Newspaper Page Text
12 We Will Help You to Save Safely jfletrfjfr fratofnga enD {Trust Company WHITE, NEGRO, HAD MONEY IN HIS CLOTHES Police Arrest Employe of Pool room on Charge of Burglary. Robert Blythe, alias Robert White, ne gro, 517 North West street, vras arrested early today on the charge of burglary and grand larceny. Just after It is alleged he left Harry C. Schonfield's poolrooom. 63.8 Massachusetts avenue, by way of the transom. A total of $17.50 was missing. White waived examination in city '■ourt and was bound over to the grand jury tinder a bond of s'-,000. Tt is alleged the negro, who ha - been employed at the poolroom, hid in the basement when the doors were locked last night and later robbed the place. The money was found in his pocket. The police searched White's home and found ''igarette and cigar cases and other articles said to have been stolen from the poolroom on previous occasions Wolfs Residence Damaged by Fire she ni le-room residence of Fred E. •v.,lf. 55* 0 East Washington street, was •adiy damaged by tire >i unknown ori _iri today. Firemen said that the fire rarred from gasoline in one of the up -ralrs rooms, but Wolf denied this say ing that he believed the fire started in ihe attic in 1 that he knew of no gasoline in the house. The loss estimated a' $-.500 was covered by insurance. Faces Hearing for Marder of Waitress DANVILLE, 111., May 2.—John Fer.toc *'<>rder. railroad general yardmaster, to day went on trial for the murder of Miss •lane Hardy, a waitress, with whom he was Infatuated. The case has been post poned five times. Order shot Miss Hardy last November, ••n the day l ef> re his wife's divorce case was to have <-ome up in court. Mrs. Corder will be a witness for her husband, although no reconciliation lias lieen effected. Opal Dillman Is Found in Illinois Police were notified today that Opal Dillman. 14, 413 East New York street, who has been missing from her home since Sunday, had been located by the police or Mattoou. 111. The girl left the • ity with tb. Kennedy Carnival Company which showed in Indianapolis last week. She is being detained there until rela tives bring her home. Your Account Is f\o/ Confidential— wp p|L /1| jg When it comes to giving out JSS / information regarding your business with us our ledgers are “locked.” When vou leave vour savings here TOGETHER •-•■* , I , ... . it is known only to vou and our- ; All new accounts , e e opened on or sel\es. before May 15th Keep your money here where it DIVIDENDS works quietly and earns 6^. from May Ist. Assets $2,700,000.00 Fletcher Avenue c avings & Loan Assn. 10 E. Market St. (Ground Floor) .11 the HEART of .he BUSINESS DISTRICT Statement of Condition OF THE Georgia Casualty Company MACON. GA. 552-54 Mulberry st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 W. E. SMALL. President. E. P. AMERINE, Secretary Amount of capital paid up S "00,540.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. <sb In banks ion interest and not on Interest! $ 120.007.70 Real estate unincumbered.. 375.000.00 Honda and stocks owned (market value) .100 20.20 loans on real ea tate i free from any prior incumbrance) 829,->61.40 .n-rued sect; ri tie* (interest and rents, etc.i 23.713.. V) Other securities • 11.144.1S Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection .760,926.40 Accounts otherwise secured... 1.143.02 Total net assets *2.270.481.14 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount ne--es srv to reinsure outstand ing risks !H)..824.87 Unearned premium 763.107.00 osaes utiadjusicd and in sus pens® 4. • 32.60 itilis and accounts unpaid .asl.Ot ! ’hr liabilities of the com pany iso.ov..m Total liabilities *1.728.299 47 Capital Surplus —- To al *2.270.484 69 Greatest amount in any one risk * 10 000 90 State of Indiana. Office of Commissioned of Insurance. I the undersigned. Commissioner of In sura nee of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tinned company on the 31st day of lie rember 1921. as shown by the origins, statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office la testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my ((LE-SL , official seal this Ist day of April. 1*22. £ a. McULHSAX. JA, OnmaUaiaasa OFFERS FROM PRINTERS HERE LOWER COSTS American Legion Weekly Com mittee Impressed by Reynolds. Result# of a pica for the removal of the American I.egiou Weekly from New York City to Indianapolis, presented to the publication committee of the Ameri can Legion by John B, Reynolds, gtucrat 1 secretary of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, are awaited by advocates of the change. The publication committee of the legion is composed of Lemuel Holies and Han ford MacNider, Indianapolis: James A. Dsain. Washington, D. C.: Albert Or.een low, Augusta, Maine, and Joseph Sears, Bloomfield, N. J. Propositions were submitted to them from Indianapolis printing concerns to handle the Weekly at less cost than in New York. According to Mr. Reynolds there is a disinclination on the part of the staff to make the change, but the committee is impressed with the argument that bring tug the Weekly to Indianapolis would help make it more effective in the na tional organziation. AUTO THIEVES STRIP HIS CAR Keller Stores Auto in Garage and Finds Only Part of It. I wo automobiles were stolen las', night. P. B. Miesenhelder. 317 East Twelfth street, parked his roadster with license 339716 on Monument Circle. He missed the car later an<\ reported It stolen. Charles Hoover, room 32S Statehouse. re ported his automobile, with license 103309, stolen from Senate avenue and Washing ton street. Paul Haynes. 202 East Fifteenth street, parked his automobile at Washington street and Belmont avenue and a thief carried away the motor meter valued at $lO. Frank W. Keller, 5123 Maple lane, put his automobile In a garage in the rear of 1430 Sliver avenue five weeks ago When be visited the garage today he found the car had been stripped of tire'. b*.toper, radiator cap and part of the motor. The loss is estimated at $250. Plot to Smuggle Chinese at Tampa TAMPA, Fla., May 2.—A plot to smusr gle Chinese was broken up here today with the arrest of Constable Morris Mo- Fall. Other arrests are imminent Mc- Fall is charged with conspiring to smug gle aliens. LOSES sll TO PICK POCKETS. ■f. W. Stout, 1962 Cornell avenue, was robbed of his purse by piekpokets. The purse contained sll, the police were in formed today. Statement of Condition OF The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company HARTFORD. Conn. 30 Prospect St. OX THE 31st Day of December, 1921 CHAS. S. BLAKE, President. L. F. MIDDLEBKOOK. Secretary. Amount of capital paid up J'.’.OOn.IMtOOO NET ASSETS OF COMPANY Cash in banks ton interest and not on interest i. . * 4i'8.0i2.n5 Real estate unincumbered.. .. loli.utNMK) Ronds and stocks owned i market valnei fi.429.3u7.32 Mortgage loans on r*l e* tate (free from any prior In cumbrance) .... ... 1,673,830.111) Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.i 120,981.61 Premiums anti accounts due and in process of collection 766.619.61 Accounts otherwise -'•cured. . 4,317 10 Total net assets .*9.846.976.03 LIABILITIES. Special reserve * 39,297.32 Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstand in g risks 4.602.619.1) Losses tine and unpaid: losses adjiistei) an>i not tine; losses ocatljitfled anti in suspense 211.*14.>7 Bills and account-* unpaid (.000 00 Other liabilities us the com pany 373 32.192 Total .(abilities *.>.213.075.22 Capital 2,OoO.O<)IM!0 Surplus 2.420,012.97 Total $9,633,088.19 Greatest amount in any one rlslr * 400.000 00 State of Indiana. Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance ..f India.' . >•!>> certify (bat ; the above is a -t>rr • • "P' m the sr.ite - meat of the condition ■ . i above mw. a .. it pa i v or. i n • i ' day of l>“ ",,'\r 1921. as snow I. by the orgimtl s'ai.pient. and that :he said origiuil etatfuent is now on fib* in this oth-’e. 1 j testimony whereof. 1 hereunto sub scribe my name and affix axtr ('.SEAL.) official seal this lit day ej April. 1922. . T. 8. h.ML’HRif, J*-. 4 Owmlitln—i. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS ■gg" 1 i'li i * | H jjisifpgj ~ ~ ' Jeff Pollocks recently bought a clime's worth of old newspapers and papered one of his rooms with them. He calls it his reading room. Sidney Hock says lots f people brag about having stopped at the hotel, and while he hasn't stopped inside of one, he stopped out In front of the Tlekville Hotel the other day. • * • Cricket Hicks’ nerv pair of Sunday shoes pinch his feet so bad he looks bothered In the face. Kiwanians to Hear Dr. Day of Berea Kiwanians will hear the iter. Dr. Jonathan C. Day of Bereti College at the Claypool Hotel Wednesday noon. George O. Jackson is chairman of the entertainment committee. Dr. Day will talk on his work among the Kentucky mountaineers, among whom he was born. Dr. Day worked his way through grade schools and college. Mrs. Jane Peare Pablmnn of the Indiana board of health will give a talk on the Indiana health exposition. Report Hearst Will Run for Governor NEW YORK. May 2 William Rat dolph Ib-arst will be candidate for thp Democratic nomination for Governor of New York, according t<• an exclusive an nouncement in the New- York World to day. The World story declares that a formal announcement to this effect will b" made within a few days when head quarters will be opened in this city. $2 s 3 $ 4 ' Children's Sizes, SI.OO and Up The Same Prices Every Day in the Year! Sales may come and sales may e,o, but if you want to buy shoes at the lowest priee EVERY DAN in the year, shop at the Tint IFT SHOE STORE. Why should anyone be asked to pay ,s(> for a pair of shoes that will be sold for $d or $4 next week ? We price our shoes low at the beginning, and SELL THEM at that priee. Com pare our values anywhere. Shoe Repairing—Men’s Half Soles, 750; Women’s Half Soles, 50c^; Rubber Heels, 35c Thrift Shoe Store MERCHANTS BANK BUILDING- DOWNSTA!FIS Washington and Meridian Streets Statement of Condition OF THE Brotherhood Accident Company BOSTON. MASS. 294 Washington st. ON THE 3lst Day of December, 1921 CHARLES S. FARQUHAK, President. JAY B. CRAWFORD. Secretary. Amount of capital paid up....* 100.00u.u0 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY Ca ih in bank- mil interest and not on intereM i $ 98,iK'-.31 Ron i, and stock- owned < market vaiii-p .... 268,920 01 Mortgage loans on rial e., • ate i fret irom any prior j incumbraneei 6,00u.0( | Accrued securities (interest anil rents, etc.) 3.077.i' Total net assets S 376,. r >33.99 LIABILITIES Reserve or amount nectvs sary to reinsure outstand ■ itjr risks $ 103,2 .‘3 l.i. ses adjusted and uot due. 10,3.3.67 Lo - ' it arijusb >1 and in sum pense ... 30,060.00 (Kli liabilities of the com pany 17.230'.0 To* a I liabilities ....* 160.912 42 < 'a pltal 10(1.060.00 Surplus 113.603.37 ! Total * 376,633.99 Greatest amount In any one risk * 4,000 00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of insurance. I. the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the abme is a correct copy of the state ment of tiie condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st lav of De eetuber. 1921. as shown by the origlua statement. Mini tha! the said original statement Is now on die In this office, in testimony whereof. I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal this Ist day of April, 1922. t. a. we hurray, j* ~ 4 Vkifi INDIANA DAILY TIMES 7 COUNCILMEN TO SERVE ON COMMISSION New Ordinance Passed Over Mayor’s Veto on Boxing and Wrestling. Boxing and wrestling are in the con trol of the city council, exclusively, to day, as the result of appointment of the new boxing commission by President ! Theodore J. Bernd. An ordinance passed over Mayor Shank's veto, provides seven councilmen shall serve on the commission, i give permits for, supervise conduct of and collect a license fee from professional box ing and wrestling matches within the city limits. President Bernd appointed Councilman Otto Kay. chairman; William E. Clauer, Heydon W. Buchanan and John E. King at the council meeting Monday evening. I pon nomination by President Pro Tem King, President Bernd named himself, Ben H. Thompson and Ira L. Bramblett to complete the seven. This leaves only Councilmen Walter W. Y.'lse and Lloyd D. Claycomhe off the commission. Both have opposed .the ordi nance vigorously. Before he named him self last evening President Bernd asked I Wise if he would serve: "I certainly xvill not,” replied Wise. "I believed that ordinance Is Illegal and I still believe so.” An unofficial commission appointed by Mayor Shank had been regnla'lng box ing and wrestling. L. G. Winn, Robert Tyndall and Michael Maroney constituted the commission. Banking Interests Active in Failure W ASHINGTON. May 2. American and other financial lutrests in Havana, Cuba, are caking effetive measures to control the situation arising out of the failure of (he German-Cuba banking house of H. I'pinann, American Commercial Attache 1 Jones today cabled Secretary of Com i merce Hoover. Jones said Upmann's liabilities are esti , mated at $9,101,000, with deposits of $5,- | GTS.OOOand loans of $3,433,000, chiefly from the Fnited States. Assets of tha bank are estimated by American representatives at $12,110,000. Empty Bottle at Side of W yss Body ; The body of Constantine Wyss. 65, 2517 Columbia avenue, was found In a shed in the rear of his home today. Be side the body was an empty carbolic I acid bottle and a note in German that : could not be read Agnes Wyss. his daughter, found the , body She was unable to account for I the suicide and could not read the note. Statement of Condition OF THE Commonwealth Casually Company PHILADELPHIA 204 206 South Fifth Bl ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 H. C. STEWART, President. E. S. COOK, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up... * 800,000.06 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In bnnks (on Interest)..* 48,197 21 Real estate unincumbered.... 50,456.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value. 402,226.60 Accrued securities (interest anil rents, etc.) 5.770.3S Premiums and accounts doe and In process of collection 138,567.29 Total net assets * 638,446.38 LIABILITIES. Reserve or Rnnount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 199,196.15 Looses due and unpaid 3.558.93 Losses adjusted and not due. 2,800.00 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense and investigation.... 38,091.09 Bills and neoiints unpaid ... 2.153.87 Other liabilities of the com pany 32.432.28 Total liabilities * 298,237.23 Capital 300,000.00 Surplus 40,209.15 Total * C 58.446.38 Greatest amount of any one risk * 30,000 00 State of Indians. Off!'• of Commissioner of Insurance. 1, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember. 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that the said original slaipuient Is now on file In tide office. In testimony whereof, 1 hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this let day of April. 1922. T. *. MjMURRAT. JR, CommLaioDASi i Local Manager iptj std 4“' EDWARD J. HERMAN. The local activities of the national drive to create interest in strengthening the Nation's man power will be in the hands of Edward Jf Herman, It was announced today. Mr. Herman, who is advertising man ager of L. Strauss & Company, is pre paring to Interest civic organizations, school authorities and others In the move ment locally. Mr. Herman has long been interested In athletics, has aided in train ing many Indianapolis youths iu physical culture, and never fails to give the local scout chief, F. O. Bclzer, praise in his work of training boys to a cleaner and stronger manhood. Mr. Herman's message to all Indianap olis is "For health's sake, keep up your war time training.” Prominent men and women in all parts of the country are interested In the health drive, and from their number, the following committee has been appointed to direct the activities: Richard Bnrthel mess, Walter Camp, Royal S. Copeland, .Tames Oliver Cur wood, James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor In President Hard ing’s cabinet; Douglas Fairbanks, D W. Griffith, Frank L. Kramer. Judge Be B. Lindsey, Bernard MaeFadden, Charles W. Paddock. Mary Plckford, Mrs Woodallen Chapman, Grantiafid Rice, John A. Ititchie, Ruth Rolan.l, Theodore Roose velt. assistant Secretary of the Navy; Ted Shawn, Fred Stone, Fred Walsh. SNEAK THIEF STEALS DOPE. A thief entered the office of Dr. George W. Tucker, 2618 West Michigan street, and stole a bottle containing eighty mor phine tablets, according to today's police records. 3 ROOM OUTFIT *9B 75 TERMS PfiomxJPiirmture&K Famonx For Our Outfits. 925 027 Virginia Ave. DRexel 0647 Statement of Condition or The American Guaranty Company COLUMBUS. OHIO. 250 S. High st. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 JOHN 1,. HAMILTON, President. E. J. JOHNSON, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up. * 215,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 81 179.74 Bonds and sticks owned (market value) 319,757.43 Accrued securities (lntarest and rents, etc.) 4,027.92 Other securities dne from re Insuring cos 207.06 CollatenU loans 9,600 00 Premiums and accounts doe and In process of collection 33,904.43 Accounts otherwise secured, agents' balances secured.... 5,000 00 Balvage recoversble 33,358.59 Total net assets * 437,035.17 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount neces sarv to reinsure outstand ing risks * 118 098 31 Losses duo and unpaid 1.941.89 Losses unadjusted and In stts pense 73.730.49 Bills and accounts unpaid ... 801.26 Other liabilities of the com pany 13.593.51 Total * 208,165.48 Capital 215.000.00 Surplus 13.889.60 Total * 437,035.17 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. 1. the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember. 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original! statement Is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my I (SEAL) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1922. T. 8. MeMUBRAT, JR, CbaamUslosAX. Beeman’s VOL. I. No. 32 Going It Alone “| “Every woman should learn to drive “Don’t you believe it, my boy! Since my wife picked it up erflwlfifrr*' 1 never get a chance at the machine." BzSC J —Judge. * * * Same way with Beeman’s— you want it constantly! Use it after every meal—good for di gestion—good for the nerves. * * * Always fresh Beaman's pepsin Chewing Gum TAXI CABS MAin OSOS INDIANA TAXI CO. Receipt Printing Meters SCREEN Door*, rwi Window* ami Screen Wire cun be obtained at -VONNEGUT’S IJIO-l-14 E. Washington Bt. V. .J TRY A WANT AD IN THE TIMES. Illinois Central System Clears Up Point About Railway Net Income Tlu> net railway operating income ot the Class 1 railroads of the l nited States t'nr l')21 was at the rate of 3.31 per cent upon their tentative \aluation as esiab lisiied by the Interstate Commerce Commission for rate-making purposes. Many have construed this to mean that the railroads realized a net income of 3.31 per cent avail able for dividends, enlargements and improvements. This is far from being true. Hiere is a great difference between “net railway operating income” and “net income.” Accounting methods are prescribed for the railroads by the Interstate C om meree Commission, and they are uniform for all railroads. Alter all operating ex penses and taxes have been provided for. and uncollectible accounts have been de ducted. and after funds have been set aside for the payment of rentals on equipment and joint facilities, the balance left over from revenues is called “net railway operating income." which was for 1921 the 3.31 per cent referred to. Most railroads have some income from sources other than railway operations, such as interest and dividends on securities owned, which, added to the “net railway operating income,” constitutes what is known as “gross income.” There are certain fixed charges, however, which must be paid before the net income” is established, chief among these being interest on the bonds and the rental of leased lines. After making deductions for these, it is estimated that there was practically nothing left of either the “net railway operating income” of 3.31 per cent or the “gross income.” In other words, the railroads had no “net income for 1921. Some railroads fared better than others during 1921, just as some business men and farmers fared better than others. Preferable locations, foresighted management, superior machinery with which to work—these are elements which have their influence in the showing made by a railroad, as they have in every other business enterprise. The railroads cannot serve the public adequately unless they are able to en large and improve their properties as the requirements of the country for transporta tion service develop. In order for the railroads to grow, their securities must be at tractive to investors, for the funds they receive from the issuance of securities are used in improving their properties. The Illinois Central System, in common with other railroads, is striving to render a service of satisfaction It is eager to continue to improve and enlarge its facilities, so that its plant may always he a little in advance of the needs of its patrons. Am overloaded machine is never efficient, and if the overloading continues tor ani length of time the machine must necessarily deteriorate. This statement is made in the interest of a better understanding of railway prob lems. We ask that. our patrons view the railway problem in its true light; that they realize that every obstacle placed in the path of railway progress rebounds against them, as much as against the railroads themselves, and that the interests of the rail roads and the interests of the public are inseparable. Constructive criticism and suggestions are invited. C. H. MARKHAM, . President, Illinois Central System. The suoceeaful business men needs i photograph J A that Is himself full of f _ Jtß his own character, radlat- WflH tng that personality that yiJrW has mads him what he Is. e VvIM He owes It to his family, to arrange a sitting Im jmjLjraH mediately with Ninth Floor, Kahn Building. AUTO PAINTING ZERKLE PAINT CO. SO Years Painters. We own our plant; guarantee work and save you 30%. Ask us. THERE’S A REASON. DRexel 4455 until 9 p. m. also Sun. 151? Kelly Street. Mending Tissue o“tm w a“ No sewing or darning. Repairs clothing, silk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc Pack age postpaid 15 cents, two packages, 25 cents Address PENN PUBLISHING CO., Blalrsvllle, Pa—Advertisement. Easy to Play $A A £ Easy to Pay — “l&f Oalßmw Tra*s Mas* The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street Office Furniture We have on® of the largest as- '■ Y -ai aortments of every style deßk B3BSMB ‘ help you in the proper selection. * Fire and burglar proof safes and Safe* for home or office. • W I FIXTURES FOR STORE, OFFICE AND BANK. AETNA CABINET COMPANY Display rooms, 321-29 W. Maryland St., Indianapolis. 3 ® READY TO. DO YOUR REPAIR WORK-,W DO IT RIGHT. Hayes Bros. ?to BiNG . ts AT |NO. AND VEN pit ATTN6..f, " MAIN 2493 AUTO 27-495 ■ii ■■ | ICE PEDDLERS SEE Attention! SERVICE ice company PROMPT SERVICE ALWAYS Wholesale and Carload Lots 935 EAST NORTH STREET MAin 4621 Progress Laundry 1 MAY 2,1922. I Daniels New Cieaning & Tailoring Dept. I Odorless Cleaning. Men’s Suits cleaned and pressed $1.35 Men’s Suits pressed 45£ Men’s Pants pressed i£Ob Ladles’ Suits and Dresses clean and pressed. $1.35 and up Also alterations of all kinds, both for men and women. I Work called for and delivered. 147 E. Wash. St. Main 5050. Press While You Wait. DECORATING SPECIALISTS Prather Wall Paper Cos. 229 E. Ohio St. LI r.coln 6225 V. J