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14 FTIFIE curving line shows the beginning, 4- rise and decline of the money earn ing ability of the average man at dif ferent ages. Are you making the most of the pro ductive years of your life by banking regularly a part of the money you earn? Jfletrijer Catlings anti Crust Company Northwest Corner Market and Pennsylvania RELIEF WORK INTERRUPTED When Funds Run Low Chil dren Face Slow Starvation. NEW YORK, April 12—Separating those who will die If food Is denied them, from those who will manage to exist somehow. Is a heartrending task In Armenia, relates a worker of the Near East Relief. “In every one of tha Tillages where relief work is carried on there is the same hungry, ill-kempt and often dis eased crowd of pitiful little ragamuffins," be states. "From dawn until dark they roam the narrow, dirty gutters, foraging for food. All are hungry, many are des perately so. Yet we can not feed them all. A native ojak (stove) is quickly built of brick and mud. supplies arrive, and at once the soup kitchen begins to operate. One bowl of soup and a piece of bread is the portion per day to all who come. “For two weeks things run tinoothly, then the fatal Mow. No more t upplies on hand. Consequently there is no soup the following day. The nest day it is the same. No food, but a disappointed crowd of pitifully hungry children.” Death Wins Case of Imprisoned Doctor CHICAGO. April 12. Dr. J. C. Willi a, at one time worth S-'iOO.OOO and repute 1 to be an authority on nervous diseases, died a prisoner in the county jail hen* today. He died of tuberculosis. Dr. Willis was formerly a prominent specialist at Louisville (Ky.i. He was imprisoned on a charge of operating a confidence game. He repeatedly evaded trfhl. He told his attorney. A. J. Bedard, that he was going to stay in jail and tire out the witnesses against him. Mystery Unsolved by Recovery of Body NEW YORK. April 12.—Finding of the body of Ralph Wilson Broderick. Colum bia University student, in the harbor near the Statue of Liberty failed to solve all mystery of his disappearance Dec 2* last. University officials were unable to determine whether death was due to ac cident. suicide or foul play. RUSSIAN FAMIST OVER. LONDON. April 12 —‘‘There is now ground for hope that the worst of the Russian famine is over and that con ditions will improve," said James Put nam Goodrich, former Governor of In diana. today. Mr. Goodrich has just re turned from Moseow. 1?* The Servant^! I PROBLEM ■ y is a tiling of no moment to the woman who keeps j A house electrically. If lier menage is not too large, ' X she dispenses with servants entirely. The Electric A V Washing-Machine, Vacuum Cleaner, Ironing Ma- A chine. Dish Washer and numerous Electrical Cook \\ A ing Devices do a servant’s work quite as easily, more Yf X thoroughly and AT LESS COST! y) A\ If she must have servants ANYWAY—they stay; , Iy ithey are not merely week-end visitors—they like to V work in an electrically managed home. Solve your servant problem by seeing \ any dealer member of the Electric Ap- \ li 1 pliance League. Learn their easy pay- n ment plans on electrical home needs. \\ A JUST ASK! W j The Electric Appliance League A DEALERS WHOLESALERS M 11 HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO.. 102 S. Meridian St WESTERN ELECTRIC CO V A) MODERN APPLIANCE CORP, 124 S. Pennsylvania tit'.’ 34 8. Pennsylvania St. INDIANAPOLIS ELECTRIC SLPPI Y CO V Aj ELECTRIC SPECIALTIES CO., *’,• ” 0\ \y 144 E. Ohio sL + 'NTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC CO.. \ 211 S. MoC rea St. V Al SANBORN ELECTRIC CO., 309 N. Illinois St. VARNEY ELECTRIC (O I’l s \\ HI SKILLMAN ELECTRIC CO.. 5 VV. Market St c - M C- ELECTRIC SALES CO./' M U A | VONNEGCT HARDW ARE CO.. 507 ° dd r * ,,ow Bid*. \\ 12# E. Washington St. . ,e, u _ \J ELECTRIC GIFT SHOP. 113 E. Ohio >t LIGHI AND POWER fit THE ELECTRIC SHOP, 40 Monument Circle. iNniivjpm ia , „ i\ }d ECREKA SALES CO. 34 8. Meridian St. circle A> " ,IEAT t 0 • \j ll GO °. SHOP, HEAT AND LIGHT CO i)J 238 HaMaehuMtta At*. and V PUBLIC PAYING TOO MUCH—BECK Congressman Says Coal Opera tors Are Profiteers. WASHINGTON, April 12.—Charging the public is being subjected to "out rageous profiteering" at the hands of coal operators, Representative Beck, Repub lican of Wisconsin, appeared today be fore the House Labor Committee and de manded Congress take action to throw open to public inspection all the Income and excess profits taxes of coal operators and dealers. This would reveal, Representative Beck said, extortionate profits made by the operators and dealers, whom he charged with responsibility for the present strike. RING WORTH *260 STOLEN. Hazel Hall, 4 East Michigan street, reported the theft of a diamond ring valued at to the police early to day. The ring was set with three stones, according to a description given. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies ’ 35 cents buys'a bottle of “Danderine ’ at any drug store. After one application of this delightful tonic you can not find a particle of dandruff or a failing hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance Advertisement. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS liSlpSfl The Tickville Town Marshal was sum moned to the Elite Millinery Emporium Tuesday morning to frighten away a cow that was standing on the walk gazing at the green feather in the window. Sile Kildew has brought to our sanc tum the first fishing worm of the sea son, which he captured this morning in the garden. Recall how much pleas ure your own babyhood pictures give you—and remember to prepare a f Jk similar pleasure for your I childen by laying aside WIWB for them extra copies of the portraits you have / rJibSt made of them. Ninth Floor. Kahn Building SPECIAL! Seeing Is Believing! Come and see the wonder- f ful bargains in CENTRAL WALLPAPERS. Several thousand rolls of paper3 discontinued from our wholesale lire and selling at RETAIL at tremendous reductions. Central Service Department Only Central Wallpaper and Paint Co^ 127 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis. INDIANA DAILY TIMES- EVANS’ E'llowP By using this every-purpose flour You can make the most delicate cake, flaky pie-crust or just plain, wholesome bread, and be sure of equally good results every time. Your grocer has EVANS’ E- Z BAKE FLOUR. Ask for it. APRIL Showers bring May flowers but a Studebaker Light Six Coupe at $1475 de livered brings pleasure the whole year. Eats Everything A man who for years had been com- P elle( l to decline this and that kind of VL / 1 [ 1 1 food because he was UNABLE TO 1 ' ' 4 L. ■ CHEW, now having a full set of teeth which give him no trouble whatever. Is able to eat EVERYTHING. Much of the pleasure of life is in eating, and in eating VARIOUS KINDS of food. Why not INSURE your pleasure by having us at tend to your teeth. Go* fur I’&inlfKg Extracting. Just a quiet, gentle eleep —you feel nothing. EITELJORG & MOORE, Dentists ( ornrr East Market St. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. _J IL'.-'-.HU "JJiim.l."—kill'. L.J!l_ I. ' - 1 .1!I ■ -i-JULULLISI L I lIUI.'HI Honest Service. Reasonable Price, SHIRLEY BROS. CO., Inc. UNDERTAKERS OFFICES—94B N. Illinois St., 3877 E. Washington St., 3020 N. Illinois St., 2108 W. Michigr- 3t.. 2815 E. Washington St. Circle 1913. Auto. 31-138. Amb. Service. Wn Manufacture Onr Own Cement Caskets. vL 3 lbs. Extracted Hon ay, 75c 1 POI ND, 30C THE HONEY STORE f 152 NORTH DELAWARE ST. rax A WANT AD IN THE TIMES. THEX WILL BRING XOC RESt'LT fEastefltaaif t for Men &.Women J Our window displays prove the smartness of our footwear. Their long shapely sendee will 1 prove their amazing quality. zßefattSAce WsO: r — TT~, — 46-48 East Washington St. | „ . n .— c )mart Oty/es ... _— .1 |/Vodensietrices Easy to Play $A AC“ Easy to Pay— (PnnounctJ Gul-BRAN-mri} ouimibhsTrsdsKvb P 1 syc r-Pi qno The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street In Which Class Will You Be? Statistics Show— that out of one hundred healthy men —26 years old— -36 will die before the age of 65. 1 will be rich. 4 will be fairly prosperous. 5 will be supporting themselves. f>4 will bo dependent upon friends, relatives or cold charity for support. SAVE NOW so you won’t be one of the 54. $1 Will Open An Account If You Can’t Begin With More. We Pay on Savings Meyer-Kiser Bank 136 East Washington Street. Get One of Our Home Savings Banks. =IMPQRTANF= Change of Time In Passenger Service On ASI Divisions Sunday April 9th Ask Agent for Information UNION TRACTION CO. of Indiana Is Your House Wired for Electricity? Why Not Wire It on the Payment Plan? Estimates cheerfully given. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hatfield Electric Company MAin 0123. 102 South Meridian Street. A Splendid Selection of Footwear for f|L EASTER Here at the THRIFT SHOE STORE you can find j us f the shoes you want for Easter, and at rea sonable prices, too. Our policy of doing a a volume business on a small margin of profit en- E aided us to bring prices back to the good old ™ W /1 common-sense level —$2, $3 and $4. Come in / | tomorrow! THRIFT X SHOE STORE MERCHANTS BANK eLOO-DOWNSTA/RS children s sizes at $1 and up. Washington and Meridian Streets APRIL 12,1922. Daniels A Washington and Delaware. I Open Every Night I This Week H For the oonvenienos of customers g who will want their Spring Suits I I U Doctors know the splen- D A did results obtained with n I WHA C O Appliances. U y Ask your own physician. I He will say, “A WHACO I || Truss, by all means.” D U Armstrong Cos. U m Sf/rgicat JhstrumentTfouse fl Established 1885. jffrffliiTWE 84 West Ohio St. sJirjMjl Indianapolis, Ind. MKMw Complete Line of fl VWiIP/ Sickroom Snpplles y I MINERS STRIKE! ■ COAL SHORTAGE! ■< HIGHER PRICES! I The conservative buyer Is B laying In his winter coal K, Coke 910.00 I Pocahontas Lump... 88.25 H Pocahontas M. R.... 96.75 ■ Kentucky Lump ....97.75 I West Va. Splint 5T.75 9 Linton No. 4 96.50 MESaM 00 Guaranteed Glasses NEW LOW PRICES. Deep curved lenses In any an frame in stock 04.UU Rimless eyeglasses, com- aa plete with chain Jj.UU No extra charge for examination. Dr. L. H. RATLIFF 417-18 Occidental Building. MAin 5577. V.■ , > GET THE HABIT WEAR j NOE’S QUALITY JEWELRY ~ 1 THE FLETCHER M. NOE JEWELRY STORE. 103 N. Illinois st. Opp. Terminal St*. V J GLAZER’S New Location 211 E. Washington SL (Paid Political Advertisement.) ij* EDWARD A. ||L RAMSAY County Recorder IPvvfef J Republican Primary, Offers Service and Experience. ■ - "1 Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug Catleorm Soap is ths f srerits forssf styrmxar .bSTlng- Mending Tissue of e th2 s ag! No sewing or darning. Repairs clothing, silk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, carasols. stockings, etc. Pack age postpaid 15 cents, two packages 25 cents. Address PENN PUBLISHING CO.. Blairsville. Pa. Blnckhuna dascaß&al PillL . I IS BOSES . 15c III Ory| Start*