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APRIL 12,1922. SHIVELY FLAYS ‘PRIVILEGES’IN HARDING REIGN Democratic Candidate for Senate Grills Republican Administration. GARRETT, Ina„ April prac tice of granting “special privileges” by tbs Harding Administration to financiers and men prominent In American business was flayed last night in a speech deliv ered here by Bernard B. Shively, Demo cratic candidate for United States Sena tor from Indiana. Mr. Shively closed his address with a denunciation of the Esch- Cummlns aet, dubbing it the climax of a systematic robbery and betrayal of the public. “Perhaps the final and greatest feat of the conspiracy of the Republican party as leagued with big business to rob the masses came in the passage of the Esch- Cummins act,” the speaker said. “This transportation act can, perhaps, be dubbed the “consummation of legislative Iniquity.* It was hatched in the inner circle of the railway nabobs, backed by Republican leadership and passed by a Republican majority. It was one of the big reasons for our exorbitant freight rates. “For nearly two years under Its terms the railways have been licensed to plun der the producer, the manufacturer and the traveling public. Under its provisions the railways have stood boldly and de fiantly, levying their unjust tribute. Armed with this weapon they have un locked the door of the United States Treasury anu taken therefrom the money es the people, hard-wrung from them in days of peace and stress. “Is it not beyond endurance that the railroads should take one bushel of the farmer's com to ship two?’’ queried Mr. Shively. “Or to take one beef to ship two more? Is It not highway robbery that the railway rates should increase [6O per cent in three years?" Accessory Thieves Becoming 1 Numerous Th'vfts of automobile accessories are be coming rn’nerous. according to reports reaching police headquarters. Three ma chine owners told police of missing equip ment last night. ■When F. H. Tfaflin. 1422 Marlow ave nue, who had parked his machine at New Jersey and Ohio streets, attempted to go home, his motor would not start. After many futile efforts, he discovered the battery valued at S2O was not In the car. He reported his loss to the police. A spare tire and rim were stolen from the car of Walter Everwood, 422 North Gladstone, which was parked near his borne. Thieves even took the license plates from the car of It. C. Baird. 2316 East Washington street. Light bulbs and otheb accessories were also stolen, Baird told the aplice. Don't envy the girl with a. clear skin use RESINOL Soothinq &nd He&linq Soap and ointment They gently cleanse irritated pores, overcome roughness, subdue u£ly blotches, and usuaih' produce skin health Have a healthy skin that eveo’one admires. At all SJV Statement of Condition OF THE Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Fire Insurance Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. SO6 Lafayette bldg. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 EDWARD F. HENSON. President. HARRY HUMPHREYS, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up...... Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on interest) $ 95,606.48 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,285,735.75 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 240,700.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 26,138.97 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 34.914.81 Total net assets .....$1,683,116.01 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 407.470.73 Losses due and unpaid 44.100.00 losses adjusted and not due. 500.00 Bills and accounts unpaid... 15,705.03 Total liabilities $ 470.566 06 Surplus ... Total $1,683,116.61 Creates! amount in any one risk $ 25,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original •tatement, and that the said original statement is now in file in this office, la testimony whereof, I hereunto suß* scribe my name and affix my [SEAL] official seal this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. I Motor Notes for the Owner-Driver Time li drawing near to preparo for week-end and longer touring trips That means tuning up the car for long driving and rough wear and preparing for all sorts of emergencies. Before starting on any trip the auto mobile should be throughly overhauled. All parts should be well lubricated, trans mission greased, crankcase and gasoline tank cleaned out and. new oil and fuel put In. The gasoline line ought to be blown out, the vacuum tank cleaned and the carburetor put Into shape for warm weather driving. A heavier oil should be used for the summer days. AVOID SQUEAKS. Test the wheels for wobbling, tighten up all nuts and bolts to prevent rat tling and squeaking, have the engine cleaned of carbon and tuned up. Besides, there is oiling of springs, ad justment of various parts, tightening the steering mechanism and filling the bat tery. After this the car Is fit to leave home for a long drive. But the wise motor ist prepares himself for all sorts of needs along the road. He looks over his too? kit and sees that all tools he might possibly use are there, LIST OF TOOLS. A complete list of tools Includes wrenches, pliers, a hammer, screw drivers, files, wire, nuts, bolts, cotter pins, tire valves, pressure gauge, spark plugs, rim lugs, talcum powder, tape, an extra valve and spring, grease gun and an extra spring clip and bolts. All these, besides spare tires, tubes, blow-out patches, tire pump. Jack, chains, a box of cup grease and a can of lu bricating oil. It is also good practice to take along a short plank to be used as a base in getting out of mudholes. Careful driving and attention to all details in running the car will assure pleasure on long trips. TO TIGHTEN TERMINALS. Loose battery terminals can be tight ened by the application of thin sheets of When Will There Be A Disarmament of Dining Tables? Suppose everybody would recognize the fact that there’s no gain but much loss in keeping up hostilities with the stomach 1 Suppose the ancient aggrava tion of improper food on indig nant digestive organs should be settled with guarantees of sen sible diet and tranquil digestion 1 The saving would be beyond all possibility of counting. Yet millions go on declaring war on the stomach and accept ing war in return—loading up on starchy, heavy, unbalanced ".! c ° ,lM y *** Statement of Condition OF THE Pennsylvania Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company WILKES-BARRE, PA. Second National Bank bldg. \ ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 ASHER MINES, President JOHN HOFFA, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up...... Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 168,557.06 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,215,130.00 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 14,649.75 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 71.241.23 Accounts otherwise secured.. 1,114.15 Total net assets ........... .$1,470,692.19 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 440,202.56 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 110,666.26 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 34,000.00 Total liabilities $ 684,868.82 Surplus 555,823.37 Total $1,470,692.19 Greatest amount in any one risk ... $ 20,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersign and, commissioner of in surance of India a, hereby certify that the above is a cc -rect copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now in flic in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my [SEAL] official seal this Ist day of April. 1922. T. S. McMURRAY. JR., Commissioned tin folL If the foil U wrapped around the cable end the terminal can be plugged In tightly. When the retaining nut is drawn tight perfect contact will be made. STANDARDIZED. ROADSTER —The committee on stand ards of the American Society of Antonio tlve Engineers has decided on this form of automobile to be called a roadster. It has a touring top e->.d seats two persona. LAME TO PIERCE FOG. Heavy London fog necessitated the in vention of a lamp that would be power ful enough to pierce It and let the driver sea where he la going. This lamp, therefore, has been made to be attached beneath the running board and controlled from the dash. Its rays are directed along the side so that the driver can keep sight of the curb. Anew form of balancing machine has and highly-seasoned food at breakfast or lunch —and wonder ing why comfort, hap piness and efficiency are out of reach. Grape-Nuts—the Body Builder t( There*s a Reason” Made by Poe turn Cereal Cos., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. Statement of Condition o The Ohio Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company CANTON, OHIO. 200 Tuscarawas st, W. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 WSL H. CLARK, President. WM. NT. READ, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up.^...Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 248,100.23 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,118,87L15 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from, any prior Incumbrance) 484.72L95 Premiums and accounts duo and in process of collection 249,251.42 Total net a55et5..52,100,944.77 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 874,650.63 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 346,367.00 Other liabilities of the Com pany 78,500.00 Total liabilities 1,299,547.63 Surplus 801,397.14 Total $2,100,944.77 Greatest amount in any one risk * $ 30,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to b© insured in any one block...s 30,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now in file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my [SEAL] official seal this Ist day of April. 1022. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. NEWS OF INTEREST TO AUTOMOBILE TOURISTS APPEARS IN THE TIMES EVERY WEDNESDAY been Invented to test crankshafts for vibration. Los Angeles police automobiles era marked In back so they can be Identi fied by traffic policemen. TROUBLE LIGHT ON KEEL. gA new way of -carrying tha ex tension light Is on a reel, as made up by o Chicago firm. Tha reel may be mounted on the dash and any portable spo t - light attached. , The cord Is 12 feet long and Is easily wound np by band. QUIET VALVE TAPPET. —a light con spring placed be tween the valve stem, end tappet will take the click out of this part of the en gine. As the tap pet comes up the spring will absorb part of the click. California Automobile Association, with 29,000 members, is the second largest motor club In the country. AUTO NOTES Three automobiles are all there are In Monrovia. United States has nearly 60,000 licensed garages. There are more than 20,000 motor bases in the United States. Norway has one automobile for every 215 persons. Paris has nearly 60,000 automobiles. Grape-Nuts makes a friend of the taste and an ally of the stomach. There’s a charm and satis faction to this delicious food which prompts appetite to say, "There’s a meal!” and digestion to answer, "Thank goodness, here’s peace at last!" Grape-Nuts is the perfected nutriment of wheat and malted barley—sweet, crisp, and won derfully nourishing. It digests quickly, and provides the neces sary elements, including the vital mineral salts, for body, nerve and brain. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today, and let a delighted taste pass a treaty of peace along to an enthusiastic digestion and assimilation. Statement of Condition or THE Ohio Mutual Insurance Company SALEM, OHIO, 96 East Main at ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 J. N. VERNON, President, J. AMBLER, Secretary, Amount of capital paid np.Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on interest) $ 10.989.20 Real estate unincumbered 8,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 535,590.00 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 17,600.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 2,493.42 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 22,591.74 Total net assets 397,201.36 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 93,043.05 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 10,843.86 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 37.41 Other liabilities of the com pany 10,017.89 Total liabilities 114,542 21 Surplus 282,722.15 Total „..$ 397,204.36 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, ns shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my [SEAL] official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR. Commissioner, INDIANA DAILY TIMES. Australia has one automobile to every sixty-seven Inhabitants. Germany has fifty-eight passenger au tomobile manufacturers. Tire chains dig deeper Into mndholes rather than help the car out. Crank shaft end play causes a motor knock like a piston slap. American passenger cars sell at prices ranging from $319 to SII,OOO. Motor vehicles were a curiosity in western Samoa seven years ago. Adjust the brakes when the winter top Is taken off. Tighten steering wheel mechanism. Do not neglect oiling the speedometer driving shaft Mix graphite with oil for spring lubri cation. Soak squeaky springs In gasoline be fore oiling them. New York, with over 750,000 cars, has 7J4 per cent of the country’s automo biles. Nearly 128,000 American tourists crossed Into Canada last year at Ni agara. When a front tire wears rapidly it Is because the wheels are out of align ment. In Germany a sixteen horse power au tomobile costs 100,000 marks or more. Half and half mixture of kerosene and engine oil is a good cleaner and lubri cant for small exposed parts. California, Oregon and Washington have one motor car to every nine In habitants. One gallon of gasoline of 64 test weighs half an ounce more than six pounds. Moat children taken to shool at State expense are transported in motor ve hicles. For ball bearings the bast lubricant Is a fluid oil no thicker than the heavier machine oils. If white lead Is used to stop gas Una leaks the gasoline will dissolve It. Thlrty-sfx electric traction lines In this country now use motor buses. DOUBT SUCCESS OF CONFERENCE Irish Republicans Barricade Streets With Sand Bags. DUBLIN, April 12.—Tt 1 the Repub licans are doubtful of the success of the truce conference was Indicated today by the fact that they continued their war like preparations. Sandbag barricades wero erected In streets where Republican strongholds are located and houses were turned into fortresses. Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith of the Irish provisional government are anxious for a settlement with the mu tinous faction of the Irish republican army, but Eamonn De Valera, leader of Meeting Severe Tests of Service 2711 the Republicans, Is Inclined to bo ob stinant, according to the viewpoint out lined by Irish Free State chieftains. It is a noteworthy fact that reports of violence have decreased since the confer ence war arranged. “I am hopeful that an agreement will be reached which will end all the diffi culties,” said the Lord Mayor of Dublin. It was the lord mayor who sent out the Invitations. The data of tho meeting has not yet been anounqpd, but It probably will open tomorrow. Arthur Griffith, president of the Dali Elreann will be one of the Irish Free State delegates. He said today that the preliminary arrangements for the meeting were being completed and that he hoped It would convene tomorrow. Beeman's Bath) Jlep VOL I N>. 36 Urgent •J/t. Wodleivh, m fwlfrwii Mj without to too you on MU font business." "Dots he loot "He looks foot? "In thot cent tho 'wrfontf tt his. Let him woi —Biraunghaat e e e Poof sucker—let him wait! But don’t wait to get acquainted with Beeman’s. You can’t afford to miss that delightful flavor—and you can’t afford to overlook its beneficial ef fect on your digestion. • as Astor every moms— mhoay s froth Beeman’s pepsin Chafing Gum Assericaa Chicle Ce. Over 700, □□□ owners t Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR Sedas, $1,446) Coupe. $1,280; Touring Car, $880; Roadster, SB3O, Panel Business Car, $930; Screen Business Car, SBBO. W. O. B. Detroit. ( C.H. Waller ich Company Posse Brothers Motoa Vcmcces Circle 4300-4302 845 N. Meridian St. THE dominating idea which has sustained those guiding the activities of the Standard Oil Com pany (Indiana) is expressed in a series of products which have met successfully the severe test of sus tained service* The Directors of this Company, real izing that petroleum products are essential to the welfare of the com munity, are striving constantly to achieve an ideal of practical perfec tion in every product manufactured and sold by this Company. The result is, that wherever strains are severest, wherever the need is most intense, there will be found products, devised by the experts of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana), to meet the conditions and relieve the situation. As an example of a product, which bears up under rather spectacular service tests, take Fortnite Long Time Burner Oil for railway signal lamps. Every traveler on a railroad realizes the vital importance of dependable signals. This dependability rests to a large degree upon the quality of oil used in the lamps. It has been found that wherever conditions are particularly severe Fortnite Long Time Burner Oil has delivered highly satisfactory service. The same ideal of perfection applies to every one of the long list of petroleum products manufactured by this Company, whether the demand for them be large or small. Each of these products has a record of reli ability. Each is made to meet the highest standard of quality and this quality is maintained. This ideal of service to meet severe tests is one basis upon which to esti mate the value to the community of the service rendered by this Company. Standard Oil Company (Indiana) 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. HI. 5