's Early Junes(doz en cans $2.40) can. 21<* BOWLENE, and is in fectant for bath and toilet, large, can 19d EVAPORATED MILK, Van Camp or Wilson, tall can, 3 cans for... 29C CLIMALENE, t h e washday wonder, 2- pound package...2sd FRESH NUT MEATS, Pecans, Al monds or English Wal nuts, pound 85<l —Fifth Floor. s||B s|.oo Sizes 2 to 14 Years Boys , Two- syj AQ Trouser Su*t* Trt/0 Sizes 6 to 15 Years. Made of strong, durable materials in the newest styles and wanted colors. Two pairs of full-lined knickers with each suit. All-Wool Serge Suits FOR LITTLE FELLOWS Sizes 3 to 8 years. Middy and Oliver Twist suits of all-wool blue serge. $3.98. Household and Garden Needs GARDEN HOSE —Os finest materials, that’s almost ever lasting. Heavily covered with pure rubber, regulation %- inch size, fully guaranteed for three years; very t a special, per foot No charge for coupling, ex cept nozzle. SPRINKLING NOZZLES— Os heavy cast brass, PQ adjustable; special D<J C ICE CREAM FREEZERS— Galvanized metal, gear drive, 2-quart size, makes ice cream in a few min- d*-i nn utes; special piUU “80-NO” LIQUID —Spray3 death to certain insect pests, disinfects and deodorizes— Pint rp Quart 85d Gallon $2.75 —Fifth Floor. s2= 13