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APRIL 12,1322. EXPECT JAPS TO WITHDRAW FROM SIBERIA Anti-Militarist Move May Get Troops Out of Coun try. TOKIO, April 12.—With religious cere monies still being held for the late Prlnc? Yamagata, Genre leader and for more than a quarter of a century the strongest figure In Japan, government officials and politi'-al parties who had been cringing in silence for fear of Incurring his dis pleasure now are taking a stand against militarism. A campaign Is under way for the removal of Jrp.nese troops from Siberia. The most serious clasl so far between the rest of the government and the fac tion at the war office Is over the Siberian question. Many cabinet ministers have for some time favored withdrawal of the Japanese forces, and the Washington conference, probably through develop ments that are unknown, has served to increase this desire. It Is known that the army Is the only opposition left in the government to almost instant with drawal, and there Is a growing feeling In government circles that pressure now being applied will force the war office to give in. The militarists claim that withdrawal For Nine Days Only We Offer the Famous A-B GAS RANGES At the Regular Cash Price on Payments NOT ONE CENT EXTRA DO YOU PAY FOR CREDIT Give your old gas range the “once over.” Honestly, doesn’t it look old and worn? In your heart you really wish you had anew one—one that *you would be eager to show your friends. Such a gas range is the A-B. It ranks among the finest in the world. For nine days we have placed the deferred payment buyer on the same footing with the cash buyer. We carry your credit without one extra cent for bookkeeping, overhead, etc. These are our terms: $5 Down-Balance in Ten Monthly Payments Come in and select any A-B Gas Rajige from the fourteen different models we carry. On the pay ment of $5.00 we will deliver the range and set it up and connect it, without extra charge, if gas is through kitchen floor at range location. The bal ance you pay in ten easy monthly payments. You VONNEGUT Statement of Condition OF THE Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Texas FT. WORTH, TEXAS. Cor. Tenth and Monroe ets, ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 R. R. NEAL. President. GLEN WALKER, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In hanks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 28,819.33 Real estate unincumbered 160,8*6.31 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 202,077.40 Mortgage leans on real es tate i free from any prior ranee) . . , 210,806.66 Accrued securities (Interest ‘"and rents, etc.) 4,679.64 On deposit with agents 1,000.00 Salvage recoverable on paid losses 1,400.00 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 4.084.32 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 36.736.50 Total net assets $ 650,560.43 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 273.159.56 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 58.982.48 and amounts unpaid.... 9,035.33 Other liabilities of the com pany 4.245.81 Total liabilities 3 346.373.70 Surplus 334.15C.7S Total S 659,36a4S Greatest amount in any one risk $ 25,000.00 State of Indians, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, ihe undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 3lst day of De cember. 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (BEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of Anril. 1922. T. S. McMUBRAT, JR.. CoaulMlaaar. will leave Japanese nationals and their Interests unprotected—that the time has not come for the forces to leave It. It Is safe to say, however, that withdrawal will come sooner than most persons have had hope to expect. • A division and a half remain in the maritime province, and one of the great est reasons for objecting to their re turn to Japan Is the impetus that such will give the growing demands for a reduction of land forces. Here the militarists are trying to stave off attack from all quarters. The Koku minto, second opposition party in the House of Representatives, demands that the period of conscription be cut from two to one year and that the number of divisions be cut in half. This would re sult in cutting the army about in half, according to the plan, and will save ap proximately $25,000,000 annually. The Government party, the Selynkai, also asks a cut in the standing army, but only by about 100.000 or so. General Yamanashl agrees to a slight reduction. He desires a cut of about 50,000, but would consent to a little more provided: all funds thus saved would go toward buying war equipment'—modern gum and other materials needed. Under no consideration will he sanction a reduction In the army budget. WOI'LD AID EDUCATION. On the other hand. Premier Takahashl has announced several times in the Diet that money saved from tbs army cut, ts effected, will go toward schools and In dustrial enterprises for the present and as soon as possible will aid a reduction in taxation. Constitutionally the minister of war Statement of Condition OF THE Lumbermens Mutual Casually Company CHICAGO, ILL. 4624 Sheridan Road. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 JAMES S. KEMPER. President. EDWIN E. HOOPER, Secretary. Amo it of capital paid up Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) S 91,581.33 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,105,270.00 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 50,100.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 15,486 43 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collect on 303,372.22 Accounts otherwise secured .. 1,085.00 Total net assets 51,566,895.03 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to ' reinsure outstanding risks 5 626,279.14 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 511.502.74 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 23,348.26 Other liabilities of the com pany 41,801.26 Total liabilities |1,202,931.40 Surplus 363,963.63 Total .’.51,566,893103 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner of in surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the" state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921 is shown by the original statement, aui that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April, 1922. T S. McMURRAY, JR., r liMfr t lU lnnpr is responsible only to the throne, but with the militaristic taction in the c6n ditions it is now his resignation will come shortly after the Diet supports the Premiers policy. General Yamanashl has intimated, the vernacular papers say, that he will resign after the Diet ends in April, for his views are no longer In accord with those of the other Cabinet ministers. General Uyehara, chief of staff, will also resign, it is indicated. This will bring on a clan fight within the militarists’ ranks, serving only to further weaken them in the country as a whole. Acquitted Because Hands Were Too Large TOUJJPO, Ohio, April 12.—Haled into Common rieas Court on a charge of pocket-picking Emil Geith of Watervllle, held up his hands for the Judge’s gaze. Court attaches who saw his right hand said it was as "wide as a broom.” ‘I move this man be discharged, your honor,” said the prosecutor, “he couldn’t get his hand in Vollmars Park?” Geith was accused of having picked the pocket of a fellow card player. He was acquitted. STEALS COMMANDMENT. NEW YORK. April 12.—Pasquale Glreano was arraigned on a charge of picking a woman's pocket on the subway. His loot was a card on which the deca logue was printed with the command ant “Thou shall not steal” underscored. can obtain an A-B Gils Range for as low as $36. The following have been outstanding features of A-B Gas Ranges for years: Large baking ovens with glass doors, guaranteed rustproof oven lin ings, genuine porcelain enameled splashers, porce lain enameled drip pans and broiler pans, roomy Statement of Condition OF The Indemnity Exchange CHICAGO, ILL. 208 S. LaSalle st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 M. J. DORSEY, President. S. R. WELLS. Vice President and Secy. Amount of capital paid up.... Reciprocal NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 15,774.75 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 31,200.00 Premiums and accounts due and lu process of collection 61,727.92 Total net assets 5 108,702.67 LIABILITIES. Unearned premium deposits. .$ 62,279.32 Losses adjusted and not due.. 146.22 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 2,025.00 Total liabilities $ 64.451.04 Surplus 44,251.63 Total 5 108,702.67 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 23,000.00 Greatest amount allowed by rules of the company to bo Insured In any one city, town or village $ 23,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. TANARUS, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember. 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April. 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., CoamlKtoift- mJ WHITE HOUSE CALLERS ARE MOTLEY GROUP People of All Sorts Insist They ‘JVlust See the President.' WASHINGTON, April 12.—”1 must see the President.” The person making this demand at the White House almost dally may be of either sex; may be dressed In rags, broadcloth, silks or satins; may be mild mannered or loud-voiced, but they are all equally Insistent. What happens to them? How Is President Harding protected from their Importunities ? There is a simple yet very effective method of han dling such White House visitors through the medium of the Secret Service detail. When President Harding loaves the White House In the morning to go to his desk in the Executive Office Building he Is carefully guarded by several Se cret Service men. They remain quietly and unobtrusively on guard in the Imme diate vicinity of the office as long as the President remains. HAVE TO TEEE MISSION. All persons visiting the Executive Of fices during the time the President Is present have to explain their mission to By means of the Oven Heat Control (shown In Insert) your entire meal— JSHt roast, vegetables, sauces, puddings, cof fee —can be placed In the oven and WmHI!B cooked with one burner. Just set the extremely simple Heat Control at the temperature desired. Oo out shopping £ or to a show. Vpon your arrival home I the food will be deliciously done and not a particle will be burned. HARDWARE CO. 120-124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Statement of Condition OF The American National Fire Insurance Company COLUMBUS, OHIO. 8 East Long st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 CHAUNCEY B. BAKER, President JOHN A. DODD, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up.... 5 500,000 00 NOT ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) ?.$ 61,085.53 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,102,880.10 Mortgage loans on real es-_ tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 62,703.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 9,135.66 Premiums and accounts duo and In process of collection 106,334.20 Reinsurance duo on paid losses 6,733.66 Underwriters deposit 100.00 Total net assets |1,849,072.13 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 551,754.96 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 92,659.41 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 1,625.70 Other liabilities of the com pany 14,700.00 Total liabilities 5 660,740.07 Capital 500,000.00 Surplus 188,332.08 Total 51,349,072.15 Greatest amount In any one risk I 160,000.00 State o? Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1924, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. 8. McMURRAY. JR.. t-'ommtAsloaer. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. the two policemen on duty in the lobby. If the visitor's mission is apparently le gitimate he is directed back to the door keeper, who arranges for his reception by Secretary Christian, to whom he ex plains in detail bis mission. If the visotor has a suspicious manner or gives the policeman the impression of being a “crank,” ho is asked to wait in the lobby .while the policeman sends for the “doctor.” The “doctor” is the head or acting heed of the Secret Service detail. Without any ostentation the suspect is ushered into one of the ante rooms of the executive office building and subjected to the most rigid cross examination by the Secret Service ex pert. No third-degree methods are used. The visitor does not even suspect that he is being grilled, but the operative gets his information and acts upon it. If the visitor has an errand which may j properly be laid before the President | he is taken in to see Mr. Christian, who makes an engagement for him with Mr. | Harding. If the vlistor's errand may be more expeditiously taken up with a member of Congress or the head of a de partment he Is given the necessary di rections as to how to go about it. CONDUCTED TO HOSPITAL. Some visitors, however, are not amena ble to these suggestions and insist upon laying their grievances before the Presi dent direct. Calmly and in soft tones, the Inquisitor directs the visitor to follow him, and he is given a personally-con ducted excursion to one of the large Gov ernment hospitals In Washington, where bh Is placed under observation and treat- cooking tops and baked enamel finish. The same terms of payment hold good whether your A-B is or is not equipped with the Oven Heat Control. This special 9-day offer, we know, will meet the approval of every thrifty and discriminating housewife. It means a saving which you can not afford to overlook. Statement of Condition OF THE Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company HARRISBURG, PA. 700 Toffee bldg. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 H. Y. wniTE, President. H. C. HAFEY, Secretary. Amount of capital paid np Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on interest.. 5 22,227.03 Real estate unincumbered.... 10,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 722,798.28 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior incumbrance) 20,550.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) ..1 74,252.85 Premiums and accounts due and In process of collection 14,.864.09 Total net a55et5.870,692.25 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks 5 33.750.13 Losses due and unpaid 14,996.92 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 279.93 Other liabilities of the com pany 251,561.45 Total liabilities $ 300,618.43 Surplus 070,073.82 Total $ 870,692.23 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 10,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. X, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., _ _. Commissioner. ment as to his mental status and his re latives notified. The efficiency of the secret service in handling these unbal anced pilgrims to the President Is a source of wonder and remark among those who are familiar with the methods used. Hundreds of letters have been received by the secret service detail from anxious relatives thanking them for the informa tion on.vnbalanced members of the fam ily. lirmost Instances the visitor is a vic tim of an hallucination and has wandered away from home. There are very few violent cases handled at the White House now, but there are a large number afflicted with the mania for insisting upon “talking to the President” about their real 6r fancied wrongs. A note to a relative usually brings expressions of gratitude and prompt action in bringing the victim of the hallucination back home, and the entire incident has passed with out publicity, due to the efficiency of the secret service methods. Don’t wait until the last minute to choose your Easter Clothes. Now is the best time. And, remember our Cheerful Credit Plan is for your convenience. MEN'S. SUITS r A . hvely ~| Smart Spring Ok COATS "fl! dm mwn capes WRAPS DOWN fJWA Our easy terms 1 why not choose //TO \MM are a real con - $43 cl' ry Tfln veniencetoyou *r §&j for Easter, 4) | j| W i DOWN I r 1 f i's, In many different styles, l*\ \ * 1 I W gs Hi materials and colors. There are dozens L— /‘sft °h Bt fti es p to HawH Come in and choose one of /[y\ * these suits for Easter, and /11, Rpfliitifnl Qilk pay only $2.00 down. 2\J oeaaLllUl 5nK Jg BOYS’ 11 1 H.N fm SUITS AyMla ■ DOTO :y%. v tgC -\ 4 V 7/fr™* The finest assort. uTLI A V ms \i ment In the greatest Y,l ■} j $41.00 * & if AT m ‘ ® down s%|§ s l2M®rJufJ i I Dress np the boys Choose the dress f I for Easter Any And, mind you,, all yon Ik | pay *s Sl.aO down. 127 West Washington Street Statement of Condition OF THE Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Company 1 NEW YORK, N. Y. 8 S. Williams st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 APPLETON A COX. Inc., Attys., U. S. Mgrs. Amount of capital paid np, deposit 5 300,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on interest) $ 110,307.11 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,026,200.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 12,018.63 Cash In office 933.24 Premiums and accounts due and In process of collection 99,636.42 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 83,049.25 Total net assets 51.-82,644.63 LIABILITIES. \ Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks 5 200.797.53 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 254,163.56 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 27.551.97 Total liabilities ~..5 482,843.30 Capital 300,000.00 Surplus 499,801.29 Total 51,252,644.05 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above 1s a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember; 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. . T. S. McMURRAY. JR., Commissioner. Vexed Wife Has Novel Plan to Calm Nerves WOOSTER, Ohio, April 12.—“ When 1 became vexed I took a nap. It has done wonders In calming me down.” In these words Mrs. Louis B. How ard, 78, of this city, explained the suc cess of her married life which has just reached the sixtieth milestone. Mr. and Mrs. Howard a few days ago enjoyed* their sixtieth wedding anniver sary dinner, which was prepared wholly —except for the cake—by Mrs. Howard. Mr. Howard. 81, also helped to pre serve the family harmony. “When I felt quarrelsome I always left the house and stayed away until I got over my spell,” he declared. Mrs. Howard admitted that staying at Statement of Condition OF THE Michigan Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company LANSING, MICH. 120 W. Ottawa. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 ROBERT HENKEL, President. A. D. BAKER, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 237,272.76 Real estate unincumbered.... 41,150.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,352,116.6S Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 993,066.70 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 43.185.87 Adjusting expense due from other companies 197.74 Collateral loans 9,000.00 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 61,578.5S Total net assets $2,757,871.33 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding * risks $1,528,329.79 Losses adjusted not due. 7,917.55 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 234,349.92 Bills and accounts unpaid 2,500.00 Other liabilities of the com pany 16,511.88 Total liabilities $1,759,609.14 Surplus 905,262.19 Total .$2,i57,871.33 Greatest amount In any one risk, gross $ 150,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember. 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement la now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. McMURRAY. JR., Commissioner. . home constituted no small part of heif secret of a happy home. “My husband never came home and found me gone,” she said. “Once, when my sister died, I was away from home five weeks. But that was my longest ab sence.” Hospital Head to Deliver Sermon Dr. Demetrius Tillitson, president of the board of trustees of the Methodist Hospital, will preach tonight at 7 :-13 o'clock at the St. Paul M. E. Church. Thursday night, Vinson H. Manifold, an attorney and teacher of the Other Fell lows’ Bible class, will speak. Tonight at the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Dr. Edward Haines Kistler, pas, tor, will preach on “Preparing for the Bridegroom.” Statement of Condition OF THE National Implement Mutual Insurance Company OWATANNA, MINN. 211 North Ccdax st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 F. J. LAKE, President. C. I. BURTON, Secretary, Amotfht of capital paid up...... Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on interest) $ 27,028.58 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 203,898.45 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 8,120.50 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 4,036.00 Agents’ balances 19,818.83 Bills rec 635.2;; Due for reinsurance pre miums 60,027.96 Total net assets ............ $ 293^36357 LIABILITIES, Reserve ’or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks 5 169,666.73 Losses due and unpaid 25,437.77 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 1.O0&PO Other liabilities of the com pany 14,492.40 Total liabilities 5 210.2149" Surplus 85.345.67 Total 5 295,563.37 Greatest amount In any one risk f. 5 15,000.0" State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. the undersigned, commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and (hat the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. S. 9