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FINANCIAL NEWS All Daily Times Editions Keep Pace With Market Activities. VOL. XXXIV. CHARGE GAS COMPANY IS EXTRAVAGANT Spend Large Sum on Leased Build ing. RENTS FINE MULE Pay S2OO a Month for One Week’s Work. Alleged extravagance centering aronnd the spending of $05,000 on a building which is not owned but leased, high sal aried officers and bad judgment In the purchase of coal before the peak of prices and after, were points which Taylor E. Groninger, city corporation counsel, endeavored to bring out today in cross examining J. Dorsey Forrest, secretary of the Citizens Gas Company, iu the hearing before the public service commission on the company’s petition for an increase in rates of 25 cents a thou-und cubic feet. The connection of James W. Dunbar, member of Congress, who formerly man aged gas plants at New Albany and Jef fersonville was gone into by Groninger. Dunbar, who is still a member of Con gress, was recently elected a director and made vice president and general manager of the local company, lie is receiving a salary of S2OO a month and devoting a small part of his time to duties here testimony of Forrest showed. The salary, he declared. Is a nominal one ami pays little more than Mr. Dunbar's expenses in making the trips between Washington and Indianapolis. DUNBAR TO SPEND PART TIME HERE. I’ntil March 4, 1923, when Mr. Dun bar’s term in Congress ends, he is sched uled to make one visit here and spend about one week of each month her- 1 , under present arangements between him and the gas company, the testimony of Forrest showed. Forres;, as secretary-manager of the company, is receiving a salary of $12,000 a year, and in addition receives $3,000 from the Milburn By-Products Com pany, he testified. One mule, which is rented ly the gas company for use at the Prospect plant, is an expensive liability. according to a statement of expense which had been ob tained by the city’s counsel and whose figures Forrest admitted to be correct ap proximately. The rental on the mule, as shown by Geonlnger's figures, was as follows: 1918 $229 1919 .* 300 1920 300 1921 360 Total $1,301* MI LE’S COST EXCESSIVE? "The mule’s cost is excessive, is it not?" Groniuger asked. “It’s a very valuable mule, they tel! me. They insist he is an exceptional mule," Forrest replied. “I tried to get ritl of the mule myself." "Was It a black or white?” Groninger asked. ‘•Pcrhnps the mule required for the po sition requires an exceptional degree of inteligence,” Commissioner VanAuken suggested. In the ifucs:inning, it was brought out that the improvements being made at the (Continued on Page Two.) $15,000 DAMAGE IN NORTH SIDE BUILDING FIRE School Supply House Loses One Frame Structure in Blaze. Loss estimated at $15,000 was caused today hr a Are, which partially de stroyed on l ' of the buildings of tho plant of tho Columbia School Supply Company, 326 West Seventeenth street. The tire started in an oven used for baking enamel ou the metal portion of school desks. Flames from the oven ig nited the one-story frame building. Clarence Picket, an employe, failed to extinguish the blaze with an extinguisher and was slightly burned. Sparks from the fire ignited the roofs of six dwellings in the neighborhood, but only slight damage was done. Street ears and interurban cars on Senate avenue were blocked for some time. W. A. Moore, superintendent of the plant, said some machinery in the build ing could be salvaged. U. S. Obligated to Keep Promise WASHINGTON, April TV The United States is morally obligated to keep its promise of extending 000.000 credit to Liberia and must make the loan or "suffer a lamentable loss of respect be fore the world,” Secretary of State j Hughes told the House Ways and Means Committee today. Hughes urged immediate action by Congress to make possible tho loan. Hazel Sanborn, 7, Struck by Auto Hazel Sanborn. 7, 56 South Holmes avenue, suffered a broken shoulder when I she was struck by an automobile at '• Washington street and Belie Vleu place ; today. She was taken home. The au tomobile did not stop ami the license , number was not obtained. WEATHER Forecast for Indianapolis and vicinity | for the twenty-four hours -t, ding 7 p. m.. April 20. 1922: Generally fair and cooler tonight and ! Thursdav; frost probable tonight. Iloi IU.Y TEMPERATURES. 0 a. m 46 7 a ru 4$ S a. rn 51 9 a. a 52 a. m 56 11 a. m 5s 12 (noon) 59 1 p. m 60 2 p. m 64 The Children’s Playmates, RAGGEDY ANN and RAGGEDY ANDY, in the TIMES. ,£GINNING MONDAY EVERYTHING! GENOA, April 19—" We ll do every thing we can to avoid a break," Wal ter Rafhenau, head of the German delegation, declared today in discuss ing the statement of the allied pow ers barring Germany from further participation in the dealings with Russia. The Germans are working on a re ply, which probably will be made public late today. MONTANA IN HOPES; LONG LANE TURNS 4 Years of Drought Have Discouraged Many. SNOWS OF APRIL Await Summer Sun to Make Crops Grow. (Editor’s Note—Edward G. Dowry, distinguished investigator and re porter for the I’blludelphlis Pnbllc Ledger. Is touring the agricultural section west of the Mississippi Hiver in behalf of the Public Ledger and the Dally Times, and writing a scries of articles upon conditions as lie It nils them. This Is the production based upon observations iu Montana. Others will follow at regular intervals.) By EDWARD G. LOWRY. FARGO. N. !>., April 1,1.—1 t is an ex perience to travel a toss Montana. Per sons who care for large, unfinished States with wide outlooks and for horizons will like Montana. The greater part of Mon tana is out of doors. It is a Slate much exposed to the weather and climatic conditions, and sometimes it shows it. It covers an amazing area, and it takes even the most hurried observer twenty four hours on a train to cross it. The eye encounters a continuity of broken bills and mountains. Interspersed with valleys. An April snow fall made the country a Christmas card scene, but it was "moisture” to these people out here, and they rejoiced in it. The snow was sink ing into the unfrozen ground, and more was lying on the hills waiting for the summer sun to bring it down to a soil long parched. They have Just come to the end of a four year drouth in this State that began In 19X7. It didn’t do the stock raisers and the farmers any good. In fact, It nearly, ruined them. It affetced everybody. The chief Interest of the State f* sheep and cattle, and, to a much smaller degree wheat and other farm products. The long dry spell put the State in a deep hole They were very hard up last autumn. They made arrangements to get Govern ment money to pull them through. Since that time they have got something more than $10,000,000 from the War Finance Corporation. Even before they got the money, the circumstances that it was to be made available restored confidence and stopped the sale of breeding herds. .The farmers were selling thrir cattle and sheep, to pay their debts, in part. If out in lied on I’age Seven.) COPS DECLARE BOOZE CAUSE OF SHOOTING Announce Result of Investi gation in Hollifield Case. Liquor was blamed by the police today for the domestic troubles of Howard Hol lifield. 40. and his wife. Alta. 28. which ended in Hollifield shooting his wife and himseif at their home. No. 18 Fredoheran Terrace, 728 North East street, yesterday afternoon. Both are In a critical condi tion at the city hospital. Reports to Patrolman John V. Hos tetler, who was stationed at the llolll firld home after the shooting, ttiai Holli field had been making booze caused l:1ir to investigate . The policeman, aeeom panied by the janitor, investigated and found no evidence of Hollifield having operated a whisky still, but said he did find five empty one gallon ji .gx which he said had contained liquor. Neighbors and friends of the Holli fields declared Hollifield had been drink ing heavily for a long time. FLIERS REPORT PLANE USELESS Trans-Atlantic Aviators, on Last Leg of Flight, Re port Misfortune, PERNAMBUCO. Brazil. April 19. Owing to an accident to their Faircy hy dro-aeroplane, the Portuguese aviators must abandon or indefinitely delay their trans-Atlantic flight, according to a wire less message received here today. The flyers had reached St. Paul's rocks in mid-Atlantic, after completing a 905- mile hop, the longest and most perilous of their voyage from Portugal Brazil. They wpre reported In a wireless mes sage to be making preparations to start on the next leg—to the island of Fer nando Noranba. Then came the message: “Plane useless. Aviators hope save motor." WATCHING -ST. LOUIS, April 19— Missouri politician* settled bin k today to watfh the offer t of tile iViUon-Ikyd con troversy on tle State political cam paign. Former President Wllnon’s letter to a St. Louis newspaper in whUh he Heath Injtly repudiated Senator James V Heed, apparently <uii-cl a preoter stir than did the Wilson letter of 1018. u'kiiiK for a Democratic (on- Kfens to ba<k up his war program. GERMAN SAYS BRITON KNEW ABOUT TREATY Rathenau Declares Lloyd George ‘Lied.’ TURMOIL ENSUES Delegates at Genoa Stirred by Russ Demand. GENOA, April 19—The Russian dele gation to the Genoa conference an nounced today it will ask that the Rus so German treaty be discussed at a ple nary session and put to a vote. This was the sovie. answer to the al lied protest against the commercial agree ment privately signed at Ilapallo on Easter Sunday by German and Russian foreign ministers. LLOYD GEORGE TO WRITE REPLY. An allied note of protest, penned by Lloyd George, was addressed to Ger many, and the German delegation was expected to reply today. Although the allies acting in concert with the “little entente” have Informed Germany she can have no further part in Genoa ne gotiations concerning Germany, it was considered doubtful whether Wlrth ami Barthou would take this rebuke to heart and go home. Germany, it was pointed out, has com pleted by means of the treaty, any agree ments she cared to make with Russia. The Genoa conference is in a state of turmoil through the outspoken passing of the lie, in bitter exchanges between Lloyd George and Rathenau, German for eign minister. RATHENAI S \ 1S HE HAS DETAILS. Did I.ioyd George know of the Russo- German treaty before it was signed? Rathenau says "yes," and that be tried repeatedly to furnish the British pre mier with details, but was pit aside. Lloyd George declares this an utter falsehood and says the treaty came as a complete surprise, astonishing everyone. The German according to newspapr correspondents who called upon them, then said Lloyd George lied if he (Lloyd Georgei claimed to have had no previous knowledge that Russia and Germany planned a separate agreement. FRENCH WRITERS SEE NEW WARS PARIS. April 19 The Paris press, al most without exception, sees new wars as a result of what is regarded ns the allies' "feebleness" at Genoa “When w ill the allies call on Marshal Foeh ” was the headline in the Matin. ’ h irst step toward German revenge." said L Eclair Saint Brice, writing in 1 Jonrnay. ile. dared, "the vanquished are openly pr* paring to renew the war ” t’apus in Figaro, writes that the "allies attempts to maintain peace irrespective of the cost is precisely what Is bringing on an inevitable war." Will France permit the bodies to t urn a million Asiatic Russian barbarians loose on the Rhine.” asks L’Action Fran - caise. REMOVE STORM TRACES AFTER BURYING DEAD Western Indiana Getting Back to Homes in Cyclone Area. ATTICA, Ind., April 19 Western In diana was re overing today from the toll of two cyclones which swept over tills part of the State Monday night, killing seventeen and injuring scores. While the victims at Hedrick, Williams port, Sloan and Brook were bring buried, ami relief given the injured, hundreds of families made homeless were, trying to restore their homes, and business build ings laid flat are being reeonstructed. WABASH RIVER LEVEE BREAKS VINCENNES. Ind.. April 19 The Rus sellville till.i levee gave way before the flooded Wabash River here today, flood ing thousands of acres of land back of it. Residents of the bottomlands had been expecting il to break for some time and had prepared to flee. When the waters rushed hack into the territory behind the dyke, the river dropped one tenth of an inch here and at points in this Immediate vicinity. SUIT CASES FLO. i T IS TRACT lOS CAR WARSAW. Ind.. April 19.—Suit case, floated around the ear and passengers had to stand on the seats as the 9:50 Winona flyer from Goshen on the Wl nona-Indlanapolis line dashed through a pond four hundred feet wide a mile north of hpre today. The pond was an overflow caused by the recent rains, of one of the numerous watersheds In this vicinity. WABASH RIVER IS F ALU SC 'TERRE HAUTE. Ind., April 19.—The flooded Wabash River reached its crest at 24.4 here today and fell a small frac tion of an inch during the afternoon, the weather bureau announced. With the river falling slowly at I.afayette, to the north, the bureau predicted that the stage here would remain near twenty-four feet for several days. After that the flood will recede rapidly when large streams south of Vincennes drop. The Wabash Valley had a slight frost last night. Another was forecast for to night unless clouds should prevent. GERMAN MINK LEADER niES. ESSEN. Germany, April 19.—Otto Hue, prominent miners' leader of Germany, died here today of Inflammation of the lungs. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1922. Romance May Lurk in Dishpan CLUB WOMAN EXPRESSES VIEWS Possible to Mix Pies and Poetry Romance may be woven as well over the dishpan ns In the seclusion of a stoudy and poems pinned to the kitchen wall may be memorized while pies are baking, declared Mrs. S. R. Artman, president of the May Wright Sewell Council, In discussing how women may have interests outside the home and at the same time keep an excellent house. "The general belief that a woman can not keep a home successfully and at the same time have an outside interest, such as club work, is erroneous,” said Mrs. Artman. “It is all a matter of how the two in terests are combined,” she said. "In all the years I have been keeping houso and doing active club work I hare learned *hat romances may be woven as well over the dishpan ns In the seclusion of a study and poems pinned to tho kitchen wall may be memorized while my pies are baking—and I do not burn the pies, either. “My typewriter is kept in the kitchen where it may bo used during every spare moment, for I prepare three regular meals a day, so that much of my time at home must be spent there In order to have time to be away from home, I carefully plan my meals, do ray bukiug during the morning, prepare the fruit for breakfast th night before and try to make use of every moment in the day. KITt HEN DRUDGERY HELD IN NECESSARY. "I believe that much of the so-called drudgery of housework would be elimi nated if women would concentrate their minds on some pleasant, worth while thought while they perform such me chanical tasks as sweeping and dusting and washing dishes, instead of merely letting their thoughts wander aimlessly." Another Indianapolis woman, the mother of two boys, who slso Is an active worker in' women’s political move My, What a Fix Poor William Has Got Into! After ‘Politely' Serving Notice on Relative Asking for $1,500. With the indictment snd arrest of Wil liusn Fix and Corbett Graves of Ambla, Benton County, on charge* of violating the postal laws. Federal officials believe they have rounded up the "most polite and considerate bunch of blackmailers on record.” Five separate warnings were served by mail uj n Robert Fix. a distant rela tive of William Fix. between Oct. 10 and Nov. 2, 1921. that if he did not" come across" with $1,300 they would burn his barn. According to the charges Robert M Fix is said to have answered some of the letters saying, it is said, he would try to raise the money. However, he was un successful and on Nov 5. the barn was burned Alonzo Stevens, a third defendant. Is now serving n sentence for arson Imposed by tho State courts in connection with (his ease. William Fix ami Graves were arrested yesterday by Homer T Burnett, deputy 1 nited Stub ■ marshal, ami In default of bond 'd s2.not* wire brought to In dianapolis and placed in JatL SIAMESE TWINS’ SUCCESSORS Vi Wjs&w DAISY AND VIOLET HILTON. SAN ANTONIO, Texas. April 19.—Liv ing here are the successors of Rosa and .losefa Blazek, world-famed Siamese Twins, who died recently at Chicago. They are Violet, and Daisy Milton, 16, and attractive. Violet and Daisy are ''Siamese Twins” —their bodies are joined together at the base of the spine just like Rosa and .losefa, just like Eng and Chang, origl nal Siamese Twins whom Barman mad® famous in the last century. Save for tin 1 abnormal joining of their bodies, Violet and Daisy are just like any two ordinary 16 year-old girls. And save for the fact that one must go wherever the other goes, they en joy the same pastimes and diversions any girls of sixteen would enjoy. They're fond of eards, checkers and dominoes. Both don’t always play the same game at the same time. The other night Daisy was engaged in beating her uncle at dominoes while Violet, brows puckered was trying to disentagle herself from the intricacies of a high bid In bridge. ments. has reduced her housework to a minimum by preparing her food for the evening meal early in the day, sending all laundry work away from home, buy ing ready-to-wear apparel for herself and family, using a dish mop for wash ing the dishes and a drying rack In stead of a cup-towel for drying them. "And,” ahe said, “making it an un breakable rule that ail dishes must be done immediately after the meal and not allowed to stand, for this only makes them harder and more disagreeable to do. “The biggest help I have in my house keeping, ’’ she declared, "Is my son. He is In high school, but every Saturday he cleans the windows and uses the vacuum cleaner on the rugs, starts the fire in the kitchen for me each morning, so that X come down to a comfortable room, and tends the furnace when his father is not at home. “I do my own marketing and leave the bnsket of provisions for him to bring home. He is not paid for doing this work, either, for both of my hoys have been given to understand that while they live in the home they have certain duties so perform in caring for it. Just as their father and 1 have. And in spite of this,” she added, "our boy is perfectly satis fied to spend five nights out every seven at home with his family.” In order to draw the attention of the public to the need for improved methods of running tho home and more expert shopping by housewives In order to cut down somewhat on the cost of living. Good Housekeeping Magazine has planned a Good Housekeeping week to begin Thursday, April 20, during which special magazine articles, window displays and varltnis other forms of publicity will em phasize the need of more efficiently managed homes. YOUNGBANKER ADMITS LOSING STOLEN FUNDS Pkdcock’s Thefts Total Mil lion, He Tells At torney. CHICAGO, April 19. Everett R Fca cock, 32, laid bare to authorities today that he had borrowed a million dollars and then lost it. Peacock, former president of the Mil waukee Irving State Bank, confessed to Assistant State's Attorney Jonas after a shortage of $468,000 was discovered at the institution. Directors and stockholders of the bank made good the shortage. Depositors will not lose. "I'm no more guilty than other officials of the bank,' Peacock said. "They're just trying to make me the goat." . PAX? niBIJN, April 19—Michael Collin* nnd Fnmonn De V ftlera today poM po ns* and until Thursday th<*ir confer ence to di*ouM the pooMbility of pear* In southern Ireland. J Both girls like to read. But while one reads Oliver Twist, the other may be thrilled by a movie serial! Both are fond of the movies—and of the same kind of movies, for both must always attend the same show. They pre fer serial pictures of wild adventure to the humdrum society romance. Each twin writes an entirely different handwriting. While the penmanship of both Is good, their scripts are as dif ferent as the two poles. The children romp and play about the grounds of their winter home here Just as any children. They move about with marvelous rapidity and ehse. Daisy and Violet have been educated by private tutors. Their parents refused to send them to public school because of the comment their Joined condition might call forth. San Antonio’s ‘‘Siamese Twins” today are the oldest known such twins In ex istence. Many such twins are born, but fen live beyond babyhood. Rosa and .losefa Blazek were well over forty when they died. Eng and Chang were sixty-three. CITY AIDS IN MAKING OF NEW RECORD Takes Share in Boom of Building Per mits. RESULT OF DRIVE Number Is 117 Higher Than Last Year. All building records of the country were smashed in March. Indianapolis had an important share in the smashing, the monthly tabulation of reports from ISM large cities issued by the American Contractor shows. Indianapolis, twenty-second city in pop ulation, was seventeenth in valuation of building permits issued in March and unth in number of permits. The .oral building department issued 1,218 permits for construction valued at $2,065,051 in March. This did not equal the valuation record of March, 1921, out the number ex ceeded the number of permits for that month. The record for March, 1921, was 1.001 permits and $2,336,964 valuation. Increase in the number of permits shows that the tremendous campaign of homo building and other small construction projects Is going ahead stronger than ever this spring. Tho American Contractor views the rec ord-breaking month ns pointing con clusively "to the fact that the construc tion industry, which is the keynote indus try In ushering back good times, is shouldering Us way into activities which will shortly take the slack out of fihe present industrial situation. "Official returns from the 190 cities to the American Contractor show a valua llon of $262,283,354. The returns for March, 1921, were $131,905,317. Those last year returns were from the Identical cities reporting this year, and It must be remembered that last year's total record for building was very good. The returns from 194 cities for January this year wore $138,799,280 and the I’ebruary returns from 188 cities gave a valuation of $159, 919.847.” Jhe spurt which Indianapolis made is shown by the valuation of $1,170,248 In February, which Is little more than half that of March. The total valuation for the first three months of 1922 in this city was $3,816,905. l Hies of like class which Indianapolis exceeded In valuation in March were Denver. Louisville. New Orleans. Minne apolis. St. Paul, Kansas City, Buffalo, Columbus, Seattle, Spokane and St. Louis HOLD-UP S SHIRT TORN IN FIGHT TO ESCAPE COP Innocent Bystanders Prevent Lieutenant Triinpe Using His Revolver. In a struggle with a suspected hold-up man Police Lieut, Bon Trlmpe tore the man's shirt and coat, but the man es caped. The policeman was prevented from using his revolver by two young men and two women walking around the corner directly between him and the sus pect. I'rank France, sll North Hamilton ave nue, reported to Lieutenant Triinpe that he was halted by two men at Fulton and St. Vlalr streets who started to search him. When he demanded to see their police badges they told him to "beat It,” and he did. When the policeman reached St. Ulair and Fulton streets he saw the two men and seized one by the coat as ttie other ran. The suspect jerked away and Trlmpe tripped him, but he re gained his feet and ran. As the pollee mnn drew his revolver the pedestrians appearing around the Corner prevented him from using the weapon. The police learned one of the men lived on Fulton street, but when they reached that place the man escaped through a rear door. Mrs. Clarence Meyer, 1226 North Illi nois street, heard a noise on a roof ad joining her apartment. She discovered a negro attempting to raise the window. Sho screamed and the prowler escaped. A kitchen cabinet blocked the path of a burglar who broke tho glass from a rour window at the home of Mrs. Harry Brown, 943 Park avenue. Burglars entered the home of Thesa Rairdon. 32 the Dollie Madison Flats, last night. Some money and talking mu chine records were stolen. Bert Nelson. 404 North Illinois street, told detectives a thief entered his room and carried away a suit of clothes and some shirts valued at S6O. The H P. Wasson Company reported the theft of a dress worth $175. The dress was covered with betids and lace. Ex-Senator’s Divorce Is Declared Illegal WASHINGTON. April 19.—The divorce procured in Bulgaria by Henry F. Hollis, former United States Senator front New Hampshire, was ‘‘irregular and Illegal,” according to an official notice received ah the Bulgarian legation here today front the government of Sofia. The Bulgarian government, the advices stated, did not. sanction the divorce ob tained by the former Senator, it was obtained front a Unitarian minister. An ton Topll Isky, In the town of Dup nitza. Hollis himself is a Unitarian. MORGAN ASKED TO TAKE PART WASHINGTON, April 19.—0f vital concern to the United States Is the invitation extended to the House of .T. P. Morgan A Company to become officially associated with the allied reparations commission. The Morgan Invitation may lead to complications. The sole apparent purpose of the allies in inviting Morgan to ''sit. in” is said to be to arrange for the flota tion of a glganltlc loan to Germany, which ultimately might come back In the form of reparations. J. P. Morgan has aceepted membership on the committee, M. De La Croix of the French delegation to Genoa announced today. CERT’N’Y “All righ*, ol* top” was the fraternal srreeitlnjc which Gut* Ilcacer gar* to Special Jutljr* Joseph Milner, In Su perior Court, room 5, when told to take the stand to testify In a suit In which he was the defendant. Ills Ruby Weaver, was suing him for di vorce on the grounds that he frequent ly cam*} home intoxicated. He was much so when he took the stand in ills own behalf, court at taches said. The divorce was granted. HARDING TO VETO BONUS, SAYS WATSON Unless Way Is Found to Raise Needed Money. OFFERS 2 FLANS Rider on Tariff Bill or Wait Bond Payments. WASHINGTON, April 19.—President Harding again served notice on the Sen ate today that means must be found for financing ths soldiers’ bonus or that he will veto the bill. This unmitakable re-affirmation of the President’s previous attitude toward bonus legislation was conveyed to Sen ators by Senator Watson of Indiana, Ad ministration spokesman, after he con ferred with the President at the White House. TWO WAYS OCT OF DIFFICULTY. Was:on suggested that there were two ways out of the tangled bonus situation, which he described as "fraught with grave difficulties:” 1. That a revenue raising provision like the sales tax to provide money for he bonus be attached as a “rider’’ to he pending tariff bill, If a bonus bill is to be passed by the Senate within the next three or four weeks as a number of Senators within the next three of four weeks as a number of Senators are de manding. 2. That final action on the bill be de ferred until the end of Tune when Senator Watson estimated the $4,000,000,000 in bond's Issued on the basis of payments of the British debt to this country would be available for financing the bonus. WHAT HAPPENS IF SHANK DOES NOT VETO LAW Considerable Confusion Ex pected as to Daylight Saving. Should Mayor Shank fail to carry out his threat to veto the daylight saving ordinance, passed by the city council Monday evening, considerable confusion for passengers on interurban railway lines centering here would result, trac tion officials said today. Neither steam nor electric lines would change their schedules to conform to daylight sav ing in Indianapolis, because they pass through so many other cities where stand ard time Is the year around rule, It was said. Robert I Todd, president of the Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern Traction Company, operating one of the largest Interurban systems, said: ‘‘l don't see bow we could change our time unless tile steam roads and all the towns through which our ears operate change also.” It is pointed out that the ordinance would work a great, hardship on work ingmen. Many of them come to the city on the earliest Interurban cars. They would arrive in the city an hour late for work. The council adopted daylight saving, effective April 36. by a 5 to 4 vote. Mayor Shank said he would veto it. 110 was not in the city today. It Is believed the mayor will veto the ordinance and if the council attempts to pass it over his disapproval it will fail by at least one vote. RESCUERSSEEK VICTIMS KILLED IN CAR PLUNGE Two to Five Persons Are Be lieved to Have Died in Auto Accident. JOPLIN. Mo.. April 19.—Two to five persons today were reported today to have plunged to death in an automobile , which was declared to have skidded over j the roadside Into thirty feet of water | in a mine excavation west of here shortly before last midnight. Rescue workers and ambulances were summoned from here. Identity of persons believed In the car was unknown. Engineers Die in Train Collision HUTCHINSON, Kan., April 19—Engi neers Charles Wideman and Peter Flick were killed today when two Rock Island trains collided at Plains, 150 miles west of here. Several were Injured. WHOA! NEO LA, lowft, April 19.—Traffic was resumed over the Neola-Council Illuffs Division of the Chicago Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad today after a fourteer*-hour tie up caused by a ri’naway team. The team plunjjed Into the center of a freight train, de railing' a ear. Sevent.*on other oar*i piled up, stringing wreckage more than thr©<? hundre Ifty feet. HOME EDITION TWO CENTB PER COPY TROUBLE FOR BOTH SIDES IN POLITICAL ROW City Officials and Em ployes Have De bates. TRIPLETT IS FIRED Declares He Refused to Support Bev eridge. Troubles for city employes who say they are not supporting Albert J. Bev eridge, candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator, and for city officials, who have the power to “hire and fire” them, piled up rapidly today. George Triplett, negro, 43 West Ver mont street, who was a janitor at the city ball, said he was fired, because he was not for Beveridge. Gordon Donaldson, custodian of the city hall said Triplett was fired because he failed for more than a week, to obey an order to wash win dows, in the board of safety suite. MeCABTY FILLS SERIOUS CHARGE. Timothy Murphy McCarty, former truck driver, who had a fight with Harry Newby, superintendent of the municipal garage, last Friday swore out a warrant charging Newby with assault and bat tery wich intent to kill. Newby was ar rested and will be heard In Justice of the Peace Conrad Keller's court, at 9 o’clock Monday morning. McCarty made a statement that ho was fired because he was a Democrat and not for Beveridge. R. Walter Jarvis, super intendent of parks and recreation, said McCarty was not fired, but that he “quit” when taken to task for hia surly attitude and for damaging a truck by careless driving. OFFICIALS HINT AT CONSPIRACY’. City officials said they believed leaders at tbe headquarters of Senator Harry S. New are deliberately urging employes discharged for incompetence, to go to tbe newspapers and make statements that they were fired because they would not work for Beveridge. Triplett said Monday evening Gordon Donaldson called the city hail janitors together and told them he had orders from "higher up” to Instruct them to re port for duty at Beveridge headquarters some time this week. Triplett said he did not go and John F. Walker, super intendent of street cleaning, who spends part of his time at the headquarters, (Continued on Page Two.) ASK POSITION OF ASPIRANTS ON AMENDMENT W. C. T. U. Group Invite Candi dates to Noon Lunch eon. A large number of candidates today accepted the invitation of the Meridian Heights W. C. T. U. and attended a noon luncheon of the organization at tho Third Christian Church, held for the purpose of giving candidates an op portunity to state their positions on law enforcement and tho Volstead act. Among those who refused to answer the challenge were Congressman Merrill Moores, candidate for Republican renomi* nation; Joseph P. Turk, wet candidate for the Democratic nomination for Con* gress, and John Maxwell, wet candidate for the Indiana nouse of Representatives. “Mr. Moore has not answered our chal lenge,” declared Mrs. E. IT. Schmoe,” chairman of a committee which managed the division, "and to a letter sent to him by the W. C. T. U. he replied that ho did not stand for the Volstead law and did not believe that Mr. Volstead would him self if he had known the result of it.” Mrs. Arthur R. Robinson represented Albert J. Beveridge, candidate for the Republican nomination for the Senate, and Bert Morgan, Federal prohibition enforcement agent, represented Senator Harry S. New. his opponent. The other candidates who were pres ent to respond to tooasts on “Law En forcement” in person or by representa tives: Franklin McCray and John W. Becker, candidates for Congress; James M. Leathers, candidate for Judge of Su perior Court, Room 1, and J. Fred Mas ters, candidate for J'udge of room 3, Su perior Court; Judge Frank Lahr and Joseph A. Mintern candidates for Juven ile court; John McGregor and Wilbur A. Royse candidates for State Senate; J. X. llurty was represented by Mrs. Fran ces Metz Schrnne; Warrick H. Ripley, Frederick M. Dickerman, Fae W. Pat rick. Miss Elizabeth Rainey, Asa J. Smith and Miss Mercia Iloagland .for State Representative; Joseph M. Heillman was represented by Mrs. Schmoe and J. S. Kingsbury as candidates for Auditor; E. J. Robison and John I*. Duval can didates for treasurer; George Snider for sheriff, and George Davis and W. D. Haverstick for justice of the peace. LEGION FAVORS ARMY OF 150,000 Commander MacNider Raps House Proposal. WASHINGTON. April 19.—The Amer ican Legion today threw its full support to the War Department’s demands for a “peace Army” of 150,000 men. Charging that any further reductions in the Army would "undermine our uriM tary policy,” Hanford MacNider, national commander of the legion, appeared before the Senate Array Appropriations Commit tee, to protest against adoption of the House provisions. Illinois Town Is Off Sunday Movies JACKSONVILLE, 111., April 19.—Senti ment here is strongly in favor of keeping movie houses closed on the Sabbath. On a proposition presented to the voters, seeking to have Sunday movies legalized, the proposal was rejected by a vote of 2.779 to 1,898. NO. 293.