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MAY 2,1922. SAYS HEALING WAS COMMAND FROM TEACHER (Continued From Page One.) Science rudely to challenge cherished re ligious beliefs, nor to criticise in an un kind manner the efforts on the part of many good meu and women who have devoted their lives to the alleviation of human suffering through systems of material medication. Progress, however, is the law of infinite divine Mind unfold ing to mankind. Were this not true we should be surrounded still by the crudi ties of primitive existence. We may all agree, therefore, that if a more adequate way exists whereby the sick are healed and the erring are restored to useful lives, it is then the duty of every person who has at heart the best interests of mankind first to un derstand, and. thereafter, to aid in the establisment or the demonstration of this better way. In our consideration of the subject if some persons, misinformed concerning Christian Science, view its advent with the purpose to deride or to combat, let us hope that any such will find somewhere in the reasonable ap peal of this Seinece that which will transform derision into the spirit of gen uine interest, and change combativeness into useful cooperation. DISCOVERED IS NEW ENGLAND. Mary Baker Eddy is the discoverer and founder cf Christian Science and the Author of its textbook, •'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.'* The discovery of Christian Science was made during the year lstfti, in that part of the United States known as New England. It is of interest to note that the revela tion and discovery of tuts Science was as sociated directly with the recovery of Mrs. Eddy from an illness, the result of an accident, which physicians had pro nounced incurable. Mrs. Eddy indicates that this is the Incident which turned her thought to the discovery of what the world knows today to be Christian Sci ence. It way properly be said that Christian Scientists have a peculiar love and regard for their revered leader. It would bo wrong, however, in the ex treme to assume that there is anything in this attitude that savors of normmal worship or personal adoration. On the contrary, this attitude toward Mrs. Eddy on the part of Christian Scientists Is in recognition and in grateful acknowledg ment of the broad, universal and un selfish service to all mankind which character ze all of Mrs. Eddy's life work. Indeed, from the date of her healing on that momentous Sunday morning in the year ldtki, Mrs. Eddy's life was spent consistently and exclusively in proving the truth which had been revealed to her and in establishing Christian Science in accordance therewith. She also reduced the facts connected with her healing to such terms or language as would be best understood by mankind. It was neces sary that this be done. It was necessary that these facts be rightly correlated, and that the Science which governed the ap pearance of these facts should be ac curately stated, as has been scrupulously done in the book Science and Health. It was necessary that this should be done in order that those who have eyes .to see and ears to hear might acquire at any anil all times, in any and all places, the means to enable them to heal and to help mank.nd whenever such healing is desired and sought. Christian ask of the world, in regard to Mrs. Eddy, that the judgment of the world concerning this remarkable woman shall be based upon the character of her life work. Words of praise cannot add luster to a life actuated by love for God and the human race. Os such a life the scriptural proverb may well be ut tered: “Give her of the’fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.” DIFFICI.LT IX EARLY DAYS. In the early days of Christian Science the workers, the men and women who, as it were, blazed the way, found It was difficult to convince the public that this Science actually heals the sick und that it regenerates human thought. Many doors were closed upon those earnest workers, whose only desire was to share with others something of the good that had come into their own lives through the ministrations of Christian Science. The discoverer and founder of Christian Science herself was not excepted from this unkind and ungenerous treatment. The situation, however, is today widely different. The demonstration <• Christian Science in the healing of sickness and in the regeneration of human thought is now a recognized and accomplished fact. Moreover, und because this science ex presses the quality and conviction of final revelation, it is accepted to be a permanent dispensation, indeed, so well settled is the recognition of the healing and regenerative works of Christian Science that thoughtful men and women are asking with growing Interest the question; How has it been possible for Chritian Science to attain Its present stage of progress and development In scarcely mote than fifty years) This progress has not been due to the attrac tion of unique social features, nor to the promise of position and rank, fame and glory; nor yet to the fear of ecclesias tical thundering® or canonical laws. None of these things belong to Christian Science. One reaches logically the con clusion that the remarkable development of Christian Science is due entirely to the fact that this science meets the needs of humanity in an adequate and satis factory manner. The question may be asked: Does Christian Science never fail) No true science can ever fail. One may fall to understand the science of numbers, or fail properly to apply this science in working out a inathemical proolein. No person will assume, however, for a moment, that because there has been a failure to understand or properly to apply the science of numbers the science of mathematics has failed. Like wise there may be a failure properly to understand Christian Science, or a failure properly to apply this science in the working out of a problem under con sideration —but Christian Science never falls. OTHER SYSTEMS HELD BASIC ERRORS. Systems of religion and of medicine which have appeared and disappeared in the history of the world have finally dis appeared because they were founded either upon the personal reputation, or the personal sense of their originators, or upon the unworthy and degrading be lief that evil is a reality with power ex ceeding that of good or God; and that matter, non-intelligent and Inert, pos sesses the qualities or properties of life and mind. Any system of religion or healing which Is adequate and satisfac tory to meet the needs of mankind must be erected upon a foundation broad and deep, a foundation which Is at the same time as simple and as universally avail able to all mankind as divine Love itself Is available. Such a system must express the element of intelligence or divine Mind. Matter cannot be the foundation for an adequate system of religion or healing, because matter is not intelligent. This Is a simple statement of ultimate fact file logic of which may not be legitimately avoided. Christian Science has been criticised frequently because of its state ments regarding the unreality of matter, the unreality of sin, sickness, death; and yet, the established systems of religion and medicine have been engaged through out their respective histories, and that too without criticism, in the attempt t<> escape ttie Ills associated with evil, and to overcome the limitations associated with matter! Were these systems s o be successful In their attempts to save man kind from evil and sickness. Is It not ciear tlva* such systems would come final'v to the recognition with which Christian Science begins, namely, that evil, slca ness, death, mortal mind are unreal? God, the divine Mind, who includes all Intelli gence and reality, is “of purer eyes than to behold evil”—to believe evil to he real. Seeing this to be true, mankind ought not to resist the influence of that educa tional process which in Christian Science is unfolding to thought the nature of reality. The ordinary systems teach and perpetuate the belief that evil, sickness, death are real; more, that these belong to the natural order of things, and that they are more or less legitimate and to be expected. Then these systems begin immediately to attempt to overthrow and to destroy these things which are held to be real, legitimate and to be expected If these afflictions are real, why try to escape them either through religion or medicine * Indeed, in such a circum stance will not the very attempt to es cape from these ills be an act contrary t the divine will and contrary to the di vine order? On the ffrher hand. If these •vile are not real and so not created by God. then let the statements made by Christian Science in regard to the un reality ot matter, aln. death, and de snructbn, be approached and measured honestlv and fairly, and above all with the desire to be consistent, not only with respect to the conclusions at which we may Arrive, but what Is far more impor tant, with respect to the premises from which we make our beginning. Christian Science declares primarily, secondarily, and always that God, the divine Mind, is the only creator; that real creation must, reflect the character of the divine Mind or God; and that true creation consists, therefore, of spiritual or true ideas. Evil is not a spiritual or a true idea; there fore evil Is not a creation of the divine Mind or God The Christian Scientist proceeds to prove the truth of this posi tion. This is done by healing the sick 3nd by restoring thought to lines of right activity through the understanding —not that there are two supreme powers, a supreme good and a supreme evil war ring forever one against the other, but that there Is one only supreme power, the eternal’God or good who Is the one and only Mind. Because God. who 1s the eternal Principle of man and the universe, creates an that Is created, and because this Principle or Mind cannot create any thing unlike itself, it follows that evil and matter are not creations of God, hence they have no legitimate existence and no legitimate power. The only seeming power of evil and matter is that which mortal consciousness gives to them. Evil and matter seem to have the effect of power because mortal consciousness believes and accepts them to be real. Because of the lack of proper education in true Christianity mankind, actuated by mortal thought, has accepted as real its own misconceptions of God, their own misinterpretations of man, and Us own misstatements of Spirit or substance: and out of these abysmal depths there has arisen a "mist from the earth"—a cloud of false knowledge—that stands between mankind and God influencing thought ad versely to the highest good. MISSION IS TO DESTROY' FALSE THOUGHT. It Is the mission and province of Christian Science to clear away and to d-stroy the basic error of mortal thought —that evil is real and that matter is in telligent. In accomplishing this work it is the mission of Christian Science fur thermore to restore to mankind the true idea concerning God ; the idea which re veals Him to be the eternal Principle of all that exists; to restore to mankind the understanding of what constitutes the "Image and likeness” of God. or she un derstanding of man's true selfhood. Christian Science naturally lays strong emphasis upon the necessity for gaining a true understanding of God On page 1 of the preface to Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes these significant words: "Ignorance of God is no longer the step ping-stone to faith. The only guarantee of obedience is a right apprehension of Him whom to know aright Is life eternal.” Because God is primal cause, the under standing of the nature and character of the divine Mind or God is fundamental to all true knowledge; therefore nil that is worthy and to be desired in social, re ligious. domestic, political, industrial life must be founded upon and express the basic and true understanding conm-rning God who is the divine Principle of all. Christian Science reveals In this connec tion certain simple truths which are prof itable for consideratoin. It Is clear that the creations of God must be Godlike; and that because God is infinite Mind, the creations of God must be Minilike or like the Mind from which they proceed Creation, then, must he the true or spiritual idea which reflects, with in finite fidelity, the nature and character of the divine Mind. Because there Is no place conceivable where God is not, it follows naturally and inevitably that God. who is infinite Mind, is everywhere present and is every where intelligently active for Good. How can one conceive of the omnipresence of God otherwise than as infinite M'.id) One cannot conceive of the omnipresence of a material or human personality. One can not conceive of the omnipresence of a materially outlined figure. The Scrip tures declare that God is Lore, Spirit, Truth, Life, Mind. How is it possible for a materially outlined figure, or a graven Image, or a mental image, to con vey an adequate idea of the nature ami character of Infinite Mind and of divim Love—of the omnipresence of God? It is the understanding of this fact of God's omnipresence that makes possi ble the remarkable effectiveness of what is called absent treatment in Christian Science. The divine Mind, God. is every where present. Hence no necessity ex ists for the attempt to project thought to some distant place to heal the sick : the divine Principle, Love is already there and everywhere. The effectiveness of a spiritual Idea cannot be said to be limited by or to a personal presence or a material environment. A divine idea should he recognized to be always present and ac tive because it reflects ail pervasive di vine Mind. To understand this is to un derstand, in a degree, the harmony of being. BASIC ERROR ERADICATED. The so-called human or mortal mind claims evil to he greater in power than good. This is not surprising, however, when we recognize that mortal mind holds the unworthy and degrading be lief that evil is real and that matter Is Intelligent. One may not grasp the significance of the statement Immedi ately. nevertheless it is true, that all of the sin, sickness and destruction that has come Into the world of hu man experience has come as the result of the operation In thought of this de grading belief. Unfortunately for the human race, tininstructed by Christian Science, human consciousness has lost sight of what is wrong. Owing to this erroneous mental procedure which ac cepts evil as real and matter as Intel ligent, human beings have found them selves confronted with a seemingly in explicable and mysterious state of ex istence, which expresses Itself in sin, sickness, and death,—a state or exist ence wholly without foundation or sup port in Truth and Love, and wholly at variance with the nature of divine Prin ciple Christian Science comes to the consciousness which believes evil to be real and matter to be intelligent and begins immediately to remove from ex ferienee the baneful effects which spring rom the error to which we have re ferred. This Is done by restoring to the individual the understanding of what constitutes the nature and character of God, and by unfolding the understand ing of what coDstitu es true selfhooo or the divine “image and likeness.” Up on the basis of the understanding of what constitutes man's true selfhood as revealed In Christian Science the In dividual begins straightway, consciously and intelligently, to deny, to cast out, to repudiate and to refuse too he gov erned by the suggestions which grow out of the wholly illegitimate belief in volving the reality of evil and the in telligence of matter. Principle is always Principle, and embraces within itself the eternal qualities of God. the qualities of Life, of Love and of Mind, which constitute all being and reality. Hence, that which makes evil seem to be real and matter seem to be intelligent is the waywardness of mortal thought which sees as real whatever it believes. NATIONAL THEORIES INCONSISTENT. The statement is sometimes made that Christian Scientists ignore disease. The fact is, however, that Christian Scient ists do not ignore either the disease or the germ. The Christian Scientist knows that the only germ of disease is a men tal germ. Some persons may not ac cept this statement. They will insist 'upon having a germ that they can hunt and capture, and punish. One cannot, however, get entirely away from the sus picion that the reason such persons re ject the statement regarding the mental germ is because it demands a personal and a permanent mental housecleaning; and because, also, it seems to lie alto gether too simple, and to be devoid of heroics. The statement, notwithstand ing, is true; and evidence is not larking even in material lines for its support. Dr. G. A. Jordan, secretary of the St. Louis. Mo., board of health, a few years ago supplied the newspapers of that city with a statement giving his opinion regarding an epidemic which then threat ened that city. Said Dr. Jordan: "The epidemic is more psychological than actual.” What does that mean? It means that "the epidemic Is more mental than actual.” This is what Christian Science has been reiterating and reiterat ing for the past fifty years and more. The voice Is that of one crying in the wilderness: "The epidemic is more psychological than actual.” There is the mental germ! Dr. S. Weir Mitchell is reported to have stated: "that back of every disease Is a cause, and that cause no medicine can reach.” Why cannot medicine roach the cause? Christian Science shows Che reason for this to he that disease Is mental, and it is per fectly obvious, even to a layman, that a material medicine can not reaeh a mental cause. Dr. Wilfred H. Kellogg, secretary of the California State board of health, - Compiled a pamphlet con cerning the epidemic of the year 1918. summing up the entire •ituation, after an exhaustive study of the subject. Dr. Kellogg uses these frank words: “We are just as much in the dark as ever re garding the microbial cause of in fluenza. Why, on* D forced to aak. after 5.000 years and more of material medication, "just as much in the dark as ever?” ' r he interests of humanity and progress compel the question. Must not the answer be, because the search for the cause of disease has been always in matter? Can any one believe for a moment that if the cause of disease is in matter, the patient efforts of scientific thought for 5.000 years could result only in darkness? DISEASE IS ENTIRELY MENTAL. It should be apparent, that only as disease is seen to be mental, a belief of the mortal mind, is it possible to heal disease through the operation of divine Truth and Love which reverses and removes the belief of the mortal mind and neutralizes its discordant ef fects? Christian Science declares dis-' ease to be mental, a belief of the mortal mind which is dissipated and healed by the unfolding idea of Truth and Love. A gentleman who was graduated from a medical school in this country twenty-four years ago was healed in Christian Science of a painful ailment which his former methods had failed to relieve. Since that time this man has devoted his activities to the field of Christian Science. This gentleman hbd occasion recently to revisit the medical school from which he was graduated. Upon entering the hall of biology, ho found a roomful of students, each en gaged with his own microscope carry ing out bacteriological tests and exam inations. After being introduced to the professor in charge, the visitor said. “Professor, how far have you gotten with this sort of work?” Said the pro fessor, “What do you mean?” “Well,” said my friend, "I will tell you. Twenty four years ago I was here, in this very room doing exactly the same things that you are doing here now. 1 wondered as I came in how far you have gone with the work in the last twenty-four years; and if you are able to say, yet, what is the exact nature or form of the germ.” "Oh.” answered the professor, looking at him curiously for a moment, “you came around again in twenty-four years!" All there is to a germ is a diseased thought, and all there is to a disease thought-germ is in and of that carnal mind which Jesus said is a “mur derer from tle beginning, and concern ing which he further said, "There is no truth in him." Now, If there is no truth in this mortal mind, this "murderer from the beginning,” this belief that evil is r*-al and that matter is intelligent —according to the words of the wise Nazarene Prophet—then there certainly is no reality in it to be either feared or honored. The Christian Scientist knows this. lie is not fooling himself He is not permitting his imagination to run riot. He is proving, in his every day experience, that this mortal mind cannot produce in Its own beliefs, su perstitions. genns, or whatever else they may he called tomorrow, anything to in terfere with or to overthrow one of the least of these little ones —one of the least of these ideas of the divine Mind or God which unfolds the nature and character of man's true selfhood F.aeh successive conclusion reached by physical science regarding the nature of the germ is a step nearer to the ultimate re-cogni tion that the inception of disease is in mortal belief and not in what appears to be matter. This being true, why fol low devious and painful steps through matter? Why not accept the scientific, fit-finite, clear and simple statements of fact demonstrated by Christian Science? MEDICATION TREATS ONLY MATTER-BODY. The present vogue in systems of ma terial unification seems to be what Is called the serum treatment. It Is not necessary to go Into an exhaustive de scription of tills form of treatment, be cause after all has been said upon the subject that can be said, after the sub ject has been stripped of all of It tech nical verbiage, It amounts simple to this; the injection of one form or matter called "serum" into another form of matter called "body." The theory Is that the inatter-serum nil! make the matter-body well. In systems of material medication it Is the matter-body that is to be treated. Under this seemingly plans)be theory of the application of matter to matter for the purpose of cor recting discord and of establishing har mony one might, consistently with this theory, gather up a lot of chalk which had been used in carrying out erroneous niathemutbnl calculations in the public schools. From the chalk thus collected a serum might be evolved. This serum might be Injected into other clean, fresh pieces of chalk under the theory that the use of the chalk, thus inoculated, will do awav with errors of mathematics In our puliii’ schools. Some oue may argue that the two situations are not similar — the piece of chalk and the human body. Ho will tell you that the piece of chalk is simply a piece of Inorganic Inanimate mat'er, which has neither human sense nor human Intelligence us has the body. Now we are making rapid strides. It is the human mind, then, associated with the bodv, which must be taken Into con sideration and treated. Let us assume a blackboard to be tilled with erroneous, discordant, sick mathematical calcula tions. What Is wrong here? The black board cannot be said to be sick, nor the chalk, nor the hand which made the figures, nor the muscles which guided the hands. The so-called human mind which produced the erroneous results Is sick ami at fault. This human mind. It should be clearly understood. Is not the divine Mind, nor is it related to the divine, immortal Mind. The human mind is comprised in the belief that evil Is re; i and that matter is intelligent; this so-called mind is the producer of sick ness and cannot he the healer of disease. Only the truth embraced in the infinite, divine Mind can correct the errors of mortal belief. In order to correct erroneous math ematical results no one will argue for a moment that it is necessary to im prove the structure of tile blackboard, or of the chalk; nor that It Is necessary to strengthen the hand or the muscles which have been used in putting down the erroneous figures. What Is It that differentiates the human body from the piece of chalk? Obviously the human mind. Take away entirely the human mind from the human body and there re mains— matter, just as Inanimate as the piece of chalk. It is then, the human mind that must be taken Into considera tion and treated. Apart from the evidence which has been reviewed in this connection, who is will ing to admit, that a material medicine has the intelligence, when taken into the system, to go to the exact part of the human system, and there do the exact thing necessary to bo done to es tnhish harmony and to relieve suffering? Does any one believe that Inert matter possesses within itself the Intelligence necessary to do this? The answer can only be no. Then why continue longer subject to the idolatrous practice in volved in matter medicine? Any seem ing good which follows the use of ma terial medicine is the result of hypnotic suggestion and human faith in matter. It is worthy to be noted that Christian Science healing follows a strictly legiti mate line of thinking: Christian Sci ence, recognizing sickness to be mental, a discordant sense of the mortal mind, dem onstrates that only the truth or harmony of the divine Mind or God can destroy this discordant sense of the mortal mind. HUMANITY SEEKS ESCAPE FROM MORASS. Human beings are struggling in every conceivable manner to find a way out of the wilderness of belief and discord Into which mortal thinking has plunged them. It is a sad commentary, however, upon these efforts, that many of the methods which are followed produced conditions more painful than those from which humanity would escape. Never before has the need been so great as now for a definite and a final statement of being —a statement of tieing as once Christian and scientific —which will lead the in dividual into the true understanding of being aud selfhood. Evidence of this need accumulates upon every side. Announcements recently made in the newspapers indicate that the Britsh Medi cal Association has approved and adopted a system of mental therapeutics to be used in medical practice. The system adopted is said to be that of suggestion. Mental suggestion represents the action of one human mind upon another. Is it not clear then, that human thought can make use of suggestion Just as readily for eyll purposes as for good? A movement re cently Inaugurated to establish Christian healing in the churches adopted the meth od of hypnotic or mental suggestion, and this method was said by the author of the movement to be the same as tßsi used by all other systems of mental healing. Including Christian Science, as well. One will not criticise the pur pose to establish Christian healing in the churches. Indeed, if the church is to fulfill Its true functioning, it must inevitably demonstrate the ability to hear and to obey the com mand of Jesus not only to ‘preach the gospel,” but also to "heal the sick.” Be cause, however, the statement has been made in this connection that Christian Science hypxotlc or mental sug INDIANA DAILY TIMES gestion, it Is proper to correct this er roneous assumption. It would be difficult to make a more erroneous statement than to say that Christian Science makes use of mental suggestion or hypnotism in any manner. The use of hypnotism or suggestion contemplate! the ac tion of one human mind upon another Sufficient has been said upon this sub ject to show that it is the human or mor tal mind that is sick. How, then, is it possible for the mind that is sick and that produces sickness to be at the same time the healer of sickness? The same fountain does not send forth both sweet waters and bitter. The theory that the human or mortal mind heals sickness In volves hypnotism or suggestion. More over, when an operator who uses hypnot ic suggestion endeavors to suggest to the patient that the latter is not sick, that he is all right, and that there is nothing wrong with him, this operator is stating something which, from his own viewpoint, is a plain lie. This sort of an operator believes the patient to be sick; he has no means by which he can know and Justify the statement that the patient is not sick. It is perfectly clear, therefore, that when this operator en deavors to suggest to a patient that the patient Is not sick, a process Is thus In troduced which Involves a lie at the very outset. No words are necessary to show that this process is not Christian and that It is not scientific. It is needless to say that it is not Christian Science. PROCEDURE OF HEALING EXPLAINED. A brief statement at this point indi cating the procedure of Christian Science will be of interest. It has i>een seen that because the mortal mind produces sick ness It can not at the same time be the healer of sickness. We come, at this point to oue of the most important points in the entire theology of Christian Science. It is this: Because the hu man or mortal mind can nut be its own healer, it follows naturally and inev itably that the divine Mind, or God, ia the only healer and the only- medicine which can te used in the line of strict scientific legitimacy to heal the sick. The action of the divine Mind upon the human mind diabuses aud deprives the human mind of the error that evil is real and that matter Is intelligent. The action of the divine Mind, in this way, disabuses and deprives the human mind of Its false consciousness' and the human mind, being deprived or Its false con sciousness, —or its consciousness of falsity, is healed. In this way, briefly stated, the sick are healed and the erring are restored to useful lives through the ministrations of Chris tian Science. Avery different way, all will agree, from that Involved in ttie un holy practice of hypnotic suggestion. The use of hypnotism or suggestion, in any form, is to be condemned; it is an evil which can not be too strongly guarded against One hears occasionally of some per son who makes use of tho erroneous method of hypnotism In the conduct of business. Oue such person endeavored to justify the use of this method by the method of the illustration of a four horse stage-coach saying that "with a four-horse stage coach It is necessary for someone person to hold the reins." This person overlooked the true point of this Illustration, which Is that sometimes dur ing a dark and stormy night on a dan gerous mountain trial when the driver is unable to see the road he is compelled to let the reins lie loosely upon the backs of the horses, while they pick their way to safety. The great danger In the use of hypnotic suggestion is that it de prives the person who uses it, as well as the one who Is acted upon, of tho inalien able right to think and to act under the Influence of the divine Mind, or God. Erroneous anil harmful methods are sometimes set before the public, ana said to be the same as Christian Science. A man representing himself to be a Chris tian Scientist announced tba' he would teach metaphysics or Chris'lan Science; he was not. however, authorized in nuv way to teach Christian Science, ana. therefore the teaching Involved was hot Christian Science. A lady who knew Just a little concerning Christian Science went to this man to te taught. During the first lesson she was taught to say : "I am God." She replied: "But I am not God." She >as then toid to say. "1 am Spirit.” To this the lady re plied; "No, I am not God! I uia not Spirit! I am spiritual, and you do not know what you are talking about.'. The iudy was right, because the declarations referred to do not coincide In any way with the teaching of Christian Science. The evidences of confusion and the in dications of wrong procedure multiply. Sufficient, however, has been said in tills connection to Indicate that there is basic need of a divine Principle, of au In fluenoe in human thought which will move mankind in the direction of their highest good. SAFEGUARDS ARE PROVIDED IN MANTAL. Someone will doubtless say that safe guards should be established to protect the public against mlsreprcsen'atlons which are made In the name of Christian Science. The answer to this is, that such safeguards already have been provided Mrs. Eddy long ago foresaw this need and provided In the Manual of The Mother Church the necessary measure to protect and to preserve Christian Science, Its teaching, and Us extension; as well as to protect the public from misrepresenta tions and adulterations Without this wisely conceived protection, for which Christian Scientists are profoundly grate ful the teaching and extension of Chris tian Science might soon be filled with mis representations, adulterutlons and hu man philosophy; and thus the effective ness of Christian Science he lost. The teachings of Jesus were lost for a time because these teachings were adulterated with philosophies aud religious dogma. Had spiritual and right unity with re spect to Jesus’ teachings been maintained, those teachings never would have been contaminated by erroneous dogma and by n multiplicity of personal opinions. In the Manual of tho Mother Church the means are divinely provided which will maintain the Integrity of Christian Science, the purity of its teachings, aud the permanence of its extension. During a long and arrive career (1e voted to the demonstrations of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy learned that certain rules or methods of procedure were neres sary, desirable, and might well be used in the successful carrying forward of any Christian Science demonstration. Mrs. Eddy says in speaking of the Manual that these rules “were written at different dates, and as the occasion required” They were finally brought together by Mrs. Eddy herself; and they are recog nized today to be the Manual of the Mother Church. Speaking of these Manual rules, Mrs. Eddy says further thnt they "will do for ibe race what absolute doctrines destined for future’generations might not accom plish.” (Manual) One who has even named upon himself the name or nature of Christian Science knows that, in the degree his thought is held in obedience lo these simple rules, his demonstration is correspondingly successful and happy. Far from limiting thought and demon stration, proof is always present that Buy the AMERICAN BEAUTY IRON Convenient The Daylight Corner Merchants Heat and Light Company C. O.’B. Murphy, Gcn.’l Mgr. See the American Beauty At the home of all good electrical appliances and heusehold helps THE ELECTRIC SHOP Indianapolis Light and Hsat Cos. 48 Monument Circle Main 1828 obedience to these methods of procedure enlarges and perfects thought, and In sures the attainment of harmonious ex perience, a stite -which reflects divine principle—government by God. Because Mrs. Edily's life reflects in so remarkable a degree the nature of pure and unselfish thought, Christian Scientists acknowledge and accept the Manual of The Mother Church to be the expression of divine Principle, uninfluenced by mortal or per sonal sense. This conviction is sustained by continual proof in individual expe rience ; hence the willing and devoted acquiescence on the part of Christian Sci entists to the government of the Manual. Christian Science has uplifted the thought of mankind immeasurably with respect to the Science of pure religion. This Science hts also uplifted the thought of mankind beyond their hap piest expectations with respect to tho science of healing. MANY ACCEPT STATEMENTS. These statements of fact are not only unquestioned, they are concurred in to day by a large part of the thinking world. As the thought of mankind has been lifted up with respect to pure re ligion and to the science of healing, so the thought of mankind must be lifted up with respect to all things, including church, and church government. The Christian Science Church is dem onstrating the "proof of its utility” (Science and Health), Christian Scientists are demonstrating, in their obedience to tlie requirements of the Manual, that willing consent of the governed which is the foundation of true government. This willing consent to be governed by God's perfect government to the Christian Scientist is not a fanciful theory; it is the great fact in the process of demon stration which insures individual and collective agreement. It is the mission and province of Christian Science to do with respect to church and to church government what this Science has al ready done with respect tfe religion and healing—to lift up thought and to prove that church aud church government to he right must stand in constant rela tion to the divine Mind or God. Back of this process of lifting up the true idea of church and government, the Manual of The Mother Church stands a shining light which reveals the way of obedience and cooperation. To remove these way marks of the Manual would be like re moving the markings from the way-side which guide the traveler on his Journey. Moreover, and forgetting gratitude, should one feel that he is familiar with the way and believe In his egotism that he does not require these Manual way marks for himself, let him remember that, as Mrs. Eddy says In Science and Health, there are yet "Millions of un prejudiced nitnds—simple seekers for truth, weary wanderers athirst in the desert waiting aud watching for rest and drink," to whom these waymarks of the Manual will give proper direction in the demonstration of health und Joy, hope and happiness. Christian K-lence has proved its effee fineness to lead mankind into health and lutp better lives. It should be evident therefore that the Manual of The Mother Church which preserves the integrity of Christian Science must stand In human experience to be the type of government which is necessary to guide mankind through the mist and out of the wilder ness of belief where materia! conscious ness has placed them. All thought, all religious and healing activity, all devel opment, must, sooner or later, express this type of government. CHILDREN PROTECTED. The remark is sometimes heard that Christian Science treatment is all very well for the adult, but when it comes to the question of treating the children, some "tangible" and "substantial" form of treatment Is necessary. Christian Scientists agree decidedly with this lat ter statement that children should have tangible and substantial treatment; they desire it nisi) for the adult. Opinions, however, differ with respect to what con (dilutes substantial treatment, With tho object of clarifying thought upon this subject the following interesting facts arc related: During the latter half of the year 1918, and in the north"ru half of the State of California, 12.500 cases of "Spanish" influenza were treated bv Christian Science. The rate of mortality under Christian Science treatment was three out of every 1.000 persons treated: while the rate of mortality under sys tems of material medication was sixty eight out of every 1.000 persons treated. In the city of New York the rate of mortality under Christian Science treat ment was four out of every 1,000 per sons treated, while the rata of mortality under systems of material medication was something over 100 out of every 1,000 persons treated. These facts arc gathered from reports AMERICAN BEAUTY IRONS and DEVICES Sold and Distributed by The Hatfield Electric Cos. Maryland and Meridian Streets MA In 0123 Auto. 23 123 -Hmerican Beauty" ELECTRIC IRON Buy this iron for what it will do. Os course its first cost is a little more than ordinary electric irons but its sturdy reliability makes it cheaper in tho long run. Sold by Deafen and Efectrfcal Cvmpoalw Evr/wßovo. American Electrical Heater Company, DETROIT , V Older I and Largest Exclusive Maker*. EitabXiked JBD4. of boards of health, hospitals and Chris tian Science practitioners located in the districts named. Were one interested to follow up this statement he would find that what has been here stated with reference to the two localities mentioned, is true in every part of the civilized globe where Christian Science Is known and practiced. Convincing evidence is by no means lacking to prove that Chris tian Science treatment is tangible, sub stantial and real. Children yield readily to the loving, compassionate influence of Christian Science treatment. In Chris tian Science the thought of the child is turned away from the contemplation ot evil and sickness. The pertinent ques tion may be asked here; has the volume of evil and sickness in the world been reduced at ill where the children have been taught to regard evil and sickness to be real? If evil and sickness have not been reduced by reason of such teaching, then can it be said that evil and sickness have not been augmented and built up in human experience by reason of these teachings? Freedom from sin and sickness constitutes harmony. How can the child be conscious of har mony while he Is being taught that evil and sickness are real? One cannot be conscious of harmony and peace while the educational systems Impress upon his thought the reality of evil and sickness. The children naturally pro tect themselves from the Infliction of these teachings concerning evil and sick ness. An illustration of this is found In the experience of a young girl who had been educated In the understanding of Christian Science. Owing to seme disturbance In thq. neighborhood where she lived, her grandparents, who were not Christian Scientists at the time, felt that It was necessary to call in a phy sician to examine the child. This was done, and she was kept in the house for a few days. The attitude of this girl toward sickness wns indicated by some lines she wrote In her diary at the time. She bad written: “The doctor came to day, and they put It up to me—to be sick.” There you have the entire situ ation: It was something that was being put upon her; and it may be added that she refused to accept it. Contrast the attitude of this child with that of the official who explained in public print the reason for his absence from his office in these words: “I did not realize how tired I was, until my doctor told sue Now, I know that I am a very tired man!” Which of these two attitudes will do most to advance the good of the human race? Thousands upon thousands of Chris tian Science parents are glad to have their children under Christian Science treatment when the necessity for such treatment exists. It is not to be as sumed that there Christian .Science par ents. who are quite like other parents, would bo happy to have their children under Christian Science treatment un less they were perfectly confident ot the results to be expected from such treatment. It must be recognized also that these Christian Science parents love their children just as devotedly as do these parents who elect to give drugs and operations to their children. The situation would at least be an unusual one were the degree of parental affection to be measured by the quantity of drugs administered! MORTAL EXISTENCE IS MYSTERIOUS. Mortal existence from stir point of view involves mystery. Its beginning, its transit, its passing is a mystery; its heaven anil its hell an inexplicable mys tery Mortal Consciousness Includes with in itself no solution of this mystery. ('bristle n Science demonstrates that the divine Mind alone contains the rem edy for mortal consciousness and its mystification. The understanding of the nature and character of the divine Mind or God unfolds in individual human con) scioußness the Chrlstlike thought, the un derstanding of what contatitutes man's true selfhood. In this true consciousness : he remedy for mortal mind and its mys tifications is found. It is safe to say thnt there is not a person in the entire world who is not confronted with some phase of mortal existence which amounts to a problem; and every person would be happy if he could know that a way is avallabl whereby the problem may be solved. Without doubt there are those who listen to or who read these words, In whose thought there is the desire strengthened by hope that a way may he found somewhere and somehow, which will lead them out of the mystery aud wilderness Into which mortal sense has plunged them. To any such It may be said that It Is not. necessary to make a far cry to be heard by that divine Love, which has been so beautifully descritied by Mrs. Eldy to be the "Love which guards tlm nestling's faltering flight!” It is not necessary for one to make a far journey to find this way, because the "kingdom of Heaven it. at hand.” "the kingdom of God is within you.” The kingdom of heaven Is not a place or a location far removed from present ex perience into Which one may enter only after he has passed the portals of hu man existence through the transition called death. The kingdom of heaven is a state of consciousness. Is it not true, then, that heaven, a state of conscious ness, may be entered here and now? We shall know heaven only as we become conscious of heaven. We are con scious now; then why not be con scious of heaven? This kingdom of heav en may be entered at any time; nothing but one’s own consent to think wrongly, to think evil to be real and matter to be Intelligent, will shut him out of the king dom. It is not difficult to attain this kingdom. One may may begin straight way to know that God is the only Mind. Because there is but one God. there is but one Mind. Learning therefore through the teachings of Christian Science to have only that Mind which is God, one can think and know the thoughts which be long to the divine Mind or God and can have those things which the divine Mind knows and which the divine Mind be stows. One may say that the process seems too simple to bo effective. Let us remember that truth’s way is always sim =The New York Store—Established 1853=; f vs -- - JJ iB) Men! Look!! f A Sensational Sale of 12,000 MEN’S (Six for $4.35) Ys! 12,000 of ’em! Purchased from an overstocked manufacturer at the most remarkable price concessions in recent years! A Nationally Known Brand! Union Suits that were made for men who WILL NOT wear inferior, ill-fitting underwear! Extra Full Cut! —and that MEANS full cut, for these Union Suits contain more yardage of material than any brand we know of. RoomyT We’ll say they are!!! The Buttons Are S-E-W-E-D on! Yes! Sewed ON to STAY! For these Union Suits are made RIGHT! No loose threads! No crooked seams! No hasty work! Everything perfect! Elastic Inserts in Back Prevent Tearing! And the one-button seat with wide flaps can not gap or drawl Made of Such Fine Materials as: —Corded Madrasi —Repp Clothl —Figured Madras! .—Novelty Weaves! —Fine Count Nainsook! —Fancy Mesh Weaves! All Sizes 34 to 46 Choice, 74c Suit! •-Fettle Men's Furnishing’s Street Floes, s Pettis Dry Gooda^Co.—The New York Storg3=gi pie. Mortal consciousness alone Involves mystery. Let us remember that salva tion, freedom from Bin and sickness, must be a simple process. All mankind is crying out against, the inhumanity of sin, sickness, death and destruction; and they are seeking freedom therefrom. This freedom is demonstrated through the un derstanding of man's true selfhood, or man’s truo being as revealed in Chris tian Science. Hold yourself, your thought. In true relation to the divine Mind of God. One will find, as a result of thus relating thought constantly to man's divine Principle, Love, that he will come Into a realization of peace, of health, hope and Joy such as he never before had dreamed could enter his experience. Looking and striving toward this un derstanding one may hold these beauti ful and appropriate words to be a pat tern and an incentive —to thought: ‘Be true and list the voice within. Be true unto thy high ideals, Thy perfect self, that knows no sin. That self is the only reaL God is the only perfect one, My perfect self, one must it be With God, then, —and that thought be gun, It solveth all the mystery.” •Christian Science Hymnal. * 5