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8 DRAWS LESSON FROM CHRIST’S CRUCIFIXION Lenten Service Speaker Says Sins of Today Are the Same Four. Declaring that four common sin*— envy, avarice, slander and moral coward ice—nailed Jesus to the Cross, Dr. Vir gil E. Borer. pastor of the Meridian street M. E. Church, at noon today in a T.enton sermon dell v, red at B. P. Keith's Theater drew lessons from the crucifixion of Jesus. ‘•Wo are fill thinking this week of the tragedy of the centuries —the crucifixion of Jesus,” Dr. Itorer said. •‘Four were the proximable causes of His death —envy, avarice, slander and moral cowardice. These sins have been domi nant through the centuries. They are the common sins of today and crucify afresh our Lord. Let us study these sins to hate'and cast them out. ‘‘For envy, the chief jiriests delivered Him up. These priests formed a ring, controlled the temple and bestowed the patronage. Whoever opposes must be put (Ait of the way, they reasoned. Jesus condemned them for emphasizing the outward rather than the inward and for their petty observances instead of faith and holy living. When He cleansed the temple, they turned on Him with envy. The second notable sin of the world, the murder of Abel, was prompted by this base passion. What crimes today are committeed through envy.” JI DAS LOVED MONEY ABOVE ALL. In speaking of avarice, Pr. Rorer said, " ‘What will you give me,’ said Jesus. When a man cares more for money than for men, he Joins the company of Judas. In Italy, Buskin found a temple in ruins because of the lying foundations, some noble art stained because of lying tiles In the roof, a whole district diseased be cause of lying plumbing. Hundreds of precious children perished a few years aso on the ship General Slocum. The life preservers were loaded with iron aud the new fire hose was rotten.” In directing his remarks toward slander. Dr. Borer said: “The multitude said He interferes with tribute, makes Himself King and threatens to destroy the-temple. That was slander. This sin consists in putting a grain of truth In a bushel of surmises. Do you ever re peat an uninvestigated charge? Before you pass on a reproach against your neighbor he sure that it Is true, necessary end is told by the law of love.” MORAL STRENGTH IS PRIME: VIRTUE. In discussing the last of the fonr com mon sins, moral .cowardice. Dr. Rorer said, “Pilate wanted to do the right thing. Ho had been warned by his dreams, by his wife and h!s examina tion of Jesns, but the people cried out against Jesus and Pilate, being a coward, attempted evasion and compromise. Ho was not In the habit of settling ques lon3. by his sense of duty. To resist Do You Envy English Woman's Complexion? Mrs. Asquith, famous diarist, in a re cent interview, took occasion to remark that the Englishwoman's complexion Is far more beautiful than that of the av erage American woman. The truth of this assertion is admitted, if reluctantly, by ell who have been In England. But Margot did not mention the fact that the ladies of her country are much given to the use of what is commercially kuown as mercolized wax, remarkable as a facial rejuvenator. Thl3 wax has the peculiar property of absorbing the soiled and lifeless particles of scarf skin as they appear, the fresh new skin underneath, with its bloom of youth and health, then being in evidence. The process is quite harmless, causing no inconvenience. Mercolized wax can be had at drug stores here, as well as abroad, and if you will procure about an ounce of it and apply a little at bedtinrg, like cold cream, washing it off mornings, you soon will behold in your glowing cheeks a close resemblance to the wonderful trans parent beauty of the Englishwoman's complexion.—Advertisement. Hiller's Antiseptic Oil, Known es Snail §1 Guaranteed to Relieve Pain, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Etc. Tor Sale by Haag Drag Cos. AMUSEMENTS |B. F. KEiffS M IF YOU DANCE—SEE KITTY DONER With SISTER ROSE anti BROTHER TED DONER "A Dengue of Song Steps** Hj The Herberts—Patrice A Sullivan WAYNE & WARREN EDDIE KANE A .JAY HERMAN THE FAYXE3 HARRY |LANGDON K| Assisted by Rose and Cecil In "AFTER THE BAEV Sg Topics—Aesop's Fables—Pathe News I Matinees 15c-20c-30c-55c No Show in Town That’s Cheaper in Price CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE lyric! ALL THE TIME—I Until 11 P. M. H IN WiSGINSVILLE I GANTON TROUPEi 8 BIG NEW Q> f ACTS © & j Dancing In the Lyric Ball Room H A iej-ii in nt'd r.'f.iimr. RIALTO Corned “Klondike Belles” SNOW BOUND Special Feature Photo Play UNCLE TOM’S CABIN n An Two Shows ■ S Dally. 2:15, 8:15. GEORGIA MINSTRELS I 40 People—Band and Orchestra. I Only show of Its kind la the world. A POOR DAY FOR NEWS! Special to The Tim**. SHELrBYYILLF, Ind. f April 12— Ne gotlations between the Union Starch Company of Edinburg and farmers of Bartholomew and Shelby Counties for soy bean acreage Oiling tc de velop an greement as to prL* lift been dropped. Soy beans are a soil builder, but farmers Insisted on what they said was a fair price, which they say the company refused to pay for the alleged reason thsf the market for the product of the beans—oil and meal—would have to be developed. the crowd and hold the scales in your owu hands, this is the prime feature of manhood.” Thursday noon, the Rev. C. C. Gohn will preach the Lenten sermon at Keith s. These meetings are being held under the autpteles of the Indianapolis Church Federation. gravTsstellsT OF ATROCITIES American General Declares Semenoff of Bad Repute. WASHINGTON, April 12.—The cold blooded killing of American soldiers and of helpless Russian prisoners by the anti- Bolshevist forces in Siberia was de scrib ! before the Senate Education and Labor Committee today by Gen. W. S. Graves, U. S. A., who commanded the American military contingent, formerly stationed in that country. Gregorie Semenoff, former antl-Rolshe vist general now under arrest at New York City, was denounced by General Graves as a man who possessed the repu tation in Siberia of being a “brutal and ru'-ous'uonabli- murderer and robber.” DURING THIS Receiver’s MONEY RAISING SALE All Our Shoe Stock Ptflusf Be Sold COME—BUY— SAVE FOR THURSDAY jppj An assortment of 855 pairs of ; j®rj / Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, all j® . / solid leather. Guarantee every pair. 4®?-'- I I 137 West Washington St. 5 Doors West of Hotel Lincoln MOTION PICTURE3. No Curse Can Soil His Lips—Only the Dainty Suspicion 8 of a Lip Stick and the Delicate Perfume of His Cigarette 1 VON STROHEIM < ‘‘FOOLISH WIVES” iHSIM The picture that has thrilled ev- \ ■ erybody in Indianapolis at the fc OHIO-NOWJOBT Miss George Appears In Person Twice CHARLIE CHAPLIN in “Pay Day” A Brand New Comedy Riot. KATHERINE MacDONALD W||HMlg in <r The Woman's Side” Vnn A V At 12:00, 2:15, 4:45, 7:0bT"9:30"' •* V-rl.> , xTL I “““ A Guaranteed Attraction George' Arliss in “The Ruling Passion” From Earl Derr Blgger's Story In “The Sat-! ■ r\!r\m c* PTHTr urday Evening Post” | LOfcW S ST Alt ——n wwrw —ac—PUMMßiw—a—■c———Mß— JflP| 9 5 BEBE DANIELS UiflOlTUHft “A GAME CHICKEN” BXOOKY COMEDY, "HOME RUN.” \ FOX NEWS WEEKLY. Alhambra Prices Always the Same. Aft r con. 150 and 200 Evening, 200 1 and 25c. Why Pay More? What to Do Puzzling to Free Convict MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., April 12.—Al bert Musser, lifer, today was undecided Dyspepsia Had Me In Its Clutches 15 Years, But A Picture of Health TANLAC is wonderful, says Mrs. Lillian Turner „ 421 26th St., N., Seattle, Washn. All my friends marvel at the remark able change in my ap pearance, she adds. Thousands of people who suffered so long they be lieved their cases beyond reach have found permanent relief through Tanlac. Get a bottle from your druggist. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. what he will do when he ends bis more than twenty-two years of prison life as a result of executive clemency. Granted a parole by Governor McCray, Musser, who was sentenced to life Imprisonment for a murder of which he Insists he Is innocent, will emerge shortly upon a world which has changed utterly since he entered the prison gates- He believes it will require some time to become “ac- The Kind Men Admire — Easter Clothes *3O 5 35 *4O Most men know that there can be no economy without quality—and that below a certain price, dependable quality cannot be had. Here quality at the right price is as certain as the sunrise. Featured showings of popular sport models and four-button styles in all desired fabrics ; await your choosing for Easter wear. The kind of clothes men admire, backed by the certainty of satisfac tory service. Schloss Pros Cos Washington—Between Pennsylvania and Meridian STATE LIFE BUILDING Statement of Condition OF THE Ohio Colony Insurance Company BOSTON, MASS. 87 Kilby st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 WILLIAM R. HEDGE, President JOHN P. MORGAN, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up... .$1,(>'0,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COM PA NT. Cash In banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 169,000.3 t, Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 3,637,430.75 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 18,009.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 33.453.50 Cash In otllce 10,101.35 Bills receivable 6,504.80 Fire reinsurance due on losses paid 8,535.66 Marine reinsurance due on losses paid 386.45 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 220,346.13 Total net assets $4,132,178.12 'LIABILITIES.* Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $1,283,430.32 Losses due and unpaid 58,213.31 Losses adjusted and not due. 416,581.58 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense '... 48,008.95 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 4,700.37 Other liabilities of the com pany 52,461.55 Total liabilities $1,804,206.28 Capital 1,000,000.00 Surplus -• 1,287,881.84 Total .$4,152,178.12 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 100,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31sl) day of De cember, 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April, 1022. T. S. McMURRAY. JR., climated” to modern innovations before be will to adjust himself. He Is, however, equipped with a knowledge of many vocations, for he has worked at every trade practiced inside the prison walls. Musser, sentenced for the murder of an aged woman at Portland, Ind., who was slain In connection with ?. rob bery, blamed his fate on the fact that the actual slayer was able to prove an Statement of Condition OF THE Pan-American Life Insurance Company NEW ORLEANS, LA, Whitney-Central bldg. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 CRAWFORD n. ELLIS* President. J. E. WOODWARD, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up...s 1,000,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 368,863.85 Bonds and stocks owned (amortized) 1,702,848.77 Mori gage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 5,835,067.59 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 211,998.34 Policy loans and 11eu5....... 1,469,614.21 Collateral loans 80,000.00 Premiums and accounts due and In process of collec tion 214,314.15 Accounts otherwise secured. 29,073.29 Total net assets $10,000,679.70 L LABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 7,551.609.00 Losses due and unpaid 18,600.00 Losses In process of adjust ment 72,082.57 Reserve for death losses un reported 31.128.51 Bills and accounts unpaid... 10,680.95 Other liabilities of the com pany 913,135.89 Total liabilities $ 8,597,136.92 Capital 1,000,000.00 Surplus 403,542.78 Total $10,000,679.70 Greatest amount In any one risk of which §190,000 Is reinsured $ 200,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, ns shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL] official seal, this Ist day of April. 1922. X. S. McMURRAY, JR. - Commissioner. alibi because of an error in the (fates In the court record. UNTIL MOON SHINES. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 12.-De claring chicken thieves ply their trade only on nights when there is no moon, Judge Benham sentenced John Adams, 73-year-old negro, to jail to remain “un til the moon shines again,” Statement of Condition OF The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of Caliiornia OF LOS ANGELES, CAL. 601 W. Sixth et. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 GEORGE I. COCHRAN, President S. F. McCLUNG, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up... .$1,500,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) and in office $ 2,201.074.98 Real estate unincumbered... 6,812,931.82 Bonds and stocks owned * (book value) 8,810,968.22 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 24,019,442.79 Accrued securities (Interest aud rents, etc.) 830,086.94 Loans on bonds 6,226,711.53 Premjum notes, liens and policy loans 11,218,243.43 Premiums and accounts duo und In process of collec tion 1,545,454.65 Assets, life department.... 560,665,814.41 Assets, accident dept 4,533,436.75 Total net assets $65,199,251.16 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $52,870,630.60- Losses due and unpaid (annuities and matured endts.) 20,479.47 Losses adjusted and not due 30,524.00 Losses unadjusted and in suspense 155.326.00 Bills and accounts unpaid... 72.586.53 Reserve for dividends to pol icy holders 4,423,821.04 Other liabilities of the com pany 1,838,038.47 Liabilities life department. .$50,463,305.51 Liabilities accident depart.. 2.520,176.07 Capital 1,500,000.00 Surplus life dept. 5902,508.00 Accident dept 813,259 7S— 1,715,768.68 Total \.565,199,25L16 Greatest amount la any one risk $ 100,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official sehl this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S, McMERKAY. JR., Commissioner. Try Kloria for 2 weeks. Gum soreness and bleeding usually end in one week. Destroys germ cause. Free trial. HHENDER, bleeding, spongy JL gums (pyorrhea), if neglect ed, lead surely to extraction of teeth. But Kloria, used in time, has worked wonders in countless cases, and is worth a trial. Usually, in one week, amazing improvement is shown and soreness and bleeding stop. Soon the gums begin to tighten * round the teeth again. You are here offered a trial—test it. Kloria is the one antiseptic we know of which has the germicidal power to destroy the germ cause of this serious disease. This is the new and wonderful antiseptic, discovered in the world war, which, by scientific test, is over 40 tim<*s more germ destroying than, carbolic acid. Yet Kloria is not poisonous, doesn’t burn or irritate, is sooth ing, pleasant, safe, and, by all odds, the greatest healing agent for general use ever discovered. Asa mouth-wash, it really de /Sample $ J *- vincing test, will be 1811 B IaI DtJ gladly sent free. Write for it. The results will be a revelation. § Us The Kloria Cos., Dept 6, Ft Wayne, Ind. m TheAU-PurposeAj>d:eptic' ;\i GET RID OF YOUR FAT Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs WITHOUT DIET ING OR EXERCISING often at the rate of over a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken place. I am a licensed practicing physician and per sonally select the treatment for each individual 'case, thus enabling me to choose remedies that j*\s “ a will produce not only a loss of weight harmlessly, but which will also relieve you of all the troubie- BS& some symptoms of overstoutness such as short- JpV 7%., nees °t breath, palpitation, indigestion, rheuma tism, gout, asthma, kidney trouble and various H other afflictions which often accompany overstcui jM k .Jja My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, Jpa \ /fflv sleepy feeling, giving you renewed energy and \ \flil vigor, a result of the loss of your superfluous fat. \\ \fiwS You are not required to change in the slightest Wml IB from your regular mode of living. There is no diet pj? fHH Ing or exercising. It is simple, easy and pleasant to take. If you are overstout do not postpone but sit down right now and send for mv FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan*, wherebv I am to be PAID ONLY AFTER REDUCTION HAS TAKEN PLACE if you so desire. DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physician State of New York 236 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Desk H-235. fCARDUIj | The Woman’s Tonic TRY A WANT AD IN THE TIMES. THEY WILL, BRING YOU RESULTS, Statement of Condition OF THB Ohio Underwriters Mutual Fire Insurance Company VAN WERT, OHIO. 122-124 West Main st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 C. A. L. PURMORT, President. C. M. PURMORT, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on interest and not on Interest) 19,127.60 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 171,127.00 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 17,900.00 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 1,761.75 Premiums and accounts due and In process of collection 24,657.14 Total net assets $ 225,573.40 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 77,866.60 Losses due and unpaid 6,795.04 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 500.00 Other liabilities of the com pany 3,693.67 Total liabilities $ 88,800.31 Surplus 136,713.18 Total $ 225,573.49 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 6,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name .and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. J APRIL 12,1922, stroys the acid-forming bacteria that cause tooth-decay. Asa gargle, it relieves sore throat al most immediately. Eczema, bar ber’s itch, and many other skin diseases are now quickly relieved. Notice haw it soothes inflamed, itching skin, itching scalp or itch ing anywhere. Wet the scalp with it a few times, and waiTh dand ruff disappear, yet it is as harm less as water to the hair. Try it on a boil or open sore, and note how it ends the pus infection and soreness. Cuts and burns heal often in a fraction of the usual time. Harmless, yet far more ef fective than any poisonous anti septic for personal hygiene. Dissolve a few Kloria Tablets in water, and instantly you have, at a cost of a few cents, a large bottle of liquid antiseptic which is clean, colorless, stainless and virtually odorless. All druggists. 50c. Money re funded if not satisfied. Statement of Condition OF THB Pawtucket Mutual Fire Insurance < Company PAWTUCKET, R, L 25 Maple at, ON THB # 31st Day of "December, 1921 AUGUSTINE A. MANN, President. FRANK BISHOP, Secretary, Amount of capital paid up Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 18,678.33 Real estate unincumbered.... 41,040.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 820,620.00 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior neuimbrance) 14,400.09 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 7,819.43 Premiums and accounts do<s and In process of collection 53,550.93 Reinsurance due on paid losses 847.19 Total net assets 960,555.93 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 482,304.25 Losses due and unpaid 45,828.71 Losses adjusted and not due 1,056.03 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 2,600.00 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 15,023.19 Other liabilities of the com pany 382.39 Total liabilities $ 550,194.58 Surplus 410,363.43 Total $ 9G0,538. 1 Greatest amount In any one rtek § 25,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to be Insured in any one block...s 50,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. „ I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this offic-*. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. 'X, S. McMURRAY. JR., , . ComjEissloggr,